Study of the Relationship between Different Types of Capital (Economic, Social and Cultural) and Social Indifference (Case Study: Young People Aged 18-29 in Sanandaj)
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of Youth
Yaghoub Ahmadi
Aboalghasem Heidarabadi
1 - Associate Professor of Sociology, Payamnoor University, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
Keywords: Social capital, Cultural capital, economic capital, Indifference,
Abstract :
Social indifference is in fact a sign of the failure of the processes of cohesion and integration in the connection of individuals with society. The severity and pervasiveness of social indifference will undoubtedly lead to social disintegration and, in a way, to underdevelopment. Accordingly, the importance of the study of social indifference in its adverse consequences on the path of development and the existence of a significant volume of this situation among young people will cause more concerns and concerns. In this regard, the present article is a sociological look at the study of the relationship between the existences of three types of capital between young people (economic, cultural and social) with social indifference. The present research method was non-experimental descriptive correlation using survey technique. The statistical population of the study was young people aged 18-29 years in Sanandaj in 2019. The sample size was 374, which were studied based on multi-stage cluster sampling method. The results of the hypothesis test show that there is a significant and inverse relationship between the existence of different types of capital and the degree of social indifference of young people. In other words, as the number of young people's three assets increases, so does their indifference. The most severe relationship was the existence of social capital (0.564). Also, the result of regression analysis shows that different types of capital explain about 38% of the variance of social indifference of the youth and in this model, the most important factor whose effect is more determinant than other factors is the variable of social capital that up to 52% explains the variations of the dependent variable.
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