Origen’s Approach to Christology
Subject Areas : Christianity
maryam tahmasbi hajivand
طاهره حاج ابراهیمی
1 - ادیان و عرفان تطبیقی/دانشکده الهیات و فلسفه/دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات/تهران/ایران
2 - دانشیار دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی- واحد علوم و تحقیقات
Keywords: Origen, Christology, divine Logos, incarnate Logos,
Abstract :
One of the most vehement defenders of Christianity, Origen for the first time ever in Christian studies used the word, homoousios to define the relation of god the son/divine logos with respect to God himself. To him, God the Father and the divine Logos are of the same substance but possess different functions and properties, and each plays its part in divinity according to its own function. He differentiates substantively between God the Father and God the Son, which culminates in the proposition of a linear relation between the two divine hypostases. Origen posits that the divine word was incarnated in the body of Jesus Christ and settled on earth. The incarnate Logos possess two divine and human natures, and whose human nature is an incarnate God who purposely attained human form and countenance to help bring about human deliverance and salvation. Incarnation of the divine Logos is the completion of a pledge that god has made with man before the creation of this world. This research attempts to examine Origen’s standing in Christian theology and delve deeper into his notions of Christology.
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