Modernism and Innovation in the Book Al-Badii by Ibn Muttaz
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesSadegh Ebrahimi Kavari 1 , Rahime Cholanian 2
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Keywords: Modernity, الفن, art, Innovation, البدیع, الجدة, ابن المعتز, Ibn Muttaz,
Abstract :
One of the most important stages in the development of nations’ literature and language is the stage of systemization. No nation could step into this stage unless its literature and language has matured. Many scholars and literary men with different scientific status have mentioned his fact in their works. One of these scholars is Abdullah Ibn Muttaz. In the introduction to his book named “Kitab Al-Badii”, he states: “no one has collected the new and wonderful figures of speech before me and no writer has taken the lead to write down on this subject”. His work has elements of innovation and modernity.
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