Computer-Based Dynamic Assessment of EFL Learners’ Writing Performance: Evidence from Both Cognitive and Emotive Domains
الموضوعات : نشریه زبان و ترجمه
Solmaz MovahedFar
Gholam-Reza Abbasian
Alireza Ameri
1 - English Department, Kish International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish Island, Iran
2 - English Department, Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran
3 - English Department, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Writing Ability, Attitude, EFL learner, Computer-Based Dynamic Assessment,
ملخص المقالة :
This present study was carried out to investigate the effect of computer-based dynamic assessment (CBDA) on Iranian EFL learners’ performance in writing and their attitude towards CBDA. To do so, 60 intermediate EFL learners were chosen out of 120 EFL learners based on their performance on the Nelson Language Proficiency Test. Next, they were randomly divided into two equal groups; CBDA as the experimental group and a control group. Based on a pretest and posttest design, group-specific writing instruction followed by an attitude questionnaire was conducted. The experimental group underwent CBDA while the control group was exposed to the conventional writing skill instruction. The pertinent parametric and nonparametric statistical analyses indicated both significant differences between the CBDA and control groups on developing writing performance, on the one hand, and positive attitude towards CBDA, on the other. The study’s findings suggest that teaching and assessing writing skills through a computer can improve students’ performance in writing. Alongside its theoretical contributions to the field, it may assure the practitioners of the cognitive and emotive applicability and efficacy of CBDA in EFL settings in general and in teaching writing skills in particular.
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