The Role of the National Media (TV) on the Culture of Entrepreneurship among the Youth in Gorgan City
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of Youthعلیرضا اسماعیلی 1 * , مریم ساریخانی 2
1 - Azadshahr branch
2 - Ghoochan branch
Keywords: culture, development, entrepreneurship, Mass Media, Gorgan city, National media (Television),
Abstract :
This study examines the role of national media (TV) on the development of entrepreneurial citizens in Gorgan. The survey research method is analytical type. The population among the youth of Gorgan(sample size) were 400. The data tool (questionnaire) were analyzed using SPSS software. To evaluate the hypotheses, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The finding confirms the opinion that the national media (TV) is a factor affecting the development of entrepreneurial culture.