A Study of the Word “dharaʼ” in the Qur’ān and the Sacred Jewish -Christian Texts
Subject Areas :
mahmood makvand
Elham shirmohammadi
1 - Quranic and Hadith sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kharazmi University
2 - Kharazmi university
Received: 2021-04-24
Accepted : 2021-04-24
Published : 2021-02-19
the Qur’ān,
sacred Jewish-Christian texts,
Comparative Study,
conceptual metaphor,
Abstract :
The present article, based on a comparative view, has studied the word "dharaʼ" in the Qur’ān and Sacred Jewish-Christian Texts and, with a historical approach has focused on the etymology of this word in Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac and Aramaic. An etymological investigation is useful in explaining some of the patterns governing the consonantal substitution and phonological phenomena between the aforementioned languages. Based on such an investigation, the connection between the forms "dharʼ" and "dharw" as well as the consonantal substitution of the Hebrew «ה» (he) with the consonants Hamza and Waw in Arabic has been explained. According to this study, the conceptual metaphor of "people are harvest" is used in the Qur’ān and the Sacred Jewish-Christian texts. In this conceptual metaphor, the target domain is harvest and the source domain is people. Also, the highlighted aspect is consisting of two pure and impure or valuable and worthless parts. This research shows that the aforementioned sacred texts following the worldview of their first audiences have used metaphorical language to efficiently express those educational and cultural teachings that are related to the abstract matters. Not paying attention to this language and its features can confuse the commentators.
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