Study the effect of methanol and ascorbic acid foliar application on yield and physiological traits related to water relationships peanut under rainfed condition
Subject Areas : Journal of Plant Ecophysiology
Maral Moradi tochaee
Saeid Saifzadeh
Hamid Reza Zakerin
Seyed Alireza Valadabadi
1 - Department of Agriculture, College of Agricultural Science, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran
2 - Department of Agronomy, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University
3 - Assistant Prof., Agronomy Depertment, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad Uiversity, Takestan, Iran.
4 - Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Chlorophyll, water use efficiency, Leaf relative water content, Leaf spray, Leaf osmotic potential,
Abstract :
In order to investigate the effect of foliar application of methanol and ascorbic acid on growth and yield of peanut (varNC2) in during 2015 year, an experiment was carried out in two locations of Astaneh Ashrafiyeh and Kiashahr. A randomized complete block design with three replications on a factorial experiment with two factors including four levels of methanol include 0 (Control), 7, 14, and 21 volumetric percentage and four levels of ascorbic acid include (0 Control), 250, 500, and 750 mg/lit was used. Methanol and ascorbic acid foliar applications were done two times during the growing season with 15 days intervals and spraying started in 72 code stage of BBCH-scale. Measured traits in this experiment were consisted of: pod yield, seed yield, biological yield, protein yield, oil yield, pod water use efficiency, chlorophyll, leaf relative water content and leaf osmotic potential. The results showed the simple effects of methanol and ascorbic acid foliar applications on measured traits were positive significant. The maximum amount on measured traits were observed by two foliar application of methanol treatments (14 and 21 % (v/v)) and two foliar application of ascorbic acid treatments (500 and 750 mg/l) during experiment. In comparison to the control (without foliar application methanol), methanol application at 14 and 21 % v/v levels increased seed yield up to 20.15% and 24.65% respectively. The 17.36% and 20.67% amount of seed yield increase at 500 and 750 mg/l of ascorbic acid application respectively, in comparison to the control (without foliar application ascorbic acid).
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