Study and analysis of literary aspects in the interpretation of the Qur'an (Case study: Tafsir Al-Quran Al-Azeem Ibn Kathir)
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
mojtaba Torkashvand
jahanger amiri
mohammadnabi ahmadi
shahryar hemmati
1 - Arabic literature. Faculty of Literature and Humanities. Kermanshah. Razi University .. Kermanshah. Iran.
2 - Arabic literature. Faculty of Literature and Humanities. Kermanshah. Razi University. Kermanshah. Iran
3 - Arabic literature. Faculty of Literature and Humanities. Kermanshah. Razi University. Kermanshah. Iran
4 - Arabic literature. Faculty of Literature and Humanities. Kermanshah. Razi University. Kermanshah. Iran
Keywords: literary aspects, Ibn-e-Kaseer, poetic evidence, interpretation,
Abstract :
Interpretation as expressing meaning and uncovering verses reasons has been one of the oldest concerns of Islamic scholars. Quranic sciences scholars have required interpreters to have a good command of literary sciences like word, morphology, syntax, derivation and rhetoric. Literary sources, among interpretation sources, have a significant role in a correct understanding of verses. Literary sources mean vocabulary and Arab literature texts helping interpreter understand lexical meaning or syntactic and rhetoric structure of verses. The sources, comparing others, have a preceding position, since without understanding vocabulary and structures governing Quranic literature, the first step in understanding does not occur. The famous interpreter and narrator of Shafii in 8th century and the writer of “Tafseer-e Ghorἀn-e Azim”, Ibn-e-Kaseer, having a narrative interpretation of verses, benefited from his own literary knowledge. The writer of this descriptive-analytic article has tried to study “how” and “how much” the interpreter benefits from literary aspects (morphology, syntax, rhetoric and literary concepts) in the explanation of verses. The results of the study showed that in the explanation of the verses, he has used literary aspects in a variety of ways including; expressing dependent ideas referring to reliable poetic evidences or other scholar’s literary ideas criticism or direct quotation of ideas.
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