About the Journal
The permit for the journal of Food Hygiene was issued in the sixty-seventh sessions of the Examination and Verification Commission of Islamic Azad University on July fifth, 2010, and the first issue of the journal was issued in spring, 2011. On December 12’th 2012 the journal was ranked as a scientific research journal by the Research Planning and Policy Office and Scientific Journals’ Commission of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology.
The journal of Food Hygiene has been indexed in the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), "Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC)", "Scientific Information Database (SID)", "Google Scholars", and "Noor Professional Journals Database (Noormags)".
The journal of Food Hygiene is a periodical that publishes four issues every year. Each issue contains eight articles in Persian with English abstracts. The papers are received through the journal’s website address (http://jfh.iaut.ac.ir/); after verification in the editorial board’s meeting, they are reviewed by three professional reviewers, and after scientific and linguistic editing, the papers are published. The acceptance and publication process of the papers is very exact and clear-cut, and only high-quality scientific papers are published in the shortest possible time. All reviewing and publication steps of the papers are full papers are open to access at the university website.
Acceptance Rate: 37%
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Conflict of Interest form for Journal of Food Hygiene
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Dear Researcher
According to the Circular number //50260 dated 2024/10/8, the authors are required to pay a nonrefundable review fee of 5000000 Rials after the initial verification of the manuscript by the editor-in-chief and a nonrefundable publication fee of 10000000 Rials after it is accepted for publication. The payment documents should be scanned and uploaded along with the manuscript.
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Terms and Conditions for Accepting Papers
The journal of Food Hygiene accepts the publication of “Original research papers”, “Short research notes” with outstanding innovations, and important “Review articles” in the area of food hygiene. The submitted papers should not have been published previously in the journals inside Iran or abroad; nor should they be submitted for publication to other journals simultaneously. After general evaluation and original verification by the editorial board, the papers are sent for review. It is necessary for the respected authors to receive the points and suggestions of the reviewing group highlighted inside the paper and respond to all items in the form of a response letter. In case the authors do not agree with the points raised by the reviewers, they can write their supplementary notes in the mentioned letters. It should be explained that besides the comments by the reviewing group, the editorial board has the right to give its views on the scientific, structural, and typographical quality of the papers as well as accepting or rejecting the papers. If the reviewing group and editorial board agree with publishing the papers, they will be published according to their date of receiving.
The journal of Food Hygiene is free to publish its materials electronically by the internet or intranet. It should be mentioned that all correspondence between the journal and the authors should take place by the corresponding author, and the corresponding authors bear all of the responsibilities of the paper. It is also necessary for the corresponding author to fill the “Ethical Commitment” form of the journal & Conflict of Interest form for the Journal of Food Hygiene sign, and send it via the journal system.
How to submit papers via journal website
Refer to the Journals Website of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz and Food Hygiene journal (http://jfh.iaut.ac.ir/).
Click on “Enter the System” and “Register in the System” options and enter the necessary information.
Click on “Enter the System”, and having inserted your “User Name” and “Password”, enter the journal website and send your paper.
Note: In case the journal website was inactive, please contact the journal staff via foodhygiene.iaut@gmail.com
How to write papers?
The papers are prepared in Persian with English abstracts.
They should be written in A4 paper format with margins of 2.5 cm and single-spaced lines.
Word 2007 should be used for writing the paper (In case higher versions of words are used, the submitted file should be saved in the 2007 version).
For typing in Persian, B Lotus with a font of 13 should be used, and for writing in English Times New Roman with a font of 11 must be used.
The main titles should be written in the same way, but they should be put in boldface.
The size of original research papers including the abstract and references should be 6000 words.
The size of review articles and short research notes should not exceed 9000 and 3000 words, respectively.
The condition for accepting the review papers is the fact that the corresponding author should have previously published at least three research articles on the fields related to the review article.
It should be added that the researcher must be the main author (the first author or corresponding author) of the mentioned articles.
The order and contents of different parts of the article: It should be mentioned that the researcher must be the main author (the first author or corresponding author) of the mentioned articles.
The structure and order of the materials in the submitted papers should be as follows: "Cover page", "Title", "Farsi Abstract", "Keywords", "Introduction", "Materials and Methods", "Results", "Discussion and Conclusion", "Acknowledgements", "Conflict of Interests", "References", and finally "English Abstract". Regarding the review papers, the order should be determined according to the structure of the article.
Cover Page
This page includes the title, first name and last name, academic affiliation of the author(s), complete postal address, electronic mail, and phone number of the corresponding author as well as the electronic mail and telephone number of the other authors which are arranged in a separate page. The cover page should be written in Farsi and English.
Title/Running Title
The title should be simple and short and should be based on the topic and the main goal of the study. Uncommon abbreviations should be avoided in writing the title. The running title is the shortened form of the title and should include the maximum number of 8 words.
Farsi Abstract
The abstract should be short and clear, and it should include a short introduction, purpose of the study, methodology, results, and general conclusions based on the research findings. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
The keywords should include 4 to 7 words. The selection of the words should be based on the main topic of the study.
In the introduction, first, a definition of the different aspects of the topic and its significance (using documentary statistics and information) should be presented. Later, the findings of the previous studies should be generally mentioned. Then, the innovations of the study should be mentioned followed by a clear description of the main purpose of the study. In the introduction or other parts of the paper, enough documentation should be made by regular use of the references.
Materials and Methods
This section includes a comprehensive description of the materials and methods used in conducting the study. This part can include some subparts including “sampling and sample preparation”, “the method of conducting different tests”, “design of the experiment”, “data analysis procedure”. The technical features of the instruments and special laboratory equipment, as well as the brand name and manufacturing country of each of the materials and instruments used in the study, should be mentioned inside the parentheses immediately after mentioning the name of the materials and instruments. Regarding the commonly known tests, it is enough to mention the name of the method, and it is not necessary to mention details about the procedures of the experiment.
In this section, the results of the study are mentioned. Reporting the results can be in the form of text, tables, graphs, or images. Repetition of the results in different forms (table and graph) should be avoided. The tables, graphs, and images should be numbered with their appearance in the text. Moreover, reference should be made to all tables, graphs, and images inside the text (in the results section) according to their order of presentation.
Tables, Graphs, and Images
The graphs and images should have the appropriate size and resolution, and they should be clear. The quantities mentioned in the tables, graphs, and images should be based on the international system (SI). The tables should have no vertical lines, and they should be drawn with the least possible number of horizontal lines. Moreover, the least number of words should be used for defining the groups and different factors inside the tables. The table captions should be written above the tables, and the captions of figures and graphs should be written under them. The titles should be short, and they should indicate the relationship between the factors mentioned in the table or graph. Extra information about the title and table texts should be mentioned in the footnote.
The files of the images, graphs, and figures used in the manuscript should be of the main type of files and should be prepared in color and high-quality format. Moreover, these files should be drawn using computer systems and Word 2007 compatible software, and they should have good enough quality for printing. The results of statistical analyses should be reflected in the table(s) using one of the scientific methods except for the cases in which there is a need to mention the data in their raw and unprocessed forms. It is necessary to bring the table(s) and graph(s) after the topic under discussion in the text. The numbers, explanations inside the tables, and graphs should be written in Farsi.
Discussion and Conclusion
The purpose of this section is justification, interpretation, and theorization of the results. In this line first, the main research findings are mentioned. However, it should be noted that “discussion” does not merely mean the repetition of findings. It should include interpretation of the research findings, reasons, and the relationships among the results. Then, using the scientific documentations from other studies, the results of the study are discussed, and the reasons for similarity or differences in the findings of the study with other studies are interpreted. It should be added that discussion is not a place for reporting the results of other studies. In the last paragraph of the discussion, the conclusions drawn from the study are presented very briefly, simply, and clearly.
If necessary, the help and contributions of real or legal people, organizations, and institutions that have had an effective role in conducting the study should be acknowledged. This section should be stated in some short sentences.
Conflict of Interests
If there is a conflict of interests among the authors (including their names) or between the authors and their sponsors, it should be acknowledged very clearly. It is suggested that the authors share common interests and write the names of all institutes and organizations that have supported them in writing the paper and the benefits of writing the papers belong to them. If there is no conflict of interest, this should be clearly acknowledged.
It is necessary to write all Farsi sources in English (in-text citation and list of references). Then, the references are arranged alphabetically according to Harvard Style. The respected authors should ensure that all in-text references are given in the reference list and vice versa. Avoid citing a thesis or invalid internet sites as sources of your study.
Indirect documentation of the references happens solely inside parentheses.
- The correct way of referencing: “the findings of the study showed that …. (Smith et al., 2000)”
- Incorrect way of referencing: “Smith et al. in 2000 showed that …..”
If a fact has more than one source, the sources are mentioned chronologically (from old sources to more recent ones): (Asadzadeh, 2008; Mahboobi, 2012)
1. Articles
- If the paper is written by one author, the last name of the author as well as the year of publication should be mentioned inside parentheses: Example: (Smith, 2004); (Asadzadeh, 2008; Mahboobi, 2012)
- If the scientific paper is written by two authors, the last name of the authors, as well as the year of publication, should be written. e.g. (Allan and Jones, 1995; Lotfi and Abbaspour, 2010).
- If the authors are more than two people, first the name of the first author is written. Then “et al.” (in italics) is given followed by the year of publication. e.g. (Johnson et al., 2014; Faramarzi et al., 2005).
- If more than one article is written by the same author and is documented during one year, the concerned reference should be identified by writing a, b, and c after the year of publication. e.g. (Kramer, 2010a; Kramer, 2010b); (Azizpour, 2009a; Azizpour, 2009b)
2. Book
- The name of the author(s) and the year of publication should be written. e.g.
(Fatemi, 2003); (Strunk and Caddick, 2003)
- If the documented source is a translation, the last name of the translator(s) and the year of publication (in Christian calendar) should be written in English inside parentheses. e.g. (Mortazavi et al., 2002)
If one chapter of a book is used for documentation, the last name of the author(s) of the respective chapter along with the year of publication should be mentioned inside parentheses. e.g. (Weagant and Feng, 2001)
3. Internet-based Sources
- The abbreviated name of the internet source, its number (if there is ever one), and date of publication should be mentioned inside the parentheses. e.g. (ISO, 11813/2010); (IDF, 474/2014); (CDC, 2014); (AOAC, 1996)
4. Iran National Standard
If Iran National Standards are documented, “ISIRI”, “the respective standard number”, and “the year they were written” should be mentioned inside parentheses. e.g. (ISIRI, 2406/2008)
1. Article
1.1. Farsi: Farsi sources should be translated into English in the following way: Last name of the author(s) and the initial letter of their first name, (year of publication). Title of the paper. Name of the journal, year of publication, issue number, and page numbers. Finally, inside the brackets “In Persian” should be written.
● Moshtaghi Maleki, T. and Hanifian, S. (2015). Molds contamination of raw milk and dairy products: Occurrence, diversity and contamination source. Journal of Food Hygiene, 5(19): 9–20. [In Persian]
1.2. Non-Farsi Sources: Last name of the author(s) and the initial letter of their first name (Year of Publication). The title of the paper, Journal Name, Publication Year, Issue Number, pages.
● Vishnubhatla, A., Fung, D., Oberst, R., Hays, M., Nagaraja, T. and Flood, S. (2000). Rapid 5′-nuclease (TaqMan) assay for the detection of virulent strains of Yersinia enterocolitica. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66(9): 4131–4135.
Note: If there are more than six authors, the names of the authors following the sixth author should be written as: et al.” in the list of authors.
Note: Regarding the accepted papers that are going to be published and do not have issue numbers or page numbers, the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the paper should be used instead.
● Bolton, D.J., Carroll, J. and Walsh, D. (2015). A four-year survey of blown pack spoilage Clostridium estertheticum and Clostridium gasigenes on beef primal cuts. Letters in Applied Microbiology, DOI: 10.1111/lam.12431.
● Parvaneh, V. (2007). Quality Control and the Chemical Analysis of Food. (4th Edition), The University of Tehran Publication, pp. 241– 255. [In Persian]
2. Book
- Written books
- Farsi: The name of the authors and the title of the book should be translated into English and the following order should be observed: the Last name of the author(s) and the initial letter of the first name of the author(s). Title of the Book. Print number, the name of the publisher, the number of the pages documented in the article, and finally inside the brackets “In Persian” should be written.
Non-Farsi Books: Last name of the author(s) and the initial letter of their first names (Year of publication). The book title, edition number, Publishers’ name, the documented pages.
● Pitt, J.I., and Hocking, A.D. (1997). Fungi and Food Spoilage. 2nd edition, Blackie Academic and Professional, London, pp. 126–127.
- Translated books:
The last name and the initial letter of the first name of the translator(s) (Year of publication in Christian calendar). Title of the book. (Translation). The last name and the initial letter of the first name of the author(s), printing number, publishers’ name, and the page numbers documented [In Persian].
● Mortazavi, A., Kashani Nejad, M. and Ziaolhagh, H. (2002). Food Microbiology, (Translation). Authors: Frazier, W.C. and Westhoff, D.C. 2nd reprint, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Publication, pp. 24-26 [In Persian].
- Chapter of a reference book:
Last name and the initial letter of the first name of the author(s) of the respective chapter (Year of publication). Title of the chapter, the last name and initial letter of the first name of the author(s), edition number, publishers’ name, and the page numbers documented.
● Weagant, S.D. and Feng, P. (2001). Yersinia, In Pouch Downes, F. and Ito, K. (Editors), Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods, 3rd Edition, American Public Health Association, Washington DC, pp. 421–428.
- Part of the book or material published by an institute or organization
● International Organization for Standardization (ISO), (2010). Standards catalogue, Milk and Milk products: Determination of Zinc Content-Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method. ISO No. 11813:2010.
● International Dairy Federation (IDF), Bulletin of the IDF, (2014). Detecting Antibiotic Residues in Milk- Guidance on the Application of Screening and Confirmatory Methods in Integrated Dairy Chain management IDF No. 474/2014.
● AOAC. (1995). Official Methods of Analysis, AOAC International. 16th Edition, Vol. 2, Chap: 33, Subchapter 7, Cheese, pp: 58–61.
● Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), (2014). Salmonella. Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/
3. Internet-based Sources
● Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), (2014). Salmonella. Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/
● Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. (2008). Microbiology of milk and milk product specifications. 2nd revision, ISIRI No. 2406. [In Persian]
4. Iran National Standard
● Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. (2008). Microbiology of milk and milk product specifications. 2nd revision, ISIRI No. 2406. [In Persian]
5. The studies having a patentee
Last name and first name of the patentee. (Year of registration of the patent). Name of the patent. The country of the patents and license number of the patent.
● Sen Gupta, A.K. (1985). Refining. U.S. Patent 4: 501-533.
The postal address of the journal
Food Hygiene journal’s Office,
Faculty of Veterinary, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch,
Basmenj Road, Ahar Folkway,
Tabriz, IRAN.
Direct phone number of the journal: 0098-413-6376934
Phone number of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: 0098-413-6372274, Extension number: 2314
Web site: http://jfh.iaut.ac.ir
Email: foodhygiene@iaut.ac.ir