Historical Jesus and Bultmann's Answer to It
Subject Areas : Christianity
mohamad sabaei
Fatemeh Lajevardi
Tahereh Hajebrahimi
1 - Department of Religions and Mysticism, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Theology and Philosophy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Religions and Mysticism, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Historical Jesus, Christ of faith, preaching, Rudolf Bultmann, Christian theology,
Abstract :
In Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries some of the thinkers with adoption of a historical-critical attitude, research on the life and personality of Jesus Christ and drew a picture of him which was very different with the picture of Christian theology and Bible. In these researches, Jesus Christ sometimes presented as simply human person with messianic claims and political ideals who mistakenly was wishing in coming of kingdom of God and finally failed in his demands, hung on gallows. In contrast, Rudolf Bultmann with present the dual of the Jesus of history and Christ of faith, claimed that appearance and stability of the Christian faith need not to the awareness of historical personality and life of Jesus. Purpose of this research is to survey Bultmann's answer to the historical-critical researches on the historical Jesus. For this, after presentation of the outline of these researches, refer to Bultmann's works and show that according to him it is the Christ of faith that is object of Christian faith and not the historical Jesus. Therefore, Christian faith does not damage from critics of the historical- critical researches on Jesus.