Sociological Study of Consumer Media Effects on Lifestyle with regard to Individual Characteristics (Case Study: Youth of Rural and Nomadic Areas in Gilane Gharb Province)
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of YouthMassoumeh Heidary Zargoosh 1 * , Masoud Darabi 2
1 - Department of Cultural Sociology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Irann
2 - Department of Sociology, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran
Keywords: lifestyle, Youth, Social Behavior, Individual characteristics, media consumption,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to consider the effects of consumer media on lifestyle with regard to the individual characteristics (case study: youth of rural and nomadic areas in Gilane Gharb Province). For this purpose, theoretical framework of thinkers such as Bourdieu and Chaney has been used. The research method was descriptive. The statistical population of this research was rural and nomadic youth of Gilane Gharb. The sample size was 381 persons based on Cochran's formula. Research findings show the separated effects of social class, marital status, and gender variables on lifestyle based on the value of F test were not meaningful. That is the average of lifestyle is not different statistically, but the separated effect of variables such as age, educational level, number of household members and occupational groups on lifestyle based on the value of F test was meaningful. Regarding the effect of media consumption on lifestyle based on F test, there is a significant difference in lifestyle based on the media consumption.
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