Sociological Comparison of the Self-Control and Behavioral Activation and Prevention Systems in Normal and Blind People
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of Youth
Maliheh Pishvaei
Mohammad Khaledian
Alieh Shekarbeigi
1 - PPh.D. Candidate, Department of Woman & Family, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran
Keywords: Self-Control, Blind, Behavioral activation, Prevention systems,
Abstract :
Self-control is one of the most important skills that are considered as the main characteristic of individual adaptability. Indeed, an individual with self-control ability is one who can prioritize his/her goals and keep a balance between his/her emotions and thoughts. The purpose of this study was to compare self-control and behavioral activation and prevention systems in both normal and blind people. For this purpose, a descriptive and cross-sectional research frame was used. A sample of 80 people (40 normal and 40 blind people) was selected randomly. In order to measure the research data, scales of self-control and behavioral activation and prevention systems were used. In order to use this scale, its reliability and validity were measured and confirmed. The research data were analyzed in the SPSS. The findings revealed the score of behavioral activation and prevention systems in two groups of respondents (blind and normal ones) are different (p≤0.001). Also findings showed that the scores of self-control systems in two groups of respondents (blind and normal ones) are not different (p≤0.001). It can be concluded that self-control and behavioral activation and prevention systems of blinds are more sensitive than normal people.
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