Sociological Study of the Relationship between Social Capital and Academic Achievement (Case Study: Male High School Students in Ghaen)
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of Youth
Mohammad Sharbatiyan
Vahid Rohani
1 - PhD., Departemnt of Sociology of Social Issues of Iran, University of Science and Technology, Khorasan Razavi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorasan, Iran
2 - PhD. Candidate, Department of Consultation, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Students, Social capital, Ghaen,
Abstract :
Academic achievement is one of the important indicators of human capital in any society and social capital as a facilitating social phenomenon affects academic achievement. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between social capital indicators and students' academic achievement. The theoretical approach of this article refers to the function, facilitation and capacities of students in the field of social capital, which can be related to academic success through indicators such as (communication, participation, trust, security and cohesion).The methodology of the present study is descriptive-correlational and the study population is male high school students in Ghaen city in Khorasan Razavi that have been selected based on cluster-random sampling method and the sample size of 155 people has been obtained through Cochran's formula; and using a self-made interview questionnaire, information was collected from the respondents at the level of sequential assessment. Through descriptive and inferential tests, respondents' information was analyzed with SPSS software Cronbach's alpha for the social capital variable is 0.734 and for the academic achievement variable is 0.710. The weighted average of the independent variable and its components is between 58.6- 74.7 and for the dependent variable and its components is between 65.7- 78. Among the indicators of the independent variable, social capital (social interactions) and among the components of the indicators of academic achievement had the highest rate. Based on the results of the hypothesis, between the components of the independent and dependent variables, a significant relationship with moderate intensity can be observed between some of these components. In addition, social interactions, social participation, social trust, social security and social cohesion had the highest relationship with the dependent variable, respectively.
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