Troubadours and the Developments of the Concept of Love in the Middle Ages
Subject Areas :
mahdie aminzadeh gohari
Shahram Pazouki
1 - Teacher
2 - yes
Received: 2020-02-04
Accepted : 2020-02-04
Published : 2019-08-23
Abstract :
In the late eleventh century, the troubadour school with features of nobility, Polytheism, and anti-religion was established in the southern parts of France. The Arab had influenced this school a lot, and then it moved from Paris to London and created the Minnesang in Germany. In Italy it produced a delicate style of the poetry which provided the context for the advent of Dante. Troubadours were poets who had love as their character. The Albigensian Crusade terminated Troubadours in 1209 A.D., Pope Innocent III started this crusade which is the most terrible Crusades of European History. Troubadours were connected to Albigensian in those periods, although the Albigensian movement was actually a protest against the medieval clergy. Therefore, Troubadours and their developments of love thinking were complicatedly integrated to religious life. The concepts and theme of the poems and songs of Troubadours are generally derived from the daily life issues, especially the dissemination of the Catharism. Regarding the intimidation and horror caused by priests, the Catharism chose the poetry of Troubadours in order to disseminate their own heresy.
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