The Role of Critical Sociological Thinking on Young Iranian Advanced EFL Learners' Ingenuity of English Conversation
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of YouthMaryam Kaviani 1 * , Sahar Mahdavi 2
1 - Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, Department of English, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
2 - MA in Psychology, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
Keywords: critical thinking, EFL learners, English conversation, Young Iranian, Advanced,
Abstract :
This study considered the critical sociological thinking impact on teaching conversation among young Iranian advanced EFL learners. For this purpose, 40 advanced learners, 17-35 years old, were chosen after administering a nonprobability sampling design from classes at Foreign Language Institute in Babolsar, Iran. These 40 participants were randomly allocated to two groups (one experimental and one control group) each comprising of 20 persons. The participants received a pre-test connected to English conversation separately to ensure that they failed to have previous knowledge. The experimental group received the treatment associated with critical sociological thinking to learn conversation. Then the participants were asked to answer related IELTS Speaking Test. But the control group just received the usual instructions as before. After the treatments, the same pre-test was given to the participants as post-test to evaluate the effect of treatment. After collecting and analyzing the data, the results indicated that critical sociological thinking had a positive effect on teaching conversation in English. The findings of this research can be used in methodological issues.
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