Mystical revelation from the point of view of Mulla Sadra and Ibn Arabi
Subject Areas : Intellectual explorations
seyed rahmatolla mosavimoghadam
Seyed Sajad Sadatizadeh
ali sabri
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Education, Ilam University of Medical Sciences
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Sciences, School of Medicine, Dezful University of Medical Sciences, Dezful, Iran
3 - Master's degree in philosophy and member of the club of researchers and young elites of Islamic Azad University, Behbahan branch
Keywords: revelation, Mulla sadra, The Unity of Existence, Intuition, Ibn Arabi,
Abstract :
The discussion of discovery and intuition in Islamic epistemology is one of the fundamental and essential issues in the mystic religion; So much so that the foundation of Islamic mysticism is based on revelation and observation of the unseen world. Mystical revelations are considered the most important epistemic source of theoretical mysticism as an ontological system. This article tries to first review the types of revelation among mystics, its basic features, its evaluation criteria and the background of revelation in the view of the founders of the Ashraq and Masha school of thought, and also the nature, nature, and levels of revelation in the view of Islamic philosophers and mystics, especially Sadra and Ibn Arabi, in detail; As the founder of transcendental wisdom, Sadra has openly claimed to develop some philosophical issues that are considered to be his special initiatives and has shown his dependence on the great mystic Ibn Arabi. The basic question of this article is whether the method of Mullah Sadra's revelations is like other philosophers and mystics or does he have a special style for himself? We can also pay attention to the question of whether Sadra'i intuition is influenced by Ibn Arabi or not. The findings of the research confirm the fact that Mulla Sadra has developed a tendency and used judgmental and debatable topics in processing taste issues; From this point of view, it is influenced by Ibn Arabi.
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