• فهرس المقالات Writing

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - آینده پژوهی سرمایه گذاری و تامین مالی در صنعت حمل و نقل ریلی ایران (بخش ماشین آلات و تجهیزات)
        محمد رضا فتحی محمد حسن ملکی حسین مقدم
        صنعت حمل و نقل یکی از اجزاء مهم اقتصاد ملی محسوب می گردد و بدلیل داشتن نقش زیربنایی تأثیرهای فراوانی بر فرآیند رشد اقتصادی کشور دارد. بدون وجود شبکه حمل و نقل، تاسیسات و تجهیزات جانبی و ناوگان مطلوب تصور رشد و توسعه عمومی کشور غیرممکن بنظر می رسد. در این پژوهش با استفاد أکثر
        صنعت حمل و نقل یکی از اجزاء مهم اقتصاد ملی محسوب می گردد و بدلیل داشتن نقش زیربنایی تأثیرهای فراوانی بر فرآیند رشد اقتصادی کشور دارد. بدون وجود شبکه حمل و نقل، تاسیسات و تجهیزات جانبی و ناوگان مطلوب تصور رشد و توسعه عمومی کشور غیرممکن بنظر می رسد. در این پژوهش با استفاده از دو روش آینده پژوهی، تحلیل ساختاری و سناریونگاری ابتدا به شناسایی عوامل کلیدی موثر بر سرمایه گذاری و تامین مالی پرداخته و سپس سناریوهای آتی پیش روی سرمایه گذاری و تامین مالی در صنعت حمل ونقل ریلی (بخش ماشین آلات و تجهیزات) تدوین خواهند شد. داده های اولیه تحقیق با استفاده از مصاحبه با مدیران و خبرگان صنعت حمل ونقل ریلی و مرور ادبیات و پیشینه ی تحقیق جمع آوری گردید و در قالب پرسشنامه خبره سنجی و با استفاده از نرم افزار میک مک مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. از میان چهل عامل موثر، شانزده عامل با اهمیت شناسایی گردید و با تجزیه و تحلیل نرم افزار میک مک در نهایت سه عامل کلیدی موثر تحریم های اقتصادی، تورم و سیاست های پولی و مالی مشخص گردید. این عوامل به عنوان عوامل پایه های اصلی در تدوین سناریو در ادامه مورد استفاده قرار گرفتند. مجموعه وضعیت های محتمل این عوامل توسط خبرگان معین گردید و هفت حالت عدم قطعیت برای آنها در نظر گرفته شد و وارد نرم افزار سناریو ویزارد گردید. با تحلیل های انجام شده توسط نرم افزار سناریو ویزارد، پنج سناریو با سازگاری بالا ارائه گردید و سپس براساس نظرات خبرگان، دو عامل کلیدی موثر تحریم های اقتصادی و سیاست های پولی و مالی که دارای اهمیت و عدم قطعیت بالا شناسایی شدند بعنوان محورهای تدوین سناریوهای آتی قرار گرفته و چهار سناریو برای آینده سرمایه گذاری و تامین مالی در صنعت حمل و نقل ریلی ارائه گردید. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - ارزیابی کیفیت پایان نامه های کارشناسی ارشد مدیریت آموزشی به منظور ارتقاءکیفیت یادگیری دانشگاهی
        عبدالرحیم نوه ابراهیم یزدان منصوریان سکینه رحیمی
        زمینه: پایان نامه های دانشگاهی از دو بعد، قابل توجه و بررسی هستند: محتوا و ساختار. پژوهش‌ها باید به روش علمی انجام شده، و نتایج حاصله، با رعایت اصول نگارش علمی گزارش شود. هدف: پژوهش حاضر با هدف ارزیابی کیفی پایان نامه های کارشناسی ارشد مدیریت آموزشی دانشگاه تربیت معلم أکثر
        زمینه: پایان نامه های دانشگاهی از دو بعد، قابل توجه و بررسی هستند: محتوا و ساختار. پژوهش‌ها باید به روش علمی انجام شده، و نتایج حاصله، با رعایت اصول نگارش علمی گزارش شود. هدف: پژوهش حاضر با هدف ارزیابی کیفی پایان نامه های کارشناسی ارشد مدیریت آموزشی دانشگاه تربیت معلم در سال های 89-80 صورت گرفت. روش: پژوهش به روش توصیفی- تحلیلی انجام گرفت. تعداد 57 پایان نامه به روش سرشماری مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. داده‌ها با استفاده از پرسشنامه ای که حاوی 96 سؤال در هفده شاخص و هفت بخش شامل مدخل، کلیات، ادبیات، روش، یافته ها، نتیجه گیری و منابع گردآوری شد. ابزار گردآوری داده‌ها، مشاهده و به صورت اسنادی انجام گرفت و بر اساس مقیاس پنج درجه ای لیکرت درجه بندی شد. تحلیل داده‌ها با استفاده از آزمون‌های آمار توصیفی از قبیل فراوانی، درصد، درصد تراکمی، میانگین و انحراف استاندارد، صورت گرفت. یافته ها: یافته‌ها نشان داد میانگین کل بخش های هفت گانه در پایان نامه های مورد بررسی، بر اساس پیوستار پنج درجه ای مطلوبیت در وضعیت نسبتاً مطلوب قرار گرفت. بخش‌های مدخل ، یافته ها و منابع در وضعیت مطلوب و بخش های کلیات، ادبیات، روش، و نتیجه گیری در وضعیت نسبتاً مطلوب قرار گرفت. نتیجه گیری: نتایج نشان داد پایان نامه ها در وضعیت نسبتاً مطلوب قرار دارند. برگزاری کارگاه‌های روش تحقیق، ارائه دروسی مبنی بر اصول نگارش علمی و پایان نامه نویسی، ارزیابی مرتب پایان نامه‌ها و تدوین دستورالعملی که بخش های مختلف پایان نامه را تشریح نماید، می‌تواند در ارتقاء کیفیت پایان نامه‌ها تأثیرگذار باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - ادریس بدلیسی، تاریخ‌نویسی منشیانه و الگووارۀ اسلامگرا در تاریخ‌نگاری عثمانی
        محمدحسین صادقی
        به واسطۀ حضور علما و دانشمندان ایرانی و حمایت سلاطین و شاهزادگان از ایشان، زبان و ادب فارسی و به تبع آن تاریخ‌نویسی فارسی در قلمرو عثمانی از جایگاه ویژه‌ای برخوردار بوده است؛ به‌طوری که تحت حمایت دربار عثمانی چندین اثر تاریخ‌نگارانه به رشته تحریر درآمدند. در میان تاریخ‌ أکثر
        به واسطۀ حضور علما و دانشمندان ایرانی و حمایت سلاطین و شاهزادگان از ایشان، زبان و ادب فارسی و به تبع آن تاریخ‌نویسی فارسی در قلمرو عثمانی از جایگاه ویژه‌ای برخوردار بوده است؛ به‌طوری که تحت حمایت دربار عثمانی چندین اثر تاریخ‌نگارانه به رشته تحریر درآمدند. در میان تاریخ‌نگاران فارسی‌نویس دربار عثمانی، ادریس بدلیسی از جایگاه ویژه‌ای برخوردار است؛ به‌طوری که می‌توان او را برجسته‌ترین نمایندۀ فارسی‌نویسی و تاریخ‌نگاری ایرانی در دربار عثمانیان به حساب آورد. پژوهش حاضر پس از ارائۀ توصیفی از زندگانی ادریس بدلیسی با تمرکز بر متن هشت بهشت و سلیم شاهنامه به عنوان دو اثر تاریخ‌نگارانۀ وی درصدد شناسایی مؤلّفه‌های اصلی تاریخ‌نویسی و تاریخ‌نگاری او برآمده و در گام نهایی به تبیین این مؤلفه‌ها پرداخت. یافته‌های پژوهش حاضر نشان می‌دهند که گزارش مفصل وقایع، استفاده از نثری مصنوع و ادبی، درآمیختن متن به اشعار، آیات و روایات، عدم اشارۀ کافی به منابع روایت‌ها و تقسیم‌بندی منظم مطالب مهم‌ترین شاخصه‌های تاریخ‌نویسی وی و ارائۀ تصویری امپراتورگونه از دولت عثمانی، تلاش در جهت مشروعیت‌سازی برای آل عثمان، بهره‌گیری از روایت تاریخی درجهت خدمت به مقاصد سیاسی دولت عثمانی، در مرکز روایت قرار گرفتن دربار، عدم اکتفا به نقل تاریخ سیاسی، توجه به نهادهای دولتی، علمی و اجتماعی، رجال تأثیرگذار و علما و توجه به احوال ملل همسایه ازجمله ویژگی‌های تاریخ‌نگاری وی محسوب می‌شوند. بر اساس یافته‌های این پژوهش می‌توان مدعای نگارندۀ سطور مبنی بر به کار گیری نثری متکلف و مصنوع از سوی بدلیسی برای تثبیت جایگاه خویش در دربار عثمانی و ارائۀ تصویری امپراتورگونه از دولت عثمانی تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - المسالک و الممالک بکری: ارزیابى گزارش‌هاى او درباره ایران
        مینا توانا یونس فرهمند
        از جمله آثار جغرافیایی تألیف شده در غرب جهان اسلام، المسالک و الممالک بکری (سده پنجم هجری) است؛ مؤلف به وصف تقریبا تمام گستره جغرافیاى شناخته‌شده روزگار خویش، به‌ویژه ایران و نواحى شرقى خلافت اسلامى اهتمام ورزیده و شاید از همین روست که کتابش برخلاف بسیارى از آثار نوی أکثر
        از جمله آثار جغرافیایی تألیف شده در غرب جهان اسلام، المسالک و الممالک بکری (سده پنجم هجری) است؛ مؤلف به وصف تقریبا تمام گستره جغرافیاى شناخته‌شده روزگار خویش، به‌ویژه ایران و نواحى شرقى خلافت اسلامى اهتمام ورزیده و شاید از همین روست که کتابش برخلاف بسیارى از آثار نویسندگان مغربى، با اقبال عام روبه‌رو شده است. به نظر مى‌رسد جامعیت اثر و نیز وصف جغرافیاى اندلس که بیش از همگان بر آن وقوف داشته، از جمله دلایل شهرت این کتاب باشد. حال این پرسش پیش مى‌آید که کسى چون بکرى که سفرى بدین نواحى نداشته، مطالب کتابش، خاصه اطلاعات مربوط به ایران را، از کدام منابع اخذ کرده است؟ در این نوشتار به روش مطالعه تطبیقى درمى‌یابیم که ضعف عمده این اثر در حوزه ایران، استفاده صِرف نویسنده از آثار پیشینیان و بى‌بهره ماندن از مشاهدات و تجارب شخصى است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - ورود اخبار تاریخی به انساب نگاری های دوره اسلامی تا پایان سده سوم هجری: مراحل و انگیزه ها
        محمد تقوی علی بیات
        قوم عرب از دیرباز به مقوله نسب به دلیل اثبات هویت و تفاخرات قبیله ای توجه خاصی داشت. با ظهور اسلام و تأکید آن بر هویت و مساوات همه انسان ها، به‌طور موقت از این توجه کاسته شد؛ اما بعد از رحلت پیامبر(ص) بنا بر عواملی ‌چون تمرکز قدرت، توسعه قلمرو حاکمیت و... به تدریج انگیز أکثر
        قوم عرب از دیرباز به مقوله نسب به دلیل اثبات هویت و تفاخرات قبیله ای توجه خاصی داشت. با ظهور اسلام و تأکید آن بر هویت و مساوات همه انسان ها، به‌طور موقت از این توجه کاسته شد؛ اما بعد از رحلت پیامبر(ص) بنا بر عواملی ‌چون تمرکز قدرت، توسعه قلمرو حاکمیت و... به تدریج انگیزه های جدیدی برای توجه به نسب پدید آمد و انساب نگاری یکی از گونه های مهم در تاریخ نگاری دوره اسلامی گردید. در شرایطی که هدف اصلی این گونه آثار، ذکر نسب افراد و قبایل عرب بود، اخبار تاریخی به تدریج و متأثر از عوامل مذکور و عواملی دیگر چون ورود عناصر غیرعرب به جهان اسلام و تحولات اجتماعی و سیاسی و تبعات ناشی از آنها وارد کتاب های انساب شد. پیوند بین اخبار تاریخی و انساب نگاری ها، بنا بر معیار آثار بر جای مانده نسب نگاری تا پایان سده سوم هجری و حجم و میزان ورود اخبار تاریخی به کتاب های نسب، طی سه مرحله قابل تبیین است: اخبار تاریخی تا پیش از سده سوم هجری که متمایز از نسب نگاری بود؛ سپس از اواخر سده دوم و از اوایل سده سوم هجری که به شکل محدودی در آثار مورخانی چون مدائنی و زبیر بن بکار با نسب نگاری تلفیق یافت و سرانجام از اواسط سده سوم هجری به بعد که به طور گسترده وارد انساب نگاری ها شد؛ چنان که می توان أنساب الأشراف بلاذری را نمونه بارز مرحله اخیر و بر خلاف عنوانش، کتابی در تاریخ دانست نه نسب. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        6 - بازتاب رویکرد دینی- قومی در فتوح نگاری دوره اسلامی: مطالعه ای برپایه فتوح مصر و أخبارها ابن عبدالحکم
        محمد تقوی
        فتوح مصر و أخبارها نگاشته ابن عبدالحکم (د 257ﻫ) از نخستین فتوح نگاری های اسلامی درباره سرزمین های غربی جهان اسلام به‌ویژه مصر است. قدمت و اصالت کتاب و اقتباس های مورخان بعدی از آن، دستیابی به رویکرد و نگرش تاریخی نویسنده در نگارش آن را ضروری می سازد. به این مهم در أکثر
        فتوح مصر و أخبارها نگاشته ابن عبدالحکم (د 257ﻫ) از نخستین فتوح نگاری های اسلامی درباره سرزمین های غربی جهان اسلام به‌ویژه مصر است. قدمت و اصالت کتاب و اقتباس های مورخان بعدی از آن، دستیابی به رویکرد و نگرش تاریخی نویسنده در نگارش آن را ضروری می سازد. به این مهم در پژوهش حاضر با واکاوی جزءنگرانه برخی از روایت های کتاب توجه شده است. رویکرد دینی نویسنده، عامل اصلی در گزینش و نقل روایت های تاریخی این کتاب بوده‌است. بر همین اساس، عنصر ایمان را عامل اصلی کامیابی مسلمانان در فتح مصر در مقابل مادی گرایی حاکمان بیزانسی می داند. عرب گرایی نیز از طریق تأکید نویسنده بر سبک زندگی بدوی عرب، رقابت‌های قبیله ای و ذکر اطلاعات نسب شناسی، بر تاریخ نگری ابن عبدالحکم مؤثر واقع شده‌است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        7 - جغرافیای حافظ ابرو و تقویم البلدان ابوالفدا: بررسی تطبیقی
        زهرا رضایی نسب قنبر علی رودگر
        جغرافیای حافظ ابرو، تألیف حافظ ابرو (د. 833ﮬ)، مهم ترین اثر جغرافیایی عهد تیموری به زبان فارسی است. ازآنجاکه آثار جغرافیایی نوشته شده در دوره های متأخر غالبا وام دار آثار پیشین اند، جای طرح این پرسش هست که گزارش های جغرافیای حافظ ابرو تا چه اندازه از خود او است. برای تش أکثر
        جغرافیای حافظ ابرو، تألیف حافظ ابرو (د. 833ﮬ)، مهم ترین اثر جغرافیایی عهد تیموری به زبان فارسی است. ازآنجاکه آثار جغرافیایی نوشته شده در دوره های متأخر غالبا وام دار آثار پیشین اند، جای طرح این پرسش هست که گزارش های جغرافیای حافظ ابرو تا چه اندازه از خود او است. برای تشخیص اصالت مطالب این اثر، داده های جغرافیاییِ آن با منابع سال ها و سده های پیشین مورد مطالعه تطبیقی قرار گرفت و در نتیجه مشخص شد تقویم البلدان، تألیف ابوالفدا (د. 732 ﮬ)، یکی از مهم ترین منابع حافظ ابرو بوده و سهم درخور توجهی در شکل گیری اثر جغرافیایی او داشته و افزوده های حافظ ابرو بر منقولات خود از تقویم البلدان، بااین که جای جای حاوی اشارات مهم و مشعر بر روزگار اوست، به لحاظ کمّی چندان درخور توجه نیست. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        8 - ردیه نویسی مسیحیان اندلس بر اسلام و تأثیر آن بر این سنّت در اروپای غربی
        محمد کاظم رحمتی
        در دوران حضور مسلمانان در اندلس، مستعربان یا مسیحیان عرب زبانبا هجمه به اصول اعتقادی اسلام، دست به ردیه نویسی و تألیف رسائلیجدلی بر ضد اسلام به زبان عربی زدند. ادبیات جدلی پدید آمده به دستایشان، بر روند ترجمة آثار اعتقادی مسلمانان، خاصه قرآن به زبان لاتینی، ونیز سنت ردی أکثر
        در دوران حضور مسلمانان در اندلس، مستعربان یا مسیحیان عرب زبانبا هجمه به اصول اعتقادی اسلام، دست به ردیه نویسی و تألیف رسائلیجدلی بر ضد اسلام به زبان عربی زدند. ادبیات جدلی پدید آمده به دستایشان، بر روند ترجمة آثار اعتقادی مسلمانان، خاصه قرآن به زبان لاتینی، ونیز سنت ردیه نویسی در غرب اروپا تأثیری بسزا نهاد. نوشتار حاضر بهتکوین ادبیات جدلی در اندلس و آثار مختلف آن می پردازد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        9 - مفاهیم بنیادین اندیشه‌ شیعه در آثار مناقب فارسی اهل‌‌سنت قرون هفتم تا نهم هجری
        اویس خادم لو محمد حاجی تقی
        مناقب‌‌نگاری یکی از گونه‌های نگارش حدیث است. گسترش تشیع، تعمیق پیوند تشیع و تصوف، خلأ امامت در جامعه (با غیبت آخرین امام شیعیان و سقوط خلافت عباسی) و رشد گفتمان مهدویت، سبب تحول در مناقب‌نگاری شد.‌ این تحول به رشد مذاهب فکری در اهل‌سنت با گرایش‌های شیعی انجامید و در آثا أکثر
        مناقب‌‌نگاری یکی از گونه‌های نگارش حدیث است. گسترش تشیع، تعمیق پیوند تشیع و تصوف، خلأ امامت در جامعه (با غیبت آخرین امام شیعیان و سقوط خلافت عباسی) و رشد گفتمان مهدویت، سبب تحول در مناقب‌نگاری شد.‌ این تحول به رشد مذاهب فکری در اهل‌سنت با گرایش‌های شیعی انجامید و در آثار صاحبان مذاهب اهل‌سنت نیز تحول ایجاد شد. این تحقیق با طرح چگونگی تحولات معنایی و نقش عوامل مذهبی، سیاسی و اجتماعی، در پی پاسخگویی به این پرسش است که چگونه مفاهیم بنیادین اندیشه‌ شیعه در مناقب‌نگاری‌های فارسی اهل‌سنت قرون هفتم تا نهم به‌نفع تشیع متحول شد؟ در این پژوهش مشخص شده در آثار مناقب این دوره، گرایش به ادبیات تقدس‌گرایانه روندی صعودی داشته است. همچنین مفاهیمی چون عترت و قرابت، تولی و تبری و شفاعت گسترش ‌یافت تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        10 - بررسی بینش و نگرش سیره‌نگاری دیلمی در غرر الاخبار و درر الآثار فی مناقب ابی الائمة الاطهار(ع)
        اردشیر اسد بیگی حمیده طلائی
        تلاش‌های فرهنگی و سیاسی شیعیان با سقوط خلافت عباسی و روی کار آمدن ایلخانان از نیمه دوم سده هفتم هجری رنگ و بوی دیگری یافت. سیاست تساهل و تسامح مذهبی بر گسترش تألیفات شیعی افزود. یکی از آثار این عصر که شناخته شده است غرر الاخبار و درر الآثار تألیف حسن‌بن محمد دیلمی است. أکثر
        تلاش‌های فرهنگی و سیاسی شیعیان با سقوط خلافت عباسی و روی کار آمدن ایلخانان از نیمه دوم سده هفتم هجری رنگ و بوی دیگری یافت. سیاست تساهل و تسامح مذهبی بر گسترش تألیفات شیعی افزود. یکی از آثار این عصر که شناخته شده است غرر الاخبار و درر الآثار تألیف حسن‌بن محمد دیلمی است. مقصود دیلمی در این اثر اثبات امامت علی(ع)، تبیین اصول و باورهای شیعه و ترویج این مذهب است. تحلیل‌های به ظاهر خردگرایانه و نگرش وی در سیره نگاری، با عنایت به بافتار جامعه سده هشتم هجری، درخور توجه است. در این مقاله با روش توصیفی و تحلیلی ضمن معرفی اجمالی دیلمی و کتاب غرر الاخبار بینش تاریخی وی بررسی شده است. دستاورد این پژوهش بیانگر این واقعیت است که بررغم جای گرفتن غرر الاخبار در مجموعه مصنفات تاریخی شیعه، این اثر با ماهیتی ارزشی و آرمانی، نمونه‌ای از سیره‌نگاری فضیلت‌محور شیعی است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        11 - ماهیت و فلسفه خلاصه نویسی در فرهنگ اسلامی
        قنبر علی رودگر
        اهمیت چشم ناپوشیدنی خلاصه‌نویسی، به منزله یکی از انواع بسیار مهم نوشته‌های مسلمانان در طول تاریخ اسلامی، از طریق بررسی قدمت آنها و نیز اعتباری که متفکران اسلامی برای این نوع نوشته‌ها قائل‌ شده‌اند و بالاخره از رهگذر فواید این گونه از آثار قابل پیگیری است. بررسی علل رویک أکثر
        اهمیت چشم ناپوشیدنی خلاصه‌نویسی، به منزله یکی از انواع بسیار مهم نوشته‌های مسلمانان در طول تاریخ اسلامی، از طریق بررسی قدمت آنها و نیز اعتباری که متفکران اسلامی برای این نوع نوشته‌ها قائل‌ شده‌اند و بالاخره از رهگذر فواید این گونه از آثار قابل پیگیری است. بررسی علل رویکرد مسلمانان به خلاصه نویسی، فایده شناسی و آسیب‌ شناسی این‌گونه از نوشته‌ها بر عهده این تحقیق است. در این بررسی، به علل مختلف این رویکرد، از جمله نیاز به تهیه کتاب های کوتاه آموزشی و درسی برای دانشجویان مسلمان اشاره شده، همچنین از دخالت و اراده حاکمان برای تلخیص برخی از آثار و نیز از پیشقدم شدن خود صاحبان آثار اصلی در راه تلخیص آثار خودنوشت، از بیم تلخیص احتمالی آثار خویش به دست افراد نااهل سخن به میان آمده است. در آسیب شناسی این نوع از نوشته‌ها، صرف نظر از اشاره به عدم وحدت رویه خلاصه‌نویسان و دخالت داده شدن گرایش‌های فکری و مذهبی در حذف یا ابقای مطلبی در حین تلخیص، ایجاز مخل در فرایند خلاصه‌نویسی که خود مقتضی شرح نویسی بر اینگونه از آثار گرفتار آمدن نویسندگان در چرخه افراط و تفریط می‌شده، محل توجه قرار گرفته تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        12 - مکتب و شیوه جغرافی‌نگاری ابن‌فقیه همدانی در کتاب البلدان
        محبوبه شرفی مهدی علیجانی
        هم زمان با تألیف آثار متعدد در رشته جغرافیای توصیفی در قرن سوم هجری، کتاب البلدان نوشته ابن فقیه همدانی نیز در اواخر این قرن نگاشته شد. ابن فقیه بر اساس تقسیم مکاتب جغرافی نگاری اسلامی، پیرو مکتب عراقی است. وی در اثرش مکه را مرکز جهان دانسته و کتابش را با شرح این شهر أکثر
        هم زمان با تألیف آثار متعدد در رشته جغرافیای توصیفی در قرن سوم هجری، کتاب البلدان نوشته ابن فقیه همدانی نیز در اواخر این قرن نگاشته شد. ابن فقیه بر اساس تقسیم مکاتب جغرافی نگاری اسلامی، پیرو مکتب عراقی است. وی در اثرش مکه را مرکز جهان دانسته و کتابش را با شرح این شهر آغاز کرده است. توجه به شیوه جغرافی نگاری اقلیم یونانی و ایرانی در عین نگارش کتاب بر مبنای نواحی، نیاوردن نقشه، عجایب نگاری فراوان و پرهیز از خردگرایی و نیز پررنگ بودن مایه های هویت گرایانه میهنی از ویژگی های جغرافی نگاری اوست. از نظر نوع شناسی نیز کتاب البلدان به جغرافیای اقتصادی و انسانی نزدی ک تر است. اهمیت دیگر اثر، کمک به گره گشایی از بعضی مفاهیم تاریخی و فرهنگی ایران است. همچنین به علت فقدان سفر و مشاهدات میدانی، ابن فقیه از نظر منابع اطلاعاتی، بیشتر متکی بر منابع مکتوب و شنیداری است. این پژوهش تلاش دارد با روش تاریخی و رویکرد توصیفی ـ تحلیلی، مکتب روشی و شیوه جغرافی نگاری وی را واکاوی و تحلیل کند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        13 - نقد صوفیه در روزگار صفویه: مقایسه آراء ملا محمدطاهر قمی و علامه مجلسی
        هلیا منشاری فهیمه مخبردزفولی
        با رسمی‌شدن مذهب شیعه اثناعشری و حضور علمای شیعه در دربار صفوی، عرصه قدرت نمایی بر صوفیان تنگ شد. تلاش شاهان صفوی برای رهیدن از سلطه قزلباشان، که از اوایل صفویه شروع شده بود، در دوره دوم حکومتشان فزونی گرفت و با جریان ضد صوفیه علمای شیعه همراه شد. ظهور نوعی تصوف بازاری أکثر
        با رسمی‌شدن مذهب شیعه اثناعشری و حضور علمای شیعه در دربار صفوی، عرصه قدرت نمایی بر صوفیان تنگ شد. تلاش شاهان صفوی برای رهیدن از سلطه قزلباشان، که از اوایل صفویه شروع شده بود، در دوره دوم حکومتشان فزونی گرفت و با جریان ضد صوفیه علمای شیعه همراه شد. ظهور نوعی تصوف بازاری که گاه با اباحه گری همراه می شد، مخالفت علمای شیعه را بیش از پیش برمی انگیخت و گاه رقابت هایی بین علما ایجاد می کرد. این عوامل سبب پیدایش ادبیات ردیه نویسی در این دوره شد. برخی از این آثار رساله‌هایی بود مانند تحفةالاخیار ملا محمدطاهر قمی که به نقد عقاید و آداب و رسوم صوفیان اختصاص داشت و دسته ای دیگر کتاب هایی با محتوای مذهبی، شامل آیات و روایاتی برای شیعیان بود که در فصل یا فصولی به رد صوفیه و انکار عقاید آنان پرداخته می‌شد. عین‌الحیوة (عین‌الحیات) از علامه مجلسی در زمره این آثاربود. پژوهش حاضر با هدف تبیین فضای فرهنگی دوره صفویه به نقد و بررسی آراء ضدتصوف این دو عالم مشهور دوره صفوی می پردازد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        14 - سناریوهای آینده صنعت بانکداری
        مرتضی توکل اکبر اعتباریان امیر هوشنگ حیدری امیرضا نقش
        تغییرات نیازها، رفتارها و انتظارات مشتریان، روندهاى تغییرات فناورى دیجیتال، روندهاى تغییرات کسب وکار بانکدارى و ظهور رقباى غیربانکى (فین تکها)، تشدید رقابت در بازار بین بانکها و موسسات اعتباری غیربانکی، تغییر مدلهاى قیمت گذارى و هزینه هاى تمام شده ى خدمات بانکدارى، تغیی أکثر
        تغییرات نیازها، رفتارها و انتظارات مشتریان، روندهاى تغییرات فناورى دیجیتال، روندهاى تغییرات کسب وکار بانکدارى و ظهور رقباى غیربانکى (فین تکها)، تشدید رقابت در بازار بین بانکها و موسسات اعتباری غیربانکی، تغییر مدلهاى قیمت گذارى و هزینه هاى تمام شده ى خدمات بانکدارى، تغییر اکوسیستم فعالیت بانکها و ضوابط و مقررات جدید، بانکها را با چالش مواجه نموده است. ظهور شبکه های توزیع شده ای مانند بلاک چین با ایجاد شفافیت در تراکنش ها و مشارکت باز عملیات، فرآیند های بانکی و تجاری را به سمت یک چارچوب جهانی خودکار، هماهنگ و بدون اطمینان حرکت داده است؛ در حالی که با هدف کاهش واسطه ها، خطر حذف بانکها یا کاهش مشتریان را نیز به بانکها گوشزد می کند. تحقیق پیش رو با طرح سوال "سناریوهای آینده صنعت بانکداری ایران کدامند؟ " با مطالعات کتابخانه ای و ترکیب دو رویکرد کیفی و کمی عدم قطعیت های بحرانی شوارتز و تحلیل آثار بر گذر به بررسی صنعت بانکداری پرداخته و با إحصاء چهار سناریوی ققنوس اوج می گیرد معماران مشغول-داروغه ها بیدار شهر فرنگ و شهر سوخته و تحلیل و شناسایی عوامل و پیشرانهای تاثیر گذار بر صنعت بانکداری، راه را برای ترسیم آینده صنعت بانکداری کشور و ایجاد و حفظ مزیت رقابتی آنها هموار نموده است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        15 - بهینه‌سازی سبد سرمایه‌گذاری شرکت‌های بیمه با توابع کاپیولا و رویکرد ارزش حدی
        آرش گودرزی رضا تهرانی علی سوری
        این پژوهـش سبد بهـینه سـرمایه گذاری شـرکت های بیمه را با توجه به فعالیت های بیمه گری تعیین می کند. در شرکت های بیمه تصـمیمات سـرمایه گذاری متأثر از فعــالیت های بیمه گری است. در این مقاله مسئله بهینه سازی سرمایه گذاری با استفاده از ارزش در معرض ریسک شرطی مبتنی بر توابع أکثر
        این پژوهـش سبد بهـینه سـرمایه گذاری شـرکت های بیمه را با توجه به فعالیت های بیمه گری تعیین می کند. در شرکت های بیمه تصـمیمات سـرمایه گذاری متأثر از فعــالیت های بیمه گری است. در این مقاله مسئله بهینه سازی سرمایه گذاری با استفاده از ارزش در معرض ریسک شرطی مبتنی بر توابع کاپیولا و با در نظر گرفتن نتایج فعالیت های بیمه گری مدل سازی می شود. همچنین از آنجا که تاکید بر دنباله های توزیع است، توزیع احتمال متغیرها در دنباله ها با استفاده از توزیع پارتو تعمیم یافته و در سایر بخش های توزیع با استفاده از توزیع احتمال تجربی تخمین زده می شود. داده ها که بصورت ماهانه جمع آوری می شوند دو دوره درون نمونه، از 1385 تا 1394 و برون نمونه، از 1395 تا 1398 را پوشش می دهند. یافته ها نشان می دهند که بهترین سبد شامل هشتاد درصد دارایی های ریسکی (سهام و املاک و مستغلات) و تنها بیست درصد دارایی های بدون ریســک (سپــرده های بانکی) است. این نتیجه خارج از حدود قانونی تعیین شده توسط بیمه مرکزی اســت. بنابــراین محــدودیت های قــانونی مانع از انتخاب بهینه سبد ســرمایه گــذاری توسط شرکت های بیمه می شوند. همچنین مقایسه عملکرد برون نمونه ای و درون نمونه ای سبدها نشان میدهد که سبدهای مبتنی بر توابع کاپیولا نسبت به سبدهای سنتی عملکرد بهتر و پایدارتری دارند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        16 - مقایسه تطبیقی طنز سیاسی- اجتماعی در اشعار نسیم شمال و احمد مطر
        کاظم عظیمی فاطمه سپهوند
        طنز سیاسی- اجتماعی یکی از قالب‌های معاصر است که در دو قرن اخیر مورد توجه صاحبان قلم قرار گرفته است. در زبان فارسی نسیم شمال به عنوان محبوب‌ترین و پرآوازه‌ترین شاعر ایرانی، با استفاده از زبان شعری ساده و قابل فهم، توانست در روح مردم اثر بگذارد. شخصیت برجسته حوزه طنز در ز أکثر
        طنز سیاسی- اجتماعی یکی از قالب‌های معاصر است که در دو قرن اخیر مورد توجه صاحبان قلم قرار گرفته است. در زبان فارسی نسیم شمال به عنوان محبوب‌ترین و پرآوازه‌ترین شاعر ایرانی، با استفاده از زبان شعری ساده و قابل فهم، توانست در روح مردم اثر بگذارد. شخصیت برجسته حوزه طنز در زبان عربی، احمد مطر شاعر معاصر عراقی است؛ وی نیز همچون نسیم شمال رسالت ادبی کار خود را در بیداری مردم خواب‌زده ملت عرب و حتی تمام جهانیان می‌بیند. در این مقاله سعی شده است با تطبیقی که بین آثار آن‌ها انجام می‌شود گوشه‌ای از دغدغه‌های مشترک این دو شاعر، در حوزه‌های سیاسی و اجتماعی مورد بررسی و مقایسه قرار گیرد. این نوع طنز سنت‌ها و باورهای عقب‌مانده که در بطن جامعه است را با زبان هنرمندانه مورد حمله قرار می‌دهد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        17 - نگاهی تطبیقی به داستان‌نویسی فئودور داستایوسکی وغلامحسین ساعدی
        فرهاد طهماسبی مریم السادات سجودی
        در مقالة حاضر سعی شده است نشان داده شود ادبیات داستانی نوین ایران از ادبیات داستانی جهان تأثیر پذیرفته است. با مطالعة آثار داستانی معاصر روشن می‌شود که ایرانیان پس از آشنایی با آثار ادبی مدرن دنیا، تحت تأثیر شیوه‌ها و مکاتب ادبی جهان قرار گرفتند. بنابر برخی مل أکثر
        در مقالة حاضر سعی شده است نشان داده شود ادبیات داستانی نوین ایران از ادبیات داستانی جهان تأثیر پذیرفته است. با مطالعة آثار داستانی معاصر روشن می‌شود که ایرانیان پس از آشنایی با آثار ادبی مدرن دنیا، تحت تأثیر شیوه‌ها و مکاتب ادبی جهان قرار گرفتند. بنابر برخی ملاحظات سیاسی و ایدئولوژیک، تأثیرپذیری داستان‌نویسان ایرانی از آثار ادبیات روسیه، بیش از سایر کشورها بوده‌است. مؤلفان با انتخاب داستایوسکی و ساعدی ـ به‌عنوان دو داستان‌نویس و نمایندة دو فرهنگ و از دو زمان متفاوت ـ نتیجه می‌گیرند که نویسندة روس چگونه بر سبک نویسندة ایرانی اثر گذاشته است. در این مقاله تلاش شده است برخی شباهت‌ها و تفاوت‌های این دو نویسنده در سبک و شیوة کار و مضامین نشان داده شود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        18 - بررسی تطبیقی شخصیت پردازی و طرح داستان در مقامات حمیدی و مقامات حریری
        هدیه خنافره منصوره تدینی مسعود پاکدل فرزانه رحمانیان
        مقامه یکی از انواع داستان‌های کهن است که با نثر مصنوع آمیخته با شعر، در مورد قهرمانی است که به صورت ناشناس در حکایت ها ظاهر می شود و به قصد گدایی، حوادثی را به وجود می آورد و همین که در پایان کار شخصیتش شناخته می شود، ناپدید می گردد تا آنکه دوباره در هیبتی دیگر در مقامه أکثر
        مقامه یکی از انواع داستان‌های کهن است که با نثر مصنوع آمیخته با شعر، در مورد قهرمانی است که به صورت ناشناس در حکایت ها ظاهر می شود و به قصد گدایی، حوادثی را به وجود می آورد و همین که در پایان کار شخصیتش شناخته می شود، ناپدید می گردد تا آنکه دوباره در هیبتی دیگر در مقامه بعدی ظاهر گردد. مقامات حمیدی در شمار کتاب‌های بسیار مهم در زبان عربی و فارسی است. حمیدی با برگزیدن قالب داستان و بهره‌گیری از اصول داستان‌نویسی، همچنین گزینش حوادث این داستان‌ها از واقعیت‌های زندگی و انتخاب شخصیت‌های داستانی از مردمی که در میانشان زندگی می‌کند، همراه با ویژگی‌های فردی و اجتماعی آنان، شیوه نویسندگی مقامات را به سبک نویسندگان رئالیستی نزدیک ‌گرداند. جوشش زندگی از درون حوادث مقامات، به همراه کنش شخصیت‌های واقعی در صحنه‌های آن و تأثیر فضای معنوی، اخلاقی، اجتماعی، مادی، علمی و ادبی بر شخصیت‌ها، حقیقت مانندی داستان‌ها را تحقق می‌بخشد. در این پژوهش با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی تلاش شده است تا مهم ترین داستان در مقامات حمیدی و حریری بررسی گردد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        19 - نقد و بررسی پژوهش‌های عبدالمجید اکجو و حسین آیدین در تبیین اعجاز قرآن
        امیر جودوی محمدعلی حیدری مزرعه آخوند محمدحسین برومند فاطمه یزدان مدد
        هدف این مقاله نقد و بررسی آثار نویسندگان ترک استانبولی؛ یعنی عبدالمجید اکجو و حسین آیدین در زمینه تبیین اعجاز قرآن کریم است، برای تحقق این هدف ابتدا الگوی پسینی - منطقی که ما اصطلاحا به آن " فرضیه وحدت متدیک " می‌گوییم و برای شناسایی تطبیقی آراء و روش‌های مولفان در تبیی أکثر
        هدف این مقاله نقد و بررسی آثار نویسندگان ترک استانبولی؛ یعنی عبدالمجید اکجو و حسین آیدین در زمینه تبیین اعجاز قرآن کریم است، برای تحقق این هدف ابتدا الگوی پسینی - منطقی که ما اصطلاحا به آن " فرضیه وحدت متدیک " می‌گوییم و برای شناسایی تطبیقی آراء و روش‌های مولفان در تبیین اعجاز قرآن ضروری است، عرضه شده است سپس با تکیه بر محورهای دوگانه و مراحل چهارگانه آن، به نقد و بررسی آثار نویسندگان ترک استانبولی؛ یعنی عبدالمجید اکجو و حسین آیدین در زمینه تبیین اعجاز قرآن کریم پرداحته شده است، مقایسه کار مولفان مذکور نشان می‌دهد نحوه عملکرد آنان در دو محور یاد شده؛ یعنی 1-بررسی شکل کلی 2- بررسی مراحل بطور مستقل از صورت کلی، وضعیتی کاملا معکوس دارد، یعنی اگر چه پژوهش اکجو در شکل کلی تبیین اعجاز، بر کار حسین آیدین پیشی داشته، ولی حسین آیدین در جزئیات مطالب ارائه شده در هر مرحله عملکرد بهتری دارد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        20 - واکاوی فنون نوین داستان‌نویسی در قصص قرآن کریم
        محمدرضا فریدونی سید مهرداد موسویان
        قرآن کریم کتابی پر برکت و هدایت‌آور است که حق‌تعالی بر رسول خدا(ص) نازل نموده تا همگان در آیات‌اش تدبر و اندیشه کنند و اهل خرد به حقایق آن متذکر شوند. یکی از شیوه‌های شگفت‌انگیز و نیکو در جهت انتقال باطن ژرف و عمیق قرآن بهره‌مندی از قصه است. نغزترین ادبیات داستانی، دل‌ا أکثر
        قرآن کریم کتابی پر برکت و هدایت‌آور است که حق‌تعالی بر رسول خدا(ص) نازل نموده تا همگان در آیات‌اش تدبر و اندیشه کنند و اهل خرد به حقایق آن متذکر شوند. یکی از شیوه‌های شگفت‌انگیز و نیکو در جهت انتقال باطن ژرف و عمیق قرآن بهره‌مندی از قصه است. نغزترین ادبیات داستانی، دل‌انگیزترین هنرهای قصه‌نویسی در عرصه‌ای گسترده هم از لحاظ فرم و ساختار و هم از نظر محتوا و معنا در قرآن جلوه نموده است. قابل توجه این که در داستان‌نویسی مدرن امروزه تکنیک‌هایی به کار می‌رود که در دهه‌های اخیر در شیوه کلاسیک آن و همین‌طور در تاریخ قصه‌پردازی مطرح نبوده و اکنون در راستای جذاب‌تر نمودن و دلنشین کردن داستان مورد استفاده قرار می‌گیرد. این مقاله بر آن است تا پاره‌ای از تکنیک‌های داستان‌نویسی مدرن را در تطبیق با قصه‌های قرآن کریم بیان نماید تا که عظمت این کتاب بیش از پیش در ساحت ادبیات داستانی هویدا گردد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        21 - بررسی تطبیقی شیوه بیان داستان های قرآنی در مثنوی معنوی و تفسیر کمبریج
        رضا اشرف زاده محمد بهنام فر نازنین احسانی
        مثنوی معنوی حاصل تطور و سیر قصه‌ها در طول زمان است. این قصه‌ها راه شناخت ورود به دنیای مولانا و آشناشدن با خلاقیت وی در عرصه داستان‌پردازی است. تفسیر کمبریج نیز از تفاسیر مهمی است که مخصوصاً از جنبه ادبی اهمیت دارد و دارای داستان‌هایی است که به اقتضای مطلب در جای جای کت أکثر
        مثنوی معنوی حاصل تطور و سیر قصه‌ها در طول زمان است. این قصه‌ها راه شناخت ورود به دنیای مولانا و آشناشدن با خلاقیت وی در عرصه داستان‌پردازی است. تفسیر کمبریج نیز از تفاسیر مهمی است که مخصوصاً از جنبه ادبی اهمیت دارد و دارای داستان‌هایی است که به اقتضای مطلب در جای جای کتاب پراکنده‌اند. این داستان‌ها در مثنوی معنوی و تفسیر کمبریج می‌توانند از دیدگاه‌های مختلف مورد بررسی قرار بگیرند. در این تحقیق، مقایسه‌ای تطبیقی میان داستان‌های مثنوی معنوی و تفسیر کمبریج انجام شده است. در این امر که نوعی خوانش ارتباطی است، ارتباط دو متن را به یکدیگر آشکار می‌کند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        22 - صلة اللهجات المعاصرة بالفصحی وأثرها فیها
        مهین حاجی زاده فریدة شهرستانی
        المشکلة اللغویة فی عصرنا هی أنّ العربیة الفصیحة المکتوبة هی غیر العربیة المستعملة فی التخاطب وغیر اللهجات الدارجة التی لم ترق إلی لغة المثقفین، وهی فی مادتها نماذج متأخرة ولیس قیام المشکلة علی هذا الوجه بمستحیل الحل. وشیوع الثقافة وتیسیر المعرفة لأبناء العربیة علی شکل ع أکثر
        المشکلة اللغویة فی عصرنا هی أنّ العربیة الفصیحة المکتوبة هی غیر العربیة المستعملة فی التخاطب وغیر اللهجات الدارجة التی لم ترق إلی لغة المثقفین، وهی فی مادتها نماذج متأخرة ولیس قیام المشکلة علی هذا الوجه بمستحیل الحل. وشیوع الثقافة وتیسیر المعرفة لأبناء العربیة علی شکل عام کفیل برفع مستوی اللغة إلی الحد الذی کانت علیه العربیة فی مختلف عصورها، فلم یسلم عصر من عصور التاریخ اللغوی من ازدواج فی اللغة. وربما کانت العامیة الدارجة قریبة من الفصیحة لغة الکتابة ولکنها متحللة من ضوابط الإعراب؛ فالمتکلمون بها یلتزمون الإسکان فی صورها وهذا ما نصبوا إلیه فی تقریب العامیة فی الفصیح. وهذا معناه أنّ اللهجات العامیة تتعدّل وتتهذّب ویدلک الخشن فیها فیلین، ولکنها لا ولن تُغلب ویجب ألّا تُغلب لأنّها المصدر ما ندعوه فصیحاً من الکلام. ومن جهة أخری، إنّ إبدال الفصحی بالعامیة عملیة تهدف إلی تجزئة الأمة الواحدة إلی کیانات لغویة متباینة تعمل علی إعاقة تحقیق الوحدة العربیة، وتقطیع الصلات والوشائح التی تکونت عبر الزمن بفضل اللغة الواحدة. إذن، لابدّ لنا أن نقبل علی إتجاه یدعو إلی نوع من الملاقاة والتوحید بین الفصحی والعامیة. وهذا هو ما نحاول إلقاء الضوء علیه فی هذا المقال. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        23 - بیئة القناع الصوفی فی أدب یحیى حقی
        علاءالدین رمضان
        یمکن أن نعد الموقف الدینی وجهاً لبنیة الشخصیة الاجتماعیة؛ فللدین فی البیئة الشعبیة مظهر شدید التمیز أحادی النطاق، فیه دین خالص[وهو الشرائع المستندة إلی النصوص الدینیة، والعبادات]، وفیه مدخلات اجتماعیة[الخرافات والأساطیر والعادات]، ولذوبان الشقین فی نطاق مظهری واحد مشترک أکثر
        یمکن أن نعد الموقف الدینی وجهاً لبنیة الشخصیة الاجتماعیة؛ فللدین فی البیئة الشعبیة مظهر شدید التمیز أحادی النطاق، فیه دین خالص[وهو الشرائع المستندة إلی النصوص الدینیة، والعبادات]، وفیه مدخلات اجتماعیة[الخرافات والأساطیر والعادات]، ولذوبان الشقین فی نطاق مظهری واحد مشترک، استطاعت تلک الخاصیة الاجتماعیة أن تکتسب مظهرها الممیز، وقد اتفقت تلک البیئة علی تسمیة مزیجها الجدید باسم التصوف، وإن کان مجرد قناع بیئی وجدانی، وههنا نرصد حرکة القناع الوجدانی فی أدب یحیی حقی، لا نبحث عن جوهر العقیدة، وإنما مظهرها فی الحیاة الاجتماعیة، وصور التعبیر الاجتماعی عنها. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        24 - سلوک محمود دولت آبادى در رمان سلوک
        حسین مرادی
        در فایل اصل مقاله موجود است
        در فایل اصل مقاله موجود است تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        25 - تأثیر پذیری سیاست نامه ی خواجه نظام الملک از نامه ی تنسر و کارنامه ی اردشیر بابکان
        شاهین پهنادایان
        در فایل اصل مقاله موجود است.
        در فایل اصل مقاله موجود است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        26 - کیمیا در میان زنان (خوانش نوین تاریخی و جنسیتی از رمان تربیتی کیمیا خاتون)
        عطاالله کوپال نیلوفر خسروی
        رمان تربیتی(Bildungstroman) ژانری از نگارش رمان است که در آن رشد شخصیت اصلی از کودکی تا بزرگسالی به تصویر کشیده می شود و در انتهای داستان،کودکِ ناپخته معمولاً به انسانی دنیا دیده با جایگاه اجتماعی خوب تبدیل می شود. از ویژگی های بارز نوع کلاسیکِاین ژانر؛ روایت خطی، تصویر أکثر
        رمان تربیتی(Bildungstroman) ژانری از نگارش رمان است که در آن رشد شخصیت اصلی از کودکی تا بزرگسالی به تصویر کشیده می شود و در انتهای داستان،کودکِ ناپخته معمولاً به انسانی دنیا دیده با جایگاه اجتماعی خوب تبدیل می شود. از ویژگی های بارز نوع کلاسیکِاین ژانر؛ روایت خطی، تصویر کردن فراز و نشیب های زندگی شخصیِ کودکی که با بقیه هم سن و سال های خودش تفاوت دارد، تجربه ی معمولاً دو گونه عشق: عشق سطحی و سپس عشق پایدار و واقعی و در ضمن، حضور یک راهنما در رمان است. در قرن بیستم، نوع روایت خطیِ این ژانر، دست خوش تغییر شد و علاوه بر آن زنان و دیگر اقلیت هایِ نژادی، برداشت خاص خود را از این ژانر ارائه کردند. در حال حاضر این ژانر یکی از انواع روایت های محبوب برای نویسندگان زن به شمار می رود و آنها نوع جدید و زنانه ای از آن را استفاده می کنند. در این نوع روایت، تفاوت های زندگی و رشد زنانِ داستان های تربیتی نسبت به مردان مشخص می گردد و تفاوت دید آنها نسبت به خانواده ودیگری مطرح می شود. یکی از تفاوت های مطرح شده در این مورد، وفاداری زنان نسبت به یکدیگر است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        27 - بررسی تطبیقی عناصر داستان در داستانهای کوتاهِ مصطفى لطفی منفلوطی و جلال آل احمد
        قاسم مختاری
        در فایل اصل مقاله موجود است
        در فایل اصل مقاله موجود است تفاصيل المقالة
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        28 - تفاوت رئالیسم اروپایى با واقع گرایى ایرانى
        ملیحه جعفری لنگرودی
        در فایل اصل مقاله موجود است
        در فایل اصل مقاله موجود است تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        29 - اندیشه‌های آرمان‏شهری در نخستین نمایشنامه‌های اکبر رادی با رویکرد به آرمان‏شهر فلسفی فارابی
        سمیرا عباسی عطاالله کوپال
        مقالۀ حاضر به بررسی سه نمایشنامۀ برگزیده از آثار دهۀ 1340 اکبر رادی، نمایشنامه نویس معاصر، با رویکرد به اندیشه های آرمان شهریِ ابونصر محمدبن فارابی، می پردازد. در این پژوهش، با رویکرد به نگرش های آرمان شهریِ فارابی، به آثار دراماتیک معاصر، نگریسته شده است. اکبر رادی، أکثر
        مقالۀ حاضر به بررسی سه نمایشنامۀ برگزیده از آثار دهۀ 1340 اکبر رادی، نمایشنامه نویس معاصر، با رویکرد به اندیشه های آرمان شهریِ ابونصر محمدبن فارابی، می پردازد. در این پژوهش، با رویکرد به نگرش های آرمان شهریِ فارابی، به آثار دراماتیک معاصر، نگریسته شده است. اکبر رادی، نمایشنامه نویسی ایران را برای بیش از چهار دهه، تحت تأثیر آثار خود قرار داد و الگوهای نوینی در نمایشنامه نویسی کشورمان، از حیث انتخاب موضوع و به ویژه زبان نمایشی پدید آورد. مقالۀ حاضر با روش توصیفی و تحلیلی به بررسی یافته هایی که به روش کتابخانه ای به دست آمده است می پردازد و قصد دارد که اندیشه های آرمان شهریِ شخصیت های آثار رادی را در پرتو دیدگاه های آرمان شهریِ محمد فارابی بسنجد و با استفاده از رویکردی ایرانی – اسلامی در فلسفه، به نقد آثار رادی بپردازد. هدف از این پژوهش، نگرش به آثار نمایشیِ معاصر از منظر اُتوپیایی است. اُتوپیا یکی از بُن مایه های مشترک و بنیادین، در بسیاری از آثار ادبی جهان بوده است و معمولاً در پژوهش های ادبی در این خصوص، به آرای افلاطون و توماس مور و دیگر نظریه پردازان غربی مراجعه می شود. اکبر رادی، در نمایشنامه هایش شخصیت هایی خلق کرده که همگی از طریق راه های گوناگون به دنبال مدینۀ فاضل ه ای برای رهایی از وضع موجود و سعادت خود یا جامعه بوده اند. با توجه به نتایج به دست آمده از این تحقیق، در همۀ نمایشنامه‌هایی که اکبر رادی که در دهۀ چهل نوشته است، شخصیت‌های گوناگونی با اندیشه‌های آرمان شهری وجود دارند. نکتۀ حائز اهمیت در آثار دهۀ40 رادی این است که همۀ شخصیت‌های آرمان شهریِ رادیِ در راه دستیابی به آرمان شهرهای خود ناکام می‌مانند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        30 - Effects of Journal Writing on EFL Teacher Trainees’ Reflective Practice
        Amin Khanjani Fereidoon Vahdany Manoochehr Jafarigohar
        Journal writing is believed to be a significant tool to promote reflection. Some studies have been carried out to test that, most of which have been solely concerned with the participants’ perceptions, leaving the actual application of reflective practice in EFL t أکثر
        Journal writing is believed to be a significant tool to promote reflection. Some studies have been carried out to test that, most of which have been solely concerned with the participants’ perceptions, leaving the actual application of reflective practice in EFL teaching practice untouched. Hence, to fill this gap in the literature, the researchers initiated this study. The participants were 24 EFL teacher trainees at a teacher training center in Guilan province. A questionnaire, including closed- and open-ended items, and an observation checklist were utilized. The researchers conducted matched t tests to investigate the possible differences between the perceptions and application of reflective practice before and after treatment. The questionnaire and checklist data were analyzed quantitatively and descriptive analyses were run. A qualitative content analysis was also employed for the open-ended item of the questionnaire. The results indicated that journal writing had a significant effect on promoting reflective practice in teacher trainees. There was also a significant difference between participants’ perceptions and application of reflective practice before and after treatment. تفاصيل المقالة
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        31 - Analysis of Iranians’ Writing Performances in Virtual and Real Environments
        فرنوش حدادی Mohammad Hasan Tahririan
        Writing has always been considered an important literacy skill for foreign/second language learners. The Internet provides such unique applications for the writing skill as weblogs, wikis, and social networking websites. Up to now researchers have put their focus on the أکثر
        Writing has always been considered an important literacy skill for foreign/second language learners. The Internet provides such unique applications for the writing skill as weblogs, wikis, and social networking websites. Up to now researchers have put their focus on the learners’ performances in the traditional paper and pencil environment or wikis and blogs it is time to also consider learners’ performances in the social networking websites. In this respect the purposes of the present study were to (a) to identify the most frequent Iranian learners’ errors in the virtual environment of social networking websites, and (b) compare the learners’ performances in the traditional and virtual environments. With respect to the requirements of the research questions, this study had two phases of data collection. For the first phase, the researchers selected 30 Iranians, male and female, aged 18 to 21 from one of the social networking websites and collected a 3200-word corpus from among their comments and wall posts. All of the learners were students of Computer Engineering and IT. For the second phase of the study, another 3200-word corpus were collected from 30 Iranians, male and female, aged 18 to 21, who were studying Computer Engineering and IT at Sheikhbahaee University. They were asked to write an essay on an assigned topic. The analysis of the results revealed that three most Iranian participants’ errors were verb forms, diction, and prepositions in the virtual environment. Based on the results of the t-test, Mann-Whitney, and Chi-square tests interesting similarities and differences were observed within and between error groups in each corpus. تفاصيل المقالة
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        32 - The Role of Self-Regulated Learning Capacities in Iranian EFL Undergraduates’ Argumentative Writing Task Performance
        Ali Akbar Khomeijani Farahani Fatemeh Faryabi
        The current study was an attempt to explore the relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ self-regulatory capacities and their argumentative writing task performance in order to analyze measures of complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF). To this end, 44 Iranian أکثر
        The current study was an attempt to explore the relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ self-regulatory capacities and their argumentative writing task performance in order to analyze measures of complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF). To this end, 44 Iranian EFL undergraduates majoring in English literature at the University of Tehran were recruited based on convenience sampling to participate in this study. Employing a correlational design, the participants were required to perform an argumentative writing task and complete the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire designed by Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, and McKeachie (1991). Pearson product moment correlation indicated a significant relationship between self-regulated learning and writing task performance in relation to CAF measures. In addition, the results of multiple regression showed that resource management strategies and value component predicted 56.9% of grammatical accuracy of writing task. It was also shown that resource management strategies, value, and expectancy components predicted 56.5% of lexical complexity of writing task. Lastly, cognitive and metacognitive strategies, expectancy, and value components predicted 55.2% of the fluency of writing task. The findings of this study informs EFL writing pedagogy and English language teachers and syllabus designers with regard to the benefits of applying self-regulatory strategies in teaching and assessing writing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        33 - Effects of Self-Regulatory Strategy Development on EFL Learners’ Descriptive Writing and Reflective Thinking
        Sima Samanian Ali Roohani
        Writing is a demanding, complicated, and fundamental skill which is highly noticeable in the process of learning a foreign language. Thus, it is so important to teach English as a foreign language (EFL) learners how to write effectively in English through effective stra أکثر
        Writing is a demanding, complicated, and fundamental skill which is highly noticeable in the process of learning a foreign language. Thus, it is so important to teach English as a foreign language (EFL) learners how to write effectively in English through effective strategies and instructions and prompt their reflective thinking during EFL learning. This study investigated the effectiveness of using self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) instruction in improving Iranian EFL learners' descriptive writing and reflective thinking skills and compared the effectiveness of such instruction with nonstrategic-based (i.e., traditional) instruction. To these ends, 30 Iranian advanced EFL learners were selected to participate in the two (experimental and control) groups. To collect data, two descriptive essays and a reflective thinking questionnaire were used as the pretest and posttest. The analysis of covariance on the descriptive essay and reflective thinking scores in the control and experimental groups showed that both SRSD and non-SRSD instructions had a positive impact on the EFL participants' descriptive writing skill but, the participants in the SRSD group achieved better outcomes in their descriptive writing; the SRSD instruction was effective in improving the completeness, length, and overall quality of the EFL learners' descriptive writing performance. Also, SRSD instruction improved the learners' reflective thinking more than the non-SRSD instruction by making them metacognitively aware of their cognitive processes and monitoring, analyzing, and evaluating their descriptive writing performance. The findings draw attention to the importance of using SRSD as a possible way for moving EFL learners away from traditional instructions to process-oriented strategies in writing courses. تفاصيل المقالة
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        34 - Writing Skill and Categorical Error Analysis: A Study of First Year Undergraduate University Students
        Adnan Satariyan Ahmad Mohseni
        Abstract This study identifies and analyses the common errors in writing skill of the first year students of Azad University of South Tehran Branch in relation to their first language (L1), the type of high school they graduated, and their exposure to media and technol أکثر
        Abstract This study identifies and analyses the common errors in writing skill of the first year students of Azad University of South Tehran Branch in relation to their first language (L1), the type of high school they graduated, and their exposure to media and technology in order to learn English. It also determines the categories in which the errors are committed (content, organisation/discourse, vocabulary, mechanics, or syntax) and whether or not there is a significant difference in the percentage of errors committed and these categories. Participants of this study are 190 first year students that are asked to write an essay. An error analysis model adapted from Brown (2001) and Gayeta (2002) is then used to evaluate the essay writings in terms of content, organisation, vocabulary, mechanics, and syntax or language use. The results of the study show that the students have greater difficulties in organisation, content, and vocabulary and experience less difficulties in mechanics and syntax. تفاصيل المقالة
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        35 - Peer scaffolding in an EFL writing classroom: An investigation of writing accuracy and scaffolding behaviors
        Parastou Gholami Pasand Abdorreza Tahriri
        Considering the tenets of Sociocultural Theory with its emphasis on co-construction of knowledge, L2 writing can be regarded as a co-writing practice whereby assistance is provided to struggling writers. To date, most studies have dealt with peer scaffolding in the revi أکثر
        Considering the tenets of Sociocultural Theory with its emphasis on co-construction of knowledge, L2 writing can be regarded as a co-writing practice whereby assistance is provided to struggling writers. To date, most studies have dealt with peer scaffolding in the revision phase of writing, as such planning and drafting are remained untouched. The present study examines the impact of peer scaffolding on writing accuracy of a group of intermediate EFL learners, and explores scaffolding behaviors employed by them in planning and drafting phases of writing. To these ends, 40 freshmen majoring in English Language and Literature in the University of Guilan were randomly divided into a control group and an experimental group consisting of dyads in which a competent writer provided scaffolding to a less competent one using the process approach to writing. Results of independent samples t-tests revealed that learners in the experimental group produced more accurate essays. Microgenetic analysis of one dyad’s talks showed that scaffolding behaviors used in planning and drafting phases of writing were more or less the same as those identified in the revision phase. These findings can be used to inform peer intervention in L2 writing classes, and assist L2 learners in conducting successful peer scaffolding in the planning and drafting phases of writing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        36 - The Effect of CA-based vs. EA-based Error Correction on Iranian EFL Intermediate Learners’ Lexical Errors of Writing  
        Parvin Moazamie Mansour Koosha
        The present study aimed to investigate the effect of CA- based vs. EA- based error correction on the improvement of the EFL intermediate learners’ Lexical Errors of writing. Forty intermediate students, all males, studying in an English Language Institute in Golp أکثر
        The present study aimed to investigate the effect of CA- based vs. EA- based error correction on the improvement of the EFL intermediate learners’ Lexical Errors of writing. Forty intermediate students, all males, studying in an English Language Institute in Golpayegan participated in this study. After detecting the participants’ errors, the lexical errors were classified into two categories, EA- based and CA-based errors. The errors which were because of the infuence of L1 on L2 were classified as CA-based errors and the errors which were because of the lack of target language proficiency were classified as EA-based errors. Then, the Wilcoxon Test was used to investigate the effect and the improvement of learners’ lexical errors by EA-based and CA-based error correction. The results of the study showed that there is no significant difference between EA-based and CA- based error correction in the improvement of the participants’ lexical errors. تفاصيل المقالة
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        37 - Code Glosses in Academic Writing: The Comparison of Iranian and Native Authors
        Mahdi Dehghan Azizeh Chalak
        One of the challenges of academic writing is the creation of a structurally and communicatively well-organized and coherent text. Metadiscourse enables authors of journal articles to achieve this goal by raising the writers‘ awareness about discourse features whic أکثر
        One of the challenges of academic writing is the creation of a structurally and communicatively well-organized and coherent text. Metadiscourse enables authors of journal articles to achieve this goal by raising the writers‘ awareness about discourse features which can contribute to a better academic content production. Also, L1 background has always been a hot topic in applied linguistics and native versus non-native comparisons have been of particular interest in this field. The purpose of this study was to see whether native English speakers and Iranians use code glosses as a sub-category of metadiscourse similarly in their academic writings. To this end, the introduction section of 30 journal articles written by native and Iranian non-native English authors were investigated and the number of code-glosses in each group was counted and analyzed. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to answer the research question of this study. The result of data analysis revealed that there was no significant difference between the frequency count of code glosses used by Iranian and native English authors. This study can have pedagogical implications for EAP course designers as well as academic writing instructors and students. تفاصيل المقالة
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        38 - Teaching Academic Writing in Iranian EFL Classrooms: Teacher-initiated Comments or Peer-provided Feedback?
        Saeed Ketabi Reza Torabi
        This research study aimed at investigating whether using peer-provided feedbacks rather than teacher-provided comments would result in any significance difference in Iranian English undergraduate students’ ability in writing. In so doing, based on a pretest (an OP أکثر
        This research study aimed at investigating whether using peer-provided feedbacks rather than teacher-provided comments would result in any significance difference in Iranian English undergraduate students’ ability in writing. In so doing, based on a pretest (an OPT & a writing exam), 40 subjects were assigned to two homogeneous groups of equal number the subjects in the control group received more traditional form of feedback i.e., Teacher’s Written Comments (TW) and those in the experimental group who received the alternative: Peers’ Written Comments (PW). The students were required to write ten paragraphs, five pairs, on each topic, one before receiving feedback and another, the revised version, after the feedback. The analyses of the data revealed that peer feedback--in its general sense--affects students’ writing performances, which in turn means that the students do incorporate suggestions made by their teacher and/or peers while revising their drafts. In sum, Peer-reviews in the form of comments and suggestions given by the students on one another’s drafts proved beneficial. تفاصيل المقالة
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        39 - Using Convergent and Divergent Tasks through Critical Thinking in Writing Classes
        Hamid Marashi Rahil Akbar-Hosseini
        This study examined the comparative impacts of convergent and divergent tasks while employing critical thinking techniques on EFL learners’ writing. Accordingly, 60 male and female learners were chosen from a group of 90 learners based on their scores on a sample أکثر
        This study examined the comparative impacts of convergent and divergent tasks while employing critical thinking techniques on EFL learners’ writing. Accordingly, 60 male and female learners were chosen from a group of 90 learners based on their scores on a sample PET previously piloted in one of Tehran’s language schools. The learners were then randomly put into two experimental groups: 30 learners undergoing convergent tasks and 30 learners receiving divergent tasks. Both groups were exposed to critical thinking techniques. After the treatment, a sample PET writing section was administered as the posttest to both groups with their mean scores being compared; the results showed that neither group outperformed the other significantly. This result probably indicates that the critical thinking instruction was more of an influential factor compared to the variability of convergent and divergent tasks, thereby consolidating further the notion that critical thinking instruction is a highly influential factor in ELT. تفاصيل المقالة
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        40 - A Study of Syntactic Complexity via Coh-Metrix: Similarities and Differences of Ph.D. Dissertations Written by Iranian University Students and English Native Speakers
        Masoud Azadnia Ahmadreza Lotfi Reza Biria
        The present study sought to identify the similarities and/or differences between texts written by Iranian university students of English teaching major and those written by English natives in terms of syntactic complexity. To this end, an automated computational web too أکثر
        The present study sought to identify the similarities and/or differences between texts written by Iranian university students of English teaching major and those written by English natives in terms of syntactic complexity. To this end, an automated computational web tool, namely Coh-Metrix was used to scrutinize a corpus containing 83 text excerpts extracted from 10 dissertations written by Iranian Ph.D. students as well as a comparison corpus including 94 text excerpts selected from 10 Ph.D. dissertations written by English native speakers in terms of four specific measures representing syntactic complexity. The results indicated that among the four measures, Mean Number of Modifiers and Sentence Syntax Similarity functioned as distinctive factors differentiating between the first language (L1) and second language (L2) texts, whereas Left Embeddedness and Minimal Edit Distance were found to be similar between the two corpora. The findings may have several implications for EFL practitioners. تفاصيل المقالة
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        41 - Students’ perceptions about writing portfolios: A case of Iranian EFL students
        Behrooz Ghoorchaei Mansoor Tavakoli
        Among alternative assessment options, portfolios have received considerable attention in the field of education, but there has been little research exploring students’ perceptions of the portfolio approach or its impact on the learning of writing (Lam, 2013). Ther أکثر
        Among alternative assessment options, portfolios have received considerable attention in the field of education, but there has been little research exploring students’ perceptions of the portfolio approach or its impact on the learning of writing (Lam, 2013). Therefore, this study aimed at investigating students’ perceptions about the effect of portfolio assessment as a process-oriented assessment mechanism on Iranian EFL students’ English writing and its sub-skills of focus, elaboration, organization, conventions, and vocabulary. Moreover, the study dealt with students’ perceptions about the use of portfolio assessment in EFL writing. Thirty university students were chosen as the participants. They received the treatment i.e. portfolio assessment in an essay writing course. Students’ views and reflections about portfolio assessment were elicited via “Portfolio contribution questionnaire” and individual semi-structured interviews. The results showed that most of the students perceived improvement in overall writing and the sub-skills of focus, elaboration, and organization. Furthermore, students had a positive attitude to the implementation of portfolios. The results have some implications for teaching and assessment of writing in the EFL context. تفاصيل المقالة
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        42 - The Effects of Planning Time Conditions and Writing Type on the Writing Quality of Iranian EFL Writers
        Hossein Pourghasemian Mohammad Baqerzadeh Hosseini
        In the present study, the effects of four planning time conditions (pre-task, extended task, freewriting, and control) were investigated over the quality of expository and argumentative writings of 108 undergraduate EFL writers. The maximum time limit was 30 minutes for أکثر
        In the present study, the effects of four planning time conditions (pre-task, extended task, freewriting, and control) were investigated over the quality of expository and argumentative writings of 108 undergraduate EFL writers. The maximum time limit was 30 minutes for all the four groups of the study. The results revealed significantly higher writing quality in the freewriting condition in both argumentative and expository writings. The results also showed that compared with the effects of the writing mode those of the planning time conditions were more decisive on the writing quality. Moreover, argumentative writings were of higher quality than expository writings. Being placed in different writing modes was not decisive in the choice of planning time conditions. The results may have pedagogical implications for EFL writing instructors and theoretical implications for EFL writing researchers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        43 - Developing EFL Learners’ Creativity in Writing Skill Through Dynamic Assessment-based Teaching
        Narges Zarinkamar Reza Abdi Mehran Davaribina
        The development of students’ creative potential is one of the objectives of educational programs in TEFL. The ability of TEFL teachers to achieve this objective to shape creative learning environments for their own students’ creative potential depends on the أکثر
        The development of students’ creative potential is one of the objectives of educational programs in TEFL. The ability of TEFL teachers to achieve this objective to shape creative learning environments for their own students’ creative potential depends on their training in such a learning environment. This study attempted to investigate the effect of dynamic assessment-inspired teaching on the creativity of the EFL students, going through creative writing. This study tried to notice which model of dynamic assessment best affects creativity. The creative thinking scale in writing (Torrance, 1990) was used by the researchers to score the descriptors of creative thinking subscales. One-hundred EFL adult learners of both gender who aged between 20 to 22 were recruited to take part in the present study at Soure art and Architecture University, and a sequential explanatory mixed-method design was utilized. The control group received no mediation, and the other two classes received sandwich and cake models of dynamic assessment-related mediations, respectively. A semi-structured interview was conducted with 12 students and three main questions were asked. A thematic analysis was done using qualitative MAXQDA Software which showed a positive attitude of the learners toward this. The results have shown that both the sandwich and cake model of dynamic assessment influenced the creativity of the learners in their writing. Besides, the sandwich model was more beneficial than the cake model. تفاصيل المقالة
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        44 - Exploring Contents of Peer Feedback Dynamics Using Patterns of Pair Interaction: Iranian EFL Learners' Written Discourse in Focus
        Ahmadreza Jamshidipour Hamidreza Khalaji Faramarz Azizmalayeri
        This study investigated the content of peer feedback dynamics using patterns of pair interaction among Iranian EFL learners in English writing class, making use of Audio Stimulated Recall (ASR) interview and the compositions. This qualitative case study was conducted co أکثر
        This study investigated the content of peer feedback dynamics using patterns of pair interaction among Iranian EFL learners in English writing class, making use of Audio Stimulated Recall (ASR) interview and the compositions. This qualitative case study was conducted comprising twelve EFL learners at Poldokhtar University. Three kinds of data, including semi-structured interviews, writing assignments, and the artifacts of peer feedback dynamic using patterns of pair interaction, were analyzed by software NVivo 8.0. The findings revealed that the quality of writing was improved by peer feedback dynamics using patterns of pair interaction; the content of peer feedback dynamics became more detailed and various, and the content of peer feedback dynamics focuses on the six aspects including mechanics, syntax, error correction, pragmatic functions, word choice, and style.Specifically, students perceived the contents of the writing, reinforced their critical thinking ability, and enhanced their social interaction skills. Hence, peer feedback should be implemented in L2 writing. Some implications of the study were discussed. تفاصيل المقالة
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        45 - Citation Practices in Applied Linguistics Research Articles: A Comparison of International and Iranian Journals
        Yasamin Ebadi Behruz Lotfi Gaskaree Mohammad Doosty
        In academic writing, citation employs different phraseological patterns to serve a number of significant functions. The purpose of this study was to examine the citation practices in Iranian and international applied linguistics journals to determine how differently or أکثر
        In academic writing, citation employs different phraseological patterns to serve a number of significant functions. The purpose of this study was to examine the citation practices in Iranian and international applied linguistics journals to determine how differently or similarly the two groups of journals use the citation in their writings. The data consisted of a corpus of 120 articles published by Iranian and international applied linguistic journals. WordSmith Tools (Scott, 2009) computer software was used to extract the citation patterns in different sections of the articles. Then, employing Petric’s (2007) and Thompson and Trimble’s (2001) frameworks, the phraseological patterns and rhetorical functions of citation practices were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that Iranian researchers, unlike international researchers, tended to use integral citations by emphasizing the writers rather than information; yet, international researchers preferred non-integral citations. The results also revealed that there is a relationship between articles sections and the type of citations applied. Moreover, the analysis of citations based on Petric's (2007) framework demonstrated that Iranian and international writers prefer using attribution function. In conclusion, the study argued that the phraseological patterns used to report these functions should receive more attention to avoid plagiarism. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        46 - Comparing the Effectiveness of Employing Convergent and Divergent Tasks to Improve Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Skill and Reading Comprehension Ability: Does Gender Matter?
        Amirnader Elahi Davood Mashhadi Heidar Valeh Valipour
        Task-based language learning offers learners the rich input they need to study the target language and contributes to developing intrinsic motivation in the classroom (Ellis, 2020). Thus, the present study explored the effect of employing convergent and divergent activi أکثر
        Task-based language learning offers learners the rich input they need to study the target language and contributes to developing intrinsic motivation in the classroom (Ellis, 2020). Thus, the present study explored the effect of employing convergent and divergent activities to improve male and female learners’ reading comprehension and writing abilities. To fulfill the purpose, a quasi-experimental study was designed and, through a homogeneity test, 32 female and 28 male students at the intermediate level were chosen. Then, they were randomly divided into four experimental groups. They underwent the teaching based on convergent and divergent activities principles. Accordingly, the results of ANCOVA indicated that male learners benefited from divergent activities, whereas convergent activities were significantly beneficial to female learners. More importantly, the result of MANOVA depicted that there was a statistical difference across gender. A follow-up Scheffe’s post-hoc test was also conducted to locate the exact areas of differences. Results showed that female learners in convergent groups obtained the highest mean scores for writing and reading posttests. Finally, pedagogical implications suggested that EFL practitioners should address the gender differences in learning style preferences to design effective input-based and output-based tasks to encourage the learners to participate in an active learning environment. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        47 - A Study of the Research Article Discussion Section Written by Native Authors: Hyland’s (2005) Metadiscourse Model in Focus
        Jafar Asadi Seyed Hesamuddin Aliasin Rasool Morad-Joz
        Academic writing in general and writing research articles in particular have long been considered a crucial mode of discourse, which is due to its challenging requirements for writers. Metadiscourse resources aid the reader in reading comprehension through coherence and أکثر
        Academic writing in general and writing research articles in particular have long been considered a crucial mode of discourse, which is due to its challenging requirements for writers. Metadiscourse resources aid the reader in reading comprehension through coherence and cohesion. This study attempts to analyze research article discussion sections written by native authors regarding metadiscourse markers. To this end, 40 research article discussions by native writers from humanities were selected and analyzed. The purpose of the study is to discover the number and types of metadiscourse markers and rhetorical techniques used in composing these texts. The study continues on a qualitative research design, through text analysis, on the basis of Hyland’s (2005) Metadiscourse Model. The findings indicated that the writers used the interactive metadiscourse markers twice as often as the interactional ones. This research could have a direct bearing on teaching writing and material design to enable EFL learners to use an optimal extent of these resources effectively. تفاصيل المقالة
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        48 - The Effects of Instructor’s Comments on Our Academic Writing: ‎The Case of Iranian M. A. Students of TEFL
        Hamed Zarabi Nima Yamrali Nadia Gharani
        Academic writing is a significant component of all graduate programs, but the majority of students lack basic writing skills. This problem is especially frustrating for M.A. students of TEFL who have to write academic articles in English because it necessitates time-con أکثر
        Academic writing is a significant component of all graduate programs, but the majority of students lack basic writing skills. This problem is especially frustrating for M.A. students of TEFL who have to write academic articles in English because it necessitates time-consuming, extracurricular work that can occasionally be infuriating. The present study was carried out in the form of an action research project to explore the impact of process-based teaching of writing on the attitudes of 10 Iranian M. A. candidates of TEFL towards writing academically. The participants were TEFL candidates in Gonbad Kavoos, Iran. A qualitative method employing a collaborative action research model was used to find out how Iranian M. A. students of TEFL viewed the process writing approach. Phases of the course's procedure included receiving and putting into practice the instructor’s feedback on the texts' rationality, content, consistency, tone, and grammar and sending their finished writing assignments by deadlines. Each student had a schedule for in-person discussions about their progress. According to the results, the students believed that the teaching method helped them improve their writing abilities. The implications include creating a forum for oral feedback between teachers and students to supplement written feedback, fostering a sense of responsibility in students by helping them to self-organize, and recognizing that graduate students may require assistance with very fundamental writing abilities and knowledge. تفاصيل المقالة
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        49 - The Impact of Online Metadiscourse Markers Instruction on Iranian EFL Learners' Expository Writing: A Mixed Methods Study
        Mozhdeh Tahmasbi Majid Fatahipour Neda Gharagozloo
        Focusing on metadiscourse markers during EFL writing classes has garnered research attention, yet few studies were conducted on online expository writing. This study explores the effect of metadiscourse markers instruction on expository writing of 80 male and female EFL أکثر
        Focusing on metadiscourse markers during EFL writing classes has garnered research attention, yet few studies were conducted on online expository writing. This study explores the effect of metadiscourse markers instruction on expository writing of 80 male and female EFL learners in the school context, selected through convenience sampling and an interview followed with a smaller number of participants. Initially, the eighty participants were assigned to experimental (n=40) and control (n=40) groups after checking homogeneity in terms of English proficiency level. The participants in the experimental group received explicit instruction of markers, whereas the control group received the conventional curriculum-based writing instruction that included similar material/topics, except for the explicit focus on metadiscourse markers, all through a uniform digital platform mandated in the state-run schools. The frequency/use of metadiscourse markers in the writing assignments of the participants per session and the total was noted, and then a corpus of 80 collected essays was analyzed by a trained rater and researcher to both analyze whether metadiscourse markers instruction had any significant effect on expository writings and to determine which metadiscourse markers showed up in the texts written by students more. Finally, a semi-structured interview was conducted with eight EFL instructors to explore their attitudes. Statistical test of Analysis of Covariance showed a significant effect of metadiscourse markers instruction on EFL learners’ expository writing. Another finding was that participants employed interactional metadiscourse markers frequently. Implications for policy-makers, students, and teachers indicate that free access to online writing resources improves learning perceptions/outcomes. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        50 - تأثیر ارزشیابی توصیفی بر مهارت‌های خواندن و نوشتن دانش‌آموزان پایه چهارم ابتدایی
        کاوس قبادی چهارراه گشین حجت ا.. فانی ویدا فلاحی
        پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی تأثیر ارزشیابی توصیفی بر مهارت‌های خواندن و نوشتن دانش‌آموزان پایه چهارم ابتدایی روستاهای شهرستان گچساران در سال تحصیلی 1391 ـ 1390 اجرا شد. روش پژوهش شبه ‌تجربی با طرح پیش آزمون ـ پس آزمون بوده است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش همه دانش‌آموزان پایه چها أکثر
        پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی تأثیر ارزشیابی توصیفی بر مهارت‌های خواندن و نوشتن دانش‌آموزان پایه چهارم ابتدایی روستاهای شهرستان گچساران در سال تحصیلی 1391 ـ 1390 اجرا شد. روش پژوهش شبه ‌تجربی با طرح پیش آزمون ـ پس آزمون بوده است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش همه دانش‌آموزان پایه چهارم ابتدایی روستاهای شهرستان گچساران در سال تحصیلی 91 ـ 90 را در بر می‌گیرد و حجم نمونه 80 نفر از دانش‌آموزان روستاهای این شهرستان است. از کلاس‌های موجود 4 کلاس انتخاب شدند. سپس به طور تصادفی 2 کلاس از مدارسی که طرح ارزشیابی توصیفی در آنها اجرا می‌شد، برای طرح آزمایشی (طرح توصیفی) و 2 کلاس از مدارسی که هنوز در آنها طرح سنتی ارزشیابی اجرا می‌شد، برای طرح گواه (طرح ارزشیابی سنتی) انتخاب شدند. معلمان کلاس‌هایی که به عنوان گروه آزمایشی انتخاب شدند، به طور ویژه توسط پژوهشگر برای اجرای صحیح طرح آموزش دیده و به ترتیب توسط پژوهگشر مورد نظارت و راهنمایی لازم قرار می‌گرفتند. برای سنجش مهارت خواندن دانش‌آموزان مورد پژوهش آزمون تشخیص سطح خواندن اصفهان که توسط دکتر محمدرضا عابدی و مرضیه عزیزیان تهیه و هنجاریابی شده، مورد استفاده قرار گرفت و برای سنجش مهارت نوشتن دانش‌آموزان از آزمون نوشتاری محقق ساخته استفاده شد که روایی صوری آزمون نوشتن، توسط نظر سنجی از معلمان دوره ابتدایی و کارشناسان گروه‌های آموزشی استان به دست آمد و با انجام اصلاحات، مورد تأیید قرار گفت. ضریب ‌کل بازآزمایی آزمون مهارت خواندن 78/0 و ضریب ‌کل بازآزمایی آزمون مهارت نوشتن73/0به دست آمد. جهت آزمایش فرضیه‌های تحقیق و بررسی تأثیرات پیش آزمون ـ پیش آزمون، از روش آماری تحلیل کوواریانس استفاده شده است. نتایج پژوهش حاکی از تأثیرمعنادار ارزشیابی توصیفی بر دو مهارت خواندن و نوشتن دانش‌آموزان بوده است. از نتایج دیگر پژوهش، توانایی بیشتر مهارت خواندن پسران درگروه توصیفی نسبت به گروه سنتی و توانایی بیشتر مهارت نوشتن دختران گروه توصیفی نسبت به گروه سنتی بوده است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        51 - مقایسه تأثیر آموزش رویکرد کلاس معکوس و درس‌پژوهی بر خلاقیت نگارشی دانشجو معلمان در درس نگارش خلاق
        فاطمه جعفری کمانگر صمد ایزدی غلامرضا پیروز
        هدف پژوهش حاضر، مقایسۀ دو روش سازنده‌گرا یعنی کلاس معکوس و درس‌پژوهی از نظر میزان افزایش خلاقیت نگارشی دانشجومعلمان در درس نگارش خلاق در پیش و پس از دریافت متغیر مستقل است. این پژوهش از نوع شبه‌آزمایشی و از نظر هدف کاربردی است. جامعۀ آماری این پژوهش، دانشجو معلمان رشتۀ أکثر
        هدف پژوهش حاضر، مقایسۀ دو روش سازنده‌گرا یعنی کلاس معکوس و درس‌پژوهی از نظر میزان افزایش خلاقیت نگارشی دانشجومعلمان در درس نگارش خلاق در پیش و پس از دریافت متغیر مستقل است. این پژوهش از نوع شبه‌آزمایشی و از نظر هدف کاربردی است. جامعۀ آماری این پژوهش، دانشجو معلمان رشتۀ آموزش ابتدایی دانشگاه فرهنگیان استان مازندران و نمونۀ آماری دو گروه 35 نفری همگن شده هستند. از بین ژانرهای نگارش خلاق چهار ژانر با مشورت صاحب‌نظران این حوزه انتخاب شد. عناصر مرتبط با هر ژانر، مطابق منابع مختلف شناسایی شد و به هر عنصر به نسبت اهمیتش در ژانر مربوطه ضریب وزن داده شد. نگارش در این چهار ژانر توسط هر دو گروه به‌صورت پیش‌آزمون و پس‌آزمون انجام شد و هر یک از عناصر در نوشته‌های دانشجومعلمان از منظر ملاک‌های خلاقیت تورنس یعنی سیالیت، اصالت، انعطاف و بسط مورد تحلیل قرار گرفت و نمره‌گذاری شد. نتایج حاصل با استفاده از نرم‌افزار SPSS26 به روش آمار استنباطی مورد تحلیل قرار گرفت و مقایسۀ نتایج پیش‌آزمون و پس‌آزمون در هر دو گروه نشان داد که روش کلاس معکوس و روش درس پژوهی بر هر دو گروه بهبود معناداری ایجاد کرده است و مقایسۀ دو روش با یکدیگر نشان داد که درس پژوهی در مقایسه با کلاس معکوس بر خلاقیت نگارشی دانشجو معلمان تأثیر معناداری داشته است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        52 - شناسایی چالش‌ها و راهکارهای بهبود طرح سوادآموزی خواندن با خانواده: مطالعۀ موردی استان هرمزگان
        مختار ذاکری محمود صباحی زاده
        یکی از مسائلی که در جامعۀ ما به‌ویژه در بین سوادآموزان نهضت سوادآموزی وجود دارد، نبود فرهنگ مطالعه و کتاب‌خوانی است. هدف اصلی پژوهش، بررسی طرح نهضت سوادآموزی خواندن با خانواده به‌عنوان یکی از بخش‌های اصلی برنامه درسی نهضت سوادآموزی در استان هرمزگان بود. در این پژوهش، رو أکثر
        یکی از مسائلی که در جامعۀ ما به‌ویژه در بین سوادآموزان نهضت سوادآموزی وجود دارد، نبود فرهنگ مطالعه و کتاب‌خوانی است. هدف اصلی پژوهش، بررسی طرح نهضت سوادآموزی خواندن با خانواده به‌عنوان یکی از بخش‌های اصلی برنامه درسی نهضت سوادآموزی در استان هرمزگان بود. در این پژوهش، روش تحقیق کیفی از نوع تحلیل استقرایی با نظام کدگذاری داده‌ها استفاده شد. جامعۀ آماری پژوهشی شامل کارشناسان، آموزشگران و سوادآموزان نهضت سوادآموزی استان هرمزگان و نمونه شامل 24 نفر بود که با استفاده از روش نمونه‌گیری هدفمند انتخاب شدند. همچنین ابزار جمع‌آوری اطلاعات، مصاحبۀ عمیق و روش تجزیه‌وتحلیل داده‌ها، تحلیل استقرایی بود. یافته‌ها و نتایج نشان داد، هشت مقولۀ مرکزی در بخش آسیب‌های طرح شامل نبود منابع مالی، ضعف نظام نظارت، ضعف در محتوا، عدم جامعیت طرح، ضعف دست‌اندرکاران طرح، عدم تناسب طرح با عوامل تأثیرگذار، ضعف انگیزشی و نبود حمایت کافی نهادی رسانه‌ای وجود دارد. هشت مؤلفۀ حمایت مالی و تقویت نظام ارزیابی و نظارت از طرح، توسعه نگرشی و آموزشی دست‌اندرکاران طرح، تقویت نظام ستادی و گستره طرح، تقویت بعد انگیزشی، تقویت حمایت نهادی و رسانه‌ای از طرح، تدوین و آموزش کتب طرح بر مبنای اصول علمی راهکارهای بهبود طرح خواندن با خانواده هستند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        53 - تحلیل و ارزیابی کتاب‌های (فارسی، نگارش فارسی و علوم تجربی) دوره ابتدایی ازنظر میزان توجه به آموزش مهارت‌های ارتباطی و مقابله‌ای سازگارانه
        ابوبکر کریمی
        هدف، تحلیل محتوای کتاب‌های دوره ابتدایی، بر اساس مهارت‌های ارتباطی و مقابله‌ای سازگارانه است. پژوهش از نوع کیفی به روش تحلیل محتواست. میدان پژوهش، کتاب‌های فارسی، نگارش فارسی و علوم تجربی دوره آموزش ابتدایی (شش‌پایه) سال تحصیلی 99-1398 است. ابزار اندازه‌گیری، چک‌لیست مح أکثر
        هدف، تحلیل محتوای کتاب‌های دوره ابتدایی، بر اساس مهارت‌های ارتباطی و مقابله‌ای سازگارانه است. پژوهش از نوع کیفی به روش تحلیل محتواست. میدان پژوهش، کتاب‌های فارسی، نگارش فارسی و علوم تجربی دوره آموزش ابتدایی (شش‌پایه) سال تحصیلی 99-1398 است. ابزار اندازه‌گیری، چک‌لیست محقق ساخته بر اساس پیشینه بوده که روایی آن با استفاده ازنظر صاحب‌نظران و پایایی آن با استفاده از روش اسکات (۵/۸۹) و تکنیک تکرارپذیری (پایایی بین کدگذاران)، بررسی و تأیید گردید. داده‌های حاصل از تحلیل محتوا با استفاده از مراحل سه‌گانه آنتروپی شانون مورد تجزیه‌وتحلیل قرار گرفت. واحد تحلیل، عبارت است. بیشترین توجه با 182 فراوانی (32.6%) مربوط به مهارت توانایی برقراری روابط بین فردی سازگارانه و کمترین توجه با 108 بار (19.3%) مربوط به مهارت توانایی رویارویی با استرس‌ها است. سپس به ترتیب 148 بار (26.5%) به مهارت توانایی برقراری ارتباط مؤثر با دیگران و 120 بار (21.6%) به مهارت توانایی رویارویی با هیجان‌ها در کتاب‌های درسی دوره ابتدایی توجه شده است. در کتاب‌های فوق بیشترین ضریب اهمیت مربوط به مهارت توانایی برقراری ارتباط مؤثر با دیگران (1739/0) و کمترین ضریب اهمیت مربوط به توانایی رویارویی با استرس‌ها (1465/0) است. بیشترین توجه به مجموع مهارت‌ها مربوط به کتاب فارسی با 214 فراوانی (38.4%) وکمترین توجه مربوط به کتاب نگارش فارسی با 155 فراوانی (27.7%) است. با توجه به یافته‌ها نتیجه گرفته می‌شود که در کتاب‌های بررسی شده به آموزش مهارت‌های ارتباطی و مقابله‌ای سازگارانه پرداخته‌اند، اما بین میزان توجه به هر یک از مؤلفه‌های مهارت‌ها و در کتاب‌های مختلف تفاوت وجود دارد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        54 - Mediating EFL learners’ overall and lexical writing skills in English classrooms: The case of receptive and productive types of vocabulary testing
        Dariush  Aliakbari Morteza Aslrasouli Davud Kuhi
        The research on both receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge has attracted the attention of researchers, however, there is paucity of studies in these strategies on productive skills’ enhancement. Hence, this study aimed at finding the effects of receptive a أکثر
        The research on both receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge has attracted the attention of researchers, however, there is paucity of studies in these strategies on productive skills’ enhancement. Hence, this study aimed at finding the effects of receptive and productive types of vocabulary testing on overall and lexical writing performance of Iranian EFL learners. Multiple-choice format of cloze tests and C-tests were selected as receptive and productive forms of vocabulary testing, respectively. For this purpose, 60 Iranian EFL learners with the age range of 20 to 27 at the intermediate level took part in this study. The data gathering tools were Oxford placement test, a writing pretest, a writing posttest, and a rubric. The students were randomly assigned to one control group and two experimental groups whose vocabulary knowledge was assessed using Cloze tests and C-tests. The results of one-way ANOVA showed that using both C-tests and multiple-choice format of Cloze tests was effective in enhancing learners’ overall and lexical aspect of writing performance. The quantitative results approved by the semi-structured interviews from the C-test group that represented more positive attitudes towards the strategy. Analysis of the students’ responses revealed that they found C-tests more effective in improving their active vocabulary knowledge that assisted them in writing better essays. The findings of this study might provide new insights for language teachers and curriculum designers to apply receptive and productive measure of vocabulary to improve different aspects of the writing ability. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        55 - A Genre study of Cross-gender and Cross-cultural variations in IELTS Essays
        Jafar Asadi
        Writing essays and articles has long been considered as a crucial mode of written discourse which is a difficult type of text for students, especially for English as foreign language (EFL) learners. Writing essays also makes up a significant part of the International En أکثر
        Writing essays and articles has long been considered as a crucial mode of written discourse which is a difficult type of text for students, especially for English as foreign language (EFL) learners. Writing essays also makes up a significant part of the International English Language Test System (IELTS), as one of the most reputable English tests that is used to assess the language proficiency of those intending to study or work in an English speaking context. This study offers a contrastive genre analysis of the essays written by male and female, and native and non-native writers in IELTS task 2 essay tests. The foremost purpose of the study is to discover whether native and non-native writers utilized the same rhetorical techniques in composing IELTS essays. The study Grounded on Swales’ (1990) CARS genre move framework, this research proposed a modified model of Swales’ (1990) CARS genre move framework for the argumentative essays to adjust for the observed differences. The findings show some variations between male and female, native and non-native writers in writing these IELTS essays. The article has significant theoretical and pedagogical implications for teachers, learners, material developers, and syllabus designers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        56 - Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategy Instruction and Their Impact on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Cognitive Processes
        Maryam Khezri Nejad Mojgan Rashtchi Zohreh Seifoori
        This study explores the efficacy of cognitive and metacognitive strategy instruction in enhancing the writing cognitive processes of Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. Utilizing various instructional approaches, including scaffolded metacognitive inst أکثر
        This study explores the efficacy of cognitive and metacognitive strategy instruction in enhancing the writing cognitive processes of Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. Utilizing various instructional approaches, including scaffolded metacognitive instruction and writing metacognitive strategies, the research investigates the effects on learners’ metacognitive awareness and writing accuracy. Research on cognitive-oriented writing is a young but growing field. The current mixed methods study explored the extent to which brainstorming, focus on form (FonF), and metacognitive strategy instruction could affect cognitive processes (planning, translating, revising) of Iranian EFL learners. The participants were 150 BA learners in three intact classes majoring in English language translation at IAU, Islamshahr Branch. During 16 sessions, each group experienced brainstorming, metacognitive strategy instruction, or FonF activities as pre-task conditions. Writing pretest and posttest, and semi-structured interview were utilized to collect the data. The results obtained from one-way ANOVA revealed that pre-task conditions statistically impacted the cognitive processes of learners’ writings. The findings suggest a positive correlation between strategic knowledge, metacognitive strategies, and improved writing skills among Iranian EFL learners. The study not only contributes to the understanding of the interplay between cognitive and metacognitive processes in language learning but also provides valuable insights for educators aiming to enhance writing proficiency in EFL settings. تفاصيل المقالة
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        57 - On Iranian EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Problem-Based Writing
        Hanieh Kashi Shahram Afraz Fazlolah Sammi
        Since writing is characterized with a cognitive nature, one practical approach to improve EFL learners' writing skill is to resort to inquiry-based learning approaches such as problem-based learning (PBL) which is characterized with a high cognitive demand and often con أکثر
        Since writing is characterized with a cognitive nature, one practical approach to improve EFL learners' writing skill is to resort to inquiry-based learning approaches such as problem-based learning (PBL) which is characterized with a high cognitive demand and often contribute to high retention of knowledge. This study aimed at exploring Iranian EFL learners’ perceptions of problem-based learning. In so doing, a content analysis design was used within the qualitative paradigm. The participants consisted of 15 (8 females and 7 males) advanced EFL learners who participated in the study through purposive sampling from different language institutes in Tehran. The data were gathered through a semi-structured interview. Data analysis was conducted through thematic analysis. Based on the interview data, the following themes were extracted: Engagement, collaboration, personal preferences, sharing knowledge, novelty, less supportive teachers, joyful learning process, and use of adequate technologies, time requirements, affecting vocabulary learning, changing students' perception about the learning process and the teachers' role. The results have some implications for EFL teachers and learners, and curriculum planners. Key Words: Collaboration, Engagement, Writing, Problem-based Learning. تفاصيل المقالة
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        58 - The Role of Critical Thinking Disposition in Enhancing Argumentative Writing Skill: Iranian EFL Teachers’ and Learners’ Perspective
        Shaho Hoorijani Hossein Heidari Tabrizi Mohsen Masoomi
        This study investigated the attitude of the Iranian EFL teachers and learners toward the role of critical thinking disposition in enhancing argumentative writing in the Iranian EFL context at Islamic Azad University, Kurdistan branch. Attitude plays an important role th أکثر
        This study investigated the attitude of the Iranian EFL teachers and learners toward the role of critical thinking disposition in enhancing argumentative writing in the Iranian EFL context at Islamic Azad University, Kurdistan branch. Attitude plays an important role that affecting language learning, especially writing skills in an EFL context like Iran. In this descriptive study, 14 EFL teachers and 80 EFL learners both males and females were selected based on a random sampling method. The data were gathered based on a survey approach, by using the online CCTDI questionnaire. To answer the research questions of this study and uncover the attitude of EFL teachers and learners towards the treatment, the responses the to CCTDI online questionnaire were coded and analyzed. The results indicated that teachers and learners had positive attitudes towards all components of CCTDI. They represented a highly positive disposition towards truth-seeking and inquisitiveness. Results of the study revealed that of the EFL teachers and learners have a positive attitude regarding English language teaching and learning. Another finding of the study was that, having favorable perspective toward English did not enhance their proficiency in learning English. It is hoped that the findings of this study help teacher and learners learn about critical thinking principles they will apply prudent judgment, challenge the improbable, pursue difficulties, establish alternatives, use tactics, consider alternative perspectives, and attempt to be objective. تفاصيل المقالة
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        59 - Textual Analysis of Discussion Sections of English Language Journals in Sport Management by English Native and Iranian Authors: A Focus on the Hyland`s Metadiscourse Model
        Jafar Asadi
        In general, the development of written academic discourse and the acquisition of English, especially for academic purposes, has increased the study of language and communication styles that researchers and students must master in order to adequately socialize in a resea أکثر
        In general, the development of written academic discourse and the acquisition of English, especially for academic purposes, has increased the study of language and communication styles that researchers and students must master in order to adequately socialize in a research environment. This study investigated the use of meta-discourse elements by Native and Iranian writers using 20 sports management research papers (10 English speakers and 10 Iranian authors). We sought to check if the use of meta-discourse elements is different. To this end, Hyland's (2005) model of metadiscourse is used as an analytical framework for identifying the properties of metadiscourse elements. The results of the independent t-test showed that there are no significant differences in the overall use of metadiscourses between English and Iranian writers. The results of the research can lay a solid foundation for the development of teaching materials. Traditional academic writing requires researchers to adopt an objective and personal style when reporting research تفاصيل المقالة
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        60 - Effect of Technology and Online Learning on EFL Learners' Writing Achievement and Their Self- Concept
        Niloofar Salajeghe Samira Hasani
        The present study attempted to probe the effectiveness of online learning on Iranian EFL learners' self-concept. It also analyzed the effect of online learning on the EFL learners' writing achievement. To do this, a total number of 50 students of pre-intermediate level أکثر
        The present study attempted to probe the effectiveness of online learning on Iranian EFL learners' self-concept. It also analyzed the effect of online learning on the EFL learners' writing achievement. To do this, a total number of 50 students of pre-intermediate level was selected based on available sampling. A pre-test of writing was administered to the participants at the beginning of the term to ensure that they had the same language background. Then, they were randomly assigned as experimental and control group (25 Ss in each group). Experimental group benefited from online learning through BBB, and other group with the same number of students regarded as control group and received conventional method of teaching. At the beginning of the term, pre questionnaire of self-concept published among students of EG. The research was done in eight sessions and in the last session, post-test of writing was assigned to both groups to determine whether online learning method had positively affected the EFL learners' achievement and their self-concept. Moreover, post questionnaire of self-concept was published among experimental group to analyze their self-concept in online learning context. Data analysis of tests and questionnaire revealed that online learning method had positive effect on the EFL students' writing achievement and their self-concept. It is hoped that the results of the research indicate the importance of online learning through the mentioned application in the educational system. تفاصيل المقالة
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        61 - Effect of Consciousness-raising via Vocabulary Input Flooding on Iranian Intermediate Learners’ Writing Fluency
        Saeideh Fatahzadeh sajad Shafiee Fariba Rahimi Esfahani
        این مطالعه با هدف بررسی تأثیر افزایش آگاهی از طریق سیل ورودی واژگان بر روانی نوشتاری زبان آموزان ایرانی متوسط ​​انجام شد. برای این منظور 80 زبان آموز زبان انگلیسی از طریق آزمون مهارت زبان (OPT) به عنوان شرکت کنندگان متوسط ​​انتخاب و به طور تصادفی به دو گروه آزمایش و کنت أکثر
        این مطالعه با هدف بررسی تأثیر افزایش آگاهی از طریق سیل ورودی واژگان بر روانی نوشتاری زبان آموزان ایرانی متوسط ​​انجام شد. برای این منظور 80 زبان آموز زبان انگلیسی از طریق آزمون مهارت زبان (OPT) به عنوان شرکت کنندگان متوسط ​​انتخاب و به طور تصادفی به دو گروه آزمایش و کنترل هر کدام شامل 40 زبان آموز دختر و پسر متوسط ​​تقسیم شدند. درمان برای گروه آزمایش 13 جلسه دو ساعته به طول انجامید که در آن شرکت کنندگان در معرض وظایف افزایش آگاهی از طریق سیل ورودی واژگان قرار گرفتند. گروه کنترل هیچ درمانی دریافت نکرد و فقط از روشهای آموزشی مرسوم پیروی کرد. در پایان درمان، آزمون نوشتن برای هر دو گروه انجام شد. داده‌های جمع‌آوری‌شده با استفاده از آزمون تی زوجی مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. نتایج تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها نشان داد که گروه آزمایش در روان‌نویسی به‌طور معنی‌داری از گروه کنترل بهتر عمل کرد. این یافته ممکن است پیامدهای نظری و آموزشی برای معلمان/ فراگیران زبان، طراحان برنامه درسی، ELT و سیاست گذاران و سهامداران داشته باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        62 - Developing a Model of the Possible Selves Construction before and after Training on IELTS Writing Skills
        Sanaz Farnia Neda Fatehi Rad Hassan Shahabi
        Selves-theory has some implications for EFL learning. Among different English skills, writing is more tied to selves-theory since it requires ideology transfer as a main element of selves-theory. However, writing academically in a foreign language is a complex struggle أکثر
        Selves-theory has some implications for EFL learning. Among different English skills, writing is more tied to selves-theory since it requires ideology transfer as a main element of selves-theory. However, writing academically in a foreign language is a complex struggle for many undergraduate and graduate students and it has attracted much attention in the field of applied linguistics since the last decades of the twentieth century. The present study aimed to explore Iranian EFL learners’ possible selves construction as influenced by teaching IELTS writing skills. To this end,a quasi-experimental design was used. From among IELTS candidates taking part in five IELTS preparation centers in Kerman,90 (45 males and 45 females) candidates were selected as the participants of the present study through cluster sampling. The Possible Selves in Students Questionnaire developed and validated by Zadshir et al. (2020) was used to identify the expected possible selves of the participants. To analyze the data,descriptive statistics and Multi-Variate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) were run. According to the results, feared selves were stronger than expected and responsible selves among the participants before training on IELTS writing skills. Further,it was revealed that expected and responsible selves were stronger than feared selves among the participants after training on IELTS writing skills. Finally,it was proved that training on IELTS writing skills had a significant effect on EFL learners& construction of the possible selves as well as the dimensions of the possible selves in the future. Implications of the results for EFL curriculum planners,teachers and learners have been discussed. تفاصيل المقالة
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        63 - Examining the Impact of Lexical Bundle Instruction on IELTS Candidates’ Writing Ability
        Maryam Rafieyan Farzad Salahshoor Hanieh Davatgar
        The instruction of Lexical Bundles (LBs) has been a challenging issue in language teaching. This study strived to determine the effect of the instruction of LBs on IELTS candidates’ performance on IELTS writing task 2. To this end, first, 100 male and female IELTS candi أکثر
        The instruction of Lexical Bundles (LBs) has been a challenging issue in language teaching. This study strived to determine the effect of the instruction of LBs on IELTS candidates’ performance on IELTS writing task 2. To this end, first, 100 male and female IELTS candidates were randomly selected from among 150 English learners as participants. Second, these participants were assigned to the experimental group and the control group, each with 50 learners. Both groups were then administered IELTS writing task 2 as a pretest. The experimental group was provided with ten sessions of instruction on LBs. The control group, however, did not receive any instruction. Finally, the researchers administered IELTS writing task 2 to both of the groups anew as a posttest. The results suggest that teaching the relevant bundles had some positive impacts on IELTS candidates’ general performance of the relevant writing tasks, grammatical range and accuracy, vocabulary knowledge, as well as observing cohesive ties and coherence in their writing. The results may provide some useful insights regarding the instruction of LBs in IELTS preparation courses تفاصيل المقالة
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        64 - شناسایی و تحلیل پیشران های مؤثر بر توسعه صنعت گردشگری شهری با تاکید بر آینده نگاری و سناریو نویسی (مطالعه موردی: شهر زنجان)
        علی خاکساری رفسنجانی اکبر لطفی
        در برنامه ریزی و مدیریت توسعه گردشگری بهره بردن از روش های نوین بسیار پراهمیت می باشد. یکی از این روش های نوین استفاده از روش آینده پژوهی و نیز بهره بردن از سناریوهای مختلف جهت توسعه گردشگری می باشد که با بهره گیری از این روش ها سعی در ترسیم آینده های مختلف برحسب عوامل أکثر
        در برنامه ریزی و مدیریت توسعه گردشگری بهره بردن از روش های نوین بسیار پراهمیت می باشد. یکی از این روش های نوین استفاده از روش آینده پژوهی و نیز بهره بردن از سناریوهای مختلف جهت توسعه گردشگری می باشد که با بهره گیری از این روش ها سعی در ترسیم آینده های مختلف برحسب عوامل کلیدی موثر برای توسعه گردشگری شهر زنجان دارد. هدف پژوهش حاضر، آینده پژوهی و سناریو نگاری در توسعه و بهبود صنعت گردشگری شهر زنجان بر پایه روش تحلیل اثرات متقاطع می باشد پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی، از حیث روش به صورت کیفی و در برخی موارد به صورت مختلط کمی و کیفی در سطح اکتشافی و مبتنی بر رویکرد آینده پژوهی و سناریونگاری انجام پذیرفته است. در این پژوهش جهت یافتن عوامل کلیدی از اسناد فرادست، اسناد کتابخانه ای و مصاحبه های نیمه باز استفاده شده است و پس از شناسایی مولفه ها جهت تحلیل و اولویت بندی عوامل از نرم افزار MIC MAC وScenario Wizard بهره گرفته شده است که بعد از بررسی و تجزیه وتحلیل 13 عامل به عنوان عوامل کلیدی انتخاب شد. این 13 عامل به ترتیب عبارت بودند از: مدیریت یکپارچه شهری و اعمال سیاست های تشویقی، کاهش محدودیت ها، امنیت داخلی، بخش خصوصی، مشارکت شهروندان، سازمان های مردم نهاد، برندسازی شهری، موقعیت استراتژیک شهر، نقش بین المللی شهر و استان، ارتقا آگاهی های زیست محیطی، نرخ رشد اقتصادی، مراسمات آیینی و مذهبی، توسعه کمی و کیفی صنایع دستی.این 13 عامل برای نگارش سناریو با استفاده از نظر خبرگان و تشکیل پنل به 46 حالت از مطلوب تا نامطلوب تقسیم بندی شدند که در انتها 4 سناریو با سازگاری بالا برای شهر زنجان شناخته شد که 3 مورد از سناریوها حالت مطلوب و یک مورد نیز وضعیت بحرانی را برای شهر و استان زنجان متصور می شد. در انتها برای گذار از حالت سناریو بحرانی و حرکت به سمت سناریو و شرایط مطلوب راهبردها و برنامه ای پیشنهاد گردید. تفاصيل المقالة
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        65 - نقد زیباشناختی شعر ساده‌نویسی (سهل و ممتنع)
        محسن ایزدیار
        جریان ساده نویسی در شعر دهه 1380 واکنشی بود در برابر جریان شعری دهه 1370 که به پیچیدگی، دشواری و مخاطب زدایی دامن می زد؛ از این رو شاعران این جریان در جهت جذب مخاطب بیشتر شعر را از هر گونه پیچیدگی دور می دارند. در این مقاله به بررسی این جریان شعری با دو رویکرد ساختاری و أکثر
        جریان ساده نویسی در شعر دهه 1380 واکنشی بود در برابر جریان شعری دهه 1370 که به پیچیدگی، دشواری و مخاطب زدایی دامن می زد؛ از این رو شاعران این جریان در جهت جذب مخاطب بیشتر شعر را از هر گونه پیچیدگی دور می دارند. در این مقاله به بررسی این جریان شعری با دو رویکرد ساختاری و محتوایی پرداخته شده است. نتیجه آنکه این جریان شعری از وجوه زیباشناختی شعر به دور است و هرچند سعی در جذب مخاطب دارد ولی مخاطب گزینی ملاک و معیاری برای برتری شعر و یا هنر نمی تواند بود. از سوی دیگر این جریان نوگرایانه چیزی بر دفتر شعر و ادب پارسی نیفزوده است و ظرفیت های زبانی و زیباشناختی و هنری شعر را توسعه نبخشیده است. همچنین این جریان شعری را نمی توان ادامه جریان شعر سهل و ممتنع در ادوار گذشته شعر فارسی قلمداد کرد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        66 - Self- vs. Peer-editing: One Step Forward from Assessment to Building EFL Students’ Writing Skill
        Fatemeh Behjat Mortaza Yamini
        A number of pedagogical arguments support self- and peer-assessment in language classrooms to improve the quality of learning by students’ involvement in the final judgments of one’s work. Considering editing as a method of communicative testing of writin أکثر
        A number of pedagogical arguments support self- and peer-assessment in language classrooms to improve the quality of learning by students’ involvement in the final judgments of one’s work. Considering editing as a method of communicative testing of writing, this study aimed at finding out whether self- and peer-editing of assignments could result in the improvement in Iranian EFL students’ writing skill. For this purpose, 90 sophomore English students at Shiraz Islamic Azad University were selected and assigned a topic to write about as the pre-test. The participants were then divided into two groups and trained for assessing writing. While in the first group, the participants rated their own writings, in the second, they were asked to correct their peers’ writings. The participants then wrote a paragraph on a topic as the post-test. The result of a two-way ANOVA for the comparison between the participants’ performance in the pre- and post-tests revealed an improvement in the students’ writing ability, and there was no significant difference between the performances of the two groups implying that self- and peer-assessment can help the EFL learners equally to improve their writing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        67 - Web-Based Writing Lessons in EFL Contexts: Instruction on Coherent Writing
        Seyyedeh Susan Marandi Fatemeh Nami
        In Iranian language learning contexts, writing in English is an important challenge for learners, since it is usually treated as a secondary skill and is led to the periphery of language classes, due to its time-consuming nature. Computer technology and namely the fr أکثر
        In Iranian language learning contexts, writing in English is an important challenge for learners, since it is usually treated as a secondary skill and is led to the periphery of language classes, due to its time-consuming nature. Computer technology and namely the free online environments available in the World Wide Web (WWW) offer possibilities for moving beyond such confinements. Asynchronous discussion forums and web-based materials, for instance, can facilitate e-writing in addition to being motivational and engaging. Such environments can compensate for the time limitations which restrict language classes, and also offer equal learning opportunities to all learners. The present experimental research investigates how implementing technology i.e., web- based writing lessons can enhance the degree of coherence in participants’ English essays. The data consists of the results of the pre- and post-treatment TOEFL-like writing exams, which were scored according to the degree of coherence they demonstrated. The participants included forty female Iranian students studying English as a foreign language in a private institute in Tehran. They were randomly divided into comparison and experimental groups. The experimental group used an educational website entitled “Writing Snapshot: Web-Based Writing Lessons for EFL Learners,” specifically designed for this purpose; and their classes were held in the computer lab of the institute. The comparison group received a conventional book-based treatment. The results revealed that the essays of the participants in the experimental group working with web-based lessons demonstrated a statistically significantly higher frequency and diversity of indicators of coherence. It would seem, therefore, that introducing new technologies into language classes can open new horizons for EFL writing practice. تفاصيل المقالة
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        68 - زبان عامیانه در آثار علی‌محمّد افغانی
        علی دهقان فاطمه حمام چی
        گرایش تاریخ داستان‌نویسی ایران، تاریخ انقلاب در زبان نیز هست؛ زبانی که پس‌از مشروطیت با شیوه گفتار مردم عادی آمده، خود را از بیان پرتکلّف و بیهودة لفظی (زبان مجلسی) رهایی داده است. در آثار علی‌محمّد افغانی، این ویژگی‌ دیده می‌شود. افغانی از نویسندگان دهة چهل است. نوشته‌ أکثر
        گرایش تاریخ داستان‌نویسی ایران، تاریخ انقلاب در زبان نیز هست؛ زبانی که پس‌از مشروطیت با شیوه گفتار مردم عادی آمده، خود را از بیان پرتکلّف و بیهودة لفظی (زبان مجلسی) رهایی داده است. در آثار علی‌محمّد افغانی، این ویژگی‌ دیده می‌شود. افغانی از نویسندگان دهة چهل است. نوشته‌های او با توجّه به سبک و ساختار آن‌ها جزء داستان‌های اقلیمی و ناحیه‌ای قرار می‌گیرند. در این نوع از داستان‌نویسی، توجّه به توصیفات محلّی و آداب و رسوم و صحبت‌کردن به زبان عامیانه پایه و اساس داستان به‌شمار می‌آید. در مقالة حاضر با ارائه معنی و مفهوم کلی از زبان و گونه‌های زبانی، به تبیین زبان عامیانه و میزان کاربرد این زبان در رمان‌های افغانی می‌پردازیم. تفاصيل المقالة
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        69 - Futurology of Multi-Criteria Decision Making Techniques Using Philosophical Assumptions of Paradigms in Scenario Writing
        Mehdi Roghani Mahmoud Modiri Kiamars Fathi Hafshjani AbuTurab Alirezaei
        There are many opportunities and threats in the decision-making environment for managers, and an organization must use research and information systems to change, monitor, and anticipate this environment. Futurism reflects how tomorrow reality gives birth to tomorrow's أکثر
        There are many opportunities and threats in the decision-making environment for managers, and an organization must use research and information systems to change, monitor, and anticipate this environment. Futurism reflects how tomorrow reality gives birth to tomorrow's reality is. The purpose of this research; Analyzing the role of futures studies in the existing patterns of critical factors of multi-criteria decision-making techniques in operations research using the philosophical assumptions of the classical and critical paradigms and finally determining the appropriate strategy based on these components, to increase success and life expectancy. The present study intends to formulate exploratory scenarios of this knowledge by using the critical uncertainty approach. To develop credible scenarios of knowledge of decision techniques, the opinions of 15 experts in this field were collected using the fuzzy Delphi approach and through the critical uncertainty questionnaire. After extracting the most important uncertainties, plausible scenarios of decision-making techniques were determined with the help of experts. According to the results obtained from the opinion of experts from the critical uncertainty questionnaire, four research uncertainties were identified, identified and the scenario design criteria were used. Each of the four cases, which includes low attention to social issues versus high attention to social issues, low attention to ethical models versus high attention to ethical models, low attention to soft approaches versus high attention to soft approaches, Low attention to complex issues versus high attention to complex issues indicates a specific dual situation in the future. Each of these dual situations indicates uncertainty about the future of multi-criteria decision making. Based on these uncertainties, three scenarios were identified. These scenarios include Achilles heel, phoenix, and heel. Also, semi-structured interviews with the theme analysis approach were used, and the philosophy of past and future approaches in this field was reviewed and critiqued. تفاصيل المقالة
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        70 - نخستین بانوی سفرنامهنویس ایرانی در اروپا (بی بی کوکب بختیار)
        غفار پوربختیار
        بی‌بی‌کوکب بختیار دختر نصیرخان سردار جنگ بختیاری و همسر فتحعلی‌خان سردار معظم بختیاری یکی از زنان فرهنگ‌دوست و دانش‌پرور تاریخ معاصر ایران می‌باشد. او نخستین بانوی ایرانی است که با مسافرت به اروپا و بازدید از شهرها و کشورهای مختلف خاطرات و وقایع سفر خود را به رشته‌ی تحر أکثر
        بی‌بی‌کوکب بختیار دختر نصیرخان سردار جنگ بختیاری و همسر فتحعلی‌خان سردار معظم بختیاری یکی از زنان فرهنگ‌دوست و دانش‌پرور تاریخ معاصر ایران می‌باشد. او نخستین بانوی ایرانی است که با مسافرت به اروپا و بازدید از شهرها و کشورهای مختلف خاطرات و وقایع سفر خود را به رشته‌ی تحریر درآورد. این بانوی ادب‌دوست در سفرنامه خود نشان داده است که فریب مظاهر و ظواهر عوام فریب فرنگستان و مغرب زمین را نخورده و در این سفرنامه‌ی به هویت و فرهنگ ملی و مذهبی خود وفادار مانده و از آن دفاع کرده است. بی‌بی‌کوکب بختیار همچنین در طی انقلاب مشروطه و تاریخ معاصر ایران در قلعه‌ی اختصاصی خود به نام دزک در چهارمحال بختیاری میزبان عده‌ای از رجال فرهنگی، ادبی و سیاسی روزگار خود بود که از جمله میتوان از دکتر مصدق سیاستمدار تاریخ معاصر ایران نام برد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        71 - Evaluting of Kaboodval dam during construction using finite clement method with software PLAXIS and a comparison with the actual values of instrumentation data
        حسین حکیمی سیدحسن گلمایی مجید شیداییان
        In this study, based on data from instrumentation Kaboodval earth dam, pore pressure, stresses and the meeting of the dam construction period compared with the values ​​of numerical analysis. For this purpose, during the construction of the dam using Mohr-Coulomb model أکثر
        In this study, based on data from instrumentation Kaboodval earth dam, pore pressure, stresses and the meeting of the dam construction period compared with the values ​​of numerical analysis. For this purpose, during the construction of the dam using Mohr-Coulomb model behavior, the softening, hardening model has been analyzed and pore pressure, stresses in the body and its meeting with instrumentation data is compared. According to consistent data and analysis instrumentation, can be selected behavioral model able to predict reservoir behavior is appropriate at this stage. All three models also show good agreement with instrumentation data, but hardening model has provided a better agreement. Basically hardening model because it considers more parameters of the soil, the model behavior of the material better. The amount of Ru is less than 40/0. The highest value of this index actually happened 90-91 years, especially due to the reasons for impounding reservoir and dam load (fill embankment dam), respectively. Taken together, these ranges are within the allowable range. تفاصيل المقالة
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        72 - Numerical analysis of embankment dam monitoring during construction of the finite element method with software SIGMA / W (Case study: dam Kaboodval)
        حسین حکیمی خانسر سید حسن گلمایی مجید شیدائیان
        In this research in numerical analysis software packages SIGMA / W based on the finite element method was to have been used. For this purpose, during the construction of the dam Kaboodval using behavioral models elastic - plastic and elastic non-homogeneous, non-linear أکثر
        In this research in numerical analysis software packages SIGMA / W based on the finite element method was to have been used. For this purpose, during the construction of the dam Kaboodval using behavioral models elastic - plastic and elastic non-homogeneous, non-linear elastic, linear elastic been analyzed and pore pressure, stresses in the body and its meeting with the Data Tools the comparison is accurate. Choose materials as main materials behavioral model of elastic-plastic materials and filter housings and follow the model of linear elastic behavior for injection layer, properly able to predict the behavior of the dam. The efficiency of the software used to model the appropriate behavior is the embankment dam during construction. Vertical deformations of the dam from the wings to the middle levels increased and the highest-level meeting 25-25 and about 2200 mm has been recorded. By examining the different levels, the highest-level meeting between 180 to 185 meters has occurred. The balance of the embankment in these numbers is critical. The major concerns in the elderly is limited barrier. In total, the dam Figures on the right than the left in the transverse and longitudinal direction less was more. تفاصيل المقالة
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        73 - تاثیر بازی‌های آموزشی در آموزش مجازی بر افزایش یادگیری الفبای فارسی دانش آموزان پایه اول ابتدایی
        مرضیه بغدادی فاطمه احمدبیگی محمد مهدی رادان
        دنیای کودکان سرشار از شادی ،تازگی ها، شادابی و شگفتی است. بازی بزرگترین پشتوانه شخصیتی و روانی کودک و همچنین رشد هوشی و جسمی کودک است. بازی، پل دوستی کودکان و فرصت کسب مهارت های ذهنی و عاطفی آنهاست؛ هدف: هدف از این پژوهش تاثیر بازی های آموزشی در فضای مجازی بر افزایش یاد أکثر
        دنیای کودکان سرشار از شادی ،تازگی ها، شادابی و شگفتی است. بازی بزرگترین پشتوانه شخصیتی و روانی کودک و همچنین رشد هوشی و جسمی کودک است. بازی، پل دوستی کودکان و فرصت کسب مهارت های ذهنی و عاطفی آنهاست؛ هدف: هدف از این پژوهش تاثیر بازی های آموزشی در فضای مجازی بر افزایش یادگیری الفبای فارسی در دانش آموزان پایه اول ابتدایی بوده است؛ روش: با توجه به موضوع پژوهش، پژوهش حاضر از نوع آزمایشی است؛ جمعیت تحقیق شامل دانش آموزان پسر پایه اول منطقه 8 شهر تهران می باشد 60 نفر از دانش آموزان پایه اول ابتدایی مدرسه فخامی 1 در دو کلاس 30 نفری بر اساس روش پژوهش به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شده اند. روش نمونه گیری به صورت تصادفی بوده است که دو کلاس از بین همه کلاس های اول ابتدایی انتخاب شده اند و به صورت تصادفی یک کلاس 30 نفری به عنوان گروه کنترل و کلاس 30 نفری دیگر به عنوان گروه آزمایش انتخاب شده اند. برای گردآوری اطلاعات از آزمون محقق ساخته الفبای فارسی استفاده شد. همچنین بازی آموزشی توسط محقق طراحی وبر روی گروه آزمایش اجرا گردید. نتایج: بر اساس نتایج، بازی های آموزشی در آموزش مجازی بر افزایش یادگیری الفبای فارسی در دانش آموزان پایه اول اثرگذار است.یافته ها نشان داد که بازی های آموزشی در آموزش مجازی بر افزایش مهارت خواندن و نوشتن الفبای فارسی در دانش آموزان پایه اول اثرگذار است تفاصيل المقالة
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        74 - استفاده از گفتارهای قالبی در آموزش مهارت انشاءنویسی فارسی به غیرفارسی‌زبانان
        حبیب کشاورز سعیده بیرجندی
        هدف: نگارش انشاء، یکی از مهارت‌های یادگیری زبان است. برای آموزش این مهارت از شیوه‌های مختلفی مانند ‌گفتارهای قالبی که بخش‌های از پیشآماده‌شده زبان هستند و نقش مهمی در توسعه زبان دارند، استفاده می‌شود. این گفتارها فرآیند یادگیری را خصوصا برای زبان‌آموزان خارجی ساده و تسر أکثر
        هدف: نگارش انشاء، یکی از مهارت‌های یادگیری زبان است. برای آموزش این مهارت از شیوه‌های مختلفی مانند ‌گفتارهای قالبی که بخش‌های از پیشآماده‌شده زبان هستند و نقش مهمی در توسعه زبان دارند، استفاده می‌شود. این گفتارها فرآیند یادگیری را خصوصا برای زبان‌آموزان خارجی ساده و تسریع می‌کند. پژوهش حاضر به بررسی تأثیر گفتارهای قالبی بر فرآیند یادگیری و آموزش مهارت انشاء‌نویسی فارسی به عرب‌زبانان می‌پردازد. روش: در این پژوهش از روش شبه‌آزمایشی با طرح مقایسه گروه‌های ایستا استفاده شد. جامعه آماری شامل بیست زبان‌آموز عرب‌زبان بودند که در کلاس‌های آنلاین آموزش مهارت انشاءنویسی‌فارسی شرکت کرده بودند. این افراد به دو گروه ده نفره کنترل و آزمایش تقسیم‌شدند. گروه آزمایش ضمن یادگیری تکنیک‌های انشاءنویسی با گفتارهای قالبی نیز آشنا شدند، اما گروه کنترل فقط تکنیک‌های انشاءنویسی را آموختند. هر دو گروه 10 جلسه آموزشی(15 ساعته) را گذراندند. پس از طی دوره از آن‌ها، آزمونی مطابق استاندارد Writing آزمون بین‌المللی آیلتس(Task 2) گرفته شد. درنهایت داده‌ها با استفاده از نرم‌افزار اکسل تحلیل شدند. یافته‌ها: نتایج این تحقیق نشان‌داد که گفتارهای قالبی تأثیر بسیاری برافزایش حجم و سرعت نگارش زبان‌آموزان داشته و خطاهای دستور زبانی آن‌ها را نیز کاهش داده بود و موجب افزایش انسجام بین جملات گروه آزمایش و بالا رفتن سطح دستوری و واژگانی نوشته‌های گروه آزمایش بودند. علاوه بر این، گفتارهای قالبی موجب شده بود تا زبان‌آموزان، با دقت بیشتری از علائم نگارشی در انشاء‌های خود استفاده کنند. کلید واژه‌ها: گفتارهای قالبی، انشاءنویسی، آموزش زبان فارسی، آموزش زبان خارجی، عرب‌زبانان. تفاصيل المقالة
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        75 - برون رفت هایی برای چاش های فراروی خط فارسی
        مالک شعاعی
        Passing time entails change and transformation, therefore, every Phenomenon, to be alive, should be associated with time. With regard to this, Persian language is not an exception, that is, it should be directed in a way that not only releases it from stiffeners but al أکثر
        Passing time entails change and transformation, therefore, every Phenomenon, to be alive, should be associated with time. With regard to this, Persian language is not an exception, that is, it should be directed in a way that not only releases it from stiffeners but also leads it to eternity. These changes are acceptable if they originate from within the language itself. In this article two rules have been suggested in order to reach this end: A) Writing rules, that is, to continue the ancient rule of writing in eliminating the characters of “ ث و ح و ص و ض و ط و ظ و ع و ق” With the observation of this ancient rule we can gradually change these characters in to other ones, as it has been done with “ط” which has changed into “ت”. In continuation, it is possible to leave out some signs as in “Tashdid & Tanwin, Writing the words as they are spoken and leaving spaces between the words and characters. This section includes eight suggestion solutions. B) Conceptual rules, There are some different opinions as to writing words either separated or connected. With approving some general rules, it is possible to solve some of the problems of Persian writing instruction. In this article, I have tried to present to suggest some rules to facilitate learning Persian writing for both Persian and non- Persian speaking learners. تفاصيل المقالة
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        76 - امکان بر بازنمایی اجتماعیات در ادبیات کُردی
        حسین محمدزاده
        هدف این مقاله بررسی بازنمایی موضوعات اجتماعی در ادبیات کردی است. ادبیات کردی مجموعه ای پراکنده در دو قالب نظم ونثر می باشد که در دو بخش کتبی و شفاهی قابل تقسیم بندی است. مبانی نظری این مطالعه ریشه در مبحث بازنمایی و مباحث متکثری است که در حوزه جامعه شناسی ادبیات جریان د أکثر
        هدف این مقاله بررسی بازنمایی موضوعات اجتماعی در ادبیات کردی است. ادبیات کردی مجموعه ای پراکنده در دو قالب نظم ونثر می باشد که در دو بخش کتبی و شفاهی قابل تقسیم بندی است. مبانی نظری این مطالعه ریشه در مبحث بازنمایی و مباحث متکثری است که در حوزه جامعه شناسی ادبیات جریان دارد. در این تحقیق از روش اسنادی و شیوه نمونه گیری نظری است که طی آن شش اثر ادب کردی از هر دو بخش کتبی و نظری برای مطالعه انتخاب شده است. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که تاریخ اجتماعی و مسائل و مشکلات آن در هر دو بخش کتبی و شفاهی درسطحی وسیع بازنمایی شده است و از همین راه است که بخشی از تاریخ و اجتماع را می توان بازخوانی و بازسازی کرد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        77 - پیشینه ترسل و نامه نگاری در ایران ا آغاز تا قرن ششم هجری
        علی رمضانی
        The letter writing, which is the most ancient techniques of writing prose and order, and sometimes of mixed poetry and prose, is seen on the Persian language. Letter writing in the footsteps of a long history goes back to the Achaemenid Empire era. The oldest traces of أکثر
        The letter writing, which is the most ancient techniques of writing prose and order, and sometimes of mixed poetry and prose, is seen on the Persian language. Letter writing in the footsteps of a long history goes back to the Achaemenid Empire era. The oldest traces of letter writing to the Pahlavi language is the small paper “Letter Writing Regulations” and “Tannasor” is the most important surviving texts from the era of Sassanid Ardashir. Iranian court writers do not showed considerable interest to the letter writing technique. These letters was written in Pahlavi language until 78 AH, then, initially the language turned to Arabic and afterwards the Persian became the dominant media gradually. This paper tries to separate these periods and to name famous teachers of each period. Also, the background of letter writing in Iran from pre-Islamic period up to the beginning of sixth century was examined in descriptive form. تفاصيل المقالة
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        78 - سیاستگذاری توسعه منطقه ای مکران با رویکرد آینده‌پژوهی
        ابوالفضل شاه علی رحیم سرور
        از جمله معیارهای برنامه‌ریزی منطقه‌ای برای مشخص‌کردن نابرابری‌ها، تعیین وضعیت مناطق بر حسب برخورداری از شاخص‌های توسعه است. در ادبیات و سیاست توسعه، عموماً این باور رواج دارد که رشد تولید ناخالص ملی و بالابودن درآمد سرانه، محور اصلی توسعه است. هدف این تحقیق سیاستگذاری ت أکثر
        از جمله معیارهای برنامه‌ریزی منطقه‌ای برای مشخص‌کردن نابرابری‌ها، تعیین وضعیت مناطق بر حسب برخورداری از شاخص‌های توسعه است. در ادبیات و سیاست توسعه، عموماً این باور رواج دارد که رشد تولید ناخالص ملی و بالابودن درآمد سرانه، محور اصلی توسعه است. هدف این تحقیق سیاستگذاری توسعه منطقه ای مکران است، پژوهش حاضر با بهره‌گیری از روش توصیفی - تحلیلی و بر اساس روش‌های آینده‌پژوهی با ترکیبی از روش‌های اسنادی و پیمایشی صورت‌گرفته است. در این تحقیق برای شناسایی متغیرهای کلیدی مؤثر بر توسعه پایدار منطقه‌ای مکران پس از مطالعه اسناد بالادستی، از روش دلفی دومرحله‌ای استفاده شده است و داده‌های مورد تحلیل شامل 36 متغیر در قالب 8 حوزه به‌عنوان متغیرهای اولیه مؤثر بر توسعه پایدار می‌باشد. یافته ها نشان می دهد الگوی مطلوب نهادی برای توسعه مکران گذر از رویکردهای بخشی و حرکت تدریجی در مسیر ظرفیت سازی نهادی خواهد بود. الگوهای غیرنهادی مبتنی بر نظریه نومنطقه گرایی ظرفیت های بالایی را برای ظرفیت سازی نهادی مکران ایفا می نماید. در نتیجه در حکمرانی منطقه‌ای، سازمان توسعه مکران باید نقش راهبری و سیاستگذاری را به اعتبار پشتیبانی سیاسی حکومت مرکزی ایفا نماید. تفاصيل المقالة
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        79 - جغرافیا‌نویسی محلی در کرمان قاجاری با تأکید بر حقوق عمومی: جغرافیای ایالت کرمان در عهد ناصری نوشته منشی کرمانی
        محمد خداوردی تاج ابادی
        در ایران دوره قاجار، عصر ناصری، اهتمام ویژه ای در تدوین و نگارش جغرافیای ایالت های ایران صورت پذیرفت که منجر به نگارش مجموعه ناصری شد. یکی از کتاب های این مجموعه جغرافیای ایالت کرمان در عهد ناصری است که محمد امین منشی کرمانی، از خاندانی با سابقه در دیوانسالاری کرمان، آن أکثر
        در ایران دوره قاجار، عصر ناصری، اهتمام ویژه ای در تدوین و نگارش جغرافیای ایالت های ایران صورت پذیرفت که منجر به نگارش مجموعه ناصری شد. یکی از کتاب های این مجموعه جغرافیای ایالت کرمان در عهد ناصری است که محمد امین منشی کرمانی، از خاندانی با سابقه در دیوانسالاری کرمان، آن را در حدود سال 1267ق نگاشته شده است. نویسنده با تکیه بر اسناد و مکتوبات دیوانی، سفرها و دیده ها و شنیده ها به وصف ایالت بزرگ کرمان براساس جهت های چهارگانه جغرافیایی در هجده بلوک پرداخته است. کتاب که گونه ای جغرافیای اقلیمی و محلی است، حاوی وصف ها و گزارش های پرشماری از موضع نگاری و سیمای کالبدی شهرها و زندگی شهری، روستائی و عشایری در کرمان آن روزگار است. از گزارش ها، اطلاعات و آمار این کتاب می توان در بررسی تاریخ اجتماعی و اقتصادی ایالت کرمان در دوره قاجار بهره گرفت و بر جنبه هایی مبهم و تاریک آن پرتو افکند تفاصيل المقالة
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        80 - سنجش پتانسیل تکنولوژی آموزشی نو آورانه ی نگارش مشارکتی الکترونیکی در ارتقای مهارت نگارش و خلاقیت در مدیریت گفتمان از طریق انتقال معنا و صورت
        زهره محمدی زنوزق فرید قائمی
        هدف: هدف از انجام این پژوهش طراحی سایت آموزش با ویژگی های منحصر به فرد و بررسی پتانسیل و تاثیرآن بر روی مهارت نگارش زبان آموزان و همچنین پتانسیل آن در جلب خلاقیت زبان آموزان در مدیریت گفتمان از طریق انتقال معنا ( NOM) و انتقال فرم یا صورت (NOF) زبان انگلیسی می باشد. رو أکثر
        هدف: هدف از انجام این پژوهش طراحی سایت آموزش با ویژگی های منحصر به فرد و بررسی پتانسیل و تاثیرآن بر روی مهارت نگارش زبان آموزان و همچنین پتانسیل آن در جلب خلاقیت زبان آموزان در مدیریت گفتمان از طریق انتقال معنا ( NOM) و انتقال فرم یا صورت (NOF) زبان انگلیسی می باشد. روش : 60 زبان آموز سطح متوسط به صورت تصادفی و بر اساس نمرات آنان در آزمون تعیین سطح آکسفورد به دو گروه نگارش مشارکتی و مشارکتی الکترونیکی تقسیم شدند. مهارت نگارش و خلاقیت در مدیریت و تعمیر و اصلاح گفتمان در انتقال معنا مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. داده ها از طریق پیش آزمون و پس آزمون مهارت نگارش و تجزیه و تحلیل گفتمان از طریق ضبط صدا در گروه نگارش مشارکتی در کلاس و پیش آزمون و پس آزمون و کد گذاری باز عملکرد زبان آموزان در وب سایت آموزشی در گروه نگارش مشارکتی الکترونیکی جمع آوری شد. یافته ها: تجزیه و تحلیل چند متغیره کوواریانس و مجذور کای نشان داد که مشارکت الکترونیکی باعث افزایش نمرات نگارش زبان آموزان شد. پتانسیل این تکنولوژی در جلب خلاقیت انتقال فرم و توجه به آن و انتقال معنا جهت مدیریت گفتمان در مقایسه با نگارش مشارکتی تفاوت معنا دار داشت. نتیجه گیری: نتایج نشان می دهد که ایجاد بستر های فعالیت مشارکتی از طریق استفاده از تکنولوژی در آموزش باعث افزایش یادگیری در مهارت نگارش می باشد. همچنین گفتمان و مدیریت آن از طریق سایت های الکترونیکی مشارکت زبان آموزان باعث ترغیت زبان آموزان و ابتکار عمل در تعمیر و اصلاح گفتمان و انتقال معنا می شود. تفاصيل المقالة
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        81 - Pattern of Managing the Challenges of Thesis Writing in the Educational-Research Field
        Abbas Zabihifard MahboubeSadat Fadavi Narges Saeidian
        Purpose: Thesis writing always has been associated with many challenges in different fields and areas and based on this, the present research was conducted with the aim of presenting a pattern of managing the challenges of thesis writing in the educational-research fiel أکثر
        Purpose: Thesis writing always has been associated with many challenges in different fields and areas and based on this, the present research was conducted with the aim of presenting a pattern of managing the challenges of thesis writing in the educational-research field.Methodology: The current research in terms of implementation method was qualitative and in terms of purpose was applied. The research population was students and graduates of the PhD period of humanities fields at the Islamic Azad University in 2020-21 academic years, which from them number of 12 people were selected as a sample according to the principle of theoretical saturation and with the purposeful sampling method. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews whose validity by 15 professors was obtained by the relative content validity coefficient method 0.84 and its reliability by the Holsti coefficient method was obtained 0.83. Finally, the data were analyzed by methods of open, axial and selective coding and thematic analysis in MAXQDA-18 software.Findings: The findings showed that managing the challenges of thesis writing in the educational-research field had 74 indicators, 13 components and 4 dimensions. The educational gap dimension has includes three components of computer and software training gap, the lack of familiarity with new research methods and the gap in the practical thesis writing course, choosing the subject dimension has includes three components of lack of paying attention to interdisciplinary subjects, lack of suitable guide for choosing subject and not lack of paying attention to students' interests, cooperation of professors dimension has includes five components of back-promising, restrictions on the selection of supervisors, scientific disability of supervisors, lack of access to professors and lack of commitment and responsibility and educational content dimension has includes two components of lack of access to first-hand sources and lack of easy access to content. Finally, pattern of managing the challenges of thesis writing in the educational-research field was drawn using the theme network method.Conclusion: According to the results of this research, planning it seems necessary to managing the challenges of thesis based on the identified dimensions, components and indicators. تفاصيل المقالة
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        82 - Identifying the Effective Components on Managing the Challenges of Thesis Writing based on the Lived Experiences of PhD Students in Islamic Azad University
        Abbas Zabihifard MahboubeSadat Fadavi Narges Saeidian
        Purpose: The aim of present research was identifying the effective components on managing the challenges of thesis writing based on the lived experiences of PhD students in Islamic Azad University.Methodology: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of i أکثر
        Purpose: The aim of present research was identifying the effective components on managing the challenges of thesis writing based on the lived experiences of PhD students in Islamic Azad University.Methodology: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was phenomenological from type of qualitative. The research population was students and graduates of the PhD period of humanities fields at the Islamic Azad University in 2020-21 academic years. The research sample according to the principle of theoretical saturation was determined 12 people which were selected by purposive sampling method. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews whose validity by 15 professors was obtained by the relative content validity coefficient method 0.866 and its reliability by the Holsti coefficient method was obtained 0.865. Finally, the data were analyzed by open, axial and selective coding method in MAXQDA-18 software.Findings: The results showed that for managing the challenges of thesis writing based on the lived experiences of PhD students were identified 67 indicators in 13 sub-components and 3 main components. The main components were included administrative-organizational solutions (with three sub-components of maximum use of virtual systems, modification of the thesis doing process and financial assistance), solutions (with three sub-components of increase study, proper planning and strengthening skills) and educational strategiesConclusion: The results of this study have practical implications for graduate officials and planners, and they can use the identified components to properly manage the challenges of thesis writing and improve them in the higher education system. تفاصيل المقالة
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        83 - The comparative effects of intensive versus extensive recasts through grammar-focused tasks on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ grammatical accuracy in writing
        Somayeh Hosseini Mahdieh Shafipoor Morteza Teimourtash
        Grammatical accuracy has been controversial in L2 writing, and the utility of different types of corrective feedback has been enigmatic. Therefore, the present study attempted to explicate the impact of intensive versus extensive recasts through grammar-focused tasks on أکثر
        Grammatical accuracy has been controversial in L2 writing, and the utility of different types of corrective feedback has been enigmatic. Therefore, the present study attempted to explicate the impact of intensive versus extensive recasts through grammar-focused tasks on Iranian EFL learners’ grammatical accuracy in writing. To do so, 60 Iranian male and female EFL learners were assigned into two experimental groups (i.e., intensive and extensive groups) and one control group. After taking the Oxford Placement Test (OPT), the experimental groups received intended corrective feedback, while the control group did not receive any feedback. Then, the data was analyzed deploying both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed the outperformance of experimental groups compared to the control group in the writing post-test. Also, it was concluded that extensive recast can improve EFL learners’ writing performance much better than intensive recast. The findings have some fruitful pedagogical implications for both teachers and materials developers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        84 - یک پایگاه داده به منظور استفاده در سامانه هوشمند تشخیص شخصیت
        وحید قدس حوریه عربیان
        گرافولوژی ، علم مطالعه و بررسی شخصیت و خصوصیات فردی بر اساس نوشتن است. آگاهی از این علم میتواند موارد استفاده زیادی در جامعه داشته باشد. در این مقاله، یک پایگاه داده دست نوشته های فارسی برای گرافولوژی و تشخیص هوشمند شخصیت معرفی میشود. داده های جمع آوری شده شامل 140 نمو أکثر
        گرافولوژی ، علم مطالعه و بررسی شخصیت و خصوصیات فردی بر اساس نوشتن است. آگاهی از این علم میتواند موارد استفاده زیادی در جامعه داشته باشد. در این مقاله، یک پایگاه داده دست نوشته های فارسی برای گرافولوژی و تشخیص هوشمند شخصیت معرفی میشود. داده های جمع آوری شده شامل 140 نمونه دستخط از دو گروه دانشجویان دانشگاه جامع علمی کاربردی و مددجویان زندان شهر سمنان میباشد. ضمن اخذ دستخط، افراد شرکت کننده در این تحقیق، پرسشنامه شخصیتی MMPI 71 سوالی را تکمیل نمودند و 11 پارامتر روانشناختی استخراج شده از پرسشنامه مذکور در کنار دستخط هر فرد ارایه شده است. داده های این پایگاه داده در تحقیقات گرافولوژی دست نوشته های فارسی قابل استفاده میباشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        85 - Considerations on the History of Writing on the Iranian Plateau (ca. 3500-1850 B.C.)
        Francois Desset
        Abstract: The Iranian Plateau is, in the late 4th millennium B.C., with Mesopotamia and Egypt the birthplace of writing in the World. We propose here to consider the Proto-Elamite (Early Proto-Iranian) and Linear Elamite (Late Proto-Iranian) scripts, not as two differen أکثر
        Abstract: The Iranian Plateau is, in the late 4th millennium B.C., with Mesopotamia and Egypt the birthplace of writing in the World. We propose here to consider the Proto-Elamite (Early Proto-Iranian) and Linear Elamite (Late Proto-Iranian) scripts, not as two different writing systems, but as the same system at two different chronological stages of evolution. Between 3500 and 1850 B.C., the continuous history of writing in Iran may be consequently understood according to 6 distinct phases (I: 3500-3300 B.C.; II: 3300-3000/2900 B.C.; III: 3000/2900-2300 B.C.; IV: 2300-2000 B.C.; V: 2000-1850 B.C.; VI: after 1850 B.C.). تفاصيل المقالة
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        86 - A Clay Bullae and Five Tablets From Tepe Sofalin, Rey Plain, Iran
        Morteza Hessari Rouhollah Yosefi
        This article introduces six examples out of a larger corpus of evidence for early administration and writing that has been recovered from the site of Tepe Sofalin, which lies on the Rey Plain of the north-central Iranian Plateau. These documents illustrate the transitio أکثر
        This article introduces six examples out of a larger corpus of evidence for early administration and writing that has been recovered from the site of Tepe Sofalin, which lies on the Rey Plain of the north-central Iranian Plateau. These documents illustrate the transition from tokens and Bullae to numero-ideographic and ultimately early Proto Elamite tablets. The form and content of the corpus of evidence material that has so far been excavated at Tepe Sofalin is entirely consistent with that of late Uruk related/Susa II and early Proto Elamite administrative documents and tablets that have been found in different parts of Iran and are known to date from c. 3500 to 3000 B.C. Here, the site of Tepe Sofalin is introduced, one Bullae, four numerical tablets, and one early Proto-Elamite tablet are described, the chronology of the site is discussed and the broader import of these findings is outlined. تفاصيل المقالة
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        87 - Diary of an Architect, a Pheno-pragmatical Tool in Education
        Homan Khajeh pour Shahab Kariminia Mahmoud Reza Saghafi Marziyeh Piravi Vanak
        This research is a primary part of a trilogy study with the purpose to establish a pheno-pragmatic mythology for architectural education. In this research the goal was to attract the subconscious interest of students’ learning curve in a limited educational timeli أکثر
        This research is a primary part of a trilogy study with the purpose to establish a pheno-pragmatic mythology for architectural education. In this research the goal was to attract the subconscious interest of students’ learning curve in a limited educational timeline. To do so we have composed a pheno-pragmatic method to evaluate the conscious experience of students during a semester. Therefore, to achieve the quality of education needed in this method self-efficient education tools were required. Writing was considered as a subsequent tool to gain the proper outcome of this method. Firstly, a total of 318 students from two major universities in Isfahan were selected by random; two theory classes and one studio class, to participate in this study. The questions surrounding this study are; how does a written diary transpire as a pheno-pragmatic tool in architecture education? And can a diary establish a basic understanding of theory and practice for students? To reach the necessary outcome of this study quantitate data were gathered by processed questionnaires to establish a fundamental conclusion to this method. According to the data gathered around 25 percent of the students agreed with the theory and more than 57 percent accepted this method as both a theoretical and practical learning tool. تفاصيل المقالة
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        88 - تحلیلی بر آموزش بزرگسالان: تعیین نرخ پایداری سواد در قبول شدگان دوره انتقال نهضت سوادآموزی
        رفیق حسنی
        هدف این تحقیق تعیین نرخ پایداری سواد در قبول شدگان دوره انتقال بود. روش تحقیق از نوع شبه آزمایشی از نوع طرح پیش‌آزمون و پس‌آزمون برای یک گروه بود. طرح تحقیق به این صورت بود که از بین افراد قبول شده در دوره انتقال در شهرستانهای قروه، دیواندره، ناحیه 2 سنندج و کامیاران که أکثر
        هدف این تحقیق تعیین نرخ پایداری سواد در قبول شدگان دوره انتقال بود. روش تحقیق از نوع شبه آزمایشی از نوع طرح پیش‌آزمون و پس‌آزمون برای یک گروه بود. طرح تحقیق به این صورت بود که از بین افراد قبول شده در دوره انتقال در شهرستانهای قروه، دیواندره، ناحیه 2 سنندج و کامیاران که تعداد آنها 290 نفر بود براساس جدول مورگان تعداد 165 نفر به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند و نمرات قبولی این افراد به عنوان پیش‌آزمون و آزمونهای گرفته شده به عنوان پس‌آزمون در نظر گرفته شد. ابزار گردآوری داده‌ها شامل آزمون‌های پیشرفت تحصیلی ریاضی، انشاء و جمله نویسی و املاء بود. محتوی آزمونها از بین آزمونهای استاندارد برگزار شده برای سوادآموزان دوره انتقال انتخاب شد و در ضمن روایی محتوایی آزمونهای ساخته شده توسط چند نفر متخصص سنجش و اندازه‌گیری تائید شد. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که بین میانگین نمرات پیش‌آزمون و پس‌آزمون در دوره انتقال تفاوت معنی‌داری وجود داشت و سوادآموزان تقریباً 15٪ مطالب فراگرفته شده را فراموش کرده بودند. سایر نتایج نشان داد که بین میانگین نمرات پیش‌آزمون و پس‌آزمون در درس ریاضی تفاوت معنی‌داری وجود داشت و سوادآموزان تقریباً 38٪ مطالب فراگرفته شده را فراموش کرده‌ بودند. همچنین بین میانگین نمرات پیش‌آزمون و پس‌آزمون درس املاء تفاوت معنی‌داری وجود دارد و سوادآموزان تقریباً 8٪ مطالب فراگرفته شده را فراموش کرده‌اند اما بین میانگین نمرات پیش‌آزمون و پس‌آزمون درس انشاء و جمله نویسی تفاوت معنی‌داری وجود نداشت. نتایج این تحقیق لزوم برنامه‌ریزی و استراتِژیهای مناسب به‌طوریکه سوادآموزان بعد از دوره رها نشوند را ایجاب می‌کند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        89 - بررسی تاثیر آموزش مهارت‌های نوشتاری بر اساس برنامه‌ریزی چند بعدی و بسته‌ی یادگیری چند‌رسانه‌ای بر سبک یادگیری شهودی و حل مسئله دانش‌آموزان
        طیبه پرآذران مژگان عبدالهی فاطمه پرسته قمبوانی
        هدف پژوهش حاضر "بررسی تاثیر آموزش مهارت‌های نوشتاری بر اساس برنامه‌ریزی چندبعدی و بسته‌ی یادگیری چند‌رسانه‌ای بر سبک یادگیری شهودی و حل مسئله دانش‌آموزان استان البرز" بود. روش پژوهش از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر روش، نیمه آزمایشی است. حجم نمونه شامل 120 نفر دانش آموز پایه أکثر
        هدف پژوهش حاضر "بررسی تاثیر آموزش مهارت‌های نوشتاری بر اساس برنامه‌ریزی چندبعدی و بسته‌ی یادگیری چند‌رسانه‌ای بر سبک یادگیری شهودی و حل مسئله دانش‌آموزان استان البرز" بود. روش پژوهش از نظر هدف کاربردی و از نظر روش، نیمه آزمایشی است. حجم نمونه شامل 120 نفر دانش آموز پایه پنجم و ششم ابتدایی در سال تحصیلی 97-96 بود که از بین جامعه آماری پایه پنجم (4154 نفر) و پایه ششم (4237 نفر) به صورت تصادفی خوشه‌ای انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی در هر گروه آزمایش و کنترل 60 نفر قرار گرفتند. ابتدا هر دو گروه در پیش آزمون شرکت کردند. سپس گروه آزمایش طی 10 جلسه تحت آموزش مورد نظر قرار گرفت و گروه کنترل نیز تحت آموزش معمول مدرسه قرار گرفت و پس از آن هر دو گروه در پس آزمون شرکت کردند. داده‌های حاصل با استفاده از پرسشنامه محقق ساخته با ضریب پایایی آلفای کرونباخ 90/0 با نرم افزار SPSS مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. نتایج تحلیل واریانس چند متغیره نشان داد بین میانگین نمرات مولفه های سبک یادگیری شهودی و حل مسئله در گروه آزمایش و کنترل تفاوت معناداری وجود دارد. همچنین در نتایج پیش آزمون و پس آزمون گروه آزمایش نیز تفاوت معناداری وجود دارد (01/0P≤). بر این اساس، می‌توان آموزش مهارت‌های نوشتاری بر اساس برنامه‌ریزی چند بعدی و بسته‌ی یادگیری چند‌رسانه‌ای به عنوان روش موثری برای افرایش سبک‌های یادگیری شهودی و حل مسئله دانش آموزان پیشنهاد کرد.کلید واژه ها: مهارت‌های نوشتاری، برنامه‌ریزی چند بعدی، بسته‌ی یادگیری چند‌رسانه‌ای، سبک یادگیری شهودی، حل مسئله تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        90 - حقیقت گویی با توجه به جبر سلطان در تاریخ بیهقی
        حسین اصغری
        مورخان در روزگاران کهن با تنگناهای متعددی در زمینه ی تاریخ نویسی روبرو بوده اند ، و شاید بزرگترین معضل، بیان راستین حقیقت با توجه به جبر و استبداد سلطان بوده است و قید و بندهای جامعه ی استبدادی زمان در متون تاریخی به صورت های مختلف و تاثیرگذارخودنمایی می کند. باتحقیقی ا أکثر
        مورخان در روزگاران کهن با تنگناهای متعددی در زمینه ی تاریخ نویسی روبرو بوده اند ، و شاید بزرگترین معضل، بیان راستین حقیقت با توجه به جبر و استبداد سلطان بوده است و قید و بندهای جامعه ی استبدادی زمان در متون تاریخی به صورت های مختلف و تاثیرگذارخودنمایی می کند. باتحقیقی اجمالی این تاثیرات را به صورتی متناقض و دارای کاربردهای کنایی و بعضأمبهم و بیان مقاصد ناگفته و پیچیده در جای جای متن تاریخ بیهقی می توان مشاهده کرد. در هر حال تاریخ بیهقی یکی از ارزشمندترین آثار در حوزه ی تاریخ نویسی به شمار می رود. در این جستار به چگونگی شگردهای بیهقی در بیان حقایق تاریخ می پردازیم و بیان می داریم که با توجه به استبداد آن دوران و تنگناهای مورخ در بیان حقایق که گاه رفتار سلطان را نشانه می گیرد، تاریخ بیهقی چگونه توانسته است باز گو کننده ی گوشه ای از حقایق تاریخ باشد.بدیهی است که در روزگاران پیشین ،تاریخ نگاران متعهد به بیان حقیقت، کار بسیار بغرنج و پیچیده ای را در امر تاریخ نویسی بر عهده داشته اند و حقیقت نگاری برای تاریخ نویس از آنجا که مواجب بگیر و کارگزار پادشاه بوده ، همراه با تنگناها و خطوط قرمز بسیار بوده است. در این میان تاریخ نویس یا فقط آن چیزی را می نوشته که پادشاه می خواسته و یا با استفاده از شگردهای گوناگون و گاه متناقض گوشه ای از حقیقت را آشکار می کرده و رسالت خویش را در تاریخ نویسی به انجام می رسانیده است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        91 - حقیقت گویی در تاریخ بیهقی
        حسین اصغری
        مورخان در روزگاران کهن با تنگناهای متعددی در زمینه ی تاریخ نویسی روبرو بوده اند ، و شاید بزرگترین معضل، بیان راستین حقیقت با توجه به جبر و استبداد سلطان بوده است و قید و بندهای جامعه ی استبدادی زمان در متون تاریخی به صورت های مختلف و تاثیرگذارخودنمایی می کند. باتحقیقی ا أکثر
        مورخان در روزگاران کهن با تنگناهای متعددی در زمینه ی تاریخ نویسی روبرو بوده اند ، و شاید بزرگترین معضل، بیان راستین حقیقت با توجه به جبر و استبداد سلطان بوده است و قید و بندهای جامعه ی استبدادی زمان در متون تاریخی به صورت های مختلف و تاثیرگذارخودنمایی می کند. باتحقیقی اجمالی این تاثیرات را به صورتی متناقض و دارای کاربردهای کنایی و بعضأمبهم و بیان مقاصد ناگفته و پیچیده در جای جای متن تاریخ بیهقی می توان مشاهده کرد. در هر حال تاریخ بیهقی یکی از ارزشمندترین آثار در حوزه ی تاریخ نویسی به شمار می رود. در این جستار به چگونگی شگردهای بیهقی در بیان حقایق تاریخ می پردازیم و بیان می داریم که با توجه به استبداد آن دوران و تنگناهای مورخ در بیان حقایق که گاه رفتار سلطان را نشانه می گیرد، تاریخ بیهقی چگونه توانسته است باز گو کننده ی گوشه ای از حقایق تاریخ باشد.بدیهی است که در روزگاران پیشین ،تاریخ نگاران متعهد به بیان حقیقت، کار بسیار بغرنج و پیچیده ای را در امر تاریخ نویسی بر عهده داشته اند و حقیقت نگاری برای تاریخ نویس از آنجا که مواجب بگیر و کارگزار پادشاه بوده ، همراه با تنگناها و خطوط قرمز بسیار بوده است. در این میان تاریخ نویس یا فقط آن چیزی را می نوشته که پادشاه می خواسته و یا با استفاده از شگردهای گوناگون و گاه متناقض گوشه ای از حقیقت را آشکار می کرده و رسالت خویش را در تاریخ نویسی به انجام می رسانیده است تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        92 - حقوق اجتماعی بَردگان از مجموعة هزار قضاوت
        زهرا حسینی
        مجموعة هزار قضاوت یا مادیان هزار دادستان (Mādayān ī hazār dādestān)، یکی از مهم ترین منابع تاریخ اجتماعی ایران ساسانی است که موارد ارزشمندی از وضعیّت قانونی و اجتماعی بردگان را ارئه می دهد.احکام موجود نشان می دهد که این مجموعه برای حقوقدانان نوشته شده است و برای اصطلاحا أکثر
        مجموعة هزار قضاوت یا مادیان هزار دادستان (Mādayān ī hazār dādestān)، یکی از مهم ترین منابع تاریخ اجتماعی ایران ساسانی است که موارد ارزشمندی از وضعیّت قانونی و اجتماعی بردگان را ارئه می دهد.احکام موجود نشان می دهد که این مجموعه برای حقوقدانان نوشته شده است و برای اصطلاحات حقوقی و پیچیدة آن توضیحی ندارد. امّا اطلاعات مهم و بی نظیری را از جامعة مدنی دورة ساسانیان ارائه می دهد. هدف اصلی این گفتار، بررسی قوانین بَردگی از مجموعة هزار قضاوت با روش تحلیلی- تاریخی، بوده است؛ پرسش مقاله این است: آیا پیش از اسلام در ایران بَردگی وجود داشته است؟ در کتاب حقوقی مادیان چه قوانینی برای بَردگان صادر شده است؟ با بررسی احکام موجود دریافتیم که بَردگی در ایران دورة ساسانی وجود داشته است؛ صدور احکام برای مسائل حقوقی بَردگان بیانگر حمایت و به رسمیّت شناختن بَرده و بَرده داری است؛ قانونگذاران بضرورت حقوق بَردگان را تنظیم کرده اند؛ و حمایت از بَرده را وظیفة هر بَرده داری دانسته اند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        93 - مقوله‌های محوری توجه به پوشاک در سفرنامۀ ابن بطوطه
        معصومه فیض آبادی طاهره عظیم زاده طهرانی شهربانو دلبری
        پوشاک به عنوان یکی از مهم‌ترین جنبه‌های دیداری هر فرهنگ، بارزترین نماد فرهنگیِ اقوام و ملل است که می‌تواند در پیگیری تأثیر و تأثر فرهنگ‌ها نقش تعیین‌کننده‌ای داشته باشد. گسترۀ جغرافیایی اسلام در سرزمین‌هایی با تفاوت‌های فرهنگیِ بسیار، اهمیت و لزوم پرداختن به موضوع پوشاک أکثر
        پوشاک به عنوان یکی از مهم‌ترین جنبه‌های دیداری هر فرهنگ، بارزترین نماد فرهنگیِ اقوام و ملل است که می‌تواند در پیگیری تأثیر و تأثر فرهنگ‌ها نقش تعیین‌کننده‌ای داشته باشد. گسترۀ جغرافیایی اسلام در سرزمین‌هایی با تفاوت‌های فرهنگیِ بسیار، اهمیت و لزوم پرداختن به موضوع پوشاک را در دیار اسلام آشکار می‌سازد.ابن‌بطوطه در سفرنامۀ خود ضمن پرداختن به طیف وسیعی از مسائل مختلف همچون اقتصادی،‌ اجتماعی...، اشاراتی نیز به مقولۀ پوشاک در قالب لباس، عمامه، پارچه آگاهی ذکر جنس و رنگ آن دارد. وی طی سفر خود غالباً با شاهان و درباریان در ارتباط بوده و از نقش تعیین‌کنندۀ پوشاک درباری سخن گفته است. با این وجود نسبت به زندگی اجتماعی عوام بی‌تفاوت نبوده و به شرح امور اجتماعی این قشر نیز پرداخته و اشاراتی به پوشاک مردم برخی مناطق داشته است.نوشتار حاضر سعی دارد به مطالعۀ مقوله‌های‌ محوری پوشاک در این سفرنامه از طریق ‌گزاره‌یابی و مفهوم‌یابی گزاره‌ها با رویکرد توصیفی_تحلیلی و بهره‌مندی از مستندات کتابخانه‌ای بپردازد. آنچه در رابطه با پوشاک در این سفرنامه حائز اهمیت است، توجه بیشتر ابن بطوطه به پوشاک درباریان و افراد خاص نسبت به مردم عادی است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        94 - رشیدالدین فضل الله و تاریخ نگاری عهد مغول
        امیر اکبری
        رشیدالدین فضل الله همدانی مورخ بزرگ عهد ایلخانی بیست سال وزارت غازان و الجایتو را برعهده داشت. وی در کنار اصلاحات عمده اقتصادی و فرهنگی خود دست به تألیف آثار بسیاری زد که تعداد آن را تا 52 اثر نوشته اند. در میان تألیفات به جای مانده از وی کتاب جامع التواریخ به عنوان دای أکثر
        رشیدالدین فضل الله همدانی مورخ بزرگ عهد ایلخانی بیست سال وزارت غازان و الجایتو را برعهده داشت. وی در کنار اصلاحات عمده اقتصادی و فرهنگی خود دست به تألیف آثار بسیاری زد که تعداد آن را تا 52 اثر نوشته اند. در میان تألیفات به جای مانده از وی کتاب جامع التواریخ به عنوان دایرة المعارف تاریخی از ارزش و اهمیت بسیار برخوردار است. مغولان که به دلایل متعدد خود علاقمند به تاریخ بودند زمینه های مطلوبی را برای رشد و گسترش تاریخنگاری فراهم ساختند. این عوامل فرصت مطلوبی را در اختیار اندیشمندانی چون رشیدالدین به جهت بهره گیری از تمامی امکانات لازم برای خلق اثر گرانقدری چون جامع التواریخ فراهم ساخت. وی از همه ی اسناد موجود و اطلاعات دانشمندان ملتهای مختلف که در دربار ایلخانی حضور داشتند بهره گرفت و تلاش نمود تا جامع التواریخ را به عنوان یک اثر جهانی و درخور امپراتوری مغول به نگارش درآورد. کتاب وی در واقع مجموعه ای از تاریخ عمومی، اساطیری، تک نگاری، تاریخ محلی، ملل و نحل، اطلاعات جغرافیایی و تحولات سیاسی، اقتصادی، حماسی، مذهبی و ... است که از این جهت می تواند نقطه ی عطفی در تاریخ نگاری پیش از خود و بالاخص عهد مغول به حساب آید. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        95 - حقیقت گویی با توجه به جبر سلطان در تاریخ بیهقی
        حسین اصغری
        مورخان در روزگاران کهن با تنگناهای متعددی در زمینه ی تاریخ نویسی روبرو بوده اند ، و شاید بزرگترین معضل، بیان راستین حقیقت با توجه به جبر و استبداد سلطان بوده است و قید و بندهای جامعه ی استبدادی زمان در متون تاریخی به صورت های مختلف و تاثیرگذارخودنمایی می کند. باتحقیقی ا أکثر
        مورخان در روزگاران کهن با تنگناهای متعددی در زمینه ی تاریخ نویسی روبرو بوده اند ، و شاید بزرگترین معضل، بیان راستین حقیقت با توجه به جبر و استبداد سلطان بوده است و قید و بندهای جامعه ی استبدادی زمان در متون تاریخی به صورت های مختلف و تاثیرگذارخودنمایی می کند. باتحقیقی اجمالی این تاثیرات را به صورتی متناقض و دارای کاربردهای کنایی و بعضأمبهم و بیان مقاصد ناگفته و پیچیده در جای جای متن تاریخ بیهقی می توان مشاهده کرد. در هر حال تاریخ بیهقی یکی از ارزشمندترین آثار در حوزه ی تاریخ نویسی به شمار می رود. در این جستار به چگونگی شگردهای بیهقی در بیان حقایق تاریخ می پردازیم و بیان می داریم که با توجه به استبداد آن دوران و تنگناهای مورخ در بیان حقایق که گاه رفتار سلطان را نشانه می گیرد، تاریخ بیهقی چگونه توانسته است بازگو کننده ی گوشه ای از حقایق تاریخ باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        96 - The Impact of Negotiated Syllabus on the EFL Learners’ Writing Ability and Self-Esteem
        Seyedeh Fatemeh Saleh Roohollah Maleki
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of negotiated syllabus ondeveloping EFL learners’ writing ability and self-esteem. To do so, first Nelsonproficiency test was administered to 90 participants to select intermediate homogenouslearners. The sco أکثر
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of negotiated syllabus ondeveloping EFL learners’ writing ability and self-esteem. To do so, first Nelsonproficiency test was administered to 90 participants to select intermediate homogenouslearners. The scores were analyzed and the mean was obtained. Then one standarddeviation above and below the mean was considered as a technique to homogenize theparticipants. Therefore, 61 learners were selected as homogeneous intermediateparticipants for this study. The learners were divided into experimental group (n = 30) andcontrol group (n = 31). A writing test and self-esteem questionnaire (SEI) as pre-tests weregiven to both groups in order to determine their writing ability and level of self-esteembefore starting the treatment course. The control group received conventional writinginstruction but the experimental group experienced writing instruction based on negotiatedsyllabus. At the end of the course, the learners in both groups took a writing test and self –esteem questionnaire as post-test to find out which group had performed significantlybetter than the other. Independent samples t-test found a statistically significant differencein writing scores for experimental and control groups on the post-test favoring theexperimental. Besides, t-test found a statistically significant difference in self-esteemscores between the two experimental and control groups on the post-test in favor of theexperimental. Thus, the findings of present study indicated that writing ability and selfesteemwere more significantly affected in light of the treatment via negotiated syllabus. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        97 - A Comparative Study of Strategy Instrument through Process vs. Product Writing on IELTS Writing Performance of Iranian EFL Learners
        Salimeh Safari Bahram Bagheri
        The present study attempted to investigate the writing performance of EFL learners through process vs. product writing on IELTS test. To do this, the researcher randomly selected 60 candidates who wanted to take the IELTS Test. They had already taken and passed several أکثر
        The present study attempted to investigate the writing performance of EFL learners through process vs. product writing on IELTS test. To do this, the researcher randomly selected 60 candidates who wanted to take the IELTS Test. They had already taken and passed several technical courses regarding the skills in that test. After they were divided into two experimental groups, they were given a writing pre-test. Then, each of the process and product strategies were practiced with the experimental groups. The feedback that was given for the process strategy focused on the steps of writings related to that specific task with little focus on grammatical and spelling mistakes. On the other hand, there were strict corrections on grammatical and spelling mistakes of the writing tasks in product strategy. The results revealed that there was a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the process and product groups. Also, there was a significant difference between the process and product strategy which indicated that process strategy was more effective than the product strategy. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        98 - Two modes of assessment: the case of academicians' writing
        Siroos Arefi Rad
        This study attempted to investigate writing problems and the relationship between expert-assessment and self-assessment of writing problems. Participants were thirty four non-English faculty members of Tehran and Guilan universities. The instruments were writing an essa أکثر
        This study attempted to investigate writing problems and the relationship between expert-assessment and self-assessment of writing problems. Participants were thirty four non-English faculty members of Tehran and Guilan universities. The instruments were writing an essay on the topic "What teaching strategies do you use in your classes?" in twenty five lines and filling the questionnaire of writing problems including fourteen items (word choice, verb form, missing subject, verb tense, preposition, word order, article, plural "s", spelling, subject-verb agreement, missing verb, passive voice, conditional sentences, and capitalization).The researcher investigated these fourteen areas both in their essays and their questionnaires of self-assessment. The data analysis showed there was no positive relationship between expert-assessment and self-assessment and the participants underestimated themselves in the questionnaire. Furthermore, the writing problems based on expert-assessment were: verb form, word choice, article, preposition, plural "s", capitalization, spelling, subject-verb agreement, word order, passive voice, verb tense, missing subject, missing verb, and conditional sentences. The findings revealed the main factors causing these problems are L1 interference, lack of grammar knowledge, vocabulary weakness, and poor spelling. The participants can write accurately if they learn basic grammar, increase vocabulary, ways of error correction, and awareness of L1 interference. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        99 - The Effect of Sentence-Writing Practice on Iranian low-intermediate EFL Learners’ L2 Grammatical Accuracy
        Marzieh Rahmati Ramin Rahimy
        This study aimed to investigate the effect of sentence writing practice on male and female low-intermediate students’ English grammatical accuracy. The question this study tried to answer does English grammatical accuracy can be affected by sentence writing practi أکثر
        This study aimed to investigate the effect of sentence writing practice on male and female low-intermediate students’ English grammatical accuracy. The question this study tried to answer does English grammatical accuracy can be affected by sentence writing practice. To find the answer to the question, 15 low intermediate level students from Kish away institute were selected. They were both male and female. Low- intermediate level students were deal for the current study because they were learning all skills of language at the same time, and they were familiar with some words, also their English proficiency was enough to speak English and to understand the importance of grammar but they were not high enough to not make grammar errors during writing. The students were selected via administrating OPT which divided into two groups, one Experimental groups (with sentence writing practice) and one control group (no sentence writing practice). And the results revealed that the male and female participants performed better on English grammatical accuracy. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        100 - The Effects of Metacognitive Prompting and Structured Peer Interaction on Intermediate EFL learners' Collaborative Writing
        Seyedeh Zohreh Pirooz
        This research was designed to investigate the effects of two different types of learning modalities, namely Meta-cognitive Prompting and structured peer interaction on intermediate EFL learners’ collaborative writing. For this purpose, 90 learners of total number أکثر
        This research was designed to investigate the effects of two different types of learning modalities, namely Meta-cognitive Prompting and structured peer interaction on intermediate EFL learners’ collaborative writing. For this purpose, 90 learners of total number of 120 intermediate learners studying at Kish English language school were chosen first for homogenization prior to the study. In order to homogenize the subjects Preliminary English Test (PET) was administered and 90 students were selected. A pre-test writing was administered among all of them. They were divided in two groups, one in which Students were contributing in their writing samples with each other and the other groups based on their individual efforts and outcomes. each group was exposed to the treatment for 24 sessions in seven weeks. At the end of the instruction, post-test with Analytic rating scale was applied and one-way ANOVA was run to test and the two hypotheses raised in the study. The results showed that while learners benefited from structured peer interaction setting compared to metacognitive prompting one, they were better off receiving writing instruction and more improved in their writing skill. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        101 - The Effects of Metacognitive Prompting and Structured Peer Interaction on Intermediate EFL learners' Collaborative Writing
        Seyedeh Zohreh Pirooz Bahador Sadeghi
        This research was designed to investigate the effects of two different types of learningmodalities, namely Meta-cognitive Prompting and structured peer interaction on intermediateEFL learners’ collaborative writing. For this purpose, 90 learners of total number of أکثر
        This research was designed to investigate the effects of two different types of learningmodalities, namely Meta-cognitive Prompting and structured peer interaction on intermediateEFL learners’ collaborative writing. For this purpose, 90 learners of total number of 120intermediate learners studying at Kish English language school were chosen first forhomogenization prior to the study. In order to homogenize the subjects Preliminary English Test(PET) was administered and 90 students were selected. A pre-test writing was administeredamong all of them. They were divided in two groups, one in which Students were contributing intheir writing samples with each other and the other groups based on their individual efforts andoutcomes. each group was exposed to the treatment for 24 sessions in seven weeks. At the end ofthe instruction, post-test with Analytic rating scale was applied and one-way ANOVA was run totest and the two hypotheses raised in the study. The resultsshowed that while learners benefited from structured peer interaction setting compared tometacognitive prompting one, they were better off receiving writing instruction and moreimproved in their writing skill. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        102 - The Need to Develop Authentic Materials in Teaching Grammar Argumentatively and Communicatively for Iranian High School Students: (Theoretical perspectives)
        Aliakbar Tajik Neda Hedayat Neda Gharagozloo
        Teaching and learning grammar in Iranian high schools based on the communicative approach of the newly published textbooks tend to lead students to apply the grammatical pattern in sentence patterns not to apply them in communication. Acquiring writing skills is also mo أکثر
        Teaching and learning grammar in Iranian high schools based on the communicative approach of the newly published textbooks tend to lead students to apply the grammatical pattern in sentence patterns not to apply them in communication. Acquiring writing skills is also more difficult compared to other three skills because writing skills require mastery of many different linguistic elements of the language that are beyond what is just taught in the standard curriculum. Therefore, EFL teachers should adopt effective strategies and techniques to develop the students' proficiency to write. That is, the grammatical materials used in the newly published textbooks have been used for the specific purpose of providing grammar practice. In a research done on authenticity of Iranian English high school textbooks the feedback received from the teachers’ and the students’ responses, such textbooks lack the authenticity of natural English in terms of content and presentation. The materials are not generally presented from the easy to hard order and they are mainly void of cultural and communicative points. Therefore, the study is primarily aimed at discussing the effects of using authentic material in teaching grammar communicatively and examining the need for English language teachers and course designers to develop authentic materials for grammar instruction communicatively for Iranian EFL students. The results of the study indicate that the need for English language teachers to use authentic materials in teaching grammar to give the opportunity to the students to expose to the real use of language. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        103 - Impact of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) on EFL Learners' Writing Achievement and Critical Thinking
        Hadi Salehi Sara Karimi
        This study was an attempt to find out the impact of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) on EFL learners' writing achievement and critical thinking. To fulfill the purpose of this study, 60 EFL learners of institute in Shahinshahr were selected from among a total number o أکثر
        This study was an attempt to find out the impact of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) on EFL learners' writing achievement and critical thinking. To fulfill the purpose of this study, 60 EFL learners of institute in Shahinshahr were selected from among a total number of 100 learners based on their performance on the Preliminary English Test (PET). After homogenizing, they filled out the critical questionnaire developed by Honey (2000) and then they were non-randomly divided into two groups, experimental and control, each consisting of thirty EFL learners. Experimental group members were instructed based on NLP and their instruction was based on five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste). The control group members had a routine teaching process in which no NLP methods was imposed in this group. Both groups were female and their age range was between 15-20 years old. After 16 sessions, writing posttest and critical thinking questionnaire were given to two groups to evaluate whether there is any significant difference between these two groups or not. The design of the current study was quasi-experimental posttest only design. The obtained data were analyzed both descriptively and inferentially. For descriptive statistics, mean and standard deviation were obtained and the type of the test applied for this study was independent sample t-test. The statistical analyses revealed that there was significant statistical difference between the two groups’ mean scores on the writing posttest, while there was no significant statistical difference between the two groups’ mean scores on the critical thinking posttest. As a result, it can be argued that NLP had significant impact on learners’ writing skill, but NLP had no significant impact on learners’ critical thinking level. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        104 - The Impact of Input Enrichment in Long Text vs. Short Texts on Grammatical Accuracy in Writing Among Elementary Language Learners
        Faeze Soleimani
        This study was conducted to investigate the influence of teaching accurate grammar inwriting via enriched long text and short text for the elementary students atShokouhe_Farhang institute. The homogenized subjects were divided into two groups of 18and 17 participants. U أکثر
        This study was conducted to investigate the influence of teaching accurate grammar inwriting via enriched long text and short text for the elementary students atShokouhe_Farhang institute. The homogenized subjects were divided into two groups of 18and 17 participants. Using a writing exam as a pretest in order to check the students’knowledge in English past tense. The control group received the instruction through shorttexts and the experimental group received instruction through long text activity. Short andlong texts enriched with past tense and past progressive tense presented in ten sessions ofinstruction and at least learners took part in a writing exam as posttest .Comparing the resultthrough statistical analysis showed that there is a significant difference between theperformances of both groups. It was concluded that using long text instruction is moreinfluential in using accurate grammar in writing than short texts. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        105 - The Role of Planning Time in Foreign Language Narrative Written Production: Focusing on Accuracy
        Zahra Fallah Rafie
        The present study was an attempt to investigate the effects of two types of task planning onforeign language narrative written production. Particularly it addressed the issue of how accuracyvary among two different types of task planning (i.e. pre-task strategic plannin أکثر
        The present study was an attempt to investigate the effects of two types of task planning onforeign language narrative written production. Particularly it addressed the issue of how accuracyvary among two different types of task planning (i.e. pre-task strategic planning condition &unpressured within-task planning condition). The participants were 45 EFL university studentsmajoring the English translation. The participants were randomly assigned into three groups. Inthe strategic planning group, the participants were given ten minutes to plan in advance but theywere asked to complete the task within a limited time. In the unpressured within-task planninggroup, the participants were asked to write down their text immediately but no time limit wasallotted to this group. In the no-planning group, participants were asked to perform the main taskperformance immediately within a limited time, so, they were given a zero-planning time. Theresults of statistical analysis showed that both strategic planning and unpressured within-taskplanning have statistically significance effect on accuracy of foreign language narrative writtenproduction; however, no significant difference was evident between the performances of the twogroups in terms of accuracy. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        106 - پیش بینی نرخ ارز با استفاده از روش های آینده پژوهی و بررسی تاثیر نوسانات ارزی بر عملکرد شرکت ها: مطالعه موردی شرکت دخانیات ایران
        علیرضا فتحی نیا علی بدیع زاده
        نرخ ارز همواره از اولویت و جذابیت بالایی در جامعه و به خصوص بین شرکت ها برخوردار است برای پیش بینی نرخ ارز روش های متفاوتی به کار گرفته می شود که از میان آن ها روش های ساختاری به عنوان روش های تحلیل بنیادین، دقت کمی در پیش بینی دقیق نرخ ارز دارند اما به عنوان چشم انداز أکثر
        نرخ ارز همواره از اولویت و جذابیت بالایی در جامعه و به خصوص بین شرکت ها برخوردار است برای پیش بینی نرخ ارز روش های متفاوتی به کار گرفته می شود که از میان آن ها روش های ساختاری به عنوان روش های تحلیل بنیادین، دقت کمی در پیش بینی دقیق نرخ ارز دارند اما به عنوان چشم انداز بلند مدت بسیار مفید بوده و روند حرکتی نرخ ارز را روشن می سازند. برای جبران کاستی این دسته از روش ها، می توان از بررسی های تکنیکال بهره برد. با استفاده از تکنیک های آینده پژوهی سعی شده است تا علاوه بر پوشش خلا مطالعاتی تکنیک های آینده پژوهی در پیش بینی نرخ ارز، خطاهای ناشی از روش های کمی نیز به حداقل رسانده شود تا شرکت ها برای وقوع حالت های مختلف آمادگی داشته باشند. در بخش پایانی مقاله تاثیر نوسانات ارزی بر روی شاخص های عملکردی شرکت دخانیات طی سه سال اخیر مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. نتایج بررسی حاکی از آن است که نوسانات ارزی نخستین و بیشترین تاثیر را بر روی روند اجرای طرح های توسعه ای می گذارد و هم چنین شوک های اقتصادی ناگهانی به صورت آنی در عملکرد شرکت ها انعکاس پیدا نکرده و به دلیل وجود ضربه گیرهایی نظیر موجودی در انبار، خریدهای استقراضی و ایجاد بدهی های بلند مدت، با گذشت زمان رفته رفته تاثیر خود را گذاشته و عملکرد شرکت را تضعیف می نمایند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        107 - تاثیر آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو بر توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی زبان انگلیسی زبان آموزان ایرانی
        رامین رحیمی روزیتا اتابکی
        پژوهش حاضر به بررسی اثر بخشی آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو بر توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی زبان انگلیسی در زبان آموزان ایرانی پرداخته است. پرسش اصلی که پژوهش حاضر سعی در جستجوی پاسخ آن داشت این بود که آیا آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو قادر است توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی فراگی أکثر
        پژوهش حاضر به بررسی اثر بخشی آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو بر توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی زبان انگلیسی در زبان آموزان ایرانی پرداخته است. پرسش اصلی که پژوهش حاضر سعی در جستجوی پاسخ آن داشت این بود که آیا آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو قادر است توانایی نگارش پاراگراف توصیفی فراگیرندگان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی را در سطح دانشگاهی ارتقاء بخشد یا خیر. به منظور یافتن پاسخ پرسش مذکور 60 ترجمه آموز سال دوم کارشناسی مترجمی زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تنکابن از طریق آزمون تعیین سطح آکسفورد (OPT) از میان100 دانشجوی مترجمی زبان انگلیسی به عنوان جامع آماری انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه آزمایشی و گواه جهت شرکت در آزمایش تقسیم گردیدند. سپس پیش آزمون پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی زبان انگلیسی از هر دو گروه به عمل آمد و به دنبال آن گروه آزمایشی در معرض 10 جلسه تمرین متغیر مستقل شامل آموزش پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی به همراه آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو که پنج مقوله: نظام حمل ونقل، نظام آموزشی، ورزش، آداب و رسوم و جشن ها و رفتار های مذهبی را در بر میگرفت، قرار گرفت؛ در حالیکه گروه گواه از روش های موجود آموزش پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی زبان انگلیسی در کلاس درس بدون آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی مذکور بهره جست. پس از آن، از هر دو گروه پس آزمون نوشتار توصیفی به عمل آمد. داده های بدست آمده از طریق آزمون تی وتحلیل کوواریانس مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند و نتیجه گرفته شد که توانایی پاراگراف نویسی توصیفی زبان آزمودنی های گروه آزمایشی در اثر آموزش مفاهیم فرهنگی لادو ارتقاء یافته است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        108 - بررسی تفاوت بین خودپنداره تحصیلی و سبک های اسنادی در دانش آموزان دارای اختلال خواندن و نوشتن و دانش آموزان عادی
        فاطمه اخوی زادگان سحر شهری
        هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی تفاوت بین خودپنداره و سبک های اسنادی در دانش آموزان دارای اختلال خواندن و نوشتن و دانش آموزان عادی می‌باشد. روش پژوهش از نوع عل‍ّی- مقایسه‌ای بود. جامعه آماری شامل کلیه دانش‎آموزان دختر مقطع دبستان دارای اختلال خواندن و نوشتن و افراد عادی شه أکثر
        هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی تفاوت بین خودپنداره و سبک های اسنادی در دانش آموزان دارای اختلال خواندن و نوشتن و دانش آموزان عادی می‌باشد. روش پژوهش از نوع عل‍ّی- مقایسه‌ای بود. جامعه آماری شامل کلیه دانش‎آموزان دختر مقطع دبستان دارای اختلال خواندن و نوشتن و افراد عادی شهر تهران بود. نمونه مورد پژوهش شامل 60 دانش‌آموز (30 دانش‌آموز با اختلال یادگیری و 30دانش‌آموز عادی) بود که با روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده انتخاب شدند. از شرکت کنندگان خواسته شد که پرسشنامه سبک های اسنادی (ASQ) و مقیاس خودپنداره بکرا تکمیل کنند. نتایج تحلیل واریانس چند متغیره نشان داد که دانش‌آموزان مبتلا به اختلال خواندن و نوشتن، در اسناد درونی- بیرونی، اسناد کلی- اختصاصی و خودپنداره تحصیلی با دانش‎آموزان عادیتفاوت معناداری دارند (001/0<P)، نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که دانش آموزان دارای اختلال خواندن و نوشتن نسبت به دانش آموزان عادی در مؤلفه های اسناد درونی-بیرونی، موقت/ پایدار و اسنادکلی- اختصاصی نمرات کمتری دارند. به این صورت که این دانش آموزان سبک اسناد بدبینانه تری نسبت به دانش آموزان عادی دارند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        109 - تحلیل حقوقی نحوه تحقق کارکرد مکتوب بودن اسناد حمل کاغذی در اسناد حمل الکترونیکی با نگاهی بر فقه
        مجیدرضا عرب احمدی
        چکیدهدر دنیای کنونی قواعد حقوقی در صورتی می تواند کارامد محسوب شود که بتواند زمینه های حقوقی لازم برای همراه شدن با تحولات جدید در بازرگانی بین المللی را تدارک ببیند.باتوجه به گسترش اینترنت و استفاده از فضای سایبر برای انجام معاملات بیشتر در تجارت داخلی و تجارت بین المل أکثر
        چکیدهدر دنیای کنونی قواعد حقوقی در صورتی می تواند کارامد محسوب شود که بتواند زمینه های حقوقی لازم برای همراه شدن با تحولات جدید در بازرگانی بین المللی را تدارک ببیند.باتوجه به گسترش اینترنت و استفاده از فضای سایبر برای انجام معاملات بیشتر در تجارت داخلی و تجارت بین المللی ناگزیر از استفاده از فضای سایبر و اینترنت خواهیم بود. در این مسیر توجه به تجارت الکترونیک در عرصه حمل و نقل الکترونیکی جایگاه ممتازی دارد. در راستای جایگزینی اسناد حمل الکترونیکی با اسناد حمل کاغذی یکی از مهم ترین مشکلات پیش روی قانونگذاران قالب سنتی شکلی تحقق اسناد به شکل مکتوب است. بر مبنای این الزام، اعمال حقوقی می بایستی به شکل مکتوب باشند تا از لحاظ حقوقی اعتبار داشته باشند. مطالب ارایه شده در این پژوهش نشان می دهد که تجسم خارجی اعمال حقوقی در قالب اسناد مکتوب در فقه موضوعیت ندارد و در قانونگذاری های جدید نیز به سمت اعتبار دادن به اسناد حمل الکترونیکی همانند اسناد حمل کاغذی تمایل یافته اند. حقوق ایران نیز با شرایطی برای داده پیام ها، برای آنها اثر کارکردی برابری با اسناد کاغذی درنظر گرفته است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        110 - سناریونگاری نظم آینده بین الملل در سال های منتهی به 2030 میلادی
        علی اصغر نعیمی امیر هوشنگ میرکوشش علی محمدزاده
        از گذشته، پیش بینی آینده و این که نظام جهانی با توجه به متغیرهای گوناگون آن، چه سمت و سویی خواهد داشت و بازیگران سیاسی و دولتمردان حاکم در راستای تامین منافع ملی و صیانت و حفاظت از استقلال و تمامیت ارضی خود به دنبال چه کنش یا واکنش هایی خواهند بود، همیشه به عنوان یک دغد أکثر
        از گذشته، پیش بینی آینده و این که نظام جهانی با توجه به متغیرهای گوناگون آن، چه سمت و سویی خواهد داشت و بازیگران سیاسی و دولتمردان حاکم در راستای تامین منافع ملی و صیانت و حفاظت از استقلال و تمامیت ارضی خود به دنبال چه کنش یا واکنش هایی خواهند بود، همیشه به عنوان یک دغدغه و مسئله مطرح بوده و هست. بنابراین بازیگران عرصه بین الملل که همان کشورهای سیاسی می باشند، در جهت احقاق حقوق شهروندی شهروندان خود با سایر بازیگران به رقابت پرداخته و نوعی ستیز و مقابله نانوشته را دنبال می نمایند. لذا با عنایت به تلاش برخی کنشگران موثر از جمله چین، روسیه و اتحادیه اروپا برای شکل دهی به نظم حاکم بر عرصه بین الملل و یا تغییر و دگرگونی در آن، نگارنده را بر آن داشته تا با طرح چند سناریو، آینده نظم بین الملل در سال های منتهی به 2030 میلادی را با استفاده از روش سناریو پردازی در چارچوب نظری واقعگرایی، علت کاوی نماید. از این رو می توان پیش بینی کرد با عنایت به رشد فزاینده اقتصادی، نظامی، فضایی و سیاسی چین، در کنار رویکرد تهاجمی روسیه و ملی‌گرایی روز افزون اتحادیه اروپا، در پایان دهه سوم قرن بیست و یک میلادی ما نه تنها شاهد تنش ها و تغییراتی در نظم بین الملل خواهیم بود، بلکه نظام حاکم نیز از شکل و صورت کنونی خود که تک قطبی بوده به سوی یک نظام تک – چند قطبی با محوریت آمریکا و چند کانون تاثیرگذار از جمله چین، روسیه و اتحادیه اروپا تغییر مسیر خواهد داد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        111 - The Relationship Among Iranian Advanced EFL Learners’ Speaking, Writing, And Grammatical Competence
        حامد ضرابی نیما یمرلی نادیا قرنی
        This study examined the correlation between advanced EFL students' syntactic knowledge ‎and their writing and speaking proficiency to determine whether students' syntactic ‎knowledge can influence their productive skills. A total of 50 advanced students aged &lr أکثر
        This study examined the correlation between advanced EFL students' syntactic knowledge ‎and their writing and speaking proficiency to determine whether students' syntactic ‎knowledge can influence their productive skills. A total of 50 advanced students aged ‎between 18 and 25 were chosen purposefully to take part in the study. Four tests, including a ‎placement test, a syntax test from Oxford University Press, a writing test, and one test for ‎speaking proficiency were employed to collect the required data. Because the data for this ‎study were quantitative, a correlational/descriptive design was chosen for the data to be ‎analyzed. The researcher then decided to find a correlation between the students' writing ‎and speaking scores and their syntax scores based on the obtained data. Both the t-test and ‎the Pearson correlation demonstrated that there is no real correlation between the syntactic, ‎speaking, and writing proficiency of the students. Further findings showed that there is no ‎difference between the relationship between syntactic knowledge and speaking proficiency ‎and the relationship between syntactic knowledge and writing proficiency. The implication ‎of this study is that grammatical competence is not a valid predictor for the proficiency of ‎students in writing and speaking courses. If a student’s grammatical competence is low, his ‎proficiency in writing and speaking can still be average or even above average depending on ‎the process of assessing these skills. Additionally, learners must understand that possessing ‎a strong grasp of grammatical knowledge does not inevitably ensure their ability to produce ‎language effectively in spoken or written form.‎ تفاصيل المقالة
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        112 - Investigating the Effects of Scaffolding Genre Knowledge and Metacognitive Strategy Use on EFL Learners’ Academic Writing Skills: A Mixed-methods Study
        Masomeh Aghaalikhani Karim Nazari Bagha Shima Ahmadi Azad
        This study aimed to investigate the effects of scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognitive strategy use on English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ academic writing skills. The initial population was 100 EFL students from M.A. English language teaching (ELT أکثر
        This study aimed to investigate the effects of scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognitive strategy use on English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ academic writing skills. The initial population was 100 EFL students from M.A. English language teaching (ELT) students who took academic writing course at Islamic Azad University, Tehran and Alborz branches. To homogenize the sample, Oxford placement test (OPT) was administered, and based on its results, 75 advanced learners were selected for the purpose of the study. After that, they were divided into 3 groups, namely the experimental group A (scaffolding genre knowledge), the experimental group B (metacognitive strategy use), and the control group. IELTS academic writing task 2 was administered as the pretest and posttest. The treatments lasted for 16 sessions. To explore the learners’ perceptions regarding the instructions qualitatively, the semi-structured individual interviews were administered to 20 students who were chosen from the experimental groups. The results showed that scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognitive strategy use had significant impacts on the Iranian EFL learners’ academic writing skill. In addition, the findings indicated that there was a significant difference between the effects of scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognitive strategy use on the Iranian EFL academic writing skill in which scaffolding genre knowledge had more significant effects on Iranian EFL academic writing skill than metacognitive strategy use. Furthermore, the qualitative findings showed that the learners adopted positive views towards scaffolding genre knowledge and metacognitive strategy use in developing their academic writing skill. تفاصيل المقالة
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        113 - Promoting EFL Learners’ Writing Skills via Reflection: The Case of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle
        سلمان اصحابی مژگان رشتچی مسعود سیری
        Writing skill is a challenging and frequently-used activity in academic circles. This study investigated the effects of reflective writing on EFL learners’ writing performance. The participants were 61 Iranian EFL learners from two intact university classes random أکثر
        Writing skill is a challenging and frequently-used activity in academic circles. This study investigated the effects of reflective writing on EFL learners’ writing performance. The participants were 61 Iranian EFL learners from two intact university classes randomly assigned to the non-reflective (n=31) and reflective (n=30) groups. Over sixteen sessions of instructions over eight weeks, the non-reflective group was taught using the traditional writing method; however, the reflective group was exposed to reflective writing instruction under Kolb’s Model. The data were collected through reflective writing compositions and the content analysis of think-aloud protocols. The quantitative data analysis revealed that the reflective group significantly outperformed the non-reflective group in writing compositions. The thematic analysis of think-aloud protocols substantiated the quantitative data findings, indicating that all participants went through the cognitive psychological processes of ‘planning, drafting, pausing and thinking, reading and reproducing, reviewing, editing and revising’ as they were engaged in reflective writing via Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle. The results offer significant implications for language instructors, curriculum planners, and course designers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        114 - The Effect of Graphic Organizer Strategy on Improving Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Complexity of Written Performance
        مریم حسن پور فاطمه میرزاپور
        Writing by which students can be assessed plays an important function in the education process. By considering this fact, investigating the impact of graphic organizer strategy on improving Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ complexity of written performance was t أکثر
        Writing by which students can be assessed plays an important function in the education process. By considering this fact, investigating the impact of graphic organizer strategy on improving Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ complexity of written performance was the main goal of this study. 40 intermediate EFL learners were selected as the participants of the study on the basis of findings of Preliminary English Test. After that, they were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. To assess the initial writing ability of participants, two groups were given a pre-test prior to the treatment. After applying traditional method to the control group and the graphic organizer strategies to the experimental group, both groups received a post-test to examine the effect of materials. To examine the effectiveness of the treatment, an independent samples t-test was conducted. To see the progression amount between pre-test and post-test of the experimental group, a paired samples t-test was also employed. The findings of the study indicated that graphic organizer strategies improved the learners’ complexity of written performance. The results have some implications for EFL/ESL teachers, students, test and materials developers, and syllabus designers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        115 - Thematic Organization in MA TEFL Students' Argumentative, Cause and Effect, and Process Types of Writing
        سعیده آهنگری
        It is generally recognized that many second language learners have difficulties with cohesion in academic texts. Writing seems to be the most difficult subject for many students. To produce good writing, it is necessary to know how to organize Theme and Rheme in a text. أکثر
        It is generally recognized that many second language learners have difficulties with cohesion in academic texts. Writing seems to be the most difficult subject for many students. To produce good writing, it is necessary to know how to organize Theme and Rheme in a text. Thematic structure as an important feature in textual metafunction plays a significant role in promoting the textual coherence. This research is concerned with the insights presenting the relationship between theme and rheme derived from Systemic Functional Linguistics. Halliday (1994) claimed that the structuring of language as a message is realized in the thematic structures of the constituent clauses of a text. To Halliday, the basic unit for thematic analysis is the clause. Thereby, this study was an attempt to compare different thematic types and thematic progression patterns in EFL students' academic writing texts. For this purpose, the researcher selected 30 MA students of English language teaching as the participants of the study after administering a TOEFL test and excluding the outliers. Each participant was required to write three different types of argumentative, process and cause & affect compositions. The collected data were analyzed according to the Thematization process from the textual metafunction aspects. The results showed some differences in the thematic structure of the different types of compositions. The findings of this study have some implications to the EFL students. They can learn to perform the same analysis in their own writings; thus improving cohesion in their own texts. Theme/rheme plays a major role in organizing the message and in enabling it to be communicated and understood clearly. تفاصيل المقالة
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        116 - The Impact of Multiple Intelligence-Oriented Writing Tasks on the Accuracy, Fluency, and Organization of ELT Students’ Writing
        میترا زراعت پیشه زهره سیفوری نسرین حدیدی تمجید
        Correlational studies supporting the link between learners’ multiple intelligences and their learning are superseded by interventionist attempts to explore direct applications of Multiple Intelligence (MI) Theory in language teaching and learning. This quasi-exper أکثر
        Correlational studies supporting the link between learners’ multiple intelligences and their learning are superseded by interventionist attempts to explore direct applications of Multiple Intelligence (MI) Theory in language teaching and learning. This quasi-experimental study examined the extent to which engaging ELT major university students in writing tasks, compatible to their dominant intelligences, might enhance the accuracy, organization, and fluency of their writing. The participants were 64 male and female English major sophomores. They were in three intact classes, randomly assigned to a control no task (NT) group, a task-supported (TS) group, and an MI-oriented task (MIT) group after their initial homogeneity was assessed. The fifteen-session treatment comprised pre-writing brainstorming activities in the NT group and a set of pre-writing tasks performed by the TS group. In the MIT group, however, individuals with the same dominant intelligences were grouped together to perform tasks that were compatible with their dominant intelligences. The one-way ANOVA analysis of the research data obtained from the post-test writing scores revealed that the MIT group surpassed the other groups in accuracy, fluency and organization. The findings underscore the necessity of taking learners’ intelligences into consideration as a criterion for task selection and offer important pedagogical implications for teaching writing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        117 - The Relationship between Iranian EFL Learners’ Multiple Intelligences and their Writing Performance across Different Genders
        هلن علیزاده مهناز سعیدی نسرین حدیدی تمجید
        After Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT), some language teaching practitioners set out to teach students in a way to help their dominant intelligence(s) blossom. In an EFL context, usually teachers’ main focus is to develop communication skills. N أکثر
        After Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT), some language teaching practitioners set out to teach students in a way to help their dominant intelligence(s) blossom. In an EFL context, usually teachers’ main focus is to develop communication skills. Nowadays, writing is one of the main ways by which people communicate. Thus, this study aimed at investigating possible relationship between Multiple Intelligences and writing performance of Iranian EFL learners across different genders. To conduct this study, 15 male and 15 female advanced EFL learners from a reputable institute in Tabriz participated. They passed through a placement test to enter the course, yet the researchers administered a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) to ensure homogeneity in the group. After a session of introducing the project’s purpose, Multiple Intelligence Developmental Assessment (MIDAS) questionnaire was administered for obtaining participants’ Multiple Intelligence profile. Later, the participants were given a text and asked to read and summarize it. The collected writings were analyzed for grammatical accuracy, complexity and quality of the writing based on Jacob et al.’s (1981) scale. The results of the correlational analysis revealed that overall Multiple Intelligences correlated positively with the quality of the female learners’ writing. The findings suggest that English teachers consider the role of multiple intelligences in learning and teaching process and provide more effective activities to help learners of different intelligences improve their foreign language writing skill. تفاصيل المقالة
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        118 - A Study on the Effect of Teachers’ Text Specific Comments and Rubber-Stamped Comments on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Ability
        مهرنوش عطاآفرین وصال آیات علی اصغر یوسفی آذرفام
        Written corrective feedback (WCF) refers to the feedback given by writing instructors and tutors on novice writers’ performances. Although extensive importance has been attached to the implications of WCF for improving writing skill in L2 writing studies, there is أکثر
        Written corrective feedback (WCF) refers to the feedback given by writing instructors and tutors on novice writers’ performances. Although extensive importance has been attached to the implications of WCF for improving writing skill in L2 writing studies, there is a paucity of research into research on whether student writers benefit differently from elaborated and evaluative feedback. Having this in mind, the aim of this research was to examine the effect of teacher’s text-specific and rubber-stamped comments on Iranian EFL learners’ writing ability at intermediate level. Quick Placement Test was employed to select 40 pre-intermediate EFL learners as the participants of this research. Then, they were randomly assigned into two experimental and control groups. Prior to the treatment, the participants of both groups were given a pretest to disclose their initial writing ability. After administering the rubber-stamped comments to the experimental group and text specific to the control group, a posttest was administered to seek the effect of two types of instruments. An independent samples t-test was used to see if the treatment was effective. Paired samples t-test was also employed to determine the amount of progression between pretest and posttest of the experimental group. The results of the study revealed that rubber-stamped comments improved the learners’ writing ability. Implicationally, instructors can use rubber-stamped comments to help learners improve their writing ability. تفاصيل المقالة
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        119 - Writing and Related Problems for EFL Students
        حسن عدالت
        ESL students who write in English may present written material in a rhetorical and organizational mode that reflects the pattern which is valued in their native culture and rhetoric. Considering the violation of English code of writing in the writings of Iranian student أکثر
        ESL students who write in English may present written material in a rhetorical and organizational mode that reflects the pattern which is valued in their native culture and rhetoric. Considering the violation of English code of writing in the writings of Iranian students, we will notice one common characteristic: They are reluctant (or ignorant of) to write a unified paragraph. Their writing consists of one whole page or two. They do not divide their writing into separate paragraphs. The knowledge of the writer on any subject begins and ends as much as the time or space for writing allows with no paragraph separation. The length of sentences is extraordinary, and the position of modifiers does not seem natural according to the code of English sentence pattern. This means that elements transferred from L1 rhetoric result in a production which does not match the English language style and rhetoric, despite the fact that some students lack grammatical competence. As a result, this type of writing is labeled unacceptable, vague or erroneous by English language standards. The focus of this study is to use English major students' writings to identify the elements which violate English language pattern of writing. The sources of errors responsible for non-English language rhetoric will be classified after a short theoretical review in the literature and finally suggestions for the elimination of errors will be presented. تفاصيل المقالة
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        120 - The Effect of Corrective Feedback on the Writing Accuracy of Feedback Givers and Receivers
        الناز عزیزیان Afsar Rouhi
        This quasi-experimental study set out to examine the effect of peer corrective feedback on feedback givers and receivers in L2 writing. The forms in focus were a/an, the, and the past tense.The study was conducted in an EFL classroom setting with 45 learners of English أکثر
        This quasi-experimental study set out to examine the effect of peer corrective feedback on feedback givers and receivers in L2 writing. The forms in focus were a/an, the, and the past tense.The study was conducted in an EFL classroom setting with 45 learners of English in three writing classes which served as the feedback givers, receivers, and the control group. Over four sessions of treatment, the givers reviewed the writing of the receivers with two functions of English articles (a/an as the first mention and the as the anaphoric reference) and simple past tense (regular and irregular) as the features in focus without receiving any comments from others on their writing. The receivers received feedback from peers, but were excluded from giving any feedback to others. The control group neither gave nor received any peer feedback. The study followed a pretest, immediate post-test, delayed post-test design. Statistical analyses run on the data obtained from a picture description task and a grammaticality judgment task indicated that the givers group improved significantly more than the receivers group and the receivers group, in turn, improved significantly more than the control group in terms of the forms targeted. The results obtained imply that learners’ involvement in peer writing correction can result in significant L2 writing accuracy. تفاصيل المقالة
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        121 - The Effect of Self-regulated Strategy Instruction on Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Ability
        طیبه عیوضی Iraj Khoshnevis
        This study explored the effect of teaching Self-Regulated Strategy on the writing accuracy and cohesion of Iranian EFL learners. In so doing, this study followed the SRS instruction model, using a transition word chart, examples, and a graphic organizer. To achieve the أکثر
        This study explored the effect of teaching Self-Regulated Strategy on the writing accuracy and cohesion of Iranian EFL learners. In so doing, this study followed the SRS instruction model, using a transition word chart, examples, and a graphic organizer. To achieve the objectives, 50 intermediate Iranian EFL learners participated in this study. The design was experimental which used a proficiency, pretest-posttest and random sampling. The analyses of writing tests in the control and experimental groups revealed that SRS instruction had a positive impact on the participants’ writing ability. The effect of SRS instruction was significant on the participants’ writing accuracy and cohesion. The findings draw language instructors’ attention to the meta-cognitive dimension of writing and importance of teaching self-regulatory strategies as a way for achieving autonomy in writing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        122 - The Comparative Effect of Reading-to-Write and Writing-Only Tasks on the Improvement of EFL Learners’ Writing Ability
        Roxana Aminzadeh زینب سادات بویه
        The ability to write effectively is becoming progressively important and instruction in writing is assuming an increasing role in second and foreign language education. Students’ writing abilities have been tested through various writing tasks. Independent tasks o أکثر
        The ability to write effectively is becoming progressively important and instruction in writing is assuming an increasing role in second and foreign language education. Students’ writing abilities have been tested through various writing tasks. Independent tasks of writing or writing-only tasks have been utilized to test students’ writing ability; however, they have been criticized for their lack of authenticity and validity and integrated tasks of writing have been proposed as an alternative. In this regard, this study attempted to examine the impacts of reading-to-write and writing-only tasks on the writing ability of Iranian EFL learners. The main participants of the study were 68 intermediate-level EFL learners divided into two homogeneous groups: experimental and control. After the writing pretest, the experimental group was given reading-to-write tasks for 15 sessions, while the control group was provided with writing-only tasks. Eventually, a writing posttest was administered. The statistical analyses of the collected data revealed a statistically significant difference between the writing ability of the participants of the two groups. To be precise, reading-to-write tasks were found to be more effective than writing-only tasks. The data collected via the reading-to-write questionnaire was likewise analyzed with the results showing a unanimous preference for reading-to-write tasks. تفاصيل المقالة
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        123 - E-Tools to Assist EFL Learners' Writing Skill: Wikis, Weblogs, and Podcasts
        فاطمه بهجت مرتضی یمینی
        One of the promises of web-based education is to help students take control of their learning pace as the basic requirement of language learning is being life-long. The purpose of the present study was to find out which of the e-tools -- weblogs, wikis, or podcasts -- c أکثر
        One of the promises of web-based education is to help students take control of their learning pace as the basic requirement of language learning is being life-long. The purpose of the present study was to find out which of the e-tools -- weblogs, wikis, or podcasts -- can better help EFL learners excel in their writing skill. To this end, 156 Iranian sophomore students majoring in English and studying at Islamic Azad University, Abadeh and Shiraz Branches and the Zand Institute of Higher Education were selected based on random sampling as participants. As the design of the study was a pre-experimental one, there were three experimental groups involved but no control group. Before the instruction, the participants were given an essay writing test, whose results were used to divide them into three groups. Two of the groups received in-class instruction and were assigned out-of-class activities through weblogs and wikis. The third group received the instruction through podcasts. The treatment lasted for two and a half months and at the end, another essay writing test was given to all groups. A two-way ANOVA for the comparison of the participants' gain scores indicated that using the tools available on the Internet could lead to improvement in the EFL students writing abilities, and gender was not a determining factor. The study reveals the fact that web tools, in general, and blogs, wikis, and podcasts, in particular, can foster EFL students’ writing skills and teachers can use them as supplements in their language instruction. تفاصيل المقالة
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        124 - The Effect of Dialogue Journal Writing on EFL Students' Writing Skill
        علی غلامی مهرداد
        Despite the role writing plays in learning a foreign language, many students do not show much interest in taking an active part in writing classes (Myint, 1997). Thus different activities have been proposed to motivate students to write one of which is dialogue journal أکثر
        Despite the role writing plays in learning a foreign language, many students do not show much interest in taking an active part in writing classes (Myint, 1997). Thus different activities have been proposed to motivate students to write one of which is dialogue journal writing, and the present work tries to investigate the possible effect(s) of such activity on writing ability of a group of English students at Islamic Azad University- Hamedan branch. To do this, 50 students obtaining 1 and 2 on the TWE scale on the structure section of a TOEFL test were selected and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. After some introductory sessions, the students were asked to write paragraphs on a weekly schedule and hand them in to be corrected. In the experimental group the students were, furthermore, asked to keep journals and hand them in. After 4 months, the students in both groups took part in a writing exam in which they had to write two paragraphs on the topics given. The comparison of the means at p تفاصيل المقالة
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        125 - The Effect of Task Type and Pre-task Planning Condition on the Accuracy of Intermediate EFL Learners' Writing Performance
        سید محمد علوی نرجس اشعری تبار
        Task-based language teaching, which requires learners to transact tasks resembling their real life language needs, demands language learners to perform planning at different stages of their learning. Since various types of tasks can be used in task-based instruction, th أکثر
        Task-based language teaching, which requires learners to transact tasks resembling their real life language needs, demands language learners to perform planning at different stages of their learning. Since various types of tasks can be used in task-based instruction, the present study examined the effect of task types and various participatory structures during pre-task planning on the quality of learners' writing performance, (i.e., accuracy). Towards this end, 120 intermediate EFL students were randomly assigned to 3 experimental groups and one control group. While the experimental groups were subjected to different pre-task planning conditions, (i.e., individual, pair, and group), the control group performed tasks without any planning. During the treatment, they experienced task modeling, presentation and completion. A factorial design was followed in the present study, and the collected data were analyzed through ANOVAs that revealed task type and pre-task planning condition influenced the writing accuracy of the participants in a way that resulted in greater accuracy in the decision-making task in the experimental groups, thereby ensuring the effectiveness of the treatment in mitigating the long-standing problem of EFL learners in achieving higher levels of accuracy when a specific task type is concerned. تفاصيل المقالة
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        126 - Using Critical Discourse Analysis Based Instruction to Improve EFL Learners’ Writing Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency
        حمید مرعشی اعظم چیذری
        The literature of ELT is perhaps overwhelmed by attempts to enhance learners’ writing through the application of different methodologies. One such methodology is critical discourse analysis which is founded upon stressing not only the decoding of the propositional أکثر
        The literature of ELT is perhaps overwhelmed by attempts to enhance learners’ writing through the application of different methodologies. One such methodology is critical discourse analysis which is founded upon stressing not only the decoding of the propositional meaning of a text but also its ideological assumptions. Accordingly, this study was an attempt to investigate the impact of critical discourse analysis-based (CDA) instruction on EFL learners’ writing complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF). To fulfill the purpose of this study, 60 female intermediate EFL learners were selected from among a total number of 100 through their performance on a piloted sample PET. Based on the results, the students were randomly assigned to a control and an experimental group with 30 participants in each. Both groups underwent the same amount of teaching time during 17 sessions which included a treatment of CDA instruction for the experimental group. A writing posttest was administered at the end of the instruction to both groups and their mean scores on the test were compared through a MANOVA. The results led to the rejection of the three null hypotheses, thereby demonstrating that the learners in the experimental group benefited significantly more than those in the control group in terms of improving their writing CAF. To this end, it is recommended that CDA instruction be incorporated more frequently in writing classes following of course adequate syllabus design and materials development. تفاصيل المقالة
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        127 - The Role of Weblogs in Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge and Writing Ability
        پریسا قادری فاطمه بهجت محمد رستم پور
        Nowadays Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is becoming not only enormously popular but also increasingly important in our lives and education system. Generally, learners are usually eager to work on computers or with various kinds of modern technology. Thi أکثر
        Nowadays Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is becoming not only enormously popular but also increasingly important in our lives and education system. Generally, learners are usually eager to work on computers or with various kinds of modern technology. This research was carried out to find out whether using weblogs is effective in Iranian EFL learners’ vocabulary and writing skills. To do so, two samples of learners were selected through an OPT test as the control and experimental groups, and a pretest of vocabulary was administrated. Then, the traditional methods of teaching vocabulary and writing were used for the control group, and weblogs were used for the experimental group. After three months of instruction, another test of vocabulary and writing was given as the posttest to the students of both groups to assess their achievement. The results of the analysis of ANCOVA showed that weblogs were more effective than the traditional ways of teaching vocabulary and writing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        128 - Hedges and Boosters in Academic Writing: Native vs. Non-Native Research Articles in Applied Linguistics and Engineering
        فرهمن فرخی صفوره امامی
        The expression of doubt and certainty is crucial in academic writing where the authors have to distinguish opinion from fact and evaluate their assertions in acceptable and persuasive ways. Hedges and boosters are two strategies used for this purpose. Despite their impo أکثر
        The expression of doubt and certainty is crucial in academic writing where the authors have to distinguish opinion from fact and evaluate their assertions in acceptable and persuasive ways. Hedges and boosters are two strategies used for this purpose. Despite their importance in academic writing, we know little about how they are used in different disciplines and genres and how foreign language writers present assertions in their writing. This study explores the use of hedges and boosters in the research articles of two disciplines of Electrical Engineering and Applied Linguistics. It further examines the use of hedges and boosters by native and non-native writers of English in these research articles. Based on a corpus of twenty research articles, the overall rhetorical and categorical distribution of hedges and boosters were calculated across four rhetorical sections (Abstract, Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion) of the research articles. The analysis shows that the overall distribution of hedges and boosters in Applied Linguistics articles is higher than Electrical Engineering articles. Moreover, there are significant differences between native and non-native writers in the use of hedges and boosters. These findings may have some implications for the teaching of academic writing especially to EFL learners. تفاصيل المقالة
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        129 - Perceptual Learning Style Preferences and Computer-Assisted Writing Achievement within the Activity Theory Framework
        آرزو حاجی مقصودی Parviz Maftoon
        Learning styles are considered among the significant factors that aid instructors in deciding how well their students learn a second or foreign language (Oxford, 2003). Although this issue has been accepted broadly in educational psychology,further research is required أکثر
        Learning styles are considered among the significant factors that aid instructors in deciding how well their students learn a second or foreign language (Oxford, 2003). Although this issue has been accepted broadly in educational psychology,further research is required to examine the relationship between learning styles and language learning skills. Thus, the present study was carried out to investigate the relationship between the perceptual learning style preferences and the participants’ writing achievement after receiving instruction based on computer-assisted language learning within the activity theory framework. For this purpose, 67 students majoring in English translation at a university in Iran were selected as the participants of the study based on their performance on a version of The Oxford Placement Test. A correlational research design was employed using a writing pretest and posttest and a style preference questionnaire. The writing instruction was based on an e-learning platform designed according to the activity theory framework. The results indicated lack of significant relationship between the participants’learning style preferences and theirwriting achievement. It was also found that there was no significant difference in the writing achievement of the participants across different learning style preferences. تفاصيل المقالة
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        130 - Raters’ Perception and Expertise in Evaluating Second Language Compositions
        هومن بیژنی
        The consideration of rater training is very important in construct validation of a writing test because it is through training that raters are adapted to the use of students’ writing ability instead of their own criteria for assessing compositions (Charney, 1984). أکثر
        The consideration of rater training is very important in construct validation of a writing test because it is through training that raters are adapted to the use of students’ writing ability instead of their own criteria for assessing compositions (Charney, 1984). However, although training has been discussed in the literature of writing assessment, there is little research regarding raters’ perceptions and understandings of the training program. Although a few studies have looked at the differences between trained and untrained raters in writing assessment (Cumming, 1990; Huot, 1990), few studies have used a pre-and post-training design. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the training program on experienced and inexperienced raters with regard to a pre-and post- training design. Twelve EFL raters scored 45 pre-rated benchmark essay compositions by an authorized IELTS trainer. These essay compositions were scored before, during and after the training program. The results regarding the comparison across raters showed that inexperienced raters had wider range of inconsistency before training but they became more consistent than experienced raters after training. تفاصيل المقالة
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        131 - The Effect of Multi-step Oral-revision Processes on Iranian EFL Learners’ Argumentative Writing Achievement
        فرخ لقاء حیدری
        The purpose of this study was to explore the role of two multi-step oral-revision processes as feedback providing tools on Iranian EFL learners’ argumentative writing achievement. The participants taking part in this study were 45 Iranian EFL students who were ran أکثر
        The purpose of this study was to explore the role of two multi-step oral-revision processes as feedback providing tools on Iranian EFL learners’ argumentative writing achievement. The participants taking part in this study were 45 Iranian EFL students who were randomly assigned into three groups. The participants of the groups were given three argumentative writing assignments, each assignment demanding three separate drafts. In the control group, the participants revised their essays in response to teacher's written feedback, while the participants of the two experimental groups experienced oral-revision talks with their teacher or a peer. Two sets of quantitative and qualitative data were collected: Argumentative essays written at the beginning and the end of the semester and interviews. The results of the quantitative aspect of the study revealed the significant outperformance of the two experimental groups. Moreover, the data provided through interviews revealed some differences in terms of the effectiveness of feedback between the two experimental groups. The participants of the peer-led group reported more awareness of the rhetorical structures and an ability to revise surface errors. While, the teacher-led group reported more global writing concerns like content, organization of ideas, and discourse. The obtained results point out that the mutual co-construction of participation roles and certain combinations of negotiation and scaffolding let the teacher provide a supportive conversational environment and assistance in accordance with the proficiency of learners of the teacher-led group to promote greater learner participation. تفاصيل المقالة
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        132 - Using Cooperative Group Feedback and Cooperative Group Writing in Writing Classes
        حمید مرعشی سحر حسینی
        The present study compared the effect of cooperative group feedback and cooperative group writing techniques in writing classes. Accordingly, 90 male and female intermediate English language learners sat for a sample piloted Preliminary English Test and 60 who scored on أکثر
        The present study compared the effect of cooperative group feedback and cooperative group writing techniques in writing classes. Accordingly, 90 male and female intermediate English language learners sat for a sample piloted Preliminary English Test and 60 who scored one standard deviation above and below the mean were selected as the main participants. Both groups were taught the same course book. Moreover, they received the same hours of instruction and teaching aids in the same physical environment; therefore, the most significant point of departure in the two experimental groups in the present study was the form of writing practices presented in the classroom. One group underwent the cooperative group writing while the other the cooperative feedback procedure throughout the treatment period. The findings of this study based upon the results gained from an independent sample t-test run on the two groups’ posttest mean scores revealed that the participants’ L2 writing improved more significantly in the cooperative group writing class compared to the cooperative group feedback. The findings of this study may be contributory to EFL teachers and syllabus designers in the process of developing more efficient second language writing courses. تفاصيل المقالة
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        133 - The Comparative Effect of Direct and Indirect Corrective Feedback in Process-Based Vs. Product-Based Writing Instruction on EFL Learners` Writing Performance
        ندا اوصانلو Sholeh Kolahi
        This study attempted to systematically inspect the impact of direct and indirect corrective feedbacks on the writing ability of EFL learners when using product/process based instructions. To do so, 110 female EFL learners, between the ages of 15 and 18, were randomly as أکثر
        This study attempted to systematically inspect the impact of direct and indirect corrective feedbacks on the writing ability of EFL learners when using product/process based instructions. To do so, 110 female EFL learners, between the ages of 15 and 18, were randomly assigned into four experimental groups to receive four different kinds of treatments, namely product-based instruction with direct feedback, product-based instruction with indirect feedback, process-based instruction with direct feedback, and process-based instruction with indirect feedback. The treatment took 10 sessions. Analyzing the results of the two writing tests (pretest and posttest) showed that direct feedback had significant effects on EFL learners' writing in process-based instruction and product-based instruction but indirect feedback failed to show any significant effect on EFL learners' writing in both process-based instruction and product-based instruction. The results also indicated that direct feedback had significantly better impact on EFL learners writing in the process-based instruction than product-based one. تفاصيل المقالة
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        134 - A Comparative Study of Metadiscourse in Academic Writing: Male vs. Female Authors of Research Articles in Applied Linguistics
        ناصر غفوری رقیه عقبی طلب
        Like conversation and other modes of communication, writing is a rich medium for gender performance. In fact, writing functions to construct the disciplines as well as the gender of its practitioners. Despite the significance of author gender, as one constitutive dimens أکثر
        Like conversation and other modes of communication, writing is a rich medium for gender performance. In fact, writing functions to construct the disciplines as well as the gender of its practitioners. Despite the significance of author gender, as one constitutive dimension of any writing, it has been relatively under-researched. One way, by means of which author gender is practiced, and revealed in written discourse, is the incorporation and use of metadiscoursal categories. Examining 20 applied linguistics research articles (10 written by native male English writers and 10 written by native female English writers), the present study sought to examine whether male and female native English writers differed in their use of metadiscoursal elements. For this purpose, Hyland’s (2005) model of metadiscourse was employed as an analytical framework to identify the type of metadiscoursal elements. The results of Independent samples t-test showed that English male and female writers did not differ significantly in their overall use of metadiscourse; but, significant differences were observed in categorical distribution of metadiscoursal elements. The findings of the study can provide a sound basis for the development of pedagogical materials. تفاصيل المقالة
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        135 - The Effect of Genre-based Scaffolding on Research Paper Writing of MA Candidates in an EFL Context
        سارا صالح پور مهناز سعیدی
        In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of literature on genre-based approaches to writing instruction. However, scant attention has been paid to the use of genre-based scaffolding in the realm of academic writing. Hence, in an attempt to tackle the problem أکثر
        In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of literature on genre-based approaches to writing instruction. However, scant attention has been paid to the use of genre-based scaffolding in the realm of academic writing. Hence, in an attempt to tackle the problems prevalent in academic writing, this study set out to investigate the effect of genre-based scaffolding through sentence starters and writing frames on MA candidates’ research paper writing. To this end, twenty MA candidates majoring in ELT were randomly assigned to two homogenous groups, one control and one experimental group, each including 10 participants. Both groups were exposed to a five-session genre-based instruction while the experimental group benefitted from the additional provision of sentence starters and writing frames relevant to different sections of a research paper. The analysis of the results, using independent sample of t-test, reveals that genre-based instruction can be a useful tool in improving academic writing. Moreover, the outperformance of the participants of the experimental group is indicative of the beneficial effect of scaffolding through starters and frames. تفاصيل المقالة
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        136 - An Exploration of Discoursal Construction of Identity in Academic Writing
        داود کوهی معصومه رحیم وند
        The view that academic writing is purely objective, impersonal and informational, which is often reflected in English for Academic Purposes materials, has been criticized by a number of researchers. By now, the view of academic writing as embodying interaction among wri أکثر
        The view that academic writing is purely objective, impersonal and informational, which is often reflected in English for Academic Purposes materials, has been criticized by a number of researchers. By now, the view of academic writing as embodying interaction among writers, readers and the academic community as a whole has been established. Following this assumption, the present study focused on how second/foreign language writers enact, construct, and invent themselves through writing. In this study, the theoretical stance on identity is grounded on Ivanič’s (1998) four interrelated aspects of writer identity, namely autobiographical self, discoursal self, authorial self, and possibilities for self-hood in the socio-cultural and institutional contexts. Hyland’s model of metadiscourse (2004a) was used as the analytical tool for analyzing texts. Based on a corpus of 30 research articles, the overall distribution of evidential markers, hedges, boosters, attitude markers, and self-mentions were calculated across four rhetorical sections (Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Discussion and Conclusion) of the research articles. According to the results of this study, identity is a critical aspect of writing which should be brought into the mainstream of second/foreign language writing pedagogy through consciousness -raising or the specific teaching of certain features. تفاصيل المقالة
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        137 - Effect of Précis Writing Instruction on the Creation of Cohesive Text by Iranian High School EFL Learners
        لطف الله کریمی معصومه طورجی راغب
        Being expert in establishing cohesion and coherence in writing is not an easy task. The EFL learners are to pass through very long, uneven paths such as précis exercise to achieve this skill. The present study was launched to explore the effect of précis w أکثر
        Being expert in establishing cohesion and coherence in writing is not an easy task. The EFL learners are to pass through very long, uneven paths such as précis exercise to achieve this skill. The present study was launched to explore the effect of précis writing on the creation of a compact text. To this end, a true-experimental method of research with the pretest-posttest control design was employed. Via double-stage sampling, 40 female students were selected at Fatemeh-al-Zahra High School in Kabutarahang, Hamedan, Iran. The control group was taught some grammatical structures such as active and passive voices, reduced adjective clauses, and different tenses in English during twelve sessions; while the experimental group received a lesson plan consisting of twelve sessions of précis writing. To analyze the data collected via pretest and posttest, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was run. The findings of the study indicated that the participants in the experimental group performed better in producing cohesive and qualified texts than those in the control group. The conclusion drawn was that teaching précis, as a basic skill, can improve the writing ability and provide the students with more opportunities to utilize the cohesive devices and consequently produce more cohesive pieces of text. تفاصيل المقالة
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        138 - Interactionist and Interventionist Dynamic Assessment Approaches to Teaching Argumentative Writing: Do Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency Develop?
        آیدا رحمانی فرهیخته مژگان رشتچی مسعود یزدانی مقدم
        Complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) are measures of language proficiency in productive skills. This study with a non-equivalent control group pretest-post-test design explored whether Dynamic Assessment (DA) procedures enhances EFL teachers' writing CAF. Three 22-me أکثر
        Complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) are measures of language proficiency in productive skills. This study with a non-equivalent control group pretest-post-test design explored whether Dynamic Assessment (DA) procedures enhances EFL teachers' writing CAF. Three 22-member groups of homogeneous teachers were randomly assigned to one control group (Non-DA), an interactionist DA group (IA-DAG), and an interventionist DA group (IV-DAG). After the nine-session treatment, the study groups took a writing post-test. A one-way ANOVA test showed that the experimental groups outperformed the control group, although no significant differences were found between DA groups. Besides, no statistically significant differences were found between the groups' writing complexity. Considering accuracy, IA-DAG outperformed Non-DAG whereas no significant differences were observed between the experimental groups and between IV-DAG and Non-DAG. Fluency measures showed the superiority of DA groups to the control group. The first conclusion was that DA processes have a decisive role in improving writing skills and the CAF triad. Second, CAF components do not develop in a linear process, and employing DA procedures can be useful for its improvement. The paper has implications for language teachers and SLA researchers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        139 - The Comparative Effect of Teaching Grammar through Interpretation Tasks and Pictorial Clues on EFL Learners’ Writing Accuracy
        Nacim Shangarffam اعظم پرهیزکاری
        The focus of this study is to investigate the comparative effect of teaching grammar through interpretation tasks and pictorial clues on EFL learners’ writing accuracy. The participants were 60 female intermediate EFL learners with age range of 21-35 who were divi أکثر
        The focus of this study is to investigate the comparative effect of teaching grammar through interpretation tasks and pictorial clues on EFL learners’ writing accuracy. The participants were 60 female intermediate EFL learners with age range of 21-35 who were divided into two experimental groups after being homogenized by a piloted PET test. In the piloted researcher-made pre-test, the researcher required the participants to write a narration and also complete another narration with some blanks with provided words using grammatical points they were going to be taught. After the treatment phase, another researcher-made parallel form of the pre-test was administered as the post-tests. To investigate the research question of the study, an ANCOVA was conducted. The results revealed that there was not any significant difference between the performances of either group. In other words, the mentioned ways of teaching grammar had equal effect on the learners’ writing accuracy. تفاصيل المقالة
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        140 - Iranian EFL Learners' Written Grammatical Errors: Different Levels of Language Proficiency
        مریم موذنی لیمودهی امید مازندرانی
        Errors are one of the enigmatic parts in the process of foreign language (L2) learning as they are extremely versatile at each and every stage of the language learning proficiency. The present study, therefore, was an attempt to reveal Iranian EFL learners’ gramma أکثر
        Errors are one of the enigmatic parts in the process of foreign language (L2) learning as they are extremely versatile at each and every stage of the language learning proficiency. The present study, therefore, was an attempt to reveal Iranian EFL learners’ grammatical errors in writing at two levels of proficiency, namely lower intermediate and advanced, and then to investigate whether there was a relationship between the levels of EFL learners’ proficiency and the types of grammatical errors they committed in their scripts. The study was carried out at a private language institute in Gorgan, Iran. To this end, 60 female EFL learners (30 lower intermediate and 30 advanced females) whose age ranged between 13 and 17 participated in this study and wrote 150 word writing samples on a predetermined descriptive subject. The descriptive analyses of the data based on the scoring framework of the study demonstrated the types of grammatical errors at each level of proficiency. A Chi Square test was then run in SPSS Ver. 25 on the 16 common frequent error categories between both levels of proficiency, which verified the existence of a relationship between EFL learners’ levels of proficiency and the types of written grammatical errors they committed in their writing. The findings of the study might be of interest to EFL learners, EFL teachers, syllabus designers, and materials developers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        141 - Comparative Critical Reading Strategy and Writing Achievement of Iranian EFL Learners
        مژگان رشتچی محمد آقاجان زاده
        The present study was undertaken to investigate the impact of comparative critical reading strategy on the writing ability of Iranian learners who were learning English as a foreign language (EFL). In order to carry on the study, 60 participants (25 males and 35 females أکثر
        The present study was undertaken to investigate the impact of comparative critical reading strategy on the writing ability of Iranian learners who were learning English as a foreign language (EFL). In order to carry on the study, 60 participants (25 males and 35 females aged between 19 to 27) at intermediate level of language proficiency were randomly assigned to two groups; that is, the experimental and control groups. The participants in the experimental group experienced critical reading by comparing texts, whereas the members of the control group practiced reading texts in the traditional way and answered comprehension questions. The results of the comparisons between the means of the two groups through t-tests proved that practicing comparative critical reading strategy had a significant effect on the improvement of the writing ability of the experimental group. However, the comparison between the means showed no significant difference in the reading ability of the two groups. تفاصيل المقالة
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        142 - A Mixed Method Study of Interventionist DA: A Case of Introvert vs. Extrovert EFL Learners’ Academic Essay Writing
        مهدیه شفیع پور فرناز لطیف
        Today, great a number of assessment methods have been practiced in educational systems. However, Dynamic Assessment (DA), as the modern assessment method with its emphasis on improvement and development of learning through joining teaching and assessment, is of paramoun أکثر
        Today, great a number of assessment methods have been practiced in educational systems. However, Dynamic Assessment (DA), as the modern assessment method with its emphasis on improvement and development of learning through joining teaching and assessment, is of paramount significance. Thus, one can call DA as a major and revolutionizing factor in teaching and assessment. So far, some conducted studies have dealt with the efficacy of DA on different language areas. In line with the relevant studies conducted, the present study worked on the effect of interventionist DA on introvert versus extrovert learners’ academic essay writing in English language translation students at Islamic Azad University Shahr-e-Qods Branch. As a result, it was confirmed that DA had a statistically significant effect on the academic essay writing of both Iranian introvert and extrovert EFL learners. Furthermore, there was a statistically significant difference between the performances of the extroverts vs. introverts on academic essay writing while applying interventionist DA. In other words, the extroverts had higher scores in their posttests compared to the introverts. Moreover, the results of the attitude questionnaire revealed that the extroverts had more positive attitude towards the application of DA than the introverts. تفاصيل المقالة
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        143 - The Impact of Three Feedback Types on Postgraduate TEFL Student Teachers’ Writing Accuracy and Organization
        زهره سیفوری
        One skill that student teachers need to develop during their academic studies is the capacity to produce accurate and well-organized texts. This study reports on the comparative impact of metalinguistic feedback (MLF), teacher interactive feedback (TIF(, and the peer-fe أکثر
        One skill that student teachers need to develop during their academic studies is the capacity to produce accurate and well-organized texts. This study reports on the comparative impact of metalinguistic feedback (MLF), teacher interactive feedback (TIF(, and the peer-feedback (PF) on the accuracy and organization of postgraduate ELT student teachers’ writing. The participants were 57 postgraduate students who were recruited from a population of 70 postgraduate students, in three classes, that were randomly assigned as the MLF group, the TIF group, and the PF group based on the focus of the presentation and the feedback type they would receive during the 14 session treatment. A hybrid process-oriented and genre-based methodology was employed to teach the identical teaching materials to all the groups with a focus on grammatical features and relevant grammatical exercises in the MLF group, on reflective and interactive negotiation of form and meaning in the TIF group, and on individual peer-assessment of the peer’s writing in the PF group. The results revealed significantly higher levels of accuracy among the MLF group with no significant difference in the organization of the groups’ writing. The findings underscore the role of MLF in enhancing accuracy. تفاصيل المقالة
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        144 - The Dual Meaning Potential of Prepositional Grammatical Metaphor in Prose Fiction
        یاسر حدیدی
        From a Systemic Functional perspective, Grammatical Metaphor (GM) as is taken to be a chief driving force in the discourse of different genres, an important adult language machinery for ideational meanings to be semantically cross-mapped and realized through a different أکثر
        From a Systemic Functional perspective, Grammatical Metaphor (GM) as is taken to be a chief driving force in the discourse of different genres, an important adult language machinery for ideational meanings to be semantically cross-mapped and realized through a different form in the stratum of the lexico-grammar, in order to convey changed meanings and tinker with the discursive flow and development of text in real time, mainly through nominalization of adjectives and verbs. Using a number of established works of the English novel as data, this study draws upon the author’s previous model for the categories of GM used in modern prose fiction, with the main focus placed on one of the six categories, Prepositional GM (PGM). PGM figures with a very high frequency in fiction and occurs when a GM is preceded by a preposition. This study finds that the language of prose fiction in English deploys some of these PGMsin either of two different meaning sof the adverbial, varying according to context. Again, as seen to be the hallmark of GM by many, GM is found to open up vast ideational meaning potentials in the semantics stratum, from which the lexico-grammar makes choices according to context and intended meaning. As argued elsewhere in the literature and here, and as backed up by the author’s own experience of the advanced teaching of writing and reading, broadened understanding of GM is a critically important component to writing instruction and its effectiveness, as seen in the large-scale horizons and agendas for effective teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Iran and beyond. تفاصيل المقالة
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        145 - The Use of Hedges and Boosters in Monolingual and Bilingual EFL Learners’ Academic Writings: The Case of Iranian Male and Female Post-graduate MA Articles
        MirAyyoob Tabatabaei صمد رمزی
        Expressing doubt and certainty in academic writings requires a cautious use of hedges and boosters. Despite their importance in academic writing, little is known about how they are used in monolingual and bilingual male and female EFL learners’ academic writings. أکثر
        Expressing doubt and certainty in academic writings requires a cautious use of hedges and boosters. Despite their importance in academic writing, little is known about how they are used in monolingual and bilingual male and female EFL learners’ academic writings. To shed some lights on the issue, the present study investigated the use of hedges and boosters in research articles written by monolingual and bilingual male and female EFL learners. Based on the collected corpus from twelve academic research articles, the overall rhetorical and categorical distribution of hedges and boosters were identified across four sections of these articles (Abstract, Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion). The results evinced that the overall distribution of hedges and boosters in research articles written by bilinguals was higher than that of monolinguals. Moreover, there were significant differences between male and female EFL learners in the use of hedges and boosters in their academic research articles. These findings not only paved the way for further studies in the use of hedges and boosters but they also presented some beneficial implications for teaching of academic writing to EFL learners. تفاصيل المقالة
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        146 - A Comparative Analysis of Epistemic and Root Modality in Two selected English Books in the Field of Applied Linguistics Written by English Native and Iranian Non-native Writers
        مینو شاه محمدی ناصر غفوری
        Academic discourse has always been the focus of many linguists, especially those who have been involved with English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and discourse analysis. Persuasion, as part of rhetorical structure of academic writing, is partly achieved by employing moda أکثر
        Academic discourse has always been the focus of many linguists, especially those who have been involved with English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and discourse analysis. Persuasion, as part of rhetorical structure of academic writing, is partly achieved by employing modality markers. Adopting a descriptive design, the present study was carried out to compare the use of modality markers in terms of frequency and their categorical distribution in two academic books, written in English, in the field of Applied Linguistics by native English and non-native Iranian authors. Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech, and Svartvik’s (1985) model of modality was employed as an analytical framework to identify the type of modal verbs. The frequency of different types of modal verbs was calculated per 100000 words and the significance of difference in their distribution was checked through Chi-square nonparametric inferential statistics. The results of the statistical analyses did not show any significant difference in the overall distribution of modality (both epistemic and root) markers. However, significant differences were observed in the categorical distributions of modal verbs in two corpora. The results were attributed to the non-native writers’ lack of awareness of the conventional rules of English rhetoric, and the lack of explicit instruction in this field. The findings could offer pedagogical implications for those involved in syllabus design and materials development in general and English writing courses in particular. تفاصيل المقالة
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        147 - Metalinguistic Awareness and the Accuracy of Postgraduate TEFL Students’ Writing: Teacher’s Focus vs. Learners’ Focus
        Zohreh Seifoori
        The sway of the pendulum in language pedagogy towards conscious learning processes marks the paramount role of metalinguistic awareness. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to compare the impact of teacher-oriented vs. learner-generated metalinguistic aware أکثر
        The sway of the pendulum in language pedagogy towards conscious learning processes marks the paramount role of metalinguistic awareness. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to compare the impact of teacher-oriented vs. learner-generated metalinguistic awareness activities on Iranian TEFL students’ writing accuracy. Sixty participants in three intact classes were randomly assigned as one control, and two experimental groups. All the participants received the same process-oriented instruction based on identical teaching materials. In the first experimental group, the teacher-focus metalinguistic awareness (TFMA) group, however, a collection of various form-focused activities, compiled by the teacher, was assigned and reviewed in the class weekly. In the learner-focused metalinguistic awareness (LFMA) group, the same assignments were assigned as supplementary self-study activities. The control group did not receive any structural assignments. The treatment perpetuated for six sessions and the analyses of the data obtained from the writing post-test revealed that both TFMA and LFMA groups outperformed the control group by producing more accurate writing and that the TF group surpassed the LF group. The findings lend credence to the significance of language awareness in EFL contexts and offer a number of pedagogical implications. تفاصيل المقالة
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        148 - Explicit and Implicit Instruction of Requestive Strategies: A Comparison of the Effects on Upper -intermediate English Learners’ Email Writing Development
        افروز سینکی راد ثروت شیرخانی
        This study compared the efficacy of explicit and implicit instruction of requestive strategies on upper-intermediate female English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ email writing development. Sixty-two participants in four intact classes were randomly assigne أکثر
        This study compared the efficacy of explicit and implicit instruction of requestive strategies on upper-intermediate female English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ email writing development. Sixty-two participants in four intact classes were randomly assigned to two explicit and implicit groups. In this quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design study two email evaluation tests and two written discourse completion tests (WDCT) were used to collect the data. In the pretest phase, an email evaluation test and a WDCT were administered to the participants in two sessions. Next, the two groups were provided with ten treatment sessions. The explicit group received direct instruction and metapragmatic explanation on the use of appropriate requestive strategies in writing emails. The implicit group, however, received instruction on writing requestive emails without any explicit explanation about the requestive strategies in emailing. Then, the participants took the posttest of email evaluation test and WDCT in two successive sessions. The results indicated that both modes of instruction exerted significant effects on the learners’ production of requestive strategies in English. The comparison of the two modes of instruction, nonetheless, indicated that the participants who underwent explicit instruction significantly surpassed those in the implicit group. The findings have implications for materials developers and instructors. تفاصيل المقالة
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        149 - On the Differential Effects of Computer-Mediated and Metalinguistic Corrective Feedback on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Accuracy
        میر ایوب طباطبایی کامه خاصه خان نگین قویدل نیا صمد رمزی
        The present study investigated differential effect of two types of feedback namely, computer-mediated and metalinguistic, on Iranian EFL learners’ writing accuracy. To this end, based on Nelson Proficiency Test (300 A), 69 Iranian advanced EFL learners, including أکثر
        The present study investigated differential effect of two types of feedback namely, computer-mediated and metalinguistic, on Iranian EFL learners’ writing accuracy. To this end, based on Nelson Proficiency Test (300 A), 69 Iranian advanced EFL learners, including 45 males and 24 females, aged between 17 and 24, learning English in language institutes in Salmas, were selected randomly out of the total population of 121 EFL learners and then divided into three groups. The participants in the two experimental groups received metalinguistic and computer-mediated feedback separately while those in the control group received no feedback. The analyses of the results obtained through a pre-test and a post-test indicated that both feedback types significantly influenced learners’ writing accuracy. However, analysis of the participants’ performances on the post-test demonstrated that metalinguistic group outperformed computer-mediated one. Thus, the effect of metalinguistic feedback was more than that of computer-mediated feedback. In addition, both of them were more influential than no-feedback instruction. The findings of the present study can be fruitful for syllabus designers and EFL teachers. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        150 - The Impact of Diary Keeping on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Accuracy: Past Tense Use across Proficiency Levels
        نوا نورداد رضا محمدی
        Language is highly context-sensitive and contextual learning of grammatical rules shows how the rules can be used in sentences. In this line, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of diary writing on the correct use of English past tenses among Iranian pre-i أکثر
        Language is highly context-sensitive and contextual learning of grammatical rules shows how the rules can be used in sentences. In this line, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of diary writing on the correct use of English past tenses among Iranian pre-intermediate and upper-intermediate EFL learners. The study followed a quasi-experimental design with pre-test, treatment, and post-test, in control and experimental groups. To this end, a total number of 80 pre-intermediate and upper-intermediate learners were recruited based on convenience sampling and randomly assigned to the study groups. The results of two one-way ANCOVAs revealed that diary writing had a positive effect on the accurate use of English past tense at the pre-intermediate level but it did not show a significant effect among upper-intermediate learners. These findings can have efficient implications for EFL teachers, learners, syllabus designers, as well as material developers. EFL teachers can make use of diary writing as an effective method to help learners have a better grasp of English past tenses. Course designers and material developers are advised to have the results of this study under advisement and find a way to incorporate diary writing tasks in their curriculum to help learners get a better understanding of English tenses. تفاصيل المقالة
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        151 - The Efficacy of an SFL-Oriented Register Instruction in Improving Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Performance and Perception: Language Proficiency in Focus
        محمد یوسفی اسگویی نادر اسدی آیدینلو مسعود ذوقی
        The current study sought to explore the impact of SFL-oriented register instruction on Iranian EFL learner’ writing performance with a central focus on their English proficiency level. As its secondary aim, the study delved deeply into the learners’ percepti أکثر
        The current study sought to explore the impact of SFL-oriented register instruction on Iranian EFL learner’ writing performance with a central focus on their English proficiency level. As its secondary aim, the study delved deeply into the learners’ perception of the register-based instruction. To these ends, 50 intermediate and 50 advanced Iranian EFL learners were selected randomly and assigned to four groups: two experimental and two control groups. Employing an experimental pretest/posttest design, the learners of the two experimental groups received instruction on the three components of register; that is, field, tenor, and mode along with the implementation of a three-phase teaching/learning cycle, whereas the learners in the control groups were exposed to a conventional writing instruction. Quantitative analysis of the learners’ writing performance on the pre- and posttest measures revealed the contributory role of register instruction in improving Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance, regardless of their English proficiency level. Furthermore, having been surveyed through a researcher-made questionnaire, the advanced and intermediate learners expressed their positive attitude towards the instruction. The findings highlighted the necessity of superseding the traditional linguistic-based writing instruction by a contextual and situational teaching methodology similar to what has been implemented in the current study. تفاصيل المقالة
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        152 - The Impact of Summary Writing with Structure Guidelines on EFL College Students’ Rhetorical Organization: Integrating Genre-Based and Process Approaches
        Maryam Karimpour پروانه کارکیا
        This study aimed at investigating the impact of writing on Iranian EFL college students’ rhetorical organization. Thirty Iranian female undergraduate students majoring in English at Al-zahra University participated in the current study. The writing instructions in أکثر
        This study aimed at investigating the impact of writing on Iranian EFL college students’ rhetorical organization. Thirty Iranian female undergraduate students majoring in English at Al-zahra University participated in the current study. The writing instructions included two stages, each lasting for four weeks. The participants were assigned to a control group and an experimental group according to an “S” model and received writing instructions based on genre and process approaches. The experimental group received writing instruction on text structure designed according to descriptive genre for the first four weeks, followed by the instruction on the process approach for the second four weeks. However, the control group received the process writing instruction only during the second stage. The research questions focused on whether summary writing with instructions on text structure improves students’ rhetorical organization or not. Also, the study sought to find out how students’ rhetorical organization improves when instructions on text structure are used as a supplementary tool to the process approach. The design of the study was quasi experimental. The findings revealed that summary writing with instructions on text structure helps students have better performances in rhetorical organization, concerning content, organization, language use, and syntactic complexity. Also, the obtained results indicated that genre and process approaches can be complementary, and summary writing with instructions on text structure can be used as a supplementary tool to the process approach. تفاصيل المقالة
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        153 - The Impact of Observer Ring Technique on the Writing Achievement: A case of Iranian EFL Learners
        جهانبخش نیکوپور محمد امینی فارسانی فهیمه محمودی
        This study was conducted to probe the effect of the observer ring technique on the participants’ writing achievement. In so doing, the researchers utilized a quasi-experimental design with 20 participants in the control group and 18 in the experimental group. Inst أکثر
        This study was conducted to probe the effect of the observer ring technique on the participants’ writing achievement. In so doing, the researchers utilized a quasi-experimental design with 20 participants in the control group and 18 in the experimental group. Instrumentation included a writing handout, an Oxford Placement Test (standard proficiency test), and a rating scale of writing. As a treatment, the participants in the experimental group were asked to write at home and bring their papers to the class to be corrected by their classmates and the teacher was the supervisor. In the control group, the papers were corrected by the teacher. The results of the pre-test indicated that the participants of the two groups were homogeneous with regard to proficiency level as well as their writing ability. The results of the post-test revealed that the writing ability of the participants in the experimental group had improved during the study. Moreover, the observer ring technique had a positive and significant effect on the participants' writing ability. The findings may promise implications for incorporating this new interactive feedback model into EFL writing classes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        154 - Audiotaped Dialogue Journal: A Technique to Improve Speaking Skill of Iranian EFL Learners
        مژگان رشتچی بابک خوشنویسان
        This study attempted to investigate whether there was any significant difference between the speaking achievement of learners who were trained by means of audiotaped dialogue journal, dialogue journal writing, or traditional free speech. The participants, 45 male and fe أکثر
        This study attempted to investigate whether there was any significant difference between the speaking achievement of learners who were trained by means of audiotaped dialogue journal, dialogue journal writing, or traditional free speech. The participants, 45 male and female students aged between 21 and 32, were selected by random sampling from among free speech classes in an English teaching Institute in Tehran. On the basis of the scores obtained from an oral interview, a one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed, and it was proved that the three groups were homogeneous in terms of their speaking ability. Yet, the ANOVA performed on the scores of the learners after the treatment showed that the oral proficiency of the three groups differed significantly. A follow-up Tukey test revealed that the audiotaped dialogue journal group did not have any advantage over the dialogue journal writing group, whereas there was a statistically significant difference between the audiotaped dialogue journal group and the traditional free speech group. تفاصيل المقالة
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        155 - Emotionality and Formality in Postgraduate ELT Students’ Use of Diction in Farsi and English Writing
        شبنم وحیدفر زهره سیفوری
        Diction conveys a wide array of meanings of which formality and emotionality are only two facets. Researchers have investigated various features of written discourse to capture discourse variation in L1 and L2 writings. Likewise, the present ex-post-facto study compared أکثر
        Diction conveys a wide array of meanings of which formality and emotionality are only two facets. Researchers have investigated various features of written discourse to capture discourse variation in L1 and L2 writings. Likewise, the present ex-post-facto study compared the formality and emotionality of diction in general and emotional English and Farsi texts produced by 20 MA students at Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch. Having verified the initial homogeneity of the participants, we required them to write four paragraphs, two in English and two in Farsi, on a general and an emotional topic. The formality of the words in English texts was determined based on Webster’s Dictionary. Further, the positive and negative emotion words used in English and Farsi texts were measured based on the definitions offered by Pennebaker and King (1999).The results of the statistical analyses revealed no significant difference in the formality of the words used by the participants in general and emotional English texts. The comparison of the research data, however, indicated significant differences in the use of emotion words in general and emotional English and Farsi texts. The findings underscore the need for raising learners’ awareness of the role diction can play in writing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        156 - Impact of Process and Genre-Based Approaches to Writing on Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Performance across Creativity Levels
        سولماز ایران نژاد ناصر غفوری اصغر محمودی
        This study aimed at investigating the effect of process-based and genre- based approaches to writing instruction on Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance across high and low creativity levels. The study followed a quasi-experimental design and it was conducted أکثر
        This study aimed at investigating the effect of process-based and genre- based approaches to writing instruction on Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance across high and low creativity levels. The study followed a quasi-experimental design and it was conducted with a homogenous sample of 72 learners who were selected from an initial group of 90 participants from a private language institute in Urmia, Iran. Based on the results of an English proficiency test known as Oxford Placement Test and a test of creativity known as Abedi-Schumacher Creativity Test, the participants were assigned into four groups of 18. The treatment period lasted for 10 sessions including pretest and posttest sessions. The results of ANCOVA statistics showed that the type of instruction had statistically significant effect on the learners’ writing performance, with the higher performance of genre-based over the process-based writing instruction, while the level of creativity had no significant effect on the participants’ writing scores. Furthermore, a significant interaction was observed between instruction type and the learners’ creativity level. The findings of this study have pedagogical implications for teachers, syllabus designers, and practitioners to use appropriate instructional methods in ELT with special attention on learners’ creativity levels. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        157 - Iranian EFL Learners’ Reactions to Different Feedbacks in Writing Classrooms: Teacher Written Comments (TWC) vs. Peer Written Comments (PWC)
        میترا ربیعی
        The teaching of writing has recently begun to move away from a concentration on the written product to an emphasis on the process of writing. Feedback is a fundamental element of the process approach to writing. It can be defined as input from a reader to a writer with أکثر
        The teaching of writing has recently begun to move away from a concentration on the written product to an emphasis on the process of writing. Feedback is a fundamental element of the process approach to writing. It can be defined as input from a reader to a writer with the effect of providing information to the writer for a revision. This study reports on the effectiveness of two types of feedback provided by two different sources– the teacher and the peers– on students’ overall writing quality in an EFL context. To fulfill such an aim, a group of 60 Iranian Persian native speakers aged between 22 and 25 majoring in English Translation were chosen from among a greater population of 98. They were assigned to three homogeneous groups based on their scores on Oxford Placement Test (OPT) and a sample writing assignment on a given topic by emphasizing the expository genre through providing some reasons. They covered five topics before and after receiving feedback– ten written texts– in the span of a 15-week semester. Then, the papers were rated analytically. The findings revealed that feedback had a noticeable effect on the students’ draft editing, and of the two sources of feedback, the students benefited from teacher’s feedback more than their peers’ feedback. Other possible implications interpreted from this study supported the occurrence of a change in students’ roles in communicative foreign language learning settings and that, they could take the role of autonomous learners and turn into common respondents to other students’ writings and in this way their L2 knowledge construction and implementation increased تفاصيل المقالة
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        158 - Effects of Pre-Task Strategic Planning on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Writing Motivation and Accuracy
        مسعود ذوقی لیدا فخیمی شکری
        Considering the benefits of preparation for writing in the pre-writing phase, this study attempted to examine the effects of different pre-task strategic planning activities (i.e., pre-task form-focus planning, content-focus planning, and no planning) on writing accurac أکثر
        Considering the benefits of preparation for writing in the pre-writing phase, this study attempted to examine the effects of different pre-task strategic planning activities (i.e., pre-task form-focus planning, content-focus planning, and no planning) on writing accuracy and motivation. To achieve the objectives of this study, sixty intermediate EFL learners were selected from an English language institute. They were randomly assigned into three groups, each of which included twenty participants. In order to measure the effect of strategic planning types, they were given a pretest and posttest in the form of narrative writing test and also the writing motivation questionnaire. One of the experimental groups received language focus activities, and the other one received content focus activities while the control group received no planning. After the twelve week intervention, all the groups were post tested. Results of the study based on ANCOVA showed that the form focus pre-task planning was the most effective in terms of its impact on the writing accuracy. However, it was found that there was no significant difference in the writing motivation of EFL learners who received different pre-task strategic planning activities. EFL teachers, curriculum developers and syllabus designers, and EFL learners can use the findings of this study in order to produce more accurate writings. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        159 - Loyalty to Traditional Prescriptions or Facing the Challenge of Realities: An Investigation into the Status of Metadiscourse Awareness in Academic Writing Coursebooks
        داوود کوهی
        The well-established affiliation of metadiscourse research tradition to the philosophy of ESP raises some inevitable expectations on how much and how well the concept has been geared to meet the practical necessities of academic writing pedagogy. In light of such an exp أکثر
        The well-established affiliation of metadiscourse research tradition to the philosophy of ESP raises some inevitable expectations on how much and how well the concept has been geared to meet the practical necessities of academic writing pedagogy. In light of such an expectation, a corpus of 35 academic writing coursebooks published during the last three decades was evaluated in terms of the possible realizations of key resources of interaction in pedagogical tasks. Due to its theoretical rigor and analytically operationalized nature, Hyland’s model of metadiscourse (2005a) was taken as the guiding framework for the current evaluation. The quantitative findings emerging from the analysis of the corpus did not sound sufficiently promising, suggesting that those theoretical developments have not yet been ideally translated into pedagogical designs; however, the rich range of resources identified in the tasks (i.e., the 55 categories emerging from the evaluation of the corpus) suggest that the rigorous tradition of research in metadiscourse has contributed to the effective operationalization of the concept for pedagogical objectives. It has been argued that through the effective introduction of the concept of metadiscourse into pedagogical designs and its appropriate operationalization, novice participants of academic/scientific discourse communities would be enabled to redefine the nature of academic communication and get rid of a large number of misconceptions which have become fossilized through long years of the dominance of positivistic thinking. تفاصيل المقالة
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        160 - The Impact of Task-supported Interactive Feedback on the Accuracy, Fluency, and Organization of Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing
        زهره سیفوری میترا زراعت پیشه سعیده آهنگری
        Controversy has not been yet resolved among researchers in second language research over the pedagogical efficacy of feedback in enhancing various features of learners’ writing skill. Research findings highlighting the significance of interactive tasks and learner أکثر
        Controversy has not been yet resolved among researchers in second language research over the pedagogical efficacy of feedback in enhancing various features of learners’ writing skill. Research findings highlighting the significance of interactive tasks and learners’ engagement in improving the learning process stimulated the present study, the purpose of which was to explore the effect of task-supported interactive feedback on the accuracy, fluency, and organization of seventy two Iranian English major sophomores at Islamic Azad University-Mashhad Branch. It was hypothesized that engaging learners in both tasks and providing feedback would enhance their writing performance. The participants in three intact classes were randomly assigned to three groups: a control group, with no task (NTG), and two experimental groups: the task-supported group (TG), and the task-supported group with interactive feedback (TFG). Four one way analyses of variance tests were run on the research data indicated that the apparent gain in the task-supported interactive group over the other groups did not reach significance level. However, the TG group outperformed the control group in all three aspects of writing. The findings have pedagogical implications and can be interpreted in terms of socio-cultural characteristics of Iranian students. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        161 - تأثیر بازخورد به زبان بومی و رسمی بر پیشبرد خواندن و نوشتن دانش‌آموزان دوزبانه
        علی افشاری ناهید صادقی رضا هناره
        بازخورد هر گونه اطلاعاتی است که در مورد صحت و تناسب یک پاسخ ارائه می‌شود. جهت تعیین تأثیر بازخورد به زبان مادری و فارسی بر پیشرفت خواندن و نوشتن دانش‌آموزان دوزبانه (کردی- فارسی)، از دانش‌آموزان پسر پایه چهارم ابتدایی یک مجتمع آموزشی در شهرستان اشنویه، 45 نفر به عنوان ن أکثر
        بازخورد هر گونه اطلاعاتی است که در مورد صحت و تناسب یک پاسخ ارائه می‌شود. جهت تعیین تأثیر بازخورد به زبان مادری و فارسی بر پیشرفت خواندن و نوشتن دانش‌آموزان دوزبانه (کردی- فارسی)، از دانش‌آموزان پسر پایه چهارم ابتدایی یک مجتمع آموزشی در شهرستان اشنویه، 45 نفر به عنوان نمونه با روش نمونه‌گیری خوشه‌ای انتخاب شدند. دانش‌آموزان در سه گروه مجزا قرار گرفتند: گروه آزمایشی اول که بازخورد به زبان مادری دریافت کردند، گروه آزمایشی دوم که بازخورد به زبان فارسی دریافت کردند و گروه کنترل که هیچگونه بازخوردی دریافت نکردند. به منظور جمع‌آوری داده‌ها، از یک آزمون پیشرفت تحصیلی که توسط محقق طراحی شده بود، استفاده شد. یافته‌های حاصل از تحلیل کواریانس نشان دادکه ارائه بازخورد به زبان مادری تأثیر معنی‌داریی بر پیشبرد خواندن و نوشتن دانش‌آموزان دوزبانه دارد و بین گروه آزمایشی اول (که بازخورد به زبان مادری دریافت کردند) و گروه کنترل (که بازخورد دریافت نکردند)، تفاوت معنی‌داریی مشاهده شد. اما بین گروه آزمایشی دوم (که بازخورد به زبان فارسی دریافت کردند) و گروه کنترل تفاوت معنی‌داریی وجود نداشت. این یافته‌ها نشان داد که ارائه بازخورد به زبان فارسی تأثیر چندانی بر پیشرفت خواندن و نوشتن دانش‌آموزان دوزبانه نداشته است. براساس یافته‌های پژوهش حاضر می‌توان گفت که ارائه بازخورد به زبان بومی به دانش‌آموزان دوزبانه می‌تواند در بهبود عملکرد آنان مؤثر باشد تفاصيل المقالة
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        162 - تأثیر ارزشیابی پوشه‌ایی بر صحت دستوری و پیچیدگی نوشتاری دانشجویان کارشناسی‌ارشد آموزش زبان‌انگلیسی
        زهره سیفوری
        تحقیق شبه تجربی حاضر به بررسی تأثیر ارزشیابی پوشه ایی بر صحت دستوری و پیچیدگی نوشتاری دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد آموزش زبان پرداخته است و بر این فرضیه تحقیق استوار می‌باشد که شرکت در فرآیند ارزشیابی عملکرد خود توجه زبان آموزان را نسبت به ویژگی‌های صوری و متنی کلام نوشتاری أکثر
        تحقیق شبه تجربی حاضر به بررسی تأثیر ارزشیابی پوشه ایی بر صحت دستوری و پیچیدگی نوشتاری دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد آموزش زبان پرداخته است و بر این فرضیه تحقیق استوار می‌باشد که شرکت در فرآیند ارزشیابی عملکرد خود توجه زبان آموزان را نسبت به ویژگی‌های صوری و متنی کلام نوشتاری جلب نموده و موجب پیشرفت آنها می‌شود. آزمودنی‌های حاضر در این پژوهش شامل 40 دانشجوی مقطع کارشناسی‌ارشد آموزش زبان انگلیسی از جمعیت پنجاه نفری دانشجویانی انتخاب شدند که درس نگارش پیشرفته را اخذ نموده و پس از تأیید همگنی در مهارت‌های درک مطلب و نوشتار به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه تحقیق و شاهد تعیین شدند. هر دو گروه به مدت 12 جلسه بر اساس مطالب آموزشی یکسان و روش تدریس فرآیند-محور توام با بازخورد تعاملی، خود ویراستاری و بازخورد معلم آموزش دریافت نمودند. گروه تحقیق به صورت هفتگی در ارزشیابی پوشه‌ایی تکالیف نوشتاری خود نیز شرکت نمودند. تحلیل آماری داده‌های پس‌آزمون نشانگر پیشرفت معنی‌دار گروه تحقیق در صحت دستوری و پیچیدگی نوشتاری بود. نتایج پژوهش ضرورت شرکت دادن دانشجویان کارشناسی‌ارشد آموزش انگلیسی در فرآیند آموزش و ارزشیابی پیشرفت آموزشی خود را مورد تأکید قرار می‌دهد و کاربردهای آموزشی بسیاری دارد تفاصيل المقالة
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        163 - The Effect of Critical Thinking on Reading and Writing Skills of Islamic Azad University Students in Third Area
        Ali Asghar Razavi Fatemeh Noshinfard Fahimeh BabolHavaeji Sedigheh Mohammad Esmaeil
        This paper tries to evaluate the rate and the effect of critical thinking on reading and writing skills of students at I.A.U of district 3. Those who study library and Information science. More than 113 student were chosen for sampling analysis and Wilcakson analytical أکثر
        This paper tries to evaluate the rate and the effect of critical thinking on reading and writing skills of students at I.A.U of district 3. Those who study library and Information science. More than 113 student were chosen for sampling analysis and Wilcakson analytical indexes were used for interpreting the results. SPSS analysis shows that the aching those skills can increase the students reading and writing skills in other words: those techniques can develop the five-type skills of the students thorough critical thinking. تفاصيل المقالة
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        164 - تحلیلی بر ساده‌نویسی در عاشقانه‌های عمران صلاحی
        داوود ملک زاده عبدالحسین فرزاد منصوره ثابت زاده
        عمران صلاحی از جمله شاعرانی‌ست که زبان ساده‌ای در اشعارش دارد و می‌توان وی را در زمرة شاعران ساده‌نویس‌ به شمار آورد. بخش عمده‌ای از اشعار او عاشقانه‌های وی است که مختص به دوران خاصی نیست و در تمامی مجموعه ‌شعرهایش دیده می‌شود. در این مقاله که به روش توصیفی-تحلیلی انجام أکثر
        عمران صلاحی از جمله شاعرانی‌ست که زبان ساده‌ای در اشعارش دارد و می‌توان وی را در زمرة شاعران ساده‌نویس‌ به شمار آورد. بخش عمده‌ای از اشعار او عاشقانه‌های وی است که مختص به دوران خاصی نیست و در تمامی مجموعه ‌شعرهایش دیده می‌شود. در این مقاله که به روش توصیفی-تحلیلی انجام گرفته، ساده نویسی در عاشقانةهای صلاحی بررسی می‌گردد. ساده‌نویسی‌های عاشقانة شاعر، در سه حوزة ساختاری‌ و زبانی، بلاغی و محتوایی بررسی شده است. در بخش ساختاری و زبانی: بیان مستقیم، سادگی تعبیر و بیان، کوتاه‌نویسی، نقش هم‌نشینی کلمه در شعر، بهره‌گیری از زبان محاوره، عدم استفاده از واژه‌های دشوار، نزدیکی اجزای‌ اصلی جمله به یکدیگر، شروع مؤثر و پایان‌بندی غافل‌گیرکننده و در بخش بلاغی: پارادوکس، ایجاز، تشبیهات رایج و روزمره و آنِ شاعرانه و در بخش محتوایی: توجه به زندگی روزمره و تصاویر ملموس، جزئی‌نگری و بهره‌گیری از سوژه‌های به ظاهر بی‌اهمیت تحلیل شده است. نتیجه اینکه ساده‌نویسی عمران صلاحی که منجر به برقراری مؤثر با مخاطب شده است، باعث نشده تا نوشته‌های وی را سطحی جلوه دهد، بلکه همواره از ارزش ادبی برخوردارست. وی که توجهی توأمان به زبان و محتوای شعرش دارد، این روند را در تمامی ادوار شاعری‌اش در قالب کلاسیک و نو مورد استفاده‌ قرار داده، تنوع موضوعات در اشعار وی از جمله موضوعات عاشقانه، مشهود است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        165 - ارائه الگوی افزایش تاب‌آوری محیطی شهر کنارک در برابر سیلاب‌های ناشی از طوفان‌های حاره‌ای با تأکید بر آینده‌پژوهی
        ابراهیم فروزان مهر آزاده اربابی سبزواری فاطمه ادیبی سعدی نژاد
        امروزه تاب‌آور بودن شهرها در برابر مخاطرات طبیعی به یکی از مباحث مهم در مدیریت شهری تبدیل شده است. از طرفی توجه به این موضوع با نگاه آینده‌پژوهی برنامه‌ریزی را برای بهبود وضعیت آینده راحت‌تر کرده است، از همین رو، هدف اصلی پژوهش حاضر ارائه الگوی افزایش تاب‌آوری شهر کنارک أکثر
        امروزه تاب‌آور بودن شهرها در برابر مخاطرات طبیعی به یکی از مباحث مهم در مدیریت شهری تبدیل شده است. از طرفی توجه به این موضوع با نگاه آینده‌پژوهی برنامه‌ریزی را برای بهبود وضعیت آینده راحت‌تر کرده است، از همین رو، هدف اصلی پژوهش حاضر ارائه الگوی افزایش تاب‌آوری شهر کنارک در برابر مخاطرات ناشی از طوفان‌های حاره‌ای و با رویکرد آینده‌پژوهی است. پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف از نوع کاربردی و از نظر ماهیت از نوع روش اکتشافی است، برای گردآوری داده‌ها و اطلاعات از دو روش اسنادی و میدانی (مصاحبه و پرسشنامه خودساخته) بهره گرفته شده است. جامعه آماری پژوهش حاضر شامل کارشناسان و نخبگان مربوطه بودند که با توجه به اهداف پژوهش و برای دستیابی به الگوی مطلوب با رویکرد آینده‌پژوهی از طریق مصاحبه با نخبگان و کارشناسان و با استفاده از روش نمونه‌گیری غیرتصادفی هدفمند (به صورت از پیش تعیین شده)، انجام گرفت که در نهایت تعداد 15 نفر بدست آمد. برای شناسایی پیشران‌های کلیدی از روش تحلیل ساختاری )اثرات متقابل) در قالب نرم افزار MICMAC همچنین برای سناریونویسی از نرم‌افزار Senario Wizard استفاده شد. یافته‌های پژوهش نشان داد، ﮐﻪ ﭘﯿﺸﺮان کانال جمع‌آوری آب‌های سطحی ﺑﯿﺸﺘﺮﯾﻦ ﺗﺄﺛﯿﺮ را از ﻃﺮﯾﻖ آﯾﻨﺪهﻫﺎی ﺑﺪﯾﻞ ﺧﻮد (ﺣﺎﻟﺖ ﻣﺤﺘﻤﻞ) ﺑﺮ ﺳﺎﯾﺮ ﭘﯿﺸﺮانﻫﺎ در ﺗﻌﯿﯿﻦ آﯾﻨﺪهﻫﺎ ﻣﺘﻔﺎوت ﺧﻮاﻫﻨﺪ بود و ﭘﯿﺸﺮان تغییر نظام ساختار سازمان‌ها ﺑﺮاﺳﺎس ارﺗﺒﺎط آﯾﻨﺪهﻫﺎی ﺑﺪﯾﻞ ﺑﯿﺸﺘﺮﯾﻦ ﺗﺄﺛﯿﺮ را از ﺳﺎﯾﺮ آﯾﻨﺪهﻫﺎی ﺑﺪﯾﻞ ﮔﺮﻓﺘﻪ است. ﻫﻤﭽﻨﯿﻦ، ﭘﯿﺸﺮان‌های نقشه پهنه‌بندی سیلاب، سامانه هشدار زودهنگام مخاطرات طبیعی و سامانه مکانی (GIS) و آﯾﻨﺪهﻫﺎی ﺑﺪﯾﻞ آن ﺟﺰء ﭘﯿﺸﺮانﻫﺎی ﺑﯿﻨﺎﺑﯿﻦ ﺑﻮده اﺳﺖ. تفاصيل المقالة
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        166 - Impact of Elementary Learners’ L1 in Consciousness-raising Tasks on Their L2 Writing Accuracy
        Saeideh fatahzadeh Sajad Shafiee Fariba Rahimi
        This study was an attempt to investigate the impact of elementary learners’ L1 in consciousness-raising tasks on their L2 writing accuracy. To achieve this end, 32 male and female elementary EFL learners, aged 17 to 26, participated in this study. They were assign أکثر
        This study was an attempt to investigate the impact of elementary learners’ L1 in consciousness-raising tasks on their L2 writing accuracy. To achieve this end, 32 male and female elementary EFL learners, aged 17 to 26, participated in this study. They were assigned to two experimental groups (L1 and L2 groups) using the intact group sampling technique. The treatment was 13 two-hour sessions in which the participants of L1 group were exposed to consciousness-raising tasks through their L1, but the L2 group experienced the same tasks in English. At the end, a writing test was administered for both groups and the data collected through the pre-test and post-test were analyzed using paired-samples t test and one-way analysis of covariance. The results of the data analysis showed that L1 group significantly outperformed the L2 group in writing accuracy. This finding verifies the rejection of the ideological dogma of using first language in foreign language classes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        167 - Analyzing the Main EFL Learners' Writing Problems with Focus on Figurative Language: Metaphor and Metonymy Instruction
        Nasrin Jenabagha Shaban Najafi Karim Amir Marzban
        This study was an endeavor to explore the main sources of EFL learners' writing problems through dialogic interactions. It also investigated the effect of metaphor and metonymy on EFL learners' writing achievement. To achieve this end, the researcher adopted mixed-metho أکثر
        This study was an endeavor to explore the main sources of EFL learners' writing problems through dialogic interactions. It also investigated the effect of metaphor and metonymy on EFL learners' writing achievement. To achieve this end, the researcher adopted mixed-method research with a sample of intermediate language students from both genders. In the qualitative section, 20 EFL learners were selected through purposive sampling, and in the quantitative section, 120 language students were selected through convenience sampling from a university in Gorgan. Data were gathered through Quick Oxford Placement Test (OPT), writing tests, and a semi-structured interview. After recording and transcribing the interviews, the transcripts of the interviews were formatted using the software NVIVO 11 Pro®. With the help of this software, the textual data were reduced into some statements which could reflect the main ideas of the participants’ lived experiences without any intervention from the researcher. However, the data of the tests were inserted into SPSS software and the ANCOVA test was run to indicate differences between the three groups in terms of their writing improvement. The main results suggested that metaphor and metonymy through dialogic interactions had significant effects on the participations’ writing achievement. As well as that, findings from the analysis of data revealed the four main sources of writing problems as linguistic, personal, epistemological, and ecological. تفاصيل المقالة
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        168 - Peer Online Feedback and Teacher Online Feedback on Iranian Writing Performance
        Mohammad Azizi Reza Shams Narges Tavassoli
        This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using online peer and teacher feedback on Iranian EFL learners writing performance. To this end, a group of 28 homogenous learners were selected to participate in this study. They were divided into two equal sets; the أکثر
        This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using online peer and teacher feedback on Iranian EFL learners writing performance. To this end, a group of 28 homogenous learners were selected to participate in this study. They were divided into two equal sets; the first group received online peer feedback and the second group received online teacher feedback. In order to obtain the results of the treatments, two types of t-tests were run. First, to check the effectiveness of the two types of online feedback, paired sample t-tests and to make the comparison between the TF and PF independent sample t-test was run. Results of the study indicated that both types of online corrective feedback are effective. However, the TF group outperformed the PF one. Therefore, technology integration in L2 classrooms and, more specifically, providing learners with online corrective feedback will lead to more progress in EFL learners' writing performance. تفاصيل المقالة
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        169 - Using Input Enhancement and Output-Based Production in Writing Classes
        Hamid Marashi Alireza Rezaei
        The current study adopted a qualitative-quantitative design to compare the effects of output-based production (OBP) and input enhancement (IE) as two teaching techniques on a group of EFL learners’ writing and also to seek those learners’ perceptions on the أکثر
        The current study adopted a qualitative-quantitative design to compare the effects of output-based production (OBP) and input enhancement (IE) as two teaching techniques on a group of EFL learners’ writing and also to seek those learners’ perceptions on the two instruction procedures. Accordingly, 65 intermediate learners were selected through convenience nonrandom sampling from among 94 students in intact classes based on their performance on a sample proficiency test (the test had already been piloted among 30 learners). These 65 learners were subsequently divided into two groups consisting of 33 learners in the OBP group and 32 in the IE group. The researchers also made sure that the learners in both groups were homogeneous in terms of their writing prior to the treatment. Next, the treatment in both groups commenced. Once the treatment was over, the researchers gave both groups the same writing posttest. The results of the statistical analysis indicated that the IE group outperformed the OBP group significantly in their writing. The participants further sat for a semi-structured interview comprising five questions about their perception regarding both instructions which demonstrated that the IE group was generally more satisfied with the course than the OBP group. The findings of this study suggest more attention to the incorporation of IE in both English language schools and pre- and in-service teacher training programs. تفاصيل المقالة
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        170 - Effects of Teacher vs. Grammarly Feedback on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Skill
        Hoda Sistani Omid Tabatabaei
        Among four language skills, the task of writing is one of the most complex and demanding cognitive processes. Also, feedback is necessary for teachers during their careers to improve their students ‘self-confidence. So, the present study aimed to explore the impac أکثر
        Among four language skills, the task of writing is one of the most complex and demanding cognitive processes. Also, feedback is necessary for teachers during their careers to improve their students ‘self-confidence. So, the present study aimed to explore the impact of feedback provided by Grammarly Software compared to teachers’ feedback on the writing ability of Iranian EFL learners. Through the nonrandom sampling method, 60 intermediate male and female EFL learners were selected, then they were randomly assigned to two main groups: the experimental and control group. In ten sessions, the participants were administered the Oxford Placement Test (OQPT), Pretest of Essay Writing, the Grammarly software program, a Posttest of Essay Writing, and an attitude questionnaire. The data gathered from the comparison of the pretest and posttest revealed that the experimental group members outperformed those in the control group, meaning that the Grammarly software program positively affected the EFL learners' writing ability. The results might have implications for language teachers, learners, and materials developers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        171 - Combined Effect of Critical Thinking and Dynamic Assessment on Enhancing Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Performance: A Focus on Teaching Writing Strategies
        Raheleh Taheri Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi Omid Tabatabaei Hadi Salehi
        This study aimed to explore the combined impacts of critical thinking and dynamic Assessment on enhancing the writing performance of Iranian EFL learners, specifically focusing on teaching writing strategies. We selected 80 intermediate-level participants from a pool of أکثر
        This study aimed to explore the combined impacts of critical thinking and dynamic Assessment on enhancing the writing performance of Iranian EFL learners, specifically focusing on teaching writing strategies. We selected 80 intermediate-level participants from a pool of approximately 200 language learners at an accredited institute (Gooyesh). These participants were divided equally into two experimental and control groups. The experimental group (EG) received writing strategies through the application of critical thinking principles and dynamic assessment. The control group (CG) received writing strategies through traditional methods without receiving critical thinking or dynamic assessment principles. The two groups underwent a writing pre-test to assess their initial writing skills, and after the treatment, to measure their writing improvement, they took a post-test using the same evaluation criteria as those of the pre-test. Then, appropriate statistical tools were employed to gauge the participants' writing progress as a result of the instructional methods. The results indicated that integrating dynamic assessment and critical thinking strategies significantly improved participants' written communication skills. These findings hold promise for EFL instructors, curriculum designers, and material developers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        172 - Impact of Teacher’s Dynamic Assessment on Iranian EFL Learners’ Stance in Academic Writing
        Katayoun Eghtesadi Ehsan Rezvani Bahram Hadian
        This quasi-experimental study aimed to investigate the effects of dynamic assessment employed by teachers on promoting Iranian EFL learners’ stances in academic writing. For this purpose, three intact writing classes were selected by convenience sampling from BA s أکثر
        This quasi-experimental study aimed to investigate the effects of dynamic assessment employed by teachers on promoting Iranian EFL learners’ stances in academic writing. For this purpose, three intact writing classes were selected by convenience sampling from BA students of English translation at Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University. The Quick Oxford Placement Test (QOPT) was administered to them, and those whose scores matched the intermediate band score of QOPT were selected. In general, 35 homogeneous students were selected from each class and randomly assigned into two experimental groups and one control group. A writing test was administered to all groups as the pre-test at the onset of the semester. The experimental groups were taught by the researcher and passed five different quizzes during the semester. The three groups were post-tested at the end of the semester. The results illustrated that both teacher and peers’ dynamic assessment effectively improved Iranian EFL learners’ stance in academic writing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        173 - Scaffolding in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) vs. Scaffolding in Face-to-face Programs in IELTS Writing Task: Test-takers’ Perceptions in Focus
        Rezvan Narimani Fariba Rahimi Esfahani Sajad Shafiee
        AbstractThis research sought to investigate IELTS test-takers' perceptions of obtaining scaffolded MOOC-based training. To accomplish this purpose, 50 IELTS candidates were chosen through convenient sampling and assigned to one of two groups: a MOOC-based teaching group أکثر
        AbstractThis research sought to investigate IELTS test-takers' perceptions of obtaining scaffolded MOOC-based training. To accomplish this purpose, 50 IELTS candidates were chosen through convenient sampling and assigned to one of two groups: a MOOC-based teaching group (MG, n = 25) and a face-to-face instruction group (F2FG, n = 25). The MG test-takers were exposed to FutureLearn, while the F2FG test-takers were given identical materials in person. Scaffolding took the form of visual aids, pre-teaching the necessary terminology, drawing on the participants' past knowledge of a subject, modeling what they were requested to write, and providing them with the sentence patterns needed to complete the IELTS Writing Task 2. The writing pre-test and post-test scores of the two groups were examined using a one-way ANCOVA, which revealed that the MG learners outperformed their F2FG counterparts significantly. The perception questionnaire results revealed that MG students liked MOOC-based education for their writing courses. The implications and applications of the current study's results are provided at the end of the research تفاصيل المقالة
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        174 - Effects of Wiki-Mediated Collaborative Writing on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners' Written Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency
        Zeinab Cheraghpour Nafiseh Hosseinpour Sajad Shafiee
        This study examined how Iranian intermediate EFL learners' writing complexity, accuracy, and fluency were affected by collaborative online writing using Wikis. The language proficiency of 75 EFL learners was gauged based on their performance on the Oxford Quick Placemen أکثر
        This study examined how Iranian intermediate EFL learners' writing complexity, accuracy, and fluency were affected by collaborative online writing using Wikis. The language proficiency of 75 EFL learners was gauged based on their performance on the Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT). They were intermediate male and female EFL learners studying English at three language institutes in Shahrekord, Iran. The participants were then split into two groups at random: a Wiki group (WG), and a control group (CG). Afterwards, learners in the control and experimental group were given a cause-and-effect prompt as a pre-test, and their writing complexity, accuracy, and fluency were assessed using CAF measures. Following the pre-test, the participants in the experimental group began a six-week training period in the collaborative environment of Wiki. The same instructional materials and procedures were presented to the control group, but in a non-collaborative, face-to-face setting. Similar to the writing pre-test, a writing post-test was given to both groups at the end of the intervention, and the writings were graded. In comparison to the conventional methodology, the results obtained revealed that the instructional method via Wiki was advantageous and effective in enhancing writing skills. This result is consistent with theories supporting the use of technology-based approaches in EFL writing settings. The main outcome of this research is that the ease and viability of teaching and learning writing are significantly and meaningfully influenced by giving learners control over their learning through Wiki. تفاصيل المقالة
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        175 - Effects of Genre-Based Pedagogy on Iranian Medical Researchers’ Discussion Writing Ability
        Sadegh Ghaffari Zhila Mohammadnia
        Genre-based pedagogy has gained a lot of attention since the mid-1980s. Genre is defined in relation to the use of language in conventionalized communicative situations. In this research, there was an attempt to scrutinize the effects of genre-based pedagogy on Iranian أکثر
        Genre-based pedagogy has gained a lot of attention since the mid-1980s. Genre is defined in relation to the use of language in conventionalized communicative situations. In this research, there was an attempt to scrutinize the effects of genre-based pedagogy on Iranian medical researchers’ discussion writing ability. To examine the formulated hypotheses, A group of 35 subjects were randomly selected from medical researchers in Zanjan and Tehran Universities of Medical Sciences. Both male and female researchers were invited to this study. A within-group pre-test and post-test design was implemented. The instructional procedures went on for four sessions before the posttest was administered. The results of the paired t-test revealed that genre-based pedagogy had a significant effect on the discussion writing ability of Iranian researchers of medical sciences. Ultimately, in a Focus-group interview, the participants contended their expertise in writing significantly increased due to the treatment sessions. Implications of this study may include genre-based pedagogy in the Iranian ESP curriculum. تفاصيل المقالة
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        176 - Coding Stance through it bundles: The case of applied linguistics
        Hassan Jalali
        Abstract The study of linguistic devices variously referred to as stance expressions is one of the best means by which the relationship between the writer, the reader, and propositional meaning could be examined. This paper looks at a particular structural group of lexi أکثر
        Abstract The study of linguistic devices variously referred to as stance expressions is one of the best means by which the relationship between the writer, the reader, and propositional meaning could be examined. This paper looks at a particular structural group of lexical bundles encoding stance expressions. These are bundles starting with an anticipatory it followed by is, a predicative adjective and finally ending with infinitival to or complementizer that (e.g. it is important to, it is possible that). The use of these bundles is compared in three corpora of research articles, doctoral dissertations, and master theses in the discipline of applied linguistics to explore possible generic variations and identify possible differences between published students writing. Using Hewings and Hewings's functional typology of interpersonal roles of it clauses (2002), this group of bundles is found to have three stance expressions of hedging, marking attitude, and stressing emphasis. The major difference is discovered to be between students' genres and research articles, with the former drawing less in their expression of interpersonal meanings. The differences are accounted for by referring to generic expectations, and students' growing disciplinary identity. The findings of the study have some implications for academic writing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        177 - Writing in EFL: Exploring students' perspectives in Syrian high school and university contexts
        Batoul Khoja Debasish Mohapatra Madan Sarma
        This paper is a part of a larger study that examines the development of students' English writing skills during the transition from school education to higher education in Syria, where English is a foreign language. The main objective of this paper is exploring teaching أکثر
        This paper is a part of a larger study that examines the development of students' English writing skills during the transition from school education to higher education in Syria, where English is a foreign language. The main objective of this paper is exploring teaching practices affect students transition from one level to the next via obtaining students' perceptions about writing, challenges they encounter while writing, and the strategies they use to overcome them. Two separate questionnaires were given to 206 school students from 7 different high schools across Latakia City and 206 first-year students at the Department of English Literature and Language, Tishreen University in Latakia. The main findings indicated that students of both levels were mostly concerned with grammar rather ideas and content, and with the product rather than the process of writing. Moreover, students lacked confidence in their writing ability and mostly depended on ready-made samples and teachers as the main sources of information. The study recommends changing the product-oriented approach to writing instruction currently adopted by school teachers, conducting effective teacher-training programs that include training them to develop students' writing by involving them in the writing process and teaching them how to use writing strategies effectively. تفاصيل المقالة
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        178 - Task-based Language Teaching in L2 English Writing Classrooms: Insights from Chinese Senior Secondary Schools
        Miner Chen
        There is little research on the task-based teaching approach in senior secondary L2 English writing classrooms. This study carried out an exploratory sequential mixed methods study to explore the suitability and adaptations of task-based language teaching in the domain أکثر
        There is little research on the task-based teaching approach in senior secondary L2 English writing classrooms. This study carried out an exploratory sequential mixed methods study to explore the suitability and adaptations of task-based language teaching in the domain of secondary schools in small cities. First, the researcher surveyed six EFL senior secondary teachers of different teaching experiences in China by convenient and purposive sampling to get background information, then had semi-structured interviews with them individually. To followed the interviews, the researcher surveyed 148 students via an online questionnaire also by convenient and purposive sampling. Findings indicated that, although most teachers acknowledged the usefulness of TBLT, they regarded it unsuitable and unfeasible in the context of Chinese senior secondary L2 writing classrooms. Also, students in the study ranked clear instruction and vocabulary increase as the first two contributors in improving their L2 English writing. But half of all students also valued an interesting writing classroom and took it as a third facilitator to develop their writing. Besides, adaptations were suggested to include professional task design, teacher discussion, reward mechanism and teacher profession development. In the future, further research is needed to examine the findings in this study, generalizing them to different contexts, ages and domains, and exploring teachers’ individual differences and their choice of teaching approaches. تفاصيل المقالة
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        179 - Epistemological and Ecological Perception of the Roots of EFL Writing Problems: A Phenomenology and a Path Analysis
        Nasrin Jenabagha Shaban Najafi Karimi Amir Marzban
        Delving into the sources of foreign language writing problems is usually neglected. This necessitates more scrutiny of finding out where these problems originate from. To this end, the present study sought to follow a two-fold aim: finding the roots of the Iranian EFL l أکثر
        Delving into the sources of foreign language writing problems is usually neglected. This necessitates more scrutiny of finding out where these problems originate from. To this end, the present study sought to follow a two-fold aim: finding the roots of the Iranian EFL learners’ writing problems, and discovering how these roots are interconnected with each other and come up with a corresponding model. In the qualitative part of the study, a phenomenological research tradition was adopted and 20 EFL learners were selected through purposive sampling. In the quantitative part, through convenience sampling 120 language learners from an English language school in Gorgan, Iran, were selected to be the participants of the study. A semi-structured interview and a researcher-developed questionnaire were used as the instruments for data collection. The results obtained from the analysis of data revealed that writing problems originate from various sources, mainly linguistic, personal, epistemological and ecological, and enjoy a model in which epistemological, linguistic and ecological sources have direct effects and personal source has indirect effect on writing problems. Recognition of epistemological and ecological sources as a novel finding can make teachers revisit their view of these less-approached issues. تفاصيل المقالة
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        180 - The Role of Self-efficacy, Self-esteem and Attitude in Predicting Writing Performance of Students in Ethiopian Context
        Ebabu Adugna
        The study aimed to investigate students’ self-efficacy, self-esteem, and attitude as determinants of their writing performance. The participants for the study were 373 South Gonder Zone Preparatory School students who were chosen using multistage sampling techniqu أکثر
        The study aimed to investigate students’ self-efficacy, self-esteem, and attitude as determinants of their writing performance. The participants for the study were 373 South Gonder Zone Preparatory School students who were chosen using multistage sampling technique. Questionnaire and writing test were employed to gather data. Pearson’s Correlation technique was used to analyze the associations among the variables of this study. A standard multiple regression technique was used to check the combined effect of the students’ self-efficacy, self-esteem and attitude on the writing performance of students; a Stepwise regression technique was used to check the effect that each predictor variable could have on the students’ writing performance. Also, ANCOVA was employed to compute the independent effects of the students’ self-efficacy, self-esteem and attitude on the students’ writing performance after age and gender were adjusted. The study revealed that (1) the variables were significantly and positively correlated to each other; (2) the combined effect of the independent variables on students’ writing performance was R2 = .222 which means that 22.2% of the variation in the students’ writing performance was explained by the composite impact of self-esteem, attitude and self-efficacy of writing; (3) the independent effects of the three predictor variables on writing performance were found to be significant although attitude was identified as the only predictor of writing performance when age and gender were controlled. The study concludes that self-efficacy, self-esteem and attitude have significant roles in predicting performance of writing though attitude takes the lion’s share in determining the latter. تفاصيل المقالة
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        181 - Native Language Interference in Writing: A case study of Thai EFL learners
        Pimpisa Rattanadilok Na Phuket Siti Jamilah Bidin
        AbstractThe interference of the native language in acquiring a foreign language is unavoidable. In an attempt to explore the phenomenon why this occurs, the study was conducted in English as a foreign language writing. The study also investigated how the native language أکثر
        AbstractThe interference of the native language in acquiring a foreign language is unavoidable. In an attempt to explore the phenomenon why this occurs, the study was conducted in English as a foreign language writing. The study also investigated how the native language interference occurred in the writing process. In fact, this qualitative study explored the reasons and the process of native language interference in writing performances of EFL learners. The data were collected from Thai undergraduate students through semi-structured interviews. Results obtained from the analysis of this study suggested that the reasons of native language interference in EFL writing were found in three main themes: learning strategies of language learners, inadequate knowledge of the target language, and attitude towards English. Furthermore, the interference of the native language appeared in the initial stage and repeatedly occurred throughout the entire writing process. Finally, the suggestions related to the teachers’ awareness of the problematic area, the use of English as the classroom language, and the use of monolingual dictionary are offered to the EFL writing instructors in order to help their EFL students to minimize the errors caused by the native language interference. تفاصيل المقالة
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        182 - Functional analysis of Subject and Verb in Theses Abstracts on Applied Linguistics
        Sakineh Badrani Seyed Foad Ebrahimi
        The purpose of the present study is to analyse abstracts related to Applied Linguistics, and more precisely the discourse functions of grammatical subjects and verbs. The corpus consisted of 50 PhD thesis abstracts written on the subject of Applied Linguistics. All of t أکثر
        The purpose of the present study is to analyse abstracts related to Applied Linguistics, and more precisely the discourse functions of grammatical subjects and verbs. The corpus consisted of 50 PhD thesis abstracts written on the subject of Applied Linguistics. All of the abstracts were written from 2010 to 2014. The theses from which the abstracts were extracted are available in the ProQuest database. Based on the model put forth by Swales and Feak (2004), the elements of the abstracts were identified. In accordance with Ebrahimi (2014), frameworks were used to analyse discourse functions, while the realisation of grammatical subjects and verbs was analysed for tense types. The results revealed that the “introducing part of study” and “research-related objects” were the predominant types of grammatical subjects. Indeed, these performed more discourse functions in Applied Linguistics PhD thesis abstracts compared with other grammatical subject types. The results also indicated that simple past tense was predominant in aim, method, and results sections, while the simple present was predominant in the background and conclusion sections. تفاصيل المقالة
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        183 - Collaborative vs. Individual Task Planning and Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Performance
        Ahmad Ameri-Golestan Elham Dousti
        Abstract This study was intended to compare collaborative and individual task planning effects on Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance. Therefore, a group of 90 upper intermediate EFL learners were placed in three groups of Collaborative Task planning, Indivi أکثر
        Abstract This study was intended to compare collaborative and individual task planning effects on Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance. Therefore, a group of 90 upper intermediate EFL learners were placed in three groups of Collaborative Task planning, Individual Task planning, and Control. In the experimental groups, participants were asked to do task planning collaboratively and individually. The first writing assignment was the pretest and the eighth one was the posttest. A rating scale which includes five equally weighted criteria for rating; namely, Organization, Content, Grammar, Mechanics, and Style as well as the Total score was used. After making sure about the inter-rater consistency, data were analyzed using one-way ANOVAs to examine the effects of task planning on EFL writing performance. Results indicated that task planning produced better writing performances in the experimental groups, when considering Total scores. Furthermore, the treatment was effective in Organization and Style. Nevertheless, it had no significant effects on Content, Grammar, and Mechanics. Results are in line with previous research on collaborative writing and task planning. However, the study was different because it made a distinction between collaborative and individual task planning. This study has practical implications for classroom practices and language teachers, and theoretical implications for a better understanding of sociocultural theories of second language learning. تفاصيل المقالة
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        184 - The Effect of Hedged-form Feedback vs. Uncoded Feedback on Grammatical Accuracy of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
        Mahvan Ebrahimzade Mohammad Reza Khodareza
        Abstract The extent to which teachers’ written corrective feedback (WCF) is conducive to ESL learners’ improvement has been discussed since Truscott’s claim in 1996. The mentioned debate continues because there has been lots of contrastive research stu أکثر
        Abstract The extent to which teachers’ written corrective feedback (WCF) is conducive to ESL learners’ improvement has been discussed since Truscott’s claim in 1996. The mentioned debate continues because there has been lots of contrastive research studies with different results. This paper presents the results of a 2-month study of the effectiveness of WCF to 65 low intermediate Iranian learners. In the first phase, the students were divided into two groups of hedged group and control group, which received uncoded feedback. The learners produced 8 pieces of writing (Nelson Test was given to students to homogenize the groups). The first piece of writing was considered as the pretest and the 8th piece of their writing was considered as their posttest. Independent and paired sample t test were used to analyse the data statistically. The result of comparing the mean performance of the two groups in posttest indicated that the probability value was less than .05 (p = .000 < .05) which means that the mean performance of the two sets of scores in post test is significantly different and the hedged form feedback group has outperformed the one who received uncoded feedback. تفاصيل المقالة
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        185 - The Effect of Post-text Feedback vs. Recast on Written Grammatical Accuracy of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
        Mahvan Ebrahimzadeh Mohhamad Reza Khodareza
        Abstract This study examined the effect of two types of feedback, post-text as a written feedback and recast as an oral one on written grammatical accuracy of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. To this end, 45 intermediate students who were studying at Ideal Language In أکثر
        Abstract This study examined the effect of two types of feedback, post-text as a written feedback and recast as an oral one on written grammatical accuracy of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. To this end, 45 intermediate students who were studying at Ideal Language Institute in Sari were selected based on their performance on the Nelson proficiency test, and then divided into three groups (two experimental and one control groups) randomly. As pretest, the participants were asked to write 150-200 words about the worst memory they had in their life. Then, they were exposed to 10 weeks of treatment. Each week, they received a topic to write. One of the experimental groups received post-text feedback and another one recast. Afterwards, the three groups sat for the posttest. The obtained results were compared using ANCOVA. The findings revealed that there was a significant difference between the post-test scores of the students in different groups. It was made clear that both treatments were effective on the reduction of students grammatical errors in writing, but post-text feedback was much more effective than recast. تفاصيل المقالة
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        186 - Development of EFL Learners’ Referential and Expressive Writing Performance: Task-based Instruction vs. Project-based Instruction
        Delaram Pourmandnia Ahmad Mohseni Hossein Rahmanpanah Ali Asghar Rostami Abusaeedi
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of task-based instruction (TBI) and project-based instruction (PBI) on the improvement of EFL learners' referential and expressive writing performance. To accomplish this objective, 60 students majoring in English أکثر
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of task-based instruction (TBI) and project-based instruction (PBI) on the improvement of EFL learners' referential and expressive writing performance. To accomplish this objective, 60 students majoring in English translation participated in Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT), but out of them 50 students were selected as the members of a homogeneous sample. Then, they were assigned into two experimental groups. They were exposed to IELTS module task-based writing pre-test, treatment, and post-test, to assess the participants' writing performance. The participants in first experimental group received TBI to practice the referential and expressive types of writing, while those in the second group received PBI. The results showed that TBI and PBI affected the development of both referential and expressive writing among EFL learners. In addition, the results revealed that there was not any statistically significant difference between the effect of PBI and TBI on developing expressive and referential writings among EFL learners. The pedagogical implications of the study are discussed at the end of the paper. تفاصيل المقالة
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        187 - The Effect of Teaching Critical Thinking Strategies on Students’ Academic Writing, Critical Thinking Ability, and Critical Thinking Dispositions
        Ali Taghinezhad Mohammad Javad Riasati Fatemeh Behjat
        This study intended to investigate the interplay of critical thinking explicit instruction, academic writing performance, critical thinking ability, and critical thinking dispositions of Iranian students. To this end, 140 students of Jahrom University of Medical Science أکثر
        This study intended to investigate the interplay of critical thinking explicit instruction, academic writing performance, critical thinking ability, and critical thinking dispositions of Iranian students. To this end, 140 students of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences (73 males and 67 females) were selected. They were divided into the experimental and control groups. Both groups received instruction in academic writing course for 15 weeks 3 hours per week. However, the experimental group received instruction integrated with critical thinking strategies. The students in both groups were administered pre- and post-instruction tests to examine the effectiveness of instruction. Three instruments were utilized in this study including, the researcher-developed essay test, Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test, and California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory (CCTDI). Descriptive statistics and independent-samples t-test were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental and the control groups. The results also showed that some CCTDI subscales were not significantly different at the posttest such as, truth-seeking, cognitive maturity, and open- mindedness, whereas the mean posttest scores of other CCTDI subscales had significant difference such as, analyticity, CT inquisitiveness, CT self-confidence, and systematicity. The experimental group had a higher score in the academic writing test compared with the control group. Changes in students’ critical thinking ability, academic writing performance, and their critical thinking dispositions suggest that the CT techniques have been fruitful, and more efforts should be made to integrate the explicit instruction in critical thinking into academic courses. تفاصيل المقالة
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        188 - The Effect of Writing Feedback Techniques and Students’ Writing Anxiety on Students’ Essay Writing Ability
        Annisa Astrid Dwi Rukmini Ahmad Sofwan Sri Fitriati
        The Research was aimed at finding out the effects of the implementation of writing feedback techniques and students’ writing anxiety on students’ writing ablity. Experimental method of 3x2 factorial design was employed in the research. There were three exper أکثر
        The Research was aimed at finding out the effects of the implementation of writing feedback techniques and students’ writing anxiety on students’ writing ablity. Experimental method of 3x2 factorial design was employed in the research. There were three experimental groups of students who were taught by using teacher feedback, peer feedback and the combination of peer and teacher feedback writing technique. Prior the treatment, each student was asked to do an expository essay writing test in order to get the writing scores and to fill SLWAI (Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory) to classify them into low and high writing anxiety students. Then, the students were taught on how to produce expository essay writing. At the end of the meeting, the students were asked to compose an expository essay as the posttest. The data were analyzed by using paired t-test, two-way ANOVA and Post Hoc test. From the results of data analysis it could be inferred that the implementation of writing feedback techniques affected students’ writing ability and the effects depended on the degree of students’ writing anxiety. تفاصيل المقالة
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        189 - The Relationship between EFL Learners’ Anxiety and Writing Complexity
        Fariba Mohebbi Maryam Azarnoosh Seyed Jalal Abdolmanafi Rokni
        Abstract The present study was an attempt to investigate the relationship between EFL learners’ anxiety and writing complexity. For the purpose of the study, 70 female learners, between 17 and 24 years old (mean=20) from Najm language school in Tehran participated أکثر
        Abstract The present study was an attempt to investigate the relationship between EFL learners’ anxiety and writing complexity. For the purpose of the study, 70 female learners, between 17 and 24 years old (mean=20) from Najm language school in Tehran participated in the study. The participants’ level of anxiety was measured using Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope’s Anxiety Questionnaire (1986) and their writing complexity was measured through writing a narrative text based on their course book. The results revealed that there was a significant positive correlation between anxiety and writing complexity (p=.00). In addition, the results of examining the predictability of writing complexity by anxiety showed that anxiety significantly predicted writing complexity (F(1, 68)=16.67, p<.01). The results of this study have implications for students, teachers, and all those involved in the area of teaching and learning. تفاصيل المقالة
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        190 - A Comparative Analysis of Lexical Bundles in Journalistic Writing in English and Persian: A Contrastive Linguistic Perspective
        Marzieh Rafiee Mahbube Keihaniyan
        This paper investigates the use of ‘lexical bundles’ in two broad corpora of journalistic writing. The aim of this study is to compare the use of lexical bundles in the two domains, one consisted of newspaper articles written in English and published in Engl أکثر
        This paper investigates the use of ‘lexical bundles’ in two broad corpora of journalistic writing. The aim of this study is to compare the use of lexical bundles in the two domains, one consisted of newspaper articles written in English and published in England and the other one comprised of newspaper articles written in Persian from Iranian publications. For this purpose, the frequency of occurrence and distribution of different functional taxonomies of lexical bundles across the subject matter were investigated. More than 2.5 million words of different English and Persian-produced online newspapers were collected and they were identified by the help of two computer programs, then their functionswere analyzed. Consistent with similar research on lexical bundles, the analysis indicates that most bundles perform a referential function in journalistic register. These findings may be particularly useful to translators and also EFL practitioners, as they seem to give new insights into the development of learner language. تفاصيل المقالة
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        191 - Improving EFL Learners’ Referential and Expressive Writing through Task-based Instruction in Academic Context <br> DOR:20.1001.1.23223898.2021.
        Delaram Pourmandnia Ahmad Mohseni Hossein Rahmanpanah Ali Asghar Rostami Abusaeedi
        L2/FL writing ability, which per se includes many different types, is considered a major skill in academic settings. However, little research has been done in this area and even less has focused on the effectiveness of task-based writing instruction on the two specific أکثر
        L2/FL writing ability, which per se includes many different types, is considered a major skill in academic settings. However, little research has been done in this area and even less has focused on the effectiveness of task-based writing instruction on the two specific kinds; namely, referential writing and expressive writing. To this end, 60 English Translation sophomores of both genders were selected and divided into two classes after ensuring their homogeneity through the Quick Placement Test (OQPT). For the pre- and post-tests, the participants were required to take IELTS writing tests requiring referential and expressive types of writing. As for the treatment of the study, all participants were instructed based on the same content materials of advanced writing and a task-based framework. The results of the statistical analysis indicated significant improvements in the participants&rsquo; writing abilities in referential and expressive written tasks. Besides, the effectiveness of task-based writing techniques was approved in terms of referential and expressive types of language functions in the academic writing of Iranian EFL learners. تفاصيل المقالة
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        192 - A Comparison of Writing Performance on Independent and Integrated Writing Tasks
        rahil sheibani Alireza Ahmadi
        Researchers and scholars have been attracted by the idea of using integrated writing task along with independent writing task to best assess the EFL learners&rsquo; writing competence. This study was conducted to compare the writing performance of EFL students in integr أکثر
        Researchers and scholars have been attracted by the idea of using integrated writing task along with independent writing task to best assess the EFL learners&rsquo; writing competence. This study was conducted to compare the writing performance of EFL students in integrated and independent writing tasks. It also aimed to find out if writing performance varies with task types. A number of thirty Iranian EFL students participated in this study, and each student wrote on two writing tasks of IELTS Academic module. The written essays were rated by three experienced raters using IELTS rubrics. Paired sample t-tests revealed that test takers performances did not differ significantly across these two tasks. Besides, two one-way ANOVAs indicated the difference between the raters in rating integrated writing task while they were not performed differently in rating independent task. The results are followed by a number of suggestions with the aim of improving the EFL students&rsquo; performance in writing skill. تفاصيل المقالة
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        193 - The Impact of Teaching Corpus-based Collocation on EFL Learners' Writing Ability
        Shabnam Ashouri Davood Mashhadi Heidar
        Abstract The present study explores the impact of corpus-based collocation instruction on intermediate Iranian EFL learners' writing ability. For this study, 84 Iranian learners, studying English as a foreign language in Bayan Institute, Iran, were selected and were ran أکثر
        Abstract The present study explores the impact of corpus-based collocation instruction on intermediate Iranian EFL learners' writing ability. For this study, 84 Iranian learners, studying English as a foreign language in Bayan Institute, Iran, were selected and were randomly divided into two groups, experimental and control. Conventional methods of writing instruction were taught to the control group while the experimental group received corpus-based collocation instruction in writing essays for 15 sessions. The design of the research was based on pre- and posttest method. The tests were employed to measure the writing fluency of the two groups. Test results were scrutinized to answer a major question for correlation between the participants&rsquo; variety of corpus-based collocations and their writing. The results illustrated that there was a significant difference between the mean scores of control and experimental groups in writing elements (p&lt;0.05). Actually, lexical collocation instruction expanded the writing elements of vocabulary and mechanics rather than grammar and fluency in writing essays. The study findings indicated that there is a significantly positive correlation between the participants&rsquo; use of various lexical collocations and their writing proficiency. تفاصيل المقالة
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        194 - The Effect of Post-text Written Corrective Feedback on Written Grammatical Accuracy: Iranian intermediate EFL learners
        Mahvan Ebrahimzade Davood Mashhadi Heidar
        The main role and responsibility of second language writing teachers is to help learners to write with minimal errors. To do so, teachers need to provide students with appropriate types of feedback. In this research, the researchers examined the effect of post-text writ أکثر
        The main role and responsibility of second language writing teachers is to help learners to write with minimal errors. To do so, teachers need to provide students with appropriate types of feedback. In this research, the researchers examined the effect of post-text written corrective feedback on written grammatical accuracy of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. In the first phase, Nelson Proficiency Test was administered to 45 intermediate students studying in two different classes at Cambridge Language Institute in Sari. 35 students were selected. Then, they were randomly assigned to experimental and another groups. The research was carried out in 12 sessions. The experimental group received post-text feedback on their writing tasks while the control group received the conventional type. After collecting data, the researchers used paired and independent sample t-tests to analyze the data. The results indicated that those students who received post-text feedback outperformed the ones in the control group. It means that indirect corrective feedback is more beneficial to students than the direct one. Therefore, post-text feedback can be adopted by EFL instructors to promote students&rsquo; written grammatical ability. تفاصيل المقالة
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        195 - The Effect of Story Mapping on Writing Performance of Iranian EFL Learners
        Omid Tabatabaei Nafise Radi
        Although story mapping strategy has been shown to be beneficial in many reading comprehension classes, the benefits of this technique have not been thoroughly investigated in L2 writing research. The small number of previous studies (e.g., Li, 2007; Brunner, 2010) have أکثر
        Although story mapping strategy has been shown to be beneficial in many reading comprehension classes, the benefits of this technique have not been thoroughly investigated in L2 writing research. The small number of previous studies (e.g., Li, 2007; Brunner, 2010) have found the potential benefits of using story mapping strategy on students&rsquo; writing performance, but they did not focus on different aspects of students&rsquo; writing. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the effect of story mapping strategy on writing performance of EFL learners in terms of writing components (i.e., organization, content, grammar, mechanics, and style). After administering a standard proficiency test (OPT), 30 out of a pile of 82 Iranian EFL learners all majoring English teaching were selected and assigned to two groups: one experimental group and one control group. Both experimental and control groups completed two thirty-minute composition writing tests, one as a pre-test and the other one as a post-test. The experimental group received four sessions of instruction on how to use story mapping strategy in writing personal narratives. The results of One-way ANOVA and post-hoc Scheff&eacute; test indicated that the experimental group, which used story mapping strategy, made more progress in their personal narrative writings. Also, the results revealed that L2 learners made more progress in all writing aspects. The study contributes to teaching pedagogy by encouraging teachers to use story mapping strategy in L2 writing classes تفاصيل المقالة
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        196 - Voice Analysis in English and Persian Persuasive Texts: Pedagogical implications in focus
        Shiva Javdan Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi
        The main purpose of this study is to investigate how voice is realized by Iranian EFL learners in persuasive English and Persian text types. This discourse-related notion is a required criterion for writing acceptable English. However, L2 learners from cultures other th أکثر
        The main purpose of this study is to investigate how voice is realized by Iranian EFL learners in persuasive English and Persian text types. This discourse-related notion is a required criterion for writing acceptable English. However, L2 learners from cultures other than English might face problems in realizing it, or even ignore it all through their writing. In this connection, the present study attempted to discover the possible relationship between the intensity of voice and the overall quality of text. Thus, thirty university students were selected as participants. They were asked to write in both English and Persian a persuasive text within the same subject matter. Then, their writings were rated in terms of intensity of voice and the overall quality based on Jacobs&rsquo; voice intensity scale and Jacobs&rsquo; overall quality scale (1981), respectively. The analysis of their productions indicated that there is a significant relationship between voice intensity and some of its features, and overall quality; while no relationship was found between English and Persian voice intensity. Therefore, voice deserves more attention on the part of writing instructor, as it could enrich the quality of L2 learners&rsquo; written productions with more sense of naturalness and smoothness. Moreover, material designers can incorporate English writing materials with various aspects of this critical notion, in addition to other language rhetoric, for learners at appropriate language proficiency level. تفاصيل المقالة
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        197 - A Logogenetic Delve into Attitudinal Meanings in Native vs. Non-Native Discussion Section of Research Articles <br> DOR: 20.1001.1.23223898.2021.
        Mona Bahmani Azizeh Chalak Hossein Heidari Tabrizi
        Using evaluative language has been considered as the significant predictor of academic writing success in second and foreign language research. Such an importance paved the way for the current study to investigate the use of the APPRAISAL tool, namely ATTITUDE resources أکثر
        Using evaluative language has been considered as the significant predictor of academic writing success in second and foreign language research. Such an importance paved the way for the current study to investigate the use of the APPRAISAL tool, namely ATTITUDE resources, in the research articles (RAs) written by native (N) and non-native (NN) writers, focusing on the discussion sections. A qualitative corpus selection resulted in choosing 30 RAs written by American writers and 30 authored by Iranian writers. Two coding schemes were used: one for discussion boundaries based on Kanoksilapatham&rsquo;s (2005) discussion move structure, and the modified version of APPRAISAL theory (Xu, 2017) for identifying attitudinal resources. The corpus analysis revealed that academic writers preferred to use a great number of inscribed ATTITUDE resources, that is, APPRECIATION tools compared to JUDGMENT. There was also a significant difference between N and NN sub-corpora in using attitudinal resources, highlighting that the language of N RAs contained more authorial stance of ATTITUDE compared to NN sub-corpus. However, the use of idioms as evoked ATTITUDE was found to be frequently applied by NN authors. The findings of the study contributed to the significance of using evaluative language in academic writing through which the writers can make a dialogic interaction with readers and enhance their critical stance by involving them in the argument. تفاصيل المقالة
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        198 - Cross-disciplinary use of Organizational Linkers in Research Article Abstracts
        Seyed Foad Ebrahimi Chan Swee Heng
        Abstract This study focuses on realizations and discourse functions of the organizational linkers in the writing of research article abstracts from four disciplines. To this end, 120 research article abstracts from four disciplines namely, Applied Linguistics, Economics أکثر
        Abstract This study focuses on realizations and discourse functions of the organizational linkers in the writing of research article abstracts from four disciplines. To this end, 120 research article abstracts from four disciplines namely, Applied Linguistics, Economics, Agriculture, and Applied Physics (30 from each discipline) were selected. All research article abstracts were extracted from empirical research articles published in international high impact journals. The corpus was analyzed adopting Gosden (1992) taxonomy. The most striking result is that the realizations and discourse functions of the organizational linkers, to a large extent, are guided by the nature of research article abstract and discipline. This result adds substantially to the comparative understanding of research article abstract writing across disciplines and evidences the need to tailor writing according to English for specific needs. تفاصيل المقالة
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        199 - EFL Learners’ Writing Progress through Collocation Awareness-raising Approach: An analytic assessment
        Elaheh Hamed Mahvelati
        There is insufficient rigorous research examining which features of EFL/ESL learners&rsquo; writing can be improved through their awareness/knowledge of collocation. This study, therefore, addressed this issue and examined the effect of this awareness on Iranian EFL lea أکثر
        There is insufficient rigorous research examining which features of EFL/ESL learners&rsquo; writing can be improved through their awareness/knowledge of collocation. This study, therefore, addressed this issue and examined the effect of this awareness on Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing performance with respect to the specific features of each writing sub-component (i.e., content, organization, vocabulary and language use) in the short and long term. The study was a quasi-experimental using a within- and between-group approach utilizing a pre-test/post-test design with a control group supplemented with the qualitative information obtained from the interviews with the writing raters. The results showed that developing knowledge/awareness of collocations effectively improved the participants&rsquo; quality of writing in terms of &lsquo;vocabulary&rsquo;, &lsquo;organization&rsquo; and &lsquo;language use&rsquo;. A deeper analysis of the results revealed that the observed improvements in these sub-components were in terms of some particular features: the range of sophistication, lexical choice and usage; succinctness, fluency and clarity of the expressed ideas; and the accuracy of agreement, tense and prepositions. In addition, the sub-findings emerging from the results accentuated the significance of instructional intervention, in general, and first language-second language contrastive analysis, in particular, in helping L2 learners notice, note and incorporate collocations in their output. تفاصيل المقالة
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        200 - The Effect of Blended Learning vs. Classroom Learning Techniques on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing
        Shirin Ghahari Ahmad Ameri-Golestan
        The present study was intended to investigate the impact of blended and classroom teaching methods on Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing. To this end, a group of 29 upper intermediate and advanced EFL learners were randomly placed in two groups: an experimental group, أکثر
        The present study was intended to investigate the impact of blended and classroom teaching methods on Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing. To this end, a group of 29 upper intermediate and advanced EFL learners were randomly placed in two groups: an experimental group, namely Blended Learning and a control group, namely Classroom Learning after taking part in a placement test. Participants of the Blended Learning group received traditional teaching methods of writing plus learning through the web. Participants of the Classroom Learning group, however, were taught based on the traditional teaching methods of writing and received the materials, instructions, and feedback merely through traditional methods. In order to collect the data, participants&rsquo; first piece of writing was regarded as the pretest and their last one was the posttest. The results of the independent-samples t-tests showed that participants of the Blended Learning group significantly outperformed the ones in the Classroom Learning group in their writing performances. In conclusion, the results of the study revealed that employing a blended teaching method can create a more desirable condition to enhance the EFL learners&rsquo; writing performance and that doing research in this field can be a promising area for those interested. تفاصيل المقالة
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        201 - Teaching Writing through Telegram Social Network and its Effect on EFL Learners' Writing Performance
        Shahriar Sarvari Ebrahim Ezzati
        This study examined the effectiveness of Telegram social network on the writing performance of adult English as foreign language (EFL) learners at intermediate level. To achieve this, Oxford Quick Placement Test (2004) was administered to 46 EFL learners at Zaban-e No l أکثر
        This study examined the effectiveness of Telegram social network on the writing performance of adult English as foreign language (EFL) learners at intermediate level. To achieve this, Oxford Quick Placement Test (2004) was administered to 46 EFL learners at Zaban-e No language institute in Talesh, Iran. Those who met the selection criterion, i.e., performed one standard deviation above and below the mean on the test were divided into two classes (n = 30): control group (n = 15) and experimental group (n = 15). Participants in the experimental group were provided with writing instruction and contributed cooperatively to the task of writing through Telegram for 8 weeks (2 sessions each week, and 90 minutes per session) while the control group underwent a traditional instruction of writing. Pretests and posttests of writing task were administered and t tests were used to compare means of test scores within and between groups. The results revealed that while the two groups were homogeneous in terms of their writing performance before the treatment, the experimental group outperformed the control group on the posttest. That is, teaching writing through the Telegram social network was a significantly effective model to improve EFL learners' writing performance. تفاصيل المقالة
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        202 - A Study of the Role of Using E-mail in Improving High School Students’ EFL Writing Skill
        Mohsen Shahrokhi Shima Taheri
        The present study investigates the effect of e-mail on Iranian learners of English and focuses on teaching thewriting skillvia e-mail. More specifically, the study investigates (a) whether using e-mail has any statistically significant effect on improving high school st أکثر
        The present study investigates the effect of e-mail on Iranian learners of English and focuses on teaching thewriting skillvia e-mail. More specifically, the study investigates (a) whether using e-mail has any statistically significant effect on improving high school students' writing skill, and (b) whether the proficiency level has any relation with students&rsquo; writing improvement through using e-mail.To this end, 150 high school Iranian students were selected randomly and divided into 3 proficiency levels, namely high, mid, and low, based on their performances on an Oxford Placement Test (OPT). The participants at every proficiency level were divided into 3 subgroups to receive 3 methods of instruction, namely traditional face-to-face, through using e-mail, and through both the traditional method and using e-mail. After 3 months of instruction, a posttest was administered and the results were submitted to ANOVA. The results obtained revealed that using e-mail had a statistically significant effect on improving students' writing skills. The Scheffe post hoc results showed that the group with the e-mail treatment performed almost the same as the other 2 groups at the high proficiency level; in other words, the group at the high level did not benefit much from using e-mail; however, thelow and intermediate proficiency level participants did benefit from it. The findings are finally discussed with regard to how email can be exploited as an educational aid by teachers and learners. تفاصيل المقالة
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        203 - The Effects of Three Forms of Reading-based Tasks on Iranian Intermediate and Advanced EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Uptake <br> DOR: 20.1001.1.23223898.2021.
        Mojtaba Kamali Fatemeh Behjat mohammadsadegh Bagheri
        The present study explored the effects of three forms of reading-based L2 vocabulary tasks on learning and retention of 40 target words by Iranian intermediate and advanced male English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. To this end, 176 EFL learners were randomly se أکثر
        The present study explored the effects of three forms of reading-based L2 vocabulary tasks on learning and retention of 40 target words by Iranian intermediate and advanced male English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. To this end, 176 EFL learners were randomly selected and assigned to three experimental and one control condition across two levels of intermediate and advanced proficiency levels. The participants in the experimental conditions read 8 texts including 40 target words and performed word-focused (WF) tasks, oral reproduction (OR) plus summary writing (SW) tasks, and WF plus OR vocabulary tasks incorporating target words according to their task designation. The results of two-way MANOVA and Scheffe&rsquo;s post-hoc test demonstrated that while all three experimental conditions significantly outperformed the control group in terms of learning and retention of target words, the WF plus OR task was found to be the most effective condition. The results are justified in light of Laufer and Hulstjin&rsquo;s (2001) Involvement Load Hypothesis, Nation and Webb&rsquo;s (2011) Technique Feature Analysis, the Skill Acquisition Theory, and Swain&rsquo;s (1985) Output Hypothesis. The study concluded with pedagogical implications for language teachers and materials developers with regard to including both word-focused and meaning-oriented L2 vocabulary tasks in language classes and language textbooks. تفاصيل المقالة
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        204 - Effects of Critical Pedagogy on Iranian Upper-intermediate EFL Learners’ Writing Quantity and Quality
        Zhila Zabihi Ahmad Ameri-Golestan
        Critical pedagogy is regarded as an exhaustive system of learning through which learners' critical consciousness, self-regulation and autonomy, individuality, and learning achievements are promoted. Therefore, 60 Iranian upper- intermediate EFL learners (both male and f أکثر
        Critical pedagogy is regarded as an exhaustive system of learning through which learners' critical consciousness, self-regulation and autonomy, individuality, and learning achievements are promoted. Therefore, 60 Iranian upper- intermediate EFL learners (both male and female) from among 75 students based on their OPT test scores were selected. These participants were divided into a control group (N = 30) and an experimental group (N = 30). In order to ascertain that the students in the two groups were homogeneous in terms of writing quantity, the writing pretest was administered. The control group (CG) received the traditional writing instructions, whereas the experimental group (EG), who was taught writing instructions as guideline, received critical pedagogy. After the treatment, the writing posttest was also constructed. The scores of the students on the placement test, writing pretest, and posttest of the two groups were analyzed using SPSS 20. In addition, an independent-sample t- test and a one-way ANCOVA were used to compare the CG and EG learners' writing quantity and quality on the posttest scores. The data obtained from the study indicated that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group counterparts. Implications for EFL teachers include drawing the attention to the importance and usefulness of critical pedagogy in L2 teaching classes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        205 - Impact of Grouping Type in Descriptve Collaborative Writings on Iranian EFL Learners' Written Grammatical Accuracy
        Hossein Mohammadzadeh Nasser Ghafoori Mahnaz Saeidi
        The current study was an attempt to investigate the impact of grouping type on the grammatical accuracy of Iranian EFL learners in collaborative writing. Through administering the Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency, 64 female university students available par أکثر
        The current study was an attempt to investigate the impact of grouping type on the grammatical accuracy of Iranian EFL learners in collaborative writing. Through administering the Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency, 64 female university students available participated in this study and were assigned to two groups--heterogeneous and homogeneous. The treatment process lasted 12 weeks of collaborative writing and revising, with emphesis on the development of the the participants&rsquo; written grammatical accuracy. They were pretested and posttested through a descriptive free writing measure. The results revealed that the participants in both groups had higher posttest scores. Using ANCOVA, it was found that there was a differential effect of grouping type on the grammatical accuracy of homogeneous and heterogeneous pairs, indicating that the participants in heterogeneous group had significantly higher posttest scores than those in homogeneous group. Furthermore, although the grammatical accuracy of both groups increased, a significant difference was observed between them, revealing that the participants in heterogeneous group outperformed those in homogeneous group. The findings of this study can be interpreted in terms of the sociocultural theory and Vygotsky&rsquo;s idea of the zone of proximal development. تفاصيل المقالة
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        206 - The Impact of Using Hyland's Mitigation Strategies on EFL Learners' Writing Ability: A socio-cultural perspective
        Shahram Afraz
        This research chiefly focused on the application of mitigation strategies and traditional form of feedback in writing development of the fifth semester University students majoring in TEFL and English Translation fields based on Vygotsky&rsquo;s sociocultural theory in أکثر
        This research chiefly focused on the application of mitigation strategies and traditional form of feedback in writing development of the fifth semester University students majoring in TEFL and English Translation fields based on Vygotsky&rsquo;s sociocultural theory in general and the notion of &ldquo;Zone of Proximal Development&rdquo; in particular. To that end, this study relied on a pre-posttest experimental design which was mediated by different written types of feedback such as mitigation strategies vs. error correction to find out if any gains in writing development of participants could be achieved. It is to be noted that participants of this inquiry were 125 fifth semester university students who were chosen and assigned to four experimental and one control groups. The materials of this study consisted of a textbook called Writing Power by Nancy White (2002) that the teacher taught during the course of instruction; a standard writing test of IELTS (2007) as a pretest; another standard writing test of IELTS (2007) as a posttest. The results showed that although homogeneity among the groups was observed on the pretest, writing scores of those groups which received corrective feedback and paired comments outscored those of the other groups. On the other hand, the interrogative forms and personal attributions had the least increase from the pretest to the posttest. Hence, it is recommended that some teacher training courses regarding the appropriate use of these strategies be held in educational settings in a way that teachers can apply these techniques in the best possible ways in their writing classes. تفاصيل المقالة
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        207 - Hedges in English for Academic Purposes: A Corpus-based study of Iranian EFL learners
        Hossein khazaee Parviz Maftoon Parviz Birjandi Ghafour Rezaie Golandoz
        Hedges, as tools to express tentativeness and doubt, have been studied in plenty of research papers in the Iranian EFL research setting. However, their use in a learner corpus, portraying Iranian learner English, is in need of more research attention. With this end in v أکثر
        Hedges, as tools to express tentativeness and doubt, have been studied in plenty of research papers in the Iranian EFL research setting. However, their use in a learner corpus, portraying Iranian learner English, is in need of more research attention. With this end in view, this study aimed at investigating how Iranian EFL learners who have majored in English-related fields in Iran deployed hedges in their academic, expository essays. This study was conducted through running the corpus analysis software MonoConc Pro-Semester version 2.2 on the electronically compiled Iranian Corpus of Learner English, totaling 436,035 words. Automatic and manual analyses suggested that hedges comprised only 7.4% of the total metadiscourse in the Iranian Corpus of Learner English, with 0.68 occurrences per 1,000,000 words. In a comparable native corpus, a sub-corpus of the British Academic Written English, hedges were used with 1.43 occurrences per 1,000,000 words (21% of the total metadiscourse in the corpus). Log-likelihood statistical analysis confirmed statistically significant differences between the two corpora in terms of the use of hedges, with underuse of hedges in the Iranian academic, expository essays relative to the English natives&rsquo; essays. Implementations of the results for English academic writing instruction including genre-based, explicit teaching of hedges through data-driven techniques with the aid of tools such as AntConc software and corpora such as the BAWE are considered. تفاصيل المقالة
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        208 - Impact of Wiki-based Feedback on Grammatical Accuracy of Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Skill
        Zoya Vahedipour Ehsan Rezvani
        This study was designed to investigate the effects of providing feedback in the interactive environment of wiki on improving the grammatical accuracy of Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing skill as well as the attitudes of Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; toward receiving fe أکثر
        This study was designed to investigate the effects of providing feedback in the interactive environment of wiki on improving the grammatical accuracy of Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing skill as well as the attitudes of Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; toward receiving feedback via wiki. To do so, 50 intermediate Iranian EFL learners, who were chosen by an OPT (Oxford Placement Test) participated in this study and they were divided into two groups, experimental and control group. Both groups were given identical writing tasks. In control group, though, the first drafts were reviewed traditionally in a pen and a paper fashion, whereas in the experimental group, they were reviewed by peers through wiki to provide feedback on the grammatical accuracy of writings. The second drafts all were reviewed by the instructor. The results revealed that using wikis to provide feedback on students&rsquo; writing can have a significantly positive effect on improving their grammatical accuracy in a writing task. Moreover, the experimental group was found to outperform the control group on the post-test indicating that there was a significant difference between the effects of providing feedback in wiki vs. providing traditional feedback on the grammatical accuracy of Iranian male and female EFL Learners. With regards to the students&rsquo; attitude toward using wiki, a majority of the learners welcomed the application of wiki for EFL writing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        209 - The Effect of Critical Thinking and Brainstorming as Pre-Writing Stage Activities on EFL Pre-Intermediate Learners’ Expository Writing
        Elham Namani Bahman Gorjian
        The present study aimed at investigating the effect of critical thinking (CT) versus brainstorming (BS) as pre-writing stage activities on English as a foreign language (EFL) pre-intermediate learners&rsquo; expository writing. To achieve this aim, 100 pre-intermediate أکثر
        The present study aimed at investigating the effect of critical thinking (CT) versus brainstorming (BS) as pre-writing stage activities on English as a foreign language (EFL) pre-intermediate learners&rsquo; expository writing. To achieve this aim, 100 pre-intermediate level participants studying at Naft Language Center in Ahvaz were selected based on convenience sampling method. They took part in Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT) and 60 of them were assigned into three equal homogeneous groups; two experimental groups of CT and BS compared to one control group (CO). They received three different kinds of treatments lasting 13 sessions of 90 minutes. The CT group received exercises on major CT skills (e.g., inferencing, recognition, deduction) and BS group go through think, pair and share steps to outline the writing tasks. Prior to the main study, students wrote a 150-word expository writing about one of the topics chosen from their textbooks as a pre-test. Finally, all groups were asked to write another 150-word expository writing as a post-test after the implementation of the proposed treatment. The results indicated that both CT and BS as pre-writing stage activities led to the enhancement of the participants&rsquo; expository writing performance. تفاصيل المقالة
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        210 - L2 Writing Feedback Preferences and Their Relationships with Entity vs. Incremental Mindsets of EFL Learners
        Shima Vagheei Fariba Rahimi Esfahani Sajad Shafiee
        The present study was aimed at investigating intermediate Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; feedback preferences on their L2 writing and examining the possible differences between learners with entity and incremental language mindsets with respect to their feedback preference أکثر
        The present study was aimed at investigating intermediate Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; feedback preferences on their L2 writing and examining the possible differences between learners with entity and incremental language mindsets with respect to their feedback preferences. To this end, 150 EFL learners were recruited from several language institutes in Isfahan, Iran, and their language proficiency level was measured through a proficiency test. The learners were then given the Language Mindsets Questionnaire and the Feedback Preferences Scale to fill out. Frequency counts, mean scores, and chi-square for independence were employed to analyze the collected data. The results of the study indicated that teacher-student conferencing, self-correction, peer correction, and correction using prompts were the types of feedback that the learners preferred to receive, and the difference between entity and incremental mindset holders reached statistical significance for teacher correction with comments, self-correction, and teacher-student conferencing. Regarding the strategies the learners utilized to handle feedback, the two groups of learners were significantly different just in terms of asking for teacher explanation. Finally, thinking prompts received priority in the following order, L1/L2, word, and rule, while goal and fit were not favored by the learners; thinking prompt did not turn out to cause significantly different preferences in the EFL learners with entity or incremental mindsets. The significance of the obtained results are discussed and the implications of the study are then proffered تفاصيل المقالة
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        211 - Task-Based Language Teaching Vs. Conventional Language Teaching: The Case of News Story Writing in EFL Context
        Negar Nowroozzadeh Abbas Bayat Abbas Mehrpooya
        This study aimed to investigate the effect of task-based language teaching on news-story writing in Iranian EFL context. To this end, a quasi-experimental, pre- and post-evaluation research design was employed. First, 78 Iranian BA sophomores majoring in translation at أکثر
        This study aimed to investigate the effect of task-based language teaching on news-story writing in Iranian EFL context. To this end, a quasi-experimental, pre- and post-evaluation research design was employed. First, 78 Iranian BA sophomores majoring in translation at Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Branch, were selected through convenient sampling as the participants of the study. They were then randomly divided into two treatment and control groups--task-based group (TB) and conventional teaching group (TC) respectively. Both groups were initially given a test on news story writing to measure their writing ability at the pre-treatment stage. Then, the control group was taught through explanations abstracted from some deductive plans and reading-oriented method of teaching news story structure. The other group was exposed to a six-weak TB treatment based on Willis&rsquo; TBL framework. The post-treatment researcher-made test was then administered to compare the participants&rsquo; writing progress. The obtained statistical results showed that the employment of the task-based language learning scenario does not lead to an overall significant improvement of Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; performance in news-story writing as compared with the conventional teaching of the same skill. This is perhaps due to learners&rsquo; negative attitude towards TBLT, which originates from the inconsistency of TBLT with the educational philosophy in Iran. Therefore, TBLT programs may need to be modified on the basis of the local and traditional specifications of the education in the target community to be able to develop the learners&rsquo; news-story writing skill. تفاصيل المقالة
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        212 - Impact of Dynamic Assessment on Iranian EFL Learners' Picture-cued Writing
        Raheleh Taheri Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi
        Abstract In Iran, most English teachers&rsquo; method of teaching writing is merely to have students do some writing exercises or simply to give them writing tests without any instruction, but writing is not an easy task for students, and teachers should be able to do m أکثر
        Abstract In Iran, most English teachers&rsquo; method of teaching writing is merely to have students do some writing exercises or simply to give them writing tests without any instruction, but writing is not an easy task for students, and teachers should be able to do more to facilitate their students&rsquo; writing. One of the ways to aid writing is dynamic assessment via graduated prompt. The graduated prompting procedure provides intervention in the form of predetermined standardized prompts that are sequenced from general to more specific. The present study aimed at investigating the effect of DA on the improvement of Iranian intermediate EFL learners&rsquo; picture-cued writing tasks. The study was conducted with 35 Iranian EFL learners (male and female) who were randomly selected from an available population pool of 70 EFL learners enrolled in two language institutes in Esfahan, Iran. The data were collected via a pretest, a posttest and a questionnaire. The analysis of the test scores through t-test revealed that the experimental group did statistically better in the test. Furthermore, almost all of the participants held positive attitudes toward writing, and their confidence in their own English writing ability increased. The implication of the study is that dynamic assessment via graduated prompt can be incorporated into the regular writing program. تفاصيل المقالة
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        213 - Impact of Computer Concept-Mapping Instruction on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Performance: Complexity and accuracy in focus
        Jamshid Mashhadi Hossein Ahmadi Payman Rajabi
        This inquiry investigates the impact of Computer Concept-Mapping on Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing complexity and accuracy. To this end, a total of 30 intermediate EFL learners aged 14 to 16 years were non-randomly selected, homogenized in terms of general proficie أکثر
        This inquiry investigates the impact of Computer Concept-Mapping on Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing complexity and accuracy. To this end, a total of 30 intermediate EFL learners aged 14 to 16 years were non-randomly selected, homogenized in terms of general proficiency, and classified into two treatment and control groups. Also, a pretest and a posttest on the participants&rsquo; writing performance were administered at the beginning and the end of the study.. Further, the ESL Composition Profile developed by Jacobs et al. (1981) was used as a criterion for evaluating the participants&rsquo; writing accuracy and complexity. The treatment group received computer-based concept mapping instruction, while the control group was instructed through conventional writing techniques. Then, the data obtained from the two groups&rsquo; pre- and posttests were comparatively analyzed through appropriate statistical tools. Parametric paired-samples and independent-samples t-tests as well as Pearson Correlation were also used to assess the inter-rater reliability indices of the participants&rsquo; writing tests. The results of data analysis indicated that computer concept-mapping instruction entails significantly better writing performance. This finding has implications for teachers and EFL programmers to use the latest methods and tools of instruction تفاصيل المقالة
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        214 - Speech-like Pragmatic Markers in Argumentative Essays Written by Iranian EFL Students and Native English Speaking Students
        Faezeh Ziyagham Shahla Simin
        In this study, the use of speech-like pragmatic markers in Iranian EFL students&rsquo; academic writing was investigated. Speech-like pragmatic markers, such as I think, well, I guess, actually, anyway, anyhow, etc. are linguistic components that are more specific to co أکثر
        In this study, the use of speech-like pragmatic markers in Iranian EFL students&rsquo; academic writing was investigated. Speech-like pragmatic markers, such as I think, well, I guess, actually, anyway, anyhow, etc. are linguistic components that are more specific to conversation than writing, and writers may wrongly include them in their academic writing. To examine the students&rsquo; use of speech-like pragmatic markers when writing an essay, samples of Iranian students&rsquo; and English native students&rsquo; argumentative essays were analyzed using Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis (CIA). Moreover, the overuse or underuse of such items was compared between English native students and Iranian EFL students. Native English data were collected from the Louvain Corpus of Native English Essays (LOCNESS) and non-native English data were gathered from Iranian students&rsquo; essays during an academic semester from Islamic Azad University of Najafabad, Islamic Azad University of Abadan and Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz in Iran. Iranian participants were 71 EFL upper-intermediate (based on the Oxford Placement Test) graduate students that were selected randomly from male and female students. A frequency analysis of pragmatic markers indicates significant differences between Iranian students&rsquo; and English native students&rsquo; use of speech-like pragmatic markers. Quantitative analyses of the non-native corpus data revealed that students apply these spoken components in their argumentative essays, which may adversely affect their text in terms of a correct style and tone. By investigating the results, the language teachers and materials writers are recommended to recognize the features of Iranian English students&rsquo; interlanguage and to provide them with planned input about appropriate use of pragmatic markers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        215 - Pedagogical Utility of Cooperative Writing Technique through Performance-oriented Classroom Structure
        Nafiseh Hosseinpour Reza Biria Ehsan Rezvani
        There is controversy on the conditions under which cooperative learning methods can improve academic achievement. Group-specific motivational aspects might contribute to the effectiveness of cooperative learning among which classroom goal structures were focused on. Mor أکثر
        There is controversy on the conditions under which cooperative learning methods can improve academic achievement. Group-specific motivational aspects might contribute to the effectiveness of cooperative learning among which classroom goal structures were focused on. More specifically, the study aimed at investigating the efficiency of cooperative writing technique through performance versus mastery-oriented classroom goal structures in improving academic writing of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. To this end, 83 intermediate EFL learners took part in this quasi-experimental pretest, post-test study. The participants were required to write a 5-paragraph essay for pretest and post-test. The collected data was analyzed based on an analytic writing rubric (Hedgcock &amp; Leftkowitz, 1992). The results of one-way ANOVA tests indicated that the experimental group which practiced cooperative writing through performance goal orientation outperformed the individual and mastery-oriented classes. It was concluded that performance goal orientation, between-groups competition, and extrinsic motivation, can help EFL teachers in setting a more effective classroom structure for cooperative writing practices to improve the writing proficiency of L2 learners. تفاصيل المقالة
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        216 - Collaborative Writing Practice through Online Learning: Insights from Iranian EFL Learners’ Perceptions
        Nazli Azodi Ahmadreza Lotfi Ahmad Ameri-Golestan
        This study investigates the benefits of e-collaborative and collaborative writing tasks on the perception of Iranian EFL learners in a process-oriented approach. The study involved 74 intermediate Iranian EFL students at Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch. They wer أکثر
        This study investigates the benefits of e-collaborative and collaborative writing tasks on the perception of Iranian EFL learners in a process-oriented approach. The study involved 74 intermediate Iranian EFL students at Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch. They were divided into three groups by random assignment as two experimental groups and one control group. The experimental groups were required to perform their tasks in collaboration; only one of these two groups had access to the Telegram Application outside the classroom. The control group, however, followed the conventional method of learning how to write. The participants were required to write two journals during the course. They were asked to write about their understanding, attitude, and experience on the writing activity. There were 136 diary entries to be analyzed in order to discover the themes in them. These themes were literally the emerging concepts in the diary entries related to research question of the study about the participants&rsquo; perception. After the identification of these dominant themes, content analysis was performed to interpret the data. According to the results of the study, a high percentage of students&rsquo; satisfaction showed positive perceptions of e-collaborative activities, and they reported that the instructional implementation of an e-collaborative writing project with a five-stage writing process did assist EFL learners to accomplish a collaborative writing task. تفاصيل المقالة
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        217 - The Effect of Scaffolded Written Corrective Feedback on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Quality: An Activity Theory Perspective
        Ehsan Abbaspour Mahmood Reza Atai Parviz Maftoon
        With the latest paradigm shift in SLA from Cognitivism to Sociocultural Theory (SCT), more studies are carried out to investigate the efficacy of Written Corrective Feedback (WCF) through a social and cultural lens. A more recent offspring of SCT is Activity Theory whic أکثر
        With the latest paradigm shift in SLA from Cognitivism to Sociocultural Theory (SCT), more studies are carried out to investigate the efficacy of Written Corrective Feedback (WCF) through a social and cultural lens. A more recent offspring of SCT is Activity Theory which provides an explanatory framework for scrutinizing an activity in a social setting. The present study aimed at investigating the impact of Scaffolded WCF within the framework of Activity Theory on Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing performance in terms of reduction of the learners&rsquo; writing errors with respect to the content, vocabulary, mechanics, organization, and grammar. Finally, different types of Activity Theory-based strategic mediations (i.e. artifact, rule, community, and role mediations) Iranian EFL learners employed in their writing revisions were investigated. Accordingly, 25 Iranian university-level students, through convenient sampling, were chosen to participate in the study. The treatment they received on their writings was a graduated Scaffolding WCF in their Zone of Proximal Development in the form of both peer and teacher feedback. The findings indicated that Scaffolded WCF statistically significantly contributed to the participants&rsquo; writing performance in terms of content, vocabulary, mechanics, organization, and grammar. With respect to the mediation strategies used by the learners, it was discovered that the learners benefitted from all the available mediators although with various degrees. It is hoped that the findings of this study will promise implications for promoting a teacher/learner-friendly method of providing WCF based on SCT, which can be utilized in large classes typical of Iranian EFL university courses. تفاصيل المقالة
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        218 - Effects of Receiving Corrective Feedback through Online Chats and Class Discussions on Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Quality
        Sahar Farrahi Avval Hassan Asadollahfam Bahram Behin
        Giving corrective feedback (CF) is an essential part of the teaching and learning process, and the way it should beneficially be done has been the focus of attention for numerous researchers especially when traditional ways of CF provision are not possible, particularly أکثر
        Giving corrective feedback (CF) is an essential part of the teaching and learning process, and the way it should beneficially be done has been the focus of attention for numerous researchers especially when traditional ways of CF provision are not possible, particularly in rare situations such as outbreaks of diseases. This study investigated how different ways of giving feedback; namely, through online chats and class discussions can help language learners in benefitting from their instructors&rsquo; CF provision. To this purpose, the effects of two ways of feedback provision were tested on the participants writing quality. Three hundred and seventeen Iranian EFL learners took a TOEFL test, 132 of them (53 males and 79 females) scoring between 477 and 510 were asked to deliver a 200-word writing task. Then, they were randomly put into 4 experimental and control groups to undergo different treatments, i.e. receiving CF through online chats and class discussions for 10 one-hour sessions. After the treatment, they were required to deliver another 200-word piece of writing. The results of statistical data analysis showed that the writing quality of the participants receiving CF through online chats was significantly higher than that of those who received CF through class discussions. The findings of this research have practical implications for Iranian educational system to update its instructional methods and for the nature of teaching and learning processes and practices. تفاصيل المقالة
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        219 - SHAD Social Network and EFL Learners' Writing Complexity & Accuracy
        Neda Fatehi Rad Najme Khadem Hosseini
        The present study was done to evaluate two dimensions of written language proficiency i.e., complexity and accuracy through SHAD application as a social network. Moreover, the study analyzed the participants' attitude towards the mentioned application. This research was أکثر
        The present study was done to evaluate two dimensions of written language proficiency i.e., complexity and accuracy through SHAD application as a social network. Moreover, the study analyzed the participants' attitude towards the mentioned application. This research was a quasi-experimental study in which two groups were compared with each other. It also focused on the quantitative method and the questionnaire data were analyzed descriptively. To do this, a total of 80 twelfth grade high school students were selected based on the convenience sampling to participate in the present work to establish an experimental group (students learning writing under SHAD app condition) and a control group (students learning writing in class condition). The data were collected and moved to SPSS software and the output is firstly analyzed and then discussed and represented. That is to say, after a course of writing training, data analysis was done by using pretest, posttest and questionnaire results. The obtained results showed that the use of SHAD application had no significant impact on improving the perfection of the student&rsquo;s writing skills, while it significantly affects improving the complexity of their writing skills. The study has also illustrated the positive students&rsquo; attitude towards E-learning i.e., SHAD application. On the whole, the participants&rsquo; overall satisfaction was achieved by this study. تفاصيل المقالة
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        220 - امام هادی (علیه السّلام) در منابع معتبر تاریخی اهل سنّت از امامت تا شهادت
        حجت عبادعسکری اردشیر اسدبیگی محمدحسین رجبی دوانی
        گزارشات تاریخی و روایی از جمله منابع مهم برای فهم و درک سیره ی ائمه ی اطهار (علیم السّلام) به شمار میرود. برخی از امامان شیعه به دلائلی بیشتر در منابع و برخی کمتر مطرح شده اند. گزارشات منابع در دو دسته ی شیعه و سنّی قابل بررسی است. در این تقسیم بندی تواریخ عمومی با گرای أکثر
        گزارشات تاریخی و روایی از جمله منابع مهم برای فهم و درک سیره ی ائمه ی اطهار (علیم السّلام) به شمار میرود. برخی از امامان شیعه به دلائلی بیشتر در منابع و برخی کمتر مطرح شده اند. گزارشات منابع در دو دسته ی شیعه و سنّی قابل بررسی است. در این تقسیم بندی تواریخ عمومی با گرایشات سنّی مشهود می باشد. منابع دیگری در این راستا وجود دارد که به مدد پژوهشگر می آید؛ مانند نگارش های وَفَیات، اَعلام، رجال و فرهنگ نامه ها. تحقیق حاضر به شیوه ی توصیفی-تحلیلی به بررسی این نکته می پردازد که سیره ی امام نهمِ شیعه در دوران امامت ایشان تا چه اندازه در منابع اهل سنت گزارش شده است؟ در این پژوهش نشان داده می شود که تعدادی از منابع، حقیقت پوشی نکرده اند و برخی دیگر اشاره ی چندانی نداشته اند. شرح سیره ی امام هادی علیه السّلام در گزارشات تاریخی در سایه ی گزارشات زندگانی خلفا و حاکمان وقت عباسی و حوادث تاریخ اسلام قرارگرفته است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        221 - نقش طب درتوسعه تمدن اسلامی
        محمد علی شاه حیدری غفار پوربختیار عبدالعزیز موحد
        تشویق بی نظیر اسلام به فراگیری علوم از جمله تأکید فراوان بر بهداشت وسلامت جسم وروان، مسلمین را واداشت تا به علم طب بیش از دیگر علوم اهمیت قائل شوند و آنرا از شریفترین علم ها به شمار آورند. لذا به برکت تعالیم اسلامى مسلمانان به توفیقات بزرگى در امور ترجمه ، علم طب و تألی أکثر
        تشویق بی نظیر اسلام به فراگیری علوم از جمله تأکید فراوان بر بهداشت وسلامت جسم وروان، مسلمین را واداشت تا به علم طب بیش از دیگر علوم اهمیت قائل شوند و آنرا از شریفترین علم ها به شمار آورند. لذا به برکت تعالیم اسلامى مسلمانان به توفیقات بزرگى در امور ترجمه ، علم طب و تألیف متون پزشکى دست یافتند، که این امور موجبات ظهور متفکران ومحققان منحصر به فردی در جهان اسلام گردید تا با شیوه های ابداعی خویش در درمان بیماری ها و نیز با تألیفات گرانقدر خود سهم و نقش قابل توجهی را در توسعه دانش پزشکی وبه تبع آن تمدن اسلامی بعمل آوردند .منابع تاریخی نشان از این دارد که طب در تمدن اسلامی حائز مقام شامخی بوده و اسلام و تمدن اسلامی به پیشرفت علم پزشکی و جنبه های مختلف آن، چه بصورت مستقیم و چه غیر مستقیم به دیگر ملتهای متمدن کمک کرده است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        222 - بازشناسی حروف برخط فارسی با استفاده از ویژگی‌های ساختاری
        وحید قدس احسان اله کبیر
        در این مقاله گروه‌بندی و بازشناسی حروف تنهای فارسی که به صورت برخط نوشته شده باشند، بر اساس ویژگی‌های ساختاری آن‌ها ارائه شده است. حروف بر اساس شکل و ساختار نوشتاری بدنه اصلی آن‌ها به 9 گروه تقسیم می‌شوند. پس از استخراج ویژگی‌ها، گروه‌بندی با استفاده از درخت تصمیم انجام أکثر
        در این مقاله گروه‌بندی و بازشناسی حروف تنهای فارسی که به صورت برخط نوشته شده باشند، بر اساس ویژگی‌های ساختاری آن‌ها ارائه شده است. حروف بر اساس شکل و ساختار نوشتاری بدنه اصلی آن‌ها به 9 گروه تقسیم می‌شوند. پس از استخراج ویژگی‌ها، گروه‌بندی با استفاده از درخت تصمیم انجام می‌شود. بازشناسی نهایی حروف با توجه به ساختار اجزای کوچک آن‌ها در هر گروه صورت می‌پذیرد. با توجه به این که در این مقاله از روش‌های زمان‌بر برای بازشناسی استفاده نشده است، روش پیشنهادی، روشی سریع در بازشناسی حروف برخط فارسی است. نتایج پیاده‌سازی این روش بر روی مجموعه داده "حروف برخط دانشگاه تربیت مدرس"، گروه‌بندی و بازشناسی حروف را به ترتیب با دقت بالای %94 و %92 نشان می‌دهد و این در حالی است که میانگین زمان پردازش و بازشناسی یک حرف حدود 3 میلی ثانیه به دست آمد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        223 - The Differential Effects of Task Repetition and Task Familiarity on EFL Learners’ Writing Performance in Weblog Based Environment
        Zari Sadat Seyyedrezaei Aytai Gharavi Masumeh Sadat Seyyedrezaei Atefeh Zebarjadi
        This study explored the differential effects of task familiarity and task repetition on EFL learners&rsquo; writing performance in weblog-based environment and face-to-face classroom. To this end, 87 Iranian intermediate EFL students from two branches of Islamic Azad Un أکثر
        This study explored the differential effects of task familiarity and task repetition on EFL learners&rsquo; writing performance in weblog-based environment and face-to-face classroom. To this end, 87 Iranian intermediate EFL students from two branches of Islamic Azad University, Iran were volunteers for participating in this study. Subsequently, only 60 students out of these 87 students were chosen based on their preliminary English test scores, and were randomly assigned to two groups (30 students in weblog / 30 students in face-to-face). As well, each group was divided into two sub-groups: 15 students in task repetition group, and 15 students in task familiarity group. During the treatment, the task repetition group performed twelve tasks with the same procedure and exactly the same content. The students in the task familiarity group were provided with tasks on different topics for the subsequent sessions. Each session, one of these tasks was familiar (e.g., events in Iran) for the learners and the other one was unfamiliar (e.g., events in France. The results of the Two-way ANOVA revealed that there is no significant difference between the writing performance of Iranian EFL learners receiving task repetition compared to those receiving task familiarity. Besides, the results indicated that the writing scores of learners receiving task repetition through weblog-based environment were better than those in face-to-face classroom. Regarding task familiarity, the results of the Two-way ANOVA showed that there is no statistically significant difference between writing performance of learners who receive task familiarity through weblog-based environment in comparison to those in face-to-face classroom. The findings of this study may have implication for EFL teachers and material developers to pay attention to the contribution of blogging to writing achievement, and develop materials, techniques, and procedures that are suitable for blog oriented writing. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        224 - Hidden Reasons behind the Plagiarism of Iranian TEFL University Students in Their Written Studies: A Qualitative Study
        Vahid Ghorbani Mehrnoosh Mashmool Golshad Daliche Ata Hamed Zarabi
        In recent years, the issue of plagiarism has received a lot of attention from the academic world. However, few studies have been conducted in the area of detecting why students will be drawn into such a hateful action. The factors that overtly or covertly contribute to أکثر
        In recent years, the issue of plagiarism has received a lot of attention from the academic world. However, few studies have been conducted in the area of detecting why students will be drawn into such a hateful action. The factors that overtly or covertly contribute to the growth of plagiarism among graduate TEFL students in Iran were investigated in this study. In order to accomplish this, the researchers conducted a semi-structured interview with 20 graduate students studying English language teaching to ascertain their perceptions of the underlying causes of plagiarism. Based on the data collected from the content analysis procedure, the main causes of plagiarism among TEFL students include &lsquo;low English proficiency&rsquo;, &lsquo;lack of time&rsquo;, &lsquo;lack of support from the instructor&rsquo;, &lsquo;lack of interest in the topic, &lsquo;laziness or a lack of motivation&rsquo;, and &lsquo;the use of science as a market for money making. The current study is of high significance since it has vital implications for academics teaching in higher education, TEFL university students, curriculum developers, and EAP/ESP specialists. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        225 - An Investigation of Writing Anxiety among Freshmen University Students in an EFL Context
        Zahra Shirian Dastjerdi Hussien Jawad Abdulridha Bahram Dehghanpour
        This study investigated the level, dominant type, and reasons for writing anxiety among EFL students through a quantitative research design. The participants were one group of 75 (40 female and 35 male) freshmen students from the Department of English at Karbala Univers أکثر
        This study investigated the level, dominant type, and reasons for writing anxiety among EFL students through a quantitative research design. The participants were one group of 75 (40 female and 35 male) freshmen students from the Department of English at Karbala University, Iraq. Their ages ranged from 19 to 24, selected through a purposive sampling technique based on their intermediate level of English proficiency. The Language Writing Anxiety Inventory and the Causes of Writing Anxiety Inventory (CSLWAI) were administered. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. The findings of this survey research design study showed that EFL students have a high level of writing anxiety. Moreover, cognitive anxiety was found to be the predominant type of writing anxiety. The main reason for writing anxiety was fear of teachers' negative comments. This study has significant implications for English language teachers, indicating that they cannot assume their students to be homogeneous in terms of writing anxiety. This suggests that while designing assignments and activities for their programs, teachers should be more aware of the effect of writing anxiety. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        226 - Cooperative Error Detection in Online Learning: Focusing on Psychology ESP Students’ Writing Accuracy and Their Learning Styles
        Maryam Mohammadi Sarab Omid Tabatabaei Hadi Salehi Azizeh Chalak
        The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of cooperative error detection in an online context on ESP students' writing accuracy and their attitudes towards cooperative error correction. To achieve this aim, the researchers selected 60 ESP students after hom أکثر
        The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of cooperative error detection in an online context on ESP students' writing accuracy and their attitudes towards cooperative error correction. To achieve this aim, the researchers selected 60 ESP students after homogenization. The Barratt Impulsivity Scale (Barratt, 1995) was administered to the participants. The researcher randomly assigned the participants to two groups: the experimental group (n=30, reflective=13, impulsive=17) and the control group (n=30, reflective=13, impulsive=17). The experimental group received the intervention for ten sessions. Skype was used in this group. The participants in this group were divided into six groups of 5 members each. Then, in each session, the students were given a descriptive topic and they were supposed to write and share their writing in their groups. Other members of each group had to check each member's writing and, in case of a problem, underline the mistakes and share them with the group. Finally, they sent the revised writing to the teacher. In the control group, the participants had to write about the same descriptive topic. They wrote and gave their writing to the teacher who corrected it. The results showed that the participants in the experimental group performed significantly better than those in the control group. In terms of learning style, both reflective and impulsive ESP students benefited equally from the intervention. In addition, participants in the experimental group who received the treatment had a positive attitude towards cooperative error detection, seeing it as something positive and fun. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        227 - Effects of Explicit Instruction of Metadiscourse Markers on Persuasive Writing Ability and the Learners&rsquo; Attitude towards Teaching Academic Writing with Online Modality
        Majid Fatahipour Mozhdeh Tahmasbi Neda Gharagozloo
        Persuasive writing is considered a complex genre for EFL learners to master and yet vital for academic arguments. As metadiscourse markers are recognizable and familiar devices to persuade, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of their explicit onlin أکثر
        Persuasive writing is considered a complex genre for EFL learners to master and yet vital for academic arguments. As metadiscourse markers are recognizable and familiar devices to persuade, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of their explicit online instruction on Iranian EFL learners&#039; persuasive writing. The participants were homogenous EFL learners at the intermediate level, divided into two groups: experimental (n=40) and control (n=40). An official e-platform used in Iranian state-run schools was used for online instruction. According to a regular schedule, the participants received different passages containing metadiscourse markers. The teacher assigned the experimental group to notice and discuss the markers in small groups. Then, a passage-related topic was assigned and the learners wrote a persuasive essay in each session. For the control group, the same procedure was adopted except for the explicit focus on metadiscourse markers. Finally, a writing test demonstrated the significant effect of explicit instruction on persuasive writing of EFL learners, through statistical analysis explaining participants&rsquo; attitude and high frequency of - interactive type markers. Learners&rsquo; attitudes were also examined through interviews. Pedagogical implications are suggested to include explicit focus on metadiscourse markers in writing courses. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        228 - Dynamic Assessment in L2 Writing Performance: the Case of Iranian EFL Learners
        Aysheh Mohammadzadeh
        Dynamic assessment (DA) is founded in Sociocultural Theory (SCT) of Vygotsky (1978) and his conception of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). It motivated the scholars to find a way from a static approach of assessment to the dynamic approach to increase individuals&rsq أکثر
        Dynamic assessment (DA) is founded in Sociocultural Theory (SCT) of Vygotsky (1978) and his conception of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). It motivated the scholars to find a way from a static approach of assessment to the dynamic approach to increase individuals&rsquo; independence and level of performance (Lantolf &amp; Poehner, 2004; Poehner, 2008). To this end, this investigation probed DA intervention on writing fluency and complexity of Iranian EFL learners. Before the treatment, the KET test was implemented for homogenizing the participants and then 36 learners were chosen in groups of namely, experimental and control (18 participants in every group). In both groups, learners wrote a one-paragraph essay in the first session. During the intervention which lasted for two sessions, the researcher followed some stages including implicit and explicit feedback types in the second and third sessions to help learners move from teacher-regulation to self-regulation and then they wrote again a one-paragraph essay as the post-test in the fourth session. Participants in the control group wrote on the same topics as the experimental group, however, with no DA intervention. The researcher corrected their papers and provided some general comments in the control group. The t-tests in the post-tests indicated that experimental group surpassed the control group considerably concerning the writing fluency and complexity improvement. The paper concludes with a discussion and recommendations for further research into the potential DA contributions to EFL writing assessment and instruction. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        229 - چالش‌های نحوی قرائت حمزه و خاستگاه تاریخی آن
        روح الله نجفی
        حمزة بن حبیب زَیّات قاری سرشناس کوفه در سدۀ 2ق است. قرائت وی از قرآن همواره در معرض توجه عالمان قرائت بوده است. قرائت حمزه با همۀ اهمیت و اعتبارش دارای برخی اشکالات نحوی است که گاه علیه وی اعتراضاتی را برانگیخته. قرائت جر الأَرْحَامِ در آیۀ نخست سورۀ نساء، قرائت غایب لا أکثر
        حمزة بن حبیب زَیّات قاری سرشناس کوفه در سدۀ 2ق است. قرائت وی از قرآن همواره در معرض توجه عالمان قرائت بوده است. قرائت حمزه با همۀ اهمیت و اعتبارش دارای برخی اشکالات نحوی است که گاه علیه وی اعتراضاتی را برانگیخته. قرائت جر الأَرْحَامِ در آیۀ نخست سورۀ نساء، قرائت غایب لایحسبنَّ در آیۀ 5سورۀ 9 انفال، قرائت مجهول یُخافا در آیۀ 229 سورۀ بقره، قرائت تثنیۀ یَبلُغانِّ در آیۀ 23 سورۀ اسراء و قرائت بدون تنوین ثلاثمائةِ در آیۀ 25 سورۀ کهف، نمونه‌هایی از غرائب نحوی قرائت حمزه را به نمایش می‌نهند. مطالعۀ حاضر در پی‌جویی از راز رخداد این ماجرا به این نکته التفات یافته که التزام حمزه به مصحف عثمانی و تمایل همزمانش به مصحف ابن مسعود او را به چنین خوانش‌های چالش‌برانگیزی سوق داده است. در این سنخ نمونه‌ها، هر چند از یک سو، مصحف ابن مسعود قرینه‌ای در تأیید قرائت حمزه فراهم می‌آورد، از دیگر سو، تعلق خاطر به مصحف ابن مسعود است که حمزه را به چالش نحوی می‌کشاند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        230 - رویکرد حدیثی اسلام‌پژوه معاصر حاکم عُبَیسان مطیری
        مریم ولایتی کبابیان
        حاکم مطیری، از چهره‌های آکادمیک جهان اسلام با رویکرد سلفی است که در دو حوزۀ مطالعات اسلام و شرق‌شناسی فعالیت دارد، وی دارای تألیفات فراوان است. از آن جا که مطالعه دربارۀ اسلام سیاسی برای وی در درجۀ نخست اولویت قرار دارد، به موازات فعالیت‌های علمی‌اش، بیش‌تر یک چهرۀ فعال أکثر
        حاکم مطیری، از چهره‌های آکادمیک جهان اسلام با رویکرد سلفی است که در دو حوزۀ مطالعات اسلام و شرق‌شناسی فعالیت دارد، وی دارای تألیفات فراوان است. از آن جا که مطالعه دربارۀ اسلام سیاسی برای وی در درجۀ نخست اولویت قرار دارد، به موازات فعالیت‌های علمی‌اش، بیش‌تر یک چهرۀ فعال و شناخته شدۀ سیاسی به شمار می‌آید. وی مسلمانان را به مبانی گفتمان سیاسی اسلام مبتنی بر قرآن، سنت نبوی و سیرۀ خلفای راشدین دعوت می‌کند و منتقد سرسخت سیاست ورزی‌های حاکمان اسلامی است. موضوعات حدیثی و سیاسی در آثار حاکم به شدت در هم تنیده است و می‌توان گفت عمدۀ آراء و اندیشه‌های سیاسی او مبتنی بر روایات است. او ادعا دارد همواره مقید به ذکر احادیث صحیح و اخبار منقول بوده و به بررسی‌های سندی اهتمام دارد، هرچند منتقدانش بر این باورند که گرایش سیاسی حاکم هم‌چون یک مؤلفۀ تأثیرگذار بر رویکرد حدیثی او و چگونگی استناد وی به روایات عمل، بی‌تأثیر نبوده است. به جز موارد یادشده، بازتاب روشنِ حدیث در آثار حاکم را در موارد مربوط به تفسیر اثری، مصطلح الحدیث منظوم، سنن النبی ِمأثور و پاسخگویی به مستشرقان در موضوع تدوین سنت شاهدیم. استناد گسترده به روایات در همۀ این موارد به وضوح قابل مشاهده است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        231 - اعتبارسنجی نظریۀ تصریف در حوزۀ جمع قرآن در عصر خلفاء
        حامد شریفی نسب
        با ابداع نظریۀ تصریف، برخی تلاش کرده‌اند که تاریخ جمع قرآن را با این نظریه پیوند دهند. بر اساس نظریۀ تصریف، پیامبر اکرم(ص) عموم صحابه را به دخل و تصرف در مفردات و ترکیبات آیات قرآن کریم تشویق و تحسین می‌کرد و خود نیز به تصریف آیات اقدام می‌کرد. ادعای ارتباط این نظریه با أکثر
        با ابداع نظریۀ تصریف، برخی تلاش کرده‌اند که تاریخ جمع قرآن را با این نظریه پیوند دهند. بر اساس نظریۀ تصریف، پیامبر اکرم(ص) عموم صحابه را به دخل و تصرف در مفردات و ترکیبات آیات قرآن کریم تشویق و تحسین می‌کرد و خود نیز به تصریف آیات اقدام می‌کرد. ادعای ارتباط این نظریه با تاریخ جمع قرآن نیز این‌گونه مطرح شده است که عملکرد پیامبر(ص) در گسترش تصریفات صحابه، موجب پدید آمدن اختلافات در قرآنی پنداشتن برخی تصریفات شد که پس از رحلت پیامبر(ص)، خلیفۀ دوم پیشنهاد گردآوری قرائات تصریفی پیامبر(ص) را به ابوبکر می‌دهد و از دست‌رسی مردم به آن قرائات تصریفی جلوگیری می‌کند و سپس عثمان همۀ قرائات تصریفی را از بین می‌برد تا متن قرآن به صورت یکسان باقی بماند. پژوهش حاضر با هدف جلوگیری از رواج نظریات باطل و بی‌اساس، به نقد ادعای پیوند تاریخ جمع قرآن با نظریۀ تصریف پرداخته و نشان داده است که این ادعا همانند اصل نظریۀ تصریف، بر مبانی فکری اهل‌سنت، روایاتی ضعیف، برداشت‌های نادرست، تأویل گستردۀ روایات و گزارش‌های تاریخی و ادعاهای متناقض پایه‌گذاری شده است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        232 - Writing Anxiety among Iranian EFL Learners and its Relationship with Tolerance of Ambiguity: A Gender Perspective
        ایرج زارعی خاتونی شیما قبادی
        This study aims to investigate the relationship between writing anxiety and ambiguity tolerance among Iranian Intermediate EFL learners. Moreover, the researcher explored the role of gender in this matter. Random sampling was employed to select about 60 Iranian intermed أکثر
        This study aims to investigate the relationship between writing anxiety and ambiguity tolerance among Iranian Intermediate EFL learners. Moreover, the researcher explored the role of gender in this matter. Random sampling was employed to select about 60 Iranian intermediate EFL learners (23 males and 37 females) from two private language schools in Karaj, Iran, whose ages range from 16 to 25. Before the data collection, a QOPT was administered as a standardized measure to check the homogeneity of subjects. Later, the selected participants were provided with the Second Language AT Scale (SLTAS) (Ely, 1995). After completing this scale, the Language Writing Anxiety Inventory (SLWAI) was completed by them. After the data collection, the obtained scores were analyzed by SPSS Software. The following results were reached upon the completion of the experiment: (a) that there is a significant relationship between these two variables. It was found that the participants with a high level of ambiguity tolerance are less anxious; (b) male and female learners are different in the levels of writing anxiety. It was found that females are more anxious while writing in L2, and (c) it was found no significant relationship between gender and tolerance of ambiguity. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        233 - The Effects of Jigsaw Puzzle and Literature Circle Techniques on Argumentative Writing of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
        فاطمه غلامیان
        The main objective of the current study was to check two collaborative techniques, i.e., Jigsaw Puzzle and Literature Circle, to see their impact on argumentative writing improvement among Iranian EFL language learners. To this end, a quantitative design and a pretest-t أکثر
        The main objective of the current study was to check two collaborative techniques, i.e., Jigsaw Puzzle and Literature Circle, to see their impact on argumentative writing improvement among Iranian EFL language learners. To this end, a quantitative design and a pretest-treatment-posttest method were used. The sample of this study was sixty Iranian learners who were assigned randomly to two homogeneous experimental groups, group A: Jigsaw Puzzle, and group B: Literature Circle; each one consisted of 30 participants, based on their performance on the OQPT. They sat for an argumentative writing pretest, then the treatments were implemented for every group, and finally, they sat for an argumentative writing posttest. The results implied that implementing the Literature Circle technique leads to a statistically significant improvement in argumentative writing by Iranian EFL learners. Moreover, the findings revealed that using the Jigsaw Puzzle technique results in a statistically significant improvement in argumentative writing essay performance by Iranian EFL learners. Furthermore, the comparison of the effects of the treatments of the study showed that the Literature Circle group outperformed the Jigsaw Puzzle group. The study provides implications for EFL teachers, learners, and curriculum developers. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        234 - Cryptomnesia and Research Integrity: The Case of TEFL International Postgraduate Students at the Iranian Universities
        مسعود طاهری لَرکی
        The vast body of research on research integrity and research violations/dishonesties demonstrates that cryptomnesia (unwitting plagiarism) is still rising, especially among international postgraduate students from various socio-cultural backgrounds. The present research أکثر
        The vast body of research on research integrity and research violations/dishonesties demonstrates that cryptomnesia (unwitting plagiarism) is still rising, especially among international postgraduate students from various socio-cultural backgrounds. The present research paper aimed to review the state of art highlighting elements prompting academic misconducts (in our case, plagiarism) by international postgraduate students in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at Iranian universities. The findings revealed that assistive initiatives such as face-to-face workshops, webinars, and tutorials were not sufficient in their quality to meet students&rsquo; needs. Although various practices were conducted in academic research integrity across the globe, having a high degree of academic writing skills (academic literacy) was inadequate for students to control cryptomnesia in professional and academic contexts. Regarding the mentioned elements, this research paper proposed two substantially established programs to contribute to international postgraduate students becoming mindful of academic research principles to avoid unwitting plagiarism in their academic writings. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        235 - The Relationship between Iranian English Learners’ Linguistic Intelligence and their Writing Ability, and Writing Assessment Criteria
        موسی احمدیان سمانه حسینی
        Gardner&rsquo;s Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) specifies at least eight human intelligences, one of which is linguistic intelligence. Gardner (1983) also calls this intelligence the intelligence of words, since it is mainly concerned with written and spoken forms o أکثر
        Gardner&rsquo;s Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) specifies at least eight human intelligences, one of which is linguistic intelligence. Gardner (1983) also calls this intelligence the intelligence of words, since it is mainly concerned with written and spoken forms of language. This new theory of intelligence which gives emphasis to learner variable has been used in language learning and teaching settings. The present paper studies possible relationship between L2 learners&rsquo; linguistic intelligence and their writing ability, and writing assessment criteria. 33 female homogeneous Persian speaking EFL learners participated in this study. The instruments used were the Multiple Intelligence Developmental Assessment Scales (MIDAS), designed by Shearer (1996), and the participants&rsquo; two writings. The linguistic intelligence index was taken from the MIDAS and the participants' average scores on two writing tasks were used as an index of writing products. The writings were scored based on Jacobs et al.&rsquo;s scale of five criteria: content, organisation, language use, vocabulary, and mechanics. The correlational analysis of the results revealed a significant relationship between participants' linguistic intelligence and their performance on writing. Furthermore, the results of regression analysis showed that among all five criteria, vocabulary shows higher correlation with linguistic intelligence. Possible implications of the findings for language teaching and teaching writing will be discussed. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        236 - Undergraduate Argumentative Writing in English as a Foreign Language: a Gendered Perspective
        عباس زارعی شینا کوار
        Determining whether gender-related differences exist in the linguistic characteristics of writing in formal contexts is one of the concerns of recent research on gender in second language writing. This study aimed to explore gender differences in undergraduate argumenta أکثر
        Determining whether gender-related differences exist in the linguistic characteristics of writing in formal contexts is one of the concerns of recent research on gender in second language writing. This study aimed to explore gender differences in undergraduate argumentative writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) in terms of lexical and discoursal features. Around 100 Persian-speaking male and female EFL learners with insignificant differences in English proficiency at the time of the study and with similar background literacy experiences performed an opinion-based writing task under exam conditions. Combined corpus analysis and discourse analysis techniques were used to describe and compare their texts in terms of writing quality, lexical properties, and rhetorical organization. Results showed that a) male learners received significantly higher mean scores in the content and organization of their argumentative writing (t= 2.03 and 2.08 respectively, p&le; 0.04); b) female EFL learners wrote less assertively and expressed positions more obscurely as shown in the analysis of their topic sentences; and c) While male learners used both inductive and deductive overall organizations for their texts, most female learners (74.4%) wrote more deductively. Results of concordance and keyword analyses through Wordsmith Tools also illustrated that learners&rsquo; social and ideological contexts of gender contributes to their approach to academic writing in English. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        237 - نقد جُنگ شرف
        وحید برزگر
        جنگ شرف مجموعه‌ای است که دربردارنده اشعار شاعران قرن پنجم تا اواخر قرن دهم است. نگارنده آن عبدالرحمان بن شرف است. این مجموعه را می‌توان به چند بخش تقسیم کرد، نخست غزلیاتی که سروده شاعران قرن نهم و دهم هستند. بخش دیگر این مجموعه شامل غزلیات جامی است که به واسطه توجه کاتب أکثر
        جنگ شرف مجموعه‌ای است که دربردارنده اشعار شاعران قرن پنجم تا اواخر قرن دهم است. نگارنده آن عبدالرحمان بن شرف است. این مجموعه را می‌توان به چند بخش تقسیم کرد، نخست غزلیاتی که سروده شاعران قرن نهم و دهم هستند. بخش دیگر این مجموعه شامل غزلیات جامی است که به واسطه توجه کاتب به جامی به شکلی ویژه در نسخه قرار گرفته‌اند و قسمت پایانی دربردارنده منظومه یوسف و زلیخای جامی است که البته کامل نیست. نشانه‌های سبک هندی، مکتب وقوع و طرز واسوخت را در این مجموعه می‌توان یافت. اهمیت این جنگ در نوع انتخاب‌های کاتب است که سلیقه شعری مردم قرن دهم را در دل خود دارد، وجود شعرایی که از آن‌ها اطلاعی نداریم، نمونه شعرهای خاص، از جمله یک شعر با ردیف هندی و نمونه‌هایی از این دست به اهمیت موضوع افزوده است. در این تحقیق می‌کوشیم تا این جنگ را از نظر سبک‌شناسی و نقد ادبی مورد بررسی قرار داده و نگاه کاتب را در انتخاب اشعار مورد بررسی قرار دهیم. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        238 - بررسی کتاب «من زنده‌ام» از منظر ساختارگرایی
        کوثر دانش عبدالحسین فرزاد احمد خاتمی
        انتشار مجموعه خاطرات من زنده‌ام نوشته معصومه آباد، جریانی جدید در خاطره‌نویسی ادبیات دفاع مقدس ایجاد کرد، جریانی که تلاش دارد در کنار روایت مردانه، روایتی زنانه از دوران اسارت ارائه کند. مجموعه خاطرات من زنده‌ام ، اثری کاملاً زنانه با نثری عاطفی، معناگرا، پرمایه و سالم أکثر
        انتشار مجموعه خاطرات من زنده‌ام نوشته معصومه آباد، جریانی جدید در خاطره‌نویسی ادبیات دفاع مقدس ایجاد کرد، جریانی که تلاش دارد در کنار روایت مردانه، روایتی زنانه از دوران اسارت ارائه کند. مجموعه خاطرات من زنده‌ام ، اثری کاملاً زنانه با نثری عاطفی، معناگرا، پرمایه و سالم است. در این پژوهش به تحلیل ساختار و محتوای کتاب من زنده‌ام پرداخته می‌شود. پژوهش حاضر به روش توصیفی ـ تحلیلی و از منظر ساختارگرایی به بررسی این اثر ارزنده پرداخته است. نتایج پژوهش نشان‌دهنده آن است که جنسیت راوی بر لحن، گفتار و رفتار شخصیت‌ها تأثیر زیادی گذاشته است. من زنده‌ام نقطه عزیمت روایت زنانه در آثار دوران اسارت است و به گونه‌ای برگرفته از الگوی صبر و استقامت حضرت زینب(س) است. زبان و نثر داستان با تلفیق سایر عناصر مانند طرح، زمان، شخصیت‌پردازی دقیق و حساب‌شده، تعلیق و انتظار، همه بیانگر مهارت نویسنده در داستان‌نویسی است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        239 - واکاوی آراء قضایی از منظر سبک و نوع نگارش
        نادر پورارشد
        سبک نگارش آراء قضایی در قالب هیچ یک از انواع سبک‌های مهم نگارشی اعم از توضیحی، توصیفی، روایی و اقناعی (ایجابی) نمی‌گنجند. از نظر کاربردی نیز با هیچ کدام از نثرهای علمی، ادبی و اداری میانه‌ای ندارد. بازخوانی این وضعیت به قدر کافی واکاوی نگشته که آیا واقعیتی مستقل و برحق أکثر
        سبک نگارش آراء قضایی در قالب هیچ یک از انواع سبک‌های مهم نگارشی اعم از توضیحی، توصیفی، روایی و اقناعی (ایجابی) نمی‌گنجند. از نظر کاربردی نیز با هیچ کدام از نثرهای علمی، ادبی و اداری میانه‌ای ندارد. بازخوانی این وضعیت به قدر کافی واکاوی نگشته که آیا واقعیتی مستقل و برحق است و باید سبک و نوع آن را به همه گونه‌های شناخته شده سبک‌ها و انواع نگارش افزود یا آنکه باید این وضعیت را برنتافت و با توصیه‌ها و الزامات اصلاحی در صدد بازگردان آن به خانواده سبک‌ها و انواع نگارش مألوف برآمد. مقاله حاضر با روش توصیف و تحلیل و با اتکاء به نمونه‌هایی از آراء قضایی به اثبات مدعای اول یعنی وضعیت مستقل سبک و نوع نگارش آراء و پاسخ به سوال دوم یعنی ارزیابی اصالت و هویت وضعیت مزبور پرداخته است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        240 - تبیین جایگاه قابوس‌نامه در تاریخ اندرزنامه‌نویسی
        سید جلال موسوی
        اندرزنامه‌نویسی و تعلیم در ادبیات، سنتی است که سابقۀ آن به ایران باستان می‌رسد. نقل تجارب عملی و حِکَم در قالب کلمات قصار، ضرب‌المثل و حکایات، در آن دوره به‌صورت گسترده رایج بوده است. این میراث گسترده به‌صورت‌های مختلف به دورۀ اسلامی منتقل شد و رفته‌رفته با عناصر اسلامی أکثر
        اندرزنامه‌نویسی و تعلیم در ادبیات، سنتی است که سابقۀ آن به ایران باستان می‌رسد. نقل تجارب عملی و حِکَم در قالب کلمات قصار، ضرب‌المثل و حکایات، در آن دوره به‌صورت گسترده رایج بوده است. این میراث گسترده به‌صورت‌های مختلف به دورۀ اسلامی منتقل شد و رفته‌رفته با عناصر اسلامی درآمیخت و بنا بر اقتضائات این دوران دچار تحولاتی شد. قابوس‌نامه یکی از اولین و مهم‌ترین متون اندرزنامه‌‌ای در ادبیات فارسی است که در مسیر این انتقال و تحولات قرار دارد. این مقاله در پی آن است تا با بررسی سبک و درون‌مایۀ قابوس‌نامه و مقایسۀ آن با اندرزنامه‌های پیشین و برخی اندرزنامه‌های معاصرش، آشکار کند این اثر چه نسبتی با سنت اندرزنامه‌نویسیِ پیش و پس از خود دارد. بررسی‌ها نشان داد بر اساس تعلق خاطر آل زیار و نویسندۀ قابوس‌نامه به ایران باستان و آشنایی این نویسنده با زبان پهلوی، این اثر در سبک و محتوا، قرابت بسیاری به سنت اندرزنامه‌نویسی پیشین دارد. برخلاف این امر صبغۀ اسلامی آن در مقایسه با اندرزنامه‌های معاصرش اندک و دور از انتظار است. ازاین‌رو قابوس‌نامه حامل میراث اندرزنامه‌‌ای پیشینیان در ادبیات فارسی است و مؤلفه‌ها و عناصر آن را در دوران اسلامی نمایندگی می‌کند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        241 - جنبه تعلیمی هزل در مثنوی مولوی
        محمدرضا ساکی
        مولانا جلال الدین محمّد مولوی از عارفان و بزرگان این مرز و بوم است. وی کتاب گران سنگ مثنوی را برای آموزش و تعلیم مریدان و دیگر خوانندگان خویش به نظم درآورده است، لیکن در این کتاب، به ظاهر با زننده ترین هزل ها و کلمات سست روبرو می شویم و همین، سبب شده بسیاری از محققان وی أکثر
        مولانا جلال الدین محمّد مولوی از عارفان و بزرگان این مرز و بوم است. وی کتاب گران سنگ مثنوی را برای آموزش و تعلیم مریدان و دیگر خوانندگان خویش به نظم درآورده است، لیکن در این کتاب، به ظاهر با زننده ترین هزل ها و کلمات سست روبرو می شویم و همین، سبب شده بسیاری از محققان وی را سرزنش کنند و مدعی شوند که مولوی مجاز به آوردن چنین هزل ها و کلماتی نبوده است. در این جستار تلاش می کنیم ابتدا طنز و هزل را از دیدگاه برخی صاحب نظران تعریف کنیم و سپس این نکته را باز کنیم که مولانا جلال الدین بلخی منحصراً در جهت تعلیم و آموزش نکته های عالی اخلاقی و عرفانی سود جسته است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        242 - شناسایی عوامل مؤثر برتوسعه فضایی شهر درچارچوب الگوی رشد هوشمند با رویکرد آینده پژوهی ( مطالعه موردی : شهر رشت )
        صادق کاظم خواه حسن کیاده جلال عظیمی آملی مصطفی قدمی غلامرضا جانبازقبادی
        رشد هوشمند یک استراتژی جامع است که جنبه های مختلف توسعه شهری را پوشش می دهد، وبرنامه ریزی سناریو با بهره گیری از مقوله های کمی و کیفی میکوشد آینده های بدیل را در کانون توجه قرار دهد .اولین و مهم‌ترین گام،در این بین تعیین پیشران‌های کلیدی است تا بتوان بر پایه آن مسیر ت أکثر
        رشد هوشمند یک استراتژی جامع است که جنبه های مختلف توسعه شهری را پوشش می دهد، وبرنامه ریزی سناریو با بهره گیری از مقوله های کمی و کیفی میکوشد آینده های بدیل را در کانون توجه قرار دهد .اولین و مهم‌ترین گام،در این بین تعیین پیشران‌های کلیدی است تا بتوان بر پایه آن مسیر تغییرات را در جهت رسیدن به اهداف به درستی پیمود. هدف پژوهش حاضر شناسایی عوامل تأثیر گذار وکلیدی برای توسعه فضایی شهر رشت در چارچوب الگوی رشد هوشمند شهری است. روش تحقیق از نظر ماهیت توصیفی &ndash; تحلیلی است . داده‌ها و اطلاعات موردنیاز به دو روش کتابخانه‌ای و پیمایشی (پرسشنامه) با استفاده از روش دلفی جمع‌آوری‌شده است. برای تحلیل داده از روش تحلیل اثرات متقابل متغیرها، واز نرم‌افزارMICMAC استفاده‌شده است. نتایج تحقیق حاکی است 55 عامل تأثیر گذار در روند توسعه آینده شهر رشت مبتنی بر رشد هوشمندانه می باشند که در سه بعد کاربری،حمل ونقل و تراکم تقسیم بندی شده اند . عوامل در بیش از 62 درصد بر یکدیگر تأثیرگذار بوده‌اند. آنچه از وضعیت صفحه پراکندگی متغیرهای موثر در آینده توسعه فضایی شهر رشت مبتنی بر رشد هوشمندانه نشان می دهد وضعیت ناپایداری در سیستم است. نتایج تحلیل های ماتریس وارزیابی پلان تاثیر گذاری وتاثیر پذیری عوامل با روش های مستقیم وغیر مستقیم 14 عامل را با بیشترین نقش در وضعیت توسعه فضایی آینده شهر رشت در چارچوب الگوی رشد هوشمند تعیین نمود . تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        243 - شناسایی و تحلیل پیشران‌های مؤثر بر خلاقیت شهری با رویکرد سناریونویسی (موردپژوهی: کلانشهر رشت)
        معصومه میرغروی رسول صمدزاده محمدتقی معصومی
        هدف: پژوهش حاضر در راستای شناسایی نیروهای پیشران و عوامل کلیدی مؤثر بر خلاقیت شهری در کلانشهر رشت و شناسایی و تحلیل سناریوهای توسعه خلاقیت شهری در این شهر انجام گردید.روش شناسی تحقیق: در این پژوهش از روش تحلیل اثرات متقابل استفاده شد. در واقع 44 شاخص مؤثر در تحقق شهر خل أکثر
        هدف: پژوهش حاضر در راستای شناسایی نیروهای پیشران و عوامل کلیدی مؤثر بر خلاقیت شهری در کلانشهر رشت و شناسایی و تحلیل سناریوهای توسعه خلاقیت شهری در این شهر انجام گردید.روش شناسی تحقیق: در این پژوهش از روش تحلیل اثرات متقابل استفاده شد. در واقع 44 شاخص مؤثر در تحقق شهر خلاق به صورت زوجی مقایسه شده و میزان تأثیرات این عوامل بر یکدیگر با استفاده از پرسشنامه کارشناسان در نرم افزار میک‌مک ارزیابی شد.یافته ها و بحث: نتایج مطالعات نشان داد که می توان 7 عامل (تکنولوژی و فناوری های نوین، کیفیت گردشگری، دسترسی به فناوری های اینترنتی، برنامه و فعالیت های آموزشی، تنوع فرصت‌های شغلی، نمایشگاه‌های صنایع دستی و بومی و تعداد کارآفرینان) را عنوان عوامل کلیدی در ایجاد شهر خلاق رشت مطرح کرد. برای تدوین سناریوهای توسعه شهر خلاق، اقدام به تهیه سبد سناریو برای 7 عامل کلیدی گردید؛ به این ترتیب که برای هریک از عوامل، سه فرض خوش بینانه، بینابین و بدبینانه در نظرگرفته شد. درمجموع 21 وضعیت احتمالی طراحی و براساس ترکیب 21 وضعیت احتمالی، تعداد 2187 سناریوی ترکیبی استخراج شد که شامل همه وضعیت های احتمالی و پیش‌روی توسعه خلاقیت کلانشهر رشت در آینده است.نتیجه گیری: براساس نتایج نرم افزار سناریو ویزارد، 4 سناریو با احتمال وقوع بسیار بالا در شرایط پیش روی توسعه شهر رشت متصور گردید که از میان آن‌ها تنها سناریوی دوم شرایط مطلوب و امیدوارکننده را نشان داد. سناریوی اول سناریوی نسبتاً مطلوب و حالت بینابینی داشت. دو سناریوی دیگر شرایط بحرانی را نشان دادند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        244 - بررسی میزان استفاده از شیوه نامه ونکوور در نحوه استناد دهی پروپزال نویسی دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشکده دامپزشکی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد
        زهرا رضازاده
        هدف: میزان آشنایی و استفاده دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشکده دامپزشکی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد از شیوه‌نامه ونکوور در نحوه استناد دهی پروپوزال نویسی به تفکیک گرایش های موجود (علوم پایه ، پاتوبیولوژی، علوم درمانگاهی ، بهداشت و مواد غذایی) است.روش پژوهش: پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف أکثر
        هدف: میزان آشنایی و استفاده دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشکده دامپزشکی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد از شیوه‌نامه ونکوور در نحوه استناد دهی پروپوزال نویسی به تفکیک گرایش های موجود (علوم پایه ، پاتوبیولوژی، علوم درمانگاهی ، بهداشت و مواد غذایی) است.روش پژوهش: پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی و به شیوه پیمایشی انجام شد. ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات، پرسشنامه محقق ساخته بود. نمونه پژوهش شامل 265 نفر از دانشجویان مقطع کارشناسی ارشد / دکتری عمومی و دکتری تخصصی دانشکده دامپزشکی که با روش نمونه‌گیری طبقه‌ای غیر نسبتی انتخاب شدند. داده‌ها با استفاده از آمار توصیفی و استنباطی و نرم افزار اس پی اس اس و مینی تب مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.یافته‌ها: بین میزان آشنایی دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی از عناصر مرتبط با نحوه استناد دهی پروپوزال نویسی شیوه‌نامه ونکوور در گرایش‌های تحصیلی مختلف دانشکده دامپزشکی(علوم پایه، پاتوبیولوژی، علوم درمانگاهی، بهداشت و مواد غذایی) تفاوت معناداری وجود دارد. بین میزان آشنایی دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشکده دامپزشکی از عناصر مرتبط با نحوه استناد دهی پروپوزال نویسی شیوه‌نامه ونکوور در مقاطع تحصیلی ارشد / دکترا عمومی و دکتری تخصصی تفاوت معناداری وجود دارد. بین میزان استفاده دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی از عناصر مرتبط با نحوه استناد دهی پروپوزال نویسی شیوه‌نامه ونکوور در گرایش های تحصیلی مختلف (علوم پایه،پاتوبیولوژی،علوم درمانگاهی، بهداشت و مواد غذایی) تفاوت معناداری وجود دارد. بین میزان استفاده دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی از عناصر مرتبط با نحوه استناد دهی پروپوزال نویسی بر اساس شیوه‌نامه ونکوور در مقاطع تحصیلی ارشد / دکترا عمومی و دکتری تخصصی تفاوت معناداری وجود دارد.نتیجه گیری : دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی از عناصر شیوه‌نامه استفاده ‌مطلوب داشته باشند، اما نمره میانگین آنان حاکی از آن است که ایشان در استفاده از عناصر شیوه‌نامه از وضعیت مطلوبی برخوردار نبودند. نتایج این پژوهش می‌تواند منجر به آگاهی گروه‌های علمی و مسئولان کتابخانه نسبت به سطح کیفی پایان‌نامه‌ها از نظر نگارش علمی شود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        245 - مطالعه میزان رعایت استانداردهای بین المللی ایزو در چکیده‌های فارسی پایان‌نامه‌های کارشناسی ارشد کتابداری دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران شمال و علوم و تحقیقات از سال 1380-1386
        مهردخت وزیرپور کشمیری مریم سه دهی
        هدف: پژوهش حاضر با هدف مطالعه میزان رعایت استانداردهای بین المللی ایزو در چکیده‌های فارسی پایان‌نامه‌های کارشناسی ارشد کتابداری دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران شمال و علوم و تحقیقات از سال 1380-1386انجام گرفته است. روش‌شناسی: پژوهش حاضر از نوع سندی-تحلیل محتوا و کاربرد أکثر
        هدف: پژوهش حاضر با هدف مطالعه میزان رعایت استانداردهای بین المللی ایزو در چکیده‌های فارسی پایان‌نامه‌های کارشناسی ارشد کتابداری دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران شمال و علوم و تحقیقات از سال 1380-1386انجام گرفته است. روش‌شناسی: پژوهش حاضر از نوع سندی-تحلیل محتوا و کاربردی می‌باشد. ابزارگردآوری اطلاعات سیاهه وارسی استاندارد ایزو214 است.جامعه مورد مطالعه چکیده‌های فارسی پایان‌نامه‌های کارشناسی ارشد دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران شمال و علوم و تحقیقات از 1380-1386 است که از میان تعداد 262 پایان‌نامه موجود، 156 پایان‌نامه به روش نمونه گیری احتمالی از نوع طبقه بندی متناسب سیستماتیک انتخاب شد. اطلاعات گردآوری شده براساس آمار توصیفی و استنباطی (آزمونt،آزمونF، آزمون کای دو) و از طریق نرم‌افزارآماری spssمورد تجزیه وتحلیل قرار گرفت. یافته‌ها: یافته‌های پژوهش نشان داد که وضعیت استانداردهای چکیده نویسی درپایان‌نامه‌های هردو واحد مورد بررسی در وضعیت قابل قبولی بوده وهرچه به سال‌های اخیر نزدیک می‌شویم میزان رعایت استانداردهای چکیده نویسی درپایان‌نامه‌ها بیشتر رعایت شده است بطوری که درسال 84و85هریک با 8/14درصدو سال86با9/53درصد دروضعیت خیلی خوب می‌باشند. چکیده پایان‌نامه‌های متعلق به مردان و زنان از لحاظ رعایت استانداردهای چکیده نویسی در وضعیت تقریبا مشابه یکدیگر قرار دارد.در بررسی مقوله‌های موضوعی بیشترین تعداد پایان‌نامه مربوط به مقوله فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباط اطلاعاتی با5/20درصد می‌باشد. در مولفه‌های گزینش شده استاندارد ایزو214، بیشترین میزان رعایت استاندارد مربوط بهجایگاه چکیده وبیان ضمایربصورت سوم شخص با 100درصد و کمترین میزان مربوط به کلیدواژه‌های برگرفته شده از متن چکیدهبا9/17درصد می‌باشد. نتیجه گیری: با توجه به یافته‌های پژوهش می‌توان نتیجه گرفت که میان ارزیابی چکیده پایان‌نامه‌ها براساس استاندارد ایزو 214 در دو واحد مورد بررسی(میزانt =27/.-) و در دو گروه زنان و مردان (میزانt =44/.-) تفاوت معناداری وجود ندارد. میان ارزیابی چکیده پایان‌نامه‌ها براساس استاندارد ایزو و مرتبه علمی استاد راهنما رابطه معناداری وجود دارد (میزان کای دو=12/6). تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        246 - Impact of Teaching Metacognitive Strategies on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Accuracy in Proactive vs. Reactive Classes
        Fatemeh Jafari Nasser Ghafoori Shima Ahmadi-Azad
        The present study aimed to examine the impact of instructing metacognitive strategies involving planning, monitoring, and self-evaluation, within proactive and reactive classroom contexts, on the writing accuracy of Iranian EFL learners. Employing a quantitative quasi-e أکثر
        The present study aimed to examine the impact of instructing metacognitive strategies involving planning, monitoring, and self-evaluation, within proactive and reactive classroom contexts, on the writing accuracy of Iranian EFL learners. Employing a quantitative quasi-experimental design, the research comprised 168 participants, drawn from an initial pool of 206 undergraduate students within the science and engineering department of Azad University, Tabriz Branch, who had completed a general English course during the Spring of 2021. Employing purposive sampling, the homogeneous sample was divided into two experimental and two control groups, aligning with the study's independent variables: the teaching of metacognitive strategies and the classroom environment. The experimental groups underwent instruction in metacognitive strategies, with one group exposed to proactive instruction before commencing writing tasks, and the other receiving reactive instruction when encountering writing difficulties. Pre- and post-treatment writing samples were collected and evaluated for accuracy, and ANOVA was conducted on the pre-test scores, establishing initial comparability among the four groups. Subsequently, a Two-Way Analysis of Variance was employed to assess post-test scores. Notably, teaching metacognitive strategies exhibited a statistically significant influence on writing accuracy only within reactive classroom conditions. Conversely, the classroom environment exerted a negligible direct influence on writing accuracy, though a noteworthy interaction effect emerged between the two independent variables. This study holds substantial implications for EFL instructors, learners, and curriculum developers, highlighting the significance of incorporating metacognitive strategy instruction to enhance writing accuracy within specific instructional contexts. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        247 - Teaching Writing Assessment: Does Metacognitive Awareness-Raising Work?
        Mojgan Kouhpayehzadeh Esfahani Mojgan Rashtchi Ali Asghar Rostami Abousaidi Bahram Mowlaie
        The present quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design investigated the effects of metacognitive awareness on developing Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; assessment ability. Forty-one male and female upper-intermediate level learners أکثر
        The present quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design investigated the effects of metacognitive awareness on developing Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; assessment ability. Forty-one male and female upper-intermediate level learners in two intact classes from an English language school in the Tehran province were selected based on convenience sampling. The classes were randomly assigned to the Cognitive-Based Assessment Instruction Group (CAIG) the and Metacognitive-Based Assessment Instruction Group (MAIG). A general proficiency test administered before the treatment verified the participants&rsquo; homogeneity. The Metacognitive Awareness Writing Questionnaire and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire were also administered before and after the study to measure participants&rsquo; metacognitive awareness level and self-regulation. The MAIG used metacognitive strategies such as planning, monitoring, and revising to assess English essays. The CAIG performed assessments based on cognitive strategies and a Writing Rubric. The participants&rsquo; improvement in assessment was measured every other session during the treatment. After the treatment, the participants took two writing posttests (rehearsed and unrehearsed writing topics). Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) results showed that the MAIG outperformed the CAIG in both posttests, and raising metacognitive awareness could significantly enhance the participants&rsquo; assessment ability. The Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (RM-ANOVA) and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) revealed that the MAIG participants&rsquo; performances were significantly better than the CAIG on seven writing assessments. The MAIG&rsquo;s self-regulation was also significantly higher. This study has implications for materials developers, EFL teachers, and syllabus designers to focus on raising metacognitive awareness in writing assessment. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        248 - Impact of Cognitive Complexity of Tasks on EFL Learners' Individual and Collaborative Written Performance
        Afsane Motallebi Moghaddam Faramarz Azizmalayeri Abbas Bayat
        In the last few decades, tasks as the basic unit in syllabus designing process, and the cognitive complexity of tasks as a fundamental criterion in task sequencing, have attracted the attention of language researchers. At the same time, collaborative task performance ha أکثر
        In the last few decades, tasks as the basic unit in syllabus designing process, and the cognitive complexity of tasks as a fundamental criterion in task sequencing, have attracted the attention of language researchers. At the same time, collaborative task performance has been encouraged due to the researchers' focus on the sociocultural theory proposed by Vygotsky (1978). The present study aimed to investigate the effect of task cognitive complexity on Iranian EFL learners' individual and collaborative written task performance regarding complexity, accuracy, and fluency. To fulfill such a purpose, 70 male and female Iranian intermediate EFL learners were selected as the participants through Oxford Placement Test, from among the undergraduate students of Islamic Azad University of Arak, who had passed two general English grammar courses in two succeeding semesters and were participating in Advanced Writing Course at the time of conducting this research. They were asked to perform some writing tasks both individually and collaboratively, while the cognitive complexity of the tasks (i.e. the reasoning demands and prior planning) was evaluated by the researcher. The analysis of their written productions revealed that when writing individually, with no planning time available, Iranian intermediate EFL learners created more complex texts in their complex tasks and more fluent texts in their simple tasks, and when writing collaboratively, with some planning time available, they produced more fluent texts in their complex tasks. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        249 - Impact of Written Corrective Feedback via Dynamic Assessment on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing: Micro and Macro Levels
        Mohammad Reza Rafizade Tafti Fariba Rahimi Sajad Shafiee
        The present study aimed to assess the effects of written corrective feedback (WCF) on Iranian EFL learners' writing at the macro (i.e., rhetorical organization, task response, cohesion, and coherence) and micro levels (i.e., lexical resource, punctuation, grammatical ra أکثر
        The present study aimed to assess the effects of written corrective feedback (WCF) on Iranian EFL learners' writing at the macro (i.e., rhetorical organization, task response, cohesion, and coherence) and micro levels (i.e., lexical resource, punctuation, grammatical range, and accuracy) with a dynamic assessment approach in focus. To this end, the Oxford Quick Placement Test was administered to 150 male and female Iranian EFL learners, of whom 80 homogeneous intermediate learners were selected and assigned to an experimental group and a control group. The two groups received WCF in the sense that the teacher provided symbols such as WW for the wrong word, SP for spelling, T for tense, WO for word order, etc. while marking their written productions. The difference was that the experimental group experienced dynamic assessment of L2 writing during the term (in which the teacher taught and tested the learners in an ongoing fashion and provided prompts, hints, support, and encouragement every session), whereas the participants in the control group experienced a conventional class, devoid of an ongoing dynamic assessment component. At the end of the treatment, the collected data were statistically analyzed. The results showed that although the experimental group significantly outpaced the control group regarding the micro-levels of writing, no substantial difference was detected between the macro levels of writing in both groups. It was, thus, concluded that written corrective feedback along with the dynamic assessment can significantly improve the writing of the students at micro-levels. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        250 - The Effect of Instruction of Formulaic Language on Writing Ability of Intermediate EFL Learners
        Shaban Najafi Karimi Morteza  Rahimi Yeganeh امیر Marzban
        Formulaic language is one of the important areas in language education. In recent years, research about some language aspects and elements such as formulaic language and chunks have become one of the more impressive and operative parts of applied linguistics and second أکثر
        Formulaic language is one of the important areas in language education. In recent years, research about some language aspects and elements such as formulaic language and chunks have become one of the more impressive and operative parts of applied linguistics and second language learning/teaching. In writing skill, the lack of proper use of FL in real or display writing simply distinguishes non-native from natives. Therefore, we applied formulaic language in individualistic and collaborative writing classrooms. The results revealed that the instruction of formulaic language has statistically significant effect (F (2, 56) = 12.341, p &lt; 0.05, &eta;2 = .306). However, the difference between the experimental groups was not statistically significant. This study is helpful for writing teachers who want to increase the performance of their language learners. Also, the result of this study may be helpful for textbook developers, curriculum designers, and policy makers.Also, the result of this study may be helpful for textbook developers, curriculum designers, and policy makers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        251 - An investigation of the effects of prefabricated patterns or collocations upon the enhancement of Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing skill level
        Mehdi Yaghoobi Mehdi Haseli Songhori
        The major objective of the present study is to measure up the effectiveness of teaching collocations in raising foreign language writing proficiency. It is widely acknowledged that collocations play an important role in second language learning, particularly at the inte أکثر
        The major objective of the present study is to measure up the effectiveness of teaching collocations in raising foreign language writing proficiency. It is widely acknowledged that collocations play an important role in second language learning, particularly at the intermediate and advanced levels. The current research was executed to investigate the influence of collocation instruction and consideration on enhancing Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing skill. To do so, thirty upper intermediate EFL learners were selected from among the learners in an English language institute. Their level of English proficiency was determined on the basis of a pretest at the outset of the study. Simply speaking, a test of writing ability as a pretest was administered of which the scores were used to assign the subjects into two homogeneous groups. The control group encountered passages without being resorted to prefabricated patterns (collocations), but the experimental group resorted to prefabricated patterns and tasks prior to writing texts respectively. The fundamental aim of this research was to gain a better understanding of the role collocations play in students&rsquo; writing. This study intended to investigate the correlation between Iranian EFL learners&#039; use of lexical collocations (i.e. frequency and variety) and their writing scores. It was revealed that implementation of the prefabricated patterns had a great influence upon the subjects experiencing them in comparison to the control group. Experimental subjects outperformed in the post-test, at the significant level of .01. In reality, teaching collocations could play a prominent role in improving EFL learners&rsquo; writing skill. تفاصيل المقالة
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        252 - Effects of Non-integrated vs. Integrated Tasks on EFL Learners’ Writing Development: Content and Organization in Focus
        Nikoo Farhadian Hossein Heidari Tabrizi Ehsan Rezvani
        The current study was set to investigate whether there was any significant difference between the effects of non-integrated tasks and reading-writing integrated tasks on Iranian intermediate EFL learners&rsquo; writing development in terms of content and organization of أکثر
        The current study was set to investigate whether there was any significant difference between the effects of non-integrated tasks and reading-writing integrated tasks on Iranian intermediate EFL learners&rsquo; writing development in terms of content and organization of their writings. To this end, 60 male and female adult Iranian undergraduate EFL university students were selected through convenience sampling and divided into two equal experimental groups and one control group. In the first experimental group (integrated), the integrated reading-writing group was presented with a reading passage of approximately four paragraphs simultaneously with teaching writing. The second group (non-integrated) accomplished and submitted the tasks with reading and writing assignments separately within each session. In contrast, the control group received placebo instruction on writing and reading skills through the conventional methods of teaching writing. For the purpose of the study, writing tasks and a writing scoring rubric were utilized. The results revealed that there was no significant difference between the effects of non-integrated tasks and reading-writing integrated tasks on Iranian intermediate EFL learners&rsquo; writing development in terms of content. However, the results showed that there was a significant difference between the effects of non-integrated tasks and reading-writing integrated tasks on Iranian intermediate EFL learners&rsquo; writing development concerning the organization. The findings might have theoretical and pedagogical implications for EFL teachers, learners, and curriculum designers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        253 - TOEFL iBT Integrated and Independent Writing Tasks: Iranian Test Takers&#039; Performance in Focus
        Farah Shooraki Hossein Barati Ahmad Moinzadeh
        This study aimed to compare the performance of international and Iranian test takers on TOEFL iBT integrated and independent writing tasks. The international test takers&#039; data were provided by TOEFL organizer: Educational Testing Service (ETS). This included a tota أکثر
        This study aimed to compare the performance of international and Iranian test takers on TOEFL iBT integrated and independent writing tasks. The international test takers&#039; data were provided by TOEFL organizer: Educational Testing Service (ETS). This included a total of number of 4916 samples for both integrated and independent tasks. A paired sample t-test showed the international test takers significantly outperformed on the independent task. Further, a sample of 100 integrated and independent writing tasks produced by international test takers was randomly selected through systematic sampling, and compared with 96 counterparts written by Iranian TOEFL iBT test takers. Although the difference between Iranian and International test takers was not significant, the paired sample t-test on Iranian samples per se showed that they too outperformed on the independent writing tasks. Although the difference between Iranian and International test takers was not significant, the paired sample t-test on Iranian samples per se showed that they too outperformed on the independent writing tasks. تفاصيل المقالة
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        254 - Impact of Needs Analysis on Intermediate Learners' L2 Writing Development
        Sara Zafari Hossein Heidari Tabrizi َAzizeh Chalak
        The use of needs analysis has been a longstanding practice in determining the areas that ought to be incorporated into a program, thereby optimizing its efficacy. In second language (L2) learning contexts, needs analysis studies have been utilized to ascertain the pedag أکثر
        The use of needs analysis has been a longstanding practice in determining the areas that ought to be incorporated into a program, thereby optimizing its efficacy. In second language (L2) learning contexts, needs analysis studies have been utilized to ascertain the pedagogical components that must be included or excluded to cater to the needs and preferences of learners. This research study specifically focused on the impact of user needs analysis on enhancing the writing ability of L2 learners. The study involved 128 intermediate English language learners from Iran who were enrolled in two private language centers and were fortuitously split up into an experimental or a control group. The researchers employed interview and questionnaire data to tailor the syllabus according to the learners' requirements, while the control group gained instructions based on the general outline of the institute. The outcomes revealed a significant difference in the average score of the learners in the experimental group in comparison to those in the control group. These outcomes suggest that performing a needs analysis at the outset of each course, based on empirical data that captures individual groups' needs and wants, is crucial for adjusting the pedagogical approaches accordingly. تفاصيل المقالة
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        255 - Comparative Effects of Scaffolding Strategies on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Writing
        ساناز جعفری Mohammad Reza Talebinejad Saeed Ketabi
        Scaffolding as an instructional strategy significantly contributes to learning development. However, there is a lack of studies assessing the comparative effects of various scaffolding strategies. The present study intended to evaluate the effects of motivational, metac أکثر
        Scaffolding as an instructional strategy significantly contributes to learning development. However, there is a lack of studies assessing the comparative effects of various scaffolding strategies. The present study intended to evaluate the effects of motivational, metacognitive, and computer-based scaffolding on Iranian intermediate EFL learners' writing according to Vygotsky&rsquo;s sociocultural theory. In this quasi-experimental study, sixty male and female intermediate EFL learners in the age range of 14 to 23 were chosen by convenience sampling from the Jahad language center in Tehran, Iran. They were enrolled according to their performance on Preliminary English Test (PET) in the 2020 spring English courses and were randomly assigned to three equal groups. The IELTS writing test was used as a pretest and posttest. Learners received a scaffolding instruction package on writing. A statistically significant improvement in the participants&rsquo; posttest writing scores was observed in all groups, and motivational scaffolding was the most effective strategy in developing the writing skill of EFL learners. The results could have implications by providing insights helpful for language teachers, learners, and syllabus designers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        256 - Psycho-dynamics of EFL Learners’ Writing Skills Development: Do Dynamic Assessment Modalities Matter?
        Seyed Hamed Etemadi Gholam-Reza Abbasian Abdollah Baradaran
        The present study tries to explore psycho-dynamics of Iranian EFL learners under the functions of dynamic assessment intervention modalities (i.e., facilitative vs. authoritative) modalities in developing their writing skills. To this end, this qualitative study ran on أکثر
        The present study tries to explore psycho-dynamics of Iranian EFL learners under the functions of dynamic assessment intervention modalities (i.e., facilitative vs. authoritative) modalities in developing their writing skills. To this end, this qualitative study ran on the basis of semi-structured interviews and written protocols data collected from 120 Iranian advanced EFL learners was designed to elicit an in-depth understanding of the participants&rsquo; thoughts during performing writing tasks. Thematic analysis of the qualitative data from both sources (i.e., interviews and written protocols) revealed that: 1) authoritative modality works more effectively in facilitating the processes of opinion expression and effective revision and correction, 2) facilitative modality contributes more to developing critical and reflective thinking processes while writing. In the light of the facilitative modality, the learners can easily switch from their individualistic focus to a collaborative culture among teachers and learners. So, the learners become more self-regulated and can move from object-regulation through other-regulation towards self-regulation. Then, EFL learners&rsquo; psycho-dynamic actions are a function of DA-modalities. The findings offer theoretical and pedagogical insights for both researchers and practitioners in addressing language learning and learners. تفاصيل المقالة
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        257 - A Genre-Based Model for EFL Learners’ Summary writing and learners’ attitudes towards it: A Mixed Methods Study
        Elnaz Shoari Nader Assadi Hanieh Davatgari Asl
        Research findings on teaching of language learning strategies found that summarizing is of tremendous role in learning in general, and in reading comprehension in particular. Due to its importance and also due in large to the fact that there wasn&rsquo;t a comprehensive أکثر
        Research findings on teaching of language learning strategies found that summarizing is of tremendous role in learning in general, and in reading comprehension in particular. Due to its importance and also due in large to the fact that there wasn&rsquo;t a comprehensive way of summarizing the current study tried to provide an inclusive genre -based model for text summarizing, and examine its effectiveness in a mixed-methods study which lasted for one academic semester. The results of the quantitative phase revealed that the experimental group outperformed in the posttest. It can be said that the effectiveness of the Genre-based model is principally due to its role in increasing the learners&rsquo; structural awareness, namely in supporting them in finding out the schematic structure of texts and eradicating the insignificant parts. In the qualitative phase the researcher designed a questionnaire and found out attitudes of the learners towards the model. The results exposed that learners had positive attitudes towards the genre-based model of summary development. Through making use of the model they have an effective tool for taking the gist of texts out of them, and make connections with what they already know. تفاصيل المقالة
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        258 - Use of Films in Dynamic Assessment and the Writing Ability of Iranian Deaf Children
        Mojgan Rashtchi Maryam Laleh
        The purpose of this study was to explore whether film-based Dynamic Assessment (DA) could affect English writing of Iranian deaf children. Ten students studying in a school for the deaf took part in the study. The participants&rsquo; writing ability was measured prior t أکثر
        The purpose of this study was to explore whether film-based Dynamic Assessment (DA) could affect English writing of Iranian deaf children. Ten students studying in a school for the deaf took part in the study. The participants&rsquo; writing ability was measured prior to the treatment and the errors which were identified. A series of meditating activities were designed and implemented during a three-month treatment. After the treatment, a writing posttest was administered. The results of the paired samples t-test revealed that using film-based DA had a significant impact on the English writing of the participants. The results of the structured interviews showed that almost all students had positive attitudes towards the use of films during the DA procedure. تفاصيل المقالة
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        259 - Computer-Based Dynamic Assessment of EFL Learners’ Writing Performance: Evidence from Both Cognitive and Emotive Domains
        Solmaz MovahedFar Gholam-Reza Abbasian Alireza Ameri
        This present study was carried out to investigate the effect of computer-based dynamic assessment (CBDA) on Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; performance in writing and their attitude towards CBDA. To do so, 60 intermediate EFL learners were chosen out of 120 EFL learners bas أکثر
        This present study was carried out to investigate the effect of computer-based dynamic assessment (CBDA) on Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; performance in writing and their attitude towards CBDA. To do so, 60 intermediate EFL learners were chosen out of 120 EFL learners based on their performance on the Nelson Language Proficiency Test. Next, they were randomly divided into two equal groups; CBDA as the experimental group and a control group. Based on a pretest and posttest design, group-specific writing instruction followed by an attitude questionnaire was conducted. The experimental group underwent CBDA while the control group was exposed to the conventional writing skill instruction. The pertinent parametric and nonparametric statistical analyses indicated both significant differences between the CBDA and control groups on developing writing performance, on the one hand, and positive attitude towards CBDA, on the other. The study&rsquo;s findings suggest that teaching and assessing writing skills through a computer can improve students&rsquo; performance in writing. Alongside its theoretical contributions to the field, it may assure the practitioners of the cognitive and emotive applicability and efficacy of CBDA in EFL settings in general and in teaching writing skills in particular. تفاصيل المقالة
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        260 - Developing Rating Scale Descriptors for Assessing the Stages of Writing Process: The Constructs Underlying Students' Writing Performances
        Parviz Maftoon Kourosh Akef
        The purpose of the present study is to develop appropriate scoring scales for each of the defined stages of the writing process, and also to determine to what extent these scoring scales can reliably and validly assess the performances of EFL learners in an academic wri أکثر
        The purpose of the present study is to develop appropriate scoring scales for each of the defined stages of the writing process, and also to determine to what extent these scoring scales can reliably and validly assess the performances of EFL learners in an academic writing task. Two hundred and two students&rsquo; writing samples were collected after a step-by-step process oriented essay writing instruction. Four stages of writing process &mdash;generating ideas (brainstorming), outlining (structuring), drafting, and editing &mdash;were operationally defined. Each collected writing sample included student writers&rsquo; scripts produced in each stage of the writing process. Through a detailed analysis of the collected writing samples by three raters, the features which highlighted the strong or weak points in the student writers&rsquo; samples were identified, and then the student writers&rsquo; scripts were categorized into four levels of performance which were holistically defined as VERY GOOD, GOOD, FAIR, and POOR. Then descriptive statements were made for each identified feature to represent the specified level of performance. These descriptive statements, or descriptors, formed rating scales for each stage of the writing process. And finally, four rating scales, namely brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and editing were designed for the corresponding stages of the writing process. Subsequently, the designed rating scales were used by the three raters to rate the 202 collected writing samples. The scores thus obtained were put to statistical analyses. The high inter-rater reliability estimate (0.895) indicated that the rating scales could produce consistent results. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) indicated that there was no significant difference among the ratings created by the three raters. Factor analysis suggested that at least three constructs, knowledge, planning ability, and idea creation ability &mdash;could possibly underlie the variables measured by the rating scale. تفاصيل المقالة
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        261 - An Activity Theoretical Investigation into the Dominant Composition and Translation Activities of EFL learners across Persian and English
        Yusef Rajabi
        The present study aimed at investigating the impact of a genre-specific strategy-based instructional inter- vention on translation quality, dominant translation and writing activities in the persuasive essays of a group of EFL learners within the perspective of activity أکثر
        The present study aimed at investigating the impact of a genre-specific strategy-based instructional inter- vention on translation quality, dominant translation and writing activities in the persuasive essays of a group of EFL learners within the perspective of activity theory. The main purpose of the study was to see, taking translation as a sort of writing in its own right, whether the kind of instructional intervention im- plemented influence the writing and translation activities of learners similarly or not. To this end, 22 in- termediate EFL learners received 10 sessions of self-regulatory strategy development (SRSD) instruction accompanied by some translation exercises on persuasive writing. Based on the results, SRSD did not have any significant effect on the translation quality of the students. However, the comparison of pretest and posttest scores on the persuasive probe and translation test revealed that the genre-specific strategy instruction influenced the dominant translation and writing activities of the participants. The findings pointed to the fact that the issues related to the students' new learning histories changed the nature of their activity systems both in persuasive essay writing and translation. تفاصيل المقالة
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        262 - Modeling and Non-modeling Genre-based Approach to Writing Argument-led Introduction Paragraphs: A Case of English Students in Iran
        Shoaleh Malekie Massood Yazdanimoghaddam
        Despite the crucial role of introductory sections in argumentative academic writing, the effects of genre- based approaches to writing introductory paragraphs have not been much explored yet. The present study aimed to investigate whether the provision of genre knowledg أکثر
        Despite the crucial role of introductory sections in argumentative academic writing, the effects of genre- based approaches to writing introductory paragraphs have not been much explored yet. The present study aimed to investigate whether the provision of genre knowledge through modeling and non-modeling could enhance learners&rsquo; ability in writing introductory paragraphs of argumentative essays. Adopting an intact group sampling within a quasi-experimental design, 75 graduate and post-graduate students with intermedi- ate level of language proficiency were selected from three universities and randomly divided into three groups: modeling, non-modeling, and a control group. Modeling and non-modeling groups received genre- based treatment while the control group had a non-genre based treatment as placebo. The statistical proce- dures of dependent-samples t-tests, a one-way ANOVA, and correlational analyses significantly confirmed the positive effects of both modeling and non-modeling genre-based instruction on the writing ability of the learners. No significant difference, however, was found between the two genre-based groups. تفاصيل المقالة
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        263 - The Effect of the Modified Cloze Procedure on the Writing Proficien-cy of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
        Hossein Vosoughi Parisa Farazmand
        The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of modified cloze procedure on writing proficiency of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. To fulfill the purpose of the study, 110 participants studying at Semnan University majoring in English literature were tes أکثر
        The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of modified cloze procedure on writing proficiency of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. To fulfill the purpose of the study, 110 participants studying at Semnan University majoring in English literature were tested on CELT proficiency test. 65 participants who were found to be homogenous were selected and assigned randomly to two groups of 32 and 33, one as experimental group and the other as a control group. Then, both groups were tested on a composition as a pre-test in the first session. During 15 minutes of each session the students in both groups were provided with explicit explanations about methods of paragraph development. After instructors teaching, the experimental group was provided with a cloze passage as a prewriting activity. Then they were asked to write their own paragraph similar to the cloze passage in terms of topic and method of development. On the other hand, the participants of the control group had no treatment. They were given a topic each session about which they wrote a composition. The given topics were similar to those of the experimental group. At the end of the term, the two groups were post-tested given the same topic of the pretest to write a composition (post-test). The papers of both groups in pre-test and post-test were assessed by the researcher and two other raters. In order to estimate the degree of relationship between the scores given by the raters to the first and last compositions of both groups, a correlation coefficient test (the Pearson product moment correlation) was adapted. Then the means of both groups were compared through the application of a t- test. The result indicated that there is a statistically significant difference between the performances of both groups. It was concluded that the participants who received cloze passages on writing, outperformed those who did not in writing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        264 - A Summary Writing Model Based on Van Dijk’s Concept of Macrostructure and its Application within the Genre-Based Approach
        Elnaz shoari Nader Assadi Aidinlou Hanieh Davatgari Asl
        This study was an attempt to provide a comprehensive model for summary writing based on the model of Van Dijk&rsquo;s concept of macrostructures. The effectiveness of the model was examined in a genre-based quasi-experimental study with the data collection procedure las أکثر
        This study was an attempt to provide a comprehensive model for summary writing based on the model of Van Dijk&rsquo;s concept of macrostructures. The effectiveness of the model was examined in a genre-based quasi-experimental study with the data collection procedure lasting a semester. The participants included 60 female English learners divided into two experimental and control groups. The results of the study revealed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in the posttest which was mainly due to the potential role the treatment had in increasing the learners&rsquo; structural awareness in order to help them find the most important parts of the texts, i.e. those relating to the main idea of the text and disregard the less relevant ones. The results of this study contributed to the understanding of the genre-based model and that English learners could get the essence of a given text by only understanding the gist and comprehending some sentences in a text. English learners could realize that all of the words and sentences in a text have a responsibility of conveying a particular message and that there is no need to memorize or remember every individual information in a text. تفاصيل المقالة
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        265 - Effect of Holistic vs. Analytic Assessment on Improving Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Writing Skill
        Massumeh Hosseini Bahram Mowlaie
        In assessing foreign language writing, holistic and analytic scoring can be used to measure a variety of discourse and linguistic features. This study aimed to investigate the possible significant effect of analyt- ic and holistic assessments on improving writing skill أکثر
        In assessing foreign language writing, holistic and analytic scoring can be used to measure a variety of discourse and linguistic features. This study aimed to investigate the possible significant effect of analyt- ic and holistic assessments on improving writing skill among Iranian EFL learners. For this purpose, two groups of intermediate EFL learners, after being homogenized, were divided into two experimental groups. In treatment phase, groups A&rsquo;s compositions were scored holistically while group B&rsquo;s composi- tions were scored analytically using Paulus&rsquo;s scoring rubric as the benchmark. The result of Paired t-tests revealed that both scoring methods caused statistically significant differences between pre- and post-test in both groups. However, the result of the independent samples t-test in post-test between the two exper- imental groups showed that whether the writings of both groups were scored analytically or holistically, the group, which received analytic scoring during the treatment outperformed the group, which received holistic scoring. This study could have pedagogical implications in that it could encourage writing teach- ers to take the findings into account to improve the quality of writing as the Cinderella skill in a foreign language instruction and avoid sweeping the writing assignments under the practicality carpet. تفاصيل المقالة
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        266 - Contradictions in Writing Anxiety: A Qualitative Case Study of Expansive Learning among Iranian EFL Learners
        Mohsen Nazari Maryam Farnia Behzad ghonsooly Manoochehr Jafarigohar
        This qualitative study aimed at exploring the causes of writing anxiety from an expansive learning perspec- tive. Given the centrality of writing for both EFL learners and teachers, writing anxiety was explored through a longitudinal study spanning two years with 25 EFL أکثر
        This qualitative study aimed at exploring the causes of writing anxiety from an expansive learning perspec- tive. Given the centrality of writing for both EFL learners and teachers, writing anxiety was explored through a longitudinal study spanning two years with 25 EFL learners and teachers who participated by providing comments, diaries, and documents. The participants were also observed and interviewed follow- ing Mwanza's model as a guide. The obtained data in the whole process was constantly thematized by means of a qualitative software, NVIVO 10. The main themes on writing anxiety were extracted from teachers and learners by applying contradictions as a principle of expansive learning theory. To help learn- ers become transformative agents of anxiety, an intervention process was carried out in the form of an online collaborative writing task. The findings recommend applying contradictions as an initiative point for problem-solving and a driving impellent of activity which may lead to expansive learning. Besides, the dy- namic and developmental process is hoped to help learners expand and transform their writing anxiety. Con- tradictions may also become an initiation for future studies on language learning. تفاصيل المقالة
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        267 - The Impact of Mediational Artifact Types on EFL Learners’ Writing Complexity: Collaboration vs. Asynchronous Artifacts
        Nasibe Bagherpour Mojgan Rashtchi Parviz Birjandi
        The present study was an attempt to investigate the significance of environmental changes on the develo p- ment of writing in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context with respect to the individual. This study also compared the impacts of collaboration and asynchrono أکثر
        The present study was an attempt to investigate the significance of environmental changes on the develo p- ment of writing in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context with respect to the individual. This study also compared the impacts of collaboration and asynchronous computer mediation (ACM) on the writing complexity of EFL learners. To this end, three intact writing classes were designated as Collaborative face - to - face group (N = 21), Asynchronous Computer Mediation group (N = 20) and Control group (N =16). The two experimental groups received scaffolding instructio ns on narrative essays. The collaborative face - to - face group (CFFG) went through the working in pairs, and working asynchronously through a researcher - designed website (ACMG). The data were analyzed employing ANOVA. The results showed that CFFG improved in terms of complexity and positive impact of Collaborative approach and superb performance of CFFG over the ACMG. The findings brought to light the benefits of pair work and showed that learners working in pairs used structures that were more complex in the ir writing than ACM class. تفاصيل المقالة
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        268 - Impact of Dynamic Assessment on the Writing Performance of English as Foreign Language Learners in Asynchronous Web 2.0 and Face-to-face Environments
        Zohreh Zafarani Parviz Maftoon
        This study sought to investigate dynamic assessment (DA) - an assessment approach that embeds inter- vention within the assessment process and that yields information about the learner&rsquo;s responsiveness to this intervention - and the writing performance of the seco أکثر
        This study sought to investigate dynamic assessment (DA) - an assessment approach that embeds inter- vention within the assessment process and that yields information about the learner&rsquo;s responsiveness to this intervention - and the writing performance of the second language (L2) learners in Web 2.0 contexts. To this end, pre and post-treatment writings of 45 participants were analyzed to examine the impact of asynchronous collaborative computer mediation and face-to-face collaborative mediation on L2 learners&rsquo; writing performance. Three textual features of syntactic complexity, vocabulary complexity, and quantity of the overall information conveyed in the learners&rsquo; pre and post-tests served as the basic units of analy- sis. The findings of the present study indicated that using blogging as a Web 2.0 tool to provide mediation contributed more to the enhancement of the overall writing performance. Moreover, the asynchronous collaborative computer mediated group, as compared to the face to face mediated group, showed signifi- cant improvement in the vocabulary complexity, syntactic complexity, and quantity of overall infor- mation presented in a single paragraph. The findings of the present study also revealed that DA proce- dures were applicable via Web 2.0 tools and were advantageous to L2 learners&rsquo; writing performance sug- gesting that L2 practitioners and instructors should dynamically consider the integration of Web 2.0 tech- nology into L2 writing courses. تفاصيل المقالة
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        269 - The Relationship between EFL Students’ Writing Motivation, Self-Perceived Writing Intelligence, and Attitude toward Written Feedback
        Shaghayegh Hosseini Mohseni Sadabadi Ahmad Mohseni
        The study of individual difference variables in the realm of written feedback is one of the significant lines of research which has been reinvigorated in the last few years. These variables are believed to affect both students&rsquo; engagement with feedback and their w أکثر
        The study of individual difference variables in the realm of written feedback is one of the significant lines of research which has been reinvigorated in the last few years. These variables are believed to affect both students&rsquo; engagement with feedback and their writing improvement. The present correlational study investi- gated the relationship between EFL students&rsquo; implicit theories of writing intelligence, writing motivation and attitudes toward written feedback. In so doing, 110 intermediate English language learners took three questionnaires, namely Implicit Theories of Writing Intelligence, Orientation toward Corrective Feedback, and Writing Motivation. The findings of the present study indicated that EFL students&rsquo; incremental theory of writing intelligence positively correlated with their writing motivation and feedback seeking orientation. On the other hand, EFL students&rsquo; entity theory of writing intelligence negatively correlated with their writ- ing motivation and positively correlated with their feedback avoiding orientation. In other words, those EFL learners who believed in the plasticity of their cognitive abilities were of higher writing motivation and feedback seeking orientation levels than those participants who believed that their writing ability was a fixed entity, which could not be extended. تفاصيل المقالة
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        270 - Intertextuality and Plagiarism in EFL Writing: An Analysis of University Professors’ Attitudes towards MA Theses
        Hossein Pourghasemian Mohammad Afzali
        Intertextuality is an important academic writing ability when using others&rsquo; ideas efficiently and is tanta- mount to failing in the fulfillment of the research part of MA programs if improperly utilized. This study was thus intended to delve into university teache أکثر
        Intertextuality is an important academic writing ability when using others&rsquo; ideas efficiently and is tanta- mount to failing in the fulfillment of the research part of MA programs if improperly utilized. This study was thus intended to delve into university teachers&rsquo; judgment of what they may count as proper or im- proper intertextuality and the reasons why students might deviate from the acceptable norms of intertex- tuality. To this end, four extracts of MA theses together with their original sources were presented to four university professors with different academic rankings. Through an interview, the four extracts were evaluated and their intertextual qualities were explained. The data analysis revealed that university pro- fessors assessed intertextualities as proper or improper inconsistently within two rounds of evaluation. Furthermore, they recounted cultural, social, educational, developmental, virtual and economic reasons for students&rsquo; deviating behaviors in the utilization of the resources available. As for the criteria of illegit- imate intertextuality, it was found that no signaling to the reader subject to the violation of the following conditions including specific domain knowledge, more than one sentence copied or paraphrased, mis- match between source and target, and the particular section of the thesis where borrowed ideas are to be used could lead to plagiarism. This study has implications for thesis writers, thesis raters, and EFL writing teachers which are discussed in the paper. تفاصيل المقالة
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        271 - Error Taxonomy of TOEFL iBT Writing: An Iranian Perspective
        Arshya Keyvanfar Reyhaneh Vafaeikhoshkhou
        TOEFL iBT has turned recently heads to the impacts language tests can have on language learning. Since error analysis-based instruction has gained a new life with the advent of the computer analysis of the learner&rsquo;s language, the researchers of this study embarked أکثر
        TOEFL iBT has turned recently heads to the impacts language tests can have on language learning. Since error analysis-based instruction has gained a new life with the advent of the computer analysis of the learner&rsquo;s language, the researchers of this study embarked on examining a sample of integrated and independent writing tasks of 45 Iranian TOEFL iBT candidates in order to identify and classify their errors. Examining 90 writing tasks in toto, the researchers categorized the errors into three major categories: grammar, mechanics, and content errors. Although, the errors of integrated and independent tasks at the levels of grammar and mechanics, with slight differences, had much to share, the content errors exhibited considerable differences. The content errors of the integrated task included plagiarism, for instance while the independent category was limited to organization of ideas and task fulfillment. Given the relative youth of TOEFL iBT for language teachers and learners, the results of this study can have promising potential for enhancing Iranian TOEFL iBT teachers&rsquo; understanding of the problems of their prospective candidates. The findings can also be used to improve TOEFL iBT preparatory materials as adopting a troubleshooting approach seems to be more viable in short-term tailor-made courses. تفاصيل المقالة
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        272 - A Generic Analysis of the conclusion section of Research Articles in the field of sociology: A Comparative study
        sarisa Najar Vazifehdan Alireza Amjadiparvar
        This paper reported on a genre-driven comparative study, which aimed to identify the generic moves in the conclusion sections of twenty research articles in the field of sociology written in the two codes of Persian and English. To meet this purpose, the researchers emp أکثر
        This paper reported on a genre-driven comparative study, which aimed to identify the generic moves in the conclusion sections of twenty research articles in the field of sociology written in the two codes of Persian and English. To meet this purpose, the researchers employed Moritz, Meurer, and Dellagnelo's model, which was set within the Swalesian framework of genre analysis. The analysis was conducted in two pha s- es: first, a qualitative research design was employed to analyze type, sequence and frequency of moves in the conclusion sections and then the frequency structure of the moves in the two corpora were compared to highlight the similarities and differences. The study revealed some generic similarities and differences be- tween the two corpora. No constant move pattern was found in the samples analyzed. The complex ordering of moves and steps, however, rendered a variously-patterned cyclical structure in the two corpora. The re- sults of this study contribute to understanding the conclusions of RAs. It can be beneficial to academic writ- ing instructors to help students to enhance their knowledge of generic conventions in writing. Furthermore, based on the findings of the study, two modified models and some stepwise genre-based tasks could be de- veloped and designed to be employed in academic writing courses through which student-writers are guided towards writing effective conclusion sections. تفاصيل المقالة
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        273 - Wiki-based Collaborative Writing in EFL Classrooms: Writing Accuracy in Focus
        محمدشریف حسینی محمد بوالی رضا رضوانی
        Wikis, as one of the Web social networking tools, have been increasingly integrated into second language instruction to promote collaborative writing. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the use of wikis as a collaborative tool affected language learners&rs أکثر
        Wikis, as one of the Web social networking tools, have been increasingly integrated into second language instruction to promote collaborative writing. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the use of wikis as a collaborative tool affected language learners&rsquo; writing accuracy. To this end, 72 EFL learners were selected from a language institute in Gachsaran, Iran. The selection of participants were based on the results of their OPT test scores (among 80 students). They were randomly assigned into control and experimental groups. The participants of experimental group were asked to upload their writing assignments in the teacher- created wiki site where they edited and corrected their classmates&rsquo; writings and sometimes discussed their writing topics. On the other hand, the control group delivered their writing assignments to the teacher for corrections and corrective comments. The participants&rsquo; performances in pre-test and post-test were compared. The obtained results indicated that the participants in the experimental group significantly outperformed their counterparts in the control group in terms of writing accuracy. The results confirmed the positive effect of teaching writing through wiki. تفاصيل المقالة
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        274 - How does Explicit and Implicit Instruction of Formal Meta-discourse Markers Affect Learners’ Writing Skills?
        محمد مقدسی محمد بوالی Fatemeh Behjat
        Discourse markers improve both the quality and comprehension of a written text. This study aimed at investigating the effect of explicit and implicit instruction of formal meta-discourse markers on writ- ing skills. The quantitative data were collected from 90 upper-int أکثر
        Discourse markers improve both the quality and comprehension of a written text. This study aimed at investigating the effect of explicit and implicit instruction of formal meta-discourse markers on writ- ing skills. The quantitative data were collected from 90 upper-intermediate students at Shiraz Univer- sity Language Center. Two experimental groups went through an instruction, while the control group did not receive any instruction on formal meta-discourse markers. A pretest-posttest method of as- sessment was employed. After an eight-session treatment, a posttest was administered to compare the participants‟ performances. The results revealed that the instruction of formal meta-discourse markers had a positive effect on the learners‟ writing skills. Moreover, the results showed that learners who received explicit instruction of meta-discourse markers could perform better in writing than learners who received implicit instruction. The findings can have pedagogical implications for EFL educators and materials developers to enhance learners‟ writing skill. Furthermore, the findings provide impor- tant insight into the impact of teaching discourse markers and raising learners‟ awareness through ex- plicit instruction in order to make pupils produce more cohesive and coherent written texts. Besides, it sheds light on the effect of different types of instruction on learning metadiscourse markers and its application in writing skills. تفاصيل المقالة
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        275 - Metadiscourse Markers: A Contrastive Study of Translated and Non-Translated Persuasive Texts
        Tooba Mardani
        Metadiscourse features are those facets of a text, which make the organization of the text explicit, provide information about the writer's attitude toward the text content, and engage the reader in the interaction. This study interpreted metadiscourse markers in transl أکثر
        Metadiscourse features are those facets of a text, which make the organization of the text explicit, provide information about the writer's attitude toward the text content, and engage the reader in the interaction. This study interpreted metadiscourse markers in translated and non-translated persuasive texts. To this end, the researcher chose the translated versions of one of the leading newspapers in the United States, The New York Times, and the original versions of Hamshahri newspaper (an Iranian newspaper). Qualitative and quantitative analysis of both textual and interpersonal metadiscourse markers in second language (L2) translated and non-translated version of the opinion articles from The New York Times and Hamshahi (6 from each), found out how the translators organize their texts and how these organizations were related to the non-translated texts. Findings of the study revealed that textual and interpersonal metadiscourse markers were seen in both sets of data. Regarding the occurrences of textual metadiscourse categories and subcategories, the results showed significant differences between the two groups. It was, however, found that the Iranian writers used interpersonal markers significantly more than the Iranian translators did. The results suggested that metadiscourse markers have a prominent role to help the translators of opinion articles to understand the original texts. تفاصيل المقالة
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        276 - Web-Based Googling Techniques and Strategic-Interactive Writing Instruction: A Study of Deaf and Hearing-Impaired Students’ L2 Writing Performance
        Asma Qoreishi Kolaqani Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi Hadi Salehi Omid Tabatabaei
        This study investigated the impact of web-based instruction Googling techniques (GT) and strategic and interactive writing instruction (SIWI) on the L2 writing performance of deaf and hearing-impaired (DHI) Iranian learners. To this end, 60 Iranian male and female DHI s أکثر
        This study investigated the impact of web-based instruction Googling techniques (GT) and strategic and interactive writing instruction (SIWI) on the L2 writing performance of deaf and hearing-impaired (DHI) Iranian learners. To this end, 60 Iranian male and female DHI students at the elementary level participated in the study. The participants were divided into two experimental and control groups. The experimental group benefited from two particular instructional focuses of this study: GT and SIWI. In order to assess the effect of the treatment, a pre-test and post-test design was utilized and the obtained results were statistically analyzed. The findings revealed that online strategy-based instruction could positively affect the writing performance of Iranian DHI learners. The findings can have pedagogical implications for material practitioners, CALL package designers, and distance teaching planners to include strategy instruction in English courses for the DHI population. تفاصيل المقالة
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        277 - Using Teacher- and Student-Developed Graphic Organizers as a Writing Tool
        Hamid Marashi Samaneh Massoodi-Hematabadi
        This study investigated 1) whether the effect of teacher-developed graphic organizers vis-&agrave;-vis student-developed ones was more significant on improving intermediate EFL learners&rsquo; writing, and 2) whether the use of both graphic organizers had any impact on أکثر
        This study investigated 1) whether the effect of teacher-developed graphic organizers vis-&agrave;-vis student-developed ones was more significant on improving intermediate EFL learners&rsquo; writing, and 2) whether the use of both graphic organizers had any impact on their writing. The participants were selected in two stages: 130 students sat for a piloted proficiency test. Those who scored above half of the total score (N = 93) took part in a writing test and, ultimately, 60 whose scores fell between one standard deviation above and below the mean were divided equally and randomly into two experimental and control groups. Both groups underwent a 20-session course of which 10 sessions were allocated to teaching writing with the experimental group receiving five sessions of student-developed organizers first and, subsequently, another five sessions of teacher-developed ones. At the end of each series of five sessions, a writing test was administered to both groups. To verify the two null hypotheses, a mixed ANOVA was run (between-subject factor of having organizers in the experimental group and within-subject factor of organizer type in the experimental group). The data revealed that using graphic organizers had no significant impact on improving EFL learners&rsquo; writing; however, the use of teacher-developed graphic organizers did have a more significant effect than that of student-developed ones. تفاصيل المقالة
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        278 - Blended Learning Strategies and EFL Learners’ Self-Regulation in Academic Writing
        Saeed Kheiri Hassan Solaimani Ali Asghar Rostami Abu Saeedi Manoochehr Jafarigohar
        Blended learning in Iran has provided a novel learning milieu for language learners and teachers. This study examined how blended learning writing strategies might contribute to the self-regulation of EFL learners in their writing performance. To this end, grounded theo أکثر
        Blended learning in Iran has provided a novel learning milieu for language learners and teachers. This study examined how blended learning writing strategies might contribute to the self-regulation of EFL learners in their writing performance. To this end, grounded theory was used as thestudy's systemic methodology. Ninety-four Iranian EFL teachers were purposively selected through Writing Strategies and e-Learning Experience questionnaires. The participants were further interviewed to provide information on the blended learning strategies which can contribute to the self-regulation of the learning process. To enrich the data, the interviews were triangulated with some document analyses, observations, and field notes. The collected data were analyzed through open, axial, and selective coding processes in grounded theory. The results included some web-based strategies that Iranian EFL learners can take into account in order to become academic writers, some web-based strategies which might put Iranian EFL learners into the self-regulated learning frame, and some web-based strategies through which Iranian EFL learners can become self-regulated academic writers. The entire analyzed data were modeled and put into a putative frame. The results revealed that blended learning helps EFL writers in becoming contributors rather than just followers in the development of their compositions, and more importantly, in developing their self-regulated writing skills. The findings can have implications for teachers and students alike. تفاصيل المقالة
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        279 - Contradictions in Writing Anxiety: A Qualitative Case Study of Expansive Learning among Iranian EFL Learners
        Mohsen Nazari Maryam Farnia Behzad Ghonsooly Manoochehr Jafarigohar
        This qualitative study aimed at exploring the causes of writing anxiety from an expansive learning perspective. Given the centrality of writing for both EFL learners and teachers, writing anxiety was explored through a longitudinal study spanning two years with 25 EFL l أکثر
        This qualitative study aimed at exploring the causes of writing anxiety from an expansive learning perspective. Given the centrality of writing for both EFL learners and teachers, writing anxiety was explored through a longitudinal study spanning two years with 25 EFL learners and teachers who participated by providing comments, diaries, and documents. The participants were also observed and interviewed following Mwanza's model as a guide. The obtained data in the whole process was constantly thematized by means of a qualitative software, NVIVO 10. The main themes on writing anxiety were extracted from teachers and learners by applying contradictions as a principle of expansive learning theory. To help learners become transformative agents of anxiety, an intervention process was carried out in the form of an online collaborative writing task. The findings recommend applying contradictions as an initial point for problem-solving and a driving impellent of activity which may lead to expansive learning. Besides, the dynamic and developmental process is expected to help learners expand and transform their writing anxiety. Contradictions may also become an initiation for future studies on language learning. تفاصيل المقالة
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        280 - Writing Fluency Achievement through Computer Concept-Mapping Strategy Conjoining Partial Persian Word Translation
        Jamshid Mashhadi حسین احمدی Payman Rajabi
        From educational spectrum, challenges in finding conducive ways for English writing have remained weighty. Thus, this report focuses on using computer concept mapping with partial word Persian equivalent in the graphs on facilitating writing fluency as a contributing fa أکثر
        From educational spectrum, challenges in finding conducive ways for English writing have remained weighty. Thus, this report focuses on using computer concept mapping with partial word Persian equivalent in the graphs on facilitating writing fluency as a contributing factor. It was thought teach- ing writing suchlike leads to remembering more data and writing more fluently. To the researchers, EFL learners generally lack sufficient motivation in writing as they perceive as a complicated or bor- ing subject and come across difficulties during learning it. This strategy was adopted compared to tra- ditional teaching method. A prior and after treatment evaluation and normal group design was used. The study participants were 50 intermediate EFL students equally halved into experiential and control members. The experimental treatment group practiced writing using computer concept-maps but their counterparts were taught ordinarily. Statistical analyses by using SPSS statistical software were run. One-way ANOVA test and independent-samples t-test were adopted in data analysis. The overall findings arisen manifested that teaching writing with the use of computer concept maps was signifi- cantly much influential than conventional teaching approach. تفاصيل المقالة
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        281 - Using Concept Mapping and Mind Mapping in Descriptive and Narrative Writing Classes
        Hamid Marashi Mitra Kangani
        This study was an attempt to investigate the comparative impact of concept map and mind map instruc- tion on EFL learners&rsquo; descriptive and narrative writing. To fulfill this purpose, 60 intermediate EFL learners were selected from among a total number of 100 throu أکثر
        This study was an attempt to investigate the comparative impact of concept map and mind map instruc- tion on EFL learners&rsquo; descriptive and narrative writing. To fulfill this purpose, 60 intermediate EFL learners were selected from among a total number of 100 through their performance on a pretest, i.e., a piloted sample Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET). Then, the students were randomly divided into two experimental groups of 30. The scores of the writing part of PET were analyzed separately and the mean scores of the two groups were compared through an independent samples t-test in order to as- sure that the writing ability of the students was homogeneous at the outset. Both groups underwent the same amount of treatment (14 sessions of 90 minutes) three days a week with one group undergoing the concept map treatment while the other the mind map treatment. A posttest comprising a descriptive and a narrative writing were administered at the end of the treatment to both groups. The result of the Pillai&rsquo;s Trace Test (F = 12.73 and p = 0.000 &lt; 0.05) indicated a statistically significant difference between the two experimental groups with the mind map group that gained a higher mean in both posttests outper- forming the concept map group. تفاصيل المقالة
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        282 - The Effect of Focused Written Corrective Feedback on High/Low Self-Regulated EFL Learners’ English Writing Ability
        Maryam Taheri Davood Mashhadi Heidar
        The present study aimed to explore whether focused written corrective feedback has any significant effect on improving undergraduate university students&rsquo; paragraph writing ability; if so, the study fur- ther sought to demonstrate whether this effect differs within أکثر
        The present study aimed to explore whether focused written corrective feedback has any significant effect on improving undergraduate university students&rsquo; paragraph writing ability; if so, the study fur- ther sought to demonstrate whether this effect differs within high/low self-regulated learners or not. For the purpose of the study, 60 BA university students were chosen out of 145 learners through the application of a sample Oxford Placement Test (OPT). Subsequently, the participants were randomly assigned into one control and one experimental group. The experimental group was assigned into two groups of high and low self-regulated learners based on Magno&rsquo;s (2009) Academic Self-regulated Learning Scale (A-SRL-S) questionnaire. The control group received feedback in their writings through the conventional procedure, whereas the experimental group received focused written correc- tive feedback in some selected areas of the grammar. The data analysis revealed that focused written corrective feedback has a significant effect on improving writing ability; in addition, the results showed that high self-regulated learners benefited more from focused written corrective feedback than low self-regulated learners. تفاصيل المقالة
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        283 - Probing into the Patterns of Pair Interaction in EFL Learners’ Peer Feedback Dynamics: Written Discourse in Focus
        Ahmadreza Jamshidipour حمید رضا خلجی فرامرز عزیزملایری
        The present study attempted to explore the patterns of pair interaction in peer feedback dynamics to facilitate the quality of peer feedback and the quality of English writing among EFL learners while communicating ideas through written discourse. This qualitative case أکثر
        The present study attempted to explore the patterns of pair interaction in peer feedback dynamics to facilitate the quality of peer feedback and the quality of English writing among EFL learners while communicating ideas through written discourse. This qualitative case study was conducted with 12 (six pairs) EFL learners. To this aim, 12 out of 18 EFL learners from a writing course over 16 weeks, a session per week, during the first semester of 2019-2020 at Poldokhtar University were selected. The revised Bloom&rsquo;s taxonomy model was transferred to the learners in the workshop. Three kinds of data, including semi-structured interview transcripts, 12 writing assignments, and artifacts of peer feedback dynamics, were analyzed by the QSR NVivo 8 software. The findings revealed that the Revised Bloom&rsquo;s Taxonomy Model is more acceptable for peer feedback dynamics using patterns of pair interaction which provides a six-step model of critical thinking. The process of peer feedback dynamics was summarized as three steps: intake, critical thinking, and output. Each of the three steps had several mental processes in peer feedback dynamics. Accordingly, the amount of learners&rsquo; awareness resulted in their critical thinking. The more the learners were cognizant of their pair interaction and the feedback they received, the more they could criticize the tasks and class activities. Furthermore, the results showed that the pair interaction led to more motivation, cooperation, and confidence. When the learners were confident, they felt comfortable. In conclusion, during peer feedback dynamics, there was a cyclic relationship among the affective variables, including the learners&rsquo; awareness, critical thinking, motivation, cooperation, and confidence. تفاصيل المقالة
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        284 - Using Metacognitive Strategies in Writing Classes
        محمدشریف حسینی
        The present paper was an endeavor to explore the impact of using metacognitive strategies on EFL learners' writing performance. Also, the learners&rsquo; views on the use of these strategies in their classes were assessed. To this end, 40 intermediate learners participa أکثر
        The present paper was an endeavor to explore the impact of using metacognitive strategies on EFL learners' writing performance. Also, the learners&rsquo; views on the use of these strategies in their classes were assessed. To this end, 40 intermediate learners participated in this study. The experimental group included 20 students who underwent metacognitive writing strategies instruction while the control group included 20 students who followed the routine teaching of the writing skill of the language school. All participants sat for the same writing pretest at the outset and the same posttest once the treatment was over. Moreover, a metacognitive writing questionnaire was used to explore the learners&rsquo; views toward employing the mentioned strategies. The results indicated that the employment of metacognitive strategy significantly affected the learners&rsquo; writing performance. Furthermore, the learners held positive views on the effectiveness of the mentioned strategies regarding planning, monitoring, and evaluating their writing performance, and, among all, monitoring was used mainly by the participants. تفاصيل المقالة
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        285 - Using Metaphor and Metonymy in Writing Classes through Dialogic Interaction
        Nasrin Jenabagha Shaban Najafi Karimi امیر Marzban
        Regarding the significance of writing in English language learning and the importance of figurative language in writing, the present paper sought to determine whether using metaphoric language can have any positive effects on writing improvement through dialogic interac أکثر
        Regarding the significance of writing in English language learning and the importance of figurative language in writing, the present paper sought to determine whether using metaphoric language can have any positive effects on writing improvement through dialogic interactions. A total of 60 female intermediate learners from a university in Gorgan, Iran, were selected through convenience sampling. The participants were divided into three groups each one consisting of 20 learners. The Quick Oxford Placement Test and Writing Test developed by the authors of the current study were used to collect data. First, the data normality of the K-S test was run. Second, an ANOVA was run to see whether there would be any difference between the three groups in terms of their writing improvement at the pretest level. Then the same ANOVA was run between the posttests of these three groups. This study showed that metaphor and metonymy through dialogic interactions had significant effects on the participations&rsquo; writing. The present research suggests the practice of more dialogical interactions and calls for using group work and figurative language in writing training programs. تفاصيل المقالة
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        286 - Providing Computer-Based Feedback through Grammarly® in Writing Classes
        محسن اشرف گنجویی Mohammad Javad Rezai Seyedeh Elham Elhambakhsh
        This study aimed at evaluating the impact of Grammarly&reg; software as a new technology-based immediate corrective feedback on improving EFL learners&rsquo; writing achievements. To this end, 40 sophomore Iranian EFL students from Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch أکثر
        This study aimed at evaluating the impact of Grammarly&reg; software as a new technology-based immediate corrective feedback on improving EFL learners&rsquo; writing achievements. To this end, 40 sophomore Iranian EFL students from Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, were selected. Before initiating the 15-session treatment, a pretest including 20 questions based on four different variables such as definite and indefinite articles, punctuations, passive voice, and correct spelling was administered. The participants were randomly divided into control and experimental groups. At the end of the treatment and based on the principles of noticing hypothesis, a posttest was administered to evaluate the impact of each intervention on the final writing skill in each group. Employing the independent samples t-test, the data analysis revealed that there was a significant relationship between the use of Grammarly&reg; software and learners&rsquo; writing achievement in each of the four writing skills variables. The experimental group outperformed the control group. In addition, the results indicated that utilizing Grammarly&reg; software had a positive effect on EFL learners&rsquo; attitudes. The pedagogical implications of this study are that both teachers and students should learn to employ different technology-based applications to improve language learning. تفاصيل المقالة
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        287 - Looking into the Paper vs. Computer Mode of the IELTS Academic Writing Module
        مهدی دست پاک Mohammad Javad Riasati Ehsan Hadipourfard
        The current study investigated whether EFL learners performed differently in the paper and computer modes of the IELTS academic writing module in terms of task response/achievement, coherence/cohesion, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy. In addition, i أکثر
        The current study investigated whether EFL learners performed differently in the paper and computer modes of the IELTS academic writing module in terms of task response/achievement, coherence/cohesion, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy. In addition, it explored whether the candidates&rsquo; computer familiarity was different in paper and computer mode groups. To this end, 108 candidates were selected out of 144 based on the Oxford Placement Test (OPT) results in the University of Tehran, Iran. To gather the data, a retired IELTS academic writing sample and a computer familiarity questionnaire were administered. The participants were divided into two equal groups. In the Paper Mode (PM) group, the students were given the test to write in the conventional paper mode. In the other Computer Mode (CM) group, the students were given the same test but were asked to type the test in the computer provided for them in their class. Also, all the participants took the computer familiarity questionnaire. The gathered data were analyzed and the findings revealed significant differences between paper-based and computer-based modes in both writing tasks. Moreover, the questionnaire analysis showed the impact of the candidates&rsquo; computer familiarity on their writing performance. تفاصيل المقالة
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        288 - Investigating IELTS Paper Mode vs. Computer Mode: Evidence from Academic Writing Test
        مهدی دست پاک Mohammad Javad Riasati Ehsan Hadipourfard
        The present research compared two different modes for IELTS academic module administration among Iranian IELTS candidates: the paper mode and the computer mode in writing tasks one & two in terms of overall band score. Additionally, it examined whether computer familiar أکثر
        The present research compared two different modes for IELTS academic module administration among Iranian IELTS candidates: the paper mode and the computer mode in writing tasks one & two in terms of overall band score. Additionally, it examined whether computer familiarity had any significant effect on the IELTS overall band score of Iranian EFL candidates. To this end, 88 IELTS candidates from three different language institutes in Iran were randomly selected. Hence, based on the OPT results, 50 IELTS candidates were recruited and then divided into two equal groups, i.e. paper mode group and computer mode group randomly. Moreover, a computer familiarity questionnaire was also administered. The study&rsquo;s findings revealed that the participants in the computer-based mode had a better overall band score than the participants in the paper-based mode on both writing Tasks. Additionally, the results showed that computer familiarity could result in computer mode outperformance in both tasks of IELTS academic writing tasks. These findings have some pedagogical implications, the most important of which is the influence of computer mode administration of IELTS and computer familiarity on candidates&rsquo; scores. تفاصيل المقالة
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        289 - The Impact of Using Figurative Speech (Metaphor & Metonymy) through Dialogic Interaction on EFL Learners’ Writing Performance
        Nasrin Jenabagha Ali Najafi امیر مرزبان
        Regarding the significance of writing in today&rsquo;s English learning and figurative language, the present paper seeks to determine whether using metaphoric language can have any positive effects on writing improvement through dialogic interactions. A total of 60 fema أکثر
        Regarding the significance of writing in today&rsquo;s English learning and figurative language, the present paper seeks to determine whether using metaphoric language can have any positive effects on writing improvement through dialogic interactions. A total of 60 female students at intermediate proficiency level from a university in Gorgan, Iran, were selected through convenience sampling. The participants were divided into three groups each one consisting of 20 learners. Quick Oxford Placement Test and Writing Test developed by the current study authors were used to collect data. First, the data normality of K-S test was run. Second, an ANOVA was run to see whether there would be any difference between the three groups in terms of their writing improvement in the pre-test. Then the same ANOVA was run between the post-tests of these three groups. This study showed that metaphor and metonymy through dialogic interactions had significant effects on the participations&rsquo; writing. All in all, as pedagogical implications, the present research addresses EFL teachers to practice more dialogical interactions and calls for using group work and figurative language in writing training programs which have not been employed in foreign language courses. تفاصيل المقالة
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        290 - Analyzing the Effect of Using Meta-cognitive Strategies on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Skill
        محمدشریف حسینی
        The present paper was an endeavour to explore the impact of using metacognitive strategies on EFL learners' writing performance of a language institute in Gachsaran, Iran. Also, the students&rsquo; views on the use of these strategies in EFL classes and their effect on أکثر
        The present paper was an endeavour to explore the impact of using metacognitive strategies on EFL learners' writing performance of a language institute in Gachsaran, Iran. Also, the students&rsquo; views on the use of these strategies in EFL classes and their effect on the writing performance were assessed. To this end, 40 intermediate learners were recruited to participate in this study. The experimental group included 20 students who adopted metacognitive writing strategies, while the control group included 20 students who followed a conventional teaching writing skill. Firstly, all participants took part in the same pre-test of writing, and the scores were recorded. Then, implementing the mentioned strategies started after running the pre-test. Finally, the students of both groups took part in the post-test and the scores were recorded carefully. Moreover, a metacognitive writing questionnaire was published to explore the views toward employing the mentioned strategies. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The results indicated that the employment of metacognitive strategy significantly affected the Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing performance. Further, the EFL learners hold positive views on the effectiveness of the mentioned strategies regarding planning, monitoring, and evaluating their writing performance, and among all, &ldquo;Monitoring&rdquo; was used mainly by the participants. تفاصيل المقالة
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        291 - Teaching Information Structure of Non-Canonical Sentences through a Deductive Vs. an Inductive Approach: Effects on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Products
        Hamidreza Sheikhi Bahram Hadian Mehdi Vaez-Dalili
        This study investigates the effect of deductive versus inductive teaching of Information Structure (IS) of non-canonical sentences on Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing productions. To do so 69 participants majoring in English literature and English translation, fourth أکثر
        This study investigates the effect of deductive versus inductive teaching of Information Structure (IS) of non-canonical sentences on Iranian EFL learners&rsquo; writing productions. To do so 69 participants majoring in English literature and English translation, fourth semester, Arak University, participated in this study in the form of two intact groups called Deductive (experimental) and Inductive (control) groups, comprising 36 and 33 participants in that order. Under the effect of twelve treatment sessions of deductive vs. inductive instructions of IS principles, six weeks, the statistical analyses of the results regarding the pretest-posttest phase disclosed significant improvement of the participants&rsquo; writing scores in both groups. Concerning the post-test results, no statistically significant difference was observed in the Deductive vs. Inductive groups&rsquo; writing scores. Regarding the posttest-delayed posttest results, the statistical analyses showed a significant decrease in the Deductive group&rsquo; writing scores while the writing scores reduction in the Inductive group was not significant. So, the findings revealed a significant retention of improved writing skills in association with the Inductive group. Possible explanations for the writing improvement and implications of the findings for language teaching have been discussed. تفاصيل المقالة
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        292 - Engagement Resources Used by Experts and Novice EFL Academic Writers
        Moharram Sharifi Biook Behnam Saeideh Ahangari
        The purpose of this study was to show how expert and novice writers take position and stance in Research Article and Master of Art theses Introductions, so Engagement resources were investigated in 30 Research Articles and 30 Master of Art theses written by non-native I أکثر
        The purpose of this study was to show how expert and novice writers take position and stance in Research Article and Master of Art theses Introductions, so Engagement resources were investigated in 30 Research Articles and 30 Master of Art theses written by non-native Iranian speakers. Through paired samples t-test analysis, we found out that the mean occurrences of heteroglossia items in both RA and Master thesis Introductions were larger than those of monoglots items, indicating the awareness of both groups of writers to &lsquo;engage&rsquo; alternative positions in Introduction sections. The results also revealed that wide choices were preferred over contractive options in both corpora, implying both groups of writers&rsquo; respects to alternative voices cautiously by welcoming rather than closing down the possibility of different perspectives and stances. Furthermore, unlike novice academic writers who used more Attribute features than Entertainment ones in their MATs introduction sections, expert academic writers employed a balanced number of Entertainment and Attributed in their RA introduction sections. The balanced deployment of Entertain and Attribute features in RA Introductions by expert writers might be characteristics of the writers&rsquo; demonstration of politeness, which is commonly accepted as an essential feature in academic writing discourse. Finally, through qualitative analysis, it was demonstrated that MAT writers as novice academic writers suffered from lacking appropriate evaluative stance and authorial voice towards propositions تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        293 - طبقه‌بندی و تحلیل کارکرد اشیای مقدّس در شفابخشی (با تاکید بر مهم‌ترین متون منثور عرفانی تا قرن هفتم هجری)
        افروز خدابنده لو سید محسن حسینی موخر سیدعلی قاسم زاده
        شفابخشی یکی از مهم‌ترین کرامت‌های مشایخ صوفیه است. برخی از این شفابخشی‌ها، از طریق اشیای مقدّس و متبرّکی صورت می‌گرفته که متعلق به مشایخ متصوفه است. پژوهش حاضر با روش توصیفی ـ تحلیلی به واکاوی و تبیین کارکرد این اشیا در بخشی از متون عرفانی فارسی پرداخته و آن را با پیشین أکثر
        شفابخشی یکی از مهم‌ترین کرامت‌های مشایخ صوفیه است. برخی از این شفابخشی‌ها، از طریق اشیای مقدّس و متبرّکی صورت می‌گرفته که متعلق به مشایخ متصوفه است. پژوهش حاضر با روش توصیفی ـ تحلیلی به واکاوی و تبیین کارکرد این اشیا در بخشی از متون عرفانی فارسی پرداخته و آن را با پیشینه‌های اسطوره‌ای و دینی تحلیل کرده است. براساس پژوهش حاضر، اشیای شفابخش در سه گروه جای دارند: نخست مکتوبات؛ شامل دست‌نوشته‌های مشایخ، حرزها و تعویذه، شعرها و نامه‎‌ها، سپس جامه‌ها و انواع پوشش‌های مشایخ؛ از جمله خرقه، پیراهن، لباچه، کلاه و نعلین، و در آخر؛ خوراک‌ها، نیم خورده‌ها، آب دهان و اشیای متعلق به آن (همچون خلال ). تقدّس، تبرّک و شفابخشی در همه این موارد مشترک است و به واسطه پیوند با مشایخ متصوفه به این اشیا اعطا شده است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        294 - ظرفیت دیداری در برابر فرایند شناختی: کاهش خطاهای دیکته از نوع حروف هم آوا
        حمیدرضا حسن آبادی ندا جسری ربابه نوری قاسم آبادی
        هدف این پژوهش، مقایسۀ دو روش آموزشی تکلیف ـ فرایند و حافظه‌کاری در کاهش خطاهای دیکته از نوع حروف هم‌آوا، که ناشی از ضعف حافظة دیداری است، بود. بدین منظور آموزش‌ها در 10 جلسه به دانش ‌ آموزان پسر پایة سوم دبستان داده شد. شرکت‌کنندگان (30نفر) از میان دانش‌آموزان چهار دبست أکثر
        هدف این پژوهش، مقایسۀ دو روش آموزشی تکلیف ـ فرایند و حافظه‌کاری در کاهش خطاهای دیکته از نوع حروف هم‌آوا، که ناشی از ضعف حافظة دیداری است، بود. بدین منظور آموزش‌ها در 10 جلسه به دانش ‌ آموزان پسر پایة سوم دبستان داده شد. شرکت‌کنندگان (30نفر) از میان دانش‌آموزان چهار دبستان پسرانه با توجه به نظر معلم‌ها و بررسی دیکته‌های پیشین و اجرای مقیاس هوشی وکسلر 4 انتخاب و به طور تصادفی به دو گروه آزمایش و گروه کنترل تقسیم شدند. در حین آموزش، به منظور بررسی میزان اثر آموزش بر حافظة دیداری از آزمون‌های حافظة دیداری (کیم کاراد و بنتون، 1945) استفاده شد. در پایان جلسة چهارم آزمون دیکته و آزمون‌های حافظه به منظور بررسی تغییرات و آخر کار آزمون نهایی و آزمون‌های حافظة دیداری و پس از بیست روز آزمون‌های پیگیری اجرا شد. نتایج تحلیل واریانس با اندازه ‌ گیری مکرر نشان داد که روش ‌ های آموزشی تکلیف ـ فرایند و حافظه‌کاری موجب بهبود حافظة دیداری و در نتیجه کاهش خطاهای دیکته‌نویسی می شود و در عین حال روش حافظه‌کاری از روش تکلیف ـ فرایند مؤثرتر است. بنابراین، می‌توان این روش‌ها را در کنار سایر روش‌های اصلاحی ـ ترمیمی به کار گرفت. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        295 - شیوع ناتوانیهای خاص خواندن و نوشتن در دانش‌آموزان دوره ابتدایی
        علی حسینائی احمد آقاجانی اعظم نوفرستی
        به منظور تعیین میزان شیوع ناتوانیهای خاص خواندن و نوشتن در دانش آموزان مقطع ابتدایی، 3282 نفر از دانش آموزان پایه‌های سوم، چهارم و پنجم مناطق هفت‌گانه آموزشی استان قم براساس روش نمونه‌برداری طبقه‌ای انتخاب شدند. در وهلة اول، معلمان فهرست نشانه‌های ناتوانیهای یادگیری (فو أکثر
        به منظور تعیین میزان شیوع ناتوانیهای خاص خواندن و نوشتن در دانش آموزان مقطع ابتدایی، 3282 نفر از دانش آموزان پایه‌های سوم، چهارم و پنجم مناطق هفت‌گانه آموزشی استان قم براساس روش نمونه‌برداری طبقه‌ای انتخاب شدند. در وهلة اول، معلمان فهرست نشانه‌های ناتوانیهای یادگیری (فوست و لو، 1995) را برای هر دانش آموز تکمیـل کردند. سپس، کسانی که بیش از سه نشانة ناتوانی خاص یادگیری را داشتند به آزمونهای خوانـدن و نوشتن محقق ساخته پاسخ دادند. ماتریسهای پیشروندة ریون (ریون، 1956) در مورد دانش آموزانی که نمرة پایین&not;تر از نمرة ملاک گرفتند، اجرا شد. در نهایت، 3130 دانش‌آموز که نمره‌های آنها در آزمونهای خواندن و نوشتن پایین‌تر از نمرة ملاک بود و فاقد نقایص هوشی، بینایی، شنوایی و حرکتی بودند، نمونة پژوهش را تشکیل دادند. یافته‌ها نشان دادند که (1) میزان شیوع ناتوانی خاص خواندن در استان قم، 55/1 درصد و ناتوانی خاص نوشتن، 34/1 درصد است، (2) بین دختران و پسران تفاوت معنادار وجود ندارد، (3) سه پایة تحصیلی از نظر میزان شیوع ناتوانی خاص خواندن تفاوت معنادار دارند و (4) بین مناطق هفت‌گانة استان قم در میزان شیوع ناتوانی خاص خواندن و نوشتن تفاوت معنادار وجود دارد. با توجه به یافته‌های پژوهش حاضر که نمایانگر تعداد قابل توجة دانش آموزان مبتلا به ناتوانیهای خاص است، نیاز به اقدام پیشگیرانه و درمانی در این زمینه آشکار می‌شود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        296 - تبیین و بررسی زنانه نویسی در رمان سووشون سیمین دانشور براساس سبک‌شناسی فمینیستی سارا میلز
        سعیده خجسته پور محمدعلی گذشتی عبدالحسین فرزاد
        سبک‌شناسی فمینیستی از جمله رویکردهای فرهنگی- اجتماعی دانش سبک‌شناسی است که سارا میلز در این زمینه الگویی مطرح می‌کند و این شیوه را بهترین روش برای بررسی و تحلیل موضوع فمینیسم و اثربخشی آن در متون ادبی با استفاده از ابعاد و جنبه‌های زبان‌شناختی آنها می‌داند. در نوشتار حا أکثر
        سبک‌شناسی فمینیستی از جمله رویکردهای فرهنگی- اجتماعی دانش سبک‌شناسی است که سارا میلز در این زمینه الگویی مطرح می‌کند و این شیوه را بهترین روش برای بررسی و تحلیل موضوع فمینیسم و اثربخشی آن در متون ادبی با استفاده از ابعاد و جنبه‌های زبان‌شناختی آنها می‌داند. در نوشتار حاضر با بهره‌گیری از این الگو، به این پرسش پاسخ می‌دهیم که مشخصه‌های زنانه‌نویسی چیست و در رمان‌‌ مورد بحث چگونه نمود پیدا می‌کند. میلز معتقد است نویسندگان زن، مولفه‌های گوناگون زبانی را در ساختار و محتوای آثارشان با تاثیرپذیری از ویژگی‌های زنانه، عواطف و دیدگاه‌های جنسیتی خود استفاده می‌کنند و از این‌رو در تحلیل آثارشان باید به سه سطح تحلیل بر پایه واژگان، جمله‌ها و گفتمان توجه داشت. بنابراین با این نگاه و با بهره‌گیری از الگوی پیشنهادی سارا میلز و نظرهای صاحب‌نظران این حوزه، رمان سووشون سیمین دانشور انتخاب و بررسی شد. این پژوهش در حوزه سبک‌شناسی عملی و با روش توصیفی-کتابخانه‌ای و تحلیل‌های مبتنی بر آن بر پایه مولفه‌های الگوی سارا میلز و با هدف یافتن مشخصه‌های زنانه‌نویسی در اثر منتخب انجام گرفت. یافته‌های پژوهش با نمود ویژگی‌های زنانه‌نویسی در رمان مذکور عبارتند از:.در سطح واژگان: کاربرد متعدد تعابیر زنانه در فارسی، واژه‌های متعلق به حوزه زنان، کاربرد رنگ واژه‌ها، تعدد شخصیت‌های زن؛ در سطح جملات: کاربرد فراوان جملات ساده خبری، توصیفی، کوتاه، احساسی، جزئی‌نگری. کاربرد نشانه‌های فرازبانی سه نقطه و خط تیره، وجه عاطفی کم بسامد، جملات پرسشی به شکل حدیث نفس. در سطح گفتمانی: زاویه‌ی دید سوم شخص (دانای کل) بیرونی، شخصیت اصلی: یوسف و زری، متن روایی، راوی نویسنده، لحن مودبانه و صمیمی، درون‌مایه‌ای با اندیشه‌های فمینیستی. زمان و مکان وقوع داستان دوره‌ی پهلوی اول، شیراز و روستاهایش. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        297 - آموزش تفکر به مثابه نوشتار؛ براساس نقد دریدا از خوانش فوکو در رابطه بین عقل و جنون در کوگیتو دکارت
        بهمن کریم زاده
        مفهوم تفکر و اندیشیدن یکی از مسائل مهم معرفت شناسی است که فیلسوفان و معرفت شناسان از دیرباز تا کنون دیدگاه های گوناگونی درباره چیستی تفکر و چگونگی ارتباط آن با عقل ابراز داشته اند. در این نوشتار، ما به بازسازی مفهوم تفکر از دیدگاه دریدا به وسیله نقد او از خوانش فوکو از أکثر
        مفهوم تفکر و اندیشیدن یکی از مسائل مهم معرفت شناسی است که فیلسوفان و معرفت شناسان از دیرباز تا کنون دیدگاه های گوناگونی درباره چیستی تفکر و چگونگی ارتباط آن با عقل ابراز داشته اند. در این نوشتار، ما به بازسازی مفهوم تفکر از دیدگاه دریدا به وسیله نقد او از خوانش فوکو از "من می اندیشم" دکارت پرداخته و چگونگی ارتباط آن را با آموزش تجزیه و تحلیل می کنیم. بر طبق دیدگاه فوکو، دکارت جنون را از تفکر کنار می گذارد، در حالی که به اعتقاد دریدا در کوگیتو، جنون وضعیتی از تفکر (درون تفکر) می باشد. در خوانش دریدا، کوگیتو نقطه صفری است که در آن عقل و جنون در هم تنیده اند. در حالی که فوکو دکارت را چنین تفسیر می کند؛ من فکر می کنم، پس من مجنون نیستم، دریدا او را چنین می خواند: مجنون باشم یا نباشم، من فکر می کنم، پس هستم. از سوی دیگر دریدا اذعان دارد که تفکر خود، نوعی نوشتن است، فکر کردن؛ یا همان نوشتن، فقط به لطف غیاب و وضعیت های امکان نیافته، و عقلانیت فقط به لطف عدم عقلانیت، یعنی جنون، امکان می یابد. نوشتار دریدایی نیز به واسطه رابطه ای مضاعف با آموزش فوکوی معلم امکان می یابد؛ استاد در ابتدا دانشجو را با فراهم نمودن دانش و طرز تفکر مناسبی آموزش می دهد و سپس دانشجو بخاطر این که خود فکر کند و صدای منحصر بفرد خود را ایجاد نماید، استاد را به چالش می کشد تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        298 - سناریوهای نظم منطقه خاورمیانه تا سال 2030 با تاکید بر کنشگری ایران و عربستان
        زاهد غفاری هشجین ایوب نیکونهاد
        بعد ازپیروزی انقلاب اسلامی، یکی از مدل‌های نظم منطقه‌ای در خاورمیانه،رقابت بین دو نظم انقلابی‌گری با محوریت جمهوری اسلامی ایران و نظم غرب‌گرا با محوریت آمریکا و بازیگری عربستان وهمپیمانان منطقه‌ای و فرامنطقه‌ای آن بوده است.ولی با توجه به سیال بودن و پرشتاب بودن تحولات د أکثر
        بعد ازپیروزی انقلاب اسلامی، یکی از مدل‌های نظم منطقه‌ای در خاورمیانه،رقابت بین دو نظم انقلابی‌گری با محوریت جمهوری اسلامی ایران و نظم غرب‌گرا با محوریت آمریکا و بازیگری عربستان وهمپیمانان منطقه‌ای و فرامنطقه‌ای آن بوده است.ولی با توجه به سیال بودن و پرشتاب بودن تحولات در این منطقه،ظهور بازیگران رسمی و غیررسمی جدید، محیط پیچیده و آشوبناک منطقه و به تبع آن، وجود عدم قطعیت‌های متعدد نمی‌توان از تثبیت کامل این الگوی نظم دوقطبی در منطقه خاورمیانه سخن به میان آورد و ممکن است نظم منطقه‌ای خاورمیانه در دهه آینده دستخوش دگرگونی‌های بسیاری شود.پژوهش پیش روی درصدد پاسخگویی به این پرسش اصلی است که سناریوهای آینده نظم منطقه‌ای خاورمیانه تا سال 2030 چگونه خواهند بود و سناریوی مطلوب برای جمهوری اسلامی ایران و عربستان سعودی در ذیل این الگوهای نظم منطقه‌ای کدام است؟ در پاسخ به سوالات از روش شناسایی و تحلیل پیشران‌های اثرگذار بر شکل‌دهی به نظم منطقه‌ای و همچنین شناسایی شگفتی سازها و نشانک های ضعیف از طریق مصاحبه خبرگان واز طریق نرم افزار میک مک استفاده شده است. یافته های پژوهش منطبق بر اثرگذاری پیشران‌های کلیدی و تحلیل بلوک بندی های قدرت در این منطقه بیانگرآن است که طیف وسیعی از سناریوها را می‌توان درخصوص نظم منطقه‌ای خاورمیانه مطرح ساخت اما مطلوب‌ترین نظم برای ایران هژمونی نظم انقلابی گری و محتمل‌ترین سناریو برای جمهوری اسلامی، تداوم سناریوی موازنه قوا در این منطقه است.در مقابل مطلوبترین سناریو برای نظم غرب‌گرا هژمونی نظم غربی-سلفی(بامحوریت عربستان سعودی) و محتمل ترین سناریو برای نظم غرب‌گرا نیز تداوم سناریوی نظم موازنه قواست. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        299 - پیامدهای امنیتی استقلال اقلیم کردستان عراق بر مناطق مرزی غرب کشور
        حنانه درشتی علیرضا نجفی
        امنیت ملی هرکشوری تابعی از مجموعه تحولات داخلی و تحرکات حادث محیط امنیتی آن کشور است. مسئله کردها و وقایع مربوط به آنها یکی از مسائل مهم سیاسی خاورمیانه است. مساله اساسی محقق در این تحقیق آن است که اثرگذارترین سناریوهای پیامدهای امنیتی اقلیم کردستان عراق بر مناطق مرزی غ أکثر
        امنیت ملی هرکشوری تابعی از مجموعه تحولات داخلی و تحرکات حادث محیط امنیتی آن کشور است. مسئله کردها و وقایع مربوط به آنها یکی از مسائل مهم سیاسی خاورمیانه است. مساله اساسی محقق در این تحقیق آن است که اثرگذارترین سناریوهای پیامدهای امنیتی اقلیم کردستان عراق بر مناطق مرزی غرب کشور را برای بازه زمانی 5 ساله چه سناریویی می باشد بر همین اساس هدف اصلی این پژوهش طراحی سناریوهای پیامدهای استقلال امنیتی اقلیم کردستان عراق بر مناطق مرزی غرب کشور می‌باشد. در این پژوهش از روش تحلیل مجدد مجموعه داده‌ها حاصل از مصاحبه با نخبگان بهره‌برداری شده است.که ضمن مشخص شدن بازیگران تحت کنترل، خارج از کنترل و نیروهای پیشران و عدم قطعیت‌ها در رابطه با موضوع، تعداد 8 سناریو با توجه به مشخصه‌هایی مانند ارتباطات همگرا یا واگرایی درون گروهی کردهای منطقه، همسو بودن یا نبودن رویکرد چهار کشور دارای اقلیت کرد و شناخته شدن یا نشدن استقلال ایشان از سوی قدرت‌های جهان طراحی شده‌اند.نتیجه ارزیابی هشت سناریوی طراحی شده نشان می‌دهد سناریویی که شناخته شدن استقلال کردستان از سوی قدرت‌های جهانی، تنش میان کشورهای دارای اقلیت کرد و همگرایی بین اقلیت کرد در کشورهای همسایه را مطرح می کند، بهترین موقعیت برای اعلام و اجرای استقلال اقلیم کردستان عراق و برای امنیت غرب کشور خطرناک می‌باشد و سناریویی که در نقطه مقابل این سناریو قرار دارد(عدم شناسایی از سوی قدرت‌های جهان، همسویی کشورهای دارای اقلیت کرد و واگرایی بین کردهای منطقه) بهترین سناریو است که بیانگر عدم استقلال کردها می‌‌باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        300 - سناریوهای ساخت جامعه مطلوب اسلامی بر اساس حلقه های میانی پیشروی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
        نفیسه اخوان نیلچی محمد رحیم عیوضی مهدی نادری
        انقلاب اسلامی اکنون در مرحله جامعه سازی اسلامی در مسیر تحقق تمدن نوین اسلامی قرار دارد. در جامعه اسلامی پیوند مردم با مردم در سایه اسلام و ولایت رشد فرد و جامعه را بدنبال دارد. ساخت چنین جامعه ای در گرو مشارکت آحاد مردم است و نقطه کانونی به صحنه آوردن مردم در جهت آرمان أکثر
        انقلاب اسلامی اکنون در مرحله جامعه سازی اسلامی در مسیر تحقق تمدن نوین اسلامی قرار دارد. در جامعه اسلامی پیوند مردم با مردم در سایه اسلام و ولایت رشد فرد و جامعه را بدنبال دارد. ساخت چنین جامعه ای در گرو مشارکت آحاد مردم است و نقطه کانونی به صحنه آوردن مردم در جهت آرمان ها، بر مبنای مدل نظری مقام معظم رهبری، جریان حلقه های میانی می باشد. لذا این مقاله با توجه با رسالت و کارکردهای حلقه های میانی، سناریوهای آینده ساخت جامعه مطلوب اسلامی را بر اساس جریان حلقه های میانی را به تصویر کشید. در این مسیر با جامعه آماری 12 نفر از خبرگان مرتبط با موضوع، از روش سناریو نویسی پیتر شوارتز استفاده شد. دو عدم قطعیت، عدم قطعیت اعتماد مردم به دولت و به رسمیت شناختن و اختیار دادن به گروه های مردمی منطق ترسیم سناریوها را ارائه کرد و در نهایت مشخص شد، سناریو مطلوب جمهوری اسلامی ایران، ظرفیت سازی های جدید برای بهره گیری از توان مردمی بر محور جریان حلقه های میانی و تحقق همه جانبه مردم سالاری، می باشد. برای تحقق این سناریو، در کنار افزایش به رسمیت شناختن و اختیار دادن به گروه های مردمی تمرکز بر افزایش اعتماد مردم به دولت با نقش آفرینی موثر و همه جانبه حلقه های میانی برای فتح قله در جمهوری اسلامی امری ضروری می باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        301 - بررسی بازنویسی و بازآفرینی تلمیحات اساطیری- تاریخی پیش از اسلام در دیوان خاقانی و پنج‌گنج نظامی
        ملیحه متغیر عطا محمد رادمنش مرتضی رشیدی آشجردی
        چکیده نظامی و خاقانی به‌ عنوان دو شاعر شاخص سبک آذربایجانی به سبب علاقة ممدوحان به شاهان اساطیری و تاریخی و دلبستگی شخصی به داستان‌های کهن ایران باستان به‌ صورت چشمگیری از تلمیحات اساطیری- تاریخی ایرانی پیش از اسلام در اشعار خویش استفاده کرده‌اند. در این مقاله، به‌ منظ أکثر
        چکیده نظامی و خاقانی به‌ عنوان دو شاعر شاخص سبک آذربایجانی به سبب علاقة ممدوحان به شاهان اساطیری و تاریخی و دلبستگی شخصی به داستان‌های کهن ایران باستان به‌ صورت چشمگیری از تلمیحات اساطیری- تاریخی ایرانی پیش از اسلام در اشعار خویش استفاده کرده‌اند. در این مقاله، به‌ منظور نشان‌دادن این امر، به بررسی و تحلیل چگونگی به ‌کارگیری تلمیحات اساطیری- تاریخی ایرانی پیش از اسلام در دیوان خاقانی و پنج‌گنج نظامی و مقایسة دخل و تصرّفات هر یک از آنها در تلمیحات پرداخته شده است. نگارندگان در این نوشتار که به روش توصیفی- تحلیلی نوشته شده است، مشخّص کرده‌اند که خاقانی با هنرنمایی خاصّ خویش که در قالب ترکیبات واژگانی یا زیبایی‌شناسی ادبی یا دقت در مضامین ابیات ایجاد کرده، در هفت مورد به بازنویسی تلمیحات دیوانش دست زده است و از طرفی، نظامی نیز داستان‌های شیرین، فرهاد و بهرام گور را نسبت به آثار پیش از خود به نوعی بازآفرینی کرده است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        302 - از سیاست ورزی تا ستیزه گری: پدریان و پسریان در دربار سلطان مسعود غزنوی
        جعفر نوری شیرین سیدین هادی عارف نیا
        سیاست‏ورزی‏ها و ستیزه¬گری¬های آشکار و پنهان محمودیان و مسعودیان در دربار غزنویان نمونه‏ای از رقابت‏های درون دربار پادشاهان در تاریخ ایران محسوب می‏شود. مناسبات این دو گروه و نوع برخورد مسعود غزنوی با آن‏ها از مهم‏ترین مسائل و چالش‏های دوره سلطنت یازده ساله او بود. این م أکثر
        سیاست‏ورزی‏ها و ستیزه¬گری¬های آشکار و پنهان محمودیان و مسعودیان در دربار غزنویان نمونه‏ای از رقابت‏های درون دربار پادشاهان در تاریخ ایران محسوب می‏شود. مناسبات این دو گروه و نوع برخورد مسعود غزنوی با آن‏ها از مهم‏ترین مسائل و چالش‏های دوره سلطنت یازده ساله او بود. این مقاله سعی دارد با نگاه آماری به وضعیت پدریان (مردان نام گرفته در روزگار محمود) و پسریان (جوانان و اطرافیان مسعود) در دربار سلطان مسعود، رقابت‌های این دو گروه را تبیین نماید و تأثیر این رقابت بر تضعیف و سقوط حکومت غزنوی را بررسی کند. یافته‌های پژوهش بیانگر آن است که این رقابت‌ها نه تنها منجر به حذف و حبس افراد مهمی از دو گروه شد، بلکه بسترساز بسیاری از حوداث و اقدامات دیگر شد و در نهایت یکی از عوامل مهم زمینه ساز سقوط غزنویان و شکست آن‌ها در برابر ترکمانان سلجوقی در نبرد دندانقان شد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        303 - ادریس بدلیسی: تاریخ‌نویسی منشیانه و الگوواره اسلامگرا در تاریخ‌نگاری عثمانی
        محمد حسین  صادقی
        چکیده ادریس بدلیسی در میان تاریخ‌نگاران فارسی‌نویس دربار عثمانی، جایگاه بلندی دارد، آن‌چنانکه می‌توان او را برجسته‌ترین نماینده فارسی‌نویسی و تاریخ‌نگاری ایرانی در دربار عثمانیان برشمرد. این مقاله با تمرکز بر هشت‌بهشت و سلیم شاهنامه به‌عنوان دو اثر تاریخ‌نگارانه وی أکثر
        چکیده ادریس بدلیسی در میان تاریخ‌نگاران فارسی‌نویس دربار عثمانی، جایگاه بلندی دارد، آن‌چنانکه می‌توان او را برجسته‌ترین نماینده فارسی‌نویسی و تاریخ‌نگاری ایرانی در دربار عثمانیان برشمرد. این مقاله با تمرکز بر هشت‌بهشت و سلیم شاهنامه به‌عنوان دو اثر تاریخ‌نگارانه وی درصدد شناسایی مؤلّفه‌های اصلی تاریخ‌نویسی و تاریخ‌نگاری او برآمده و در گام نهایی به تبیین این مؤلفه‌ها پرداخته‌است. بنابر یافته‌های این پژوهش، مهم‌ترین شاخصه‌های تاریخ‌نویسی بدلیسی عبارتند از: گزارش مفصل وقایع، استفاده از نثری مصنوع و ادبی، درآمیختن متن با اشعار، آیات و روایات، عدم اشاره کافی به منابع روایت‌ها و تقسیم‌بندی منظم مطالب. همچنین ارائه تصویری امپراتورگونه از دولت عثمانی، تلاش در جهت مشروعیت‌افزایی برای آل‌عثمان، بهره‌گیری از روایت تاریخی درجهت خدمت به مقاصد سیاسی دولت عثمانی، قرار گرفتن دربار در مرکز روایت، عدم اکتفا به نقل تاریخ سیاسی، توجه به نهادهای دولتی، علمی و اجتماعی، رجال تأثیرگذار و علما و توجه به احوال ملل همسایه ازجمله مهم‌ترین شاخصه‌های تاریخ‌نگاری وی محسوب می‌شوند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        304 - Enhancement of EFL Students’ English and Persian Argumentative Performance: Gender, Topic, and Age in Focus
        Golsa Faghihi Farid Ghaemi Mohammad Amini Farsani
        The studies on L2 argumentative writing have surveyed different dimensions of learners’ argumentative behavior and performance. However, less attention has been given to the strategies and techniques enhancing students’ argumentative repertoire. As such, the current stu أکثر
        The studies on L2 argumentative writing have surveyed different dimensions of learners’ argumentative behavior and performance. However, less attention has been given to the strategies and techniques enhancing students’ argumentative repertoire. As such, the current study, taking a pedagogy-based perspective, examined the argumentative writing behavior of 30 Iranian IELTS candidates before and after the instruction in both English and Persian languages. The sample questions were of the previous IELTS Writing part 2 essays from a real test by Cambridge University Press, chosen by 3 IELTS instructors in the Institute to meet the research objectives. To this end, 180 IELTS Task 2 argumentative essays were analyzed by 30 volunteers, each having 6 essays, at least 250 words, (Persian and English). As for the students’ English and Persian argumentative writing performance, the results indicated that there were significant differences between the EFL learners’ overall means on English argumentative tests. Furthermore, the candidates chiefly applied ‘data’ and ‘claim’ most frequently in both languages with secondary elements of argument (i.e., counterargument claim, counterargument data, rebuttal claim, and rebuttal data) as the least produced elements detected in the essays. The results demonstrate that a sound pedagogy in argumentation can both influence the use of argumentation elements in both English and Persian written texts. The pedagogical implications for writing instruction and argumentative writing are discussed. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        305 - Effects of Explicit Vocabulary Instruction on Improving L2 Learners' Writing Skill and Their Short and Long-term Retention
        Nahid  Kazemi Kheirabadi
        The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of explicit instruction aimed at improving vocabulary on the writing proficiency and long-term retention of new vocabulary among second language (L2) learners. The achievement was accomplished through the ad أکثر
        The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of explicit instruction aimed at improving vocabulary on the writing proficiency and long-term retention of new vocabulary among second language (L2) learners. The achievement was accomplished through the administration of a fill-in-the-blank assessment, which included 30 individual words and 6 lexical phrases, to a group of 30 EFL students at an upper-intermediate level. Subsequently, these students engaged in a reading exercise centered around the topic of 'Bull Fighting' and subsequently crafted a paper titled 'A Cruel Sport'. The results demonstrated a notable enhancement in the quantity of terms actively utilized in their writing following the focused vocabulary teaching. The statistical analysis revealed that the participants were capable of retaining the newly-acquired language even after a considerable amount of time had elapsed since the lesson. This study presents comprehensive information on these findings and provides suggestions for L2 teachers, asserting that although comprehending a word does not inherently result in its active utilization, learners possess the capacity to enhance their active vocabulary and accurately employ recently acquired words. Explicit training in vocabulary is advantageous for converting recognition vocabulary into productive language during immediate writing tasks and enhancing retention. Nevertheless, consistent and regular practice in utilizing recently learned vocabulary is necessary for it to become effective in long-term written expression. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        306 - ارائه شاخص های مطلوب بازنویسی و داستان گزینی آثار حماسی در ادبیات کودک و نوجوان با تاکید بر شاهنامه فردوسی
        پریا انصاری عبدالحسین فرزاد
        گفتار پیش رو، نتیجۀ پژوهش کتاب خانه‌ای است که به منظور ارتقای کیفیت متون بازنویسی‌شده از آثار حماسی با تأکید بر مشخّصه‌های رشد ادراکی، عاطفی و اجتماعی برای کودک و نوجوان صورت گرفته است. برای دست‌یابی به این هدف، در گام نخست مبانی نظری بازنویسی آثار حماسی ادبیات کودک و ن أکثر
        گفتار پیش رو، نتیجۀ پژوهش کتاب خانه‌ای است که به منظور ارتقای کیفیت متون بازنویسی‌شده از آثار حماسی با تأکید بر مشخّصه‌های رشد ادراکی، عاطفی و اجتماعی برای کودک و نوجوان صورت گرفته است. برای دست‌یابی به این هدف، در گام نخست مبانی نظری بازنویسی آثار حماسی ادبیات کودک و نوجوان ارائه و تاریخچۀ مختصری از آثار بازنویسی شده در عرصۀ ملّی با تأکید بر شاهنامه فردوسی بررسی شده است. سپس مشخّصه‌های رشد کودک در سنین مختلف طبقه‌بندی شده و براساس آن قواعد عمومی و تخصصی بازنویسی آثار کهن حماسی ارزیابی شده است. بر مبنای این ارزیابی، شاخص‌های مطلوب داستان گزینی و بازنویسی آثار حماسی سازگار با قابلیت‌های ذهنی و توان‌مندی‌های مختلف ادراکی مخاطبان کودک و نوجوان در سنین مختلف جمع‌بندی و پیش‌نهاد شده است. در پایان، نمونه‌هایی از این شاخص‌های مطلوب در مقایسه با بازنویسی های ناکارآمد از داستان‌های شاهنامه فردوسی به منظور ارائه مصداق‌های کاربردی آورده شده است. پژوهش حاضر شیوه‌ای علمی برای ارائه شاخص‌های مطلوب و انتخاب داستان های‌مناسب در سایر انواع ادبی نیز هست. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        307 - نکاتی نویافته دربارۀ هویّت راوی و زمان تألیف حماسۀ یتیم‌نامه
        میلاد جعفرپور
        چکیدهیتیم‌نامه، حماسۀ منثوری است که برای مدّت‌ها و بنا به غفلتی، تحت عنوان نامدلّل داستان حسین کُرد شبستری زبانزد اهل عصر بوده، امّا به رغم شهرت فراگیر آن در ایران، نه‌تنها پیکرۀ متنی اصیل و شگفت این روایت داستانی ناشناخته باقی مانده و منتشر نشده، بلکه در اندک تحقیقات م أکثر
        چکیدهیتیم‌نامه، حماسۀ منثوری است که برای مدّت‌ها و بنا به غفلتی، تحت عنوان نامدلّل داستان حسین کُرد شبستری زبانزد اهل عصر بوده، امّا به رغم شهرت فراگیر آن در ایران، نه‌تنها پیکرۀ متنی اصیل و شگفت این روایت داستانی ناشناخته باقی مانده و منتشر نشده، بلکه در اندک تحقیقات مرتبط با یتیم‌نامه نیز هیچ بحثی در شناسایی هویّت داستان‌پرداز آن ارائه نشده است. بر کنار از این موضوع مهم، در زمینۀ نسبت زمان تألیف یتیم‌نامه به دورۀ صفویّه یا قاجار، دو دیدگاه به صورت تبیین‌نشده و کلّی بیان شده که روشمند و مطلوب نبوده است. پژوهش حاضر، با توجّه به این فقر شناخت، در دو بخش به روش استقرایی و بر اساس جمع‌بندی اشارات و برآیندهای موجود در دست‌نویس‌های یتیم‌نامه، ابتدا دربارۀ هویّت فرضی داستان‌پرداز این حماسه به روشنگری پرداخته و سپس دلایلی را در انتساب قطعی زمان تألیف یتیم‌نامه به دورۀ صفویّه ذکر کرده است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        308 - فهرست‌نویسی در دوران اسلامی
        سید رضا مصطفوی سبزواری
        اهمیت کتاب در طول تاریخ بشر کتمان ناپذیر است. نخستین خط شناخته شده در ایران باستان را دین دبیره - خطی که اوستا بدان نگارش یافته است &ndash; دانسته اند. در نخستین متن های پارسی دری شواهدی موجود است که موازین خاصی را برای کتاب و کتاب تأیید می دارد. برخی از اسناد تاریخی نی أکثر
        اهمیت کتاب در طول تاریخ بشر کتمان ناپذیر است. نخستین خط شناخته شده در ایران باستان را دین دبیره - خطی که اوستا بدان نگارش یافته است &ndash; دانسته اند. در نخستین متن های پارسی دری شواهدی موجود است که موازین خاصی را برای کتاب و کتاب تأیید می دارد. برخی از اسناد تاریخی نیز نشان می دهد که کتابخانه های گرانبها و بزرگی در قرون اولیه پس از اسلام در ایران وجود داشته است که از جمله کتابخانه صاحب بن عباد، کتابخانه جاحظ، کتابخانه علم الهدی، کتابخانه رشید و طواط، کتابخانه نوح بن منصور و نیز کتابخانه مدارس نظامیه در نیشابور و بغداد را می توان نام برد. بموازات اهمیت کتاب و کتابخانه، تدوین فهرست نیز برای کتابخانه ها امری ضروری شمرده می شده است: که از جمله اولین فهرست نویسی ها می توان به کتاب الفهرست یا فهرست العلوم ابن الندیم بغدادی اشاره کرد که از سده هفدهم میلادی در اروپا نیز شناخته شده بوده است. فهرست نامه های کتاب در زمینه فرهنگ و ادب فارسی حوزه ای فراتر از جغرافیای ایران داشته است که به عنوان مثال می توان از فهرست نامه های متعددی در شبه قاره هند نام برد که برای کتبی به زبان فارسی، عربی و اردو تهیه شده است که در این مقاله به تعداد زیادی از آنها اشاره شده است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        309 - بررسی ویژگی های نثر روزنامه نگاری دربار قاجار
        علی غلامی
        به دنبال ورود صنعت چاپ به کشور و انتشار نخستین روزنامه های ایرانی توسط دربار قاجار و رشد و تحول آن ، نوع ادبی تازه ای به نثر فارسی راه یافت که نوع روزنامه نگاری نام داشت. از آن جا که در این زمان، هنوز زبان روزنامه نگاری در کشور جا نیفتاده بود، از شیوة متکلف منشیانه، یعن أکثر
        به دنبال ورود صنعت چاپ به کشور و انتشار نخستین روزنامه های ایرانی توسط دربار قاجار و رشد و تحول آن ، نوع ادبی تازه ای به نثر فارسی راه یافت که نوع روزنامه نگاری نام داشت. از آن جا که در این زمان، هنوز زبان روزنامه نگاری در کشور جا نیفتاده بود، از شیوة متکلف منشیانه، یعنی همان شیوة نگارش رایج مکاتبات درباری برای نوشتن مقاله های روزنامه استفاده شد. این زبان دشوار نه مورد فهم و پسند عامة مردم بود و نه دردها، شکایت ها و خواسته های ایشان را منعکس می کرد. از این رو با استقبال مردمی روبه رو نشد و با پیروزی انقلاب مشروطه و خارج شدن روزنامه نگاری از انحصار مطلق دربار، این شیوة متکلف زوال یافت. این نوشتار با نشان دادن تصویری از فضای روزنامه نگاری دربار قاجار، به معرفی ویژگی های نثر روزنامه ای دربار پرداخته و دلایل افول آن را بیان داشته است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        310 - ساده‌نویسی و واژگان عربی در نثر علی دشتی
        سید محمود الهام بخش زهره رمضانی
        علی دشتی (1273 ـ 1360) ش) از جمله نویسندگانی است که از سال 1301 ش، با انتشار یادداشت های ایام محبس به جنبش ساده نویسی در نثر معاصر پیوسته است. از این نویسنده، افزون بر این اثر، آثاری دیگر نیز در زمینة ترجمه، روزنامه نگاری، داستان و نقد ادبی برجای مانده است که همگی از ای أکثر
        علی دشتی (1273 ـ 1360) ش) از جمله نویسندگانی است که از سال 1301 ش، با انتشار یادداشت های ایام محبس به جنبش ساده نویسی در نثر معاصر پیوسته است. از این نویسنده، افزون بر این اثر، آثاری دیگر نیز در زمینة ترجمه، روزنامه نگاری، داستان و نقد ادبی برجای مانده است که همگی از این ویژگی برخوردار است. لیکن، در نثرهای دشتی، بویژه نخستین آثار وی، مقداری قابل توجه از واژگان عربی بچشم می خورد که ظاهراً، نثرهای او را از ویژگی ساده نویسی در سطح واژه گزینی دور کرده است. بسامد این واژگان در نثر وی به انداز ای است که هم واره مورد توجه و داوری منتقدان بوده است، بطوری که این ویژگی را نقصی بزرگ در شیوة نگارش دشتی دانسته و حتی گاهی نثر او را، بویژه در مقاله هایش، ضمن مقایسه با نثر معاصران او، در ردیف نثرهای منشیانه و یا میراث دار نثرهای منشیانه قرار داده اند. در این مقاله، میزان تأثیر واژگان عربی در سادگی نثر دشتی، بویژه در آثار انتقادی وی، مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        311 - The impact of interactionist vs. interventionist dynamic assessment on writing fluency and complexity of young vs. adult IELTS candidates
        Leyli Kashef Naser Ghafouri Akbar Valizadeh Oghani
        According to sociocultural theory, dynamic assessment (DA) merges instruction and assessment. This study attempted to compare the effects of interactionist versus interventionist DA on the writing fluency and complexity of adult versus young IELTS candidates in an inter أکثر
        According to sociocultural theory, dynamic assessment (DA) merges instruction and assessment. This study attempted to compare the effects of interactionist versus interventionist DA on the writing fluency and complexity of adult versus young IELTS candidates in an international language school in Tehran with the age range of 15-48. One hundred and forty students (90 males and 50 females) who had enrolled in the IELTS preparation course in the spring of 2021 participated in this study. The study participants were divided into four groups namely, young interactionist, young interventionist, adult interactionist, and adult interventionist. The participants in all groups were homogenized based on the result of their performance in a standard version of Preliminary English Test (PET). During the eight-week treatment period, the interactionist groups were given writing tests followed by the instructor’s feedback and guidance, while the interventionist groups received instructions and were given writing test samples without qualitative feedback. The pre-test and post-test comparisons among the four groups by Two Way ANCOVA showed that both young and adult individuals in the interactionist groups had a significant improvement in their writing performance compared to those in the interventionist group. In addition, the study revealed the significant impact of interactionist DA vs. interventionist DA on both young and adult participants' scores in both writing fluency and complexity post-test. Likewise, the results showed no statistically significant interaction between the type of assessment and the candidates’ age. The study presents pedagogical implications for teachers, students, and IELTS preparation program designers. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        312 - IELTS Writing Skills Training and EFL Learners’ Identity Construction: Link to Selves-theory
        Sanaz Farnia Neda Fatehi Rad Hassan Shahabi
        Writing academically which has recently attracted much attention in the field of applied linguistics, is a complex process for many candidates. Among the four language skills, writing is more tied to selves-theory since it needs ideology transfer, the main element of th أکثر
        Writing academically which has recently attracted much attention in the field of applied linguistics, is a complex process for many candidates. Among the four language skills, writing is more tied to selves-theory since it needs ideology transfer, the main element of the theory. This paper made an effort to examine the effect of training on IELTS writing skill on Iranian EFL students' construction of the possible selves in the future. In doing so, an experimental study was employed and 90 candidates of both genders were chosen to participate based on cluster sampling method. The instrument of the study was a related questionnaire (Zadshir et al., 2020) which was used to check the expected possible selves of the participants. Descriptive statistics and Multi-Variate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) were run to analyze data. Findings of the study indicated that expected and responsible selves were stronger than feared selves among the participants after treatment. That is to say, training on IELTS writing skills had a remarkable effect on Iranian EFL students’ construction of the possible selves and the dimensions of the possible selves in the future. Implications of the results for EFL curriculum planners, teachers and learners have been discussed. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        313 - Investigating the Nexus of TBLT and Automatic Corrective Feedback: Implications for Second Language Writing
        Nafis Hosseinpour Fateme Raeesi Fariba Rahimi Esfehani
        Task-based language teaching (TBLT) and Automatic Corrective Feedback (ACF) are two pedagogical approaches that intersect in the realm of language learning and teaching. However, the integration of ACF into TBLT has not been thoroughly investigated, especially in seco أکثر
        Task-based language teaching (TBLT) and Automatic Corrective Feedback (ACF) are two pedagogical approaches that intersect in the realm of language learning and teaching. However, the integration of ACF into TBLT has not been thoroughly investigated, especially in second language writing. The current study, hence, was an attempt to explore the relationship between TBLT and ACF on the overall quality of L2 writing among a group of Iranian EFL learners. To this end, a number of 120 EFL learners were selected to participate in the study. The participants were subsequently allocated randomly into five groups: two control groups and three experimental groups. A preliminary writing assignment, serving as the pre-test, was administered to all groups. In this task, learners were instructed to rewrite the reading passage from unit 6A of the American File book, which was designated as a descriptive writing task. Subsequently, the participants received the required intervention over three sessions in the experimental groups. The distinctions among the experimental groups pertained to the types of task repetition employed. When needed, the participants sought assistance from Grammarly as an ACF. Participants in the control group did not experience any types of task repletion nor automated corrective feedback. Once the treatment sessions concluded, participants were administered the same pre-test as a post-test to gauge any alterations in the quality of their writing. Data analysis entailed a series of t-tests. Findings indicated that, on the whole, the three writing tasks accompanying ACF impacted the quality of writing among EFL learners similarly. Recommendations for future research were also put forward. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        314 - The Impact of Automated Writing Evaluation on Iranian EFL Learners’ Essay Writing: A Mixed-Methods Study
        Reza Bagheri Roya Mohammadi Yeganeh
        While writing skill is extensively studied in EFL contexts, more in-depth research is needed to explore how technology can assist its pedagogy. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of using an automated writing evaluation on Iranian EFL learners’ essay writ أکثر
        While writing skill is extensively studied in EFL contexts, more in-depth research is needed to explore how technology can assist its pedagogy. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of using an automated writing evaluation on Iranian EFL learners’ essay writing. Learning how to reduce errors (in an EFL context) by being corrected at the moment and being exposed to different examples regarding that error in the learners’ new texts through automated writing evaluation (AWE) tends to be the significance of this study. To this end, 50 Iranian EFL learners who were studying at the University of Qom, were randomly chosen. The sample included 25 females and 25 males, whose ages ranged from 19 to 25. The participants were given a pre-test before using AWE software. They were given a topic to write about as a pre-test. After the treatment, an IELTS Task 2 was utilized as a posttest. The IELTS writing band descriptors were used to evaluate the writings. The ANCOVA results showed a remarkable improvement in the essay writing of the EFL learners using an AWE software (i.e., Grammarly). The analysis of interview data revealed that the learners were more enthusiastic about using the AWE feedback because they were corrected while they were writing their essays. Since AWE is discovered to be a helpful device to promote learners’ writing skills, students would also be inspired to become associated with such online learning environments and utilize them earnestly and productively. This research also discovered the learners who got feedback from the AWE device got more prosperous but they also started to ask their teacher to provide more feedback to have AWE feedback and traditional feedback combined. The findings have implications for language teachers, material developers, and curriculum designers. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        315 - L1 and L2 Peer-scaffolding Techniques Affecting on EFL Learners' Writing Skill: Link to Cognitive Learning Theory
        Mousa  Ghonchepour Azar Bagheri Masoudzade Akram Shekarian Behzadi
        Scaffolding and its relationship to second or foreign language learning has been studied in different aspects of interaction such as teacher-student or student-student interaction, called peer-scaffolding. Peer-scaffolding as its name suggests refers to student-student أکثر
        Scaffolding and its relationship to second or foreign language learning has been studied in different aspects of interaction such as teacher-student or student-student interaction, called peer-scaffolding. Peer-scaffolding as its name suggests refers to student-student help and cooperation in a situation that one student is more knowledgeable than the other. The researchers of the present study noticed the empty place of examining the effectiveness of peer scaffolding on language learners' writing skill in the extant literature. With a view to this, the main aim behind this study was to analyze the impact of peer scaffolding in L1 vs. L2 on Iranian EFL learner's writing development. To achieve this aim, out of 55 students who were selected based on available sampling, 44 of them participated in this study. That is to say, a pre-test of writing was administered to the participants at the beginning of the term to examine homogeneity of students. Then, they were randomly assigned in the two experimental groups (22 Ss in each). Posttest of writing in the form of essay writing was performed and scores were obtained and analyzed using SPSS Software. Careful analysis indicated that there was no significant difference between applications of the two languages in peer scaffolding writing. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between peer-scaffolding and student’s writing skill scores. The findings have some implications for EFL teacher education researchers, policy makers, curriculum developers, and teachers. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        316 - The Role of Receptive and Productive Forms of Vocabulary Testing in Lexical Diversity and Lexical Cohesion Aspects of L2 Writing
        Dariush  Aliakbari Morteza Aslrasouli Davud Kuhi
        While both reader and text variables are crucial for second language (L2) learners' success, the impact of the latter has been understudied in the literature. This study investigated the distinct roles of receptive and productive vocabulary testing formats in influencin أکثر
        While both reader and text variables are crucial for second language (L2) learners' success, the impact of the latter has been understudied in the literature. This study investigated the distinct roles of receptive and productive vocabulary testing formats in influencing the lexical diversity and lexical cohesion of L2 descriptive writing. Sixty Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students were randomly assigned to a control group and two experimental groups. Vocabulary knowledge was assessed using Cloze tests (receptive) and C-tests (productive), followed by two descriptive writing tasks evaluated with computational tools. One-way ANOVA revealed that the C-test group produced more lexically cohesive essays, while the Cloze-test group exhibited greater lexical diversity in their descriptions. These findings offer valuable insights for language teachers and curriculum designers, highlighting the potential of incorporating both receptive and productive vocabulary measures to enhance various aspects of L2 writing performance. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        317 - The role of learning-styles incorporation in the enhancement of EFL learners' narrative writing ability: A revelation of mental processes using think aloud protocol
        Nafiseh Moosavi Behdokht Mall-Amiri Hamid Marashi
        This research tried to probe the effects of incorporating learners’ preferred learning styles in instructions on their narrative writing development and their mental patterns and imagination. 74 homogeneous secondary EFL learners were divided into three groups based on أکثر
        This research tried to probe the effects of incorporating learners’ preferred learning styles in instructions on their narrative writing development and their mental patterns and imagination. 74 homogeneous secondary EFL learners were divided into three groups based on their sensory styles of visual, auditory and tactile. The learners in the three groups were provided with instructions anchored to their learning styles. In the meantime, they were required to produce narrative writings on a number of topics in accordance with their course book. Prior to narrating, they had to think loudly and record their voices to reveal the approach and pattern they utilize for performing the required activities. Their voices were transcribed and later analyzed by the researchers for further investigations. The obtained results displayed a significant improvement in their writings as well as an ongoing progress of their thinking patterns. Furthermore, the data revealed the dominant mental approaches of top-down, considering the whole plot of the topic in advance, and bottom-up, considering the details prior to the entire story, used by the students. The study also displayed the positive impact of instruction on the improvement of learners’ narrative writing revealing their self-imaging of the plot with which they could narrate the given topics in accordance with their own life experiences and understanding. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        318 - ادریس بدلیسی: تاریخ‌نویسی منشیانه و الگوواره اسلامگرا در تاریخ‌نگاری عثمانی
        محمد حسین  صادقی
        ادریس بدلیسی در میان تاریخ‌نگاران فارسی‌نویس دربار عثمانی، جایگاه بلندی دارد، آن‌چنانکه می‌توان او را برجسته‌ترین نماینده فارسی‌نویسی و تاریخ‌نگاری ایرانی در دربار عثمانیان برشمرد. این مقاله با تمرکز بر هشت‌بهشت و سلیم شاهنامه به‌عنوان دو اثر تاریخ‌نگارانه وی درصدد شن أکثر
        ادریس بدلیسی در میان تاریخ‌نگاران فارسی‌نویس دربار عثمانی، جایگاه بلندی دارد، آن‌چنانکه می‌توان او را برجسته‌ترین نماینده فارسی‌نویسی و تاریخ‌نگاری ایرانی در دربار عثمانیان برشمرد. این مقاله با تمرکز بر هشت‌بهشت و سلیم شاهنامه به‌عنوان دو اثر تاریخ‌نگارانه وی درصدد شناسایی مؤلّفه‌های اصلی تاریخ‌نویسی و تاریخ‌نگاری او برآمده و در گام نهایی به تبیین این مؤلفه‌ها پرداخته‌است. بنابر یافته‌های این پژوهش، مهم‌ترین شاخصه‌های تاریخ‌نویسی بدلیسی عبارتند از: گزارش مفصل وقایع، استفاده از نثری مصنوع و ادبی، درآمیختن متن با اشعار، آیات و روایات، عدم اشاره کافی به منابع روایت‌ها و تقسیم‌بندی منظم مطالب. همچنین ارائه تصویری امپراتورگونه از دولت عثمانی، تلاش در جهت مشروعیت‌افزایی برای آل‌عثمان، بهره‌گیری از روایت تاریخی درجهت خدمت به مقاصد سیاسی دولت عثمانی، قرار گرفتن دربار در مرکز روایت، عدم اکتفا به نقل تاریخ سیاسی، توجه به نهادهای دولتی، علمی و اجتماعی، رجال تأثیرگذار و علما و توجه به احوال ملل همسایه ازجمله مهم‌ترین شاخصه‌های تاریخ‌نگاری وی محسوب می‌شوند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        319 - EFL writing skill requirements and challenges: Teachers and learners perceptions in focus
        Esmaiel Kaboli Boroujeni
        Although there have been many studies concentrating on writing development and techniques to improve it, there still remains the need to investigate more and give extra insight to the EFL language learners and teachers on these issues. Using a grounded model of research أکثر
        Although there have been many studies concentrating on writing development and techniques to improve it, there still remains the need to investigate more and give extra insight to the EFL language learners and teachers on these issues. Using a grounded model of research, the researchers performed an investigation to examine the various aspects concerning writing challenges, and requirements to improve it. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with an aim to achieve a thorough understanding of the topic by recruiting 25 male and female experienced EFL teachers along with 25 male and female intermediate EFL learners from language institutes in Tehran as the participants of the study through purposeful sampling technique. Then, 5 distinctive questions were chosen for the teachers and another set of 5 different questions for the learners to elicit their perceptions. After gathering the data and identifying the initial codes, the sub-categories emerged and helped the researcher to form the final model. Among the categories, writing strategies like collaborative and game-based, requirements like background, vocabulary, and grammatical knowledge were found to be essential. Based on the findings, a model was developed which is believed to support EFL learners in improving their writing proficiency. تفاصيل المقالة