Max Müller and the Science of Religion
Subject Areas : Christianity
1 - ندارد
Keywords: Max Müller, Cornelius Petrus Tiele, science of religion, scientific study
, of religion, Myth, solar mythology, Divinity,
Abstract :
The scientific study of religions commenced with the attempts of theinfluential scholars of 19th century such as Max Müller. These studieswere naturally different from what theologians said about religions.Max Müller can be regarded as one of the founding fathers of the"science of religion", but the science was also indebted to CorneliusPetrus Tiele, whose attempts brought about new outcomes in thestudies of religious phenomena.This article surveys the viewpoints of Max Müller. By emphasizingthe experimental approach in the study of religion, Müller decided touse comparative method in this field. Max Müller devoted his life tothe study of classical Indian religious documents, the comparativestudy of religious history and myth, and the publication of the religioushistory of the world. He was an expert Sanskritist and mythologist; buthis innovative theories about mythology have not been accepted byother scholars working on religions. Nevertheless, his scientific andexperimental standpoints about myths and the origin of religion drewthe attention of scholars for many years. His theory about origination ofHinduism from myth, particularly his solar mythology, was stronglycriticized by many scholars.