Mystical and Moral thoughts of Ibn Paquda and Ghazali according to their Works: Duties of the Heart and The Revival of the Religious Sciences
Subject Areas :
Hossein Alijafari
Tahereh Hajebrahimi
1 - PhD Candidate of Comparative Religion and Mysticism, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Comparative Religion and Mysticism, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2021-12-17
Accepted : 2021-12-17
Published : 2021-08-23
Muhammad Qazali,
Bahya Ibn Paquda,
Duties of the Heart,
The Revival of the Religious S,
Mystical ethics,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present investigation is a comparative study of the mystical reflections and ethical thoughts of the Qazali and Bahya according to their books: The Revival of the Religious Sciences and Duties of the Heart. The pivotal question is what mystical, theological and ethical thoughts can one emerge from the works of Bahya and Qazali? The results shows a significant similarities between the structure of Qazali’s and Bahya theological and mystical thoughts. Although we could not assume that Bahya's work is entirely an imitation of Qazali’s mystical poems and books, it somehow echoes Qazali’s teachings. Bahya describes the religious acts as the Duties of The Heart, and these are consisted of the internal piety and full-fledged adherence to the religious master. There are some traces of Ikhvān al-Sāfā and Plotinus in his writings. Thus Bahya's thoughts has so many similarities with Muslims’ mystics and specially Sufis.
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