Non-prophetical Miracle from the Viewpoint of Ibn Sīnā and Ibn Arabī
Subject Areas : Christianityبهرام پروین گنابادی 1 * , حسن قادری 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Non-prophetical miracles, extraordinary practices, Sufism, Ibn Sīnā, Ibn Arabī,
Abstract :
According to the Islamic mystical texts, and in spite of the writings ofthe hagiographers, Sufi masters were not willing to do miracles andextraordinary practices. On the contrary, these extraordinary practiceshad no essential role in the development of early Sufism. But graduallywhen the Sufi orders were established, speaking about the miracles ofthe masters became prevalent among the naive adherents of Sufism.They used these stories as a proof of the superiority of their masters.However, some of the Muslim philosophers and mystics such asIbn Sīnā and Ibn Arabī, speak about the possibility of these practices.Ibn Sīnā in the tenth chapter of Ishārāt wa Tanbīhāt surveys themystery of non-prophetical miracles (kirāmāt) and extraordinarypractices and he tries to give rational reasons to prove it. Ibn Arabī alsobrings many examples of Sufi miracles in his works. He categorizesextraordinary practices into miracles, non-prophetical miracles andmagic. He insists on the possibility of non-prophetical miracles.