Anthropology of Religion and Religious Symbols according to Clifford Geertz
Subject Areas : Christianity
1 - ندارد
Keywords: religion, anthropology (of religion), Culture, religious rituals, symbols, myths,
Abstract :
Scholars who have been studying religion since 19th century attachgreat importance to the study of "primitive religions". In search of theessence and the origin of religion, "primitive religions" were thenceforce mostly studied under a subject called "anthropology" and then"anthropology of religion". But later, in the second half of 20th centurythe discipline underwent a sea change and studied religion throughsymbols. The main concern of this article is to introduce this branch ofresearch and the way it defines and looks at religion. Geertz is one ofthe most competent figures in this field and in this article his opinionabout religious symbols and rituals in Indonesia and Morocco is goingto be introduced. By hermeneutical approach he states that the greattask of an anthropologist of religion is thick description of symbolswhich are being practiced in religious rituals.