Exploring the Social Factors Affecting Social Identity (A Case Study of the Youth Aged 15-29 Living in the City of Esfahan
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of Youthاشرف عبدالحسینی 1 * , منصور حقیقتیان 2
1 - dehaghan branch
2 - dehaghan branch
Keywords: Esfahan, Social identity, the youth,
Abstract :
The present article is a survey research that intends to explore the social factors affecting social identity. Statistical population consisted of over 551653 youth aged 15-29 living in the city of Esfahan. From among them, 384 persons were selected as sample of the study based on sampling formula using quota sampling method. Research hypotheses were formulated by referring to the theories given by Giddens, Bourdieu, Gerbner, Gaffman, Tajfel and Jenkins. Data collection instrument was questionnaire. After analyzing the data, it was found that the level of body management among the youth aged 15-29 living in the city of Esfahan was medium to high. Based on inferential analysis, there was a statistically significant correlation between cultural capital (r=-0.166), media consumption (r=-0/179), attention attracting (r=-0. 319), age (r=0/129), marital status, job status and social identity. Furthermore, regression analysis results showed that there was a significant correlation between variables such as gender, level of education, marital status, media consumption, cultural capital, attracting attention and social identity among the youth under research so that these variables accounted for %0.365 of the variance gained for social identity.