Potential prediction of Methane production from landfill in Iranian metropolises (Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Esfahan, Karaj)
Subject Areas : soil pollutionNarges Mohseni 1 , Ghasem Ali Omrani 2 , Seyed Amir Naser Harati 3
1 - MSc Environmental Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
2 - Professor, Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Faculty of Health, University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant professor, Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Ghazvin, Iran.
Keywords: Potential, Methane, Waste Landfill,
Abstract :
Energy recovery from waste is an important and appropriate method for reduction of electrical energy generated from fossil fuel and nonrenewable source of energy. Assessment and prediction of production and emission gas from landfill is important to design of this sites and successful use for Methane as a sources of energy. In this study is used from LandGEM v302 software and it is applied volume percentage 61% Methane and it is calculated 164 m3/Mg constant of potential production of landfill Gas for Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Esfahan, Karaj cities and rate constant of methane production 0,06 and considered gas emission and pollutants in those sites. At last, sensitive analyze with different k (distract rate) showed that rate of methane and carbon dioxide from these 5 landfills are 11.15× 107, 8.25×107 m3/year. Also in Tehran landfill 934554 tone Co2 will produce and in Shiraz and Karaj 1.5×106CH4, 9.6×10 5 Co2 m3/year and in Esfahan site 8.46×106 CH4 m3/year and in Mashhad site 3.37×107CH4, 1.72×107CO2 was estimated. Pollutants consist of Vinil colored, Botan, Carbon di sulfide, Choloro di feleoro methane, Banzen, Di choro di feleoro methane, Di choro feleoro methane, Pentane, Hexane,Xylen were over limited standard. Attention to high rate of methane in Iran’s Landfills and piping operations for gas extraction in these sites, will be best alternative for eliminating of this greenhouse gas with applied used from this gas with treatment of it.