Ecological potential of agriculture and range management area for the purpose of land use planning Mahneshan
saeed kamyabi
Esmail khoshlagha
1 - Department Geography, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University. Semnan, Iran
2 - M.Sc of land use, Department Geography, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University. Semnan, Iran
Keywords: GIS, land use, Land use planning, Ecological potential, Mahneshan,
Abstract :
Trying to achieve a national land use planning and productivity is a principle and in proportion of environmental features and natural resource data, this process development is important. The sustainable development is a comprehensive concept which is involved in all aspects of human life. And the implementation of sustainable development models requires extensive changes in both national and international policies. In some part our country the utilization of land is not based on ecological zone. Specially in agricultural land so the aim of this paper is to show the comparison of existing land use and watershed ecological zone in Mahneshan in Zanjan province. Therefore, to analyze the possibilities and of natural basin by creating a database of geographic. Date extracted from the report of basic studies and classification in order to show the location of the ecological resources and entered to a Geographic Information System (GIS). The existing land use map derived with the help of satellite images. Then, by overlaying different layers, homogeneous units (e.g. homogeneous Polygon) we produced the reviewing and results data base, with considering the region and planning objectivese and ecological assessment. In order to obtain the models that applied on homogeneous polygon. Finally, maps are prepared voided and extraction based on planning and suggestions. This report has been investigated and classified to determine the best type of land use, land suitability homogeneous entity in the current status and future, concerning the climate conditions and giving priority to agriculture land (dry land and irrigated agriculture), rangeland and forestry as well.
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10- Adhami mojarad,M,2007. Comparison of three methods to evaluate natural resources. Master's Thesis. Department of natural resources . University of Tehran
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20- Motiei Langrood and colleagues ,2009. modeling ecological capability in terms of agricultural applications and rangeland using Fuzzy AHP in GIS environment by using ecological potential in GIS, (Case Study Marvdasht city), . Journal of land use, 16: 125-148.
21- Montgomery,B, Dragićević,S, Dujmović, j & Schmidt.B ,2016. A GIS-based Logic Scoring of Preference method for evaluation of land capability and suitability for agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.124(340-353)PP
22- Norozi,A,Nori.H,Kiani,S, 2010. Evaluation of Environmental Capability for Agricultural Development. Journal of Rural Resech,s.2(91-116)
23- Rossiter,D.G, 1996. A theorical fram work for land evaluation Geoderama 72: 165-190.
1- Adhami mojarad,M,2007. Comparison of three methods to evaluate natural resources. Master's Thesis. Department of natural resources . University of Tehran.120pp.
2- Afrooz, A. 1997. Sustainable agricultural development Researches. Publications Planning & Economic Research Institute. First printing.400pp.
3- Aurger, P. 2000. Aggregation and emergence in ecological modeling, Ecol Model., Vol.127, pp.11-20
4- Brazier, A.M., (1998), Geographic Information system: A consistent approach to land use planning decisions around hazardous installations, Jour.Hazardous Materials, Vol. 61, pp.355-361
5- Dasman,r.f. 1984. Environmental Conservation. 5th ed. J. Wiley and sons. Newyork. 486 PP.
6- Babapour, M. and Khorasani Alamdari, M, 2013. Ecological capability evaluation Valley to invest in Aq tea tourism in the province of Gilan. Place of publication. International Conference on landscape ecology Iran.
7- Bagheri bodaghAbadi, M. 2008. Applications land evaluation and land use planning. eyelids Publishers, 300pp.
8- Tofigh, F ,2005. Land use, global experience and adapt it to the current situation in Iran. Iran's Center for the Study and Research of Urban Development and Architecture Publishers, 300pp.
9- Sarvar, R .2005. Applied geography and land use. Samt Publishers, 252pp.
10- Adhami mojarad,M,2007. Comparison of three methods to evaluate natural resources. Master's Thesis. Department of natural resources . University of Tehran
11- SHakuie, H,1999. New ideas in philosophy, geography (Volume I). Gitashenasi publications. second edition,356pp.
12- GHorbani, R, 2009. General ecology. Publications University of Mashhad. First Edition.344pp.
13- HoshmandFiroozabadi, F. 1996. National Park Bamou User ecological capability evaluation for eco-tourism industry development. National Conference on Tourism and Travel
14- Kassas. M. 1995. Desertification: a general review. J.Arid environ. No. 30: 115 28.
15- Land. 1987. Final Report: world commission on environment and Development. Land 8(2): 2-3.
16- Mann. R. 1987. Development and teh sahel disaster: The case of the Gandia. the Ecologist. 17 (2): 84-90.
17- Masoudi,M,Jokar,p,Sadeghi,M.2015. Ecological capability evaluation of industrial, rural and urban development in Darab,journal of ecosystem natural of Iran .6(3)49-58.
18- Miller, G. T. Environmental Resource Managment. Wadworth pub. C. 592 PP.
19- Makhdoom, M, 2001. Cornerstone Land Surveying. Tehran University Publishers, 259pp.
20- Motiei Langrood and colleagues ,2009. modeling ecological capability in terms of agricultural applications and rangeland using Fuzzy AHP in GIS environment by using ecological potential in GIS, (Case Study Marvdasht city), . Journal of land use, 16: 125-148.
21- Montgomery,B, Dragićević,S, Dujmović, j & Schmidt.B ,2016. A GIS-based Logic Scoring of Preference method for evaluation of land capability and suitability for agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.124(340-353)PP
22- Norozi,A,Nori.H,Kiani,S, 2010. Evaluation of Environmental Capability for Agricultural Development. Journal of Rural Resech,s.2(91-116)
23- Rossiter,D.G, 1996. A theorical fram work for land evaluation Geoderama 72: 165-190.