List of articles (by subject) Christianity
Open Access Article
1 - Inculturation, Spread of Christianity in China
ehsan ghani far MR Adli Bakhshali Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
2 - Prayer according to Mary Eddy Baker
Bahareh Zamiri Jirsarai Noori Sadat Shahangian -
Open Access Article
3 - Burial Rituals and Building Tombs in Abrahamic Religions: A Comparative Study
Elaheh Shahpasand Vali Abdi Fatemeh Hosseinzadeh Jafari -
Open Access Article
4 - “Traveling” and “Pilgrimage” in Religions: Comparative Study
mohsen sharfaei Ali Akbari chenari -
Open Access Article
5 - Investigation of mystic bewilderment In the book of The Cloud of Unknowing and comparing it with The Conference of the Birds (Manṭiq-uṭ-Ṭayr)
Rouhollah Mousavi Alireza Jalali -
Open Access Article
6 - The Development of Islamic Studies in the West
raoof nosratian Shahram Pazouki -
Open Access Article
7 - Dialectic of Identity and Salvation in Abrahamic Scriptures
mansour motamedi Yaser Aein Mahdi Hasanzadeh -
Open Access Article
8 - Biblical Interpretation and the Social Life of Christian Fundamentalism: A Case Study of the Evangelicalism
Maryam Nazari Leila Hooshangi Hojjatollah Javani -
Open Access Article
9 - How the Catholic Church Faced the Historical Criticism of the Bible
Ahmad Reza Meftah Hamideh Amiryazdani -
Open Access Article
10 - A survey on the financial resources of the clerical organization in Judaism and Christianity
Ahmad Aghaee Meybodi Mohammad Reza Karimival amirabas mahdavifard -
Open Access Article
11 - Sharia and Tariqa in the Gospel of Thomas and Islamic mysticism
Mehran Rahbari -
Open Access Article
12 - Correlation of Intuition and Feeling in Schleiermacher's On Religion
Babak Boroumandfar Shahram Pazouki SEYYED MASOUD Zamani -
Open Access Article
13 - 27 cover
Open Access Article
14 - 26
Open Access Article
15 - Adyan 33
Open Access Article
16 - The Importance of Judgement in afterlife According to the Elamite Texts
مریم Dara -
Open Access Article
17 - The Ideal Man in Rāmāyāna and Shāhnāmah
Open Access Article
18 - The Relation of Mystical Journey and the Rejection of Disposition in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Aṭa’ Allah Iskandaranī
Reza Elahi manesh نعیمه Ibrahimi -
Open Access Article
19 - Mystical Stations and States in the Quotes from Imam Ali in Sufi Literature from the Beginning up to the 11th Century
zahra ebrahimi ابوالفضل Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
20 - Concept of Feeling (Gefühl) in Schleiermacher's Early Works
بابک Broomandfar Sh Pazooki سید مسعود Zamani فاطمه Lajevardi -
Open Access Article
21 - The Seal of Sainthood from the Points of View of Ibn cArabÊ and Siyyid MuÈammad Nårbaksh
Jamshid Jalali Sheyjani -
Open Access Article
22 - An Introduction to Some of the Most Important Principles and Theories of Religious Pluralism
Abolfazl Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
23 - The Influences of Ancient Iranian Culture on Islamic Culture in the Abbasid Period
Qasem Ahmadi Fatemeh Lajevardi Mohammad reza Adli -
Open Access Article
24 - The Book of Isaiah: the Unity of Authorship or the Multiple Authorship
Mazaher Ahmadtobi -
Open Access Article
25 - A Critical Analysis of Christian studies in Islamic Sources form beginning to 10 AH
Mohammad Asaee mahmud vaezi behzad hamidieh -
Open Access Article
26 - he Critical Emendation of Hamadānī's Inspirations Treatise
علیرضا ٍEbrahim معصومه Nakini -
Open Access Article
27 - Atonement in Paul’s Theology: Criticism of the Religious Scholars
محمد علی ayazi Hamideh Amiryazdani -
Open Access Article
28 - Capital Offences (Marg-arzān Sins) in the Middle Persian Texts
نادیا Hajipour مهشید Mirfakhra'i -
Open Access Article
29 - The Muhammadan Reality and Its Inherent Purity, Genetic Innocence and Existential Simplicity
Seyyed Morteza Hosseini Shahroudi Razieh Niki -
Open Access Article
30 - Jonathan Z. Smith: A Reflection on the Meaning and Concept of Comparison in the Study of Religions
Mohsen Ovaisy Mahdi Lakzaei Abolfazl Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
31 - Imām ʻAli in Sufi Literature (With an Emphasis on the Sufi Texts up to the 12 C.E.)
زهرا Ebrahimi ابوالفضل Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
32 - Characteristics of Perfect Man in Fusūs al-Hikam and its Comparison with Adam Elyon’s Qualities in Zohar
A. Ebrāhīm -
Open Access Article
33 - Tolerance from the Viewpoint of Ram Mohan Roy and Abu al- Kalām Āzād
محمودرضا اسفندیار -
Open Access Article
34 - Similarity of Concept and Function of Good and Evil Forces in Ancient Iran and the Dead Sea Scrolls
طاهره حاج ابراهیمی علی قادری اردکانی -
Open Access Article
35 - Call for Prostration in the Day of Judgment from the Viewpoints of Quran and Mystics
علی اشرف امامی -
Open Access Article
36 - The Origin and the Advent of Christian Mysticism
علی بادامی -
Open Access Article
37 - The Emergence of Bhakti or Loving Devotion in Hindu Texts
پریا الیاسی -
Open Access Article
38 - "Khutbah al-Bayān" and the Ecstatic Utterances of the Sufis (shaths)
رضا اسدپور -
Open Access Article
39 - Reincarnation and Afterlife in Hindu Scriptures
پریا الیاسی -
Open Access Article
40 - Cosmic Eschatology in the Jewish Apocalypses of the Intertestamental Period
علیرضا ابراهیم -
Open Access Article
41 - The Symbolism of Ancient Iranian Concepts in Suhrawardī’s Persian Treatises
رضا اسدپور -
Open Access Article
42 - Non-prophetical Miracle from the Viewpoint of Ibn Sīnā and Ibn Arabī
بهرام پروین گنابادی حسن قادری -
Open Access Article
43 - A Survey of Tisdall's View on the Relation between the Concept of Mīzān in Quran and the Religion of Ancient Egypt
Mohammad sadegh Heidari َA Rabinattaj حبیب الله Halimi -
Open Access Article
44 - Zoroaster, Mani and Mazdak in Persian Poetry
محمد جواد شریعت مریم السادات خبوشانی -
Open Access Article
45 - Symbolism of Menorah, the Seven-Branched Hebrew Lampstand
زینب Baniasad فاطمه Lajevardi Sh Pazooki طاهره Hajebrahimi -
Open Access Article
46 - The Ontological Change in Human Existence through Passage Rites
فاطمه Bayat Fard فاطمه Lajevardi -
Open Access Article
47 - Fundamental Myths in Yārsān's (Ahl-e haq's) Belief
Mazdak Tavassoli Fatemeh Lajevardi -
Open Access Article
48 - Religion, Post Secularism and Social Integration
Zahra Khoshk jan -
Open Access Article
49 - Troubadours and the Developments of the Concept of Love in the Middle Ages
mahdie aminzadeh gohari Shahram Pazouki -
Open Access Article
50 - Death and the Fate in Ancient Mesopotamian Thoughts
محمود Ja'fari مهتاب Saleh -
Open Access Article
51 - Meditation (Dhyana) in Mahayana Buddhism based on Śūrańgama Sūtra
Sepideh Afrashteh Aboulfazl Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
52 - Elam and Elamites in the Bible
میلاد Jahangirfar فرزانه Goshtasb -
Open Access Article
53 - Searching the Elements of Primitive Religions in the Indian Mysticism of Don Joan
Open Access Article
54 - Smile and Laughter in the Sanskrit Literature and Indian Religious Art
محب علی Absalan -
Open Access Article
55 - Ibn Sab‘īn on the Ladder of “Unity of Being” or “Absolute Unity of Being”
فاطمه دوست قرین -
Open Access Article
56 - Polemics of Henry Martyn and the Iranian Muslim Clergymen on the Particular Prophethood in Qajar Period
Mahmoud Riza Esfandyar -
Open Access Article
57 - The Status of Abu al-cAbbās Qaßßāb ĀmulÊ in the Spiritual Geneology of Shaikh-i "Ishrāq
زهرا Zare' SH Pazuki -
Open Access Article
58 - Bhakti or Loving Devotion from the Viewpoints of Śankra and Rāmānuja
پریا الیاسی -
Open Access Article
59 - A Comparison between Mahatma Gandhi’s Thoughts and Latin America’s Liberation Theology
sedighe javadian jafar fallahi Azim Hamzeian -
Open Access Article
60 - Mystical Foundations of St. Paul's Ethical Doctrines
Homeyra Arsanjani مجتبی Zurvani -
Open Access Article
61 - The Concept of “Ascension” in the Zoroastrian Apocalyptic Literature
ابوالقاسم پیاده کوهسار -
Open Access Article
62 - Mahatma Gandhi’s Religious Thoughts
M. Sargolza’ī -
Open Access Article
63 - Buddhism and the Problem of Abortion
Alireza Shojai -
Open Access Article
64 - A Study of the Changes in the Concept of Kingdom of God in the Bible
Hossein Heidari Muhammad Aqajani -
Open Access Article
65 - The Myth of Demeter-Persephone
ابوالقاسم اسماعیل پور مهدیه سید نورانی -
Open Access Article
66 - Knowledge in Islamic Mysticism and Gnosticism
Seyyed Ali Mohammad Sajjadi Ahmad Khatami Fereshteh Jafari -
Open Access Article
67 - Judaism and the Environment
معصومه انصاری فاطمه لاجوردی -
Open Access Article
68 - Myth and Religion: A Study of Ernst Cassirer’s Theory of Myth
حسن جعفری -
Open Access Article
69 - Religious Developments in Modern Islam and the 16th Century Europe: A Comparative Study
بهروز حدادی -
Open Access Article
70 - Church and State from Martin Luther's Perspective
بهروز Haddadi -
Open Access Article
71 - The Hadith of “God Created Adam in his Image” in Abrahamic Religions
علی Delshad Sh Pazooki -
Open Access Article
72 - Concept of Love from Rūzbahān Baqlī’s Viewpoint
محمودرضا اسفندیار فاطمه سلیمانی کوشالی -
Open Access Article
73 - A Study of Augustine's Gradual Conversion to Christianity
مهدی حسن زاده الهام موحدی -
Open Access Article
74 - Mazdakism: Monotheism or Dualism
محمد جواد شمس -
Open Access Article
75 - A Critique of the Concept of "Motion" in Cosmic Mysticism (Halqe)
seyed hamidreza raoof Azim Hamzeian -
Open Access Article
76 - Stages of Samādhi in Yoga School
علی صادقی شهپر -
Open Access Article
77 - Heaven in Emanuel Swedenborg’s View
habib bashirpour Shahram Pazouki -
Open Access Article
78 - The Creation of Jesus Christ in the Bible and the Quran
Open Access Article
79 - Mystical principles: Possibility or Refusal
Maryam Emami Shahram Pazouki -
Open Access Article
80 - Sacred Suffering and Social Evolution in Political Theology of Jurgen Moltmann
زهرا khoshk jan -
Open Access Article
81 - Functions of 'A'yān-i Thabita and Archetypes in the Thought of Ibn Arabi and Jung: Comparative Study
Roshanak Jahani Ali Sanaee Azim Hamzeian Habibollah Naderi -
Open Access Article
82 - Desert Fathers and their Influence on Christian Mysticism
علی بادامی -
Open Access Article
83 - Haskalah: the Jewish Enlightenment
سیدلطف الله جلالی -
Open Access Article
84 - Religious Rituals from the Point of View of Clifford Geertz (with an Emphasis on their Functions)
رستم Shamohammadi فاطمه Pasalari -
Open Access Article
85 - The Thoughts and Teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg
حبیب Bashirpour Shahram Pazouki -
Open Access Article
86 - Paul and the Law
Babak Khasekhan Habib Bashirpour -
Open Access Article
87 - Creation of Man in Egyptian and Mesopotamian Mythology
Javad Firouzi Somayyeh Haqiqat -
Open Access Article
88 - Abulfazl al-Baghdādī: the Unknown Successor of Ahmad Ghazālī
انسیه شیخسفلی شهرام پازوکی -
Open Access Article
89 - Rumi’s Ontology
حبیب بشیرپور طاهره حاج ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
90 - Women's Role in Protestant developments
behrooz haddadi -
Open Access Article
91 - Elamite Temples Based on Shilhak-Inshushinak’s Inscriptions
میلاد Jahangirfar فرزانه Goshtasb -
Open Access Article
92 - Myth and Religion: A Philosophical Study of Mircea Eliade’s Theory of Myth
حسن جعفری -
Open Access Article
93 - The Influence of Iranian Teachings on Judaism through Apocalypticism
ابوالقاسم پیاده کوهسار -
Open Access Article
94 - Dionysius’s Mysticism: Negation and Transcendence
معصومه کبیری طامه بهزاد سالکی -
Open Access Article
95 - The Concept of Suffering from the Rumi’s Point of View
فاطمه لاجوردی زینب ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
96 - Divine Law and Mystical Path in the Masnavi's Story of Moses and the Shepherd
akram aghdasi SH Pazouki -
Open Access Article
97 - Movement of God’s love in Creation and its Relation to the Breath of the All-merciful
فاطمه عباسی -
Open Access Article
98 - Rta and Aša in India and Ancient Iran: A Comparative Study
Abol-qasem Piyadeh Kouhsar -
Open Access Article
99 - History of Zoroastrianism from the Orientalists' Viewpoints
MR Adli -
Open Access Article
100 - Comparison between the Viewpoints of Émile Durkheim and Clifford Geertz on Religion (with Emphasis on Their Approaches)
رستم شامحمدی فاطمه پاسالاری بهجانی -
Open Access Article
101 - From Freud to Maslow: Transformation of Paradigms in Psychology of Religion in Modern Era
حسین Heidari جواد Rohani Rassaf Kh Kardoust Fini -
Open Access Article
102 - The Upanišadic Theology
M.J. Shams -
Open Access Article
103 - The Nature of The Holy Spirit from the Perspective of the Holy Quran and the Bible
جمشید Sarmastani علیرضا Ebrahim طاهره Hajebrahimi -
Open Access Article
104 - Shekhinah in Kabbalah
بخشعلی قنبری فاطمه مهدیه -
Open Access Article
105 - Khurramdīnīyyah or Khurramīyyah
محمد جواد شمس -
Open Access Article
106 - The Nature and Degree of Bhakti in Chaitanya's Thought
Mahdie Aminzadeh Gohari Aboulfazl Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
107 - Saikh Ahmad Tidjāni and Tidjāniyya Order
مرتضی khosro-shahi محمدجواد Shams -
Open Access Article
108 - The Main Elements of Intuitional Thinking according to Heidegger and Rumi
yousef Seifzad Abkenar Bahman Pazouki -
Open Access Article
109 - The Roots of Jewish Ethics in the Old Testament
اعظم پرچم مهدی حبیب اللهی -
Open Access Article
110 - Cosmological Foundations of Yin-Yang School
sajad dehghanzadeh zeinab mirhoseini -
Open Access Article
111 - The Symbolism of the “Knot” According to the Archetype of the “Sacred Bond”
khalil Hakimifar Valiyollah Nasiri -
Open Access Article
112 - Detachment and Suffering in the Negative-Allegorical Theology of John of the Cross
مسعود Sadeqi ربابه Abdari -
Open Access Article
113 - The Effect of Love on Spiritual Health from the Point of View of Fromm and MulawÊ
محمد Abdorahimi محمدتقی Fa'ali -
Open Access Article
114 - Thomas Merton's views on Islam and Sufism
reza rezaei طاهره حاج ابراهیمی Shahram Pazouki -
Open Access Article
115 - The Rules and Ritual of Pātimokkha (Prātimoksa) in Buddhist Monasticism
محمدرضا عدلی -
Open Access Article
116 - Symbology of Ahl-e Haq based on the Hymns of Name-ye Sarandjām
پروین دخت Ohadi محمد علی Judaki -
Open Access Article
117 - The Concept of Faith from the Viewpoint of Mohammad Ghazzālī and Martin Luther
احسان شکوری نژاد قربان علمی -
Open Access Article
118 - Deification and Mystical Vision in the Eastern Orthodox Christianity
سید نادر محمدزاده -
Open Access Article
119 - The Antichrist in Christianity
Open Access Article
120 - Comprehensive Inclusivism: A Survey of Mullā Sadrā’s Theory of Salvation
Mohmmad Sadeq Zahedi Ali Sedaqat -
Open Access Article
121 - Mystical Elements in Judeo-Persian Literature
Mansour Motamedi Maryam Poursadeqi -
Open Access Article
122 - A Probe about the Nuances between Spirituality and Religion
behzad hamidieh -
Open Access Article
123 - The Concept of Perfect Man from the viewpoint of Azīz ibn Muhammad Nasafī
کیومرث چراغی -
Open Access Article
124 - The Methodology of Comparative Studies of Mysticism
علی صادقی شهپر -
Open Access Article
125 - Unity of Religion from the Rumi’s Point of View
عبدالرضا مظاهری -
Open Access Article
126 - The Salvation of Pharaoh in the Holy Quran
محمود Sheikh -
Open Access Article
127 - The Holy Qur'an's View on Christian Trinity
عبدالرحیم Soleimani -
Open Access Article
128 - The Names of Ahura Mazda in Avesta
ملیحه شیرخدائی بخشعلی قنبری -
Open Access Article
129 - The Place of Women in the Gnostic Christian Schools
maryamsadat siahpoosh Leila Hooshangi حجت الله Javani -
Open Access Article
130 - Religious Experience According to Yung
جواد Firoozi زینت Hosseini Daneshvar -
Open Access Article
131 - Mystical Negative Ethics According to Teresa of Avila and Rūmī
بخشعلی قنبری -
Open Access Article
132 - The Relation between Myth and Religion in the Perspective of Max Müller
Abbas Rahimi Ghorban Elmi Abolghasem Esmailpour Motlagh -
Open Access Article
133 - Anthropology of Religion and Religious Symbols according to Clifford Geertz
جواد فیروزی -
Open Access Article
134 - Apocalyptic Eschatology in the Words of Jesus of Nazareth and its Reflection in the Gospels
Tahereh Hajebrahimi Mohammad Reza Adli -
Open Access Article
135 - The Symbol of Height in Religions
فاطمه لاجوردی حکیمه طالش بابایی -
Open Access Article
136 - The Function of Servitude on Social Ethics and the Environment from the Perspective of Islamic Sufism
masoud shavarani -
Open Access Article
137 - Review of the “Caliph Allah” Doctrine in Islam
masoud shavarani -
Open Access Article
138 - Religion and Modernity from the Viewpoint of Anthony Giddens
فریبا طشت زر حسین حیدری جواد روحانی رصاف -
Open Access Article
139 - A Study about the Author of the Book of Revelation
Azadeh Rezaei Fatemeh Lajevardi -
Open Access Article
140 - Beneficence in the Old Testament
حسین حیدری خدیجه کاردوست فینی -
Open Access Article
141 - Icons and the Concept of Imitation of God: A Mystical Interpretation of the Rites in the Orthodox Church
Open Access Article
142 - The Concept of "Beyond Being" and the Absence of "Relation" in Plotinus’ Thoughts
طاهره مسگر هروی -
Open Access Article
143 - The Anthropocosmic Vision in Religious Studies
Fariba Tashtzar SH Pazouki -
Open Access Article
144 - Theology and Cosmology of Šankara and Rāmānuja
A. Sādeqī Shahpar -
Open Access Article
145 - Sufi Institutions in Mamluk Jerusalem and Their Social and Cultural Functions
batul sheikh Masoumali panjeh فهیمه Mokhber -
Open Access Article
146 - Tradition and Ijtihād in Christianity and Islam: Mechanisms Employed to Meet the Social Needs
behrooz haddadi -
Open Access Article
147 - The Influence of Indian Religions and Philosophical Schools on Indian Popular Cinema
Open Access Article
148 - The Names of God in Old Testament: A Descriptive Research
جواد فیروزی طاهره زارع بنادکوکی -
Open Access Article
149 - Millenarianism in Ancient Iranian Religions and Ikhwān al-Safā’s Theory of Prophetic Cycles: A Comparative Study
رضا فرحقیقی انشاءالله رحمتی -
Open Access Article
150 - Speaking about God in Sanā"Ê’s View with an Emphasis on Negative Theology
سمانه Feizi حسن Sa'idi -
Open Access Article
151 - Natural and Cultural Phenomena in Rumi's Thoughts
Seyyed Hamid Reza Raoof مهدی Hasanzadeh -
Open Access Article
152 - The Path to Approach God according to Islam and Christianity
اسماعیل Alikhani -
Open Access Article
153 - Marriage Laws and the Place of Women in Mazdaism
عبدالحسین لطیفی -
Open Access Article
154 - The Concept of Sacrifice (Yajna/Yasna) in Ancient India and Iran
محمدرضا عدلی -
Open Access Article
155 - Heresy and Orthodoxy in Early Christianity with According to Walter Bauer's Work
Mehran Rahbari Shahram Pazouki -
Open Access Article
156 - Mahāsukha (Supreme Bliss) in Tantric Buddhism
سعید Gravand لیلا Mafakheri -
Open Access Article
157 - The Ṭur-i ‘Aẓam or Ṭāmat al-Kubrā in Souhrawadī’s Thought
فاطمه Samadi رضا Asadpour -
Open Access Article
158 - The Role of the Grace Intermediary in Genetic Entrusting
Adel Meghdadian Mohammad Javad Shams -
Open Access Article
159 - Religion and the Experience of the Holy from the Point of View of Mircea Eliade
Mehdi Lakzaei -
Open Access Article
160 - Zoroastrian Scriptures and the Environment: the Man’s Role in Prosperity of Earth and Nature
پروانه Orojnia Leila Hooshangi -
Open Access Article
161 - The Biological Classification of Living Organisms According to the Holy Qur’ān and the Old Testament
محیالدین قنبری -
Open Access Article
162 - Divine Love and the Meaning of Life according to Ibn ‘Arabi’s Worldview
مهدیه سادات کساییزاده -
Open Access Article
163 - Christian Missionary: A Study of Pope Gregory's Mission
لیلا Shirmohammadi محمدرضا Adli -
Open Access Article
164 - Feminine Aspects in Tantrism
ابوالفضل محمودی مزدک توسلی -
Open Access Article
165 - Religious Law and Salvation from Paul's View
mahboobeh safaei sadegh Tahereh Hajebrahimi -
Open Access Article
166 - A Study of the Term “Caliph of God” in Mystical Texts (2nd to 11th Century AH)
masoud shavarani -
Open Access Article
167 - The Teachings of Bodhisattva and Imam in Mahayana Buddhism and Twelver Shi'ism
elahe safari daree Abolfazl Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
168 - A Review of Some Important Concepts in John Calvin’s Thought
Open Access Article
169 - Negative Theology in the Works of Pseudo-Dionysius
مریم السادات نوابی محمد ایلخانی -
Open Access Article
170 - Abu Isa Muhammad b. Harun b. al-Warraq’s Attitude toward Christianity
vali abdi -
Open Access Article
171 - Taoist Epistemological System: An Analysis
yasaman salmani azim hamzeian noorisadat shahangian -
Open Access Article
172 - The Origin and the Doctrines of Gnosticism
محبوبه هادی نا -
Open Access Article
173 - The Comparison of Tasks and Rights of Husbands and Wives in Talmud and Man la yahḍuruhu al-Faqih
عاطفه Abdikhan M J Shams طاهره حاج ابراهیمی مجید Ma'aref -
Open Access Article
174 - Christianity in the Writings of Islamic Theologians
Davoud Dadashnejad -
Open Access Article
175 - Analysis of the Beliefs and Doctrines of the Baktashi Order
محمد حسن رازنهان محمد بیطرفان تقی شیردل -
Open Access Article
176 - Mystical Affirmative Ethics from the Viewpoint of Teresa of Avila and Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī
بخشعلی قنبری -
Open Access Article
177 - A Glance at the History of Śaivism: Its Origins, Developments and Different Schools
فتح الله مجتبایی پریا الیاسی -
Open Access Article
178 - Feminine Embodiment of Divine Wisdom in Judaism and Buddhism
Maryamsadat Siahpoosh -
Open Access Article
179 - Shiite Doctrine and the Emergence of Alevi-Bektashi in Anatolia
فهیمه Mokhber -
Open Access Article
180 - Soma and Haoma in Ancient India and Iran
مریم نوابی احمدرضا معتمدی -
Open Access Article
181 - The Theology of Linga Purana
ولی Abdli محسن Sharafaei -
Open Access Article
182 - The Modern Human and the Problem of Death: A Study of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross' Theory
مجید Mollayousefi محمدرضا Bagheri -
Open Access Article
183 - Sahajahyāna
سعید Gravand Leyla Mafakheri -
Open Access Article
184 - Threefold Functions of the Heart in Pascal's View and Their Relations to the Nature of Human
mahnaz alirezaean hasan ahmadizade -
Open Access Article
185 - ‘Ayn al-Quzzāt Hamedānī and the Accusation of Promoting Ismā‘īlism
فاطمه کیائی -
Open Access Article
186 - The Sources of Hindu Culture: A Glance at Pre-Aryan and Early Aryan Civilization
محمدرضا Adli -
Open Access Article
187 - Negative Theology According to Maimonides
مریم Mahmoudi طاهره Hajebrahimi -
Open Access Article
188 - Manners of the Man’s Relation with God in Mawlānā’s and Tresa’s Viewpoint
B. Qanbarī -
Open Access Article
189 - Religious Logotherapy of Suffering in Paradise Lost and Mathnavi Ma’navi
Arastoo Mirani -
Open Access Article
190 - A Bibligraphical Research on Sacd al-dīn \ammuyyī’s Works
Aliyeh Nouri Mohammad Javad Shams Muhammad Taqi Facali -
Open Access Article
191 - Shiykh Mahmūd Shabistarī and Pluralism
عباس گوهری امین رضا نوشین -
Open Access Article
192 - Development of Zoroastrian Funeral Ceremony after Islamic Era
Razieh Farhi علیرضا ٍEbrahim farzaneh Goshtasb Zahra Hosseini Hamid -
Open Access Article
193 - Apostolic Women in Early Christianity: Case study, Mary the Magdalene
vali abdi Mohammad Ilkhani Fatemeh Lajevardi -
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194 - Max Müller and the Science of Religion
مهدی لک زایی -
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195 - The Concept of Sacrifice form the Viewpoint of E. B. Tylor, H. Spencer and J. G. Frazer
فاطمه لاجوردی مینا بهاری -
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196 - Divine Name: The Key to the Mystical Path
رویا Mosavi محمد Asadi MT Fa'ali -
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197 - Challenge for the Inheritance: A Comparative Study of the Sacrifice of Abraham’s Son according to Jewish, Christian and Islamic Traditions
محمدرضا وصفی سید روح اله شفیعی -
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198 - An Introduction to Christian Social Theology in the Modern Age
Ismail Alikhani -
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199 - Origen’s Approach to Christology
maryam tahmasbi hajivand طاهره حاج ابراهیمی -
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200 - Mystical and Moral thoughts of Ibn Paquda and Ghazali according to their Works: Duties of the Heart and The Revival of the Religious Sciences
Hossein Alijafari Tahereh Hajebrahimi -
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201 - The Cultural Domain of Religion from the View Point of Traditionalists and Iranian Contemporary Religious Intellectuals
alireza farhang ghahfarokhi احسان Ghodratollahi -
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202 - Mystical Anthropology in the Jewish Tradition with Emphasis on the Zohar
mojdeh shariatmadari Tahereh Hajebrahimi Fatemeh Lajevardi -
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203 - The Thoughts of Saʿd al-Dīn Ḥammuyyī on Theoretical Mysticism
عالیه Nouri M j Shams M T Fa'alli -
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204 - The Historical Connection of Bāyazīd Basṭāmī and Imām Jaʻfar Ṣādiq
محمد جواد شمس -
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205 - Comparison between Political Theology of Johannes Baptist Metz and Carl Schmitt
Gh Elmi مجتبی Zarvani امین Afkham -
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206 - Moses and Jesus in al-Insān al-Kāmil of Jīlī
محمد علی یوسفی -
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207 - John Milton and Christian Marital Love
ارسطو میرانی -
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208 - An Answer to the Political Minded Scholars with a Realistic Vision of Asceticism and Renunciation in Islamic Mysticism
عبدالرضا Mazaheri -
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209 - The Characteristics of Divine Love from the Viewpoint of St. John of the Cross
ابوالفضل محمودی لیلا رضایی -
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210 - The Three Bodies of Buddha
مریم Navabi -
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211 - The Social Structure of Sangha in Theravādin Societies
ارسطو میرانی -
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212 - The Function of Zaddik in Hasidic Community
ارسطو میرانی -
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213 - A Consideration of Zoroastrian Customs and Ceremonies in Iran
فرزانه گشتاسب -
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214 - Ontology, Epistemology and Methodology of Religion according to Thomas Luckmann
samane feizi Mehdi Hassanzadeh behzad hamidieh mansour motamedi -
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215 - The Concept of Heart in the Orthodox Christian Mysticism
سید نادر محمدزاده -
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216 - The Grace in Catholic Theology and the Principle of Luṭf in Shī’a Theology: A Comparative Study
Raouf Nosratian Mahdi Qasemi -
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217 - Negation of Thoughts (Nafy al-Khawāãir) in Islamic Mysticism: How and Why
Gorban Valiei Mohammadabadi Houriye Hashemi Kouchaksaraei -
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218 - The Path of Love and Tolerance According to Shaikh Nizāmuddin 'Ulyā' and Kabir
Shamsali Fathi Meresht MR Adli -
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219 - Factors Affecting the Survival of Judaism after the Destruction of the Second Temple
Ali Ghanaatian Jahromi طاهره حاج ابراهیمی -
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220 - The Encounter of Zoroastrianism with the Minority Religions in the Sasanid Period
Sayyed Sa‘id Golzar -
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221 - Marriage Laws and Ceremonies in Hinduism
A. Latīfī -
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222 - Nirvana in Hinayana and Mahayana
یحیی Nosrati ابوالفضل Mahmoudi -
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223 - Love in the New Testament
ملیحه Shirkhodaei ابوالفضل Mahmoudi Tahereh Hajebrahimi -
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224 - Different Attitudes Towards Body in Hinduism
Fayyaz Gharaei Zahra Mighani -
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225 - Abrahamic Faith in Christianity and Islam
Amin Moradi Mahmoud Reza Esfaandiar Abdul Hussein Latifi -
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226 - The Transformation of Human Love to Divine Love from Rūzbahān Baqlī's Viewpoint
زهرا Koshki انشاالله Rahmati GH Arya علیرضا Ebrahim -
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227 - The Śakti Cult in Śaivism
محبوبه هادینیا -
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228 - Feminist Analysis of Biblical Interpretation Using Schussler Fiorenza's Hermeneutic Model
nazanin kianifard mahdi lakzaei -
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229 - Transformation of the Attribute of Greed According to the Sufis' Educational Works up to the 9th Century AH
majid farhanizadeh Abbas Mohammadian ahmad khajehim ali tasnimi -
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230 - Union with God, Common Charge of Ayn al-Quzat Hamidani and Meister Eckhart
fateme kiaei -
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231 - The Book of Daniel as an Apocalyptic Literature: Features and Symbols
Fatemeh Maghsoudian Leila Hooshangi Azadeh Rezaei -
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232 - Historical Jesus and Bultmann's Answer to It
mohamad sabaei Fatemeh Lajevardi Tahereh Hajebrahimi -
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233 - Description of the End of Time in Hindu Scriptures and its Comparison with Present Time
Saeed Karimpur Fayyaz Gharaei -
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234 - The Life and the Mystical Thoughts of St. Bonaventure
Hamid Mahmoudian -
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235 - Mokśa from the Viewpoint of Vaiśnava Bhaktī School (from Rāmānuja to Nānak)
A. Mahmoodī S. Towliatī -
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236 - Meaning of Life in Judaism and the Way to Achieve it
سید حاتم Mahdavi Nour محمد تقی Fa'ali -
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237 - Orthodox Approach towards the Unknowability of God
Mohammad Modabber chaharborj Elias Arefzadeh -
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238 - Creation and Salvation from the Viewpoint of Abraham Abulafia and Isaac Luria
Fatemeh Maghfoori MR Adli Bakhshali Ghabari -
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239 - Augustinian Demonology and Angelology in shaping the Concept of the City of God
Ali Moradi maryam salem -
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240 - Nature and Function of Dreams in the Classical Sufi Works
Vahid Mahmoodi Amir Ali Mazandarani -
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241 - Transcendental Suffering or Post-traumatic Growth: A Comparative Study of the Possibility of Post-Divorce Growth in Islam and Positive Psychology
Atefeh Najafizadeh Roshank Kodabakhsh Pirkalani Azam Farah Bijari -
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242 - Zarathushtra and His Doctrine in the Azar Keivan’s Texts
farzaneh Goshtasb -
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243 - The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Foundation of the Early Church and the Construction of the Christian Religious identity (According to the New Testament)
Sepideh Vahidnia arastoo Mirani Yahya Sabbaghchi -
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244 - A Study of the Word “dharaʼ” in the Qur’ān and the Sacred Jewish -Christian Texts
mahmood makvand Elham shirmohammadi -
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245 - Divine Lover According to Richard Rolle and Aḥmad Ghazālī with an Emphasis on Fire of Love and Sawāniḥ al –ushshāq
زهره Hemmat فاطمه Lajevardi -
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246 - The Influence of Joachim's Theory of Developmental Periods on Pioneering Reformists
Mansour Motamedi Zahra Mighani -
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247 - "Blessing" and its Role in Building of Jewish Identity in the Pentateuch
Sepideh Vahidnia Arastoo Mirani Yahya Sabbaghchi -
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248 - Typology of Sufi-Hindu Relationship from Medieval Period up to Mughal Empire
Mohammad Montazeri Shahram Pazouki Mahmoodreza Esfandiar -
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249 - Phyllis Trible's and Mieke Bal's Interpretations of the Story of the Fall (Genesis 3'): A Comparative Study
روح اله Mahdavi mahdi lakzaei -
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250 - Hermetic, Platonic and Middle Platonic Origins of Gnosticism
nasrin vakilian Fatemeh Lajevardi Abolghasem Esmaeelpour -
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251 - The Place of Women in Liberating Theology
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252 - Study of the New Religious Movements (NRMs) in the Perspective of Globalization: Focusing on Japanese’ Experience
علی Hooshmandkhooi بهزاد Hamidyyeh -
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253 - Axial Age Religions from the Viewpoint of Shmuel Eisenstadt
Ali Hooshmand Khooy قربان Elmi مجتبی Zarvani -
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254 - The Mental Base of Guilt in the Old and New Testaments: A Psychoanalytic Approach
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255 - Principles of the Study of Hinduism (Eastern Religions) according to René Guenon
amir yousefi Fayyaz Gharaei -
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256 - Examining the adaptability and differentiation of Nathan Sodblom's point of view about the central core of religion with psychological theories
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257 - Examining the components of flexibility and decisiveness of emotional intelligence Bar-On in the New Testament
Setare Tehrani Arastoo Mirani -
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258 - Examining the components of flexibility and decisiveness of emotional intelligence Bar-On in the New Testament
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259 - Reviewing the Religions of Pre-Islamic Arabia Based on Material Evidence
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260 - Comparative study of theological, cognitive and ritual categories of Gahan with Yesna
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261 - The Dominican monastic order and its social and cultural functions in the Middle Ages
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262 - Ontology in the mysticism of the ring and its similarities with ontology in the mysticism of Ibn Arabi
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264 - Consequences of iconoclasm in Christianity and Islam
Mohammad Shafigh فاطمه قربانی -
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265 - Language in Islamic mysticism with regard to the verses of the Qur'an
محسن آسترکی -
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266 - The idea of total peace in Diwan Faizi of Deccan
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267 - Influence of Karl Barth’s Theology on Christian Radical Theology through Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Jaafar Fallahi