The Sociological Study Factors Effect on Intergenerational Solidarity Phenomenon among Youth(new generation)and Parents(Old Generation
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of YouthRobabeh Pourjebeli 1 * , Samad Abedini 2
1 - PhD in Sociology
2 - PhD in Sociology
Keywords: Generation Gap, leisure, intergenerational solidarity, dimension family, Social Integration,
Abstract :
Intergenerational solidarity is and important phenomenon for strengthening social cohesion and is an important immediate mechanism that has major role in the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation. But the distance between parents and youth, among generations, and this gap exists between the social system, with profound social problems facing the generation gap in the process in terms of cultural and religious values occurs between generations. The overall objective of this study determines the factors affecting the intergenerational solidarity between parents and children of Zanjan. In this study, statistical population, are all individuals aged between 15-54 years married in Zanjan city are based on the Lin for the sample population over 500 thousand people. The preposition to lack sampling frame method is cluster(multi-stage). The results showed the differences were statistically significant in terms of consistency between the old and new generation. Between men and women, there are significant generational differences. The use of mass media on the impact of intergenerational solidarity. Also significant is the effect of education on intergenerational solidarity. This finding also confirms that the number of old and new families members and different generation of cohesion and integration between generation have not a significant amount of leisure time.
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