Open Access Article
1 - The Impact of living in the Umayyad Court on John Damascus Attitude toward Islam
Mostafa Moallemi -
Open Access Article
2 - Misunderstanding of Historical Accounts: Myth of Uraynib
عبدالرحیم قنوات -
Open Access Article
3 - -A’lams in a Nahdj al-Balāghah Sermon: A Study on ʿAlāa Ibn Ziyād and ʿAaṣim Ibn Ziyād
Seyed Hassan Mahdikhani Sarvijah -
Open Access Article
4 - Imam hasan s compromise according to Ibn Abil-hadid commentary of Nahjo Al-Balaghe
A.R Vasei -
Open Access Article
5 - The Authentication of the Letter of the Second Caliph to Muʿāwiya ibn Abī Sufyān
Ali Adelzadeh -
Open Access Article
6 - Buhlål the Ruler of Rey in the Time of H§rån al-RashÊd:A Study Based on a Coin Minted in MuhammadÊya (173 AH)
Mohammad Jafar Ashkevari Seyed Ali Alavinia Abarghuei -
Open Access Article
7 - Āle- zubeīr-’s resources and origins of narrative data in early period of Islam
محمدرضا غضنفری -
Open Access Article
8 - A Study on the Evolution of Tafwī' (delegation) Discourse in the 2nd Century A.H. and its Relationship with the Circle of Mufa''al ibn #Umar
سیدمحمدهادی گرامی -
Open Access Article
9 - The Religious-Ethnic Approach in the Futūḥ-Writings of the Islamic Period; A Study on Futūḥ Al-Miṣr va Akhbāruha by Ibn ‘Abd al-Hakam
Mohammad Taqavi -
Open Access Article
10 - The Confrontation between AlÊ(PBUM) and Mu’awÊya in The Narrations of Uthm§nÊyya and Ibn TaymÊyya: A Comparative Study
Sayyed Ali Khirkhah Alavi Nimatullah Safari Foroushani Abdollah Farrahi Osman Yousephi -
Open Access Article
11 - Local Historiography in Syria: Tārīkh-i Dimashq (History of Damascus) by Ibn Qalānisī
Ameneh Baqeri Masoumali Panjeh -
Open Access Article
12 - Ibn Abī Zar‘ and Rawd al-Ḳirtās
یونس فرهمند -
Open Access Article
13 - Historiography of Ibn Aybak in Kanz al-Durar
اسماعیل چنگیزی -
Open Access Article
14 - Ibn Ri∙wān MālaÎi (d. 874 A.H) and His Political Thought
مجتبی دوستی یونس فرهمند -
Open Access Article
15 - Maikkarī and Nafh al-Tīb
شهره روغنی -
Open Access Article
16 - On the Manipulations of Hājī Zayn al-Aṭṭār Shīrāzī's Son in His Father's Ikhtiyārāt-e Badī‘ī, His Identity and Sources
Younes Karamati -
Open Access Article
17 - Ghurar Al-Siyar; its Real Title and Author
علیرضا عبداللهی قنبرعلی رودگر -
Open Access Article
18 - philosophical- theological transitions in Hafsi period
M.R Pak -
Open Access Article
19 - Tārik͟h-i Khayrāt and Aṣaḥḥ al-tawārikh: the Representation of the Early History of Islam in Two General Histories from the Ninth Century A.H.
Ali Kalirad -
Open Access Article
20 - Visual Principles of Design in Islamic-Iranian Paintings and Visual Principles of Ibn al-Haytham’s Vision Theory; A Comparative Study
Parvaneh Delfani Esmael Bani Ardalan -
Open Access Article
21 - Kitāb al- Buldān by Ibn Faqīh-i-Hamadānī: The Geographical School and Method
Mahboobeh Sharafi Mahdi Alijani -
Open Access Article
22 - Ibn Saffār and the Development of Islamic Astronomy in Andalusia: Finding Qibla Direction in Kitāb al-‘amal bi-l-asṭurlāb and Balāta Sundial (at the Cordova Museum)
fatemeh rezaei yonos farahmand musa akrami Qanbarali Roudgar -
Open Access Article
23 - The Effect of Ibn al-Haytham’s Vision Theory on the Prevalence of Linear Perspective in the Renaissance Painting
Parvaneh Delfani Esmael Bani Ardalan -
Open Access Article
24 - 0assan ibn Zāhed Kirmānī, an Alchemist of 8th Century and his Works
علی کاوسی رحیم رضا کوهکن یونس فرهمند -
Open Access Article
25 - The interface of FeCrP film with graphene-like BN: electronic, band alignment, and thermoelectric properties
Mansoure Ilkhani -
Open Access Article
26 - Effect of the vacancy on the electrical transport properties of boron nitride nanosheets
Neda Dehghan Mohammad Reza Niazian Mojtaba Yaghobi Mohammad Ali Ramzanpour -
Open Access Article
27 - Beam shaping assembly study for BNCT facility based on a 2.5 MeV proton accelerator on Li target
J. G. Fantidis -
Open Access Article
28 - Effect of BN nanodots on the electronic properties of α- and β-graphyne sheets: a density functional theory study
R. Majidi H. Eftekhari H. Bayat Kh. Rahmani A. M. Khairogli -
Open Access Article
29 - Effect Of Managers' Behavioral policy On Abnormal Transactions With Affiliates
nazanin bashirimanesh zohreh arefmanesh mohammad souri -
Open Access Article
30 - The role of quarterly earnings announcements on the relationship between traders' trading speed and cumulative abnormal stock returns
Hossein Emsakpur Sina Kheradyar Mehdi Homayonfar Mehdi Fadaei Eshkiki -
Open Access Article
31 - Influence of information content of earning on price and buy- hold period return
فرزین رضایی سکینه سلیمانی راد -
Open Access Article
32 - Leverage: Philosophy & Application (Based on Ebnsina views)
فریدون رهنمای رودپشتی -
Open Access Article
33 - Capital Increase & Abnormal Return From Evidence Tehran Stock Exchange
جواد عبادی اسماعیل حسن پور -
Open Access Article
34 - Effective factors on abnormal return of IPO in Tehran stock exchange
منصور گرکز حمیدرضا وکیلی فرد اکتای یمرعلی -
Open Access Article
35 - Stock Liquidity: Market Behavior on Online Trading
Behzad Kardan Mahdi Moradi S. Ali Mousavi Gowki Mahdi Yaghubi -
Open Access Article
36 - Investigating the Impact of Accrual Anomaly on Corporate Financing Activities
Reza Mansourian Nader Rezaei -
Open Access Article
37 - The Seasons Effect on the Total Stock Prices for 50 Active Companies in Tehran Stoch Exchange
Zohre Hajiha -
Open Access Article
38 - Speculative Bubble in Capital Market
سید مجید شریعت پناهی هانیه روغنیان -
Open Access Article
39 - Studying the Performance of Contrarian Strategies in Tehran Stock Exchange with Using Fuzzy Approach
Mohammad Nasiri -
Open Access Article
40 - Epidemiological Study of Patients with Congenital Cleft Palate in 31 Provinces Covered by the Charity Foundation for Supporting Children with Congenital Malformation (MOHKAM): A Registry-Based Study
Salahadin Delshad Abazar Hajavi Farkhondeh Asadi Seyed Mohsen Laal Mousavi maryam alidadi -
Open Access Article
41 - Impact of Buyback Announcement on Share Price: A Company and Industry Wise Analysis
S. Kumar Pradhan R. Kasilingam -
Open Access Article
42 - An Investigation into Effects of Dividend Policy on Financial Growth of Advertising Firms in Kenya
B. Walter Okibo G. Chateya Alinyo -
Open Access Article
43 - The application of reason in Ibn Edris’s jurisprudence
Daryoush Bekhradian -
Open Access Article
44 - Sarảer and Incentives of its Publication
Dariush Bekhradyan Mohammad Taghi GHabooli Dorafshan Mohammad Taghi Fakhlaee -
Open Access Article
45 - Accounting flexibility and managers' optimism: Test of management discretion theory
Soghra Barari Nokashti Bahman Banimahd Ahmad Yaghoubnejad -
Open Access Article
46 - Development of the Ohlson and Feltham-Ohlson Valuation models using the Dickinson’s life cycle classification
M. Reza Emami Naeini Forogh Rahimi Mougouei -
Open Access Article
47 - The Relationship between Real Earnings Management Activities and Future Performance of the Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange
علی سعیدی نرگس حمیدیان حامد ربیعی -
Open Access Article
48 - The Effect of Value-Based Management on the Market Performance of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
nemat rostami mazouei zahra shircavand -
Open Access Article
49 - Investigate earnings management at the sensitive earnings amounts’ threshold of companies with high financial leverage
SARA shafiee hamidreza kordlouie shadi shahverdiani maziyar ghasemi -
Open Access Article
50 - Theoretical study of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxine removal by boron nitride-nanotube (BNNT): QSAR, IR-DFT
L. Mahdavian -
Open Access Article
51 - Adsorption of Bis(1,4-dinitro toprop-2-yl) Nitramine on Boron Nitride Nano-cages Surfaces: DFT Studies
Roya Ahmadi Maryam Ebrahimikia Elham Pournamdar -
Open Access Article
52 - The Effect of Aluminum, Gallium, Indium- Doping on the Zigzag (5, 0) Boron-Nitride Nanotubes: DFT, NMR, Vibrational, Thermodynamic Parameters and Electrostatic Potential Map with Electrophilicity Studies
Reza Soleymani -
Open Access Article
53 - The Evaluation of Effective Factors on Students’ Behavioral Abnormalities (Case of Study: Aran and Bidgol City)
Mohsen Shateriyan Zahra Esmi Joshaghani Fahimeh Nouriyan Arani -
Open Access Article
54 - A Comparison of Ibn-Sina and Mulla Sadra’s Views on the Union of the Intellect and the Inelligible
منیره سید مظهری -
Open Access Article
55 - Ibn Sina on General limits of knowledge
محمد علی اخگر سید صدر الدین طاهری -
Open Access Article
56 - Comparing the Views of Ibn Sina and G.E. Moore on Moral Realism and the Method of Intuition in Ethics
Leili Heydarian Enshaallah Rahmati Jamshid Jalali Sheyjani -
Open Access Article
57 - Ibn Sina on “Divine Attributes”
mohsen Ghasempour Seyed Abbas Zahabi Mohammad Seedimehr -
Open Access Article
58 - Holstein calf monster Duplication of a part of the foot (Bimelia) with absence of the skin (Epitheliogenesis imperfecta) (A case report)
S.M Hosseini M.H Youssefi M.R Youssefi SH Omidzahir عباس مؤمنی -
Open Access Article
59 - Monotheism from the Point of View of Khwajah Abd Allah al-Ansari in Manazel al-Saerin and Baḥya Ben Joseph ibn Paquda in Al-Hidayah ila Faraiḍ al-Qulub: A Comparative Study
Seyed Ali Mostajaboldavati Majid Sadeghi Hasan abadi -
Open Access Article
60 - "Investigation of the relationship of al-Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyah with ProphetMuhammad in the school of Ibn Arabi based on the interpretation of the comme
seyedeh zahra Mousavi baygi Seyyed Mortaza Hosseini Shahrudi Abbas javareshkian -
Open Access Article
61 - The Relation of Mystical Journey and the Rejection of Disposition in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Aṭa’ Allah Iskandaranī
Reza Elahi manesh نعیمه Ibrahimi -
Open Access Article
62 - Non-prophetical Miracle from the Viewpoint of Ibn Sīnā and Ibn Arabī
بهرام پروین گنابادی حسن قادری -
Open Access Article
63 - Ibn Sab‘īn on the Ladder of “Unity of Being” or “Absolute Unity of Being”
فاطمه دوست قرین -
Open Access Article
64 - A Critique of the Concept of "Motion" in Cosmic Mysticism (Halqe)
seyed hamidreza raoof Azim Hamzeian -
Open Access Article
65 - Functions of 'A'yān-i Thabita and Archetypes in the Thought of Ibn Arabi and Jung: Comparative Study
Roshanak Jahani Ali Sanaee Azim Hamzeian Habibollah Naderi -
Open Access Article
66 - The Concept of Perfect Man from the viewpoint of Azīz ibn Muhammad Nasafī
کیومرث چراغی -
Open Access Article
67 - Mystical and Moral thoughts of Ibn Paquda and Ghazali according to their Works: Duties of the Heart and The Revival of the Religious Sciences
Hossein Alijafari Tahereh Hajebrahimi -
Open Access Article
68 - Modeling Daily River Flow Using Simulator Meta-Models (Case study: Gamasiab River)
massoumeh zeinalie mohammad reza golabi mohammad hossein Niksokhan mohammad reza Sharifi -
Open Access Article
69 - Feasibility study of Caspian Sea water for the cultivation of alfalfa (Medicago spp.) In Mazandaran plain areas
reza tamartash zahra zamani Mohammad Reza Tatian mohammadreza reyahi -
Open Access Article
70 - Comparing the Application of Bayesian Modeling and Multi Criteria Decision Making Method in Environmental Risk Assessment of Dams (Case study: Taleghan Dam)
Negar Tayebzadeh Moghadam Bahram Malekmohammadi Ahmadreza Yavari -
Open Access Article
71 - Exchange rate fluctuations and reaction Tehran Stock Exchange
mohammad osoolian mohammad hassannezhad alireza shokrolahnia roshan -
Open Access Article
72 - The role of management's expected profit on the investment efficiency in stock market
Yazdan Gudarzi Farahani leila barati -
Open Access Article
73 - Developing a model of abnormal audit report lag: origins and consequences
amir yalfani iraj noravesh ghodrat alah talebniya ezat allah asgharizadeh -
Open Access Article
74 - Presenting a pattern for differentiating winner and loser companies using financial and non-financial variable in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mehran Matinfard -
Open Access Article
75 - The Effect of Earning Consistent Growth on the Stock Price Reactions to the EPS Forecast Characteristic
Fereshteh Basiri Mohammad Hamed Khan Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
76 - The Role of Bankruptcy Risk in Theoretical Development and Performance Improvement of the Abnormal Earnings Valuation Models
Mohammadreza Emami Naeini Forough Rahimi Moogouie -
Open Access Article
77 - Analysis of the Relationships Between Capital Structure and Cumulative Abnormal Returns (case Study :Tehran securities Exchange)
Shokrollah Khajavi Hashem Valipor Behrooz Hakami -
Open Access Article
78 - The Relationship of Earnings Management and Investment Opportunities with Emphasizing on Ownership Concentration
Vida Mojtahedzadeh Raziyeh Saadat -
Open Access Article
79 - Analysing Investors’ overreaction to the Accruals (Accrulas Anomoly) in Tehran Stock Exchange
Seyyed Ali Hosseini Hojjat Esmaeilzadeh MohammadSadegh Ghaznavi -
Open Access Article
80 - Fixed points for total asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in a new version of bead space
عبدالرحمان رازانی -
Open Access Article
81 - Efficiency Assessment for a Line Location Problem with positive/negative weights with Interval Coordination
haleh moradi فرهاد حسین زاده لطفی M. Rostamy Malkhalifeh -
Open Access Article
82 - Analyzing and adapting the narrative structure of Ibn Yamin Faryoumdi's pieces and the sonnet of Arash Azarpik's pieces based on Grimas' action model
zeynab noroozali niloufar masih -
Open Access Article
83 - A Comparative Look at the Historiography of Tabari and Masoudi
mahmood ramezani manijeh falahi Reza Fahimi -
Open Access Article
84 - A Comparative Study of Semantic Abnormality in the Poems of Zhaleh Esfahani and Ghada Al-Samman
zeinab khatiri Seyed Fazlullah Razavipour Arash Mushfeghi -
Open Access Article
85 - A Study on the Influence of Banu Amin Mystical School from Molla Sadra, Khajeh Abdollah Ansari, Feyz Kashani and Ibn Arabi
Sakineh Karimpoor Baarkoosaraei Mohammad Taqi Fa’ali Hadi Vakili -
Open Access Article
86 - A Study of Written Abnormality in the Poetry of Yousef Al-Khal and Ahmad Shamloo
Mohammad reza Beigi Mullah Ebrahimi Mullah Ebrahimi bahram Parvin Gonabadi leila ghasemi, -
Open Access Article
87 - Reading mystical signs in the poems of Ibn Fariz and Sanai Ghaznavi
mohammad ghafourifar mohammad ghafourifar ali reza -
Open Access Article
88 - A study of common romantic themes in the poems of Vlad and Ibn Zaydun with Lily and Majnoon (Nezami)
shahram edalatishahi -
Open Access Article
89 - A Comparative Study of the Position of Social Themes in the "Maqamat" of Badi al-Zaman al-Hamadani and the "Hadith Isa Ibn Hisham" by Muhammad Muwaylihi
Mohammadreza Lotfi zahra Khosravi vamakani Ali Saberi -
Open Access Article
90 - Annihilation “Fana” and Unity “Wahdat” in the Works of Rumi and Ibn-Faridh
Maryam Faridi Mehdi Tadayyon -
Open Access Article
91 - A Study on Nizami’s Khosrow & Shirin and Jamil ibn Ma'mar’s Divan from Feminism School Viewpoint
Reyhaneh Sardar Ali Ganjiyan Khonaari Ebrahim Dibaji -
Open Access Article
92 - A Comparative Study of Satire between Arabic and Persian Language (Concentrating on Bashār ibn Burd’s Potries)
Mohammad Hassan Masoumi Majid Fotoohi -
Open Access Article
93 - Comparison and inviolability to God from the viewpoints of Sanā’ī and Ibn ‘Arabī
Hamidreza Ardestani Rostami -
Open Access Article
94 - Comparative comparison of AsadiTousi's Dictionary with Alein one
Mandana Hashemi Mansoureh Shirazi Yaser Hooshyar -
Open Access Article
95 - Comparative Analysis of Expression Techniques in “The Lion and the Cow Chapter” in Arabic and Persian Kalila wa Dimna
key rokh ahmadi fereshteh nasseri seyyed ebrahim arman -
Open Access Article
96 - Comparative Study of Excellence Path in Two mystical works: Resalat al – Teir & Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Vahid Mobarak Sahar Yousefi -
Open Access Article
Seyyed Hussain Seyyedi Ameneh Batani -
Open Access Article
98 - Comparative Reading of Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān and Robinson Crusoe
Sabereh Siyavashi Leila Jadidi -
Open Access Article
99 - A comparative study of Nature Description in Ibn-e Rumi and Manoochehri’s Works
Ibrahim Namdari Mohammad Ali Fouladi Narges Lorestani -
Open Access Article
100 - The Theory of Perfect Human in the School of Ibn-E-Arabi and Mewlana
Mahbube Moonesan -
Open Access Article
101 - Methodological Study of "Natayej Al Fitna" by Ibn Habbariyah
Hamila Charang Yaber Dalfi -
Open Access Article
102 - A Comparative Study on Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ and Al-Jāhiz Basri in Introducing Sasanian Empire's Culture and Civilization
Samad Momeni -
Open Access Article
103 - Comparative Study of Madden policy in Saadi's Golestan and Arabic Kalila and Dimna
Javad Kaboutari -
Open Access Article
104 - Sahib ibn Abbad and his Effect on Arabic and Persian Languages
Mohammad Mahmoudi Mohammad Jafari Mohammad Shaygen Mehr -
Open Access Article
105 - The Analysis of Ebn Hesam’s Poetry Structure based on Jeffery Leech’s Theory
Fereshteh Khavari Habib Jadidol Eslami Behruz Rumiani -
Open Access Article
106 - Comparative Study of Similarity and Difference between "Oyoonolakhbar" and "Al-Iqd Alfarid" from the Viewpoint of Structure and Content
Leila Bizhani Enayatollah Fatehinezhad -
Open Access Article
107 - The unity of existence in the words of Imam Khomeini and its comparison with Davood Qaisari
Nematollah Behzadi Farajollah Barati Maryam Bakhtiar -
Open Access Article
108 - Proving the lack of authority of the sayings of companions citing Sahih Bokhari
Seyed Ali Rabbani Mousavian -
Open Access Article
109 - Analysis and validation of the list of Ebn Abbas in the order of revelation of the surahs of the Quran
Alireza Sadreddiniahmadiani mojgan sarshar Maryam Hajiabdolbaghi -
Open Access Article
110 - Study and analysis of literary aspects in the interpretation of the Qur'an (Case study: Tafsir Al-Quran Al-Azeem Ibn Kathir)
mojtaba Torkashvand jahanger amiri mohammadnabi ahmadi shahryar hemmati -
Open Access Article
111 - Epentance verses in Ebne farez and Molavi poems
Seyed Amir mamood Anvar Fatemeh Ahmadi Tahereh Chal dare -
Open Access Article
Mohammad Razavi Mahdi Momtahen -
Open Access Article
113 - A Comparative Study of Interpretation in Al-Safi and Al-Quran Al-Azim Interpretations
Somayye Khari Aarani Rahmatollah Abdollah Zadeh Aarani -
Open Access Article
114 - A Comparative Study of Paraphrase in ‘Saafi’ and ‘Quran’ Exegeses
Seyyed Mehdi Lotfi Seyyed Khalil Koohi -
Open Access Article
115 - Intertextual Relations of Ibn Zaydún Poetry With Holy Quran
Masoumeh Nemati Qazvini Hamideh Sadat Mohseni -
Open Access Article
116 - A Study on Uprising of Zayd ibn Ali and its Effect on Spreading Shiism Process
Seyyed Hasan Ghoreishi Carbon Ali Akbar Razzaqi Seyyed Abolfazl Razavi Zahra Ghanbarimale -
Open Access Article
117 - Investigation the bezi and ghonbo,s method of recitation in two suras of nesa and maedeh”
Mehdi Momtahen Akhtar Soltanii -
Open Access Article
118 - A Study on the Role and Types of Context in Mutashābah al-Qur'an by Ibn Shahr Ashoub Mazandarani
Mohammad Alizadeh Qa’emiyeh Mohsen Ehteshami Nia -
Open Access Article
119 - Divine knowledge from the point of view of Sadr al-Muta'allehin and Ibn Sina
Zahra Zaheri -
Open Access Article
120 - Studying and Criticizing Interpretive Principles of Prominent Interpreters of Hanbali Religion
Hadi Razzaqi Harikande’i Leila Ramezan Nia Samakoush -
Open Access Article
121 - The Effect of Quran on Hassan Ibn Thabit’s Poetries
Mahmoud Saboori Seyyed Mohammad Baqer Hosseini Mohammad Jafari -
Open Access Article
122 - Investigation of semantic abnormalities in the court of Yousef Al-Khal, Bolandalheidari, Nima Yoshij and Ahmad Shamloo
Mohammad reza Beigi Ezzat Mullah Ebrahimi, bahram Parvin Gonabadi, bahram leila ghasemi -
Open Access Article
123 - Commitment in Arabic literature (Al-Sharif Al-Radi and Ibn Maatouq Al-Hawizi, a balanced study)
hossin javanmardi javad saadonzadeh Sohad Jaderi -
Open Access Article
124 - Beauty and eloquence in Ibn Khaldun and Ibn al-Khatib's Books
Fatemeh Alinezhad Chamazcoti Saeedeh Mirhaqjoo langaroodi -
Open Access Article
125 - Modernism and Innovation in the Book Al-Badii by Ibn Muttaz
Sadegh Ebrahimi Kavari Rahime Cholanian -
Open Access Article
126 - A Research about some Persian Loan Words in Lesan-ol-Arab
Ramezan Rezaie Parinaz Ali Akbari -
Open Access Article
127 - Oratory in the shadow of social life in the Umayyad era (with an emphasis on Ziad-Ibn-Abih’s Batra sermon)
Isa Mottaghizadeh Sajjad اسماعیلی -
Open Access Article
128 - Study and Reviewing of the Theories of Lexicon and Conjugation by Ibn Genni in the Book “Al-khasāex”
Firooz Harirchi Bagher Kargar -
Open Access Article
129 - A study on scientific and literary life of Hodbat-ibn-khashram
ramezan rezaei -
Open Access Article
130 - Reflection of Rain in the Poetry of Imru’ al-Qais and Abid Ibn al-Abrass
Ali Moadeli Mahboobe Nohammadzadeh Shirazi -
Open Access Article
131 - Various Nature's Concepts In Ancient And Contemporary Literature
Mohboubeh Baderestani Leila Hosseini -
Open Access Article
132 - Theory of gradation of existence in the Eyes of Ibn Sina
محمدحسین ایراندوست -
Open Access Article
133 - Arousal look at things from Ibn Sina
hadi vasei فهیمه مرادی زاده -
Open Access Article
134 - Explaining causality in the Sino and Sadrai philosophical systems
Azar Sepahvand Mohammad Hossein Irandoost Esmaeil Alikhani -
Open Access Article
135 - Survey relationship between rs2303169 polymorphism in FBN3 gene in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome
Reyhaneh Kalhor naser kalhor Hourieh Kalhor Mojtaba Sohrabi -
Open Access Article
136 - Study of clbB and clbN genes in E.coli isolates isolated from vegetables irrigated with surface water and urban waste
Samira Sadeghian Mohsen Zargar shahla Mohammad Ganji -
Open Access Article
137 - Theory of Government in the Political Idea of Ibn Khaldun
Mohammad Reza Oveisi -
Open Access Article
138 - Tracing the Ideological Principles of Al-Qaeda
Seyed Mohammad Hasan Shams István Cristo -
Open Access Article
139 - A Comparative Study of the Narrative and Content Structure of Two Folk Tales (Darabnameh and Bakhtiarnameh)
Khatereh Bakhtiary Haftlang Masood Motamedi Manijeh Zarei -
Open Access Article
140 - Study and comparison of pleasure and happiness in the view of Ibn Sina, Hafez, Rumi
Masoud Partoynejad Fomani Mohammad Reza Shad Mannamen alireza nikouei -
Open Access Article
141 - The creative role of Dream in Ibn Arabi’s thought
Leila Hazrati ahmad zakeri -
Open Access Article
142 - Synesthesia in Ibn-e Fazel>s poetry
Farhad Divsalar -
Open Access Article
143 - Comparing of Poetry Music in Daghighis and Ferdosis Goshtasbnameh
Morteza Jafari -
Open Access Article
144 - Compare this famous story of Salaman and Absal
Sakineh Najjarian -
Open Access Article
145 - Study of the Preludes of Ten Epic Narrative Poems
Farhad Mohammadi Ahmad Zakeri -
Open Access Article
146 - Sociological analysis of the impact of abnormality on social Apathy
neda seyedin Abdolreza adhami Talieh Khademian -
Open Access Article
147 - Sociological analysis of the impact of abnormality on social Apathy
Neda Seyedin Abdolreza adhami Talieh Khademian -
Open Access Article
148 - The Interactive Role of an Auditor's Expertisein the Relationship between Abnormal Transactionswith Biased People and Financial Statement Fraud:Testing Agency Theory
Amirali Bandarian Saeid Emami Dehcheshmeh Khatereh Kargarpur -
Open Access Article
149 - Ibn Zaydun's prison-poems between novelty and imitation
Tayebe Seifi -
Open Access Article
150 - An Investigation of duration in the Time Speed of Narrative Based on Gerard Genette's narratology (A Comparative Study of Gholam-Hossein Sāedī's Azādārān-e Bayal (Mourners of Bayal) and Mouloud Feraoun's Ibn al-Faqīr)
Salah al-din Abdi Abozar GolzarKhojasteh Mitra Khodadian -
Open Access Article
151 - The Study of Myths and Symbols in BanugoshasbNameh
Mahmoud Tavousi Khadije Bahrami Rahnama -
Open Access Article
152 - Hadith of Isa Ibn Hisham; Borrowing from Heritage and Mutual Relationship with West
Tayebeh Seyfi Behzad Heshmati -
Open Access Article
153 - Ibne Farez "Soltan-Al-Asheghin and Characteristics of His Verse
Mohammad Ali Abol Hassani -
Open Access Article
154 - Child Lamentation in Poetry of Egyptian Poet Ibn-e- Nabata and Khaqani Sherwani
Abd-al- Qader Pariz Hamed KamaliMaskooni -
Open Access Article
155 - Interpolating Tradition in Antar ibn Shaddad by Abou Khalil Alqabbani
Fatemeh Parchekani -
Open Access Article
156 - The Study of Modernism and Imitation in Elegiac Writings of Ibne Rumi's Compositions: Ode "Rasae Basra"
Ali Asghar Habibi -
Open Access Article
157 - Representation of Resistance in Poetry of Ibn-al-Ghaisarani
Sayyed Mahdi Masboogh Sara Asadi -
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158 - Sufi-lyrics of Ibne Farez and Jamie ; conceptual comparative criticism
Mohammad Hadi Moradi Fatemeh Nasrollahi -
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159 - The Impact of Persian Culture in the poetry of Ibne Hadi Andalusia
Seyyed Mohammad Mir Hosseini Ali Asvadi -
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160 - Semantic Analysis of Juxtaposition of Words in Poems of Labid Ibn-e- Rabi'aeh al-Ameri
Sayyed Mahmood Mirzaee al-Hosseini Ali Nazari Yoones Valiee -
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161 - Dystopia in the ContemporaryArab City: A Reading of the Novel "Orwell in the SouthernSuburb" by FawziZebian
Fatemeh Parchekani -
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162 - The"Beshriia" Ode and its Verse Persian Translation from Musical Point of View
Mohammad Rahimi Narges Ganji -
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163 - A theoretical study on the nature of formaldehyde adsroption on the C58BN heterofullerene using DFT
Ehsan Zahedi majid mozaffari Malihe Arab -
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164 - Effecting factors in reviewing the microstructure of nanocomposite B4C-BN in Hot Press.
S.A. Manafi M. Khajeloo -
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165 - The Place of Allegory Sultan Valad’s Rebabnameh
Alimohammad Moazeni Gholamreza Tamimitavandashti Gholamreza Tamimitavandashti Shiva Birjandi -
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166 - Analytical research on two allegorical treatises: Hay _IBN _YAQZAN and Reality of Love
Alimohammad Saberi -
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167 - Philosophical l Deviations of sheikh-ol-rais in imam khomeini''s instructions (GB)
Abdolreza Jamalzadeh -
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168 - Persistence in mourning: A phenomenological study of the experience of abnormal mourning after the death of a family member
parvin oskui kiumars farahbakhsh omid moradi -
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169 - The Relationship Between Teachers' Instruction Procedures and Job Burnout
Azizeh Chalak Parviz Birjandi S. Esmail Hosseini Ahmad Reza Jafari Dehkordi Omid Tabatabaei Sondos Mansouri Amir Farzad Ashouri Mansour Koosha Sahar Najarzadegan Ahmad Reza Lotfi MohammadAli Nadi Mohsen Salimian Fakhri Shatalebi Nader Soleimani Mansoor Tavakoli Omid Tabatabaei Hossein Bagheri Hossein Heidari Tabrizi Zahra Fotovatnia GholamReza Akbari Behrouz Nouri Samani Safura Masaeli GholamReza Zareie Naser Abasszadeh Narges Saeedian -
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170 - Investigating the effects of injecting intravenous anesthetics Propofol, sodium thiopental, fentanyl during implantation on the rate of abnormalities in rats.
Shiva Shojaifard Mohamad Reza Jamshidi Elham Hosseini Somayeh Abdollahi sabet مهدی رهنما -
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171 - Decoding theWoman inSpiritual Sessions Of Ibn Arani
Simin Valavi Hamid Abedi Firozjaei -
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172 - Asiri Lahiji’s Outlook on the Unity Of Existence
Ali Akbar Afrasiyabpour Jalil Mohammadi -
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173 - Mystical Attitude Of IbnFarez
Mahmood Abdanan Mehdizaeh Abdolali Daylami -
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174 - Proximity Of ‘Mohayyamin Spirits’ with ‘Supreme Item’ in IbnArabi’s Mysticism and Sublime
Mehdi Zamani -
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175 - An overview Of Ibn Arabi`s Influence on Sufism in the Malay World
Mahmoodreza Esfandiar Faezeh Rahman -
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176 - Ibn Farez and Lovely Epistomology
Mohammad Goodarzi -
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177 - The Analysis Of mystical Allusions In Divan-e- Salman-e-Saveji
Mohammad taghi Ghandi Jalil Tajlil -
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178 - Truth Of Torment in Mysticism (Based on Ibn Arabi Viewpoint)
Mahnaz Tavakoli Marziyeh Peyvandi -
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179 - Explanation on Evolutionary Guardianship on the Supreme-Human (The Perfect or the Exalted Man) In Epistemology Geometry of Islamic Mysticism (With a Focus on Thoughts (Ideas) Of Imam Khomeini)
Ali Hosseini Jaseb Nikfar -
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180 - Pantheism in the Eyes of Ibn Arabi and Spinosa
MohammadTaghi Ghandi Mohammadreza Aram -
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181 - A Comparative Analysis of Unity of Existence (Pantheism) from Meister Eckhart and Ibn Arabi Viewpoint
Kambiz Safiie -
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182 - Satisfaction in Poems by Ebne Farez and Ebne Arabi
Tahereh Chaldareh Mahbubeh Moonesan -
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183 - Study of Language and Literature in Ibn Arabi's Mystical Muwashahs
Seyyed Mehdi Masboogh Mehri Ghaderi Bibak Zahra Niko Neghad -
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184 - Ibn Al-Arabi'sletter to Imam Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi
Seyyed Hossein Seyyed Mousavi -
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185 - Prayer in Ibn al- 'Arabi's and Rumi's Perspectives
Mariam Mahmoodi Mahdieh Vali Mohammadabadi -
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186 - The Study of Ibn Arabi's and Mulla Sadra's Viewpoints about Perfect Man, with an Emphasis on the role of guidance
Abbas Bakhshandeh Bali Hassan Ibrahimi -
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187 - The Position of Pantheism in Jami's Mysticism
Ali Akbar Afrasiabpour Zahra Kashaniha -
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188 - Mystical States of Mind and Positions from IbnSina’s andQushayri’s Viewpoints
Mahmoud Baharvand SayyedHossain Vaezi -
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189 - The Existential Solidarity between Annihilation in God and Subsistence with God in Ibn Arabi’s and Molla Sadra’s Opinion
Fateme Al- Zahra Nasirpour Hasan Ebrahimi Ahmad Beheshti -
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190 - Creative Imagination in Shams Tabrizi's Divan
Zohreh Mohamad ali Ahmad Qani pour Malekshah Morteza Mohseni Masoud Rouhani -
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191 - The Etymology of Pantheism in Nasafi’s Kashf-ul-Haqaiq
zarrin varedi Mohammad Yusuf Nayyeri Fatemeh Moezzi -
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192 - Deviation of Metaphors in Mowlavi’s Complete Works and Ibnfarez Complete Works
Mansoureh Telbian Rouhollah SAIIADY NEZHAD Alireza Fooladi -
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193 - The Secrets of Prayer from Ibn Arabi’s and Ibn Tarke’s Perspective
Akram Akuchakian Mehdi Dehbashi Nadali Ashuri -
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194 - Analysis of Ibn Arabi's Mystical Principles in Development of Examples of Perfect Human
Abbas Bakhshandeh Bali -
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195 - Epiphany from the Perspective of Ibn Arabi and its Reflection in Shah Qasim Anwar’s Poetry
Ola jonaid Seyed ali Qasemzadeh Reza Samizadeh -
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196 - Explaining the Triple Necessities of Perfect Man from the Ibn Arabi and Allameh Tabatabai
Abdolah Salavati Fatemeh Kookaram -
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197 - The Relation between Fixed Entities and the Immortality of Moral Values in Ibn Arabi's Philosophy of Ethics
Nasim Hojjati Inshaallah Rahmati Parviz Abbasi Dakani -
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198 - A Comparative Study of Self-knowledge and Self-awareness From the Perspective of Ibn Al- Arabi and Jung
Fatemeh Mahmudi Hadi Vakili Mohammadtaghi Fa’aali -
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199 - Ibn Arabi's Unity Regime Effects on the Bubbling and Sonnets by Bidel Dehlavi with an Emphasis on Love
Abbas Bakhshande bali Aliakbar Shoubkalaei -
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200 - The Relationship between God and Man in Ibn 'Arabi's School
Amir hossin Abdollahi Mohammad Ali Abbassian Chaleshtori Reza Rasouli Sharabiani Abdolreza Safari -
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201 - Analysis of Dreams from Ibn Arabi’s and Ala’al-Dawalah Semnani’s Points of View
azim hamzeian Tannaz Rashidinasab -
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202 - Theory of Microcosm and Macrocosm in Ibn Al’Arabi’s School
mahdi farahnaki moghaddam Ehsan Ghodratollahi Mohammad Reza Balanian -
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203 - The Study of the Concept of Manifestation in the Thought of Ibn Al- Farid and Hafez
Hossein Familian Souraki Ali Abolhasani -
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204 - A Survey of the Mystical Poetry by Ibn Alkizanie
Omid Izanlou Tahereh Nobaghi -
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205 - Status of Immutable Entities in Ibn Arabi's Ontology in the Light of Gheysari's Thoughts
Alireza asemnani Abdolreza Mazaheri -
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206 - Unity of Existence in Jaami’s and Ibn Al- Arabi’s Thoughts
naser Gharehkhani Najmeh Mahyaei -
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207 - Analysis of Three mystical positions: Tavakol, Sabr and Tobah (Based on The interpretation of Makhzan Al- Irfan of Banu Amin and Al-Futuhat Al-Makkiyah of Ibn Al-Arabi)
Nancy Saki -
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208 - Comparative Explanation of Science and Perception as Viewed by Avicenna, Suhrawardi, and Ibn Arabi
Ezatolmolook Ghasemghazi Mohammad Akvan -
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209 - Comparison of Hollowness in Nagarjuna’s Notion with Nonexistence in Ibn Arabi’s Mind
Masoumeh Fatholahi Mahmoudreza Esfandiar -
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210 - The Connection between "Guardianship", "Femininity", and "Perfect Human" in Sheikh Sanân Story and in Ibn Arabi’s Mysticism
Mohammadreza Pashaee Saeed Ghasemi Porshokouh -
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211 - Comparison of Trinity in Creation from Ibn Arabi's and Christianity Point of View
alila attar Abdolreza Mazaheri -
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212 - Ibn Arabi's mystical view of Pharaoh's faith with a look at Persian poetry
Habib Safarzadeh Monsour Nikpanah -
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213 - The place of Monasticism in Ibn Arabi’s Mysticism
Zahra Abedini Bakhshali Ghanbari Abdolhossein Tarighi -
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214 - Investigating the Aesthetic Role in Influencing the Sufi Poems of Ibn Fariz and Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari
Fatemeh Gooshehneshin -
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215 - Investigating the Components of Discourse of Social Agents in Attar’s Tazkerat al-Owliya Based on the Mystical Role of Fazil bin Ayyaz and The Emphasis on Van Leeuwen's Model
Fereshteh Naseri -
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216 - Akhaven-e- Sales’ Perspective on Khosravani’s Wisdom
Mohsen Ghorbanzadeh mohamadreza shadmanamin Medi Mahuzi ahmad zakeri -
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217 - A Study on Ibn Al-Arabi's A’yân Thâbita Based on Fusus Al-Hikam
Masumeh Alikahi Reza Fahimi Manizhe Fallahi -
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218 - Study and Comparison of Mystical Themes in Poems of Attar Nishapuri and Ibn Farez
Yasna Saani mostafa salari Behrouz Romiaee -
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219 - Exploring the Stages of Gaining Anti-habit in Ibn al-Farez’s Mystical Poems
Shahla Noruzy Raad Naser Hoseini Ardeshir Sadreddini -
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220 - School of Protest in Attar's Totem
Seyedeh Sedigheh Sajadirad Ahmad Zakeri -
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221 - The Effect of Ibn Arabi's Theory ( Unity of Being) on Da'ei Shirazi’s Settah
Seyyedeh Shahnaz Soleimani Omidvar Malmoli Seyyed Ali Sohrabnezhad -
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222 - Electro-Thermo-Dynamic Buckling of Embedded DWBNNT Conveying Viscous Fluid
A Ghorbanpour Arani M Hashemian -
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223 - Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Vibration Analysis of a Foam-Core Smart Composite Cylindrical Shell Containing Fluid
A Ghorbanpour Arani R Kolahchi -
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224 - Axial and Transverse Vibration of SWBNNT System Coupled Pasternak Foundation Under a Moving Nanoparticle Using Timoshenko Beam Theory
A Ghorbanpour Arani A Karamali Ravandi M.A Roudbari M.B Azizkhani A Hafizi Bidgoli -
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225 - Nonlinear Dynamic Buckling of Viscous-Fluid-Conveying PNC Cylindrical Shells with Core Resting on Visco-Pasternak Medium
A Ghorbanpour Arani A.A Mosallaie Barzoki R Kolahchi -
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226 - Buckling of Piezoelectric Composite Cylindrical Shell Under Electro-thermo-mechanical Loading
A Ghorbanpour Arani S Shams S Amir M.J Maboudi -
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227 - Nonlocal DQM for Large Amplitude Vibration of Annular Boron Nitride Sheets on Nonlinear Elastic Medium
A Ghorbanpour Arani R Kolahchi S.M.R Allahyari -
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228 - Analytical Solution for Electro-mechanical Behavior of Piezoelectric Rotating Shaft Reinforced by BNNTs Under Non-axisymmetric Internal Pressure
A Ghorbanpour Arani E Haghparast S Amir -
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229 - Electro-Mechanical Buckling of a Piezoelectric Annular Plate Reinforced with BNNTs Under Thermal Environment
A Ghorbanpour Arani E Haghparast -
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230 - Viscous Fluid Flow-Induced Nonlocal Nonlinear Vibration of Embedded DWBNNTs
A Ghorbanpour Arani Z Khoddami Maraghi R Kolahchi M Mohammadimehr -
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231 - Analysis of the epic structure of Darabnameh Tarsusi
Saeed Ahmadi Alireza Shanazari -
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232 - Aesthetic study of postmodern sonnets based on the poems of Reza Braheni and Seyed Mehdi Mousavi
yasra tahmasbizade shahrokh hekmat -
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233 - Operating cash aesthetic imagination in the poetry of Ibn Khfajh and Badriddin Hilali baimagination Gaston Bachelardsed on the principles of poetic
Farhad Naderi MohammadAli Moazeni -
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234 - content persona
hamid kheslati -
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235 - The effect of single bout of circuit resistance training on NT-proBNP levels in sedentary men
Saeid Naraghi Mohammad Ghassami -
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236 - The effect of an exhaustive aerobic exercise on NT-proBNP levels in healthy males
Mohammad Ghassami Saeid Naraghi -
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237 - The effect of an exhausting aerobic exercise session on plasma NT-proBNP and galectine-3 levels in male runners
Saeed Ilbeigi Hossein Saeedi Mohammad Esmaeil Afzalpour Asghar Haghighi Maryam Heidarian Mostafa Haghighi Masoud Nadrian Jahromi -
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238 - Chaotic Test and Non-Linearity of Abnormal Stock Returns: Selecting an Optimal Chaos Model in Explaining Abnormal Stock Returns around the Release Date of Annual Financial Statements
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239 - Effect of Peer Performance, Future Competitive Performance, and Factors of Correlation with Peer Companies on Manipulation of Abnormal Real Operations
Amin Rahmani Majid Zanjirdar Hamidreza Ghiabi -
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240 - Comparing the performance of the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) method with that of the Recursive Neural Network (RNN) of long-short term memory (LSTM) in forecasting stock price
Ehsan Taieby sani Hossein Ameri -
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241 - Investigating the Effect of Internal Rate of Return on Cash Re-cycling on the Abnormal Returns of Companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange
Bahareh Mohammadtalebi Mitra Mohammad talebi Mohammad Jahangiri Mahtab Eshghiaraghi -
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242 - The Effects of Accruals and Cash Flow Anomalies on Net Profit and Abnormal Stock Returns in Accepted Companies in Tehran Securities Exchange
Saeid Barati Hossein Karbasiyazdi -
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243 - Investigation of reservoir quality of the Kangan Formation based on petrographic and petrophysical studies: A case study of wells "A" and "B" in the gas field of the Tabnak Anticline, SW Iran
Mohammad Nikbin Mohammad Khanehbad Reza Moussavi-Harami Asadollah Mahboubi Mahdi Khoddami Ehsan Ghofrani -
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244 - -Is the Voice of Shirin, the Same Belief and Thought of Nezami?
Farzaneh Yousef Ghanbari -
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245 - tThe Position Of Woman In Theosophy Regarding The Ibn-E-Arabi Views
مریم Bakhtiyar -
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246 - Woman Manifestation in Ebne Arabi's Thoughts
A. R. Anaghe سمیه Sabzevari -
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247 - An Investigation on the Impact of the Financial Ratios and Growth Rates on Future Abnormal Stock Returns (Case Study: Companies Listed in the Cement Industry)
Delir Nasera-badai Bizhan Khazduzi Omid Mahmoudi Khoshroo -
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248 - Review the likeness and pureness according to Ibn Arabi and Maulana
Ehsan Seyyed Moharrami hamidreza solaeimanian abbas khairabadi mahmood firozi moqhadam -
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249 - Repeatition plurality acceptance or denial (critical attitude to position of Repeatition in Persian and Arab rhetoric and poetry)
hossain roustaei ali piranishal -
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mohammadnoor ghaedzade khamiri Majid Hajizade Maryam gholamrezabeigi -
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251 - Commons of Ebn Arabi and Josef Murphy in the issue of miracle
mohammad Ali vosooghian -
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252 - A study of emotion different dimensions in Amir Khosro's lyric poems
Zahra L Labbafiyan yazd mahmoud sadeghzadeh Dr Hossein shahabrazavi -
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253 - Investigating the reflection of ability from the point of view of Ibn Arabi in the poems of Shah Dai Shirazi
shahnaz solimani امیدوار مالملی -
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254 - Evaluating the interpretation of manifestations in the wisdom of Mazdisna and theoretical mysticism
Saeed Mohammadi kish Farah Niazkar -
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255 - A research on new selections and new poems of Ibn Yamin FaryoumdiIn collection Poems No. 3423 Arabic National Library of France
Firoozeh Hashemi fesharaki Mehrdad Chatraei mahbobeh Khorasani shahrzad niazi -
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256 - The concept of love in the thought of Ibn Sine and Rouzbihan Baqli Shirazi
سمیرا افراز Esmaeel Bani ardalan Hadi Rabiei -
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257 - Clash of Conscious and Unconscious In ‘Majlese ghorbaniye Senemmar’ by Bahram Beyzaei
Behzad Atooni Behnaz Atooni -
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258 - The study of the lyric components and its function in the poems of Banoogoshasbnameh
Roghieh Mehmandoost Kotler Batool Fakhr Islam -
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259 - The Analysis and Comparison of Love in Hafez, Molavi (Rumi), and Ibn Al-Farid`s Works
Azarnoush Gilani Vahid Gholami -
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Meysam Amani -
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261 - Mystical revelation from the point of view of Mulla Sadra and Ibn Arabi
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Bahman Dinarvand farajollah barati -
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264 - Mortality in Allah and Pantheism in Ibn_al_Faridh and Mollaye Jaziri Poem Books
Ahmad Shariatpanah -
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Mohammad reza Mostafaei Abdolhosein Fereidoon Masoud Darvish ganji -
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Hamed Tahmasebizave -
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Solmaz Mansouri Mitra Shateri -
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Saeid Zandi Abbas Hooman Saeed Akbari-Zardkhaneh Alireza Moradi -
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mohammad taqavi Mostafa Gohari Fakhrabad -
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جمشید Bagherzadeh R. Akbarzadeh -
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S.A Moosavi A.R Rahimi -
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Javad Heravi -
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Masood sedghi Abolfazl Mahmoodi -
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Ahad JanAbadi Morteza Motavassel -
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Adalat Firuzi Zargar Mahmood Elmi -
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Nayer Rostami Firouz Rad -
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Marzie Sarhangzadeh masoume faridi sani -
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Fariba Shahbodaghlou Aliasghar Esmaeilnia gatabi azadeh mehrabian ROYA SEIFIPOUR -
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khodabakhsh asadollahi mansour alizadeh -
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313 - An investigation of some Tabari's sayings of three Tabari speaking poets regarding Tabarestan's History book by Ebn-Isfandiar
aref kamar poshti mohamad hadi khalegh zadeh -
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Khadijeh Khodabakhshi Parijan reza koohi -
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315 - Attribution of the Book of al-Dhu’afā to Ibn al-Ghaḍāirī
Amidreza Akbari -
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316 - Ibn al-Ghaḍāirī’s al-Rijāl in the viewpoints of the Rijālī scholars Since the fifth century AH
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sakine ansari Ali ِAdelzadeh -
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Amidreza Akbari Mohammad Qandehari -
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Mohsen Ghasem Pour Ravandi Kiyoumars Behzadian -
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ر. سوهاردی م. مگاواتی ف. اردهانی پ. سامپون س. ووتیسوتیمتو -
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360 - Love with Roozbehan, Baqli and Ibn Arabi; With emphasis on the status of women
Zahra Kushki Insha' Allah Rahmati -
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Alila Attar Abd Al-Reza Mazaheri Muhammad reza Adli -
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Fatemah Amin re'ya jezah Ali Murad Khani Sayyed Husayn Sadjadi Sayyed Javad Miri Minaq -
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365 - The Wise Fools (Uqalā al-Majānin) and Sufis; A Study Based on the Views of Ibn Arabi and Ayn al-Quzat
Ali Rahimi Hatef Siahkoohian Jamshid sadri -
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جمشید جلالی شیجانی -
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فاطمه کوپا نوشین رفیعی سخایی -
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Seiyed Babak Farzane khatoon Lari dashti -
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Leila Bijani Enayat Allah Fatehi Nejad -
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Mokhtar Fazel nia Ali Saberi -
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Seyyed Bagher Miabdollahi Seyyed yahya Yasrebi -
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Massoumeh Naghdebishi Mohammad Taghi Faali hadi vakili -
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Leila Mirzakhani Abdorreza Mazaheri bakhshali ghanbari -
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Zahra Haj Amini Amirhossein Mansouri Nouri Einollah Khademi -
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Fatemeh Mortaji Mehdi Najafi afra -
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Mohammd Reza Moradi Ali Reza Jalali Ghorban Elmi Mohammad Hosein Mahdawinezhad -
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Mahdi saghafi AliAkbar Nonahal Nahr Azam Pouryousof -
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Mohammad Javad Mohaghegh Niya Mahdi Sadidi Amir Abbas Sahebgharani -
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محمد اصولیان منصور اصغری شیخی -
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S. Rahimi Charmhini M. S. Asgari -
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Sakineh Talebzadeh Seyyed Fazlollah Mir Ghader -
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Yahya Kamyabi mehdi bashiri -
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mohammad bagheri حمیدرضا ثنائی -
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Ghazaleh saifi Roya Darabi -
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Vahid Peykan Abdolreza Asaadi Ali Reza Mehrazeen Mohammad Karimi -
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Abdolrasool Shabani Ahmadreza Basij Mohammad Hossein Ghasem Peyvandi -
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Parnush Pajouhesh -
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mohammad bagheri حمیدرضا ثنائی -
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Mohammadreza Abbasi Astamal Yalda Hasannpour -
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اکبر Sayyad Ko معصومه Bahmei -
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Z. فتاحی -
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Fatemeh Moosavi Neda Hasanzadeh Hooriye Yahyaei Ayeh Rayatzadeh -
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Mohammad Mahdi Giahi Mohammad Sadegh Karimzade Alireza Golchin -
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Shahnaz Hojati najafabadi -
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Mandana Firoozabadi Mohamadreza Amini zahra riahizamin -
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Soroor Heydari Aghjivan Fereshteh Afkari Edris Islami