A Relationship between Social Capital and the Feeling of Security in Tehran
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of YouthMansour Haghighatian 1 * , Ali Reza Sanatkha 2 , Javad Moeinedin 3 , Shirin Shiri Aminloo 4
1 - Assistant Professor of I.A.U. of Dahaghan
2 - Ph.D. Student of Sociology
3 - Associate Professor of Kerman University
4 - Educated from Sociology
Keywords: Economic, Security, Psychological, Within group social capital, Out group social capital, Commercial social capital, Political Security,
Abstract :
This paper tries to analyze the relationship between social capital(separating this capital to there areas, within group, out group and communicational) to the feeling of security. Through mixed cluster and classified sampling 22 restricts of Tehran and more than 2000 people were chosen totally. The results show that there is a significant relationship between the place of living, marriage, occupation, and age with the feeling of security. No direct effect was found in within group of social capital, but the effect of the within group social capital on security is negative(-36%). Out group social capital has a positive effect(+27%) on the security. Commercial social capital has no direct effect on security but it has negative direct effect on security but it has negative direct effect(-%8) on security.
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