List of articles (by subject) Sociological Studies of Youth
Open Access Article
1 - Explaining the social factors affecting Gendering in the youth of Ardabil city with the approach of structural equation modeling
Ahmad Jahani Kalasar Mohammad Mahdi Rahmati Egbaleh Azizkhani -
Open Access Article
2 - The Effect of Testimony of Father on Martyrs' Children(Youth) in Dehaghan and Shahreza
اصغر محمدی طیبه قرمزی -
Open Access Article
3 - A Relationship between the Leadership of Coaches and the Satisfaction of Sport Students at I.A.U of Kermanshah
گلمراد مرادی عیسی اکبری -
Open Access Article
4 - Analyzing the Tendency of Young People towards Marriage and Identifying its Obstacles and Problems
موسی طیبی نیا -
Open Access Article
5 - Evaluation of Students' Attitudes towards Cultural Activities and Institutions in the University (Case Study: Students of Mashhad Branch)
حسین احمری حسن احمدی -
Open Access Article
6 - Investigating the social legal dimensions of consensual divorce of young couples in Iran
Hossein Abootalbi Bahnamiri Reza Rastegar Roushan -
Open Access Article
7 - A Study of the Relationship between Self-actualization of People and Their Attitude to Democracy
مهناز فرهمند سجاد ممبینی یاسین خرم آباد -
Open Access Article
8 - A Study on the Types of Leisure time Spending among the Student of the IAU of Ardestan Branch
فرزانه واصفیان محمد باقری شیوا آزادی پور فریبا واصفیان -
Open Access Article
9 - Measuring Public Awareness of Citizensï§ Rights in North Khorasan Province
مصطفی حاج زاده اعظم منصوری -
Open Access Article
10 - The Role of the Youth's Needs for the Consumption of Music as an Art and Literature Concept in Andimeshk
محمدحسن مقدس جعفری محسن قلاوند -
Open Access Article
11 - The Moderator Role of Attachment Styles in Marital Satisfaction and Quality of Life in Married Working Women
علی اصغر عباسی اسفجیر سپیده توانا -
Open Access Article
12 - A Sociological Study of Youth Religiosity and its effect on Their Voting Tendency
Mahmoud Karami Mohammad Reza Akhzarian kashani Mohammad Reza Poyafar -
Open Access Article
13 - Internet Addiction: Evidence of Students at Islamic Azad University in Babol
عاطفه پوراکبر سیف اله فرزانه ابوالقاسم حیدرآبادی -
Open Access Article
14 - Cultural Capital as a Bulwark against Social Alienation (Case Study: Students of Saqqez City)
محمد حریری حسن صالح نژاد -
Open Access Article
15 - The Investigation of Relationship between Visual Media and Lifestyle (Case Study: Youth of Ahvaz city)
محمود یعقوبی دوست بهروز شاهون وند غلامرضا جولا عزیزعلی مرادی -
Open Access Article
16 - Designing a grocery store attractiveness model on the purchase intention of young customers with an emphasis on the reference group
Beyza Ghasemi Mehdi Rouholamini Ali Sorayaei -
Open Access Article
17 - Economic, Social and Demographic Characteristics and the Youth's Perception towards Corruption
منصور حقیقتیان علی سیف زاده -
Open Access Article
18 - A Review of the Role of Trust, Social Networks, Participation and the Feeling of Happiness in Students
علیرضا صنعت خواه معصومه دادخواه فر -
Open Access Article
19 - A Survey of the Relationship between Social Alienation and Social Apathy among the students of Islamic Azad University (Mashhad Branch)
احمد فولادیان -
Open Access Article
20 - A Study of the Determinant Factors of Education and Age Equality in Marriage (Case Study Yazdian Couples
سمانه شفیعی عباس عسکری اکبر زارع -
Open Access Article
21 - A Sociological Survey of Subjective Evaluation of Social Health Indicators in the Youth (Case Study: Youth of Ghaen City in South Khorasan)
محمدحسن شربتیان پویا طوافی -
Open Access Article
22 - Social Factors Influencing Tendency towards the Superstitions (Case Study: Students of Azad University of Ardabil)
اقباله عزیزخانی جعفر ابراهیمی جعفر آبتین -
Open Access Article
23 - Exploring the Social Factors Affecting Social Identity (A Case Study of the Youth Aged 15-29 Living in the City of Esfahan
اشرف عبدالحسینی منصور حقیقتیان -
Open Access Article
24 - A Study on the Function of Mobile Message in the Life of the Youth
محمدسعید ذکایی علی اکبر تاج مزینانی ادیبه کریمی -
Open Access Article
25 - A Survey of Family Factors Affecting 12-18 years old Teenager's Attitude towards Delinquency in Department of Correction and Rehabilitation of Gorgan City
سیف اله فرزانه شهرام ملانیا جلودار اسماعیل زمانی راد -
Open Access Article
26 - Investigating the Relationship between Social-cultural Factors and Moral Vulnerability(Case Study: Male Students of Yazd City)
مهناز فرهمند حمید محمدی مهدی عالی نژاد -
Open Access Article
27 - Sociological Analysis of Deviant Behaviors of female Students in High School of Behshahr in 2012-2013
علی رحمانی فیروزجاه علی اصغر عباسی ربابه موسوی زاده -
Open Access Article
28 - A Survey of Teaching Skills Workshops Influencing Professors' Performance in University Students' Classrooms
علی اصغر شجاعی احمد علی فروغی نرگس سعیدیان -
Open Access Article
29 - - A Survey of Social and Cultural Factors Influencing Childbearing in Andimeshk with Emphasis on Lifestyle (Case Study: Married Women less than 35 Years Old)
اسحق ارجمند ناهید برومند -
Open Access Article
30 - Influence of Cultural Capital on Social Trust (Case Study: Citizen 18 Years Old and above in Tehran
قربانعلی ابراهیمی حیدر جانعلی زاده هادی رازقی -
Open Access Article
31 - Study of Cultural Capital and Physical Self-Concept among Young Women (A Case Study of Women Aged 18-40 in Isfahan in 2015)
علی هاشمیان فر اعظم ولایتی امیررضا رضی -
Open Access Article
32 - A Sociological Study on the Hijab among the Females in Isfarayen
ابراهیم صالح ابادی -
Open Access Article
33 - Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and General Health among Delinquents and Normal Juveniles
ارسلان خان محمدی علیرضا همایونی مرتضی اسحاقی -
Open Access Article
34 - A Sociological Analysis on the Students' Attitudes toward Islamic Religious Approximation
علی ربانی لیلا شعبان داریوش شعبان -
Open Access Article
35 - A Study of Factors Affecting on the Educational Inequality in Kazeroon City
اکبر زارع لیلا بنیاد -
Open Access Article
36 - An Evaluation of the Relationship between Virtual Social Network's Consumption and the Youth's Lifestyle
سروش فتحی منصور وثوقی گودرز سلمانی -
Open Access Article
37 - A Comparative Study on Marriage in different Relegious and its Socio-legal Aspects
حسن قلی پور -
Open Access Article
38 - A Comparison on Divorced and Married People's Attitudes toward the Role of TV Satellite in Family Cohesion
محمدرضا مزیدی محمودرضا مرتضوی علیرضا افشانی -
Open Access Article
39 - The Correlation between the Life Quality and the Effectiveness of the Academic Members
حیدر جانعلی زاده سیف اله فرزانه علی اصغر غلامی -
Open Access Article
40 - A Study on the Evolution of Cultural Identity among High school Girls(A Case Study of Horaman-e-Takht(Kurdestan Province)
مصطفی ازکیا شهلا کاظمی پور عادل عبداللهی -
Open Access Article
41 - Analytical Study of the Social Values and Norms of Youth in Saddi's Gulistan Based on Contemporary Sociological Theories
ویدا ساروی عارف کمرپشتی -
Open Access Article
42 - A Study of the Social Factors Influencing Faroojian People's Attitude towards Modern Media (Satellite)
حجت اله طالبی مسعود ایمانیان نعمت اله روشنی -
Open Access Article
43 - Relation and Impact of Social capital on Organizational Commitment(Case Study: Islamic Azad University, Branch of Ayatollah Amoli)
علی اصغر عباسی اسفجیر محسن دهقان محرم آزاد نیما خاکپور -
Open Access Article
44 - Role of the Globalization of Communications (Internet and Satellite) on Young Womenâs Leisure Time (Case study: Young Women in Mazandaran)
ماجده قلی پور محمدصادق مهدوی باقر ساروخانی -
Open Access Article
45 - Effect of the Satellite Channel Programs on Value System of the Students in Islamic Azad University( Neka Branch)
Mohammad Hajizad Mona Mahdizadeh حسین باقری -
Open Access Article
46 - A Comparative study of Young Learners in their Willingness to Communicate from Socio-cultural Perspective
سونا حراره حامد برجسته -
Open Access Article
47 - Subjective Welfare and the Impact of Social Trust on it (Case Study: Youth Living in Tehran)
حسین بارگاهی نرگس کبیری -
Open Access Article
48 - The survey on Effect of Conflict with Parents on High-Risk Behaviors among youth (case study: high school students of Amol)
Sepide Nasiri Nemat Sotoudeh Faezeh Jahan Ali Firouzjaeian -
Open Access Article
49 - The Youth's Socio-economic Challenges and Family Ideals (Case Study: Persons aged 15-17 in Sanandaj City)
حسین محمدزاده سعید خانی -
Open Access Article
50 - A Study on the Social Capital Components and its Impact on Women Security
صدیقه لطفی جاوید ملازاده مصطفی قدمی ابوالحسن شاکری -
Open Access Article
51 - Marriage Patterns and its Relationship with Martial Satisfaction (A Study on Married Students at Islamic Azad University , Sanandaj Branch)
جلیل سحابی سعید خانی اسعد خانی -
Open Access Article
52 - Religiosity and National Identity among the Youth in Baneh and Qurveh
مجید موحد رزگار صالحی -
Open Access Article
53 - A Sociological Study on the Effect of the Facebook for Bounding Social Capital among the Youth
محسن نوغانی مرتضی چرخ زرین -
Open Access Article
54 - 1. A Study on the Sustainable Spirit of the Youth in the Poems of the Contemporary Female Poets
مکرمه حمیدی حسینعلی پاشاپسندی حسین پارسایی -
Open Access Article
55 - A Pathological Study on the Emotional Divorce of Women(20-39) and its Effects on their Children
اسحق ارجمند ندا پیرامون -
Open Access Article
56 - A Study on the Altruistic Attitude among the Youth in Mashhad
هما زنجانی مژگان عظیمی بهاره موفقی -
Open Access Article
57 - A Study of Cultural Intelligence among Students of IAU at the East of Mazandaran University
هوشنگ ظهیری حمیده سلیم بهرامی ناصر پوررضا حسین احمدی فاطمه ذبیحی محمودرضا علیزاده -
Open Access Article
58 - A Study on the Internet and its Effects on the Psycho-Social Behavior among the Students at IAU University
مهرداد نوابخش شایان رحمانی -
Open Access Article
59 - The Role of the National Media (TV) on the Culture of Entrepreneurship among the Youth in Gorgan City
علیرضا اسماعیلی مریم ساریخانی -
Open Access Article
60 - The Role of the Family on the Attitude of the Youth for Addiction in Varamin
احمد رضایی بهروز اسلامی ملیحه مهدی پور -
Open Access Article
61 - Social Factors Influencing Non-English Major Professors' Attitudes in Islamic Azad Universities of Third Area towards Learning English as an Academic Language (Case Study: Babol Branch)
مریم کاویانی چراتی شعبان بریمانی ابوالقاسم حیدرآبادی -
Open Access Article
62 - A Sociological Analysis of Citizenship Status among South Khorasan Payamnoor Students
محمدحسن شربتیان اعظم احمدی -
Open Access Article
63 - The Relationship between Metacognitive Skills and Educational Progress of Students at Islamic Azad University
محمد صالحی فرزانه میرزاخانی -
Open Access Article
64 - A Study on the Factors Affecting University Students' Attitudes on Marriage in Mahalat Payamnoor University)
علی سیف زاده علی قنبری -
Open Access Article
65 - A Pathological Study of the Effect of Internet on the Social Isolation among the Students
فرحناز مصطفوی -
Open Access Article
66 - A Study on the Social Participation of the Parents of the Delinquent and Non-Delinquent Teenagers on School Affairs
علی هاشمیان فر علیرضا اکبرزاده -
Open Access Article
67 - Sociological Study of Factors Affecting Consumption of Cinema (Case Study: Young Girls and Boys in Sari)
قربانعلی ابراهیمی محمود فرهادی هادی رازقی -
Open Access Article
68 - The Effect of Internet on Social Capital of the Youth in Ghaemshahr
نادر رازقی فضه امری -
Open Access Article
69 - A Study on the Effect of Embarrassing Mechanism in Parents-Children Relationship and its Role in Deviational Behavior in the Youth (Based on Theoretical Model of Braithwaite)
ماجده قلی پور -
Open Access Article
70 - A Comparative Study of Women's Political Participation in Mashrouteh and Pahlavi Period and the Islamic Republic of Iran
مسعود کاوه انوش جعفری سمیه عباسی -
Open Access Article
71 - Investigating Modernism and Relative Deprivation in the Use of Cosmetics from the Students' Viewpoints
علی هاشمیان فر صدیقه افروز حسین برزگر عزیزاله آقابابایی اسداله بابامیر -
Open Access Article
72 - Lifestyle as a Kind of Resistance (A Case Study of Youth in Dezful City)
منصور وثوقی نسیم خواجه زاده -
Open Access Article
73 - Body Management and Youth National Identity (Case Study: Sari Youth)
مهدی ادیبی سده هادی جلالی -
Open Access Article
74 - Social Factors affecting Women's Political Participation in Hamadan Province of Iran (Case Study: Nahavand City)
مسعود دارابی -
Open Access Article
75 - A Survey of Social Factors Influencing Social Consensus(Case Study: Bushehr Civic Families)
مریم دلفی عبدالرضا نواح -
Open Access Article
76 - The Impact of Feeling Social Justice on Kurdish Youth's National Identity
علیرضا قاسمی جمشید گراوند سمیه فرهادی -
Open Access Article
77 - The Effect of Social Capital (In-group and Out-group) on the Students Mental Health (Case Study: Students of Tabriz University)
محمدصدیق نکونام آرمان احمدی رضا عسگری -
Open Access Article
78 - Study of University Students' Attitude towards the Spread of Religious Doubt among the Youth
محمدرضا ایوبی علیرضا افشانی -
Open Access Article
79 - Evaluation and Prioritization of Higher Education Functions from the Perspective of the Young Population of Gonabad City in 2014
مریم اسکافی فاطمه سلطانی -
Open Access Article
80 - The Study of Tendency toward Various Types of Music among Young People in Zanjan
افسون خلیفه ماجده قلی پور سیده زهرا میرمحمدرضایی سکینه ندرلو -
Open Access Article
81 - Effect of Cloob Social Network on Social Capital of Girls and Women in Tabriz
صمد عدلی پور احمد میرمحمدتبار سیمین افشار مریم سهرابی -
Open Access Article
82 - Determining Leisure Time as a Mechanism to Reduce Youth Generation Drug Use
اسماعیل قربانی مریم شجاعی حسین فیض آبادی -
Open Access Article
83 - Role of internet in Formation of National Identity Using Analytical Model (Case Study: 18-30 years old youth in Kashan)
فرحناز مصطفوی -
Open Access Article
84 - Globalization: Relation between Local Identity and Cultural Attitudes among Academic Young Persons of Yazd
اعظم مقیمی مجید امینی -
Open Access Article
85 - Investigating the Relationship between Cultural Capital and Environmental Behavior among Youth Employed in Asalouyeh (South Pars)
احمد بخارایی صادق صالحی مریم معصومی -
Open Access Article
86 - Effects of Cultural Modernization and the Mechanism of its Effect on Family Values (Case Study: the city of Nahavand)
منصور حقیقتیان مسعود دارابی -
Open Access Article
87 - Comparing Social Compatibility of Male and Female Students in Payam-e Nour University (PNU) of Dareshahr
سمیه خدارحمی مهتاب علوی سجاد عزتی -
Open Access Article
88 - Qualitative Phenomenon of Gro (Eloping Marriage) in the Village of Gro, Kalat
احمد صادقی یوسف ادیبان مسعود ایمانیان -
Open Access Article
89 - Role of internet in Formation of National Identity Using Analytical Model (Case Study: 18-30 years old youth in Kashan
علی اصغر عباسی علی رحمانی -
Open Access Article
90 - The Causes of Generation Gap in Socio-cultural Values of Parents and Children in Esfahan Province
اسماعیل جهانبخش -
Open Access Article
91 - Measuring the College Students' Enjoyment Rate from Religiosity Indexes and Social factors Influencing them
محمد رحیمی زهرا حضرتی اقباله عزیزخانی -
Open Access Article
92 - Sociological Analysis of Factors Affecting Satisfaction in Student Marriage
علی قوتی سفیدسنگی محمود شهابی حسین حسن زاده چوکانلو -
Open Access Article
93 - Assessing the Spirit of Entrepreneurship and its Influencing Factors on Entrepreneurial Skills among Taught Young People in comparison with Untaught Trainees in Technical and Vocational Training Organization
زهرا میرمحمدرضایی ماجده قلی پور -
Open Access Article
94 - A sociological Study of Satellite Impact on Youth's Religious Identity in Tehran
مسعود دارابی مهناز امیرپور ابوالقاسم حیدرآبادی -
Open Access Article
95 - The Effect of Socio-economic base on Social Participation (Case of Study: The Youth in Babol City)
سروش فتحی جابر میرزاپوری -
Open Access Article
96 - Sociological Study of Cultural Postmodernism Impact on the Responsibility of the Youth in Tehran
مسعود دارابی منیرسادات میرمحمدی -
Open Access Article
97 - A Sociological Study of the Effects of Lifestyle on Social Identity and its Effective Factors
رضا اسماعیلی علیرضا عابدین زاده -
Open Access Article
98 - The Role of Youth on Social Interaction among Ethnic Groups in Iran (Case Study: Pre-university Students in West Azarbaijan Province)
صیاد گلشن سیف اله سیف الهی علیرضا محسنی تبریزی -
Open Access Article
99 - The Social Impact of Telegram as a Social Network on Teaching English Vocabulary among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners ( Payam Noor Center)
Maryam Kaviani Davood Mashhadi Heidar -
Open Access Article
100 - A Study on the Relationship between Life Skill of Young Peopleâs Mental Health (Case Study: Young People aged 15-29 in Hajiabad)
محمدحسن شربتیان لیلا رشیدی طرقی -
Open Access Article
101 - The Relationship between Family Function and Marital Satisfaction with Marital Disaffection of Married Teachers in Behshahr
Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajir Lida Ramezani -
Open Access Article
102 - Evaluating the Effect of Social Capital on the Quality of Life of Young People in Azadshahr
Shahrzad Bazr Afshan -
Open Access Article
103 - Sociological Study of Motivation and its Effect on Iranian Teachers' Learning English
Davood Mashhadi Heidar Maryam Kaviani Manouchehr Pahlavan -
Open Access Article
104 - Investigating Patterns of Spending Leisure Time with Emphasis on Physical Activities and Sport (Case Study: Female Teaching Staff, Students, and Office Staff at Ilam University)
Shamseddin Rezaei -
Open Access Article
105 - A Survey of Some Social and Individual Factors Influencing the Tendency to Aggression (Case Study: Deylam City's Youth)
Dariush Rezapour Eshagh Arjmand Siahpoush Bahareh Arjmand Siahpoush -
Open Access Article
106 - The study of the relationship between religion and political trust of youth in Ababdn
Rohangiz Shahonvand Jafar Kord Zanganeh Behrouz Shahavand -
Open Access Article
107 - Investigating the causes of crime in the periphery of Sari and ways to prevent it
Akbar Darvishi Mohammad Barani Taghi Bakhtiari -
Open Access Article
108 - Investigating social factors related to youth political participation Case study: 29-15 year old youth in Ardabil
Nasrin Khodabakhshi -
Open Access Article
109 - Predict marital burnout for young couples in Divorce Based on Conflict resolution styles, Perfectionism and Emotional tuning styles Babol city
M Vaygani Arsalan Khanmohammadi Jamal Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
110 - The effect of social capital, the use of mass media and ethnic identity on the political participation of citizens over 18 years of age in Ahvaz
Hossein Hajipour Yousef Amini Manouchehr Kordzanganeh -
Open Access Article
111 - Analysis and investigation of political participation in the discourse of the reformist government based on the theory of Laclau and Mouffe(with emphasis on youth political participation)
Abolghasem Shamsabadi Moosa Shahriyari Yousef Amini -
Open Access Article
112 - Examining the role of trust (interpersonal and institutional) in citizens’ commitment to civic duties and obligations in Kerman city
Alireza Sanatkhah Mohamad Jalal Kamali Navid Fatehi Rad Zahra Mirzaee -
Open Access Article
113 - University, social relations and students' sense of happiness (Case study of students of Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch)
Alireza Sanatkhah Fatemeh Soltanpoor -
Open Access Article
114 - Explaining the Effective Social factors on the Evolution of Religious Ideas in Iran based on Durkheim's Thought (A Case Study of Young 20-24 years old People in Tehran)
Mehdi Mokhtarpour -
Open Access Article
115 - Designing a family concept model in successful young couples Based on Grounded Theory
Zeinab Shahbakhti Abdollah Shafiabady Mahmoud Jajarmi Jafar Hasani -
Open Access Article
116 - Explaining the model of impulse buying behavior of young generation consumers with a mixed approach (Case study: Hypereme chain stores)
Elham Fasih Mehdi Rouholamini Shahrbanoo Gholipour -
Open Access Article
117 - The Effective social Factors of Social Trust on Banking System (Case study: Saderat Bank in Mazandaran)
Mohammad Gooya Ghorbanali Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
118 - The Effectiveness of Teaching Mindfulness on Positive Thinking and Job Satisfaction(among the young employees of the Refah Bank)
Ghasem Ghojavand Tahereh Lotfizadeh -
Open Access Article
119 - Applying Mindfulness Exercises to Improve Emotion Regulation and Flexibility in Pre-Adolescents
Somayeh Pour Mohammadi Fariborz Bagheri NoorAli Farrokhi -
Open Access Article
120 - Relationship between social satisfaction and tendency to social deviations among students of Payame Noor Malekan University
Nosrat Girbanian Mahmoud Elmi -
Open Access Article
121 - Designing the Impulse Buying pattern of young generation customers based on the Grounded Theory Approach
Elham Fasih Mehdi Rouholamini Shahrbanoo Gholipour -
Open Access Article
122 - Is there any relation between time management skills with working life quality
mahboube soleimanpouromran -
Open Access Article
123 - Social stability of youth in the discourse of ethnic and national identities in the Iran-Iraq war
Abbas Yousefi Sheikh Rabat Ali Hossein Hosseinzadeh Hossein Karimi Fard Fereydoun Akbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
124 - The effect of social and communication skills training in reducing high-risk behaviors of adolescents
Neda Fadaee Gholamreza Jafarinia Moloud Keykhosrovani -
Open Access Article
125 - The role of social networks and satellites on women's hijab or clothing (case study of students of technical and vocational colleges of Mazandaran province)
Ameneh Rezaie Mahsa Gholamhosseinzadeh Enayat Davoudi -
Open Access Article
126 - Content analysis of adolescent and the beginning of youth social education books based on the social component of ethics
Abbas Azizkhani Mojghan Niknam Hassan Ahadi -
Open Access Article
127 - Youth migration patterns and its relationship with the level of development of cities in Khorasan Razavi province During the period 2006-2011
Alireza Khodabbakhshi Mahmoud Moshfegh Nader Motie Haghshenas -
Open Access Article
128 - A Study of Self-Confidence and Its Role in the Political Socialization of Cultural Women (Case Study of Female education staff in Ahvaz)
Azita Zangeneh Abodoreza Hashemi Isaq Arjmand Siyahposh -
Open Access Article
129 - The Effect of Social Factors on Designing Participatory Educational Spaces (Emphasizing the Production of Space and Young Experts’ Opinions)
Reyhane Nikravesh Seyed Gholamreza Islami Jaleh Sabernejad Abdolhossein Kalantari -
Open Access Article
130 - Investigating the role of social and cultural factors on the environmental behavior of Mazandaran youth
Ali Asghar Gholami Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajir Aboalghasem Heidarabadi -
Open Access Article
131 - Ranking of Tehran's neighborhoods with an emphasis on the realization of the creative city using the Topsis model and network analysis(Using the opinion of young experts)
Masuod Darabi Nader Rashvand -
Open Access Article
132 - Investigating the effects of border markets on social security, job creation and economic policies of the border cities of the west of the country (Case study: youth border cities of Kurdistan province)
Abolreza Normohammadi Masoumeh Heidari Zargoosh Marzbane Adibmanesh -
Open Access Article
133 - The Effects of Covid-19 Prevalence on the levels of Sport Activities in Ilam City
Shamseddin Rezaei -
Open Access Article
134 - Investigating the relationship between social class and religiosity with the degree of social control of students in Babol
Behrooz Afshar سید محمد حسینی -
Open Access Article
135 - The role of media literacy in the production of social capital among the youth of Mazandaran province
Shahryar Sajedi Raeesi Davood Doagooyan Ali Rahmani Firozjah Majedeh Gholipour -
Open Access Article
136 - Investigating the Sociological Factors in young Women's Individualism and Loneliness (Case Study: Shiraz City)
Mahboubeh Askari Esmaeil Jahanbakhsh Asghar Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
137 - Providing Organizational Leadership Model in Response to Issues and Crises of Iran Social Security Organization
Gholam Hosein Agahi Ali Jafari Ashab Habibzadeh Mohammad Rahimi -
Open Access Article
138 - Investigating the relationship between the use of virtual networks and apostasy (Case study: 18-25 year olds in suburban areas of Qazvin
Zahra Taheri Sajedeh Eslami Milad Norozi -
Open Access Article
139 - The relationship between spiritual intelligence and spiritual well-being with the social health of Shahriar city youth
Mahin Torabi Fahimeh Nasiri Mohsen majidi -
Open Access Article
140 - Demographic characteristics and citizenship rights (A Research among students of Mazandaran University)
Hossein Abootalbi Bahnamiri Reza Rastgar Roushan Rahmatollah Memar -
Open Access Article
141 - Investigating the impact of youth differentiation with the mediating role of hegemony on satisfaction with national identity among Iranian ethnic groups
Abbas Yousefi Sheikh Rabat Ali Hossein Hoseinzadeh Hossein Karimi Fard Fereydoun Akbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
142 - Young mothers and changing family structure
Mahbobeh Jafari Baee Yaghob Foroutan Manouchehr Pahlavan -
Open Access Article
143 - The Relationship between Avoidance and Social Pressure and Prosocial Personality with Identity Crisis in Youth
Sahar Mahdavi Jamal Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
144 - Investigating the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture with Organizational Commitment of Tehran Municipality Employees
Zahra Nemati Mohammadreza Behnia -
Open Access Article
145 - Socio-psychological consequences of young women's prostitution; providing a qualitative analysis at the Bojnord city
Esmaiel Ghorbani Mona Omrani -
Open Access Article
146 - Cognizancethe components of social justice among young women in Ardabil province
Samere Dashtyari Egbaleh Azizkhani Samad Abedini -
Open Access Article
147 - Analysis of the effects of organizational culture on the level of innovation among young female cultural workers in Noor city
Ahmad Mohammadi Hamidreza Razavi Ebrahim Salehi Omran -
Open Access Article
148 - Measuring the impact of employment and vocational training services on the performance of families of young prisoners in Tehran province
Enayat Eslami Andargoli Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajir Manouchehr Pahlavan -
Open Access Article
149 - Social health and youth drug addiction(Lived experience)
Saeed Ayati Rahmatollah Amirahmadi Alireza Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
150 - Designing a social and educational form and environment for child labor in Tehran’s 22 district
Afshin Ghorbani param -
Open Access Article
151 - A sociological study of Internet dependence due to peer communication (Case study of high school students in districts 2 and 3 of education in Mashhad)
Mohsen Hooshmand Marziyeh Adamiyan Mohammad sharbatiyan -
Open Access Article
152 - Prediction of Internet dependence, virtual networks and social isolation based on family functioning and religiosity among young girls in Isfahan city
Kazem Ghojavand -
Open Access Article
153 - Predicting of English language anxiety based on social learning strategy and language motivational self system in students
Mahbobe Zaremarzoni Alireza Homayouni Rajabali Mohammadzadehedmollaii Hamed Barjesteh -
Open Access Article
154 - A sociological analysis on life experiences of infertile women being treated through modern methods in a pro-natalism environment
Narges Pirnia Shirin Ahmadnia Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi -
Open Access Article
155 - The effect of relative deprivation on the quality of life of youth people (Case study: Tehran city)
Leila Sadat Fenderesi Afsaneh Edrisi Meysam Mousaei -
Open Access Article
156 - Studying the effect of family factors on the tendency to delinquency of youth and teenagers: Meta-analysis of researches
Taha Ashayeri Tahereh Jahanparvar Elham Abbasi Faezeh Raghami -
Open Access Article
157 - Pathology of virtual space among the youth of Mashhad ( case study of young people aged 18 to 39 in Mashhad)
Majid Asadi Nahid Kordi Zahra Zare -
Open Access Article
158 - Designing Commitment Therapy Package and Assessing its Effectiveness in Improving Couples’ Relationship
Azra Ghaffari Nouran -
Open Access Article
159 - The selection process of Farhangian university, the lived experience of a student teacher: a narrative research
Mohammad Sharbatiyan Alireza Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
160 - Foreign Defendants: A Delphi study on the causes of underwater flooding in Ardabil province
Farshad Movaffagh Samad Abedini Robabe Pourjabali -
Open Access Article
161 - Sociological analysis of the prevalence of alcohol consumption as a risky lifestyle: Iranian youth group
Taha Ashayeri Tahereh Jahanparvar Faezeh Raghami -
Open Access Article
162 - Ranking’s Rate of Coherence for Employed Postgraduates’ Students to Post-academic Norms based on Field of Study's Paradigms by TOPSIS’s Method
Akbar Zolfaghari Mohsen Niazi Elham Shafaiei Moghadam -
Open Access Article
163 - The relationship between marriage and prevention of sexual deviations among young people in Sanandaj
Jahangir Valabeigi -
Open Access Article
164 - Evaluating the formation process of free-thinking chairs, A Case Study (Islamic Azad Universities of Khuzestan province): A Qualitative Research
Hamad Moghadam Ali Hossein Hosseinzadeh Mousa Shahriari -
Open Access Article
165 - The Impact of Social Capital on Youth’s Mental Health; the Mediating Role of National Identity
vahid dastyar Maryam Jelodarpour Ahmad Rezaei Shojaat Poursedighi -
Open Access Article
166 - Article : A study of the relationship between social factors and youth unemployment of graduates of Islamic Azad universities in the west of Mazandaran province.
Flora Radakbari Manouchehr Pahlavan Ali Asghar Abassi Esfajir -
Open Access Article
167 - A comparative study of the relationship between the digital divide and the social capital of young people in Yazd and Kerman
Mahnaz Farahmand Rahmatolah Dadvar Seyed Reza Javadian Ahmad Kalatesadati -
Open Access Article
168 - Trends of Parity Progression Ratio in young Iranian women 2006-2016
Mohsen Naderi Beni Mansour Sharifi Jafar Kord zanganeh -
Open Access Article
169 - Social participation of celebrities in virtual space and factors affecting it among the youth of Mazandaran province
Mohammad Javad Esmaili Aboalghasem Heidarabadi Manouchehr Pahlavan -
Open Access Article
170 - Comparison of the right to the city based on the status of urban classes, clans and youth employment in Amol
Roozbeh Nasiri Amoli Mansour Haghighatian Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajir -
Open Access Article
171 - Investigating The influence of social policy implementation on the relationship between government and youth
Mohammad Khoodabandeh Majedeh Gholipour Ali Rahmani Firouzjah -
Open Access Article
172 - Sociological Explanation of the Role of Knowledge Industry and Culture Industry on Tendency to Sport among Youth of BandarAbbas city
Mohamad Mahdi Arghavan khalil Mirzaei Alieh Shekarbeigy -
Open Access Article
173 - Explaining the role of media literacy in mental effectiveness (fear, obsession, illness and fatigue) of covid-19 and presenting a model in social networks
Esmaeil Jamshidi Leila Niroomand Habib Saboori khosroshahi -
Open Access Article
174 - Examining the role of patriarchy in the political socialization of cultural women (a case study of cultural young women in Ahvaz)
Azita Zangeneh Efat Piri Shahrzad Khosrawi Nejad -
Open Access Article
175 - Analysis of elites' view of environment-based development in Iran
mostafa mokhtari suorosh fathi Mehrdad Navabakhsh -
Open Access Article
176 - A Study of the Effective Social and Cultural Factors on Educational Progress of Hig School Students in Shoush
Ashagh Arjmand Siahposh Mohammad Hassan Moghaddas Jafari Mohammad Far Baghlani -
Open Access Article
177 - A Study on the Different Effect of Religiosity in General and Private Spheres of Life
Taghi Azad Armaki Fatemeh Moradi -
Open Access Article
178 - Sexual Taboo and its Affection Factors(A Case Study of the Youth in Tehran
Hossein Abolhasan Tanhaei Zahra Ghasemi Shirin Asadollahi -
Open Access Article
179 - Effective Factors in Women's Social Participation in Deylam City
Issaq Arjmand SiyahPoush Daryosh Rezapour Behrooz Shahoonvand -
Open Access Article
180 - The Study of Social Factors Affecting the Tendency towards Childbearing among Young Women in Mazandaran Province
Majedeh Gholipour Khadijeh Ghazzani -
Open Access Article
181 - A Study on the Relationship between Social Trust and Social Security in Kashan
Abbas Bahripour Amir Rastegar Khaled -
Open Access Article
182 - An Investigation on the Relationship between Body Management and the Youth Social Identity (Case Study in Sari Boys and Girls)
Mehdi Adibi Sedeh Seyed Hadi Jalali Akerdi -
Open Access Article
183 - The Role of Sociological Factors Affecting Youth Participation in the Cities of Mazandaran Province
Ahamd Azin Asghar Mohamadi Seyyed Ahmad Jafari Clarijani Ebrahim Salehabadi -
Open Access Article
184 - Gender and Crime: An Empirical Test of General Strain Theory among Youth in Babol (A City in Northern Part of Iran)
Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajir -
Open Access Article
185 - The Relationship between Socio-Economic Status and Music Consumption among the Youth in Tehran
Qurban Ali Aqa Ahmadi Zahra Qolizadeh Farideh Mir Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
186 - The Role of Critical Sociological Thinking on Young Iranian Advanced EFL Learners' Ingenuity of English Conversation
Maryam Kaviani Sahar Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
187 - A Sociological Study of Cultural Capital Relationship with Individual and Collective Social Identities among the Youth (A Case Study in Babolsar City)
Ghorban Ali Ebrahimi Abbas Behnoei Gadane -
Open Access Article
188 - Sociological Study of the Relationship between Social Capital and Energy Consumption Pattern with Emphasis on Electricity Energy (Case study: Young Citizens of Babol)
Aliakbar Safari Ali Rahmani Majedeh Gholipour -
Open Access Article
189 - A Study on the Generation Gap from the Religiosity Point of View(Two Generations of 50 s and 70 s)
Mehri Bahar Sahar Rahmani -
Open Access Article
190 - Sociological Explanation of Everyday Life among Young People (Case Study: the Cafes in Dezful)
Mohsen Ghalavand Adel Abdollahi Mansour Sharifi Mohammad Soltanifar -
Open Access Article
191 - A Study of Relationship between the Preferences Valued System and Social Identity among Students
Hassan Ali Jafari Hossein Mehrdad -
Open Access Article
192 - The Cultural and Social Effects of Cross-border Markets on the Lives of Indigenous People (Case study: Youth (25-40 Years) in Border Cities of Kermanshah Province)
Abdolreza Nourmohammadi Asghar Mohammadi Mansour Haghighatian -
Open Access Article
193 - Study of Social and Cultural Factors Affecting the Citizens' Social Trust between 18-65 Years Old in Mazandaran Province
Rajab Ali Allahyar Ahmadi Maria Zaslavskaya Amir Malaki -
Open Access Article
194 - A Study on the Socio-Cultural Factors Related to Mental Health of the Youth among Shiraz University Students
Habib Ahmadi Maryam Marzban Ali Ruhani -
Open Access Article
195 - Comparing the Efficiency of Task-based Interactive Language Teaching (TBILT) & Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) on Morale of Inquiry of the Youth in University Heterogeneous Classes
Nabi-Ollah Akbarnetaj Shoob Ghodrat-Ollah Abbasi Bahram Mirzaian -
Open Access Article
196 - Sociological Study of Factors Influencing Youth Lifestyle (Case Study: 15-29 Years Old Youth in Khalkhal City)
Davood Abdolahi Mohammad Rahimi Hassan Shiralizadeh -
Open Access Article
197 - Modeling the Structural Relationship between Perfectionism and Life Expectance through Mediating Role of Moral Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence in Young Directors of Islamic Azad University
Saeed Ahmad Khosravi Babak Hosseinzadeh Jamal Sadeghi Ali Asghar Shojaei -
Open Access Article
198 - The Study on Cultural Problems in Dormitory Life among Male Students of Yazd University
Seyyed Alireza Afshani Abbas Askari-Nodoushan Majid Sefid -
Open Access Article
199 - Typology of Religious Sub-cultures among Mashhad Youth
Muhammad Reza Baratnezhad Arash Ghahraman -
Open Access Article
200 - A Sociological Study on the Juvenile Delinquency in Golestan
Ali Reza Ismaili -
Open Access Article
201 - Values of the Family and Effect of the Cultural Modernization on it among the Youth of Bushehr
Tayyebeh Pourbehi Mohhamad Bazrafshan -
Open Access Article
202 - Study of the Relationship between Different Types of Capital (Economic, Social and Cultural) and Social Indifference (Case Study: Young People Aged 18-29 in Sanandaj)
Yaghoub Ahmadi Aboalghasem Heidarabadi -
Open Access Article
203 - The Effectiveness of Positive Thinking Skills Training on the Positive and Negative Affection and Perfectionism of High School Students in Fereydunkenar City
Leila Babaei Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
204 - A Study of Social Factors Affecting the Body Management (Case Study: Adolescents and Youths of Isfahan City)
Ashraf Abdolhosseini Mansour Haghighatian -
Open Access Article
205 - Semantic Reconstruction of Beauty and Makeup for Young Females: The Phenomenological Study
Milad Pourrajabi Alireza Ghobadi -
Open Access Article
206 - A Study of the Effect of Praying on the Youth Personality(A Case Study in Islamic Azad University of Mashhad)
Hossein Ahmari Hassan Ahmadi Azghandi -
Open Access Article
207 - On the Link between Identity Processing and Learning Styles among Young Language learners
Hamed Barjesteh Lida Farsi Fatemeh Ahmadi Livani Samin Seyedebrahimi -
Open Access Article
208 - A Study on the Socio-cultural Factors Affecting Women's Cosmetic Surgery (A Case Study of Women in Noor City)
علی اصغر عباسی اسفجیر مصطفی قاسمی -
Open Access Article
209 - The Sociological Study of Cultural Capital Role of Iranian Families on the Acceptance of their Children in University (Case Study: Sanati Sharif University- Entrance of 2015-2016)
Qasem Alaeizadeh Seyyed Mohammad Seyyed Mirzaie Mostafa Azkia -
Open Access Article
210 - The Role of Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence on Individual-Social Adjustment in Young Students
Sedigheh Mohammadiani Rezvan Homaei -
Open Access Article
211 - The Relationship between Dependence on Mobile Social Networking and Academic Performance of Students (Case study: Second Grade Male High School Students of Tabriz City)
Mohammad Gholizadeh Ali Jafari -
Open Access Article
212 - Prediction of Instagram Social Network Addiction Based on the Personality, Alexithymia and Attachment Styles
Zeinab Sadat Ershad Tahmoures Aghajani -
Open Access Article
213 - A Survey on the Effective Social and Family Factors toward Delinquent Behavior (A Case Study of High-School Students in Selseleh)
Ehsan Hasanvand Esmail Hasanvand -
Open Access Article
214 - The Relationship between Shyness and Young Language Learners’ Language Achievement
Simindokht Khorambin Hamed Barjasteh Shaghayegh Shirzad -
Open Access Article
215 - The Effect of Public Awareness and Social Cohesion on the Social Participation of Women (Case study: Female Students from Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran)
Ghorbanali Aghaahmady Narges Mollaei Mahnaz Rahmati -
Open Access Article
216 - Investigating the Impact of Satellite Networks (GEM TV and Farsi 1) on the Religious Beliefs of Youth in Farashband City
reza Gholamian Reza Farashbandi Mohammad Zangeneh -
Open Access Article
217 - The Role of Social Factors on Beggary of GonbadeKavus in 2011
Ali Reza Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
218 - The Role of Social Factors in the Explanation of Vandalism among High School Students in Andimeshk Focusing on the Social Security
Eshaq Arjmand Siapoush Abolghasem Haydarabadi Bahareh Arjomand Siapoush -
Open Access Article
219 - Explaining the Impact of Social Capital and Psychological Capital on Adolescents' Quality of Life (Study of High School Male Students in Babol)
Abolfazl Karami Mostafa Azkia Ramzan hasanzadeh -
Open Access Article
220 - The Necessity for Psychosocial and Social Perspective in Education: A Quantitative Study of Life Skills among the Young Iranian Married Clients
Elham Dindar Mohammad Sadegh Mahdavi Seyyed Mohammad Seyyed Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
221 - A Study on the Attitude of Students of I.A.U of Religion 11 on National Unity and Islamic Unification
Mostafa Baghbanian Borzo Morovat -
Open Access Article
222 - A Comparative Study of the Addicts' Attitude toward Using of Narcotic Substances after Quitting Addiction (A Comparison between Two Techniques of Indigenous Self-esteem and Methadone Therapy in Azadshahr City)
Mahboubeh Babaei Ameneh Mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
223 - Social Factors Affecting on Drugs Abuse:( Slum Dwellers in Shiraz -Iran)
Keramatollah Rasekh Tayebe Allapanazadeh -
Open Access Article
224 - Sociological Analysis of the Relationship between Ethnic Identity and Civic Participation in the City of Ilam
Masoud Darabi -
Open Access Article
225 - Investigating the Relationship between Religiosity and Social Health in Shoush
Soraya Al-Kasir Gholamreza Tajbakhsh Esmaeil Sharifi -
Open Access Article
226 - The Sociological Explanation of Economic Participation among Young People in Khalkhal City
Egbaleh azizkhani Mahin Maleki -
Open Access Article
227 - Investigating the Methods of Tendency to Religion among High School Students in Andimeshk City
اسحاق ارجمند سیاهپوش حسن ارجمندی بهاره ارجمند سیاهپوش علی ارجمند Ahmad Reza Arjmandi -
Open Access Article
228 - The Effect of Critical Thinking on Reading and Writing Skills of Islamic Azad University Students in Third Area
Ali Asghar Razavi Fatemeh Noshinfard Fahimeh BabolHavaeji Sedigheh Mohammad Esmaeil -
Open Access Article
229 - Bourdieu's Theoretical Approach for Understanding the Relationship between Cultural Capital of Student Families and their Leisure Taste(A Case Study of the Students in Tehran University)
Afsaneh Edrisi Ehsan Rahmani Khalili Seyyedeh Narges Hosseini -
Open Access Article
230 - Investigating the Effect of Cultural Capital on Food Choice among the Youth of Tehran
Mohammad Mohajeri -
Open Access Article
231 - Study of Women's Social Security and Social Factors Affecting it (Case Study of Young Women Aged 15-64 in Babol)
Zahra Najafi Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajer Manouchehr Pahlavan -
Open Access Article
232 - Generation Gap and its Effective Socio-cultural Factors Involved among the Students of Andimeshk I.A.U
Hassan Arjmandi Mohsen Hassanpour Eshaq Arjomand Siapoush Bahareh Arjomand Siapoush -
Open Access Article
233 - A Sociological Study on the Effective Factors on Value Changes among the Youth
Manouchehr Pahlavan -
Open Access Article
234 - The Sociological Effects of Peer/ Teacher Technology-Enhanced Scaffolding through Process Approach on Young Male vs. Female EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge
Saeedeh Mansouri Davood Mashhadi Heidar -
Open Access Article
235 - Marginalization and its Effect on the Social Damages (Case Study: Eastern Mazandaran)
Hossein Barzegar Valikchali -
Open Access Article
236 - The Organizational Health and its Relationship with the Leadership Style of Young Managers of Industrial Enterprises in Mazandaran Province
Reza Ali Mohseni Milad Gorji -
Open Access Article
237 - The Effectiveness of Training Close Reading on Components of Exam Anxiety (Reducing Social Credit, Cognitive Barriers and Tension mode)
Baharak Hamedi Aliakbar Saif Alireza Kiamanesh -
Open Access Article
238 - Presentation of the Development Pattern for Cultural Centers Studied on Youth Educational Centers in Mazandaran Province
Kamran Behzadi Saeed Imam Gholizadeh -
Open Access Article
239 - A Survey on the Rate and the Effective Factors on the Membership Satisfaction of N.A Association in Andimeshk
Masuod Hadjizadeh meimandi Akbar Zare Shahabadi Behrooz Shahoonvand -
Open Access Article
240 - A Survey on the Effective Socio-Cultural Factors on Internet Tendency among Shosh Payam Noor University Students
Eshagh Arjomand Siapoush Mehdi Adibi Sedeh Maryam Zali Kahkesh -
Open Access Article
241 - The Role of Virtual Media in Changing Social Values with an Emphasis on Telegram and Facebook Social Networks
Saeed Faramarziani -
Open Access Article
242 - A Study on the Effective Cultural Factors Involving in Protection of the Environment in Tehran
Abdolreza Adhami Elham Akbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
243 - A Study on the Difference of Social Capital among the Youth Emphasizing on Sport Participation
Ali Rahmani Firouzjah Mahmoud Sharepour Sedigheh Rezaei Pasha -
Open Access Article
244 - Relationship between the Attachment Styles and Happiness in the Youth
مریم فولاد جمال صادقی علی رحمانی فیروزجاه -
Open Access Article
245 - A Relationship between Social Capital and the Feeling of Security in Tehran
Mansour Haghighatian Ali Reza Sanatkha Javad Moeinedin Shirin Shiri Aminloo -
Open Access Article
246 - Social Factors Affecting Spouse Selection Criteria
Masoumeh Motlaq Leila Shojaei -
Open Access Article
247 - Sociological Impact of Using Digital (Web-based) Analyses on Performance Measurement and Optimization of Digital Marketing among Young Managers (Case study: Digital-based Companies in Tehran)
Majid Fani Seyyed Mehdi Jalali Shadan Vahabzadeh -
Open Access Article
248 - The Interplay between Young Learners' Sense of Self-Efficacy in Reading Comprehension and English Language Proficiency
Hamed Barjesteh Mehdi Manoochehrzadeh Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini -
Open Access Article
249 - Social Trust and Socio-cultural Factors Involving on it (A Case Study of 20 to 29 Years old in Mazandaran)
Abolghasem Heidarabadi -
Open Access Article
250 - Comparison of Social Lifestyle of Employed Women and Housewives in Gilane-Gharb (Case Study: Young Women Aged 25-40 Years Old)
Masoumeh Heidary Zargoush Ehsan Najafi Mohammad Hossien Asadi davood Abadi Akbar Zohrabi -
Open Access Article
251 - Sociological Study of Quality of life of the Youth and its Realization Priorities
Masoud Ganji Reza Ali Mohseni Mansour Sharifi Alireza Kaldi Hassan Malek -
Open Access Article
252 - A Survey of Media Literacy among Students in the Information Society in North Khorasan
Mahnaz Shojaee Mahnaz Amirpour -
Open Access Article
253 - Investigating Factors Influencing Ethnic Solidarity among Young People in Azeri Areas of Khalkhal
Nasrin Khodabakhshi Hafshjani -
Open Access Article
254 - Meta-Analysis Explanation of the Factors Affecting Youth Social Alienation
Akbar Zolfaghari Taha Ashayeri -
Open Access Article
255 - The Affect of Gender Inequality on Women Social Participation
Mojtaba Sedaghati Fard Mitra Sakhamehr -
Open Access Article
256 - A Study on the Frequency of Occurrence and Usage of Anglicism in Speech of Young Iranian Telegram Users
داوود مشهدی حیدر رضا ملاحسینی معصومه عصایی -
Open Access Article
257 - Marginalization and Social Health Disorders (Field Study: East Mazandaran Youth)
Hossein Barzegar valikchali Asghar Mohammadi Reza Esmaeili -
Open Access Article
258 - Measuring the Relationship between Cultural Capital and Social Trust (Case Study: Citizens of Zanjan City)
Abolfazl Karami Mohmmad Sadegh Mahdavi Mostafa Azkia -
Open Access Article
259 - Social Alienation of the Youth and the Related Social Factors(A Case Study in Yasouj)
Ali Hassan Tofighiyanfar Seyyed Ahmad Hosseini -
Open Access Article
260 - An Investigation on the Relationship between the Grammatical Competence of Young Iranian English Translation Students and their Ability to Translate from English to Farsi
Sahar Khavari Mehrshad Ahamadian -
Open Access Article
261 - Sociological Analysis of the Relationship between Having Faith and Mental Health
Zahir-Mostafa Balvardi Tayebeh Balvardi Mahdieh Ghayuri -
Open Access Article
262 - The Influence of Religiosity on the Social Responsibility of Youth with Mediation Role of the Universality (Case Study: the Youth between 18 to 29 Years Old from Yasouj City)
Vahid Dastyar Ali Hassan Tofighianfar Mahmoud Yari Hooshang Mondanipour -
Open Access Article
263 - A Sociological Analyses of the Effect of Family on Drug Addiction in Noushahr and Chalous
Gh.A Tavassoli -
Open Access Article
264 - The Effect of Consumer Media on the Indicators of Rural and Nomadic Lifestyle (Case Study: Youth (20-34 Years Old) in Gilane Gharb Province in 2017)
Masoumeh Heidaryzargoosh Khalil Mirzaei Majid Kaffashi -
Open Access Article
265 - The Influence of Sociological Factors on Usage of Mazandarani Language among the Youth
Hossein GHasemi Seyed Ahmad Jafari Kelarijani Mohsen Jafarzadeh Ali Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
266 - Evaluating the Role of Education and the Economic Base of Women in Promoting the Culture of Environmental Protection in Gilane Gharb
Masoumeh Heidari Zargoosh Abolghasem Heidarabadi Mohammad Rahim Safari -
Open Access Article
267 - A Study on the Effective Social Factors Involving in Fashion among the Youth (A Case Study in Minab Schools)
Fakhros-Sadat Piltan Hossein Talebi -
Open Access Article
268 - Investigating the Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Young Women's Sexual Intrusion (Case Study: Khorram Abad City)
Tahereh Nazari Esmaeel Jahanbakhsh Asghar Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
269 - The Sociological Effects of Internet on Educational Opportunity among Students
Masoomeh Motlaq -
Open Access Article
270 - Investigating the Effect of Social Capital on Political Culture (Case study: Teachers of Khorramabad)
Nasratullah Masoudi Asghar Mohammadi Ahmad Azin -
Open Access Article
271 - The Sociological Study Factors Effect on Intergenerational Solidarity Phenomenon among Youth(new generation)and Parents(Old Generation
Robabeh Pourjebeli Samad Abedini -
Open Access Article
272 - The Effective Social Factors Influencing on the Attitude of Leisure Time among Female Students in Amol
Manouchehr Pahlavan Fatemeh Barzigar -
Open Access Article
273 - Sociological Influence of Critical and Social Pedagogy on Young Learners' English Education
Maryam Kaviani Mokarameh Hamidi -
Open Access Article
274 - Vandalism Roots among Juveniles and Youths in Public Spaces of City (Case Study: Amol City)
Fatemeh Hosseinzadeh Abdoullah Ebrahimi Ali Rahmani Firouzjah -
Open Access Article
275 - Sociological Explanation of Youth Participation in Tehran
Reza Karimi Alireza Mohseni Tabrizi Mehrdad Navabakhsh -
Open Access Article
276 - Investigating the Status and Role of Imam Khomeini's Relief Committee in Preventing Youth Delinquency (Case Study of Tehran Relief Committee)
Seyed Hossein Aboutalebi Bahnamiri Hamid Abhari Seyed Ahmad Jafari Kalarijani -
Open Access Article
277 - A Study on the Relationship between Self- esteem, Creativity and Academic Achievement Among Adolescences
Ramazan Hasanzadeh Parisa Imanifer -
Open Access Article
278 - A Study on the Political Participation and its Effective Factors Among High School Students
Mousa Tayabinia Asadollah Naghdi -
Open Access Article
279 - The Effect of Young Mothers’ Social Classes on First Language Acquisition
Saeedeh Mansouri -
Open Access Article
280 - A Relationship between the Youth Life Style and Attitude to Artificial Drugs Consumption in Shirvan
Ibrahim Aman Abad Mohsen Salimi Aman Abad -
Open Access Article
281 - Sociological Study of the Relationship between Social Capital and Academic Achievement (Case Study: Male High School Students in Ghaen)
Mohammad Sharbatiyan Vahid Rohani -
Open Access Article
282 - A Study on the Organizational and Structural Barriers of Women's Participation in the Administrative Structure of Iran (Young Women Employed in Private Sector of District 6 in Tehran)
Sanam Bani Hassan Masoumeh Motlaq Masoud Darabi -
Open Access Article
283 - Exploring the Factors Affecting the Consumption of Cultural Goods among the Youth of Yasuj
Seyed Ali Hashemianfar Ali Seyfzadeh Parvaneh Bayati MohammadReza Ranjbar Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
284 - Investigating the Effects of Social Networks on Family Relations from the Viewpoints of Teachers in 11th Region of Education Ministry
Mona Rahimi Soroush Fathi -
Open Access Article
285 - The Role of Hidden Curriculum on Educational Function of Students(A Case Study in Neyshabour High-school Students)
Heydar Jan Alizadeh Mahmoud Sharepour Reza Kashefi Rad -
Open Access Article
286 - The Interplay between Ethnic Identities and Social Attitude toward Foreign Language Learning and Language Proficiency of Young Gilak EFL Learners
Farzad Mahmoudi Largani Davood Mashhadi Heidar Seyyed Jalal Alavian -
Open Access Article
287 - Critique: the Relation between Religion and Sociology
Mostafa Abdi -
Open Access Article
288 - Sociological Explanation of Critical Thinking as an Effective Way of Teaching English Reading Skill among Young Iranian EFL Pre-Intermediate Learners
Maryam Kaviani Davood Mashhadi Heidar -
Open Access Article
289 - Smartphone Practice and Lifestyle: The Case of Urban in Iran
Hossein Kermani -
Open Access Article
290 - Role of Internet Dependency on Online Social Capital among Graduate Students in University of Putra Malaysia
Soheila Raeisi Mobarakeh Md Salleh Hj Hassan -
Open Access Article
291 - Sociological Factors Influencing Tendency to Cultural Deviations (Case Study: Youth in Darrehshahr, Iran)
Jaber Molaei Gholam Reza Ghasemnezhad Ali Ranjbareyan -
Open Access Article
292 - Generation Gap: Illusion or Reality?
Heydar Janalizadeh Choobbasti Mohammad Reza Soliemani Beshli -
Open Access Article
293 - A Comparative Study on the Status of Technical Students with Standard Indexes in Educational Components
Morteza Sadati Arash Ghahreman -
Open Access Article
294 - A Study of the Effect of Family Structure (Satisfactoriness) on Social Participation of Students (A Case Study of Payame Noor University, Hamedan Branch)
Mehrdad Hossein Panahi Mohammad Bagher Tajeddin -
Open Access Article
295 - Factors Affecting the Social Trust among the Youth (Case Study: Young People aged 15-29 in Hamadan)
Ali Hashemianfar Ali Hejazifar Shaaban Bozorgi -
Open Access Article
296 - A Study of Political Trust Impact on Political Participation(A Case study of Student Members of the Islamic Association and the Student's Basij of Mazandaran University and Babol Noshirvani University of Technology)
Ghorban Dr. Ali Ebrahimi Ali Babazadeh Baii Hassan Ebrahimi Gatabi -
Open Access Article
297 - Investigating the Relationship between the Use of Modern Social Media and the Tendency of Tabriz Youth to Deviant Behaviors
Mahmoud Elmi Masoud Ghazizadeh Khosroshahi -
Open Access Article
298 - A Sociological Study of the Impact of Social Factors on Electoral Behavior (Comparison of Youth and Adult Age Study Group in Mazandaran Province)
Seyyed Yasser Ghorbanpour Ganji Seyyed Yaghoub Mousavi -
Open Access Article
299 - Investigating the Impact of Environmental Poverty on Criminal Behavior of Young People in Marginal Areas
Kazem Ghojavand -
Open Access Article
300 - Investigating the Relationship between Marginalization and Social Alienation and Social Distrust (Case study: Social Security Clients in Rasht)
Manouchehr Amiri shiraz Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajir Ali Rahmani Firouzjah -
Open Access Article
301 - The Rate of Unemployment Trend in Kurdistan Province during 1996-2006 Emphasizing on the Youth
Saeid Khani Hossein Zarghami -
Open Access Article
302 - A Study of Family Effect on Political Socialization (A Case Study of Tehran University Students)
Hassan Husseini Muhammad Mirzaee Malekian Zohreh Tavakoli -
Open Access Article
303 - The Social Effective Factors Involved in Gender Stereotyping Believe between Private and Public Sphere
Ali Hossein Hosseinzadeh Iman Mombini -
Open Access Article
304 - Investigation of the Impact of Cyberspace on the Lifestyle of young Female Students of Shahid Modarres Girls' School in Chenaran city
Mahnaz Amirpour Zahra Saanei -
Open Access Article
305 - A Study on the Domestic Violence among Families of Dehgolan City; With Emphasis on Violence against Women
Saeed Khani Jamal Adhami Ali Hatami Javad Bani-Amerian -
Open Access Article
306 - The Impact of Youth Identity Crisis on National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Yousef Khan Mohammadi Masoud Kaveh -
Open Access Article
307 - A Sociological Study on the Effect of the Virtual Network (Telegram) on Emotional Divorce among Young Couples (A Case Study of Babol Payam Noor Center)
منوچهر پهلوان مجتبی عموزاد مهدیرجی ابراهیم اله یار احمدی محمد اسدی رجب اله یار احمدی -
Open Access Article
308 - The Study Feminist Tendencies and its Relationship with Economical, Social and Cultural Motives in the Female Students of the Islamic Azad University(Garmsar Branch)
Mojtaba Sedaghatifard Tahereh Mirsardoo Roja Abchiyan -
Open Access Article
309 - Sociological Influence of Family Upbringing Patterns on Couples' Common Life Relationships and Behaviors
Esmaeil Pouladi Esmaeil Jahanbakhsh Asghar Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
310 - A Survey of Youth Satisfaction with the Life and Living in Rural Areas (Case Study: Anaj County of Khondab Township)
Davood Sheikhi -
Open Access Article
311 - A Sociological Study on the Effective Factors Involving in Academic Failure (Case Study: Mazandaran High-School Students)
Mehrdad Salehi Manouchehr Pahlavan Ali Asghar Shojaei -
Open Access Article
312 - Qualitative and Sociological Analysis of Prostitution in Bajnord
Esmaeil Ghorbani Mahdi Kermani Hossein Behravan -
Open Access Article
313 - A Sociology Study of Effective Factors in Public Health
Fakhrol-Sadat Piltan Farzaneh Qaneie -
Open Access Article
314 - The Sociological Impact of Cultural Globalization on National Identity with Emphasis on Mass Media (Case Study: Pre-University Students in Babol)
Shafieh Moazzanpour Seyyed Yaghoub Mousavi Amir Masoud Amirmazaheri -
Open Access Article
315 - Investigating the Effect of Social Values on the Political Participation of BehbahanYouth
Mohsen Mokhtari Keramatullah Rasekh Alireza Khodam -
Open Access Article
316 - The Effect of Information and Communication Technology on the Skills of the Third Grade of High-School Students
Housain Daeizadeh Vahid Fallah Babak Housainzadeh Housain Ali Housainpour -
Open Access Article
317 - Substance Abuse among Young Female Sex Workers in Tehran Metropolitan
Payam Roshanfekr Saeed Madani Qahfarokhi Maryam Ranjbar Babak Nasiri Mohammad Ali Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
318 - Sociological Study of Consumer Media Effects on Lifestyle with regard to Individual Characteristics (Case Study: Youth of Rural and Nomadic Areas in Gilane Gharb Province)
Massoumeh Heidary Zargoosh Masoud Darabi -
Open Access Article
319 - The Role of Cooperatives in Socio-Economic Development among Youth of Qom Province
Akbar Kheiri Aboalghasem Heidarabadi Ali Rahmani -
Open Access Article
320 - َSociological Study of Effective Factors on Forming Iranian Cohesive Identity(A Case study of Bukan’s Youth)
Qafor Shaykhi Adel Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
321 - Using Virtual Social Networks and Social Tolerance among Youths in Tehran
Monir Roozbehani Bagher Sarookhani Sattar Parvin -
Open Access Article
322 - A Study of the Relationship between Family Values and Tendency to Marriage among Female High School Students in Qaemshahr City
Homeira Moghimi Mohsen Jalili Shani Rashid Enayati Meykolaei -
Open Access Article
323 - Modeling the Structural Relationship between Epistemological Beliefs Qualities of school life with Academic achievement of Adolescent Students
Jamal Sadeghi Hassan Asadzadeh Hassan Ahadi -
Open Access Article
324 - A Study on the Origins of Identification among the High-School Female Students in Khalkhal
Aqbleh Azizkhani Soqra Malekpour -
Open Access Article
325 - The Sociological Research on Family Problems in Bojnourd
ابراهیم صالح آبادی -
Open Access Article
326 - A Study on the Relationship Between Social Capital and Social Security in Sari
Bagher Sarokhani Fatemeh Hashemnezhad -
Open Access Article
327 - Sociological Survey of Factors Influencing Tourism Satisfaction (Case study: Foreign Tourists in Kish Island)
Abolghasem Heidarabadi Masoud Darabi -
Open Access Article
328 - The Role of Control Source and Risk Perception in Predicting Driving Behavior of Young Taxi Drivers in Karaj
Farzaneh Momeni Rajabali Mohammadzadeh Admolaee Jamal Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
329 - Effective Socio-Economic Factors on the Increase of the Youth Marriage Age
Golmorad Moradi Mohsen Safarian -
Open Access Article
330 - Youth Social Capital and Sustainable Environmental Development in Bushehr
Tayyebe Pourbehi Gholamreza Jafarinia Ali Shamsoddini -
Open Access Article
331 - Sociological Analysis of Social Modernization and Its Impact on Forming a Family of Educated Youth )Case Study of Students of Golestan Province)
Mostafa Khosravi -
Open Access Article
332 - Relationship between Social Capital and Crime (Case study: Prisoners of Tehran Prisons)
Masoud Heidari -
Open Access Article
333 - The Relation between Social Capital and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Ali Jahangiri Mehrnoush Qopranlou Mostafa Hajzadeh -
Open Access Article
334 - The Effect of Electronical Media on the Reinforcement of Social Behavior of Youth from the Computer Course Professors and Students Viewpoints of Sari Islamic Azad University
Babak Hosseinzadeh Hamid Fallah Jamal Sadeghi Zobeydeh JAanbazi -
Open Access Article
335 - A Study on the Effective Factors on the Labor Quality of the Temporary Markets on Holidays from the Customers Viewpoint
Hussein Abolhassan Tanhaie Ali Reza Sanatkhah Shirin Shiri Aminloo -
Open Access Article
336 - A Study on the Body Management and the Social Acceptability(A Case Study among Male and Female Students at Islamic Azad University and Payam Noor of Zanjan
Aliyeh Shekarbaygi Amir Amiri -
Open Access Article
337 - A Study on the Effect of Life Satisfaction on the Social Delight
Toba Faraji Taliyeh Khademiyan -
Open Access Article
338 - An Analytical Investigation of the Impact of Social and Cultural Factors on the Modeling of Western Patterns in Isfahan City from the Perspective of Victims and Providing Solutions to Coping )Presentation of Cultural Engineering Model(
Marziyeh Mokhtaripour -
Open Access Article
339 - A Survey of the Effective Factors on Students' Attitudes toward Participation in Student Organizations (Case Study: Students of Shahid Beheshti University)
Mojtaba Abbasi Ghadi Hossein Pakdel Atefeh Mirzanmadi -
Open Access Article
340 - A Study on the Effective Socio-economic Factors of Violence against Women in Ahwas
Ishaq Arjmand Siapoush Faryal Ajam Dashtinezhad -
Open Access Article
341 - The Sociological Study of Music Consumption (Case Study: the Youth of Sabzevar)
Ebrahim Salehababi Abolghasem Heidarabadi Masoud Darabi -
Open Access Article
342 - The Effect of Participation Pattern on Sport Activities of I.A.U of Kermanshah Branch
Arash Ziapour Neda Kiyanipour -
Open Access Article
343 - A Sociological Study of Media Effects on Youth's Domestic Values (Case Study: Youth of 15-29 Years Old in Mazandaran)
Manouchehr Pahlavan Hoda Rezaei Roshan -
Open Access Article
344 - Measuring the Social Capital among the Students of Payamnoor University in Southern Khorasan and its Effective Factors
Mohammad Hassan Sharbatian Azam Aminian -
Open Access Article
345 - The Meaning of Money among Young Students: A Phenomenological Study
milad Pourrajabi Ahmadreza Asgharpour Masouleh -
Open Access Article
346 - The Effect of Media Usage on Intergenerational Devaluation and Convergence in Families in Tehran
Mahnaz Rahmati Kazaz Tahmourath Shiri Habib Saburi Khosroshahi -
Open Access Article
347 - The Effect of Globalization on the Moral Values Change among the Youth
طیبه وخشوزی باقر ساروخانی Hassan Saraie -
Open Access Article
348 - The Relationship of Intelligence Beliefs, Self-Regulation, and Metacognition with School Refusal Behavior in Secondary High School Girl Students
Ali Khaneh Keshi Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
349 - Investigating the Relationship between Social and Economic Capital with Cultural Products Consumption among Students
Negin Gavili Moeid Zandi Bahman Bayangani -
Open Access Article
350 - The role of Membership and Participation in Admissible Virtual Social Networks on Cultural Convergence (Case study: the Young Members of FACE NAMA in Qom)
Masoumeh Motlaq Vahid Babrdel -
Open Access Article
351 - A Relationship between Religious Attitudes and Social Competence in Parent-Child Emotional Metacognition
Malieh Firozsamadi Tahmores Aqajani Fatemeh Shaterian Behzad Shoghi Jamal Sadeqi -
Open Access Article
352 - A Study on the Relationship Between Religiousity and Democracy in Nayshabor
Ebrahim Saleh Abadi Abdolreza Ghanhari -
Open Access Article
353 - Sociological Comparison of the Self-Control and Behavioral Activation and Prevention Systems in Normal and Blind People
Maliheh Pishvaei Mohammad Khaledian Alieh Shekarbeigi -
Open Access Article
354 - A Sociological Study on the Effect of Propagation among the Consumption of Girls and Women in Northern Azad University
Talieh Khademian Naiyereh Mobaraki Fard -
Open Access Article
355 - Analysis and Consideration of Sociological Effect in Sasanian Period and its Relation with Symbolic Motifs in Sasanian art
Nafiseh Sedaghat Gholamali Hatam Ali Asghar Mirfatah Reza Shabani Samghabadi -
Open Access Article
356 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Women's Political Participation (aged 20-40 years) in 2015 (Case Study: City of Sanandaj)
Seyed Voria Shaikhzakariaee Omid Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
357 - Predicting Social Adjustment in University Students based on Alexithymia and Psychological Vulnerability
Faranak Salarian Ali Reza Homayouni Jamal Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
358 - The Study of the Factors Affecting Awareness of Youth's Citizenship Rights (Case Study: Bandar Abbas City)
Ahmad Noor Hajinia Ali Seyfzadeh -
Open Access Article
359 - Effective Factors Involving in Modernism among the Youth in Shoshtar
Akbar Zareh Shahabadi Masoud Hajizadeh Maymandi Ali Karampour -
Open Access Article
360 - Investigating the Cultural Tastes of Art among the Youth (Case Study: Gilane Gharb City)
Abbas Hematkhani Masoumeh Heidary Zargoush Abdolreza Bagheri benjar -
Open Access Article
361 - A Study on the Socio – Economic Factors Involving in Acculturation of the Students: (A Case Study of the Pre - University Students in Shiraz)
Golamreza Jafarinia Asad Khaledy -
Open Access Article
362 - Survival Time of Young Women Childbearing in Tehran
Adel Abdollahi Arezoo Bagheri Mahsa Saadati -
Open Access Article
363 - A Study on the Value Systems of the Fourth Region of the I.A.U
Ali Reza Roshanfar -
Open Access Article
364 - A Study on the Effect of Social and Psychological Factors on the Sense of Social Security(A Case Study of Youth 20 to 30 Years Old in Charmahal Va Bakhtiari)
Hojatollah Moradi Pordanjani Sattar Sadeghi Enayatollah Tavakoli Mohammad Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
365 - Internet and National Identity among the Youth in Sari
Zahra Pak Manesh Nader Razeghi -
Open Access Article
366 - The Impact of Media on Employees Self-Confidence and Performance (Case Study: Islamic Azad University of Babol Branch)
Ali Rezapour -
Open Access Article
367 - The Structure of Power in Family and its Effect on Social Participation in Shiraz
Bagher Saroukhani, Leila Doodman -
Open Access Article
368 - The Investigation of Sociological Factors of Intergenerational Differences Regarding Music Orientation between Young and Old Generations (A Case Study of Bushehr)
Tayyebeh Pourbehi Gholamreza Jafarinia -
Open Access Article
369 - Sociological Explanation of Couples’ Common Life Relationships by Family Educative Patterns
Esmaeil Pouladi Parvaneh Bayati Nader Razeghi -
Open Access Article
370 - Structural Modeling Relations of Temperament and Character Mediated by Social Network Dependence with the Amount of Emotional Divorce of Women Referred to Counseling Centers in Babol
Ghasem Yaghoubi Ali Reza Homayoni Yahya Yarahmadi Omid Moradi -
Open Access Article
371 - Investigating the Relationship between Social Capital, Political Participation and Socialization of Female Employees
mahboube soleimanpouromran Mohammad Elhami -
Open Access Article
372 - Knowledge and Behavior towards HIV/AIDS among Young Street Prostitutes in Tehran
Payam Roshanfekr Saeed Madani Ghahfarokhi -
Open Access Article
373 - A Study on the Social Factors Influencing Scientific Papers Presentations among PhD Candidates at IAU of Babol
Manouchehr Pahlavan Hoda Rezaei Roshan Seyyedeh Hedyeh Hosseini -
Open Access Article
374 - A Study on the Cultural Factors Among Ahwaz Coffee-Shop Youth
Mohammad Hassan Moghadas Jafari Karim Reza Doost Khadijeh Golbarian -
Open Access Article
375 - A Study on the Effective Factors Influencing on Participation of Women and Girls in Development of Rural Areas of Charmahal Bakhtiyari( A case study in Farsan Villages)
Ramin Ghaffari Masoumeh Torki Harchegani -
Open Access Article
376 - Modeling the Effect of Agility on Organizational and Social Sustainability Mediated by Organizational Culture (Case Study: Young Principals and Deputies of Public Schools in Babol)
Mehdi Biglari Firooz Babak Hosseinzadeh Vahid Fallah -
Open Access Article
377 - A Survey on Relationship between Social Capital and Urban Development, Case Study of Ghaemshahr
Seifollah Farzaneh Ali Rahmani -
Open Access Article
378 - A Sociological Study on the Social Participation among the Youth aged 18-29 in Bam after the Earthquake and Involving the Effective Factors
Mohammad Hassan Moqadas Jafari Reza Karimi -
Open Access Article
379 - The Role of Social Capital on Citizens' Support of National Products: A Scientific Step toward Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei's Orders
Alireza Sanatkhah -
Open Access Article
380 - The Practical Solution to Attract Youth toward Prayer (Case study: Students in Ardabil Province)
Iran Soleimani Mahrokh Allahyari -
Open Access Article
381 - A Study on Social Structure, Marriage and a Romantic Relation
Hahmad Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
382 - Factors Affecting the Amount of Dowry for Young Married Couples in Qom
Leyla Yazdan Panah Nayereh Omidi Hossein Hosseinitabar Karimi -
Open Access Article
383 - Youth Electoral Participation and the Role of Feeling of Social Justice on it in Mazandaran
Abdullah Ashtiani Majid Radfar Abolghasem Heidarabadi -
Open Access Article
384 - The Relationship between the Exploitation of New Communication Technologies and the Tendency to Addiction in Young People 15 to 30 Years (about: Zones 2 and 18 in Tehran
Seyed Reza Naqib Al-Sadat Mahsa Ghane -
Open Access Article
385 - A Study on the Feeling of Citizenship among Bojnourd Youth and its Social Effective Factors
Ebrahim Salehabadi Mohammad Isanloo -
Open Access Article
386 - A Study on the Role of Self-Esteem and Self-Effectiveness for the Relation between Islamic Life Style and Social Adaptation among the Youth in Mashhad
Zeinab Toulabi Saied Samadi Fatemeh Motaharinezhad -
Open Access Article
387 - A Sociological Study on the Effective Factors involving in the Attitudes of Male Students and Vandalism at High Schools in Khoramabad
Masomeh Motlagh Sajedeh Naderi -
Open Access Article
388 - Social Factors Affecting the Value Difference(A Case study of parents and youth 15 to 24 years of old in Sari)
Sayfollah Farzaneh Issa Charat -
Open Access Article
389 - Explanation of Social Participation among Khalkhal Youth and the Factors Affecting it
Egbaleh Azizkhani -
Open Access Article
390 - A Study of the Relationship between Mental Health and Social Capital among Tehran School Students
Majid Zorofi -
Open Access Article
391 - An Analysis of Social Problems and its Effective Factors in 1999-2008 among the Youth
Soroush Fathi Jamileh Fadavi -
Open Access Article
392 - Investigating the Religious Orientation among High School Students in Andimeshk
Isaq Arjmand Siahpoush Dariush Rezapour Hassan Arjmandi Bahareh Arjmand Siahpoush Ali Arjmand -
Open Access Article
393 - Investigation of Effective Factors on Women’s Sexual Disorder in Final Years of Marital Life (A Qualitative Approach)
Alieh Shekarbeygi Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajir -
Open Access Article
394 - A Study on the Effective factors in forming Social Identity among high-schools students
Ali Asqar Abbasi -
Open Access Article
395 - The Role of Family Emotional Climate in Predicting Social Competence among Female High School Students in Dezful City
Nasim Taleipour Masoumeh Motlaq -
Open Access Article
396 - Explaining the Effective Factors on Risk-taking as Basic Elements of Youths’ Life Style based on Modeling of Structural Equation by Minority Method of Partial Squares (PLS)
Mohsen Niazi Akbar Zolfaghari Elham Shafaiei Moghadam -
Open Access Article
397 - The Role of Social Capital in Organizational Commitment (Case Study of Sepah Bank Employees of Golestan, Gilan and Mazandaran Provinces)
Ali Zahiri Ali Asghar Abbasi Esfajir Aboalghasem Heidarabadi -
Open Access Article
398 - The Family Background of Inequality in Educational Opportunities (A case Study of female high school students in Ahar
Ali Ghasemi Ardahey Abolghasem Heydarabadi Nayyer Rostami -
Open Access Article
399 - Study of the Relationship between Social Health and Feeling of Security (Case Study: The Youth Aged 20 to 40 Years Old in Gonabad)
Mohammad sharbatiyan Marziyeh Rezazadeh -
Open Access Article
400 - Evaluating the Impact of Social Capital on the Empowerment of Young Female Heads of Households (Case Study of Bojnourd)
Hadi Afra Esmaeil Ghorbani Samira Khoramdel -
Open Access Article
401 - The Role of Social Security in the Prevention of Social Deviances (A Case study among Girl high school students in Shoush)
Seyyed Reza Naqibos Sadat Abolghasem Fatehi Dahaghani Parvin Foroughiyan -
Open Access Article
402 - A Study on the Effective Socio-Economic Factors Involving in Social Participation in Nour
Jalal Mahmodi Seyyed Hekmat Hakimpour -
Open Access Article
403 - Analysing Youth Inclination to Body Management and Organs Control
Muhammad Sadeq Mahdavi Ali Asghar Abbasi Esfajir -
Open Access Article
404 - Relationship between Membership in Social Networks and Tendency to Immigration in Postgraduate Student of Tehran Uuniversity
Mahmoud Moshfegh Razieh Farhanian -
Open Access Article
405 - Relationship between Social Capital and the Sense of Security among Women in Northern Regions(1,2) and Southern Region(20, 19)of Tehran
Mohsen Niazi Elham Shafaei Moghaddam Yasaman Shadfar -
Open Access Article
406 - The Satisfaction of the Students of I.A.U of Shirvan and its Effective Social Factors
Ali Akbar Mahmodzade Raziyeh Azarinia -
Open Access Article
407 - The Role of Socio-Economic Factors in Establishing Collective Behavior of the Youth in Boshehr(Based on Smelser' s Structural Theory)
Golmorad Moradi Sedigheh Afrooz -
Open Access Article
408 - A Study on the Relationship between Religion and Violence towards Children and Parents
Mohammad Yaghobi Doust Halimeh Enayat -
Open Access Article
409 - The Role of Cultural Capital and Social Satisfaction on the Social Health of Youth in Tehran
Mohammad Hassan Piran Ghidari Saifullah Farzaneh Majedeh Gholipour -
Open Access Article
410 - The Role of Social Networks in the Political Participation of Young Women: Using Fundamental Theory Approach
Parvaneh Danesh Shahram Mollania Jolodar Narjes Mohammad Dost Leshkami -
Open Access Article
411 - A Study on the Attitude of Embezzlement and Religiosity among the Students of Shahid Bahonar University in Kerman
Leila Yazdanpana Hadi Hasandoust Farkhani Daryoush Boustani Omid Rezaei -
Open Access Article
412 - Social Changes and Need of Learning English: Modelling of Emotional Intelligence and English language Anxiety in Bilingual's Society
Ali Reza Homayouni Muhammad Hossein Abdollahi Soheila Hashemi Valiollah Farzad Fariborz Dortaj -
Open Access Article
413 - Generation Reflection in TV Commercial and Advertisement
Ahmad Askari Ali Ghasemi Ardahaee -
Open Access Article
414 - A Research on the Fragmented Culture of Iran’s Youth in the Content of Pop Music Lyrics
Hossein Mirzaii Ensiye Sadati Rahele Kardavani* Mehdi Akbariyan Leila Fathi -
Open Access Article
415 - The Evaluation of ICT's Effect on Generation Gap (A Case Study: Families of Garmsar Province)
Soroush Fathi Nayyer Pirahari -
Open Access Article
416 - Professional Commitment and Social Factors Affecting it Among Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch and Shahid Beheshti University Employees
Faizallah Noroozi -
Open Access Article
417 - A Study on the Structure of Social Networks Bonds(A Comparative Study in Babol)
Feyzollah Noroozi Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfajir Masoumeh Besmel -
Open Access Article
418 - A Study of Internet and Cell Phone Effects on the Youth (15-29 Years of Old)and Identity Change in Mazandaran
Mehrdad Navabakhsh Fatemeh Hashemnezhad Vahid Zad Shampour -
Open Access Article
419 - The Semantic Components Reflecting the link between Social Capital and the Rate Social health of the Benefit of Students of Payam Noor University, Mashhad
Mohammad Hassan Sharbatiyan -
Open Access Article
420 - A Study on the Commitment of Religious Behavior and the Effective Factors Involved.(A Case Study of High-School Students in Zanjan)
Zahra Mousavi Rafie Mousavi Hossain Heydari -
Open Access Article
421 - The Explanatory Model of the Internet Applications and its Role on the Youth Sexual Identity in Tehran
Mehrdad Navabakhsh Mehdi Mokhtarpour -
Open Access Article
422 - The Examination of Yazd Young's Attitude toward National Identity and its Effective Factors
Azam Moghimi Majid Amini -
Open Access Article
423 - A Research on Drug Addiction Pattern among the Youth in Isfahan
Kazem Ghojavand Rahmatollah Mozaffari, -
Open Access Article
424 - A Study on the Social Trust and its Influencing Factors among Female Students in Ilam Universities
Mansour Vosoghi Saideh Heidari -
Open Access Article
425 - A Study on the Attitude of Unmarried Male Students of Ferdowsi University toward Marriage and its Affecting Factors
Ali Akbar Majdi Omid Rezaei -
Open Access Article
426 - A Study on the Effect of Social Capital on Life Satisfaction
Mohsen . Noqani Ahmad Foladian Hassan Azqandi -
Open Access Article
427 - The Effect of Religiosity in Reduction of Delinquency among the Youth
Mohseni Tabrizi M. Norozi Godarizi -
Open Access Article
428 - A Survey of Public Information about Civil Rights and Municipal laws ( A Case Study of People Aged 20 to 35 in Sari, Babol, Amol and Qaemshah
Jamal Mohammadi Nazanin Tabrizi -
Open Access Article
429 - Social Factors Influencing Non-English Major Professors' Attitudes towards Learning English as an International Language
Maryam Kaviani Abolghasem Heidarabadi -
Open Access Article
430 - The Influence of Family and Satellite Interaction in Divorce Increasing
Mohaammad Reza Naeimi -
Open Access Article
431 - Paradigmatic Model of Drug Use Prevention Among Rural Youth (A Case Study of Orzooieh Villages, Kerman City)
Ahmad Firouzi Kamal Javanmard Majid Radfar -
Open Access Article
432 - The acceptability of celebrities in political contributions from the perspective of young social media audiences
Mohammad Javad Esmaili Abolghasem Heidarabadi Manouchehr Pahlavan -
Open Access Article
433 - A sociological study of the impact of the Corona epidemic on the quality of life of young women in Tehran
Fatemeh Rashidi Majedeh Gholipour Ali Rahmani Firouzjah Akram Ashabi -
Open Access Article
434 - Political participation of young women in Mazandaran province and social and cultural factors affecting it
zeynab Soltani Abolghasem Heidarabadi Manouchehr Pahlavan Fatemeh Hashemnejad Abresi -
Open Access Article
435 - Essay on citizenship rights and the role of social and economic factors affecting it in Tehran
seyfollah farzaneh Abolghasem Heidarabadi ali rahmani firuozjah -
Open Access Article
436 - The Effect of Social Capital Components with Professional Ethics of Nurses in Mashhad
Nafise Arabzadeh Mohammad Mahdi Naderi Ali Reza Esmaili -
Open Access Article
437 - " Examining the Relationship between Social Capital Components and Economic Growth and Development "
Ghasem Mosavi Manouchehr pahlavan ali rahmani firuozjah -
Open Access Article
438 - Effectiveness of cognitive empowerment training in depression and anxiety of high school female students in Isfahan
Kazem Ghojavand Ghasem Ghojavand -
Open Access Article
439 - Sociological analysis of the role of the family and the return of young people to addiction (relapse) in the city of Gorgan
Hamid Reza Yazdani Bagher Saroukhani Mansour Vosooghi -
Open Access Article
440 - Identification of Predictive Indicators of Marital Distress in Youth Based on Young Distressed Couples' Experiences of Married Life
Seyedeh Maryam Fatemi Mohhamad Masoud Dayarian Seyed Esmail Mosavi -
Open Access Article
441 - Sociological analysis of industrial addiction among young people, strategies and consequences
Hamid Reza Yazdani Bagher Sarookhani Mansour Vosooghi -
Open Access Article
442 - Youth, Social Capital and Political Development in Bandar Gaz
Jafar Mallah Abolghasem Heidarabadi seyfollah farzaneh