The Concept of Sacrifice form the Viewpoint of E. B. Tylor, H. Spencer and J. G. Frazer
Subject Areas : Christianity
فاطمه لاجوردی
مینا بهاری
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2 - ندارد
Keywords: sacrifice, ritual, study of religion, Edward Burnett Tylor, Herbert
, Spencer and James G.,
Abstract :
Sacrifice, as one of the most important religious rituals, is widespreadamong different nations and cultures of the world. This rite which hasbeen the subject of scholarly research for a long time involves variousaspects and a variety of subjects, objects and methods. During the lasttwo centuries scholars have dealt with this issue through differentapproaches such as sociological, psychological, mythological andphenomenological and thus have put forward various theories. Thepresent article tries to give a brief survey of the theories of threescholars, namely Edward Burnett Tylor, Herbert Spencer and James G.Frazer, concerning the origin, object and meaning of the sacrifice.