Studying the effect of family factors on the tendency to delinquency of youth and teenagers: Meta-analysis of researches
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of Youth
Taha Ashayeri
Tahereh Jahanparvar
Elham Abbasi
Faezeh Raghami
1 - faculty member of the Department of History and Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
2 - MA cultural studies of Kashan University.
3 - Assistant professor and member of the faculty of the Department of Social Sciences, Payam Noor University
4 - BA student of Sociology at Mohaghegh Ardabili University,
Keywords: Ethnic identity, delinquency, family disorganization, religious affiliation,
Abstract :
Background and introduction: The consequences of these changes are the breakdown of family order and the appearance of delinquency and deviance. The main purpose of the research is to study the effect of family factors on the delinquency rate of young people.Method: The research method is a meta-analysis, a reverse questionnaire type in the period of 2000 to 2020. The size of the population is 35 documents, and the sample size equal to 29 documents was selected by non-probability (intentional) sampling method, following the validity and validity criteria of the research (inclusion and exclusion criteria).Findings: The results show that between social factors (social exclusion, family trust, family cohesion, social control); family (family violence; strictness and punitive behavior; family disputes; family emotional crisis; broken family); cultural (religious affiliation; cultural capital; lifestyle; virtual space; generation gap); There is a significant relationship between economic (relative deprivation, economic capital, family social base) and background factors (household size; age; social class; education) and youth delinquency.Conclusion: the transition of the family from traditional to modern as a result of modernization; faced with social disorganization (dysfunction) and reduced the authority of the family system; Imbalance of social roles, decreasing levels of social control; increasing disunity; reduction of family social order; The crisis of social capital and socio-economic pressure has led to an increase in delinquency among young people.
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ISSN: 2645-5498, SSYJ
2023, 14 (50), 87-110
Taha Ashayeri*1
Tahereh Jahanparvar2
Ellham Abbasi3
Faezeh Raghami4
Received 18 October 2023, Accepted 24 June 2024
The family is an important source of human identity formation and the main foundation of an ideal, healthy and normal society, which is the main important human foundations, the family has been disorganized as a result of modernization. The consequences of these changes are the breakdown of family order and the appearance of delinquency and deviance. The main purpose of the research is to study the effect of family factors on the delinquency rate of young people.
The research method is a meta-analysis, a reverse questionnaire type in the period of 2001 to 2021. The size of the population is 35 documents, and the sample size equal to 29 documents was selected by non-probability (intentional) sampling method, following the validity and validity criteria of the research (inclusion and exclusion criteria).
The results show that between social factors (social exclusion, family trust, family cohesion, social control); family (family violence; strictness and punitive behavior; family disputes; family emotional crisis; broken family); cultural (religious affiliation; cultural capital; lifestyle; virtual space; generation gap); There is a significant relationship between economic (relative deprivation, economic capital, family social base) and background factors (household size; age; social class; education) and youth delinquency.
The transition of the family from traditional to modern as a result of modernization; faced with social disorganization (dysfunction) and reduced the authority of the family system; Imbalance of social roles, decreasing levels of social control; increasing disunity; reduction of family social order; The crisis of social capital and socio-economic pressure has led to an increase in delinquency among young people.
Keywords:. “delinquency”, “family disorganization”, “religious affiliation”; “ethnic identity”.
1. Introduction
Family means lineage, household, wife, child and family (Dehkhoda, 1988: 9438) or a social group that is characterized by cohabitation, cooperation and economic cooperation of reproduction (Autobet and Batamore, 2014: 415). The purpose of life is human prosperity and happiness, and this process can be achieved through the family system (Aristotle, 1992:48). Human beings; They start their social interests from the family system and gradually transfer this interest to their neighborhood and long-term social connections (Nisbet, 2013: 116). Its important goal is generational growth and development, and it is the first center where social skills (how to face crisis and life issues) are learned (Saki et al., 2009: 14; Fazel Ghane, 2013: 160).
The family is one of the most general social organizations that is formed based on marriage between a man and a woman, in which blood relations or documented relationships (adopting a child) are visible, it usually has some kind of shared space and performs various functions (Salarifer, 2005:13) and in case of social functional curve; The society is full of social issues and public security is threatened. Basically, the nature of the human family in contrast to the animal family is the same socio-moral education as opposed to the creation of a socio-cultural personality and it has a dual biological-social nature (Rosenbaum, 1988: 158) and this educational style, from delinquency, high-risk human behavior and Prevents the emergence of social harms. Delinquency at the family level goes back to the faulty structure and its inappropriate function in terms of socialization. Delinquency is a type of deviance and is equivalent to breaking norms in society (Ahmadi et al., 2019: 66) and is used for those who commit acts against standards, regulations, laws, and criteria of cultural value (Hassanvand and Hassanvand, 2010: 25; Fatemi and colleagues, 2015: 39). In all human societies, the term criminal is used for people who commit acts against the law or religious standards of that society (Hasan Naderi and Al Sadat Nasri, 2012). The family plays a very important role in the formation of the personality, character and behavior of children and adolescents (Bagheri and Hedayati Delerba, 2013). family system; It is composed of members who will go to society tomorrow and in case of proper socialization; It can make the future of society flourish. The process of socialization through the institution of the family includes childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age (Ghaffari and Moradi, 2016: 17) and in this human social process; In case of failure to provide social needs by the family institution; The possibility of delinquency (murder, theft, vandalism, fighting, violence, immoral behavior) also increases (Zahmatzadeh Khoury, 2018: 10). Social capital; The circle and means of interaction and social relations is in the heart of a family (Mohammadi Assal, 2006: 17) and is produced in the process of socialization (Nouri,2010: 52) and it preserves the cohesion of the family and reduces the tendency to social crisis (Ghaffari and Moradi,2016 : 119). In the process of socialization, the social duties of the family are in three forms: 1. Basic duties (meeting the basic needs of food and clothing); 2. Transformational tasks (tasks that must be done to ensure the healthy growth of members in addition to the basic needs of life) and 3. Critical tasks (related to families' abilities to deal with incidents and events) are placed (Ahmadi et al., 2019: 64). The main circle of the family in relation to delinquency is related to the concept of social capital. With the crisis in the social function of the family, the social capital has a crisis and leads the person to delinquency (Schneider, 2014: 54). Inability to reach social goals and frustration caused by deprivations and social inequality increase the delinquency of families (Hassanvand and Hassanvand, 2010: 28). In labeling theory; The criminal act in the family is affected by the social environment and interaction (Alivardina and Setare, 2012: 933). Issues such as cosmopolitanism, secularization of religious beliefs; The transformation of communication relationships in the family, increasing individualism has been effective in the tendency to family delinquency (Karimzad et al., 2021: 567). The family is one of the most durable social institutions in Iranian society, and the value system that governs it as a result of modernization; It has undergone some changes (Rafi Nejad et al., 2021: 221). Iran is considered to be one of the developing countries that has a large population of young people and in the case of proper education and healthy environment, it can contribute greatly to social development and progress (Ghaffari and Moradi, 2015: 118). frequent violation of moral norms and a wave of abnormality and delinquency; It exists in Iran, and this issue is related to the malfunctioning of the family institution in relation to the civil society (Terkarani et al., 2019: 134). Planning to solve family problems requires a detailed understanding of the subjective and objective dimensions of the problems of its members. The family is the foundation of the society, and the macro-level social horse strongly affects its issues. Knowing the prioritization of family issues (Mousavi et al., 2021: 469) is particularly important in order to prevent youth and adolescent delinquency. increase in divorce, increase in marital betrayals, lack of marriage facilities; child abuse, girls running away from home, sexual abuse; Harassment for women, discrimination against women, prostitution and illicit relationships, unfavorable economic status of female heads of the family are some of the family problems of Iranians (ibid.: 479).
For this reason, the emergence of social problems and harms can be attributed to dysfunction and disruption in the family institution. Manpower; It is the result of socialization in the heart of the family and in case of its disintegration and social conflict; Young generations suffer from psycho-social crisis. This young force is brought up in the hearts of the families and enters the society that they are responsible for; Family; Their first institution, as well as the best and only human believer, is able to prepare future generations to build a healthy and normal society while creating mental peace and a cozy atmosphere for its members. The family in the path of growth and development in the social influence (tradition to modernity) is functionally skewed and faces social harms, the increase of drug addicts, thieves, divorcees, prisoners, runaway girls and boys, delinquents and social criminals indicates a decrease in the positive functioning of the family and an increase It is dysfunctional. Based on this, the main goal of the research is:
Qualitive research questions:
- Studying the role of family factors in youth delinquency
- Estimating the size of the effect of moderator and contextual variables in youth delinquency
- Providing family solutions to deal with youth delinquency
2.Review of Literature
Family: Frédéric Lupelle of France and Wilhelm Heinrich; They are the first thinkers in the field of family and are considered as the fathers of sociology of family system. These two, by studying the developments in Europe and the resulting chaos; The main reasons were considered to be the transition from a traditional family to a modern one. after them; Durkheim; Bach von with a theory of family evolution; Lewis Morgan; with the plan to transition from a matriarchal family to a patriarchal one; Radcliffe Brown and Friedrich Engels with the book Origin of the Family System; Private property and the government, as well as Odard Westermark, by taking critical thinking to the issue of the evolution of the family; Studies and researches in the field of family gave prosperity (Azazi, 1997: 15). The family is a product of reason and a natural group in which children are dependent on their parents until they need to protect themselves (Durkheim, 2012: 104).
The family is a center in which the way of distribution and the way of exercising power affects the formation and growth of the personality of individuals, the socialization of children, self-esteem, cohesion and even the feeling of satisfaction, the feeling of alienation and loneliness and marital happiness (Mahdavi and Sabouri Khosrowshahi, 2013). The family, as the smallest institution of society, begins with the sacred matter of marriage. The formation of the family is a social need and causes the survival and permanence, health and welfare of societies (Ali-Akbari, 2013: 24). Islam introduces it as a group of people with civil, legal and spiritual personality (Akbari, 2007), which consists of two main pillars, men and women, and are placed next to each other under the shadow of legitimate and divine authorities. Marriage is the basis of human relationships, and marriage is a contract or agreement based on which the marital relationship becomes legitimate (Qaemi Amiri, 2011). The Holy Quran introduces the family as "a verse from God's verses", "a strong bond", "a fortress against a life full of debauchery and debauchery", "the tradition of the divine prophets" and "a factor in the multiplication of generations", and it mentions spouses as "each other's clothes". (Bojari and Parham, 2012). The origin of the family from Malinevsky's point of view is summarized in its function and in the production of the legitimate generation (Rosenboam, 1988: 11; Dawoodi, 2012: 50).
Delinquency: The problem of delinquency is a complex socio-cultural reality that can be found in different societies, and delinquency and delinquent behavior are defined and interpreted in accordance with social norms and legal rules, and punishments are included in the law for it (Isainejad and Sotoudezadeh, 2016). ). Delinquency is the most general correction for juvenile delinquent behavior and includes behaviors such as drug use and violent offenses against persons (such as rape); properties (such as vandalism and arson) and public order, and this behavior is for adults; It is considered a crime. In line with criminal violations, minor criminals are exposed to dignity violations such as loitering and running away (Alivardinia and Setara, 2012: 81). Delinquency in four dimensions: a). Vandalism index (general vandalism of the city, destruction of public city equipment, destruction of school equipment and destruction of indoor equipment); b) violence-aggression index (street conflict and conflict at school, threatening and scaring others); C). Theft and fraud index (stealing from home, taking items from shops, not paying for tickets and cheating in exams) and d). Cultural deviation index (telephone interference, smoking, coming back late on the phone, smoking, coming home late, inappropriate clothing at school, disrespecting the teacher, running away from school, and being absent from school) (Alivardinia et al., 2008: 114).
2-1. Theory of functionalism and family delinquency:
According to functionalists, the family is a place for the emergence and display of cooperation between men and women. From this point of view, the family has four basic functions: regulation of sexual relations, socialization of children, economic-psychological support and provision of social base. In other words, the family regulates people's sexual relations and controls reproduction so that it takes place in a certain territory and defines the taboos of adultery. In the second function, parents undertake to teach children the necessary skills and knowledge to survive, and in the function of economic-psychological support, the family is responsible for providing the economic-psychological needs of its members, and in the fourth function, it provides a social base for its members. It determines the class status and opportunities of the family based on race, ethnicity, nationality, social class and religion (Sotoudeh and Kamali, 2004: 177). The family of five vital functions of regulating sexual behavior and reproduction; socialization; protection; It is responsible for providing emotional support and social status. These functions somehow organize childbearing, marriage, divorce and some values and patterns in the family. Disruption in each of these functions leads to disorder in other areas and finally in the society as a whole (Haqiqian, 2014: 2). Talbot Parsons; In the analysis of delinquency, he pointed to the four sub-systems of culture, society, personality and economy, and considered the interaction of these four components to be the controller of every society and the guarantee of social survival. any functional curves; Imbalance and disorder in the above dimensions target and threaten the health and life of human society. From this state; Deviant behaviors emerge. for example; stability of the family system; It strengthens social health and its useful functions are regulation of sexual relations and reproduction, socialization, care and maintenance of children, determination of social base, emotional support and provision of love and affection and security of the individual (Fatemi et al., 2015: 43). The family is the main and most influential social institution that has the greatest impact on the child's personality and existence, and families that have a rejecting, conflicting, extremely controlling relationship with their children and have delinquent and criminal members are more likely than other families that their children tend towards delinquency.
The family, as the first institution in which a person is placed and goes through his growth process, has the greatest influence on the formation of children's personality and behaviors, especially through the process of role modeling, and families that do not have a healthy educational system and with deficiencies such as economic poverty, control There are excessive and absent parents, their children's tendency is at a very high level. Family structure and dynamics are the most important factors influencing children's behavior and personality, and neglecting children's needs in the family environment and lack of parental support are among the most important factors influencing children's tendency to commit delinquency during adolescence (Eisinejad and Sotoudezadeh, 2016).
From Durkheim's point of view; The family is a smaller community in a larger society that can have a significant impact on the formation of social solidarity. He considers the family to be a real part of society, its origin is mixed with the whole. He considers the role of social cohesion in the unity and preservation of the family system to be important and considers it to be the link of the family institution (Hasni Nesab and Karimi, 2019: 159). Emile Durkheim as the author of this approach; He considers the root of family delinquency in the disorderly and faulty division of labor and the reduction of its moral authority through the transition from a mechanical to an organic society, which is due to the reduction of social solidarity and extreme individualism. The family has two main functions in the society and these family feelings can be analyzed in two 1. positive aspects (paternity, filial piety, marriage and kinship) and 2. negative aspects (preventing deviant issues, forbidden relationships, such as cohabitation with incest, inappropriate relationships) (Durkheim, 2012: 170). Durkheim pays attention to solving the crisis with an ethical approach in modern society. The way to order society and reduce social problems is the institution of the family. The family as a social institution that, while educating individual personality, also pays attention to collective ideals.
As a social environment, the family contains moral requirements, commitment, sacrifice and self-sacrifice (ibid.: 2009: 11) and the school is an example of self-sacrifice and moral ideal. There is a reason hidden in this inbreeding that has exceptionally led to the strengthening of the moral norm in social relations within the family and neighborhood. Of course, some virtues of the family do not only come back to the issue of being of the same blood, but the family is a group of people who are placed in the political society because of the special emotional sharing, common thoughts and the same interests. Consanguinity has only made this focus of family collectivism easier; Because the effect of its nature is that with its rules, strengthening the sense of trust, they prevent individuality and dispersion and keep them together. Of course, it emphasizes that the issue of spatial proximity, the correlation of interests, and the existence of common risks, has made the context of family familism possible (collectivism; atmosphere of intimacy; healthy relationships; rich social capital) (Ibid.: 24). The fundamentality of the family as a basic institution and the agency of creating currents in social developments and the more fundamental vision of social currents such as individualism, collectivism, acculturation and social education (Azadarmaki, 2013).
Family in history; They share the whole of their being against each other, this emotional feeling along with the characteristic of moral authority leads to Family in history; They share the whole of their existence with each other, this emotional feeling along with the characteristic of moral authority has led to the maintenance of social cohesion and solidarity and makes possible the grounds for reducing social issues and in case of defects in the functioning of the family; Its members become abnormal. from the positive function of the family institution; Dealing with delinquency and delinquency through strengthening marital culture, social trade; Increasing recognition of the cultural diversity of couples and extra-familial social connection reduces the crime scene and brings people back to the normal society (Durkheim, 2010) and with the disruption of the family institution; Social harm increases. Durkheim had a revolutionary look at the family and showed its function in the social division of labor and the suicide book. What was Durkheim's attention in the family. The discussion of justice is within families. The family teaches a person to make a minimum of self-sacrifice. In organic society, although individuality has increased; However, these moral requirements require that a person fulfills his duty while maintaining his individuality in front of the group, in addition to moral news and social rules (Azad Eramaki, 2012: 90). Finally, he has imagined the family in a positive moral construction. If the society undergoes modernization and development, ethics must be respected in it. Over time, the family has become functional in the modern society and it is possible to revive it through a professional group (Azad Eramaki,2014: 158).
The empirical background of the research
Table 1: Experimental background
the writer | nationality | Volume | Sampling method | city or village |
Ahmadi et al(2019) | Fars | 494
| a simple accident | City |
Aramaki et al2018) | Mazni | 377 | floor _ | City |
Ghafari et al (2016) | Fars | 345 | Random cluster | City |
Isa Nejad and Sotoudezadeh(2016) | Fars | 462 | by accident | City |
Arslan et al . (2015) | Fars | 150 | Targeted | City |
Yaqoubi and Elmi (2015) | Turkish | 120 | a simple accident | City |
Gaffari and Murad (2015) | did | 384 | a simple accident | City |
Esmaili et al. (2015) | Fars | 88 | a simple accident | City |
Fatemi et al . (2015) | Turkish | 360 | Random cluster | City |
Emetadifar et al (2014) | Fars | 388
| a simple accident | City |
Farzaneh et al(2014) | Turkmen | 58 | a simple accident | City |
Saberi et al. (2013) | Fars | 60 | Targeted | City |
Alavi and Hosni (2013) | Fars | 150 | a simple accident | City |
Nomadism and Courage (2013) | Turkish | 500 | a simple accident | City |
Alivardi Nia and Setare (2013) | Fars | 400 | a simple accident | City |
Hassan Naderi and Al-Sadat Nasr(2013) | Turkish | 22 | by accident | City |
Pourshikhi (2013) | Lor | 170 | Targeted | City |
Navidnia et al . (2013) | Fars | 250 | by accident | City |
Hassanvand and Hassanvand (2011) | Lor | 350 | a simple accident | City |
Wadia et al (2009) | Gilkey | 88
| the whole number | City |
Ansari et al.( 2009) | Lor | 186 | Targeted | City |
Mohammad Khani (2009) | Lor | 200 | a simple accident | City |
Zahtzad Khouri (2009) | Baloch | 60 | Available | City |
Nouri Ghasemabadi and colleagues (2009) | Fars | 96 | Available | City |
Saki et al (2008) | Lor | 93 | available | City |
Moazzami and Mahdo (2008) | Fars | 165 | a simple accident | City |
Bagheri and Moltfat (2008) | Arab | 550 | Random floor | City |
Alivardinia et al. (2008) | did | 410 | Random class | City |
Iklima et al. (2001) | Fars | 300 | Random cluster | City |
3. Methodology
Literature and research conducted in the period of 2001 to 2021, focusing on delinquency among youth and teenagers (keyword), from the statistical population of 35 research documents after screening; The sample size of 29 researches has been identified and after controlling in terms of method, validity, validity and scientific findings, it has been categorized and organized according to method, sample size, correlation coefficients and significance level, statistical population, year, etc. Meta-analysis articles from the scientific databases of academic Jihad, the database of the country's publications, the database of specialized magazines Normagz and Mogiran; it has been gotten.
The inclusion criteria in this research is the presence of correlation coefficients; Sample size; The significance level of the research and the exclusion criteria (the quality and documentation of the article; the lack of required statistical information such as the correlation coefficient, the year of the research, the sample size, as well as doubts about the validity and reliability) have been, after preparing the entry criteria; They are entered into the software and the final effect size of each study and the total final effect have been estimated by the Fisher and Cohen formula. To detect the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the above researches, the funnel plot, Q test was used and after proving the assumption of heterogeneity between the studies, the moderating (contextual) variable was used to measure its effect on delinquency. The summary of the meta-analysis research is given in Table 2.
.Table 2: A summary of meta -analysis
The writer | place | The investigated group | State |
Ahmadi et al(2019) | Tehran | Delinquent teenagers | Tehran |
Aramaki et al2018) | Sari | Delinquent teenagers | Mazandaran |
Ghafari et al (2016) | Tehran | Youth | Tehran |
Isa Nejad and Sotoudezadeh(2016) | Esfahan | Male students | Esfahan |
Arslan et al . (2015) | thank you | Female students | Fars |
Yaqoubi and Elmi (2015) | Tabriz | Prisoners | East Azarbaijan |
Gaffari and Murad (2015) | Kermanshah | Male students | Kermanshah |
Esmaili et al. (2015) | Tehran | jailed women | Tehran |
Fatemi et al . (2015) | Zanjan | High school students | Zanjan |
Emetadifar et al (2014) | Tehran | Youth | Tehran |
Farzaneh et al(2014) | Gorgan | Adolescents under 18 years of age | Golestan |
Saberi et al. (2013) | Esfahan | The teenager is not the criminal | Esfahan |
Alavi and Hosni (2013) | Texture | girl students | Kerman |
Nomadism and Courage (2013) | Neshahr Musk _ | Citizens | Ardabil |
Alivardi Nia and Setare (2013) | Mashhad | High school students | Khorasan Razavi |
Hassan Naderi and Al-Sadat Nasr(2013) | Qazvin | Correctional center offenders | Qazvin |
Pourshikhi (2013) | Khorramabad | High school students | Lorestan |
Navidnia et al . (2013) | Garmsar | High school students | Semnan |
Hassanvand and Hassanvand (2011) | dynasty | High school students | Lorestan |
Wadia et al (2009) | Langrod | Adolescents under 18 years of age | Guilan |
Ansari et al.( 2009) | Hamedan | juvenile delinquent | Hamedan |
Mohammad Khani (2009) | Yasuj | students | Kahkiloyeh and Boyerahmad |
Zahtzad Khouri (2009) | Bandar Abbas | Delinquent juveniles | Hormozgan |
Nouri Ghasemabadi and colleagues (2009) | Tehran | Delinquent teenagers | Tehran |
Saki et al (2008) | Khorramabad | Adolescents of the Correctional Center | Lorestan |
Moazzami and Mahdo (2008) | Tehran | Delinquent teenagers | Tehran |
Bagheri and Moltfat (2008) | Ahvaz | Citizens | Khuzestan |
Alivardinia et al. (2008) | Sanandaj | High school students | Kurdistan |
Iklima et al. (2001) | Tehran | Female students | Tehran |
The family is one of the most important social institutions, any functional deviation in them can cause damage and dangerous social issues on the body of the society, it disrupts the development and culture level of the society. Various researches have been conducted in this field, the results of which are scattered, and it is not possible to present a comprehensive and coherent policy in this field. The purpose of quantitative meta-analysis; Coherence and organization of research results and providing a general effect size to identify the family roots of delinquency and solutions to deal with it.
3.2. The theoretical model of research
Figure 1: The theoretical model of the research
4. Findings
Descriptive: Descriptive findings including the process of conducting studies; specialized field of writers; Sampling method; Sample size; ethnic identity, studied gender; The type of region and the level of development of the provinces are investigated.
- in terms of time period; 17 percent (5 cases) in 2015; 14% (4 cases) in 2019; 10% (3 cases) in 2018; 1392-1393; 7% (3) cases in 2013-2014 and 2014; 3% (1 case) in 2013; 2008; 2016; 2018 and 2019.
- In terms of ethnic identity, 41% of Fars people (12 cases); 17 percent of Turks and Ler people (5 cases); 7% Kurdish people (2 cases) and 3% Turkmen peoples; Arab; Baloch; Gilki and Mazni (1 case each).
- In terms of sampling method; 52% simple random (15 cases); 14% targeted method (4 items); 10% cluster random; stratified and accessible randomization (3 cases); It was 3% of the total number (1 case).
- In terms of the type of statistical population; 41 percent of students (12 cases); 34 percent of youth and teenagers (10 cases); 14 percent of prisoners; Correctional youth and teenagers (4 cases); 7% of citizens (2 cases) and 3% of students (1 case).
- 48 percent of the research belongs to the developing society (14 cases), 28 percent developed (8 cases) and 24 percent are underdeveloped (7 percent).
Analytical: In the analytical section, influencing variables and the amount of their effect; publication bias; The effect of moderating (contextual) variables on delinquency has been investigated.
4.1. Research effect size
Table 3. : Research effect size
Research variables | Statistical report | |||||
Effect size | lower | upper | Z | sig | ||
social factors | Family trust | 0.365 | 0.056 | 0.131 | 2.965 | 0.000 |
social exclusion | 0.281 | 0.267 | 0.451 | 3.761 | 0.000 | |
Family cohesion | 0.328 | 0.157 | 0.298 | 4.659 | 0.000 | |
Social control | 0.423 | 0.200 | 0.381 | 009.4 | 0.000 | |
Family factors | family violence | 0.493 | 0.156 | 0.289 | 9.478 | 0.000 |
Strictness and punitive behavior | 0.739 | 0.431 | 0.598 | 3.046 | 0.000 | |
Family disputes | 0.310 | 0.192 | 0.281 | 4.064 | 0.000 | |
Family emotional crisis | 0.386 | 0.178 | 0.216 | 14.132 | 0.000 | |
The family is broken | 0.577 | 0.376 | 0.789 | 2.6562 | 0.000 | |
cultural factors | religious affiliation | 0.530 | 0.325 | 0.692 | 4.936 | 0.000 |
Cultural capital | 0.326 | 0.108 | 0.210 | 2.8022 | 0.000 | |
life style | 0.325 | 0.192 | 0.265 | 1.086 | 0.000 | |
Cyberspace | 0.264 | 0.143 | 0.176 | 1.869 | 0.000 | |
generation gap | 0.244 | 0.671 | 0.891 | 1.670 | 0.000 | |
Economic factors | Economic capital | 0.327 | 0.221 | 0.319 | 5.850 | 0.000 |
Relative deprivation | 0.433 | 0.279 | 0.392 | 1.276 | 0.000 | |
The social base of the family | 0.513 | 0.228 | 0.604 | 13.609 | 0.000 | |
Background factors | Family size | 0.260 | 0.088 | 0.128 | 4.128 | 0.000 |
Age | 0.709 | 0.246 | 0.405 | 3.918 | 0.000 | |
Social class | 0.306 | 0.117 | 0.321 | 2.177 | 0.000 | |
education | 0.648 | 0.400 | 0.603 | 22.083 | 0.000 |
4.2. A: Family factors affecting the delinquent ( research results)
results show that:
1. There is a significant relationship between social factors and youth delinquency. Among them, social exclusion variables (0.281); family trust (0.365); Family cohesion (0.328) and social control (0.423) had a significant effect on delinquency.
2. There is a significant relationship between family factors and youth delinquency. Among them, the variables of family violence (0.493); strictness and punitive behavior (0.793); family disputes (0.310); The emotional crisis of the family (0.386) and the broken family (0.577) had a significant effect on the tendency to delinquency.
3. There is a significant relationship between cultural factors and youth delinquency. Among them, the variables of religious belonging (0.530), cultural capital (0.326), lifestyle (0.325) and virtual space (0.264); The generation gap (0.244) has had a significant effect on the tendency to delinquency.
4. There is a significant relationship between economic factors and youth delinquency. Among them, the variables of relative deprivation (0.433); economic capital (0.327); The social base of the family (0.513) has had a significant effect on the tendency to delinquency.
5. There is a significant relationship between contextual factors and youth delinquency. Among them, the variables of the household dimension (0.260); age (0.709); Social class (0.306) and education (0.648) had a significant effect on the tendency to delinquency.
4.2.1. The effect of family components on delinquency
Table4: . The effect of family components on delinquency
Variable type | Statistical report | |||||
Effect size | lower | upper | Z | sig | ||
social factors | 0.401 | 0.346 | 0.578 | 091.5 | 0.000 | |
cultural factors | 0.388 | 0.166 | 0.288 | 952.6 | 0.000 | |
Family factors | 0.568 | 0.109 | 0.179 | 352.3 | 0.000 | |
Economic factors | 0.278 | 0.088 | 0.111 | 226.7 | 0.000 | |
Ground factors _ | 0.145 | 0.191 | 0.210 | 317.10 | 0.000 | |
The results show that family factors (0.568); social factors (0.401); Cultural factors (0.388) have a greater effect, economic factors (0.278) have a moderate effect, and background factors (0.145) have a small effect on the crime rate.Funnel diagram (checking the level of homogeneity and heterogeneity of the research). In the regression, if the Fisher value and the dispersion around the line show how homogeneous the studies are, according to the dispersion of the points around the slope line, the above studies are not homogeneous, due to geographical differences, implementation time, authors, or the type of statistical population under study, there are differences and variances. are. In this diagram, in the absence of publication bias, studies are symmetrically distributed around the pooled effect size.
Diagram 1 : Regression if for the level of homogeneity and heterogeneity of the research
4.2.2.Q test
This test is used for homogeneity and heterogeneity of studies. It makes two basic assumptions:
Null hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the studies under review.
Counter hypothesis: There is a significant difference between the studies under review.
In the case of homogeneity of studies, fixed size is used and random model is used for heterogeneity, the results of randomness in heterogeneous conditions are more generalizable than the fixed model.
Table 5:. Q test
Homogeneity of studies | |||
I- squared | p-value | df | Q-value |
323.97 | 0.000 | 28 | 721.597 |
According to the results of the model, it can be said with 99% confidence that the null hypothesis based on the homogeneity of the studies is rejected and the hypothesis of heterogeneity (lack of homogeneity) of the studies is confirmed. The significance of Q=724 indicates the existence of heterogeneity. The i-squared value has a value between 0-100 and represents the heterogeneity as a percentage. The closer to 100, the greater the heterogeneity of the effect sizes of the primary study. The value of (97) percent confirms that 97 percent of the total changes in studies are related to heterogeneity between studies. On this basis, the random effect should be used for analysis; That is, this situation says that the investigation of family factors affecting delinquency are different in terms of the characteristics of the research, the moderating variable should be used to determine the location of these differences and variance.
4.3. B. The relationship between contextual variables and delinquency
-Effect of ethnic group on crime rate
Table 6: The effect of ethnic group on the crime rate
ethnic group | by accident | ||
Combined size | z-value | sig | |
Fars | 0.571 | 123.6 | 0.000 |
Azari | 0.308 | 487.3 | 0.000 |
Turkmen | 0.288 | 366.11 | 0.000 |
did | 0.231 | 931.8 | 0.000 |
Arab | 0.192 | 031.4 | 0.000 |
Baloch | 0.189 | 428.8 | 0.000 |
Lor | 0.231 | 121.6 | 0.000 |
Gilkey | 0.378 | 562.9 | 0.000 |
Mazni | 0.254 | 221.10 | 0.000 |
total effect | 0.486 | 311.5 | 0.000 |
There is a significant relationship between ethnic identity and tendency to delinquency and its amount is 38%. The influence of Persian ethnic identity (0.571); Gilki (0.378); Azari (0.308); Turkmen (0.288) and Mazni (0.254) on more delinquency and the Baloch ethnic group (0.189); Arab (0.192); Kurd (0.231) and Ler (0.231) are less.
4.3.1. Statistical society on the crime rate
Table 7: The effect of the statistical community on the crime rate
Type of society | by accident | ||
Combined size | z-value | sig | |
Students | 0.219 | 177.5 | 0.000 |
students | 0.352 | 489.7 | 0.000 |
Youth and Teenagers | 0.372 | 392.3 | 0.000 |
Prisoners; Youth and teenagers reformed | 0.389 | 881.4 | 0.000 |
Citizens | 0.210 | 022.6 | 0.000 |
total effect | 0.291 | 562.3 | 0.000 |
There is a significant relationship between the type of statistical population and delinquency and its value is 0.29 %. the group of youths and teenagers of the correctional center and prisoners with the amount (0.389); ordinary non-delinquent youths and teenagers (0.372); Students (0.352) had a greater effect on delinquency, and students (0.219) and citizens (0.210) had a lesser effect on delinquency.
4.3.2.The effect The level of development of the province on the crime rate
Table 8: . Influence Level of development Province on the crime rate
Level of development | by accident | ||
Combined size | z-value | sig | |
Developed | 0.383 | 631.10 | 0.000 |
Developing | 0.348 | 045.8 | 0.000 |
underdeveloped | 0.169 | 735.6 | 0.000 |
total effect | 0.338 | 761.4 | 0.000 |
There is a significant relationship between the type of development of the provinces and the tendency to delinquency, and its total value is equal to 33%. Thus, developed provinces (0.38percent) and developing provinces (0.34 percent) had a greater impact and less developed provinces (0.33 percent) had a lesser impact on delinquency.
5. Discussion
The aim of the current research was to study the family roots related to delinquent behaviors in the period of 2018-2019 using the meta-analysis method (Cma2). The results show that between social factors (0.401); cultural factors (0.388); family factors (0.568); Economic factors (0.278) and contextual factors (0.145) have a significant relationship with delinquency:
5.1. . Social index
- The greater the amount and intensity of social exclusion at the family level; The probability of crime increases.
- by increasing the level of family trust; The intensity of delinquency will decrease.
- As long as the relationships within the family have proper and logical coherence and strength, the tendency to delinquent behavior will decrease to the same extent.
- by increasing the social control of the family; The tendency to delinquent behavior is reduced and with its reduction; The probability of committing a crime also increases.
5.2. Family index
- the greater the intensity and amount of family violence; The tendency to delinquency and behavior against the norm and law also increases.
- Families with punitive and strict behavior; Due to the discipline caused by fear and anxiety, they turn to crime.
- existence of family disputes; It increases the platforms for committing crimes and violating norms and laws.
- Families who live in an emotional crisis and the intensity of its intimate atmosphere has decreased; They provide a suitable platform for delinquency.
5. 3. Cultural index
- The greater the intensity of religious affiliation among the family, the lower the tendency to delinquent behavior.
- Cultural capital in families; Due to the promotion of awareness, insight; Socio-practical knowledge prevents the tendency to delinquent issues.
- Whatever the family's lifestyle is, traditional, indigenous and Islamic, due to behavioral-normative and personality adaptation, the tendency to engage in dangerous and delinquent behaviors is reduced.
- Cyberspace plays an important role in criminal behavior; The more a person's presence in the network and virtual space is and it is considered as a leisure style, the more likely it is to commit a crime.
- With the increase of the generational gap in the family institution; Due to emotional crisis, social distance; lack of understanding of mutual relations and lack of common expectations and consensus; The tendency to delinquent behavior increases.
5.4. Economic index
- Relative deprivation by causing social and psychological failure; It causes a person's social frustration and leads him to delinquency.
- The higher the level of economic capital of families, the lower the probability of delinquency.
- By increasing and improving the socio-economic base of the family; The severity of crime is reduced.
5. 5. Contextual index
- People who have a larger family population, due to the presence of deep and strong and supportive social relationships, the probability of delinquency decreases.
- As the average age of people increases, the probability of delinquency decreases.
- by increasing the social class of the family; from low to medium and high; The tendency to delinquent behavior is also reduced.
- Education as a cultural variable plays an important role in controlling delinquent behavior.
Considering the existence of heterogeneity and variance between researches in the field of family factors of delinquency; To determine the sources of variance of this difference; If and Q tests were used. The results show that the research has a publication bias and in this context contextual and moderator variables were used. The ethnic identity of the studied community has a significant relationship with delinquency, and its overall effect is 38%. Among this ethnic group; The influence of Persian ethnic identity (0.571); Gilki (0.378); more Turkish (0.308) and Turkmen ethnic identity (0.288); Kurdish (0.231); Ler (0.231) and Mazni (0.254) are average, and Baloch (0.189) and Arab (0.192) ethnic groups are less on delinquency. Also, the type and species of the statistical population have a significant effect on delinquency and its overall effect is equal to 0.29%. Among them, the group of youths - teenagers of the correctional center and prisoners with the amount (0.389); ordinary non-delinquent youths and teenagers (0.372); Students (0.352) had a greater effect, and students (0.219) and citizens (0.210) had a moderate effect on delinquency.
The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the level of development of the studied provinces and the tendency to delinquency, and its total value is equal to 33%. The more developed and modern the level of the province, the higher the probability of delinquency and its effect value is 0.38%, and the tendency to delinquency is 0.34% in developing societies and 0.33% in less developed ones. Family; The main, most fundamental builder of a nation, society and group is the smallest. It is formed from the result of a man and a woman who, according to the rules of the family system, legitimately raise the future generations. The main purpose of the family institution; The survival of the generation and ensuring the health of the community through proper socialization is a suitable and normal educational style. As societies are in the process of fundamental changes, as a result of social modernization; They move from traditional to modern; The family is an institution among other social institutions that accepts changes (transition from extended to nuclear and other new species), its functions, division of labor, duties, roles and norms and its form undergo fundamental changes, which in the case of rapid, radical and sudden changes. This transformation; It becomes socially disorganized and dysfunctional. The result of this disorganization and functional distortion of the family institution; The emergence of social problems and problems. delinquency among teenagers and young people; It has a deep connection with the functioning of this social system. Family delinquency is one of the important issues of Iranian society, which is of great importance due to its importance in the training of human resources and Salam's emphasis on protecting the family center due to its love, affection and affection for social health.
The transition of the world from traditional to modern and the change of the family from extended to nuclear has changed the form of crimes and their severity along with social disorganization and social anomie, and family factors and conditions have been effective in the level of their delinquency. Based on the theory of functionalism, the formation of youth delinquency occurs through family structures. This criminal act is formed through family structures and its environment. Attention is focused on the relationship between specific structural arrangements of roles, norms and situations and the results of these arrangements. The transition of the family from its traditional to its modern sphere causes changes in one component to changes in other components.
A change in one component may be balanced by a change in other components as if no change had occurred in the whole system. Without the internalization of culture and without shared norms and values, social life will not be possible; Culture is not easily learned, and its primary education is only done by the family, or in other words, only the family is responsible for this task. When the personality is formed, it is time to stabilize it, and this is the second non-delegable function of the family. In this case, the emphasis is on the relationship of marriage and the kind of emotional support and peace of mind that each of the two couples provides for the other party. Thus, Durkheim's interest in maintaining order and ensuring social harmony, whose basic foundations are provided through the family; It has caused him to look at the family system as a collective conscience and consider the functions of the family as an irreducible and non-delegable foundation, and since he is a functionalist, maintaining order and creating harmony in the heart of the family institution to prevent harm and social issues is one of the undeniable necessities of civil society.
Research proposals
- Prevention of family violence and dealing with it, including spousal abuse; abuse of the elderly, abuse of manure;
- Strengthening family culture with a preventive approach to addiction; Delinquency, moral indiscipline;
- reducing the conflict and social conflict of the family through religious-psychological and family counseling;
- Controlling and monitoring the behavior of young people by parents in order to prevent high-risk behavioral problems and injuries;
- Strengthening, consolidating and developing values; Ethics, religious belonging and spiritual behaviors in the family system;
- Improving the awareness and scientific knowledge of the family in children's issues, including social-sexual, psychological and behavioral maturity;
- Strengthening social-communicative inhibitions of family members in Islamic style;
- Compilation of educational-scientific packages for the family in the field of social damage prevention.
Research limitations
- -Lack of access to macro and national plans on the role of family factors on delinquency;
- Failure to fully present some research articles in scientific databases
-Lack of conceptual and operational definition in some researches
- Correlation coefficients (Pearson and Spearman) are not provided in some articles
The authors of this article; Dear researchers, researchers and professors in the field of family factors related to delinquency; They have done their research and provided us with its data free of charge, we appreciate and thank them. Also, from the respected reviewers of the magazine, editor, internal manager and members of the magazine; Thank you very much for helping to improve the quality of this article.
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[1] .*Associate Professor,faculty member of the Department of History and Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardebil. IranCorresponding Author,
[2] . PhD student of Cultural Sociology, Dep.Social sciences, Fac.Social Sciences, Communication & Media, University of Islamic Azad , Central Tehranbranchm Tehran, Iran.
[3] .Associate professor and member of the faculty of the Department of Social Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran. Iran.
[4] . BA student of Sociology at Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardebil. Iran.