Open Access Article
1 - Identifying and ranking the factors affecting absorptive capacity in Research organizations
majid daeizadeh jeloudar Borzoo Pourabdollahian Tehran Arnoosh Shakeri -
Open Access Article
2 - Managing ambidexterity innovation in the aviation industry based on open foresight and absorptive capacity
Rasool Rezaei Hessam Zandhessami -
Open Access Article
3 - Conceptual Model For New Product Development In Concurrent Engineering Environment
S. M. Seied Hoseini S. J. Iranban -
Open Access Article
4 - Studing Mutual Export Between Iran and South-West Asian Countries
M. A. Abdolvand M. A. Zeighami -
Open Access Article
5 - Non-relativistic particle under the Influence of Aharonov-Bohm Flux Field Subject to Physical Potentials and the Nikiforov-Uvarov Method
Faizuddin Ahmed Kayser Ahmed Akheruzzaman Ahmed Ariful Islam Bikash Barmab -
Open Access Article
6 - Approximate solutions of the Dirac equation with Deformed Woods-Saxon potential including a Hellmann like tensor interaction
Uduakobong Okorie Akpan Ikot Monday Udoh Sylvester Ekong Collins Edet Ridha Horchani Gaotsiwe Rampho -
Open Access Article
7 - Spectra of heavy quarkonia in a magnetized-hot medium in the framework of fractional non-relativistic quark model
Mohammed Abu-shady Azar I. Ahmadov He M. Fath-Allah Vatan H. Badalov -
Open Access Article
8 - Bound state solutions and thermal properties of the N-dimensional Schrödinger equation with Varshni plus Woods-Saxon potential via Nikiforov-Uvarov method
Ridha Horchani Safa Al-Shafii Noora Al-Hashimi Akpan Ikot Ituen Okon Uduakobong Okorie Carlos Duque Enoch Oladimeji -
Open Access Article
9 - Effect of collisions, ionisation and non-extensivity on sheath formation in an electronegative warm plasma under electron emission from the wall
Yetendra Jha Mayank Kumar Hitendra K. Malik -
Open Access Article
10 - Theoretical study of ISB conduction optical absorption and impurity binding energy associated with lowest excited states in QW with a new modulated potential
Redouane En-nadir Haddou El-ghazi -
Open Access Article
11 - A new Coulomb ring-shaped potential via generalized parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov method
Ali Akbar Rajabi Majid Hamzavi -
Open Access Article
12 - Relativistic spin symmetry of the generalized Morse potential including tensor interaction
Akpan N Ikot Elham Maghsoodi Saber Zarrinkamar Hassan Hassanabadi -
Open Access Article
13 - Relativistic dynamics of electrons around impurities in high-density plasmas
Said Douis Mohammed Tayeb Meftah -
Open Access Article
14 - Effect of negative oxygen ions on the characteristics of plasma in a cylindrical DC discharge
Davoud Dorranian Mahsa Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
15 - Solving Schrodinger equation specializing to the Stark effect in linear potential by the canonical function method
L. Farhang Matin H. Hasan Bouzari F. Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
16 - Electrical characterization of nanocrystalline zinc selenide thin films
Jeewan Sharma Deep Shikha Surya Kant Tripathi -
Open Access Article
17 - Calculation of state energy of (2n+ 1)-fold wells using the spectral properties of supersymmetry shape-invariant potential
Marjan Tavakkoli -
Open Access Article
18 - Semiempirical investigations on the stabilization energies and ionic hydrogen-bonded structures of F−(H2O)n and Cl−(H2O)n (n = 1–4) clusters
Qi Wang Kimichi Suzuki Umpei Nagashima Masanori Tachikawa Shiwei Yan -
Open Access Article
19 - Solitary and cnoidal solution of ZK equation in a multicomponent magnetized dusty plasma with Fermi-Dirac electrons and positrons
Maryam Ghasemloo -
Open Access Article
20 - The Cairns-Tsallis model for ion acoustic cnoidal (periodic) waves
Forough Farhadkiyaei -
Open Access Article
21 - Tensor coupling and relativistic spin and pseudospin symmetries of the Pöschl–Teller-like potential
H. Tokmehdashi A. A. Rajabi M. Hamzavi -
Open Access Article
22 - Eigensolutions of the Schrödinger equation with a class of Yukawa potentials via supersymmetric approach
C. A. Onate J. O. Ojonubah -
Open Access Article
23 - Solutions of D-dimensional Schrodinger equation for Woods–Saxon potential with spin–orbit, coulomb and centrifugal terms through a new hybrid numerical fitting Nikiforov–Uvarov method
A. Niknam A. A. Rajabi M. Solaimani -
Open Access Article
24 - Evolution of shapes in even–even nuclei using the standard interacting boson model
Ali M. Khalaf Mahmoud M. Taha -
Open Access Article
25 - Shifted Tietz–Wei oscillator for simulating the atomic interaction in diatomic molecules
Babatunde J. Falaye Sameer M. Ikhdair Majid Hamzavi -
Open Access Article
26 - The effects of applying different bias voltages and phase differences on performance of an asymmetric surface dielectric barrier discharge; an experimental investigation
H. Mahdavi F. Sohbatzadeh -
Open Access Article
27 - The static properties and form factors of the deuteron using the different forms of the Wood–Saxon potential
B. Rezaei A. Dashtimoghadam -
Open Access Article
28 - Synthesis, structural and optical properties of pure ZnO and Co doped ZnO nanoparticles prepared by the co-precipitation method
P. Geetha Devi A. Sakthi Velu -
Open Access Article
29 - Investigation of dopant centres dominating the conduction process in the bulk of un-doped GaSb
Megersa Wodajo Shura -
Open Access Article
30 - Solutions of Morse potential with position-dependent mass by Laplace transform
S. Miraboutalebi -
Open Access Article
31 - Investigating the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on radical innovative performance in the Novin insurance company, considering the mediating role of bilateral knowledge absorption capacity.
Nooshin froozanpoor Farzad Asayesh Mansour Torkiantabar -
Open Access Article
32 - Assessment of Tehran Beasat Thermal Power Plant Reuse Potential, Based on Adaptive Reuse Potential (ARP) Model
Mohammad Pourebrahimi Seyed Rahman Eghbali Hassan Ghafori Fard -
Open Access Article
33 - Public spaces and social life in the historic city of Varamin
Seyyed Mohsen Habibi Navid Pour-mohammad-reza -
Open Access Article
34 - Investigating the Role of Urban Landscaping in the Perception of Collective Spaces Using Perceptual Potentials (Case study: Third Square of Tehranpars)
Saeed Sharif kazemi Haleh Hosseinpour -
Open Access Article
35 - A fourth order elliptic problem of Kirchhoff type and finding infinitely many weak solution for it
Karimeh Ardeshiri Somayeh Khademloo ghasem alizadeh afrouzi -
Open Access Article
36 - A numerical method based on finite difference scheme for solving fractional Cable equation
Leyla Azami Amir Hosein Refahi Sheikhani Hashem Saberi Najafi -
Open Access Article
37 - Estimated the potential added value in major economic sectors of Iran with Kalman filter
کامبیز هژبر کیانی محمد نقیبی -
Open Access Article
38 - An Exploratory Discourse of Investment Opportunities and the Effect of Internal Economic Dysfunctions in Nigeria
Lucky Osaretin Odia Juliet Ohenokobosare Esieboma -
Open Access Article
39 - The Role of Potentials of Islamic Azad University of Fars Province (Marvdasht Unit) in Creating Tourist Attractions
Mastoureh Ezzatzadeh Mohammad Reza Mostejir -
Open Access Article
40 - Presenting a model of marketing market variables of potential markets with a value-based approach to dairy products (Case study: Regional market of Iranian dairy products) Provide a model of marketing effectiveness variables
Zahra Rahimi Naser Azad Abdullah Naami Mahmoud Modiri -
Open Access Article
41 - Optimizing the exploitation of the Shahryar plain aquifer by simulating the groundwater flow using the combined modeling method
Nima Salehi Shafa Hossein Babazadeh Fayaz Aghayari Ali Saremi MohammadReza Ghafouri Masoud Safavi Ali Panahdar -
Open Access Article
42 - Evaluation of pollution and potential ecological risk of dusts contaminated with toxic elements, the case of residential buildings in Isfahan metropolis, Iran
Makkiyah Abdulhssein Hammood Atefeh Chamani Soheil Sobhan Ardakani -
Open Access Article
43 - A computational study of Nitramide adsorption on the surface of pristine and Ni functionalized (4,4) armchair Gallium nitride nanotubes
Mahdi Rezaei Sameti -
Open Access Article
44 - Energy Study at Different Temperatures for Active Site of Azurin in Water, Ethanol, Methanol and Gas Phase by Monte Carlo Simulations
K. Shahanipour T. Nejad Satari -
Open Access Article
45 - A New Modification of Morse Potential Energy Function
F. Naderi M. Yari F. Mollaamin A.R. Ilkhani M. Khaleghian M. Monajjemi N. Khodayari -
Open Access Article
46 - Nitromethane - Methyl Nitrite Rearrangement: The Seising of Discrepancy between Theory and Experiment
Jamshid Najafpour -
Open Access Article
47 - Classical DFT Study on Atomic Electronegativity
Mohammad Hossien Ghorbani Reza Fazaeli Arash Ghoorehian -
Open Access Article
48 - Evaluation of Physical Properties of B16N16 and B16N16-X(X=Cu, Cu+, Cu++)
M. SeyedHosseini M. Monajjemi K . Zare -
Open Access Article
49 - Estimation of second virial coefficients for rare gases in thermodynamic views
M. Baghernejad K. Zare -
Open Access Article
50 - Presentation of the Soft-Core Double Yukawa Potential for Noble Gasses using in sillico
Soheila Ghaderi Fariba Sadat Hashemi Ladan Mokhbersafa -
Open Access Article
51 - Estimating the second virial coefficients of some real gas mixtures and related thermodynamic views
M. Baghernejad K. Zare -
Open Access Article
52 - The Effect of Aluminum, Gallium, Indium- Doping on the Zigzag (5, 0) Boron-Nitride Nanotubes: DFT, NMR, Vibrational, Thermodynamic Parameters and Electrostatic Potential Map with Electrophilicity Studies
Reza Soleymani -
Open Access Article
53 - Computational study of chemical properties of Captopril drug and the connected form to Fullerene (C60) as a medicine nano carrier
Roya Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
54 - The Assessment of the Female Carpet Weavers’ Economic Abilities in Taka’abafshar and Their Role in Rural Development (Case of Study: Villages of Taka’ab Division)
Mohammad sadegh Oliyaie Mehdi Dehghan Neyestanaki -
Open Access Article
55 - The Assessment of Social Potential’ Effect on Locales Liking from the Teenagers Point of View in Tehran City
Zahra Khodaee Mojtaba Rafiein Hashem Dadashpoor Ali Akbar Taghvaea -
Open Access Article
56 - Research role of environment potential in rural planning Case study: central region of Mahabad city
Masoud Mahdavi Mohammad Amin Mohyeddini -
Open Access Article
57 - The Role of Agricultural Products especially Saffron in Rural Development of Kashmar Township
Ali Monazzam Esmaeilpour Parviz Kardavani -
Open Access Article
58 - Urban Development on the Economic Potential with the Overall Policy Approach (Case Study: Astara City)
Seyede Sedighe Hassanimehr -
Open Access Article
59 - Identify and examine the available capacities and potentials of the land focusing on infilling development (Case study: Sardasht city neighborhoods)
Keramatollah Zayyari Ahmad Pourahmad Rezgar Hamzehpour -
Open Access Article
60 - The effect of particle shape of porous media on the longitudinal dispersivity: contaminant transport
ghasem mirzaei -
Open Access Article
61 - Investigation of lithological units susceptibility of erosion using mineralogical characteristics
Seid Saeid Ghiasi Sadat Feiznia Alireza Moghadam nia Somayye Najirad -
Open Access Article
62 - Estimating water requirement of forage maize and sugar beet using remote sensing (case study: Qazvin plain)
حمیده نوری ALI Mokhtari Alireza Badiyeneshin -
Open Access Article
63 - Contamination Evaluation, Health and Ecological risk index assessment of Potential Toxic Elements in the surface soils Case Study: Central Part of Bandar Abbas County
Tahereh Moghtaderi SHAHLA MAHMOUDI ata shakeri mohamadhassan masihabadi -
Open Access Article
64 - The Effect of Carob Seed Gum on Reducing Two-Phase and Physicochemical, Rheological and Sensory Properties of Dough
E. Azadfar Z. Bahrami M. Sharifi R. Jeblaha -
Open Access Article
65 - Evaluating the growth potential of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready To Eat Vegetables
S. Shoja Gharehbagh A. Akhondzadeh Basti A. Khanjari A. Misaghi -
Open Access Article
66 - Preliminary Studies on Antioxidative Potentials of Extracts of Defatted Locust Bean Condiment
B. Daramola -
Open Access Article
67 - Effect of irrigation with different salinities on some soil characteristics and salt concentration factor (Case study: Bighard, Khonj)
Ehsan Kamali Maskooni Seyed Fakhadin Afzali -
Open Access Article
68 - Investigating the effect of land use in flooding potential of urban area (Case Study: region 1 in Tehran)
Mahdieh Saadat Bahram Malek mohammadi -
Open Access Article
69 - Urban Flood Hazard Zoning Using Multicriteria Decision Analysis (Emam Ali town, Mashhad city)
Mohammad Rostami Khalaj Dana Hesami Hossein salmani Teymor Tymoriyan -
Open Access Article
70 - Evaluation of Ecological Potential of Tajyar Dam Catchment Basin for Forestry Use by AHP Method
Nafiseh Rezapoor Andabili Farahnaz Rashidi -
Open Access Article
71 - Recreational Zone Classification of Hassan Abad Forest Park Using Multi-Criteria Analysis and Model Makhdoom
Parvin Dashti Iraj Hassanzad Navroodi مهرداد خان محمدی Jahedeh Tekiekhah -
Open Access Article
72 - Energy Flow and Greenhouse Gases Emission of Crop Production Systems in South Khorasan Province
hamed javadi Seyed Mohammad Jafar Esfahani -
Open Access Article
73 - Identify potentials and compiling a strategic tourism development plan using the integrated approach of SWOT and AHP Analysis (Case study area: Oshtorankh Protected Area)
Ebrahim Kheyri maryam morovati Akram Neshat Gholamreza Siahati -
Open Access Article
74 - CO2 emissions reduction by using local mineral pozzolan as part of cement in concrete with a pollution reduction approach
Mojtaba Rangrazian Rahmat Madandoust Reza Mahjoub Mehdi Raftari -
Open Access Article
75 - The Potential for Ecotourism Sarigol National Park and Preserve Using GIS
Atefeh kalate Zahra ghelichipour Elahe Akbari Azam Elhami Rad -
Open Access Article
76 - Study of vertical potential temperature gradient during a few acute air pollution episode in Tehran
Tahereh Ghassami Ali Akbar Bidokhti Abdollah Sedaghat Kerdar Fatemeh Sahraian -
Open Access Article
77 - Effect of Redox Potential on Changing of Binding Forms of Heavy Metals in Bottom Sediments of Anzali International Wetland
Mohsen Saeedi Mohammad Fakhari -
Open Access Article
78 - Study of corrosion potential in drinking water distribution system of Ahvaz, using Lead and Copper Rule
Nematollah Jaafarzadeh Jasem Savari Amir Hesam Hassani Ghodratollah Shams Khoram Abadi -
Open Access Article
79 - Daily Stream Flow Simulation in a Data-Poor Basin
Mohammad Reza Khazaei Bagher Zahabiyoun Bahram Saghafian -
Open Access Article
80 - Investigation of Empowerment of Rural Women in Environmental Protection
Akramolok lahijanian Narjes Vaskoei -
Open Access Article
81 - Investigating the Potential of Biogas and Energy Generation from Biomass Resources in Villages of Iran with Sustainable Development Approach
Maliheh Fallahnejad Tafti Mohammadali Abdoli Farshad Golbabaei Kootenaei -
Open Access Article
82 - Investment Opportunity Evaluation by Analyzing the Effective Financial Structure on Company Value
Zahra Amir- Hossieni Masoumeh Ghobadi -
Open Access Article
83 - Analysis of factors affecting expected stock returns based on the implied cost of capital
Azita Jahanshad Mahmood Parsaei -
Open Access Article
84 - Efficiency Measurement in Two-Stage Network Structures Considering Undesirable Outputs
AR. Amirteimoori عباس طلوعی اشلاقی M. Homayounfar -
Open Access Article
85 - Potential prediction of Methane production from landfill in Iranian metropolises (Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Esfahan, Karaj)
Narges Mohseni Ghasem Ali Omrani Seyed Amir Naser Harati -
Open Access Article
86 - Evaluation of Corrosion and precipitation potential in Ghaemshahr, s Village Drinking Water
Maryam Khademian Ghadekolai Mostafa zamani Fateme Ghafari Mohamadreza rahimi Samaneh mahmoodpor -
Open Access Article
87 - Microalgal Biodiversity as a Biotechnology and Environmental Potential
Maryam Akhoundian Seyed Danial Mirhasannia -
Open Access Article
88 - Methods of modeling and evaluation of fire occurrence risk in the forests of world and Iran
Saeedeh Eskandari -
Open Access Article
89 - Experimental and Theoretical Study on One-pot, Synthesis of Some 4-Aryl-1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydroquinazolin-2,5(1H,6H)-diones Derivatives (HHQs) using Nano K3AlF6
Masoumeh Mehrabi Asadollah Farhadi Alireza Kiassat -
Open Access Article
90 - Effect of Formaldehyde on Pulsed Electro-Plated Nickel-Alumina Nanocomposite Coatings
S Mirzamohammadi M Velashjerdi A Anbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
91 - The Potential of Agh-Ghala geological site and its Role in sustainable tourism development
Parvaneh Rezaei Rouzbahani -
Open Access Article
92 - Analysis of Ecotourism Market in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiyari Province, IRAN
Farahnaz Ebrahimi Vahid Etemad -
Open Access Article
93 - The investigation of Allelopathic potential of 70 wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars on germination and seedling growth of volunteer canola (Brassica napus)
Narges Mohamadi Elias Soltani Mostafa Oveisi Hossein Ramshini -
Open Access Article
94 - Calculation of radiative transition parameters for the band system of B^3 ∏_g-A^3 ∑_u^+ of N_2 molecule and 〖A^2∏〗_u-X^2 ∑_g^+ , B^2 ∑_u^+- X^2 ∑_g^+ , and B^3 ∏_g-A^3 ∑_u^+ systems of N_2^+ molecular ion using empirical potential energy functions
Farzanehsadat Ghalishourani Mahsasadat Miralinaghi Mohsen Shabani -
Open Access Article
95 - A theoretical study on the nature of formaldehyde adsroption on the C58BN heterofullerene using DFT
Ehsan Zahedi majid mozaffari Malihe Arab -
Open Access Article
96 - Preform and Process Design of Ti-6Al-4V Compressor Blade using Equipotential Lines and 3D FE Simulation
M. Soleimanzadeh M.M. Fallah -
Open Access Article
97 - Understanding the phytochemical constitution, antioxidant potential and spectral characteristics of aqueous extracts of the chosen leafy vegetables from south India
Sobha Kota Pradeep Dumpala Hariseetharam Prasad Dachepalli Anantha Ratna Kumari -
Open Access Article
98 - Stigmasterol expedites ester production in Trigonella foenum-graecum L: In vivo and in vitro propagates
Naila Safdar Shaghufta Perveen Saman Fatima Gul-e-Saba Chaudhry -
Open Access Article
99 - A mini review on therapeutic potentials of Phyllanthus niruri L.
Jeevani Maheshika Dahanayake Pathirage Kamal Perera Priyadarshani Galappaththy Menuka Arawwawala -
Open Access Article
100 - Phytoconstituents of Chromolaena odorata (L.) leaf extract for the synthesis of copper oxide/copper nanoparticles and evaluation of their biological potential in wound healing
Sobha Kota Pradeep Dumpala Radhika Sajja Ratnakumari Anantha -
Open Access Article
101 - Modeling the Causal Relationships Between Parenting style and communication pattern Family, Commitment School and Self-esteem on Potential to Addiction among Secondary school Girls in Abadan
شهلا ذهبیون محبوبه سادات حسینی سلطان نصیر -
Open Access Article
102 - Relationship Between Aggression, Assertiveness, Depression and Addiction Potential In Female Students of Allameh Tabbatabai
mehrdad hajihasani abdollah shafiabadi fahime PIRSAGHI Omar Kiyani pour -
Open Access Article
103 - CLT in Prospect Series: A Predictive Evaluation of Iranian Junior High School English Textbooks
Ahmad Goodarzi Hiwa Weisi Nouroddin Yousofi -
Open Access Article
104 - Assessing the potential of beekeeping and determination of attractiveness range plants used bee by using geographic information system in Char-Bagh summer rangelands, Golestan
Reza Yari Gholam Ali Heshmati Hamed Rafiei -
Open Access Article
105 - Assessment of efficiency of artificial neural network in predicting the trend of desertification processes by using GIS (Case study: Dehloran plain, Ilam)
Soraya Yaghoobi Marzban Faramarzi Haji Karimi Javad Sarvarian -
Open Access Article
106 - Assessment of desertification intensity using IMDPA method (Case study: Dashte Abbas, Ilam)
Maryam Mombeni Abdol Ali Karamshahi Farzad Azadnia Parviz Garaee Kamran Karimi -
Open Access Article
107 - Groundwater resource potential of Azna-Aligoudarz plain using environmental variables and frequency ratio (FR) model
Samira Ghorbani Nejad Mania Daneshfar Omid Rahmati Fateme Fallah Ali Haghizade Naser Tahmasebipour -
Open Access Article
108 - Estimate of potential evapotranspiration in Freiman using the priestiley-taylor method and remote sensing technique
Mosayeb Moqbeli Dameneh Seyed Hossein Sanaeinejad -
Open Access Article
109 - Identification and evaluation of geotourism potential areas with sustainable development approach (Case study: mount Damavand areas in Haraz watershed)
Kurdwan Hedayatipour Ghorban Vahabzadeh kebria Sayed Ramezan Musavi -
Open Access Article
110 - Effect of Electric Potential Distribution on Electromechanical Behavior of a Piezoelectrically Sandwiched Micro-Beam
A Shah-Mohammadi-Azar G Rezazadeh R Shabani -
Open Access Article
111 - The Attitude of Variation of Elastic Modules in Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes: Nonlinear Mass-Spring Model
A.R Golkarian M Jabbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
112 - Time-Dependent Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Creep Behavior of Radially Polarized FGPM Rotating Cylinder
A Ghorbanpour Arani R Kolahchi A.A Mosallaie Barzoki A Loghman -
Open Access Article
113 - Displacement Field Due to a Cylindrical Inclusion in a Thermoelastic Half-Space
K Singh M Renu -
Open Access Article
114 - Investigation of Pre-buckling Stress Effect on Buckling Load Determination of Finite Rectangular Plates with Circular Cutout
S Abolghasemi H.R Eipakchi M Shariati -
Open Access Article
115 - Feeding potential and survival of predator, Chrysoperla carnea on greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporarium in laboratory conditions
Zinat Ahmadzadeh Bijan Hatami -
Open Access Article
116 - Effects of Sublethal concentrations of fungus Beauveria bassiana on the reproductive potentials of sawtoothed beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis on commercial date cultivars
Masoud Latifian Ebrahim Soleimannejadian Mehran Ghazvi Mohammad Saeid Mosadegh Jamshid Hayati -
Open Access Article
117 - The Effect of Drought on Population Dynamic of Volunteer Rape Seed (Brassica napus L.) in Darkness
Asiyeh Siahmarguee Ebrahim Zeynali Elham Azizi Leila Alimoradi -
Open Access Article
118 - A quantum Model for the stock Market
Neda Allahyaribeik Hashem Nikoomaram Sara Allahyaribeik Fraydoon Rahnamay Roodposhti -
Open Access Article
119 - Demarcation of Groundwater Prospective Zones in Humid Tropical River Basin: A Geospatial Approach
Sreela Reghu Girish Gopinath Reji Srinivas Rajesh Regunath Kurian Sajan -
Open Access Article
120 - Source Rock evaluation, Modelling, Maturation, and Reservoir characterization of the Block 18 oilfields, Sab’atayn Basin, Yemen
A.S. Alaug D. Leythaeuser B. Bruns A.F. Ahmed -
Open Access Article
121 - Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones in Moalleman, Iran by Remote Sensing and Index Overlay Technique in GIS
Shayan Ghodratabadi Faranak Feizi -
Open Access Article
122 - Estimation of Wheat Potential yield in Sistan Region Under Dry Stress: With use of Experiment Field and AquaCrop Model
Ahmad Mehraban Sayyed Mehdi Javadzadeh -
Open Access Article
123 - Measuring the indicators and potential of infill development in Qazvin city
Vahid Atashgaran Seyyed Mohammadreza Khatibi Maryam Khastou -
Open Access Article
124 - Theoretical study of oxidation of acetonitrile with nitrogen trioxide and formation of secondary organic aerosol
Morteza Alihosseini Morteza vahedpour Mahsa Yousefian -
Open Access Article
125 - Theoretical study of oxidation of acetonitrile with nitrogen trioxide and formation of secondary organic aerosol
Morteza Alihosseini Morteza vahedpour Mahsa Yousefian -
Open Access Article
126 - بررسی اثر تغییر اقلیم بر روند افزایش درجه حرارت و تبخیر و تعرق پتانسیل با استفاده از مدل SDSM در شهرستان اهواز
الهه ذرتیپور امیر سلطانی محمدی فاطمه برادران -
Open Access Article
127 - ارزیابی سامانههای آبیاری بارانی کلاسیک ثابت با آبپاش متغیر استان اصفهان
مسعود فرزام نیا حسین دهقانی سانیج -
Open Access Article
128 - The causal relationship of diffuse-avoidant style, self-efficacy and moral intelligence with addiction potential by the intermediation of sensation seeking within the male students
najmeh hamid salman hajizadeh seyedali marashy salman hajy -
Open Access Article
129 - Effectiveness of emotional intelligence training on addiction potential among male Students
behnam karami rad Yadollah Zargar Mahnaz Mehrabizade honarmand -
Open Access Article
130 - Investigating Output Voltage and Mechanical Stability of a Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Based on ZnO Nanowire
S. Fathi T. Fanaei Sheikholeslami -
Open Access Article
131 - Comparative study of analytical methods in geochemical data optimization, Ghoulan area, E-Azarbaijan
حمید SHahinfar -
Open Access Article
132 - Potential identification of groundwater resources using fuzzy logic method (Case study: Darab Fars watershed)
hamidreza amiri yosef shafiei ava fakhraei rad Hojjatullah Keshavarz -
Open Access Article
133 - Selecting and Extracting Effective Features of SSVEP-based Brain-Computer Interface
Seyedeh Faezeh Teymouri Sendesi -
Open Access Article
134 - Study of electrochemical and anti-oxidant Behavior of Thymol by computational methods
Zahra Javanshir Leili Rahimi -
Open Access Article
135 - Effects of pesticides in the environment and its biodegradation
Ahmad Asl hashemi Leila Tarwardizadeh Sahra Sakhaifar -
Open Access Article
136 - Presenting a model for Identifying university potential in improving the business environment of small industries with an approach to the national culture in Iran
Hosein Kashefi Alipour Ahmad Aslizadeh, -
Open Access Article
137 - Assessment of the Components of Financial Potential of the Regions of Ukraine
Davydenko Nadiia Buryak Alina Demyanenko Inna Buryak Mykhailo -
Open Access Article
138 - The Influence Of The Gross Regional Product On The Formation Of The Financial Potential Of The Region
Davydenko Nadiia Dibrova Anatolii Onishko Svetlana Fedoryshyna Lidiia -
Open Access Article
139 - Population Spatial Mobility: Monitoring, Methodology of Formation, Features of Regulation
Mariana Bil Inna Irtyshcheva Nazariy Popadynets Dmytro Voit -
Open Access Article
140 - Modeling of Accumulated Energy Ratio (AER) for Estimating LiqueFaction Potential Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Gene Expression Programming (GEP) (using data from Tabriz)
Armin Sahebkaram Alamdari Rouzbeh Dabiri Rasoul Jani Fariba Behrouz Sarand -
Open Access Article
141 - Effects of Building Construction Overburden on Liquefaction Potential of Soils
Reza Sallakh Niknejad Sallakh Niknejad Rouzbeh Dabiri -
Open Access Article
142 - Evaluating the Liquefaction Potential of Soil in the South and Southeast of Tehran based on the Shear Wave Velocity through Empirical Relationships
M Khalili Noutash R Dabiri M Hajialilue Bonab -
Open Access Article
143 - Vortex-induced energy harvesting of an elliptic blade in high-Reynolds lid-driven cavity flow
Ali Akbar Hosseinjani Ghasem Akbari -
Open Access Article
144 - Effect of Electrical Conductivity and Sodium Adsorption Ratio of Irrigation Water on some Physiological Indices and Yields of Two Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Varieties
Farzad Jalili -
Open Access Article
145 - Effect of NaCl Concentrations on some Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Three Salicornia Species under Hydroponic Condition
behrooz tayebi Ahmad Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
146 - Investigation of the Limiting Factors of Wheat Seed Yield in the Eastern Region of Kerman
Mohammad Ali Bagheripour hosein heydari sharif abad Ahmad Mehraban Hamid Reza Ganjali -
Open Access Article
147 - Life Cycle Assessment of Irrigated Wheat Production under the Effects of Nitrogen Amounts and Splitting its Use in Boushehr Region
Morteza Siavoshi Salman Dastan -
Open Access Article
148 - Impact of some Environmental Factors on Germination and Emergence Characteristics of Black Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), Ground Cherry (Physalis divaricata) and Curly Dock (Rumex crispus)
رضا Gorbani E. ZeidAli M. Hoseaini -
Open Access Article
149 - Jurisprudence - Legal Basis for Preventing Litigation in Iran Law with Emphasis on French Judicial Procedure
Hosenali Mirzajani Roudposhti mehdi fallah khariki Seyed Hassan Hosseini Moghadam -
Open Access Article
150 - A review of the nutritional and medicinal potential of Phycobiliproteins extracted from cyanobacteria
Bahareh Nowruzi yasaman Gorani -
Open Access Article
151 - Simulation of voltage-gated ion channels behavior during infrared neural inhibition (INI)
Mohamamd Ali Ansari Hassan Tajarehnejad Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
152 - Sustainable urban development Through Assessing the Capability of Existing Buildings for Reuse Based on Adaptive Reuse Potential Model (ARP)
Mohammad Pourebrahimi Seyed Rahman Eghbali Hassan Ghafori Fard -
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153 - Investigating and Evaluating the Capabilities and Geotourism Potentials of Sarein City (Case Study: Alvares, Darabad, Noran Villages)
Fariba Esfandyari Behrouz Nezafat takle -
Open Access Article
154 - Analysis of Synoptic Patterns of the Two Heaviest Rainfall Events in Zayandeh Rood Dam Basin
Shahideh Dehghan Amir Gandomkar Alireza Abbasi -
Open Access Article
155 - Exploring the Impact of Salinity Stress on Germination and Growth Parameters of Sunn Hemp Seeds (Crotalaria juncea)
فاطمه احمدنیا علی عبادی -
Open Access Article
156 - Synoptic analyzing the occurrence of strong wind and dust storm in Shiraz in March 2019
Ashraf Asadi -
Open Access Article
157 - Identifying the geotourism potentials of East Azarbaijan province and its development using geotourism models (case study: Zenuzagh, Kandavan, Ashtabin)
Mansour Rahmati Faezeh Bahadori Behrouz Nezafat takle elahe navazesh hasan nezafat takle -
Open Access Article
158 - Preparation of fire potential map using geographical information system in the forests of northern Iran
Morteza Madani pour kermanshahi Seyed Armin Hashemi Amin Khademi -
Open Access Article
159 - Investigating and analyzing the geotourism and geomorphological potentials of Babolsar city using the Kobalikova and Hadzik model (case study: Kerfun, Mirud, Efratakht coastal villages)
Mousa Abedini parastoo Khoshkhoo -
Open Access Article
160 - Evaluating The Climatic Potentials of Kerman Province for Tourism Industry
Bohlol Alijani Saeedeh Zaboli -
Open Access Article
161 - Investigating the vulnerability of Khanj plain aquifer - Larestan fissure using drastic model
Abdolrasool Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
162 - Combination of AHP and TOPSIS methods to prioritize of flooding in Taleghan sub watersheds
Samaneh Razavizadeh کاکا شاهدی -
Open Access Article
163 - Ecological potential of agriculture and range management area for the purpose of land use planning Mahneshan
saeed kamyabi Esmail khoshlagha -
Open Access Article
164 - Assessment of Ecotourism Capability of Traditional Ghoori Ghale basin with emphasis on water resources factor
زینب Khalili جعفر Oladi S.M Hoseini nasr جاهده Tekeykhah -
Open Access Article
165 - Investigation of some morphological and physiological responses of Moldavian balm (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) to selenium under salinity
Alireza Iranbakhsh Sara Saadatmand Ramazanali Khavarinejad Bita Zaji -
Open Access Article
166 - Modeling of field emergence pattern of three weed species in response to soil temperature and moisture
somayeh Tokasi ebrahim kazerooni monfared parviz rezvani mehdi Nasiri Mahalati -
Open Access Article
167 - Effect of adding perlite in soil on some growth and physiology characteristics of Queues castanifolia seedlings under water deficit stress
zohreh zoghi Seyed Mohsen Hosseini Masoud Tabari Kouchaksaraei Yahya Kooch -
Open Access Article
168 - Morphological, physiological, and enzymatic responses of Caucasian alder (Alnus subcordata C. A. Mey) seedlings to water deficit conditions by inoculation of Rhizophagus irregularis
Zahra Boor Ghasem Ali Parad Seyed Mohsen Hosseini Ehsan Ghanbary -
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169 - Drought Stress and Strategies to cope with it in Crops
Esmaeil Gholinezhad Reza Darvishzadeh Abbas Abhari -
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170 - Analysis and Ranking of Provinces of Iranian Terms of Strategic Territorial Potentials
Heydar Lotfi Mostafa Rashidi -
Open Access Article
171 - Dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements: effective techniques to characterize therapeutic nanoparticles
Abbas Rahdar nooshin amini Fazeh Askari Md. Abu Bin Hasan Susan -
Open Access Article
172 - An innovative method for estimating optimal Gate work function and dielectric constant of a nanoscale DG-TFET based on analytical modeling of tunneling length in ambipolar, Off and ON states
Ali Heydari Seyed Ali Sedigh Ziabari Fayzollah Khorramrouz -
Open Access Article
173 - Dynamic light scattering: A useful technique to characterize nanoparticles
Abbas Rahdar Nooshin Amini Faezeh Askari Md. Susan -
Open Access Article
174 - An innovative method for estimating optimal Gate work function and dielectric constant of a nanoscale DG-TFET based on analytical modeling of tunneling length in ambipolar Off and ON states
Fayzollah Khorramrouz Seyed Ali Sedigh Ziabari Ali Heydari -
Open Access Article
175 - An innovative method for estimating optimal Gate work function and dielectric constant of a nanoscale DG-TFET based on analytical modeling of tunneling length in ambipolar, Off and ON states
Fayzollah Khorramrouz Seyed Ali Sedigh Ziabari Ali Heydari -
Open Access Article
176 - English Teachers’ Research Engagement: Current Barriers and Future Strategies
Mehdi Mehrani Ali Behzadnia -
Open Access Article
177 - The Computational Study of Number of Shot Particles and Distance Effects on Residual Stress and Mechanical Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy after Shot Peening Process: Molecular Dynamics Approach
Ali Moradi Ali Heidari Kamran Amini Farshid Aghadavoudi Reza Abedinzadeh -
Open Access Article
178 - Path Planning of Mobile Robots using the Artificial Potential Field Method and the Harris Hawks Metaheuristic Algorithm
Hosein Saili Masine Mohammad Saadat -
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179 - Study and evaluation of roadside and midway tourist attraction potentials (Case study: South Khorasan)
Rostam Saberifar -
Open Access Article
180 - Analyzing the Economic Potential of Arbaeen Tourism in Khuzestan Province
Majid Goodarzi Saeed Maleki Elham Malakooti -
Open Access Article
181 - Identification, Prioritization, and Analysis of Stakeholders of Vanak Tourism Area Based on the Cooperation-threat Dual Potential and SAW Method
Mohsen Cheshmberah Samaneh Asefi Alireza Mansoorian -
Open Access Article
182 - Ecotourism potential analysing of Lenjan township and Factors influencing its development
Manijeh Abdollahi sedighe abdollahi Alireza Ildoromi -
Open Access Article
183 - The Feasibility and Management of Tourist Attractions with Emphasis on Tourists' Viewpoints (A Case Study of Borazjan)
Masoud Safaeepour majid guodarzi Fatemeh Ghoddousi fard -
Open Access Article
184 - Identifying tourism potentials of Meshkinshahr city with emphasis on economic development
zahra faturechi Behrouz Nezafat -
Open Access Article
185 - پتانسیل ضد میکروبی و آنتی اکسیدانی کشت کالوس Convolvulus microphyllus Sieb
بوسکی پانچولی ام گوتام -
Open Access Article
186 - The Economic Indexes and National Security of Iran
Zarir Negintaji Homan Hosseini Azin Kiani -
Open Access Article
187 - عوامل حیوانی، شرایط بدنی، عملکرد تولید شیر و کیفیت چرای گاوهای شیری: یک مطالعه مروری
آ.آی. روکا-فرناندز -
Open Access Article
188 - مطالعه موانع مزارع شیری سنتی از طریق بررسی تولیدات بالقوه و عملکردی شیر
م.ت. سرایری ی. سانیتو جی.ف. توراند -
Open Access Article
189 - Fortification of Catalase Improves Post Thaw Fertility of Goat Semen
R. Ranjan P. Singh C. Gangwar S.P. Singh D.K. Swain S.D. Kharche -
Open Access Article
190 - Opportunities and Challenges of rural tourism development in Lahijan County, Iran
Nooreddin Azimi Ghazal Alidousr -
Open Access Article
191 - Comparative assessment of tourism in the aim villages of Golestan Province
Khadije Buzar jomehri Mehdi modudi arkhodi -
Open Access Article
192 - Ecological Evaluation of Urban Development in Tabriz County by Analytic Network Process
رحیم سرور محمد علی خلیجی -
Open Access Article
193 - The recongnition and presentation of rural tourism potential of Bandar Anzaly town ship
akbar motamedimehr pari mospour -
Open Access Article
194 - A Synoptic Study of Heavy Rain in Southern Regions of Bushehr Province
Amir Gandomkar -
Open Access Article
195 - عملکرد آنتوریوم (Anthurium andraeanum Lind) تحت تأثیر کودهای آلی و معدنی مختلف
انریکه ای بیناس جونیور گیلبرت وی لومنتاک امینا آ موکادم -
Open Access Article
196 - The Influence of Water-Deficit Stress on Growth, Water Relations and Solute Accumulation in Wild Jujube(Ziziphus lotus)
M. Maraghni M. Gorai M. Neffati -
Open Access Article
197 - Mahabad Spring Freezing Forecasting, Using Synoptic Study
A, Gandomkar -
Open Access Article
198 - Estimation of Potential Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficient of Wheat at Rupandehi District of Nepal
Govinda Bhandari -
Open Access Article
199 - Estimation of Potential Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficient of Maize at Rupandehi District of Nepal
Govinda Bhandari -
Open Access Article
200 - Study of reservoir potential limiting factors of the Mishan Formation in the west of Fars
Alireza Rastegar Lari -
Open Access Article
201 - Genetic Potential Evaluation of Source Rocks in Masjed Soleiman Oil Field
Zahra Rezaee Amin Karampour Bahram Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
202 - Laboratory study to measure the swelling potential of fine-grained clay soils: A case study for Malekan city
Mehrdad Amiri Parisa Khosravi Dariush Ahadi Ravoshti -
Open Access Article
203 - Assessment of the clay mineralogy effect on Ajabshir soils’ physicochemical characteristics and swelling phenomenon
Maryam Golnezhad Dariush Ahadi Ravoshti -
Open Access Article
204 - Investigation of the swelling aspect from Marageh city’s clayey soil based on mineralogy effects and physicochemical properties
Dariush Ahadi Ravoshti Maryam Golnezhad -
Open Access Article
205 - Numerical Modeling for Behavioral Analysis of Expansive Soil under Shallow Foundations
Mehdi Kouhdaragh Morteza Alemyparvin -
Open Access Article
206 - Electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide by cyclic voltammetry and constant potential methods on copper substrate
majid mirzayee chanigiz dehghanian -
Open Access Article
207 - Mother’s Patience Components and Child Abuse Potential: The Mediation Role of Emotional Dysregulation
Marziyeh, Sadeghzadeh Fatemeh Behzadi Farhad Khormaei -
Open Access Article
208 - The Relationship between Dimensions of Mother's Attachment and Mother's Reflective Functioning with Preschool Aggression: The Mediating Role of Child Abuse Potential
Fateme Talebian Sharif seyed Amir Aminyazdi Maryam Bordbar -
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209 - Evaluation of the ecological potential of tourism and protection of Nayband National Marine Park by zoning the land and offshore sections
nazli moghadam yekta R. Hejazi A. Karimi -
Open Access Article
210 - Assessment of Ecological Potential of Bolhasan- e- Dezful Area For Tourism by using MCDM
S. A. Jozi N. Moradi Majd H. Abdolahi -
Open Access Article
211 - A Study of development and decline of two cyclonic systems by calculation of available potential energy
M. Pardehdar H. Ardakani M. T. Zamanian -
Open Access Article
212 - Isolation and identification chitinolytic bacteria from plan rhizosphere soil and their potential in antifungal biocontrol
Tahereh Salahinezhad Zoheir Heshmatipour Masoud Hashemikaroui -
Open Access Article
213 - In Vitro Evaluation of Optimized Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids Loaded Alginate Nanoparticles
Simin Hosseini Mojtaba Noofeli Mahrooz Dezfulian Hamidreza Goudarzi Zahra Salehi Najafabadi -
Open Access Article
214 - Water- Balance and Agro- climatic Analysis in Shiraz Region, By Thornthwaite's methods
Abbas Ali Abounoori -
Open Access Article
215 - Biophysical Characteristics of Deli River Watershed to Know Potential Flooding in Medan City, Indonesia
Sumihar Hutapea -
Open Access Article
216 - Determination of the Potential Habitat of Range Plant Species Using Maximum Entropy Method
Fatemeh Palashi Hossein Piri Sahragard Majid Ajorlo -
Open Access Article
217 - Quantitative Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Bojnord, Iran
Mohabat Nadaf Majid Halimi Khalil Abad Reza Omidipour Mohamad Ehsan Tghavizadeh Yazdi -
Open Access Article
218 - Modeling of Artemisia sieberi Besser Habitat Distribution Using Maximum Entropy Method in Desert Rangelands
Hossein Piri Sahragard Mohammad Ali Zare Chahouki -
Open Access Article
219 - Determination of Potential Habitat of Two Rangeland Species in Semi-Desert Area Using GIS (Case Study: Watershed of Kolah Deraz, Qasr-e-Shirin, Iran)
Ali Mahdavi Mojtaba Jamshidifard -
Open Access Article
220 - Identifying effective indicators on the Business Model (BM) in the field of digital entrepreneurship
Hashem Tanoomandian Nasim Nematizadeh -
Open Access Article
221 - Portfolio optimization in an upside potential and downside risk (UPM-LPM) framework
ali saleh abadi Mohsen Sayar Mojtaba Shahryari -
Open Access Article
222 - Study of portfolio optimization based on downside risk, upside potential and behavioral variables efficiency
yavar mirabbasi hashem nikoumaram ali Saeidi Farideh Haghshenas -
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223 - Relativistic Stellar Models with Quadratic Equation of State
Manuel Malaver Hamed Daei Kasmaei -
Open Access Article
224 - Designing an Integrated Development Model for Assessing Coaching Competency Indicators in Educational Centers Using Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach (Case Study: Units and Centers of Islamic Azad University of West Azarbaijan Province)
Soror Heydari Aghjivan Kolsom Kianniya -
Open Access Article
225 - Study the effect of methanol and ascorbic acid foliar application on yield and physiological traits related to water relationships peanut under rainfed condition
Maral Moradi tochaee Saeid Saifzadeh Hamid Reza Zakerin Seyed Alireza Valadabadi -
Open Access Article
226 - Estimation of the water requirement of several species of shrubs in the green space of Shiraz using the landscape plant factor
Majid Abasizadeh mohammad shokrollahzadeh -
Open Access Article
227 - Physiological and morphological traits associated with grain yield improvement in post green revolution period in wheat and the future prospects
Hamidreza Miri Farahnaz Momtazi -
Open Access Article
228 - The Effects of Spermine and Salicylic Acid on Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Cultivars (Badami and Qazvini) under Copper Stress
M.R. salarizadeh S. Saeidisar H. Abbaspour H. Hokmabadi -
Open Access Article
229 - Determination of e ω , e e x ω , e B , and e α using potential energy functions for heteronuclear diatomic molecules via spreadsheet program
Saleh Bagheri -
Open Access Article
230 - The effect of blue ocean strategies against sales strategy in Pegah Golestan dairy products company during international sanctions
محمد عبدالشاه -
Open Access Article
231 - Selecting Drought Resistant Sweet Corn Cultivars Based on Germination Percentage and Seedling Proline Content under Osmotic Potentials Stress
Ali Shahriari Adam B Puteh Ghizan B Saleh Anuar B Abdul Rahim -
Open Access Article
232 - Production of Methane from Banana Peels by Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion
Fatima Ebich Rachida Hassikou Hassan El Bari Azzouz Essamri Rajaa Layachi -
Open Access Article
233 - Analysis of the Chemical Reactivity of Limonene by the Functional Density Theory Method Using Global Descriptors
Hayat EL Ouafy Tarik EL Ouafy Mustapha Oubenali Aziz EL Haimouti Ahmed Gamouh Mohamed Mbarki -
Open Access Article
234 - Assessment of Heavy Metals in Rice Brands and their Potential Risk on Public Health
Ali Mehrabi Mohammad Zareiyan Amar Maryamabadi Peyman Ghajarbeygi Hamid Zarei Hossein Ramezani Seyed Hamid Hosseini Masoud Kazeminia Razzagh Mahmoudi. -
Open Access Article
235 - Electrophoretic deposition of SiC nanoparticles
علی گلشنی عجب شیر حسین آقاجانی محمد جعفرپور سهند بهرنگی -
Open Access Article
236 - Fabrication of YSZ/Al composite coating on Incoloy 825 superalloy using electrophoretic deposition
mojtaba ahmadi Hossein Aghajnai -
Open Access Article
237 - Designing a Model for Predicting the Sales Potential of Iranian Movies (Data-Driven Approach) in Order to Determine the Market Entry Strategy
Babak Hamidia Mohammad Masteri Farahani Mohammad Javad Sohrabi Abbas Rahimi -
Open Access Article
238 - Pollution and environmental risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in surface sediments of Zayandeh-Rood River, Isfahan Province, Iran
Raed Shwetir Marwah Atefeh Chamani -
Open Access Article
239 - Drought tolerance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties in seedling and adult stages
Ezzat Karami Omid Karami -
Open Access Article
240 - Analyzing the Impact and Opportunity of Computer-Based Dynamic Assessment on the Development of Understanding Prepositions among Iranian EFL Learners
Alireza Mohammad beigi Reza Rezvani Saeed Yazdani -
Open Access Article
241 - Effect of potassium and zinc on yield, yield components and some physiological traits of chickpea under rainfed condition
Amin Abbasi Moghaddam Ali Ebadi Hossein Shahbazi -
Open Access Article
242 - Effect of safflower seeds priming with abscisic and gibberellic acid on germination indices in salinity stress condition
Nasrin Sadat Esanejad Heshmat Omidi Arezoo Paraver -
Open Access Article
243 - Influence of KCl and urea spraying on quality and quantity of wheat cv. Sardari under rainfed conditions
Mehrdad Abdi -
Open Access Article
244 - Effects of proline foliar application on alleviation of water deficit in German chamomile
Hakimeh Darvizheh Mohsen Zavareh -
Open Access Article
245 - Iinsecticidal activity of tarragon essential oils and chemical pesticides reduced doses integration against green peach aphid
Payam Mianaji Soleiman Jamshidi Hassan Nourafcan -
Open Access Article
246 - Investigating the Performance Indicators in Sprinkler Irrigation Projects Implemented with Government Subsidies in Malekan Plain
Fariborz Ahmadzadeh Kaleybar Shahram Shahmohammadi Kalalagh Sina Fard moradi nia -
Open Access Article
247 - A semi-empirical equation for determining the surface tension of imidazolium-based ionic liquids
Maryam Bahadori -
Open Access Article
248 - Analysis of Capabilities and Regional Capabilities of the Cooperative Section of Hamedan Province in Recruiting Capital from Cooperative Experts’ Perspective
Hasan Reihani Hamadani Mostafa Teimoori Sayed Rouhollah Mousavi Mohammad Ebrahim Mostafaei -
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249 - Economy of space and regional inequalities Case Study: Ardabil Province Rahim sarvarh
Rahim Sarvar Ali Eshghi Chaharborj Saeede Alavi -
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250 - Investigating the Role of Improving Efficiency and Development of Mechanization on Achieving Barley Production Goals (Irrigated and Dry land) during the Sixth Five-Year Development Plan
علی شهنوازی -
Open Access Article
251 - The Determinants and Trade Potentials of Export of the Iran’s shrimp in European Union: Using a Gravity Model
s.a مرتضوی R. جوادی یانبلاغ M.H وکیلپور -
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252 - The Mediating Role of Self- Control in the Relationship between Emotion Regulation and Addiction Potential among Students
Reza Ghasemi Jobaneh Saeed Jalili Nikoo Ali Taghvaeinia -
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253 - The relationship between neuroticism and life expectancy with addiction potential tendency in male high school students
Alireza Agha Yousefi Majid Saffarniya Ommolbanin Roodbari Hadis Saeedi Kouros Divsalar Fatemeh Eslamian -
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254 - Root causes analyzed of leakage on the tank bottom using simulation cathodic protection
Mohammad Houshmand Ali Davoodi Mehrdad Kashefi Torbati -
Open Access Article
255 - Evaluation of Ground Water Pollution Potential by Employing the AQUIPRO Method and Verification and Validation of the Method through the Distribution of Nitrate Concentration
Saeideh Samani Asghar Asghari Moghaddam -
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256 - An Evaluation of Groundwater Recharge Potential Using Remote Sensing and the GIS Methods
Rouhollah Adinehvand -
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257 - A Comparison of Different Evapotranspiration Methods and the Result Obtained Through Calculating the Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) for the Tehran Province
Seyed Amir Shamsnia Farhad Torabi Tabatabai -
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258 - Potential of Karstic Water Resources Using RS, GIS and AHP (Case Study: Lilly and Kenno Anticlines in the North East of Khuzestan)
sajad pourakbari nasolah kalantari yaser aghdaki arash moslih -
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259 - Analysis of Accessibility of Settlement and Activity System to Transport Network with Spatial Equity Approach: Case Study Tehran Metropolitan Region (TMR)
Danial Dehghani Hashem Dadashpoor Amir Reza Mamdoohi -
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260 - "Evaluating the Potential and Optimal Urban Growth Pattern by Using of Neural Network Algorithms (Case Study: Zanjan City)"
Abolfazl Ghanbari samaneh bagheri Mohammad Soorghali -
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261 - Ecological capability evaluation outskirts of Tabriz To sustainable urban development MCE approach
M.S. Azizian F. Naghdi M. Molazadeh -
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262 - First-Principles Study of Structure, Electronic and Optical Properties of HgSe in Zinc Blende (B3) Phase
Hamdollah Salehi Firoozeh Anis Hoseini -
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263 - Ultra-Compact Bidirectional Terahertz Switch Based on Resonance in Graphene Ring and Plate
Masoud Jabbari Mehdi Dehghan Mohammad kazem m moravvej farshi Ghafar Darvish Mohsen Ghaffari-miab -
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264 - Studyof the Spin-Orbit Interaction Effects on Energy Levels and the Absorption Coefficients of Spherical Quantum Dotand Quantum Anti-Dotunderthe Magnetic Field
Tooraj Ghaffary Fatemeh Rahimi Yaghoob Naimi Hadi Khajehazad -
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265 - Study the energy states and absorption coefficients of quantum dots and quantum anti-dots with hydrogenic impurity under the applied magnetic field
Fatemeh Rahimi Tooraj Ghaffary Yaghoob Naimi Hadi Khajehazad -
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266 - Life cycle assessment of Iranian Rice cultivars production affected by NPK using management
Hasan Jaafari Hossein Ajam Noroozi Mohammad Reza Dadashi Afshin Soltani -
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267 - Evaluation of yield gape of Wheat chamran variety using APSIM model in irrigation and drainage network of Ramshir Plain
Mohsen Saadaffar Teimour Babeinejad Saeed Soofizadeh Ali Gholami Navid Ghanavati