List of articles (by subject) Design of Experiment
Open Access Article
1 - An Integrated Model of Project Scheduling and Material Ordering: A Hybrid Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm
Nima Zoraghi Amir Abbas Najafi سید تقی اخوان نیاکی -
Open Access Article
2 - Complete Closest-Target Based Directional FDH Measures of Efficiency in DEA
Mahmood Mehdiloozad Israfil Roshdi -
Open Access Article
3 - Meta-heuristic Algorithms for an Integrated Production-Distribution Planning Problem in a Multi-Objective Supply Chain
Abolfazl Kazemi Fatemeh Kangi Maghsoud Amiri -
Open Access Article
4 - A New Uni-attribute Control Chart to Monitor the Number of Nonconformities
sonia javadi S.T.A Niaki -
Open Access Article
5 - A Hierarchical Production Planning and Finite Scheduling Framework for Part Families in Flexible Job-shop (with a case study)
Davod Abachi fariborz jolai hasan haleh -
Open Access Article
6 - Scheduling of a flexible flow shop with multiprocessor task by a hybrid approach based on genetic and imperialist competitive algorithms
Javad Rezaeian Hany Seidgar Morteza Kiani -
Open Access Article
7 - Agile Supplier Selection In Sanitation Supply Chain Using Fuzzy VIKOR Method
Mohammadreza Shariari nazanin pilevari -
Open Access Article
8 - The project portfolio selection and scheduling problem: mathematical model and algorithms
Bahman Naderi -
Open Access Article
9 - VMI-type Supply Chains: a Brief Review
Mohsen Akhbari Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi Hasan Khademi Zare Ahmad Makui -
Open Access Article
10 - A Hybrid Method Based on Fuzzy AHP and VIKOR for the Discrete Time-Cost-Quality Trade-off Problem
alireza eydi Hiva Farughi farid abdi -
Open Access Article
11 - Measuring the overall performances of decision-making units in the presence of imprecise data
Hossein Azizi Alireza Bahari Rasul Jahed -
Open Access Article
12 - The Bi-Objective Location-Routing Problem based on Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery with Soft Time Window
Elham Jelodari Mamaghani Mostafa Setak -
Open Access Article
13 - Performance Improvement through a Marshaling Yard Storage Area in a Container Port Using Optimization via Simulation Technique (Case Study at Shahid Rajaee Container Port)
Mohammad Reza Ghanbari Parham Azimi -
Open Access Article
14 - New Heuristic Algorithm for Flow Shop Scheduling with 3 Machines and 2 Robots Considering the Breakdown Interval of Machines and Robots Simultaneously
mahdi eghbali Mohammad Saidi Mehrabad hassan haleh -
Open Access Article
15 - Cell forming and cell balancing of virtual cellular manufacturing systems with alternative processing routes using genetic algorithm
Adib Hosseini Mohammad Mahdi Paydar Iraj Mahdavi Javid Jouzdani -
Open Access Article
16 - Profitability of Iranian Stock Market Based on Technical AnalysisTrading Rules
Sadigh Raissi Mohammad Reza Zakkizade -
Open Access Article
17 - A Honey Bee Algorithm To Solve Quadratic Assignment Problem
mohamad mirzazadeh غلام حسن شیردل behrooz masoumi -
Open Access Article
18 - Integrating AHP and data mining for effective retailer segmentation based on retailer lifetime value
Amin Parvaneh Hossein Abbasimehr Mohammad Jafar Tarokh -
Open Access Article
19 - َA Multi-objective simulated annealing algorithm to solving flexible no-wait flowshop scheduling problems with transportation times
Bahman Naderi Hassan Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
20 - A Fuzzy Goal Programming Model for Efficient Portfolio Selection.
Abolfazl Kazemi Ali Shakourloo Alireza Alinezhad -
Open Access Article
21 - A simulated annealing algorithm to determine a group layout and production plan in a dynamic cellular manufacturing system
Reza KiA Nikbakhsh Javadian Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
22 - Continuous improvement strategy in traditional shipyard industry: a holistic approach towards sustainability
Fitriadi Fitriadi Ahmad Faisal Mohamad Ayob -
Open Access Article
23 - A Ratio-Based Efficiency Measurement for Ranking Multi-Stage Production Systems in DEA
Roza Azizi Reza Kazemi Matin -
Open Access Article
24 - A Two-dimensional Warranty Model with Consideration of Customer and Manufacturer Objectives Solved with Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
Amin Asadi Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad Faranak Fathi Aghdam -
Open Access Article
25 - Investigating Knowledge Management Practices in a Successful Research and Development Organization
Milad Jasemi Morteza Piri -
Open Access Article
26 - Three Approaches to Time Series Forecasting of Petroleum Demand in OECD Countries
Majid Khedmati Babak Ghalebsaz-Jeddi -
Open Access Article
27 - How does the Coffee Supply Chain Work in Indonesia?
Anton Azis Maya Irjayanti -
Open Access Article
28 - Applying a multi-criteria group decision-making method in a probabilistic environment for supplier selection (Case study: Urban railway in Iran)
Azam Modares Nasser Motahari Farimani Vahideh Bafandegan Emroozi -
Open Access Article
29 - Application of Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) for Efficient and Cost-effective Manufacturing: A Case Study at Bahir Dar Textile Share Company, Ethiopia
Tsehaye Beyene Sisay Gebeyehu -
Open Access Article
30 - Critical success factors consistent with stakeholder engagement in construction equipment manufacturers (Case study in Tehran)
Nima Amani Mahzad Qarib Sami Pooria Rashvand Ardalan Sabamehr -
Open Access Article
31 - Developing a New Bi-Objective Functions Model for a Hierarchical Location-Allocation Problem Using the Queuing Theory and Mathematical Programming
Parham Azimi Abulfazl Asadollahi -
Open Access Article
32 - Constrained portfolio selection model at considering risk-adjusted measure by using the Genetic Network Programming
iman bavarsad salehpoor saber mola alizade zavardehi -
Open Access Article
33 - Optimizing investment of pumped hydro storage system for renewable energy future
Zohreh Goudarzi Jafar Bagherinejad Majid Rafiee Amir Abolfazl Souratgar -
Open Access Article
34 - Investigating the potential to improve the efficiency of iran's road bridge management system from the point of view of bridge maintenance experts
ali medghalchi Pooria Rashvand ali delnavaz -
Open Access Article
35 - Physical Exploration of Materials as a Method to Determine the Maximum Limit of the Attainment Shapes of Three-Ply Plywood
Ali Ramadhan Dinar Cahyaningrum -
Open Access Article
36 - On characterizing efficient and properly efficient solutions for multi- objective programming problems in a complex space
Hamiden Abd Elwahed Alhanouf Alburaikan Florentin Smarandache -
Open Access Article
37 - The synchronicity of business processes is the basis of organizing the effective recovery of modern enterprises
Khrystyna Zalutska -
Open Access Article
38 - Occupational competency profile for workers in mechanical industry towards sustainable development
Affero Ismail Arizza Zainal Siti Soleha Razali Norzella Bokhari Reyanhealme Rohanai -
Open Access Article
39 - A Community-Based Qualitative Vulnerability Assessment Tools for Rivers in Developing Participatory Response to Land-Use Changes
Muhammad Saeed Aazani Mujahidb Moritz Müller -
Open Access Article
40 - Productivity Improvement through customized lean and six sigma for Garment manufacturing Industries
Teshome Bekele Dagne -
Open Access Article
41 - The impact of work from home on productivity among manufacturing industry workers during MCO
Mohd Amran Mohd Daril Nur Syairah Dazreena Nor ‘Azman Mohamad Ikbar Abdul Wahab Khairanum Subari Nohman Khan Sobia Irum -
Open Access Article
42 - Providing an Optimal Model of Affective Attitude in Customers' Purchasing Decisions in Industrial Markets
Seyedeh Hanieh Mirkiaei Tamijani Hamidreza Saeednia Zahra Alipour Darvish -
Open Access Article
43 - Residential appliance clustering based on their inherent characteristics for optimal use based K-means and hierarchical clustering method
Shima Simsar Mahmood Alborzi Ali Rajabzadeh Ghatari Ali Yazdian Varjani -
Open Access Article
44 - A combined Model design for developing and optimizing product platform architecture considering parameters of DFV, DFC, DFSC, and DFAv, case study: phased array radar
Masoud Merati Mahdi Karbasian Abbas Toloie Ashlaghi Hasan Haleh -
Open Access Article
45 - Multiple Items Supplier Selection, Economic Lot-sizing, and Order Allocation Under Quantity Discount: A Genetic Algorithm Approach
Getachew Basa Bonsa Till Becker Abdelkader Kedir -
Open Access Article
46 - Analysis of the influence of price and product performance, on the decision of heavy equipment customer buying excavator products ABC PT. XYZ
Nurhayati Rauf Ahmad Padhil Ade Yulyanda -
Open Access Article
47 - Uncertainty Identification in Microblogs
Fairouz Zendaoui Walid Khaled Hidouci Saeed Rouhani -
Open Access Article
48 - Work-related stress and psychosocial problems among shift workers: a case study on pakistan railway Lahore, pakistan
Saadia Talib Shahzad Ali -
Open Access Article
49 - Towards mathematical modeling for selecting logistics service providers: case of moroccan LSP
Jabir Arif Khaoula Azzouz Mohamed Badr Benboubker -
Open Access Article
50 - Forecasting Seasonal and Trend-Driven Data: A Comparative Analysis of Classical Techniques
Open Access Article
51 - Dimensions of Market-Sensing Capability Identifying SMEs Created: A Systematic Literature Review
Intan Permana Ratih Hurriyati Vanessa Gaffar Lili Wibowo -
Open Access Article
52 - Enhance Competitiveness Of Ethiopian Footwear Industry Through Integrating Of Work Measurement With Line Balancing Techniques.
Moti Melkamu gezahegn Dadi Temesgen Getachew -
Open Access Article
53 - Critical success factors for implementation of quality improvement initiative
Mohamad Ikbar Abdul Wahab Faris Hakim Mazlan Mohd Amran Mohd Daril Khairanum Subari Mazlan Awang Khairul Anuar Mohd Ali Nohman Khan -
Open Access Article
54 - Fuzzy model of hesitant decision making in evaluating business plans under uncertainty (an approach to developing new products)
Amir Bahramipour Sadegh Abedi Alireza Irajpour -
Open Access Article
55 - Multi-objective optimization of production: A case study on simplex, goal programming, and pareto front models
Astrid Putri Mochamad Hariadi Reza Rachmadi -
Open Access Article
56 - Types of welding process and relationship with defective rate in structural fabrication for oil & gas project
Mohd Amran Mohd Daril Abd. Rahim Sidek Mohamad Ikbar Abdul Wahab Khairanum Subari Sobia Irum Nohman Khan -
Open Access Article
57 - Supply chain resilience and market performance amid COVID-19 disruptions: The role of relational capital and supply chain disruption orientation in South Korean firms
Aaron Stephens Charles Robb Min-Hyo Kang -
Open Access Article
58 - The effect of TQM practices on job satisfaction in higher education institutes. A systematic literature review from the last two decades
Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Alsaad Zuraina binti Dato Mansor Hazrina binti Ghazali -
Open Access Article
59 - A new approach to solving multi-follower multi-objective linear bilevel programming problems
Habibe Sadeghi Farzaneh Anis Hosseini -
Open Access Article
60 - The barriers and critical success factor for implementing lean manufacturing at SMEs
Mohd Amran Mohd Daril Shazlen Farhana Mohamad Fadeli Mohamad Ikbar Abdul Wahab Khairanum Subari Latipah Nordin Muhammad Imran Queshi -
Open Access Article
61 - Short-Term Tuberculosis Incidence Rate Prediction for Europe using Machine learning Algorithms
Jamilu Yahaya Maipan-uku Nadire Cavus Boran Sekeroglu -
Open Access Article
62 - A dynamics approach for modeling inventory fluctuations of the pharmaceutical supply chain in covid 19 pandemic
Parvaneh Tavakol Bijan Nahavandi Mahdi Homayounfar -
Open Access Article
63 - A soft approach to supplier selection problem for a steel company under future uncertainty
Kasra Ghafori -
Open Access Article
64 - 6 sigma and dmaic method: basic tool teaching and application for beginning practitioners in automotive assembly
Aida Reyes Manuel Piña Manuel Baro -
Open Access Article
65 - Determination of Motivation, Work Environment, and Work Communication on Performance Through Competence at the Public Health Centers in Batam City
Fitri Astriani Novi noviyanti Chablullah Wibisono -
Open Access Article
66 - The impacts and opportunities of SALCRA plantation to the landowner’s socio-economic and labour supply: a case study of SALCRA estates in saratok district
Open Access Article
67 - Research development of logistic efficiency
Budhi Kusuma Qurtubi Qurtubi Anas Hidayat Dian Janari -
Open Access Article
68 - Navigation of mobile robot motion
Hameedah Sahib Hasan -
Open Access Article
69 - Humanitarian Smart Supply Chain: Classification and New Trends for Future Research
Fatemeh Kheildar Parvaneh Samouei Jalal Ashayeri -
Open Access Article
70 - Conceptual model to manage supply chain performance (case study: pangasius.sp agroindustry in indonesia)
Andreas Panudju Marimin Marimin Sapta Raharja Mala Nurilmala -
Open Access Article
71 - Development and validation of an integer linear programming model for the lecturer-to-course assignment problem
Lone Seboni Kgalalelo Rakgomo Botshelo Mhalapitsa -
Open Access Article
72 - A Comparative Simulation Study of Nonlinear Time Series Model for Forecasting Tourism Data
Rafidah ALI -
Open Access Article
73 - Designing and Building of E-Learning Applications For SMK Negeri 1 Gunung Talang
Asrul Huda Suci Rahmadani Dedy Irfan Bayu Fajri Murni Sukmawati Noper Ardi -
Open Access Article
74 - Enhancing Ethic Integrity and Human Resource Development to Build a Green Banking Business Model in Indonesia
Sobar M. Johari Wing Keung Wong Jenho Peter Ou -
Open Access Article
75 - Storage Zone Functions Optimization in Warehouses: A Systematic Review of Class-Based Storage
Nur Iftitah Qurtubi Qurtubi Muchamad Sugarindra -
Open Access Article
76 - Integrating Maintenance Management System in IBS Building Projects: A Qualitative Study
Zul-Atfi Ismail -
Open Access Article
77 - DOE-based enhanced genetic algorithm for unrelated parallel machine scheduling to minimize earliness/tardiness costs
Parsa Kianpour Deepak Gupta Krishna Krishnan Bhaskaran Gopalakrishnan -
Open Access Article
78 - Absorptive Capacity Effects on the Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Malaysia
Siti Norbaya Yahaya Mohd Hafiz Bakar Nusaibah Mansor Amiruddin Ahamat -
Open Access Article
79 - Electrical Energy Management of Industrial Consumers to Increase Profitability with an Optimal Control Strategy - a case study
Mahmoud Zadehbagheri Mohammadjavad Kiani Ali Asghar Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
80 - A Review of Three Decades Using Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation in Marketing and Consumer Behavior
Zahra Sadeqi-Arani Omid Roozmand -
Open Access Article
81 - Assessment of Wind Energy Potential in Green-Mountain, Libya
Saad Alfalahi Walaa Mahdi Sabah Alwatar Mohammed Abdulhadi Aiman Nouh -
Open Access Article
82 - Analysis of Factors that Influence Automobile Workshop Queue Performance Using Design of Experiments
Welly Sugianto Reazul Haq Abdul Haq -
Open Access Article
83 - Optimal fault-location in smart grids with bfa and ts algorithms with the approach of reducing losses and network costs
Mahmoud Zadehbagheri Mohammadjavad Kiani -
Open Access Article
84 - Optimization of FACTS devices to reduce losses in transmission networks using HSA
Nasim Khozouie -
Open Access Article
85 - Investigating factors affecting the acceptance of m-government based on fuzzy cognitive map in Iran
Maryam Mehrparvar Zahra Mohemmi Fateme Dadmand -
Open Access Article
86 - Application of Business Intelligent System in the Realm of Knowledge Distribution to Employees
Tiolina Evi Dwi Admojoa Dony Novaliendry -
Open Access Article
87 - Sizing optimization of truss structures with discrete design variables using combined PSO algorithm with Special Particles Method
Ali Gheibi Reza SojoudiZadeh Hadi Azizian Mahdi Gheibi -
Open Access Article
88 - Providing a multi-objective sustainable distribution network of agricultural items considering uncertainty and time window using meta-heuristic algorithms
Abbas Toloie Ashlaghi Amir Daneshvar Adel Pourghader Chobar Fariba Salahi -
Open Access Article
89 - Measuring Up: An Analysis of Performance Measures in Manufacturing and the Development of an Improved Framework"
Yitagesu Yilma Goshu -
Open Access Article
90 - An inventory lot Sizing model of deteriorating items with time and price dependent demand, by considering the time value of money
Rashin Babaei Davood mohammaditabar -
Open Access Article
91 - Enhancing Production Process Performance in Traditional Shipyards: An Integrated Approach for Waste Identification and Performance Optimization
Fitriadi Fitriadi Ahmad Faisal Mohamad Ayob -
Open Access Article
92 - Developing and solving the multi-objective flexible and sustainable job shop scheduling problem with reverse flow and job rotation considerations in uncertain situations
Arsalan Shojaei Davood Jafari Mehran Khalag Parshang Dokohaki -
Open Access Article
93 - Neural networks for forecasting irregular demand in an Automotive Diagnostic Centre
Sonia Isabel Polo Triana Juan Camilo Gutierrez -
Open Access Article
94 - Optimizing Biomass Synergy: Cost-Effective Reduction of Carbon Footprint in Coal-Fired Power Plants
Edwin Saputra Rienna Oktarina -
Open Access Article
95 - Complete / Incomplete Hierarchical Hub Center Single Assignment Network Problem
Alireza Arshadi Khamseh Mohammad Doost Mohamadi -
Open Access Article
96 - Building a Multi-Objective Model for Multi-Product Multi-Period Production Planning with Controllable Processing Times: A Real Case Problem
Mir Bahadorgholi Aryanezhad Mehdi Karimi-Nasab Seyed Mohammad Taghi Fatemi Ghomi -
Open Access Article
97 - A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Method to Optimize Bi-Objective Single Period Newsboy Problem with Fuzzy Cost and Incremental Discount
Ata Allah Taleizadeh Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki -
Open Access Article
98 - Bayesian Estimation of Shift Point in Shape Parameter of Inverse Gaussian Distribution Under Different Loss Functions
Mohammad Saber Fallah Nezhad Batul Rasti -
Open Access Article
99 - An Efficient Extension of Network Simplex Algorithm
Hassan Rashidi Edward P.K Tsang -
Open Access Article
100 - A New Fuzzy Stabilizer Based on Online Learning Algorithm for Damping of Low-Frequency Oscillations
Ali Ghasemi Mohammad Javad Golkar Mohammad Eslami -
Open Access Article
101 - Developing a Multi-objective Mathematical Model for Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing Systems
Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad Seyedeh Maryam Mirnezami-ziabari -
Open Access Article
102 - A New Hybrid Parallel Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Travelling Salesman Problem with Multiple Transporters
parham azimi Ramtin Rooeinfar Hani Pourvaziri -
Open Access Article
103 - Process Capability Analysis in the Presence of Autocorrelation
Mohsen Mohamadi Mehdi Foumani Babak Abbasi -
Open Access Article
104 - A Review and Evaluation of Statistical Process Control Methods inMonitoring Process Mean and Variance Simultaneously
Ahmad Ostadsharifmemar Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki -
Open Access Article
105 - Making Optimal Decisions of Assembly Products in Supply Chain
Yong Luo Shuwei Chen -
Open Access Article
106 - Ant Colony Optimization for Multi-objective Digital Convergent Product Network
Open Access Article
107 - Mobile Robot Online Motion Planning Using Generalized Voronoi Graphs
elips masehian amin Naseri -
Open Access Article
108 - Designing a Marketing Strategy for the Development of Industrial Tourism in the Region
Bohdan Danylyshyn Oleksandra Olshanska Yuliia Zabaldina Roman Mazurets Sergii Khlopiak Liliia Pivnova -
Open Access Article
109 - Absorbing Markov Chain Models to Determine Optimum Process Target Levels in Production Systems with Rework and Scrapping
Mohammad Saber Fallah Nezhad Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki -
Open Access Article
110 - An Inexact-Fuzzy-Stochastic Optimization Model for a Closed Loop Supply Chain Network Design Problem
Behnam Vahdani Mani Sharifi -
Open Access Article
111 - A Comparison of the REMBRANDT System with a New Approach inAHP
Mahmoud Modiri Mir Bahadorgholi Aryanezhad Hamed Maleki -
Open Access Article
112 - Sequencing Mixed Model Assembly Line Problem to Minimize Line Stoppages Cost by a Modified Simulated Annealing Algorithm Based on Cloud Theory
Zaman Zamami Amlashi Mostafa Zandieh -
Open Access Article
113 - Scheduling in Container Terminals using NetworkSimplex Algorithm
Hassan Rashidi -
Open Access Article
114 - Enhanced Prudential Standards Under Basel Iii: What Consequences For The Profitability Of Banks
Selma Haj Khlifa Amal Zaki -
Open Access Article
115 - Multimodal Transportation p-hub Location Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pick-ups and Deliveries
Saeed Zameni Jafar Razmi -
Open Access Article
116 - Multiple Batch Sizing through Batch Size Smoothing
Mir bahadorgholi Aryanezhad Mehdi Karimi nasab Sudabeh Bakhshi -
Open Access Article
117 - Study and Implementation of Lean Manufacturing in a Garment Manufacturing Company: Bangladesh Perspective
Ripon Kumar Chakrabortty Sanjoy Kumar Paul -
Open Access Article
118 - A Neural Network Model Based on Support Vector Machine for Conceptual Cost Estimation in Construction Projects
Behnam Vahdani Seyed Meysam Mousavi Morteza Mousakhani Mani Sharifi Hassan Hashemi -
Open Access Article
119 - Comparing Parallel Simulated Annealing, Parallel Vibrating Damp Optimization and Genetic Algorithm for Joint Redundancy-Availability Problems in a Series-Parallel System with Multi-State Components
Mani Sharifi Morteza Mousa Khani Arash Zaretalab -
Open Access Article
120 - Sensitivity Analysis of Simple Additive Weighting Method (SAW): The Results of Change in the Weight of One Attribute on the Final Ranking of Alternatives
Azizollah Memariani Abbas Amini Alireza Alinezhad -
Open Access Article
121 - Designing Stochastic Cell Formation Problem Using Queuing Theory
Parviz fattahi Bahman Esmailnezhad Amir Saman Kheirkhah -
Open Access Article
122 - A Multi Objective Fibonacci Search Based Algorithm for Resource Allocation in PERT Networks
Behrouz Afshar Nadjafi Salman Kolyaei -
Open Access Article
123 - A Bi-objective Pre-emption Multi-mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with due Dates in the Activities
zahra Sadat Hosseini Javad Hassan pour Emad Roghanian -
Open Access Article
124 - Using Markov Chain to Analyze Production Lines Systems withLayout Constraints
sadegh Abedi morteza mousakhani naser hamidi -
Open Access Article
125 - Dynamic Load Carrying Capacity of Flexible Manipulators Using Finite Element Method and Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle
Moharam Korayem Mostafa Nazemizadeh Hamed Rahimi nahooji -
Open Access Article
126 - A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Multi Objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling with Overlapping in Operations
Mehrzad Abdi Khalife Babak Abbasi Amirhossein Kamali Dolat abadi -
Open Access Article
127 - Social Networks as a Phenomenon of the Information Society
Anastasiia Bessarab Olha Mitchuk Anna Baranetska Natalia Kodatska Olha Kvasnytsia Galyna Mykytiv -
Open Access Article
128 - Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for a Supplier ClusteringProblem
esmaeil Mehdizadeh reza Tavakkoli Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
129 - Neurological Analysis of Consumer Behavior in Shopping Malls Using EEG
Mahmoud Samadi Mohammad Mahdi Mozaffari Jafar Shaghaghi -
Open Access Article
130 - A Simulation Model for Optimization of the Internal Handling Fleet Size at Shahid Rajaee Container Port Based on Performance Evaluation
Parham Azimi Mohammad Reza Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
131 - Traffic Flow Analysis Based on Queuing Models
Mohammad Modares Hossein Beheshti Fakher -
Open Access Article
132 - Dynamic Cargo Trains Scheduling for Tackling Network Constraints and Costs Emanating from Tardiness and Earliness
Open Access Article
133 - Meta heuristic for Minimizing Makespan in a Flow-line Manufacturing Cell with Sequence Dependent Family Setup Times
Behzad Nikjo Javad Rezaeian -
Open Access Article
134 - Developing a Permutation Method Using Tabu Search Algorithm: A Case Study of Ranking Some Countries of West Asia and North Africa Based on Important Development Criteria
Javad Rezaeian Keyvan Shokoufi Shahab Poursafary -
Open Access Article
135 - Sensitivity Analysis of TOPSIS Technique: The Results of Change in the Weight of One Attribute on the Final Ranking of Alternatives
Alireza Alinezhad Abbas Amini -
Open Access Article
136 - Digital Competencies Of Teachers In The Transformation Of The Educational Environment
Olga Zabolotska Nataliia Zhyliak Nataliia Hevchuk Natalya Petrenko Oksana Alieko -
Open Access Article
137 - Application of Rough Set Theory in Data Mining for Decision SupportSystems (DSSs)
Mohammad Hossein Fazel Zarandi Abolfazl Kazemi -
Open Access Article
138 - Change Point Estimation of a Process Variance with a Linear TrendDisturbance
Rassoul Noorossana Majeed Heydari -
Open Access Article
139 - A New Approach in Job Shop Scheduling: Overlapping Operation
parviz Fattahi mohammad Saidi Mehrabad -
Open Access Article
140 - Developing a Method for Increasing Accuracy and Precision in Measurement System Analysis: A Fuzzy Approach
Abolfazl Kazemi Hassan Haleh Vahid Hajipour Seyed Habib Rahmati -
Open Access Article
141 - A Benders' Decomposition Method to Solve Stochastic Distribution Network Design Problem with Two Echelons and Inter-Depot Transportation
Vahid Reza ghezavati -
Open Access Article
142 - Multi-objective and Scalable Heuristic Algorithm for Workflow Task Scheduling in Utility Grids
Vahid Kahejvand Hossein Pedram Mostafa Zandieh -
Open Access Article
143 - A New Algorithm for the Discrete Shortest Path Problem in a Network Based on Ideal Fuzzy Sets
Sadollah Ebrahimnejad Seyed Meysam Mousavi Behnam Vahdani -
Open Access Article
144 - The Effects of Grasp Conditions on Maximal Acceptable Combined Forces (pushing and pinch forces) for Manual Insertion of Snap Fasteners
Hamed Salmanzadeh Kurt Landau -
Open Access Article
145 - A New Algorithm for Optimization of Fuzzy Decision Tree in Data Mining
Abolfazl Kazemi Elahe Mehrzadegan -
Open Access Article
146 - Trajectory Optimization of Cable Parallel Manipulators in Point-to-Point Motion
moharam habib nezhad korayem mehdi bamdad ashkan akbareh -
Open Access Article
147 - Sensitivity Analysis in the QUALIFLEX and VIKOR Methods
Alireza Alinezhad Nima Esfandiari -
Open Access Article
148 - Fuzzy Centroid-Based Method Applied to Customer Requirements Ranking in Diba Fiberglass Company
Open Access Article
149 - Vendor Selection:An Enhanced Hybrid Fuzzy MCDM Model
Behnam Vahdani Akbar Alem-Tabriz Mostafa Zandieh -
Open Access Article
150 - DEA with Missing Data: An Interval Data Assignment Approach
Reza Kazemi Matin Roza Azizi -
Open Access Article
151 - (1, T) policy for a Two-echelon Inventory System with Perishable-on-the-Shelf Items
Anwar Mahmoodi Alireza Haji -
Open Access Article
152 - A Non-radial Approach for Setting Integer-valued Targets in Data Envelopment Analysis
Reza Kazemi Matin -
Open Access Article
153 - An Iterated Greedy Algorithm for Flexible Flow Lines with SequenceDependent Setup Times to Minimize Total Weighted Completion Time
Bahman Naderi mostafa Zandieh Seyed Mohammad Taghi Fatemi Ghomi -
Open Access Article
154 - Evaluation of Effectiveness of Implementing Quality Management System (ISO9001:2000) Using BSC Approach in NIGC
Alireza Alinezhad Ali Masaeli Nima Esfandiari Mona Mirhadi -
Open Access Article
155 - Correlation of Income Inequality and Entrepreneurial Activity
Irina Gontareva Vitalina Babenko Nataliia Shmatko Dariusz Pawliszczy -
Open Access Article
156 - The preemptive resource-constrained project scheduling problem subjectto due dates and preemption penalties: An integer programming approach
Behrouz Afshar nadjafi Shahram Shadrokh -
Open Access Article
157 - Outsourcing or Insourcing of Transportation System Evaluation Using Intelligent Agents Approach
isa nakhaei kamalabadi parham azimi mohammad varmaghani -
Open Access Article
158 - Design of a Mathematical Model for Logistic Network in a Multi-Stage Multi-Product Supply Chain Network and Developing a Metaheuristic Algorithm
Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Fariborz Afrabandpei -
Open Access Article
159 - A Multi-Periodic Multi-Product Inventory Control Problem with Discount: GA Optimization Algorithm
Seyed Mohsen Mousavi Seyed Hamidreza Pasandideh -
Open Access Article
160 - Modelling Customer Attraction Prediction in Customer Relation Management using Decision Tree: A Data Mining Approach
Abolfazl Kazemi Mohammad Esmaeil Babaei -
Open Access Article
161 - A Benders� Decomposition Approach for Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing System in the Presence of Unreliable Machines
Masoud Bagheri Saeed Sadeghi Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad -
Open Access Article
162 - A Proposed Data Mining Methodology and its Application to Industrial Procedures
Open Access Article
163 - A Bi-objective Optimization for Vendor Managed Inventory Model
Amir Hossein Niknamfar Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh -
Open Access Article
164 - A Mixed Integer Programming Formulation for the Heterogeneous Fixed Fleet Open Vehicle Routing Problem
Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Frazad Didehvar Farhad Rahmati -
Open Access Article
165 - A Mathematical Model for a Flow Shop Scheduling Problem withFuzzy Processing Times
Jafar Razmi Reza Tavakoli moghaddam Mohammad Saffari -
Open Access Article
166 - Assessment of the Components of Financial Potential of the Regions of Ukraine
Davydenko Nadiia Buryak Alina Demyanenko Inna Buryak Mykhailo -
Open Access Article
167 - A New Fuzzy Method for Assessing Six Sigma Measures
Seyed Habib A Rahmati Abolfazl Kazemi Mohammad Saidi Mehrabad Alireza Alinezhad -
Open Access Article
168 - Practical common weights scalarizing function approach for efficiencyanalysis
Alireza Alinezhad Reza Kiani Mavi Majid Zohrehbandian Ahmad Makui -
Open Access Article
169 - Three Metaheuristic Algorithms for Solving the Multi-item Capacitated Lot-sizing Problem with Product Returns and Remanufacturing
Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Amir Fatehi Kivi -
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170 - Designing Solvable Graphs for Multiple Moving Agents
Ellips Masehian Farzaneh Daneshzand -
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Abolfazl Aliakbari Mehdi Seifbarghy -
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172 - Influence of fuzzy Goal Programming in Production Optimization Case study: Cement Industry
Mahmoud Modiri Saeid Moheb Rabbani Hadi Heidari Gharebolagh -
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173 - Determination of Material Flows in a Multi-echelon Assembly SupplyChain
Mehrnoosh Taherkhani Mehdi Seifbarghy -
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176 - The Model of Achieving a Balanced Balance between Economic Efficiency and Ecological-Social Responsibility of Digitalized Enterprise
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178 - Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithm for Task Assignment Problem
Mohammad Jafar Tarokh Mehdi Yazdani Mani Sharifi Mohammad Navid Mokhtarian -
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179 - Exact Mixed Integer Programming for Integrated Scheduling and Process Planning in Flexible Environment
Mohammad Saidi Mehrabad Saeed Zarghami -
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180 - Vendor Managed Inventory of a Supply Chain under Stochastic Demands
Tahereh Poorbagheri Seyed Taghi akhavan niaki -
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181 - Using Hybrid Fuzzy PROMETHEE II and Fuzzy Binary Goal Programming for Risk Ranking: A Case Study of Highway Construction Projects
Samareh Moradpour Sadoullah Ebrahimnejad Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Arash Mohamadi -
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Babak Abbasi behrouz Afshar nadjafi -
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183 - New Heuristic Algorithms for Solving Single-Vehicle and Multi-VehicleGeneralized Traveling Salesman Problems (GTSP)
Ellips Masehian -
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184 - An Effective Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Hybrid Flow Shops with Sequence Dependent Setup Times and Processor Blocking
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Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh Amirhossain Chambari -
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Mehdi Seif Barghy Maghsoud Amiri mostafa Heidari -
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190 - Measuring and Analyzing the Bullwhip Effect in a Two-Product and Two Echelon Supply Chain Using Control Theory Approach
Ahmad Sadeghi -
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191 - A Multi-level Capacitated Lot-sizing Problem with Safety Stock Deficit and Production Manners: A Revised Simulated Annealing
Esameil Mehdizadeh Mohammad Reza Mohammadizadeh -
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192 - A Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Optimization of Time-Cost Trade-off Problems in Project Scheduling Using a Genetic Algorithm
Sedigheh Nader Abadi Emad Roghanian Hadi Aghassi -
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196 - A Fuzzy Decision-Making Methodology for Risk Response Planning in Large-Scale Projects
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197 - A parameter-tuned genetic algorithm for vendor managed inventory model for a case single-vendor single-retailer with multi-product and multi-constraint
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198 - A Grey-Based Fuzzy ELECTRE Model for Project Selection
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199 - Application of SCOR Model in an Oil- producing Company
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200 - A Memetic Algorithm for Hybrid Flowshops with Flexible MachineAvailability Constraints
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201 - Modelling and Scheduling Lot Streaming Flexible Flow Lines
Bahman naderi Mehdi Yazdani -
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202 - The Capacitated Location-Allocation Problem with Interval Parameters
Hassan Shavandi -
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203 - Fuzzy Programming for Parallel Machines Scheduling: Minimizing Weighted Tardiness/Earliness and Flow Time through Genetic Algorithm
Mohammad Asghari Samaneh Nezhadali -
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205 - Using Electromagnetism Algorithm for Determining the Number of kanbans in a Multi-stage Supply Chain System
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206 - Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing for Redundancy Allocation Problem with Cold-standby Strategy
Aida Karimi Mani Sharifi Amirhossain Chambari -
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207 - A Comparison of NSGA II and MOSA for Solving Multi-depots Time-dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Heterogeneous Fleet
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210 - Reliability Modelling of the Redundancy Allocation Problem in the Series-parallel Systems and Determining the System Optimal Parameters
Mani Sharifi Mohsen Yaghoubizadeh -
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211 - Extension of Portfolio Selection Problem with Fuzzy Goal Programming: A Fuzzy Allocated Portfolio Approach
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212 - Modelling Integrated Multi-item Supplier Selection with Shipping Frequencies
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214 - A New Hybrid Algorithm to Optimize Stochastic-fuzzy Capacitated Multi-Facility Location-allocation Problem
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215 - A Cellular Learning Automata (CLA) Approach to Job Shop Scheduling Problem
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218 - An Effective Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem
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220 - A Heuristic Algorithm for Nonlinear Lexicography Goal Programming with an Efficient Initial Solution
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223 - Facility Location and Inventory Balancing in a Multi-period Multi-echelon Multi-objective Supply Chain: An MOEA Approach
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225 - A multi-objective evolutionary approach for integrated production-distribution planning problem in a supply chain network
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