A Study on Social Structure, Marriage and a Romantic Relation
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of Youth
1 - Staff member of I.A.U of Quchan Branch
Keywords: Social structure, Romantic love, Emotional relationship,
Abstract :
For marriage, we need at least a positive tendency but a forced or expedient marriage leads to divorce. Living in a society full of loving and respecting each other is necessary and it is an outcome of an organized family. This paper tries to analyze the effect of social structure on establishment of sustainable relation and emotional relationship. We can examine this subject from two point of views. Including personal and psychological characteristics.(micro level), and social structure and its effect on after marriage stage. Through this paper, the latter view was analyzed and due to status quo of present society of Iran and the effect of material life's urbanization, modernization and recent feminisms so lots of women enter to social forums and fields. Thus new conflict of values and norms, happens between new generations specially relationship between opposite sexes. In this case, this paper tries to analyze the material changes and its effect on the relationship between men and women.
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