The Teachings of Bodhisattva and Imam in Mahayana Buddhism and Twelver Shi'ism
Subject Areas : Christianityelahe safari daree 1 * , Abolfazl Mahmoudi 2
1 - Faculty of Theology / Religions and Mysticism / Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
2 - professor
Keywords: Mahayana Buddhism, Twelver Shi’ism, Bodhisattva, Imam, Ideal human,
Abstract :
The concept of the ideal human being is an important concept in all religions, especially, in Mahayana Buddhism and Twelver Shi'ism. The Mahayana ideal human is “Bodhisattva” who begins his path of enlightenment with the awakening of “Bodhicitta” and steps on the path of spiritual journey with a covenant and oath for liberating himself as well as all intelligent beings. After passing mystical states or Bhumis, he removes the veils and obstacles and, in each state, acquires the perfection (Paramita) corresponding to that state. In the last state, Bodhisattva can join the ultimate liberation, “Nirvana”, however due to his infinite kindness and compassion, “Karuna”, refuses to enter it and remains in the circle of reincarnation, “Samsara”, to help other beings. The most perfect examples of the ideal human being in Shi’ism are the Prophet and the infallible Imams, who have a special and great position in Shi’ism. According to the Shi’ite tradition, the Imams are the mirrors of the truth, the mediators of heaven, the Caliphs of Allah on earth and adorned with all human virtues. They can lead human beings to true perfection and divine knowledge. Despite the differences of Buddhist and Shi’ite traditions, beliefs in Bodhisattva and Imam have significant similarities in features and functions that make their comparison meaningful. Infallibility, infinite knowledge, miraculous powers, developmental and canonical role in guidance, and being the sources for the appeals of the people are among these similarities.
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