• List of Articles statistical

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The measurement and analysis of sunflower producers, technical efficiency in khoy
        ali bagerzadeh
        Regarding the importance of sunflower in production of nuts and oil, it has been tried to calculate the production function of sunflower growers in khoy. To this purpose the timer linear programming (LP) method was used, which was based on a field research, using the cr More
        Regarding the importance of sunflower in production of nuts and oil, it has been tried to calculate the production function of sunflower growers in khoy. To this purpose the timer linear programming (LP) method was used, which was based on a field research, using the cross sectional data in 1387. The results obtained showed that the average technical efficiency of sunflower growers in Khoy was about %53, which in dicated the %47 wastage of the production resources. It was recognized that the lack of training and agricultural extension services were the effective social factors in technical workability of sunflower growers in Khoy. In conclusion, we suggest the governmental authorities to increase the allocated budget to promote the versatility of the sunflower growers and eliminate the unnecessary losses. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Rational Sciences in Seljuk’s Era: A Statistical Analysis and Study on the Community of Scholars
        Nayereh Dalir Atefeh Kazemi Mojarad
          This article studies the community of scholars in the field of rational sciences throughout the Seljuk’s era. The authors seek to answer questions regarding with the statistical development of the society of scholars in the Seljuk’s era, and the meani More
          This article studies the community of scholars in the field of rational sciences throughout the Seljuk’s era. The authors seek to answer questions regarding with the statistical development of the society of scholars in the Seljuk’s era, and the meaning and reasoning behind such historical trend. In order to respond those questions, the Seljuk’s era has been divided into three periods. The statistical society of each period taking into consideration and has been exhibited in different tables and charts. Analyzing the data of those tables and charts, it is concluded that the percentage of the scholars of rational sciences in the Seljuk’s era not only had not been diminished, but also considerably increased throughout the second period despite the weaknesses of the central Government and also in the third period, despite having a destabilized and scattered governing system. Indeed, the overall numerical analysis shows an increasing historical development of the scholars and academics of rational sciences in Seljuk’s era. References Abū Zahra, Muḥammad, al- Shāfiī Ḥayāta wa Aṣra, Intishārāt- i Dār al- Fikr al- ʿArabī, 1948/ 1327. Bundārī Iṣfahānī, Fatḥ b. ʿAlī, Tarīkh- i Silsila- yi Saldjūḳī, Trans. Mohammad Hossien Jalili, Nashr- i Bunyad- i Farhang- i Iran, 1356. Bayhaḳī, ʿAlī b. Zayd, Tarīkh- i al- Ḥukamā al- Islām, Maṭbaʿa al-Taraḳḳī, ( Und.). Idem, Li- Bāb al- Ansāb, Revised by Mahdi Rejaei, Qom, The Ayatollah Marashi Najafi Library, ( Und.). Corbin, Henry, Tarīkh- i Falsafa- yi Islāmī(Histoire de La Philosophie IsLamique), Vol. 1, Trans. Assadollah Mobashery, Tehran, AmīrKabīr, 1361/ 1982. Dhahabī, Shams al- Dīn Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, Tarikh al- Islām wa wafayāt (ṭabaḳāt) al- mashāhīr wal- alām, Vol. 52, Revised by ʿUmar ʿAbd al- Salām Tadmūrī, Beirut, Dār al- Kitāb al- ʿArabī, 1413 AH/ 1413 AD. 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Idem, "Taʾamulī dar Waḍʿiyyat Pazhuhish- hā- yi Saldjūḳī dar Iran", Madjala- yi Kitāb Māh Tarīkh wa Djughrāfiyyā, No.169, Khurdād 1391/ May 2012. Ojabi, Ali, "Ẓuhayr al- Dīn Biyhaḳī Mūʾallif Tatimmat Ṣiwān al- Ḥikma", Kitāb Mah Falsafa, No. 15, Ādhar/ 1385/ November 2006. Tajbakhsh, Hasan, "Sayyid Ismāʿīl- i Djurdjānī Bunyāngudhār- i Pizishkī- yi Parsī", Āyina Mīrāth, No. 47, Fall & Winter 90- 89/ 2010- 2011. Yousefi, Safari, "ʿIlal- i Rukūd- i ʿUlūm- i ʿAḳlī dar ʿAṣr- i Saldjūḳiyyān", The Quarterly Jurisprudence & History of Civilization, No. 20, 1388/ 2009.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Grand canonical ensemble of the extended two-site Hubbard model via a nonextensive distribution
        Felipe Américo Reyes Navarro Eusebio Castor Torres-Tapia Pedro Pacheco Peña
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Temperature dependence of EXAFS spectra of BCC crystals analyzed based on classical anharmonic correlated Einstein model
        Tong Sy Tien
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Statistical Analysis on IoT Research Trends: A Survey
        Alireza Hedayati Mehrin Rouhifar Sahar Bahramzadeh Vaheh Aghazarian Mostafa Chahardoli
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Providing comprehensive control chart for monitoring of linear and nonlinear profiles using functional data analysis.
        M. Bahri A. Hadi-Vencheh
        Considering profiles as functional variables, two control charts are proposed for their monitoring in phase II. Due to its conformity with the nature of real-world profiles, applying functional model leads to proposed control charts obtained through functional data anal More
        Considering profiles as functional variables, two control charts are proposed for their monitoring in phase II. Due to its conformity with the nature of real-world profiles, applying functional model leads to proposed control charts obtained through functional data analysis techniques with desired features. These include simplicity in calculation and possibility of using them for different profiles such as linear and non-linear (even in the presence of complex within-profile Autocorrelation forms). These features distinguish the functional model from the regression models common in profile monitoring. Simulated computer simulations show that, in different states, the proposed control charts have a lower average run length than other methods, which indicates the desired performance of the proposed functional approach. Morevere, in some non-linear cases with complex autocorrelation, other methods completely fail, and only the proposed control charts are able to detect the occurring deviation, and even in these cases, the average run length of these control charts is highly desirable. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Modeling the quality of water and wastewater treatment using neural networks and hybrid neural networks
        Ahmad Jafarian Fatemeh Ghanbary Rahim saneeifard
        One of the most important and fundamental factors in the life of living things is water. Therefore, water pollution is a major environmental problem and prevent water pollution and providing smart methods for water treatment is so important. Equipping engineering scienc More
        One of the most important and fundamental factors in the life of living things is water. Therefore, water pollution is a major environmental problem and prevent water pollution and providing smart methods for water treatment is so important. Equipping engineering sciences with intelligent tools and artificial intelligence in the diagnose quality of wastewater treatments can reduce the errors of the methods. This paper presents a simple and hybrid neural network with statistical logistic regression method for modelling of the output quality of wastewater treatment. The proposed intelligent method plays an important role in the quality of wastewater treatment and can be used by artificial intelligence researchers and environmental engineers. Comparison of the predicted results by simple neural network and hybrid one showed that the efficiency of the hybrid model and it is suitable for our purpose. results of research proved that the new method has the highest efficiency with minimum errors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Some of the Topological Gaps of a Generalized Metric Space
        Yousef Sohooly Khadijeh Jahedi
        ‎In this paper‎, ‎we introduce the neighborhood of each element x ‎of the Jleli_Samet's generalized metric space (X,d) ‎and ‎we ‎study ‎some ‎properties ‎of ‎the collection T_d of all unions of such neighborhoods which is call More
        ‎In this paper‎, ‎we introduce the neighborhood of each element x ‎of the Jleli_Samet's generalized metric space (X,d) ‎and ‎we ‎study ‎some ‎properties ‎of ‎the collection T_d of all unions of such neighborhoods which is called generalized topology in the sence of Csaszar. We show that some of the elementary properties on the metric spaces dose not happen on the generalized metric space in the sense of Jleli_Samet. Moreover the generalized topology T_d need not to be compatible. Also we give a sufficient condition to show that any point of the generalized metric space in the sense of Jleli_‎Samet‎, ‎has zero self-distance‎. ‎We introduce the statistical generalized metric space by replacing the concept of convergence with statistical convergence on the definition of generalized metric space in the sense of Jleli_ Samet and we show that two generalized metric spaces are equivalent.||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ‎ Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Market neutral statistical arbitrage strategy by factor models in Tehran stock exchange
        Farimah Mokhatab Rafiei Kamyar Nourbakhsh
        forecasting price movements is a challenging issue. So different statistical arbitrage strategies are devised to trade in exchanges. Some of these strategies are market neutral. Market neutral strategies are neutral to market movements and make profits in any situation. More
        forecasting price movements is a challenging issue. So different statistical arbitrage strategies are devised to trade in exchanges. Some of these strategies are market neutral. Market neutral strategies are neutral to market movements and make profits in any situation. These strategies use long and short positions at the same time and this makes them unusable in exchanges like Tehran stock exchange that only long position is available. Purpose of this paper is devising a market neutral statistical arbitrage strategy which can be used in Tehran stock exchange. In devising this strategy we use principal component analysis to estimate market movements and calculate stocks idiosyncratic movements. To forecasting stocks idiosyncratic movements, which have mean reverting properties, we use Ornstein-uhlenbeck model. The strategy made 35% average annual return by considering transaction cost which is more than Tehran exchange index in the study period. results show this method is a good framework for devising statistical arbitrage strategies. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Assessing the Quality of Health Care Services from Customers’ Perspective Using Mixed Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Tools (Case Study: Shahrood Health Centers)
        Noora Amiri aliakbar hasani
        Introduction: Awareness of patient satisfaction from service quality is vital to advance performance improvement strategies. The main goals to evaluate the quality of services in the health and treatment system are service performance, service identification, service pe More
        Introduction: Awareness of patient satisfaction from service quality is vital to advance performance improvement strategies. The main goals to evaluate the quality of services in the health and treatment system are service performance, service identification, service performance improvement evaluation and finally providing favorable service to customers. Methods: In this research, seven key aspects were identified to assess the quality of health care system. Then, they weighted by the best-worst fuzzy developed method. In the following by using a researcher-made questionnaire, the openions of referrals to selected departments of the treatment center have been reviewed as a statistical sample of service quality. Finally, the complex of treatment centers, hospital departments, and quality dimensions were analyzed and ranked by Fuzzy Vikor Method, Friedman statistical tests and Analysis of variance. Results: Development of comprehensive satisfaction assessment model could include desirable range of criteria affecting the satisfaction of the referrers to health centers. In addition, using developed multi-criteria fuzzy hybrid decision making has been able to consider the uncertainty of the assessment process for the qualitative criteria considered by the evaluators. Key findings of the research suggest that the final weights in order of priority are: pivotal patient (0.198), time (0.188), effectiveness (0.178), responsiveness (0.123), warranty (0.112), financial (0.108), and health communication (0.9). Conclusion: Health centers by focusing on priority-based performance improvement programs can offer a better level of service quality and can achieve higher customer satisfaction. Therefore, they will be able to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Comparison of Models in Predicting Cumulative Cases of Hospitalization and Death of Covid-19 (Case Study: Bahabad city
        mohammad hossein karimizarchi Davood Shishebori
        Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 is a respiratory disease caused by acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2. Forecasting the number of new cases and deaths during todays can be a useful step in predicting the costs and facilities needed in the future. This study More
        Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 is a respiratory disease caused by acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2. Forecasting the number of new cases and deaths during todays can be a useful step in predicting the costs and facilities needed in the future. This study aims to modeling, comparing the performance of models, and predict new cases and deaths efficiently in the future. Methods: In this article nine popular forecasting techniques are tested on the data of Covid-19 in Bahabad city as a case study. Using the evaluation criteria of mean square error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and the mean absolute percentage of error (MAPE) of the models are compared.  Results: The results of the analysis showed that the best model according to the evaluation criteria for forecasting cumulative cases of hospitalization of Covid-19 is the cubic spline smoothing model, and cumulative cases of death, KNN regression model. Also, autoregressive neural network and theta models for hospitalization cases, and for death cases, autoregressive neural network model has the worst performance among other models. Conclusion: This study can provide a proper understanding of the spread of covid-19 disease in this region so that by taking precautionary measures and formulating appropriate policies, this epidemic can be effectively overcome. Also, unlike other studies, this study uses 9 different techniques and their comparison, which in turn increases the confidence factor in decision making. Also, an important point is that the data should be updated in real time. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Use of Statistical Mix to Understand Legitimate Statistical Competency of Agricultural Extension, Education and Rural Development Students
        S. Dehyouri I. Malek Mohammadi S. M. Hosseini S. M. Mirdamadi
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Study Of The Relationship Between Corruption & Human Development Indicators In Selected Countries During The Years 2010 To 2012
        maryam najar nahavandi hamid khorsand asiabar
        This study examines the type & strength of the relationship between corruption & human development indicators in communities through data provided by UNDP & transparency international organizations for duration from 2010 to 2012. the research model suggests More
        This study examines the type & strength of the relationship between corruption & human development indicators in communities through data provided by UNDP & transparency international organizations for duration from 2010 to 2012. the research model suggests a two-way relationship between corruption index (CPI) & the human development index (HDI). Corruption as an indirect cause by a negative impact on gross national income & economic growth will limit the amount of human development. Also human development process directly with the new laws & increased government authority & revenue, can increase corruption. The results indicate a significant relationship between human development index (HDI) & corruption (CPI) in a duration from 2010 to 2012. Also the results show that sub human development index (life expectancy, educational attainment & gross national income) as an independent variables has an effect on the corruption index (CPI), & the greatest efect between these three variables belongs to the sub gross national income. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Application of Geostatistical analysis for prediction of Spatial Variations in Soil Texture (Case study: Farahan Plain, Markazi province)
        علی افضلی جواد وروانی رضا جعفرنیا
        In this study, spatial variation of soil texture was assessment in the Farahan plain, Markazi province, using Kriging geostatistical method. First, 52 samples from different points in the plain was prepared. Then descriptive statistics for data were determined using geo More
        In this study, spatial variation of soil texture was assessment in the Farahan plain, Markazi province, using Kriging geostatistical method. First, 52 samples from different points in the plain was prepared. Then descriptive statistics for data were determined using geostatistical analysis in ArcGIS 10.3 software. Then Kriging method was used for determination the spatial variations. Regarding the results of evaluation criteria, Kriging model had an acceptable efficiency in zoning for soil physical properties variations. So that values of evaluation criteria are close to one. On the other hand, spatial correlation was high and in all models it was less than 0.25. According to the results, soil intrinsic properties, climate and land use were effective in soil texture changes in Farahan plain. It is important to pay the attention land use in soil projects. Manuscript profile
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        15 - The role of rural cities in regional balancing Case Study: Town of Vahidieh in the City of Shahriar
        Homaira Mahdibigy Masoud Mahdavi Hajilouee
        Population concentration in developing countries has brought about numerousproblems in large cities. Among those problems we can mention populationcongestion, migration, housing deficiencies, unemployment, environmentaldegeneration, etc.Accordingly, regional and urban a More
        Population concentration in developing countries has brought about numerousproblems in large cities. Among those problems we can mention populationcongestion, migration, housing deficiencies, unemployment, environmentaldegeneration, etc.Accordingly, regional and urban analysts have started paying attention to thedevelopment of small and medium size towns as an essential solution for dealing withthe imbalance originated from development of prime cities.In this study, we have assessed, analyzed and examined Vahidieh's urbanizationprocess as well as that of Shahriar area as a sample of Tehran Province towns andcities before and after this occurance. Variables studied are population, occupancy,educational-cultural facilities, political-administrational, telecommunications,commercial and service providing facilities. Analysis of the data acquired from thestudy through statistical models - entropy coefficient, elasticity coefficient, MorrisDevelopment Index, parabolic-sectional variation analysis model – has been assessedand evaluated. Results derived from statistical models show that the urbanizationprocess of Vahidieh has not had desirable effects in balancing distribution ofpopulation and establishment of settlements throughout the area, stabilization of thepopulation, prosperity of solar rural sections, and growth of agricultural sectiontherefore being unsuccessful in that regard. Despite the fact that at some period,growth of industrial section in the city of Shahriar and in Tehran has had positiveeffects on population growth due to low cost of housing for people who have mostlybeen service and industrial laborers.Ultimately, the overall results drawn from this study reveal that urbanization ofVahidieh has not had an effective role in the development process of rural outskirts.. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Analysis of the Droughts in the Southern coastal areas of the Caspian Sea.
        بهلول Alijani زین العابدین Jafarpoor GH Janbaz
        In order to analyze the statistical and synoptic characteristics of the droughts inthe Southern Coastal region of the Caspian Sea, the monthly precipitation data wereanalyzed for the period 1961-99. The drought was identified according to deciles and Zindices. The synop More
        In order to analyze the statistical and synoptic characteristics of the droughts inthe Southern Coastal region of the Caspian Sea, the monthly precipitation data wereanalyzed for the period 1961-99. The drought was identified according to deciles and Zindices. The synoptic origin was determined from The surface and 500 hPa NCEPdigital data. The results showed:1. The two month drought periods are frequent and most of the droughts are severand widespread.2. Three weather types responsible for the droughts are: zonal type, High pressureover the Caspian Sea, and low pressure system. All these types prevented the northerlyor northeasterly cold rain bringing winds over the Caspian Sea. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Estimation and Analysis the mean flood discharge using the method of Regional flood Analysis in the area Kheirroud in nowshahr up to sardabrud in chalous
        M.R Servati جمشید Jedari Kia Bozorgmehr
        In this research to control the floods in drainage basins (in the area kheirroud ofNowshahr to Sardabrud of Chalous), the mean of flood discharge with different returnperiods were estimated and analyzed using regional analysis method. To estimate andanalyze the floods, More
        In this research to control the floods in drainage basins (in the area kheirroud ofNowshahr to Sardabrud of Chalous), the mean of flood discharge with different returnperiods were estimated and analyzed using regional analysis method. To estimate andanalyze the floods, at first the basic raw data of annual peak discharge for the gaugingstations in the region were collected, then missing data was filled and new statistics,generated. The 29-year periods for this case were selected. Then, point analysis wasdone by the use of different statistical distributions. After they were studied, LogPearson Type III distribution was selected as the region. Then, Homogenity Test wasdone by the use of Run Test method. Moreover, the area of drainage basins wasmeasured. After measuring the level of significance (in level of 0.05) between area ofdrainage basins and mean flood discharge, it’s linear equation was obtained and on thebasis of it, mean flood discharge with the different return periods in ungauged drainagebasins was estimated.The results of estimation and studies have shown that, chalous watershed(drainage basin) has the most meant flood discharge value among the six watersheds.Other watersheds are as follows: sardabrud, kheirroud, kurkursar, and mashalak,Kheirsar-neirang (gerdekal rud or shalerud). Manuscript profile
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        18 - Effect Of Early Autumn Frost and Late Spring Frost On Grain Cultivation in Karadj City
        Hossein Mohammadi Majid Gozalkhoo
        Since the occurrence of  frost has been caused much damage to agriculture and horticulture production in the city of Karaj. Therefore the city authorities' attention to recognition of  frost circumstances accurance, can prevent conditions in which severe damag More
        Since the occurrence of  frost has been caused much damage to agriculture and horticulture production in the city of Karaj. Therefore the city authorities' attention to recognition of  frost circumstances accurance, can prevent conditions in which severe damages would force to farmers. So recognizing conditions in frosty must be considered by authorities of this city to prevent intense damages.it has been used 25 year meteorology synoptic least temperature of Karaj to determine the date of the first frosty in autumn and the last frosty in spring In this research, the zero threshold has generally been used at first date of the first autumn frosty with two or three days duration and the last frosty of the spring in each farming year were determined, Then were studied these values aspect of occurrence probabilities and different statistical distribution for beginning frosty in autumn and the last frosts in spring. According to performed studies were known over 6 probability function, log Pearson III distribution on data of autumn and two parametric Gama distribution on data of spring with the least deviation square average the best estimation. According to results of this research the probability of the first frost of autumn before 7 Dec and before 20 Nov is 20 percentage also the probability of the last frosty of spring after 11 April and before 17 March is 20 percentage. According to obtained results in this research the best period for wheat cultivation based on thermal needs of autumn wheat to start germination(370 degree – days) in Karaj city is 20 to 27 Oct. Based on the obtained information in this research the spring frosty (at time of germination and flowering ) on performance of wheat has important influence but in autumn frosty despite delay in growing plant it has not important influence on plant performance and the damage of plant relates to time of cultivation and frost intensity and the coincidence of germination and cold. Manuscript profile
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        19 - An analysis of land use changes in Tehran in recent decade (Case study municipal region 6)
        Maryam Esmaeilzadeh Rahmatollah Farhudi
        Because of rapid and excessive expansion of cities in recent decades, urban land usehas been the focus of attention of many geographers.In Iran, Tehran as capital of the country and its municipal zone 6 as the city sbackbone and centre of administrative and commercial a More
        Because of rapid and excessive expansion of cities in recent decades, urban land usehas been the focus of attention of many geographers.In Iran, Tehran as capital of the country and its municipal zone 6 as the city sbackbone and centre of administrative and commercial activities CBD has been ofparticular importance.The aim of the present study has been to investigate the causeand effect of tremendous changes that have taken place in this zone.The methodadopted in this research has been analytical intersection and spatial analyst and themain source of information has been 1995 census reports plus cadastral maps of thattime and their com prison with those of the present.The results of the study have indicated considerable changes in land use over thepast fifteen years, as shown below: the total land area devoted to human settlement in1985 being some 754.13 hats. Has been reduced to 679. 25 hats In 2010 whereas thearea under CBD being 167.78 hats. In 1985 has increased to 213.80 hats in 2010 itselfindicating the extent of change of human settlement land to none human settlementnamely various kinds of business activities.A study of the population of the zone in the same period shows clearly that nonesettlement and none permanent (floating) population has been increasing, particularlyin the middle sections the zone. Thus briefly speaking the interchange of permanentand none permanent population has created numerous difficulties for the zone such astraffic, air pollution, none coherent appearance, none accessibilities, city traffic project, rise of land price, loss of identity, reduction of resident population etc. etc. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Analytical and laboratory evaluation of the solubility of gypsiferous soils
        aliabbas afsharian ناذر عباسی امیر خسروجردی حسین صدقی
        Gypsum soil is one of the problematic soils because of considerable solubility for gypsum particles in contactwith water. In this research, the effects of three factors including; gypsum percent, hydraulic gradient, and soiltexture were studied on solubility of gypsum s More
        Gypsum soil is one of the problematic soils because of considerable solubility for gypsum particles in contactwith water. In this research, the effects of three factors including; gypsum percent, hydraulic gradient, and soiltexture were studied on solubility of gypsum soils. To do this, samples of gypsum soils were provided artificiallyby adding various rates of natural gypsum rock including 0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 percent by weight of 3 kinds of soiltextures including clay, silty clay and sand. Totally, 15 types of gypsum soils were prepared. Then each ofgypsum soils were leached under five hydraulic gradients levels 0.5, 1, 2, 5 and 10. The results of the testindicated that the rate of gypsum in the soil has direct effect on the rate of soluble in a way that by increasingpercent of gypsum the rate of solubility was increased. in addition, by increasing hydraulic gradient, the speed ofwater outcome and its amount from soil environment in a specified time was increased and also more rate ofgypsum was derived. The statistical results show the highest impact of gypsum percentage and lowest impact ofhydraulic gradient soil on solubility of particles in different types of soils and it has no significant effect on theoverall equation of the soil texture. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Prediction of SPI drought index using support vector and multiple linear regressions
        Saeed Samadianfard اسماعیل اسدی
        Drought is a natural phenomenon, which has a complex mechanism as a result of interactions of meteorological parameters and usually occurs in all climates. So, predicting drought indices and their chronological evaluation is an effective way for the drought management a More
        Drought is a natural phenomenon, which has a complex mechanism as a result of interactions of meteorological parameters and usually occurs in all climates. So, predicting drought indices and their chronological evaluation is an effective way for the drought management and adaptation with its consequences. In the current research, prediction of drought indices are carried out for Tabriz synoptic station, using  support vector regression, multiple linear regression and standard precipitation index (SPI) for the time period of 1979 to 2012. In this regard, for predicting SPI indices in the periods of 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 and 48 months, six different input combinations including the antecedent correspondent values of the mentioned index have been utilized. The results of statistical analysis showed that both methods had significant accuracy. Nonetheless, the support vector regressions for predicting SPI-6, SPI-9 and SPI-24 had better performances, regarding the root mean squared errors of 0.4985, 0.4340 and 0.2427, respectively. However, the multiple linear regressions showed lower relative errors, for predicting SPI-3, SPI-12 and SPI-48. Meanwhile, it can be concluded that both examined methods including support vector and multiple linear regressions had acceptable predictions of drought index and can be used with an admissible confidentiality for the management of drought consequences.   Manuscript profile
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        22 - Assessment of Spatial Distribution some Ground Water Quality Indexes in Adrabil Plain for Irrigation uses
        Farrokh Asadzadeh Hossein Pirkharrati Zahra Sheikhi Almanabad
        The quantitative and qualitative decline of groundwater in recent years has needed for proper management of water from these valuable resources. One of the important ways to achieve this goal is to monitoring groundwater quality. In the present study, 12 water quality p More
        The quantitative and qualitative decline of groundwater in recent years has needed for proper management of water from these valuable resources. One of the important ways to achieve this goal is to monitoring groundwater quality. In the present study, 12 water quality parameters related to 63 wells in Ardebil plain were measured in June and September (dry and wet season), 2013-2012, then water quality indices were studied. After calculating the indices, the ArcGIS10 software were used to prepare the maps and then calculate some important statistical parameters. The results showed that groundwater in Ardebil Plain with EC and SAR indexes average, 405.17 microseisms per cm and 2.8 in the C3-S1 class, according to Wilcox classification, and had a low to moderate limit Salinity and without any limit in term of penetration in the soil. RSC, KR and PI Indicators, which express the risk of sodium, indicate that there is no sodium constraint and have a good quality. The CR index with 0.8 average also indicated a lack of groundwater corrosion risk. Investigating the Na and Cl also indicates an average limit for water toxicity for the plants cultivated in Ardebil plain. On the other hand, the zoning maps of the studied indices showed that salinity in some parts of the plain has a low to moderate limit, and in eastern and southern parts, it has no limitation. According SAR index most part of plain was unlimited, with only a small portion of the southern plain with moderate constraints. The LSI index showed that in most plain areas, the value of this index is greater than zero, and therefore there will be a risk of droplets. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Principal Components Analysis for Water Use Efficiency of Common Bean, Sesame and Maize in Response of Application of Water Super Absorbent Hydrogel
        Mohsen Jahan Mohammad Behzad Amiri
        In order to evaluate effect of deficit irrigation and application of water superabsorbent and determining principal components in water use efficiency of common bean, sesame and maize a split plots experiment based on RCBD design with three replications was conducted du More
        In order to evaluate effect of deficit irrigation and application of water superabsorbent and determining principal components in water use efficiency of common bean, sesame and maize a split plots experiment based on RCBD design with three replications was conducted during 2015-2016 growing season, in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. Irrigation levels (50 and 100% of water requirement) and application and non-application of water superabsorbent assigned to main and sub plots, respectively. Principal components analysis for three plant species resulted in two principle components with the most considerable variances. The first component explained 73, 60 and 80% of variables variance in bean, sesame and corn, respectively. In bean, variables of seed yield, biological yield, seed weight, plant height, crop growth rate and soil nitrogen, phosphorous content and pH were assigned to the first component and leaf area index, EC and water use efficiency were assigned to the second component. In sesame, variables of seed yield, biological yield, seed weight, plant height, crop growth rate and soil phosphorous and pH had the highest load on the first component and variables of leaf area index, soil nitrogen content, EC and water use efficiency had the highest load on the second component. In corn, variables of seed yield, biological yield, seed weight, plant height, leaf area index, crop growth rate and soil nitrogen and pH were in the first component and variables of soil phosphorous and EC and water use efficiency in the second component had the highest load. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Assessing the Relationship between the Shadgan Wetland Fluctuation levels and Water EC in Time Duration, Using Satellite Images and Geostatistical Methods
        Bahman Yargholi Yasaman Samaei
        Introduction: Wetlands are highly beneficial to human societies due to their positive environmental functions, direct and indirect functions, as well as their value as an asset. It has led to an increase in the attention given to their restoration and maintenance in dif More
        Introduction: Wetlands are highly beneficial to human societies due to their positive environmental functions, direct and indirect functions, as well as their value as an asset. It has led to an increase in the attention given to their restoration and maintenance in different societies. Shadgan Wetland contains fresh-salty, and brackish water, and approximately 900 million cubic meters of Jarahi water resources enter Shadgean every year. The wetland is at risk of serious harm as a result of the developmental activities occurring around it, which are causing pollutants to enter the wetland and reducing the quantity of fresh water coming in. A number of factors contribute to the destruction of this wetland, including over-exploitation from its water resources, the discharge of urban waste within its limits, the fragmentation of the wetland as a result of road construction, the construction of stations to increase the pressure on electricity, gas and oil pipelines, as well as effluents from industries such as bread making, alcohol production, sugarcane cultivation and industry. The economic value of wetlands and climate regulation, flood prevention, protection of plant and animal diversity, beauty and inherent visual attractions of wetlands, tourist attractions, as well as creating an opportunity for migratory birds to nest and a place for scientific research are among the most important considerations in the design of a wetlands. The development of water resources schemes and the regulation of river flows are often recognized as the most serious threats to the ecological sustainability of rivers and wetlands. Method: This study attempts to determine the change in water salinity of Shadegan wetland in the last five decades using the electrical conductivity index due to the importance of Shadegan wetland in various ways. Finally, a relationship has been established between the area and the salinity of this significant wetland. Also, by using electrical conductivity data from 23 stations in the lagoon and with the help of satellite images and remote sensing techniques and interpolation methods (IDW), the changes of this index in the mentioned period were investigated, leading to a mathematical relationship. Results and Discussion: According to the research results, upstream human activities, especially dam constructions and agricultural development projects, have had a great impact on the quantity and quality of the wetland. With climate change and drought, these effects have intensified, resulting in a reduction of the wetland level as well as an increase in the salinity of the wetland water. These changes can be observed both in terms of their temporal and spatial dimensions. Consequently, the results show the trend of increasing salinity from the southern parts to the north and also the greater manifestation of the increase in salinity in the southern parts due to the decrease in the incoming fresh water flow (more than twice). According to the results, there are three salinity levels in the wetland: saline, brackish water, and super salinity, and a salinity increase is observed in all three zones The present results and equations are used as an achievement by water and environment managers and they can estimate the EC of water in key and indicator stations and finally at the level of the wetland by measuring the size of the wetland using different technologies. So over time, the levels and zones of saline and super salinity have expanded, and the levels of brackish water have decreased. It is expected that this process will continue over time, resulting in the sea salt water advancing towards the wetland and increasing the amount of salinity within it. Conclusions: According to this study, based on the relationship between salinity and the level of the wetland, as well as the water area of the wetland, it is possible to estimate its salinity in three zones. By measuring the salinity of water at several key stations within each of the three zones, the wetland's water level can be estimated. In monitoring, managing, and qualitatively protecting the wetland and consequently its species, this equation and its relationships can play an important role. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Zoning of Nutrient’s Elements In Soil and Leaves of Orange Trees Using Gaussian Model (Dezful city as Case Study)
        Ebtesam Neissian Kamran Mohsenifar Ebrahim Panahpour Teimor Babainejad
        Background and Aim: Creating land fertility maps are especially important in terms of determining the areas that need particular nutrients, optimizing the use of agricultural fertilizers, and facilitating the optimal management of soil and plant nutrition. Spatial chang More
        Background and Aim: Creating land fertility maps are especially important in terms of determining the areas that need particular nutrients, optimizing the use of agricultural fertilizers, and facilitating the optimal management of soil and plant nutrition. Spatial changes in soil and plant nutrients are common, but knowing these changes is essential for accurate planning and management, particularly regarding agricultural lands. This research aims at zoning the spatial distribution pattern of nutrients, aka nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium and magnesium, in the soil and leaves of Dezful orange orchards trees using the Gaussian model and geographic information system (GIS).Method: A total number of 130 sampling points are set on the map in the vicinity of orange orchards of Dezful City with an area of 3200 hectares. Factors such as soil, cultivation and irrigation system, slope, elevation, and the manner of orange trees growth are considered to determine sampling locations. Following sampling the soil (0-60 cm depth) and plants, the samples are transferred to the laboratory and the concentration of the most consumed nutrients is measured. After preliminary statistical analyzes on the data, the correlation level of the variables that are measured in the soil and leaves of orange trees, are calculated with the Pearson correlation test. The location of sampling points is simulated via Gaussian model by using the R software. The interpolation is computed using simple kriging and kernel methods. The model sensitivity analysis for the changes applied in the base values for implementing the algorithm, is done based on the replacement of the desired values from the posterior functions as well.Results: Analysis of dispersion indices show that the highest coefficient of variation is related to phosphorus element in soil and nitrogen element in leaf samples. The results illustrate that the mean square error values for elements of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur are calculated respectively as 0.171, 0.152, 0.132 and 0.153 in simple kriging in soil, and as 0.212, 0.152, 0.229, and 0.166 in kernel method in soil; and respectively as 0.121, 0.188, 0.116 and 0.131 in simple kriging in samples of orange tree leaves, and as 0.184, 0.206, 0.172 and 0.229 in kernel method in the leaves samples as well. The results of the spatial distribution pattern of each of the measured elements in the soil and leaves of orange trees demonstrate that the lowest amount of nitrogen is in the south of the region (0.42 to 1.33 mg/kg) and its distribution pattern is similar to the distribution in the leaves of orange trees (0.9 1 to 1.29 mg/kg). Magnesium has the lowest in the north and part of the south (3.11 to 4.57 mg/kg), and sulfur in most soil of the region is between 21.31 and 26.25 mg/kg.Conclusion: In examining the effectiveness of the Gaussian statistical model in the distribution of nutrients in the soil and leaves of orange trees in the gardens of Dezful city, the results display that the calculated Pearson linear correlation coefficient  has the highest correlation between calcium and potassium, as well as magnesium and calcium in the soil, but there is no linear correlation between any of the nutrients in the leaves of orange trees. In estimating the best interpolation method, calcium element in soil has the least error in both kernel and simple kriging methods, whereas in plant leaves, magnesium in kernel method and potassium in simple kriging method have less error. The highest error for soil and plant is related to potassium and calcium respectively, in the Cornell method.  Manuscript profile
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        26 - Investigating the Chlorophyll Index of Water in the Inlet Rivers of Anzali Wetland Using Sentinel Satellite
        Seyed Saman Mirfallah Nasiri Ebrahim Amiri Jalal Behzadi
        Background and aim: pollution of water resources and the increase of pollution in natural water resources such as lakes and wetlands, considering their fragile nature, as one of the crises facing the country, in addition to the inflow factors, depends on the quantitativ More
        Background and aim: pollution of water resources and the increase of pollution in natural water resources such as lakes and wetlands, considering their fragile nature, as one of the crises facing the country, in addition to the inflow factors, depends on the quantitative situation in aquatic ecosystem itself. On the other hand, the important problem of Anzali wetland as the area studied in this research is the increasing pollution of its water in the fragile conditions of climate change. Therefore, considering the main problem raised for Anzali wetland, the aim of the research was to investigate the water quality index in the inlet streams of Anzali wetland. . Research method: in this research, in order to collect the required information in the period of 2019-2019 in the study area of Anzali wetland, the monthly rainfall statistics of different meteorological stations from the General Directorate of Meteorology and Statistics and geological maps and the characteristics and values of the hydraulic coefficients, wetland extension limits, possible observation station data, seasonal and permanent rivers' measured rivers’ flow data, tolls and rivers' location limits were obtained from the regional water joint stock company. In this study, using the water quality analysis code (UWQV), the amount of water quality changes in the seasonal periods of Anzali lagoon was analyzed in Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 images. Findings: The average spatial distribution of the green spectrum (chlorophyll index) in different seasons showed that its numbers indicate the status of the quality index and chlorophyll, so that it is equal to 0.15 in autumn, 0.13 in winter, 0.06 in spring, and the summer season was equal to 0.13. The statistical results of the discharge of the rivers leading to the Anzali wetland, in all the coordinates of the lagoon lake, a similar seasonal trend was observed between the discharges due to the similarity of the feeding catchment basin, and this is while each of the average figures is 27 respectively. 0.0, 0.23, 0.08, 0.08 and 0.23 have shown the standard deviation of coordinate distribution. Conclusion: Analyzing the water quality of Anzali wetland based on the changes in the chlorophyll index, and the changes in the amount of chlorophyll from one season to another showed a strong fluctuation, which confirmed the results of this research compared to other researchers. Also, the state of water health sediments shows a strong fluctuation in autumn, winter, summer, and spring seasons to a large extent. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Application of multivariate statistical methods and environmental pollution indices in evaluation of distribution of heavy metals
        Hashem Shamsadin Vahidreza Jalali Azam Jafari
        Multivariate statistical techniques, i.e., correlation coefficient analysis, principal components analysis (PCA), and hierarchical cluster analysis (CA), were applied to the total concentrations of hazardous metals in soils around the Sarcheshmeh mine, that it is one of More
        Multivariate statistical techniques, i.e., correlation coefficient analysis, principal components analysis (PCA), and hierarchical cluster analysis (CA), were applied to the total concentrations of hazardous metals in soils around the Sarcheshmeh mine, that it is one of the largest Oligo-Miocene porphyry copper deposits in the world. For the study, 100 surface soil samples were collected around the mining and processing complex. The total concentration of heavy metals was measured by using four acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES). Various indices including geo-accumulation index (Igeo) and enrichment factor (CF) were used for determining the contamination level of soil in the study area. Based on geo-accumulation index (Igeo), major and minor hazardous element in the region was Cd and Zn, respectively. Enrichment factor (CF) has revealed that the main soil pollutant was Cd element and the minimum soil pollutant in region was induced from Co. The results obtained from the application of multivariate techniques on the soil data set showed that there is positively correlation between the elements such as Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Co, Fe and Mn in the study area. Also, there was a strong relationship among these elements based on the PCA and CA classification.  Manuscript profile
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        28 - Assessment of Environmental Knowledge and Factors Influencing Environmental Behavior Among Tourists in North Iran (A case study in Zanjan & Golestan provinces)
        Mohammad Abadi Parastoo Beigverdi Abbasali Zamani Abdolhossein PariZanganeh
        Background and Objectives: Environmental education can be defined as raising environmental consciousness among every segment of the society, bringing for awareness to environment-friendly, permanent and positive behavioral changes. The final purpose of environmental con More
        Background and Objectives: Environmental education can be defined as raising environmental consciousness among every segment of the society, bringing for awareness to environment-friendly, permanent and positive behavioral changes. The final purpose of environmental conservation is thus related to improving environmental awareness and betterment of environmental culture in all segments of the society. In this article, the rate of environmental knowledge among tourists visiting northern parts of Iran is assessed and factors influencing environmental behavior and people opinion about sustainable development is evaluated. Methods: The statistical background of this research includes one thousand families residing in different parts of the country. Questionnaires were distributed accidentally among tourists from all over the country visiting some points of interest in West (Zanjan province) and Northeast (Golestan province) of the country using interview method. The obtained data were classified and summarized in multidimensional frequency tables using statistical descriptive analysis such as ANOVA, Duncan, Mann Whitney and the relationship/differences among environmental variables being effective on the rate of personal concern and environmental awareness were determined. Data were analyzed using SPSS and Excel software. Findings: Identifying and evaluating effective factors influencing the rate of personal knowledge and concern about environmental problems at country level will ensure the accurate planning, comprehensive efforts, conservation and promotion of environment with people’s considerable cooperation and participation. Discussion and Conclusion: The obtained results show that a set of different factors are influencing environmental concern and awareness among tourists living in the society such as; the level of literacy, the duration of education and age of the respondents. Significant relationships were also obtained among gender, marital status, level of income and occupation. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Dust Occurrence in Lorestan Province
        Reza Chamanpira Ebrahim Karimi Sangchini Ali Akbar Norouzi
        Background and Objective: Today, dust risk management is critical global challenge, especially in the Middle East. The aim of this study is to analysis temporal and spatial changes of dust occurrence in Lorestan province. This analysis used for risk control and adaptati More
        Background and Objective: Today, dust risk management is critical global challenge, especially in the Middle East. The aim of this study is to analysis temporal and spatial changes of dust occurrence in Lorestan province. This analysis used for risk control and adaptation to achieve sustainable development areas.Material and Methodology: Changes in dusts were analyzed during a 17-year period (2000-2016) for 8 synoptic stations. Best model, with lowest MAE and RMSE, was selected for analyzing spatial variations. The CoKriging model interpolation was used to provide dust risk map. Then, this map converted in to a pixel grid in ArcGIS software.Findings: The results of annual dust survey show that Khorramabad station had the highest number of days with the average frequency of 16 days in year. The highest frequency of dust storms was in June and July whiles the lowest was in November and December. The results of risk zonation mapping that about 21 And 71 percent of the region has a high risk of the dust storm in term of below 10 and one kilometer of horizontal visibility, respectively.Discussion and Conclusion: Due to the high risk of dust, it is possible to provide prevention and control programs and also compatibility of the regional development goals with Iran land use planning and conservation and restoration of soil and water resources in order to achieve the preventing desertification and climate change. This research with a promising and pragmatic approach has provided a remarkable description to policy makers, managers, and other natural disaster stakeholders in the of Lorestan province development. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Statistical and Climate Analysis of Dust Storms in Iran
        Parisa Fatahi Masrour Maryam Rezazadeh
        Background and Objective: Due to the increase of this phenomenon, current study focuses on the climate and statistical analysis of dust storms in Iran during 2015. Method: Hourly data of meteorological code are used in this study. The software WRPLOT VIEW was utilized t More
        Background and Objective: Due to the increase of this phenomenon, current study focuses on the climate and statistical analysis of dust storms in Iran during 2015. Method: Hourly data of meteorological code are used in this study. The software WRPLOT VIEW was utilized to plot wind rose. For Synoptic analysis of the storm, data information of middle and upper atmospheres including sea-level pressure data and geopotential height of 500hP surface was received from NCEP/NCAR database, and their circulation patterns were obtained. In order to determine the trajectories of dust storms, the air parcel tracking model HYSPLIT was applied. Findings: The maximum dust events were occurred in Zabol during 2015. Highest wind speed and severest loss of vision were observed at Zabol station on 6 July. The masses of dust were entered to Arak and Fasa from the west and northwest of Iraq and to Zabol from Afghanistan. Records of sea-level and middle-atmosphere circulation database on 21 July 2015, that showed the severest loss of vision in Fasa, revealed the presence of a low-height system over Russia and a high pressure system over the north black sea. A low pressure system was observed over Pakistan which its tabs were extended to the east and south regions of Iran. Discussion and Conclusion: Blowing dust in Zabol can have a local dust source. The greatest dust in suspension events in Arak & Fasa with lower wind speed along. Northeasterly winds can cause of Sistan 120-day wind during the cold time of year that its impact will be greater in Zabol. On the day that severest loss of vision observed, most part of the country affected by tabs of high pressure located on the west in Iraq, that have been reached to the center of Iran with its easterly side. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Detection and analysis of the trend of climate change (precipitation and temperature) within the boundaries of Sari
        saeid kamyabi komeil abdi
        Background and Objective: Given the impact that climate change has on the planet, which is currently one of the most important challenges facing the international community, efforts to understand climate change events as much as possible are certain. The purpose of this More
        Background and Objective: Given the impact that climate change has on the planet, which is currently one of the most important challenges facing the international community, efforts to understand climate change events as much as possible are certain. The purpose of this study is to detect and analyze the trend of climate change, especially climatic elements of precipitation and temperature in the city of Sari in Mazandaran province.  Method: The method of this study was to analyze the statistical process of climatic factors of precipitation and temperature at 4 stations (Sari, Amol, Gharakhil and Babolsar) in the period of 20 and 30 years (1987-2017) using non-parametric Mann-Kendall test and climate sensing software of the Meteorological Organization of Iran. Also, to determine the location of climate change more precisely, Arc statistics was used in Arc GIS software. Findings: The Kendall test showed that 3 stations (Gharakhil, Babolsar and Sari) had a significant leakage trend in terms of temperature rise over the 30-year period with U + (3.87, 3.80, 1.75). But it does not show significant trends in precipitation. The Climate Change Detector also emphasizes that the temperature rise at these stations is tangible and this has led to climate change in this area. Earth statistic test also revealed that most climate change occurred in the area of Sari and changed from a mild to moderate state. Dissection and Conclusion: The area under study has undergone severe climate change, and this climate change directly affects the water balance of the region, increasing water requirements, decreasing soil moisture, vegetation density, rangeland capacity and agricultural products, and considering that groundwater resources are the most important source of supply Water is needed in different parts of the region, it also reduces the level of water table and reduces the quality of groundwater resources. In addition, this means reducing the frequency of precipitation, increasing rainfall, soil erosion and natural resources.   Manuscript profile
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        32 - Analysis of space inequalities focused on house quality indices (Case study: Ardebil urban regions)
        ata Ghaffari Gilandeh hosein nazmfar alirezza mohammadi Parvin dadazade silabi
        Background and Objective: Housing is one of real phenomenon and primary subjects that human always face with and he/she is trying to it’s transition and finding proper , rational response for it. Currently , presented subject about housing at world level relate to More
        Background and Objective: Housing is one of real phenomenon and primary subjects that human always face with and he/she is trying to it’s transition and finding proper , rational response for it. Currently , presented subject about housing at world level relate to deficiency and shortage of housing and resident units and also discussions about resident and housing units quality don’t regard in some places approximately. It is regarded for housing and resident planning in every city and finding housing quality space measurement response is one of basic requirements. So , the aim and purpose of current research is measuring housing indices space inequalities at Ardebil city in order to implementation correct and better planning for housing part. Method: Current research is applied according to aim& purpose and it is analytical- descriptive based on nature and used methodology. Requirement data were extracted from Ardebil city statistical data blocks at 1390. Research statistical society in Ardebil city at 1390 include statistical blocks. To investigation of inequality position of housing quality indices and recognition of space pattern , inequality development ; we have been used spatial statistical models , Hot Spot analysis, Morans I spatial auto- correlation in Arc/GIS software. Findings: According to implemented studies , Ardebil city blocks are located in inequality position based on housing quality indices and also districts , regions and sectors which they are located on Northwest and Western parts ; have improper situation about housing quality indices , but central and southern sectors of this city have proper position in mentioned subject.. Discussion and Conclusion: Housing quality indices with inequality distribution pattern in Ardebil city study by clustering method and also there is significant relationship between housing quality and social classes in this city. It is necessary to regard urban planning , housing plans in Ardebil city and Northern , Northwest ( Urban –Rural tissue) parts and they need more pay attention. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Investigation and Determination of the Spatial Distribution of Nitrate and Electrical Conductivity in Groundwater by Geostatistical Method (Case Study: Kabudrahng Plain)
        Omid bahmani Adel zali
        Background and Objective: Nitrate contamination in drinking and agricultural water is increasing in the Kabudrahng plain. Farmer's Tendency to use a variety of animal and chemical fertilizers has increased the amount of nitrate in groundwater in this region. This study More
        Background and Objective: Nitrate contamination in drinking and agricultural water is increasing in the Kabudrahng plain. Farmer's Tendency to use a variety of animal and chemical fertilizers has increased the amount of nitrate in groundwater in this region. This study aims to determine the most appropriate geostatistical methods to analyze the spatial variation of nitrate and electrical conductivity of the Kabudrahng groundwater plain.Material and Methodology: The trend of nitrate changes and groundwater electrical conductivity in 41 and 152 wells were investigated using MNITAB16.2 software and the most suitable geostatistical method was determined with ARCGIS9.3 software. To determine the most appropriate geostatistical methods for zoning nitrate and groundwater electrical conductivity used the ordinary kriging (OK), simple kriging (SK) and the specific methods include the inverse distance, weights (ID(, radial basis functions (RBF), global polynomial interpolator (GPI) and local polynomial interpolator (LPI) with ARCGIS9.3.Findings: The results showed that the best method for zoning the electrical conductivity was the RBF method with RMSE=837.07, MAE= 548.01 and R=0.841 and simple kriging (SK) with RMSE=900.68, MAE=581.8 and R=0.699 and the best way to zoning the nitrate was the RBF method with RMSE=3.76, MAE=2.42 and R=0.351 and ordinary kriging (OK) with RMSE=3.86, MAE=2.51 and R=0.372.Discussion and Conclusion: According to the standard of California, 8 percent of the plain area had an electrical conductivity less than 700 μmho/cm, 77 percent between 700 to 3000 μmho/cm, and 15 percent above 3000 μmho/cm. The distribution of nitrate concentrations showed that about 85.57% of the area was lower than 5 mg/liter, 14.43% between 5-30 mg/l,  and there was no severe pollution in the plain. The spatial distribution pattern indicated that high levels of electrical conductivity were observed in the western and southwestern parts of the plain. The amount of nitrate in groundwater was in the good range, but in southern and southwestern plains was higher than the standard. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Study of some physical & chemical properties of water of Khersan River & analysis the statistical relations thereof
        Majid Abbaspour Amir Hossein Javid Ali Mashinchian avin habibi
        Background and Objective: This article with the purpose of investigation on some physicochemical properties of Khersan River has been accomplished. These parameters are including: Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Dissolved Solids, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxyge More
        Background and Objective: This article with the purpose of investigation on some physicochemical properties of Khersan River has been accomplished. These parameters are including: Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Dissolved Solids, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total Phosphorus, Total Nitrogen, Electrical Conductivity, Chlorophyll a, Turbidity and finally analysis of statistical relations between this parameters were developed. Method: To perform the tests and determine the parameters we had 12 months sampling at 6 stations. Sampling methods and performing of examinations was in accordance with Standards method. Qualitative & quantitative variations were studied during a year and finally, data analysis through SPSS software and Pearson correlation coefficient test were performed. Findings: The highest temperature was in station No. 1 in July 32.5 º C and the lowest was in station No. 4 in February 9.2 º C, the most electrical conductivity is related to station No. 2 in August 672  µ mhos cm-1 and the lowest was in station No. 1 in March 262 µ mhos cm-1. Discussion and conclusion: According to Iranian DOE quality standard chart of state rivers' water, the range of changes in dissolved solids and dissolved oxygen in water is in optimum extent. But, Biochemical Oxygen Demand of water is in maximum permitted amount. There are meaningful relations in confidence extent of P<0.05 or P<0.01 between some studied parameters from statistical relations point of view.   Manuscript profile
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        35 - Application of geostatistical methods for estimation of Tehran Air pollutants spatial distribution
        Mansour Halimi Zahra Zarei Chaghabalaki Vahide Sayad Hasan Jems
        Background and Objective: Ambient air quality is a major concern in highly urbanized and industrialized regions such as Tehran. Method: In this paper, the spatial distribution of 4 air pollutants in Tehran atmosphere was analyzed. The analyzed air pullutants were Carbo More
        Background and Objective: Ambient air quality is a major concern in highly urbanized and industrialized regions such as Tehran. Method: In this paper, the spatial distribution of 4 air pollutants in Tehran atmosphere was analyzed. The analyzed air pullutants were Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Ozone (O3) and atmospheric particulate matters less than 10 micrometers in diameter (PM10). For this purpose, 4 common geostatistical interpolation methods namely: Ordinary Kriging (OK), Universal Kriging (UK), Sample Kriging (SK), and Ordinary Cokriging (COK) with Gaussian modeled semivariogram, were used to estimate the continuous surface for the 4 mentioned air pollutants. The data were collected from 21 air quality monitoring stations located in different districts of Tehran during a 2-year period from 2012 to 2013. The Kriging interpolation schemes are stochastic, local, gradual and exact interpolators. After preprocessing the collected data, they were imported to GIS by using metric coordinate system (UTM Zone 39). Finally, the Kriging predicted map was evaluate using 3 statistical indices of validation namely: Mean Absolute Error (MBE), Mean Bias Error (MAE), and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) that can be divide into systematic and unsystematic errors (RMSEs, RMSEu). Findings: The results indicated that, using 2 auxiliary variables, the OCK is the optimum schema for spatial estimation of CO and NO2 pollutants in Tehran. Moreover, SK is found out as the best model for spatial estimation of NO2 and CO. According to optimal model, the highest concentrations of ozone (O3) and particulate matters greater than 10 microns (PM10) are observed in the marginal areas of Tehran, while the highest concentrations of CO, NO2 are observed in the central and northern districts of Tehran such as districts 1 to 4. Conclusion: The developed optimized model can be used for real time estimation of any pollutants in Tehran atmosphere by updating the observed data Manuscript profile
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        36 - Spatial variations of groundwater quality parameters using geostatistics (Case study: Segsi Plain, Isfahan)
        Zahra Azhdari Seyed Zeynalabedin Hosseini
        Background and Objective: Understanding chemical changes in groundwater and their mapping play a substantial role in optimal management of groundwater in an area. There are various methods for investigation and classification of groundwater chemical features, and select More
        Background and Objective: Understanding chemical changes in groundwater and their mapping play a substantial role in optimal management of groundwater in an area. There are various methods for investigation and classification of groundwater chemical features, and selection of appropriate method depends on the purpose, conditions of the area and available information. Geostatistical methods and GIS can be useful tools in this regard. The aim of his study is to investigate the spatial variations of groundwater quality and select the best mapping method for the management of groundwater resources in Segsi plain. Method: In this paper, the distribution of quality pollutants pH, TDS, Hco3, EC, Ca, Mg, TH, Na and So4 in groundwater of Segsi plain was investigated using inverse distance and geostatistical methods, distance and bearing functions, local, general and ordinary Kriging estimator software ARCGIS9.3. Accordingly, the sample from 445 groundwater wells, springs and canals were examined. After evaluating variograms and determining the spatiality of the changes in the studied parameters, interpolation of parameters was performed and the best evaluation model with lowest RMSE was selected through mutual evaluation technique and the root-mean-square error. Findings: The results showed that all parameters had the lowest RMSE using the ordinary Kriging method and it was used for mapping the spatial distribution of water quality parameters. Results from mapping indicated that Na, Ca, Mg, So4, Hco3 and pH had no limitation and EC, TH and TDS had limitations in terms of drinkability. Conclusion: According to the results, application of the ordinary Kriging method is recommended for more precision, less calculation and less data demand among various interpolation methods for the groundwater mapping. Manuscript profile
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        37 - The profitability of pairs trading strategy based on linear state-space models and the Kalman filter in Tehran Stock Exchange
        Mohammad mehdi barahimipour sayyed mohammad reza davoodi
        Statistical arbitrage as one of the subsets of algorithmic trading refers to strategies that employ some statistical model or method to take advantage of what appears to be mispricing between assets while maintaining a level of market neutrality. One of these strategies More
        Statistical arbitrage as one of the subsets of algorithmic trading refers to strategies that employ some statistical model or method to take advantage of what appears to be mispricing between assets while maintaining a level of market neutrality. One of these strategies is pair trading that implements on two related long-term(co-integration) financial assets. The pair trading strategy of the research is based on the description of the visible process, the remainder of the co-integration model in terms of an invisible mean reverting process. This representation is in a state-space model and solved by the Kalman filter approach and the time of buying and selling is calculated in terms of two probabilities of growth and fall. The profitability of pair trading strategy on 21 stocks from oil product index and basic metal index of Tehran Stock Exchange between 1390-1395 was evaluated according to return and Sharp ratio. The results of the research show that the research method has the daily returns of 0.0048 and Sharp 1.23, which is more profitable in comparison with the pair trading based cointegration and market performance but the average daily its return is in the second place after the co-integration method. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Optimization of High-frequency Pair Trading Algorithm Using a Combination of Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Statistical Quality Control
        Mojtaba Dastori Saeed Moradpour
        In this study, the main problem is to improve the performance of the high-frequency pair trading algorithm by using a combination of genetic algorithm and fuzzy statistical quality control. For this purpose, two hypotheses have been developed. The statistical population More
        In this study, the main problem is to improve the performance of the high-frequency pair trading algorithm by using a combination of genetic algorithm and fuzzy statistical quality control. For this purpose, two hypotheses have been developed. The statistical population is companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange, that statistical sample was limited to the top 50 companies due to the need for high-volume transactions, and 33 shares in 9 industries were selected. After implementing three basic methods, fuzzy statistical quality control and the combined genetic algorithm-fuzzy statistical quality control method, the performance results of the methods were compared with each other. The results showed that in the basic method 43.10% return, in the fuzzy statistical quality control method 55.58% return and in the combined genetic algorithm-fuzzy statistical quality control method the average return was 63.59%. In t-test, there is a statistically significant difference between the specific performance of the basic methods and fuzzy statistical quality control, as well as the basic methods and the combined genetic-fuzzy statistical algorithm quality control. Based on the results of fuzzy statistical quality control model and genetic algorithm, which has a significant increase compared to previous models in increasing the average return. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Statistical Arbitrage Strategy Based on Factor Models of Prices in Iran's stock exchange market
        Farimah Mokhatab Rafiei Kamyar Nourbakhsh
        Statistical Arbitrage Strategies are looking for profitable opportunities using statistical methods. In this paper, we use a new approach to devise a statistical arbitrage strategy in Iran’s stock exchange market. In this new approach, instead of model and forecas More
        Statistical Arbitrage Strategies are looking for profitable opportunities using statistical methods. In this paper, we use a new approach to devise a statistical arbitrage strategy in Iran’s stock exchange market. In this new approach, instead of model and forecast stock prices independently, we take them as a whole and extract their common movement patterns, which can represent the general market movements, with principal component analysis. After that, we model and forecast these patterns (factors) and through them, we forecast the stock returns. Ultimately, we construct portfolios from chosen stocks in each period. Empirical result of this paper show the profitability of these strategies. chosen strategy, with time window of 100 days and forecasting horizon of 1 day could made the average annual return of 115%, without considering the transaction costs. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Characterization of some distributions by inequalities on failure rate
        M. Rajaei Salmasi
        Characterizing distributions is the process of finding the unique properties that distinguish a particular distribution from others. There are various methods for doing this, such as using moments, maximum entropy, hazard rate, and so on. Nanda (2010) used failure rate More
        Characterizing distributions is the process of finding the unique properties that distinguish a particular distribution from others. There are various methods for doing this, such as using moments, maximum entropy, hazard rate, and so on. Nanda (2010) used failure rate and mean residual life functions to characterizing some distributions. In this paper, we extend the results of Nanda (2010). We characterize the Pareto, exponential, and Rayleigh distributions by refining the main results of that paper. We take some inequalities from that paper and propose a new inequality. Then, we raise both sides of the inequalities to some power and show that equality holds if and only if certain distributions are characterized. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Assessment of Climate Change Effects on Meteorological Variables and Maximum Precipitation under New RCP Emission in Watershed
        Mohammadreza Goodarzi Atiyeh Fatehifar
        Background and Objective: Today, the excessive use of fossil fuels has increased the emissions of greenhouse and climate change. Climate change not only affects changes in the mean of variables such as temperature and total precipitation, but also increases the incidenc More
        Background and Objective: Today, the excessive use of fossil fuels has increased the emissions of greenhouse and climate change. Climate change not only affects changes in the mean of variables such as temperature and total precipitation, but also increases the incidence of maximum events. Therefore, the impact of climate change on temperature and precipitation parameters as well as extreme precipitation can be very important for future planning. Analysis methodology: In this study, to investigate the effect of climate change on temperature and precipitation parameters, CanESM2 general circulation model, according to assessment report fifth (AR5) of the intergovernmental panel on climate change used of new scenarios Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) Contains RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 and Statistical down scaling model (SDSM) for down scaling Large scale data GCM for simulation has been used during the period 2030-2059. Then the efficiency of the model will be evaluated with three indicators: root mean square error (RMSE), coefficient of determination (R2) and nash–sutcliffe efficiency (NSE). Findings: The results of the research in the first stage of downscaling with the SDSM model show the good efficiency of the model. The R2 and NSE coefficients for the calibration period of the Azarshahr station are 0.99, 0.99 for temperature and 0.95, 0.95, precipitation and for the Ghermezigol station is 0.91, 0.86. The results indicate the minimum and maximum temperature increase, especially in the month of April to July in this basin, with the highest increase relative to RCP8.5 at 0.26 ° C. Also, precipitation in the Azarshahr station increased by 7.44% under RCP 2.6 and at the Ghermezigol station decreased by 7.57%, under RCP8.5. The decreasing trend of precipitation can be seen in the scenarios, so that the most pessimistic scenario (RCP8.5) shows the greatest decrease. The results of the investigation of extreme rainfalls showed that despite the climate changes and the decrease of precipitation and increase in temperature and consequently the increase of evaporation and the lack of water resources and drought, one should not ignore floods and extreme rainfalls. Discussion and Conclusions: In general, the results have shown an increase in the amount of maximum rainfall in the future. With such simulations, it can be seen that climate change has caused an increase in the amount and frequency of extreme rainfall, even in basins that have brought about a decrease in average annual rainfall. In the present study, in the stations where the amount of rainfall increases in different seasons, the increase in the amount of rainfall will increase the risk of flooding, so it is necessary to pay special attention to the management of water resources and flood control of the basin. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Applying fundamental geostatistical approaches to determine potential zones of groundwater recharge of Tehran-Karaj Plain Aquifer
        Behzad Rayegani
        Groundwater, especially in arid and semi-arid is one of the main sources of drinking water. Contrary to public perception in these areas the water quality is more important than quantify. Therefore, monitoring of water quality and identification of pollution sources is More
        Groundwater, especially in arid and semi-arid is one of the main sources of drinking water. Contrary to public perception in these areas the water quality is more important than quantify. Therefore, monitoring of water quality and identification of pollution sources is one of the main concerns of researchers in this area. In this study, in order to identify sources of groundwater contamination, areas are likely aquifer recharge sources of Tehran-Karaj plain detected. So, after extraction of groundwater level data different interpolation and geostatistics methods are used to create surface images. The Gstat software and Geostatistical Analyst were used for this study then performance and ability of each one to produce surface images are evaluated. According to the results, the Geostatistical Analyst software has better flexibility to do the special analysis. Based on the training and test data interpolation methods were very similar, but the surface images regarding groundwater direction flow and histogram look very different. According to the results, universal kriging showed better performance. Accordingly, surface images of different time created by an appropriate method to simulate groundwater flow direction and eventually areas were identified which are more likely ground water recharge source of Tehran-Karaj aquifer. Manuscript profile
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        43 - A comparative study of vocabulary diversity in Arabic and Persian dubbing of Inside Out based on Johnson's model
        Abdulbasit Arab Yousefabadi
        In recent years, statistical analysis is used as a tool to evaluate the independent characteristics of texts. Keith Johnson, one of the theorists of statistical stylistics, believes that the style of that text can be obtained by calculating the ratio of the vocabulary o More
        In recent years, statistical analysis is used as a tool to evaluate the independent characteristics of texts. Keith Johnson, one of the theorists of statistical stylistics, believes that the style of that text can be obtained by calculating the ratio of the vocabulary of each text. In translation studies, this model can also be used to check the vocabulary diversity of the target text and compare it with the source text. The Inside Out (2015) is the winner of the Oscar award for the best animation, which was well received due to the fascinating subject of psychology and artistic depictions of mental concepts. In terms of style, the script of this animation is full of general and specialized words, a feature that is also evident in the translation of the script. In this research, an attempt is made to compare the lexical diversity of the Arabic and Persian dubbing of the above animation by relying on the descriptive-analytical method and referring to Johnson's model. The results show that the vocabulary of the Arabic dubbing of animation (52%) is more diverse than its Persian dubbing (45%). The reason for this variety of vocabulary can be found in the word production process in Arabic (based on derivation) and its clear difference from the word production process in Persian language (based on composition); Because the process of derivation provides the possibility of producing more diverse words than the process of composition. Manuscript profile
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        44 - The Analysis of Statistical Stylistics in some of Hamedani's and Yazeji's Maqamat Based on Bosiman's Hypothesis
        Soqra Falahati Hamed Sedqi Esmail Ashraf
        Researchers paid special attention to statistical stylistics studies such that recognition and discrimination of different styles in every text can be possible applying this method. Bosiman's statistical stylistics is quantitative but not qualitative.  In this stud More
        Researchers paid special attention to statistical stylistics studies such that recognition and discrimination of different styles in every text can be possible applying this method. Bosiman's statistical stylistics is quantitative but not qualitative.  In this study, We have investigated examples of Hamedani's and Yazeji's Maqamat based on Bosiman's equation in the paper. This equation adjusts Maqamat's style. The style of both authors in their Maqamat is based on this equation of literary style and passiveness degree is different from a Maqameh to another.Main element leading to increase of adjective-verb ratio in Maqamat of Hamedani and Yazeji is excessive usage of literary prose and poetry of Maqameh and also because Maqameh is considered as means for practicing writing and standing against religions of prose and poetry. Maqameh is similar to spoken word and that is including dictionary and expressing society status and its emotions. Among theme elements, only age has effect on Maqamat and this element is effective in raising of verb- adjective ratio for both of the authors.This paper is to investigate and study the style of Hamedani and Yazeji in some of their Maqamat based on Bosiman's hypothesis.   Manuscript profile
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        45 - Characterization of Stress Concentration in Thin Cylindrical Shells with Rectangular Cutout Under Axial Pressure
        O. Sam Daliri M. Farahani
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        46 - Improvement of Accuracy of Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Local and Statistical Methods
        Narges Savoj Bijan Shoushtarian
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        47 - Spatial analysis of chemical parameters affecting groundwater quality using factor analysis and geostatistical methods (Case study: Bayza-Zarghan plain)
        Hossein Behzadi Karimi Kamal Omidvar
        The aim of this study was to determine the most important variables affecting the quality of groundwater in the Bayza-Zarghan plain by using factor analysis technique and estimation of spatial distribution of quality parameters in ArcGIS software. Data of 12 water quali More
        The aim of this study was to determine the most important variables affecting the quality of groundwater in the Bayza-Zarghan plain by using factor analysis technique and estimation of spatial distribution of quality parameters in ArcGIS software. Data of 12 water quality parameters related to 27 wells were collected in summer, 2013. After normalizing the data, using factor analysis (FA), of hardness, salinity and water acidity,  that accounted for 90% of the total variance in the data. The share of variables in each factor was determined after Varimax rotation, and two parameters with the most significant correlation with its factor was determined for each factor. The first factor, TH and Mg, the second factor, SAR and Na, and the third factor, pH and HCO3 were selected as the most important parameters in groundwater quality in the region. The results of definitive and geostatistical methods for estimating the above parameters were analyzed using the statistical criterion of RMSe. The results showed that for all variables other than pH, COKriging method is the most appropriate method. For TH and Mg, the G-Bessel model, for SAR and Na, the Rational-Quadratic model, for HCO3, the Exponential model, and for pH, the IDW model with power 1, had a lower error and increased the accuracy of the prediction significantly. Spatial zoning maps for the quality parameters indicated that TH, Mg, SAR and Na parameters reach the highest density in the southeast and the lowest density in the north of the plain. The pH changes show that its value is higher in the Banish area in north of the plain than in other areas. And in terms of HCO3, the northeastern and southern regions of the region are in poor condition. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Investigation of land use changes and its relationship with groundwater level (Case study: Ardabil plain)
        Sayyad Asghari Saraskanroud Ehsan Ghale Elhameh Ebady
        Background and Objective Groundwater is the most important source of fresh water in the world. Drinking water for two billion people is supplied directly from groundwater and is used to irrigate the world's largest food supply. Improper harvesting of groundwater re More
        Background and Objective Groundwater is the most important source of fresh water in the world. Drinking water for two billion people is supplied directly from groundwater and is used to irrigate the world's largest food supply. Improper harvesting of groundwater reservoirs has led to the fact that the amount of feeder feed is not responsive to harvesting and the groundwater level has dropped. The drop in groundwater levels has led to problems such as drying up water wells, declining river and lake discharge, lowering water quality, increasing pumping costs and water extraction and land subsidence. Awareness of water level changes is necessary to understand the status of groundwater aquifers and their optimal management. By assessing groundwater level fluctuations, it can be used to manage water resources. One of the major applications of remote sensing is the detection and determination of land use changes. Using remote sensing, it is possible to study and identify various phenomena. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different land use on groundwater using interpolation geostatistical methods as well as object-oriented classification methods for land use mapping. Materials and Methods Ardabil plain is a mountainous plain located in northwestern Iran and east of the Azerbaijani plateau. The plain covers an area of 990 km2 among the highlands around it and in terms of political divisions includes parts of the cities of Ardabil and Namin. The data used in this study included a Landsat 8 satellite image of the OLI surveyor for the 2015 land use map, as well as a Landsat TM 5 surveyor for the 1987 land use plan. Also, in this study, the groundwater depth data of 43 piezometer wells in Ardabil plain were used. In this research, after preparing the statistics of piezometric wells, the data reconstruction method was used to eliminate the deficiencies in the study data. Reconstruction, which was used only to correct deficiencies in the data, is an interpolation method performed by the Neural Power software (based on the artificial neural network). To normalize the data, logarithmic transformations were used in SPSS and GS+ software was used for geostatistical analysis. ENVI software was used for atmospheric and radiometric corrections and ArcGIS software was used to extract the layer map. Results and Discussion The largest area in 1987 belongs to the irrigated agricultural class with an area of 51840 hectares. The second area belongs to the rainfed agricultural class, which has the largest area with 48,790 hectares. The smallest area also belongs to the use of water with 88.65 hectares. Looking at the uses of 1394, the results showed significant differences in such a way that the use of irrigated agriculture with 10.17 hectares has increased significantly compared to 1987. After extracting the land use change map to select the best intrusion model from among the various models, all models were evaluated and only the models that were more accurate than the other models were selected. The highest average water level was recorded in 1987 for agricultural agriculture and the lowest average water level was recorded for the forest area. Considering the land use map and the groundwater level map of 1394, the above analysis is confirmed and as it is known, the highest average water level this year belongs to the use of irrigated agriculture with 20.17 meters and the lowest average recorded water level is related to the use of the forest is 11.45 meters. Compared to 1987, water use has had a decrease in water level, which has reduced the water level of dams and also reduced the volume of water in rivers and even dried up several of these rivers. After water use, one of the most interesting uses that need to be analyzed and the reason for its search is the use of irrigated agriculture. This land use has the highest water level drop in 1987 and in 2015 it has faced the highest water level drop. The reason can be attributed to the over-harvesting of groundwater for irrigated crops that need more irrigation. Due to the fact that the Rain-fed crops in the study area are mostly wheat and do not need water or needless, but the amount of groundwater level in 2015 compared to 1987 has been accompanied by a significant decline. The use of pastures in 2015 compared to 1987 has dropped significantly, which indicates the critical situation of groundwater and excessive use of these resources. Conclusion In this study, in the first step, in order to classify and then examine the changes that occurred in a certain period of time in the study area. In order to classify the relevant images, An object-oriented classification method was used in eCognition software and the relevant outputs were extracted in ArcGIS software. Evaluation of classification accuracy for 2015 has a very high accuracy so that the overall accuracy and coefficient of the extracted Kapa at the highest possible level, the overall accuracy of 100% and the coefficient of Kapa 0.99 and for the year 1987 was extracted with less accuracy and general accuracy for In 1987, 98% and the Kappa coefficient was 0.95. After extracting the land use change map to select the best intrusion model from among the various models, all models were evaluated. Due to ME and RMSE values, the curing method has higher accuracy than other methods. Among the various modes of the curing method, the Gaussian model has the highest accuracy. According to the results, the most changed use in this area has been the use of pastures in irrigated agriculture and Rain-fed agriculture. This change shows that the increase in the use of irrigated agriculture and Rain-fed agriculture in this area has been accompanied by a decrease in the use of rangelands, which indicates the destruction of pastures. According to the groundwater level map, the highest average water level was recorded in 1987 for irrigated agricultural use and the lowest average water level was recorded for the forest area. Also, the highest average water level in 2015 belongs to the use of irrigated agriculture with 20.17 meters and the lowest average recorded water level is related to forest use with 11.45 meters. One of the interesting uses that need to be analyzed and the reason for its search is the use of irrigated agriculture. This land use has the highest water level drop in 1987 and in 2015 it has faced the highest water level drop. The reason can be attributed to the over-harvesting of groundwater for irrigated crops that need more irrigation. In general, all uses in 2015 compared to 1366 have faced a decrease in water balance. As a result of these changes, farmers have made more use of groundwater resources, which has led to a drop in groundwater levels over a 28 years period in the study area. This overuse is enough to reduce the average level of the plain by 4.9 meters during the mentioned period. http://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.26767082.1400. Manuscript profile
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        49 - The effect of digital preprocessing and modelling method on estimation of aboveground carbon stock of Zagros forests using Landsat 8 imagery
        Amir Safari Hormoz Sohrabi
        The aim of this study, was to evaluate the effectiveness of different preprocessing methods and modeling techniques on the accuracy of aboveground carbon stock estimates in two forest stands with different degradation levels (Gahvareh forest and SarfiruzAbad), in Zagros More
        The aim of this study, was to evaluate the effectiveness of different preprocessing methods and modeling techniques on the accuracy of aboveground carbon stock estimates in two forest stands with different degradation levels (Gahvareh forest and SarfiruzAbad), in Zagros forests in Kurdistan province. Comparison of different digital pre-processing methods on Landsat 8 images was carried out in different scenarios of radiometric, atmospheric, topographic and their combination. In each scenario, we used four modeling methods included linear regression, generalized additive model, random forest, and support vector machine. In most cases, radiometric correction with improved correction coefficient was 0.71 (R2adj =0.71)  and the root means square error of 30% (RMSe% =0.30) was outperformed. Comparison of four modeling methods indicates the lower accuracy of estimates in the SarfiruzAbad area with more degradation severity (R2adj =0.58) compared to the less damaged Gahvareh area (RMSe% =0.74). The random forest method for Gahvareh area and linear regression and a generalized additive model for SarfiruzAbad provides better results, respectively. However, our findings showed that selection of suitable preprocessing and modeling method have a noticeable effect on the accuracies of characteristics estimates in forest ecosystems by Landsat imagery. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Using the bootstrap approach for comparing statistical modeling methods to estimate remotely-sensed aboveground biomass in Zagros forests
        Amir Safari Hormoz Sohrabi
        Background and ObjectiveConsidering the increasing importance of forest ecosystems in climate change mitigation projects, reliable and cost-effective methods are required to estimate the aboveground biomass (AGB). Common  methods used to estimate the aboveground bi More
        Background and ObjectiveConsidering the increasing importance of forest ecosystems in climate change mitigation projects, reliable and cost-effective methods are required to estimate the aboveground biomass (AGB). Common  methods used to estimate the aboveground biomass (AGB) include in-situ measurement, the biomass calculation using aalometric equations and using remote sensing techniques. Remote sensing has been widely used to estimate the biomass of forests in recent decades.The used statistical modeling method is one of the most important factors to use remotely-sensed data for estimation of the aboveground biomass. A large number of researches have been carried out about using the modeling methods. However, these studies face the following different challenges: 1) no modeling method has been recommended as the best method 2) the performence of these modeling methods is affected by forest type, the forest structure, and the present disturbance intensity 3) the performance evaluation and the comparion of the results of these methods were done by using goodness-of-fit test and cross-validation methods. The purpose of this study is to considering the role of choosing statistical modeling methods to estimate remotely-sensed aboveground biomass, the current study was conducted to investigate nine statistical modeling methods including linear regression (LR), generalized additive model (GAM), random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), boosted regression tree (BRT), k-nearest neighbor (kNN), cubist regression (CR), Gaussian process model (GPR), multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS) using bootstrap process and 1000-repeated 10-fold cross-validation approach to estimate the aboveground biomass of Zagros forests using Landsat 8 images. Materials and Methods The cuurent study was conducted in Kermanshah forests which is mostly dominated by oak species trees (Quercus spp.) and is located in western Iran on the Zagros Mountains. Zagros forests are generally sparse and open  and comprise approximately 20% of Iran’s area and 40% forest regions of Iran. In order to conduct this study, two forest regions with different levels of human disturbances were chosen; SarfiruzAbad region with highly degraded (HD) forests, and Gahvareh forest region with minor degradation (MD). Geographical coordinates of SarfiruzAbad and Gahvareh regions are 33º57′-34º04′N / 47º03′-47º17′E & 34º21′- 34º24′N / 46º16′-46º23′ E respectively. The Leaf area index (LAI) map derived from the Landsat images based on a global model was used to collect field-based sample plots  in both regions of the study. Both regions were divided into three  low, moderate and high  Leaf area index (LAI) strata, and the locations of the sample plots were located by using a systematic inventory at the intersections of a 200m×200 m grid in each stratum. 124 georeferenced square plots of field-based sample plots (63 plots in Gahvareh region and 61 plots in SarfiruzAbad region) with 30m×30m dimensions the same size as a Landsat 8 image’s pixel were collected. Allometric equation developed for oak tree in Zagros forests was used to calculate the amount of  the aboveground biomass of each individual tree or sprout-clump. The allometric equation used in this study uses  two vertical tree crown diameters to estimate the amount of the biomass of each individual tree or sprout-clump. The sum of the amount of the biomass  of each individual tree in sample plot was used to calculate the amount of the biomass plot in sample plot level at a ton per hectare. Our study regions were located in a frame of Landsat 8 images (path/row:167/36). A cloud-free Landsat image relating to 19th Mordad 1394 (10th August 2015) relating to the time when the tree canopies are completely closed and near to the date of land inventory was downloaded from earthexplorer.usgs.gov site. Based on the previous studies, the pre-processing of the used image comprising the radiometric and topographic corrections was done.using C method. To estimate the aboveground biomass in the study areas by using remote sensing, 38 spectral variables including band values, simple band ratios, vegetation indices and common linear transformations like tasseled cap and principle component analysis  were extracted from the used Landsat 8 image. Generally, the efficiency of nine different statistical modeling methods including parametric methods (Linear Regression, LR), semiparametric (Generalized Additive Model, GAM), and nonparametric Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), Boosted regression trees (BRT), multivariate additive regression splines, cubist regression (CR), and Gaussian processes regression/model) were compared in order to estimate aboveground biomass. To assess the models, two common quality statistics: (i) determination coefficient and (2) root mean square error via 10 fold cross validation repeated 1000 times approach were calculated. This number of repeats helps to ensure an acceptable assessment of robustness of the results. Results and Discussion The measuredstatistical characteristics of the field sample plots showed that the mean aboveground biomass of SarfiruzAbad and Gahvareh regions were 12.6 ton/ha and 20.5 ton/ha respectively. ANOVA indicated significant differences between modelling methods (treatment effect: p< 0.001) for both R2 and RMSPE calculated in 1000-time repeats using 10-fold cross- validation.The Cubist modeling method with the mean determination coefficient of 0.61 outperformed other methods in SarfiruzAbad region.These resultsfor Gahvareh region showed better efficiency of linear regression (LR), generalized additive model (GAM), and k-nearest neighbor (KNN) with the mean determination coeffieient of 0.87.The multiple comparisons of different models by using Tukey test concerning RMSE showed that in SarfiruzAbad region, cubist method  with the mean of RMSE 3.3 ton/ha and kNN and RF methods with the mean of RMSE 5.8 ton/ha had a significant difference in comparison to the other methods. Totally, the results of the research revealed the suitable efficiency of Landsat 8 image for AGB estimation in Zagros forests. The acceptable results are due to the low AGB in our study regions that did not reached the saturation point as one of challenges of using optical images like Landsat. The other results of this research is the assessment of the effiecieny of modeling method in order to increase the accuracy of the estimation of remotely-sensed aboveground biomass.Unlike the results of the previous studies, linear regression yielded better results compared to nonparametric methods that can be due to the presence of the linear relationship between aboveground biomass and spectral variables derived from Landsat images. Among the used various spectral variables, red, near infrared, and  shortwave infrared 1 and 2  band ratios were selected as the final variable in most modeling methods. Conclusion In this study, we evaluated the effieincy of different statistical modeling methods to estimate AGB in Zagros forests by using Landsat images. The biomass estimations were compared by using nine parametric, semi-parametric, and non-parametric methods and using 1000-repeated 10-fold cross-validation. The results illustrated the acceptable potentiality of Landsat images for cost-efficient AGB estimating in Zagros oak forests. The accuracy of AGB estimation in Gahvareh region with low-degraded forest stands was higher than SarfiruzAbad region with highly degraded stands. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Investigating the quantity variation trend of ground water table using geostatistics and GIS (Case study: Sirjan Plain)
        Halimeh Piri Abolfazl Bameri
        The purpose of this research was to determine the temporal and spatial variation of groundwater levels of Sirjan Plain using geostatistical methods in the statistical period (1997-2007). The water level data of 30 wells were collected. The quality, accuracy and normalit More
        The purpose of this research was to determine the temporal and spatial variation of groundwater levels of Sirjan Plain using geostatistical methods in the statistical period (1997-2007). The water level data of 30 wells were collected. The quality, accuracy and normality of data were controlled and the water table was interpolated by different interpolation methods including inverse distance weighted (IDW), local polynomial interpolation (LPI), radial basis function (RBF) completely regularized spline, spline with tension, multiquadric, inverse multiquadric, thin plate spline, ordinary kriging (OK), simple kriging (SK), disjunctive kriging (DK). The best interpolation method was determined based on mean error (ME), root mean square error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination. The zoning map was also traced during investigation. The results showed that the Gaussian variogram model with 0.7 coefficient of determination was the best fitted model for the spatial data and local polynomial interpolation method and ordinary kriging method with root mean square error of 43.6 and 23.85 were the best method of interpolation respectively. The results also showed that the ordinary kriging with Gaussian variogram was statistically more accurate in comparison to other methods for estimating the depth of the groundwater table in the two periods. Zoning with ordinary kriging showed that groundwater level has dropped in most parts of the plains during the study period. The groundwater level drop ranged to 40 meters with an average of 15 meters. The water level has increased in the western parts of the plain which causing a shift of water from the western salty water aquifer into sweet water aquifer; and decreasing of Sirjan Plain Aquifer quality accordingly. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Differential Information Extraction of Electroencephalogram Signals for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Detection
        Farzaneh Manzari Peyvand Ghaderyan
        Introduction: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a chronic mental and social disease that is prevalent in about 2 to 3% of the human population leading to cognitive impairments and affected quality of patient's life. Therefore, a reliable and timely diagnosis can he More
        Introduction: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a chronic mental and social disease that is prevalent in about 2 to 3% of the human population leading to cognitive impairments and affected quality of patient's life. Therefore, a reliable and timely diagnosis can help psychiatrists in better treating or controlling this disease.Method: Previous studies have demonstrated interdependence impairments between different brain regions in patients with OCD. Hence, this study has provided a new approach based on the decomposition of signals into intrinsic components and extraction of differential transient changes in amplitude envelope and phase spectra of the EEG signal recorded during Flanker tasks. The proposed algorithm has been evaluated using 19 healthy subjects and 11 patients by the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier.Result: The obtained results have confirmed the capability of the proposed method in diagnosing the disease with high accuracy of 93.89% using amplitude differential information of the electroencephalogram signal.Conclusion: In comparison between different regions, the statistical features extracted from the frontal lobe, the frontal-parietal network, and the inter-hemispheric features have offered better detection ability. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Construction of Porous Multiscale Heterogeneous Microstructures using Statistical Correlation Functions and Minimal Surfaces
        A Hasanabadi
      • Open Access Article

        54 - Construction of α-cut fuzzy X control charts based on standard deviation and range using fuzzy triangular numbers
        Ezzatollah Balouyi Jamkhaneh
      • Open Access Article

        55 - Extreme value frequency analysis of annual wind for grate Khorasan
        Farhad khamchin moghadam hojat Rezaee Parand Mahboobeh Farzandi
        The annual fastest wind analysis of the important requirements in the design of tall building, Dams, etc. The annual fastest winds of grate Khorasan province synoptic stations selected for statistically analysis. The data were screened and the basic tests (randomness, h More
        The annual fastest wind analysis of the important requirements in the design of tall building, Dams, etc. The annual fastest winds of grate Khorasan province synoptic stations selected for statistically analysis. The data were screened and the basic tests (randomness, homogeneity, independence, etc.) were investigated. The data of four station have outliers and not random. Five stations were not stationery and heterogeneous. The seven distribution functions Gumble type 1, gamma 2 parameters, lognormal 2 and 3 parameters, Generalized Pareto, generalized Extreme values and Pearson type 3 with five estimation methods (conventional moments, maximum likelihood, probable weighted moments, maximum entropy and modified moments) were fitted. The Ks goodness of fit test applied to determine the suitability of the chosen distribution and superior distribution. Three priorities for each station were established. Because of the physical behavior of this phenomenon is well justified. Generalized Pareto 21 times and General Extreme value 11 times were the best fitted distributions. Probability weighted moments were the best estimation methods in all distributions.   Manuscript profile
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        56 - Study and Research on the Six-Year Process of Bitcoin Price and Return
        Mehrzad Alijani Bahman Banimahd Mehdi Madanchi
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        57 - Sample size calculation in entomological studies using R language of statistical computing Part 1: comparison of means and proportions
        J. Karimzadeh
        In many entomological studies, a smaller sample is taken than a statistician would advise. Clearly, such experiments would often fail to detect any significant effects, resulting in a complete waste of time and money. The present paper introduces statistical power of a More
        In many entomological studies, a smaller sample is taken than a statistician would advise. Clearly, such experiments would often fail to detect any significant effects, resulting in a complete waste of time and money. The present paper introduces statistical power of a test and its importance in determining the minimum sample size required for detecting significant effects. A number of experiments fail simply because issues of statistical power were not confronted at the planning stage. A fundamental question that is needed to address at the planning stage concerns the number of samples required to test the hypothesis of interest. The answer depends on the variance of response variable, the size of difference in the response variable that would be detectable as significant, the risk of a Type I error and the risk of a Type II error. Here using R language of statistical computing, the specific methods of the calculation of optimum sample size for laboratory and field studies are presented for two common scenarios.   Manuscript profile
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        58 - Multivariate geostatistical analysis: an application to ore body evaluation
        Mohammad Maleki Nasser Madani
        It is now a common practice in the mining industry to deal with several correlated exploratory attributes, which need to be jointly simulated to reproduce their correlations and assess the multivariate grade risk. Approaches to multivariate simulation, which remove the More
        It is now a common practice in the mining industry to deal with several correlated exploratory attributes, which need to be jointly simulated to reproduce their correlations and assess the multivariate grade risk. Approaches to multivariate simulation, which remove the correlation between attributes of interest prior to simulation and re-imposing of the relationship afterward, have been gaining popularity over the more common joint simulation methodologies. This is due to their better accuracy and computational efficiency as the number of attributes for simulation increases. Principal component analysis (PCA) is one of these approaches. However, PCA suffers from some drawbacks such as the factors that are uncorrelated just for collocated locations. Minimum/maximum autocorrelation factors (MAF) is a modification of the PCA method where the factors are uncorrelated for two lags. As an expectation, when the linear co-regionalization model contains only two nested structures, the factors do not have any spatial correlations. The main aim of this research is to compare the results of the MAF approach with some traditional approaches for multivariate simulation (co-simulation and independent simulation approaches). To this end, two variables have been simulated with three different methods and are then compared based on some yardsticks such as the ability to reproduce the original correlation coefficient between two variables. The results showed that MAF has the capability to reproduce the intrinsic correlation between the variables.  Manuscript profile
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        59 - The power law scaling, geometric and kinematic characteristic of faults in the Northern part of the Kerman Coal Province (KCP), Iran
        Hasan Mansouri Amir Shafiei Bafti Mohsen Pourkermani
      • Open Access Article

        60 - SPS Model: a significant algorithm to reduce the time and computer memory required in geostatistical simulations
        Behnam Sadeghi
      • Open Access Article

        61 - تحلیل فراوانی حداکثر بارندگی روزانه در گستره اقلیمی ایران
        عباس احمدپور حسن فتحیان پرویز حقیقت جو
        در این تحقیق به منظور تحلیل فراوانی حداکثر بارندگی روزانه در نقاط مختلف ایران داده های مربوط به 40 ایستگاه سینوپتیک در طی یک دوره 40 ساله از سال 1352 تا 1391 مورد استفاده قرارگرفته است. این ایستگاه ها معرف اقلیم های مختلف ایران بر اساس طبقه‌بندی دومارتن می باشند. در ابت More
        در این تحقیق به منظور تحلیل فراوانی حداکثر بارندگی روزانه در نقاط مختلف ایران داده های مربوط به 40 ایستگاه سینوپتیک در طی یک دوره 40 ساله از سال 1352 تا 1391 مورد استفاده قرارگرفته است. این ایستگاه ها معرف اقلیم های مختلف ایران بر اساس طبقه‌بندی دومارتن می باشند. در ابتدا داده ها به نرم افزار HYFA  وارد شدند. نرم‌افزار مذکور داده‌ها را به هفت تابع توزیع آماری نرمال، لگ نرمال دو پارامتری، لگ‌نرمال سه‌پارامتری، گامای دو پارامتری، پیرسون تیپ سه، لگ پیرسون تیپ سه و مقادیر حدی تیپ یک یا گمبل برازش می‌دهد. بنابراین داده‌ها به هفت تابع توزیع آماری فوق برازش داده شدند و مورد تحلیل فراوانی قرار گرفتند. نرم افزار HYFA پارامترها را بر اساس دو روش گشتاورها و حداکثر درستنمایی برآورد می‌کند. انتخاب بهترین توزیع برای تحلیل فراوانی حداکثر شدت بارندگی روزانه در هرکدام از ایستگاه های سینوپتیک با استفاده از آزمون‌های میانگین انحراف نسبی و میانگین مربع انحراف نسبی صورت گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که داده های 29 ایستگاه از توزیع لگ نرمال سه پارامتری، پنج ایستگاه از توزیع گامای دو پارامتری، دو ایستگاه لگ نرمال دو پارامتری، و چهار ایستگاه دیگر از توزیع مقادیر حدی نوع یک یا گمبل تبعیت می‌نمایند. این مطالعه نشان می‌دهد که حداکثر بارندگی روزانه در اقلیم های مختلف ایران (مرطوب و خشک) می تواند با یک توزیع واحد تجزیه و تحلیل شود. از طرف دیگر در اقلیم های مشابه نمی توان از یک توزیع واحد برای تحلیل فراوانی حداکثر بارندگی روزانه استفاده کرد. Manuscript profile
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        62 - ارزیابی و مقایسه بارش ماهانه محصولات ERA-Interim،PERSIANN-CDR،PERSIANN-CCS و CRU در استان خوزستان
        رضا کوچکی علی شهبازی خیرالله خادمی
        کمبود و توزیع نامناسب ایستگاه‌های باران‌سنجی یکی از چالش‌های پژوهش‌گران علوم هیدرولوژی و آب ‌وهوا شناسی است. در این پژوهش قابلیت به‌کارگیری چهار محصول بارش شبکه‌بندی شده PERSIANN-CDR، PERSIANN-CCS،ERA-Interimو CRU به‌عنوان مکمل یا جایگزین داده‌های زمینی در مقیاس ماهانه More
        کمبود و توزیع نامناسب ایستگاه‌های باران‌سنجی یکی از چالش‌های پژوهش‌گران علوم هیدرولوژی و آب ‌وهوا شناسی است. در این پژوهش قابلیت به‌کارگیری چهار محصول بارش شبکه‌بندی شده PERSIANN-CDR، PERSIANN-CCS،ERA-Interimو CRU به‌عنوان مکمل یا جایگزین داده‌های زمینی در مقیاس ماهانه مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. این ارزیابی از طریق مقایسه با داده‌های مشاهداتی و روش‌های آماری صورت پذیرفت. به‌منظور بررسی توانایی برآورد بارش این چهار محصول از آماره‌های ضریب همبستگی پیرسون (CORR)، اریبی (BIAS)، قدر مطلق خطا (MAE)، مجذور میانگین مربعات خطا (RMSE)، مجذور میانگین مربعات خطای نرمال شده (NRMSE)و ضریب کارایی مدل (EF)استفاده شد. این نمایه‌های آماری به‌صورت پهنه‌ای و در قالب نقشه برای سطح استان استخراج شد. مشاهده شدPERSIANN-CCSدر سطح استان در تخمین بارش ناموفق بود و از قابلیت اطمینان ضعیفی برخوردار می‌باشددرحالی‌که محصولات ERA-Interim،PERSIANN-CDRو CRUهمخوانی مناسبی با داده‌های مشاهداتی دارند و روند بارش ماهانه با خطای کمی برآوردمی‌کنند. در برخی نقاط استان بارش PERSIANN-CDR از قابلیت اطمینان بسیار بالایی برخوردار بود اما درمجموع کمترین دامنه خطا و بیشترین قابلیت اعتماد از بین 3 محصول ماهواره‌ای یادشده برای بارش ERA-Interimبه دست آمد و در صورت نقصان و نبود منابع داده‌ای زمینی می‌تواندبه‌عنوان یک منبع داده‌ای جایگزین و کمکی بکار گرفته شود. Manuscript profile
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        63 - تحلیل و مدل سازی آماری (پیش بینی) سری زمانی درجه حرارت کلانشهر اهواز
        کاظم حمادی لیلا نوذریان
        پیش‌بینی‌های دما و بارش به طور کارآمدی در تصمیم‌گیری و استفاده بهینه از منابع آب می­توانند به کار گرفته شوند. تحقیقات انجام شده در کشور نشانگر افزایش چشمگیر درجه حرارت سالانه است. روشن شدن این وضعیت برای کلانشهر اهواز بدلیل قطب جمعیتی جنوب غرب کشور، تراکم صنایع نفت، More
        پیش‌بینی‌های دما و بارش به طور کارآمدی در تصمیم‌گیری و استفاده بهینه از منابع آب می­توانند به کار گرفته شوند. تحقیقات انجام شده در کشور نشانگر افزایش چشمگیر درجه حرارت سالانه است. روشن شدن این وضعیت برای کلانشهر اهواز بدلیل قطب جمعیتی جنوب غرب کشور، تراکم صنایع نفت، پتروشیمی، فولاد و برق، قطب شبکه­های آبیاری وزهکشی و اراضی زراعی سنتی مهم می باشند. این تحقیق با هدف تحلیل مقدماتی سری زمانی درجه حرارت سالانه اهواز صورت می­گیرد تا ضمن مشخص نمودن مولفه­های سری­­های زمانی به ویژه مولفه روند، میزان سهم و تغییرات آن­ها را نیز روشن نماید. با بکارگیری تئوری سری­های زمانی استوکاستیک همراه با روند نسبت به پیش دید شرایط آتی و شبیه سازی آن برای 58 سال آتی اقدام نمود. نتایج پژوهش نشان­می­دهد روند افزایشی درجه حرارت برابر  می­باشد. Manuscript profile
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        64 - تعیین مقدار کلر آب‌های زیرزمینی، با استفاده از هدایت‌الکتریکی با روش‌های زمین‌آمار ( مطالعه موردی چاه‌های آب شرب مشهد )
        سید حسین موسوی فضل علیرضا فرید حسینی بیژن قهرمان
        اطلاع  از غلظت کلر در آب‌های زیرزمینی، برای مصارف شرب و کشاورزی مهم است. اگر غلظت این عنصر در آب بیش از حد باشد، می‌تواند باعث بروز مشکلاتی برای انسان و مسمومیت برای گیاه شود. اندازه‌گیری کلر در آب‌های زیرزمینی در سطح  وسیع، پر هزینه  و وقت‌گیر است‏، More
        اطلاع  از غلظت کلر در آب‌های زیرزمینی، برای مصارف شرب و کشاورزی مهم است. اگر غلظت این عنصر در آب بیش از حد باشد، می‌تواند باعث بروز مشکلاتی برای انسان و مسمومیت برای گیاه شود. اندازه‌گیری کلر در آب‌های زیرزمینی در سطح  وسیع، پر هزینه  و وقت‌گیر است‏، بنابراین دست‌یابی به روشی آسان و کم ‌هزینه‌تر، دارای اهمیت ویژه‌ای است. روش‌های زمین آمار،  بر پایه متغیرهای مکانی استوارند. تغییرات این دسته از متغیرها از نقطه‌ای به نقطه دیگر، دارای پیوستگی مشخصی است. این پژوهش به منظور ارزیابی توانایی روش‌های زمین آمار، در تخمین کلر با استفاده از متغیر کمکی هدایت‌الکتریکی در آب‌های زیرزمینی محدوده شهر مشهد و اطراف آن انجام شد. برای این منظور از 276 حلقه چاه عمیق منطقه، نمونه برداری شد و پارامترهای هدایت الکتریکی و کلر، اندازه‌گیری شدند. داده‌ها با نرم‌‌افزار جی اس پلاس ( GS+  )، تجزیه و تحلیل شدند. برای بررسی همبستگی مکانی داده‌ها، واریوگرام‌های تجربی هر متغیر و واریوگرام متقابل آن‌ها، محاسبه و ترسیم شدند. نتایج نشان داد، پیوستگی خوبی بین پارامترهای اندازه‌گیری شده وجود دارد. ضریب همبستگی دو متغیر، براساس  واریوگرام  متقابل آن‌ها، 91/. محاسبه شد. برای هدایت‌الکتریکی، مدل کروی و برای کلر، مدل گوسین بر مبنای حداقل مقدار RSS  به عنوان مناسب‌ترین مدل برازش داده شد. برای مقایسه روش‌های تخمین، از روش ریشه دوم میانگین مربع خطاها (RMSE) و نمودار پراکنش مقادیر مشاهده‌ای و برآوردی استفاده ‌شد. روش­های زمین­آمار،  مقادیر کلر  را  با دقت بیشتری  نسبت به روش‌های  IDW  و NDW   برآورد نمودند.  Manuscript profile
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        65 - Presenting a model for statistical process control in order to optimize efficiency and quality in manufacturing industries
        abbas morovvati Seyed Jalaledin Hosseini Ghoncheh Hasan Haleh
        In this research, a combined statistical process control model is presented to identify factors affecting efficiency and quality in manufacturing and component manufacturing industries, and then controlling and optimizing these processes is considered. Manufacturing and More
        In this research, a combined statistical process control model is presented to identify factors affecting efficiency and quality in manufacturing and component manufacturing industries, and then controlling and optimizing these processes is considered. Manufacturing and component industries are considered as the main body of the country's industries for case study and implementation. Clustering techniques are used to discover factors affecting efficiency. And then using decision tree algorithms to predict efficiency and quality in these industries, and in the final stage, control charts of dispersion and average variables are used to draw control charts. The comparison table of the parameters is prepared by the output of the Clementine software, and RapidMiner software is used in the neural network section. The results obtained from the identification of influencing and forecasting factors are close to the target values from a technical point of view, and the control charts are consistent with the technical control limits of the characteristics and are useful for optimizing the target value, which is efficiency and quality. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Using Profile Approach to Managing Thermoforming Process of Automotive Decoration Parts
        Karim Atashgar Omid Asghari Zargarabadi
        In many manufacturing/ service cases, a process is monitored effectively by a functional relationship between an independent variable(s) and a response variable rather than measurements on a single quality specification or a quality specification vector. This regression More
        In many manufacturing/ service cases, a process is monitored effectively by a functional relationship between an independent variable(s) and a response variable rather than measurements on a single quality specification or a quality specification vector. This regression relationship is referred to a profile in the statistical process control literature. Scientific reports address profile monitoring leads to a more effective quality management in the case that the relationship function is adopted correctly. Profile approach helps an industrial process management to analyze the behavior of quality specifications by a curve. In this paper, the management of thermoforming process for a cover part of the fender of SAMAND automotive is investigated. The model proposed for phase-I of this research address the capability of monitoring the process for phase-II of statistical control.  Manuscript profile
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        67 - Developing an Optimization Algorithm for Multi-product and Multi-level Inventory Systems with Random Parameters
        Fariborz Jolai Sayyed Mohammad Reza Davoodi Ali Mohaghar Mohammad Reza Mehregan
        The present study aimed to develop and compare a simulated model of multi-product and multi-level inventory systems. The model is developed for the final product, different medium products, and the main product. The main purpose of optimization is to minimize costs func More
        The present study aimed to develop and compare a simulated model of multi-product and multi-level inventory systems. The model is developed for the final product, different medium products, and the main product. The main purpose of optimization is to minimize costs function. The servicing level of units is measured through backfilling rate that should be more than a minimum level. In the proposed algorithm, the local optimization was found through the genetic algorithm. Since point estimation of goal function and backfilling rates are done on the simulation in the present study based, the statistical methods were used for investing possibility of solutions. Finally, one example was presented in the three-level network. Because linear localization is an especial form of second-order localization, the difference between goal function and estimated volume was at the minimum level. Undoubtedly, it is expected that the estimated point of this algorithm is better than the estimated point of linear localization.   Manuscript profile
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        68 - Investigation of Hydrogeochemitry of Water Resources of Gonbad Kavoos Plain and Analysis of Spatial Variation using GIS
        Water is one the most important resource used by human in the daily life. Iran due to locating in the arid and semi-arid area has a limited water resource. Quality and quantity of water is important in various consumption among drinking, agricultural, industry and sanit More
        Water is one the most important resource used by human in the daily life. Iran due to locating in the arid and semi-arid area has a limited water resource. Quality and quantity of water is important in various consumption among drinking, agricultural, industry and sanitation, therefor studying its quality seems essential from a hydrogeochemical viewpoint. In this study data of 38 samples of Gonbad Kavoos and its surrounding has used. The obtained hydrochemical data using graphical diagrams (Piper, Wilcox and scholler diagram) and multivariate statistical analysis (Principal components analysis and clustering analysis) interpreted along the Arc GIS software. Based on Piper diagram most of samples fallen in section 5 (mixing zone) and section 3 (sulfate-chloride and sodium-potassium (saline)). From Wilcox viewpoint (assessment of water quality for agriculture) samples related with west part of Gonbad Kavoos showed the moderate and bad quality. Most of samples related with western part of Gonbad Kavoos from scholler diagram viewpoint (investigation of water quality for drinking) were with inappropriate and completely unpleasant. Clustering analysis led to extraction of two cluster, two first cluster mainly located in eastern part of Gonbad plain with better quality rather than cluster 3 and 4. Cluster 3 and 4 in western part of plain having the worst quality. With regarding observed problems especially in western part of plain, it is recommended a detailed study to improving the management of quality and quantity of water resources in the villages located west part of Gonbad Kavoos. Manuscript profile
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        69 - Coal exploratory pattern estimation by geological uncertainty and analysis of fault presence effect (Parvadeh III region)
        Omid Asghari Naser Madani-Esfahani
        Geostatistical simulation methods have known as a powerful tool for estimating spatial distribution of geologicaluncertainty and risk in the mining exploration. This method is used in metal mining industry very much but wasless in coal mining industry. Parvadeh III is l More
        Geostatistical simulation methods have known as a powerful tool for estimating spatial distribution of geologicaluncertainty and risk in the mining exploration. This method is used in metal mining industry very much but wasless in coal mining industry. Parvadeh III is located in east of central Iran. This deposit has 5 layers as: C1, C2,B1, B2, and D, that layer C1 was chosen as a layer which can reflect alone the specification of Parvadeh IIIbecause of low ash, lack of continuity of the coefficient of zero and first place in terms of having quality. In thisresearch, at first Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) has applied in order to carbon accumulation and faultestimation. Then accumulation geological uncertainty for coal resource classification has obtained using errormaps. More optimal number of boreholes in the area, according to the 95% confidence level has determined.Since the uncertainty and risk have significant role in geological fault coal resource estimation and previousstudies estimated mineral resources and reserves of coal has also been ignored, according to these criteria thepresence of fault probability maps were determined. The places that have probability of fault presence about100% are the riskiest regions for coal resource estimation. Finally, this method can be used for subsequentanalysis to design exploratory pattern because of the high performance. Manuscript profile
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        70 - Comparison of methods of seismic hazard assessment, case study: Dasht-e-Bayaz area, E Iran
        Akbar Irannejad Parizi Majid Nemati Vahid Jafari Najme Sifi
        Dasht-e-Bayaz region is one of the most seismically active areas in eastern Iran, which has relatively long and active faults. 1968 and 1979 catastrophic earthquakes (MW>7.0) in this area show that the area has experienced significant damages. Using existing maps inc More
        Dasht-e-Bayaz region is one of the most seismically active areas in eastern Iran, which has relatively long and active faults. 1968 and 1979 catastrophic earthquakes (MW>7.0) in this area show that the area has experienced significant damages. Using existing maps including active faults map and satellite images and Seismological catalog of International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, seismotectonic map was prepared and seismic hazard was investigated using deterministic and probabilistic methods. Also, for AHP method, special questionnaire was designed, which answered with seismologists and the seismic hazard was evaluated using AHP method. The deterministic and probabilistic results show that there is probability of occurrence of an earthquake with magnitude of 7.6 during a 20-year period in Dasht-e-Bayaz and Qaen regions. Also, using the two above methods the highest risk is related to Ferdows thrust fault within the investigated active faults in the Dasht-e Bayaz-Qaen area. Although, the AHP method, which considers hypocentral and epicentral distances of the earthquakes, mechanism of the faults and kind of the bedrock, introduces Dasht-e-Bayaz fault region as a high risk area Manuscript profile
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        71 - Explanatory and Statistical Analysis for Top-Level Kata Competitions in Karate-1 Events
        Md Mashum Billal Tazrin Jahan Priyanka
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        72 - Statistical studies and investigation of environmental contamination of arsenic in stream sediments of Zaylik area, southeast of Ahar
        Abolfazl Hasanzadeh Koulani Somayeh Baharlouei Yancheshmeh
        AbstractAccording to the statistical studies that were carried out in the Zylik mineralization zone, most of the samples collected from stream sediments show the concentration of arsenic (As) and antimony (Sb) higher than their Clarke concentration (Clarke number or cla More
        AbstractAccording to the statistical studies that were carried out in the Zylik mineralization zone, most of the samples collected from stream sediments show the concentration of arsenic (As) and antimony (Sb) higher than their Clarke concentration (Clarke number or clarke is the relative abundance of a chemical element, typically in Earth's crust). Also, according to the United States environmental protection agency (U.S. EPA) report, these values are higher than its standard for residential and industrial areas. According to the geochemical distribution map of these elements, the highest concentration of arsenic (As) is in the north and northeast and antimony (Sb) is in the north, south and east of the study area. It seems that this enrichment corresponds to the streams passing through the siliceous veins and caps in the north of the region. Therefore, this area can be the source of environmental contamination, which affects the ecosystem as a result. Manuscript profile
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        73 - An Adaptive Approach to Increase Accuracy of Forward Algorithm for Solving Evaluation Problems on Unstable Statistical Data Set
        Omid SojodiShijani Nader Rezazadeh
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        74 - Process Capability Analysis in the Presence of Autocorrelation
        Mohsen Mohamadi Mehdi Foumani Babak Abbasi
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        75 - Phase-II Monitoring of AR (1) Autocorrelated Polynomial Profiles
        Mehdi Keramatpour سید تقی اخوان نیاکی Amirhossein Amiri
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        76 - A Comparative Study of Four Evolutionary Algorithms for Economic and Economic-Statistical Designs of MEWMA Control Charts
        سید تقی اخوان نیاکی مهدی Malaki محمد جواد ارشادی
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        77 - Designing Tolerance of Assembled Components Using Weibull Distribution
        Mohammad Mehdi Movahedi Seyedreza Seyedghasemi
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        78 - Monitoring process variability: a hybrid Taguchi loss and multiobjective genetic algorithm approach
        Heng-Soon Gan Abdul Sattar Safaei
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        79 - An Efficient Economic-Statistical Design of Simple Linear Profiles Using a Hybrid Approach of Data Envelopment Analysis, Taguchi Loss Function, and MOPSO
        Maryam Fazelimoghadam Mohammad Javad Ershadi Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki
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        80 - Monitoring of Social Network and Change Detection by Applying Statistical Process: ERGM
        Farshid Rajabi Abbas Saghaei Soheil Sadinejad
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        81 - A Bi-objective Non-linear Approach for Determining the Ordering Strategy for Group B in ABC Analysis Inventory
        Fatemeh Keshavarz-Ghorbani Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh
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        82 - Process Capability Analysis in the Presence of Autocorrelation
        Mohsen Mohamadi Mehdi Foumani Babak Abbasi
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        83 - A Review and Evaluation of Statistical Process Control Methods in Monitoring Process Mean and Variance Simultaneously
        Ahmad Ostadsharifmemar Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki
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        84 - Change Point Estimation of a Process Variance with a Linear Trend Disturbance
        Rassoul Noorossana Majeed Heydari
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        85 - Stress Analysis of the Scoliosis Disorder.
        Fatemeh Nori Seyed Hooman Ghasemi
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        86 - Alterations in acute phase proteins, hemogram and electrophoretic pattern of equine serum proteins following change of diet from forage to forage mixed with concentrate
        Rouhoullah Karampour Mohammad Razi Jalali mohammad rahim haji hajikalaei Alireza Ghadrdan mashhadi
        Despite extensive studies on the relationship between diet type and its effect on equine biochemical factors, little is known about horse serum and plasma proteins following changes in diet from forage to forage mixed with concentrate. Acute phase proteins are a group o More
        Despite extensive studies on the relationship between diet type and its effect on equine biochemical factors, little is known about horse serum and plasma proteins following changes in diet from forage to forage mixed with concentrate. Acute phase proteins are a group of serum proteins whose concentrations increase in response to infections, inflammation, trauma, and neoplasia. Therefore, in the present study, we evaluated the serum levels of serum biomarkers, fibrinogen and total protein concentration along with the nutritional behavior of horses during diet change. For this purpose, two types of diets, including forage (first treatment) and mixture of forage with concentrate (second treatment) were used for each horse for fifteen consecutive days. Complete blood cell counts as well as serum levels of fibrinogen, haptoglobin and amyloid type A were measured before and after dietary changes. Serum fibrinogen, haptoglobin and amyloid A levels were significantly increased in horses of the second treatment group compared to horses in the first treatment group (p<0.05). There was also a statistically significant difference in the complete blood cell count due to the change of diet from forage to forage mixed with concentrate (p<0.05). It seems that changes in the natural flora of the horse's digestive tract following a change in diet can protect the animal's body against acute inflammatory and traumatic injuries. Manuscript profile
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        87 - Identifying and Ranking Performance Standards of Educational Administrators; Case study: Tabriz Elementary Schools
        Seyedeh Mahtab Halimi Eskandar Fathi Azar
             The aim of this study was to identify and then to rank the standards for the performance of the elementary schools leaderships. First the literature was reviewed in detail and 6 criteria including 40 sub-criteria were extracted and then we asked some More
             The aim of this study was to identify and then to rank the standards for the performance of the elementary schools leaderships. First the literature was reviewed in detail and 6 criteria including 40 sub-criteria were extracted and then we asked some experts to evaluate and approve them. Then a questionnaire is developed and 80 leaders were asked by face-to-face interview to answer for the questions. They should first rank the criteria based on their preferences and then answer for 40 questions about the existing situation of these criteria. The reliability of the questionnaire is approved by three experts and then its validity and reliability is checked. The data are analyzed by calculating the following statistics: average functions, standard deviation and t-student test using the SPSS software. The results show these ranking for main criteria of the standard: 1) ethics and values, 2) obligations, 3) characteristics, 4) skills, 5) roles, 6) achieve results. There are some discrepancies among the preferences of the leaders and what they experience in action and it is discussed in detail in thesis. Manuscript profile
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        88 - Factorial structure of the statistical anxiety scale and its relationship with students’ personal characteristics in Abadan Islamic Azad University
        Ghasem Rekabdar Bahareh Soleymani
                 The aim of this study is constructing and validating a Persian scale for measuring statistical anxiety among students of Islamic Azad University in Abadan. The minor aim is to determine its relationship with gender, age, the field of st More
                 The aim of this study is constructing and validating a Persian scale for measuring statistical anxiety among students of Islamic Azad University in Abadan. The minor aim is to determine its relationship with gender, age, the field of study in high school. The statistical sample size included    319 student s (129male &190female) who were enrolled in second term in statistics course, were randomly selected using cluster sampling. The initial questionnaire included 47 items, 17 items of which were deleted due to initial statistical analysis. The reliability of factorial analyses of 30 items were put on five factors, namely: application statistical anxiety, analyze and comment of statistical anxiety, examining statistical anxiety, statistical anxiety instrument, and teachers’ statistical anxiety.         Using alpha coefficient and test -retest methods, the reliability of total statistical anxiety scale and subscales were confirmed. Three way ANOVA was used for determining effects of gender, age and field of study in high school on the statistical anxiety. The findings indicated that main effects of gender and field of study in high school were significant on statistics anxiety. Post hoc test indicated that female students had greater anxiety than the male students. Also scheffe test indicated that students studying in humanities during high school had greater statistical anxiety than the other students. Manuscript profile
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        89 - Evaluation of Educational Scientific Articles with the Purpose of Identification Common Statistical Errors
        Golamreza Yadegarzadeh Adel Fatemi
        The goal of this research is to identify the statistical errors in the articles published in the field of Educational Sciences. For this purpose, by using a two-stage clustering sampling method, 92 articles were selected out of 12 issues of the journals in Educational S More
        The goal of this research is to identify the statistical errors in the articles published in the field of Educational Sciences. For this purpose, by using a two-stage clustering sampling method, 92 articles were selected out of 12 issues of the journals in Educational Sciences studied. The research design was based on document analysis and the method for analyzing the data was according to multiple comparisons by the use of error bars. The results showed that 39 articles out of 92 ones had at least one statistical error, and among this article, there were 49 common error  including, error types listed based on frequency of occurrence: "Fitting the regression model without examining the assumptions of the residuals, Use of independent T-test without examining the homogeneity of variances (levene's test), false fitting of the structural equations model, Biased sampling method, Using the analysis of variance instead of T-test, Using Friedman's nonparametric test without considering the distribution of data, Mismatch results of the statistical analysis, Using the independent T-test instead of paired one, Interpreting the results of Levene's test instead of the results of T-test, Performing the follow-up test without performing the analysis of variance, and finally Analysis of statistical significance just based on the results of descriptive statistics". The results also showed that the highest frequency of errors is related to the extracted articles out of master's theses, organizational affliction related to Islamic Azad University, academic degree of the instructor, non-specialists in Educational Sciences, journals with a history of publication below 20 years and article with 3 authors.   Manuscript profile
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        90 - The Effect of Investment Opportunities, Growth and Capital Productivity on Firm Performance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange
        Heidar Mohammadzadeh Salteh
        Investors seek to maximize their wealth. Growth opportunities are the driving force that give motivation and are considered bonus for investors. What in the current situation will lead to success is the optimum use of the available investment opportunities in order to i More
        Investors seek to maximize their wealth. Growth opportunities are the driving force that give motivation and are considered bonus for investors. What in the current situation will lead to success is the optimum use of the available investment opportunities in order to identify the factors affecting the firm's performance. Timely and rational use of investment opportunities by business units has a significant effect on performance improvement. Firm growth, from the perspective of capital market and management is an important variable and can be effective on firm performance. Therefore, in this research, the effect of investment opportunities and growth on firm performance of listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange has been studied. The statistical population includes the companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange, out of each a statistical sample of 134 corporates was selected by systematic elimination sampling method. The period under review was a 5-year period (2007-2011) and the hypotheses in this research were tested by using combined data (panel). The results show that investment opportunities do not affect firm performance, and firm growth has a positive and significant effect on return on asset but does not affect market value added. Also, capital productivity has a positive and significant effect on firm performance. Manuscript profile
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        91 - Estimation of groundwater levels in Bayza plain using geostatistical methods
        غلامعلی مظفری hossein behzadi karimi
        During the recent years in Iran and especially arid and semi-arid due to natural and human factors, has been seen the underground water level drop. The aim of this study was to examine the spatial and temporal changes of underground water level using geostatistical meth More
        During the recent years in Iran and especially arid and semi-arid due to natural and human factors, has been seen the underground water level drop. The aim of this study was to examine the spatial and temporal changes of underground water level using geostatistical methods. First, were collectedthe static level of the data related to the 39 wells in the aquifer Bayza plain seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter of blue year 2003-2004 to 2012-2013.After quality control and ensure the normal data,The results of the deterministic methods of statistical estimation for static surface and ground water based on cross-validation technique statistical criteria the second root mean square error case evaluated. The results of the deterministic methods and geostatistical for estimation of groundwater levels case evaluated based on cross-validation technique by statistical criteria root mean square (RMSe). The map water level changes showed that in all seasons, the underground water level in the North plain is higher and gradually towards reduced the Center and the South Plains. View to be largest decreases the level of stagnation in fall blue year 2012-2013 to amount of 14.3 m, and minimum water level drop in winter blue 2003-2004 to amount of 5 m. Manuscript profile
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        92 - A Statistical Study of Mashhad׳s Air Polluted Days
        Tahereh Soltani Amir Gandomkar Hooshmand Ataei Abbas Mofidi
        Abstract For a precise study of polluted days in terms of persistence and stability , this paper statistically studies the air pollution of Mashhad.The data related to the pollution was provided daily by environment department of Razavi Khorasan province from 2003 to 20 More
        Abstract For a precise study of polluted days in terms of persistence and stability , this paper statistically studies the air pollution of Mashhad.The data related to the pollution was provided daily by environment department of Razavi Khorasan province from 2003 to 2009. After collecting the data and specifying statistical period , the pollutants with the most impact on the air pollution of Mashhad ( carbon monoxide , nitrogen dioxide , sulfur dioxide , ozone and particulate matters ( PM10 ) were selected among these data for specifying air quality. Then , statistical analysis was made in order to specify persistence and number of the polluted days and finally , these results were obtained that the air pollution has been ranging from 2003 to 2009 with a reduction trend. In addition , during the desired period , particulate matters (PM10 ) had the maximum amount.The most polluted seasons of Mashhad are autumn and winter. In the terms of annual distribution , the year 2007 with 29 days had the maximum amount of pollution. December with 18 days has been specified as the most polluted and June the cleanest months of the year. In addition , after studying the number of polluted days with the persistence of two days and more , it was revealed that the years 2007 and 2008 were more significant in terms of persistence than the other years. Manuscript profile
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        93 - Statistical analysis Synoptic Thunder storms Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad
        Hasan Lashkari Zahra Yarmoradi Hasan Mousavi
        negative and harmful actions damaged by natural disasters caused by climate change has been struggling.The most frequent and severe thunderstorms this type of risk is that a lot of products each year Agricultural production facility construction, many areas of the world More
        negative and harmful actions damaged by natural disasters caused by climate change has been struggling.The most frequent and severe thunderstorms this type of risk is that a lot of products each year Agricultural production facility construction, many areas of the world, causing human casualties And every year in our country's strength and weakness that we experience with this phenomenon. Kohgiloyeh due to the mountainous area of opportunity for the intensification and expansion of thunder storms is. n this study, severe thunder storms to explore Kohgiluyeh Boyer Ahmad, the code related to the storm Tndrydr period 1990 to 2010 the country was extracted Meteorological Organization. The sea level pressure data, geopotential height, humidity and omega of databases NCEP / NCAR downloaded software were traced GRADS. Finally, 70 of thunderstorms to investigate the source of moisture and synoptic factors causing these storms were selected and evaluated. The most severe cases were selected according to the criteria described in full detail. The results showed that the cause of the Thunder, the Sudanese system. Due to potential high humidity (due to the formation of the next hot water on the equator) and receive ample moisture from the warm seas of Oman and the Arabian and Red Sea are high potential energy. As a result of the release of considerable heat Badrrvy severe thunder storms on the province. It should be noted that the topography of the region in strengthening and intensification of these storms has been ineffective Manuscript profile
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        94 - برنامه ریزی نیروی انسانی به روش زنجیره مارکوف (مطالعه موردی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد فیروزکوه)
        ملیحه صحرایی
        مقاله حاضر با هدف پیش بینی و تعیین عرضه خالص نیروی انسانی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد فیروزکوه برای یک دوره معین انجام شده است. لذا به کمک تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات گذشته منابع انسانی، از روش مدل زنجیره مارکوف استفاده شده است و در نهایت تعداد نیروی انسانی، ورود و خروج و همچنین More
        مقاله حاضر با هدف پیش بینی و تعیین عرضه خالص نیروی انسانی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد فیروزکوه برای یک دوره معین انجام شده است. لذا به کمک تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات گذشته منابع انسانی، از روش مدل زنجیره مارکوف استفاده شده است و در نهایت تعداد نیروی انسانی، ورود و خروج و همچنین کمبود و مازاد در هر یک از واحدها و پست های مختلف سازمانی برای 5 سال آینده ( از 1390 تا 1394) پیش بینی شده است و بدین ترتیب تصویر روشنی از وضعیت نیروی انسانی از لحاظ ارتقاء، تنزل، انتقال، استخدام و ترک خدمت کارکنان برای تصمیم گیری مدیران فراهم شده است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل کلیه کارکنان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد فیروزکوه می‌باشد. Manuscript profile
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        95 - The thermal conductivity investigation of nanofluids containing decorated Ag nanorods with Cu nanoparticles using statistical method
        Sedigheh Abbasi Farid Nourivatan
      • Open Access Article

        96 - Fatigue Characterization of High Performance Hybrid Aluminium AA 5083/SiCp/Fly Ash Metal Matrix Composites
      • Open Access Article

        97 - Evaluation of prediction capability of the Statistical and Logestic models for mapping landslide susceptibility (Case Study: Vanakbasin )
        Alireza Arab Ameri Koorosh Shirani Amir Hosein Halabiyan
        The aim of this study is to produce landslide susceptibility mapping by Statistical models based on geographic information system (GIS) in the Southwestern of Isfahan Province,Vanak basin. First, the landslide locations were identified in the study area from interpretat More
        The aim of this study is to produce landslide susceptibility mapping by Statistical models based on geographic information system (GIS) in the Southwestern of Isfahan Province,Vanak basin. First, the landslide locations were identified in the study area from interpretation of aerial photographs and multiple field surveys. 140 cases (70 %) out of 200 detected landslides were randomly selected for modeling, and the remaining 60 (30 %) cases were used for the model validation. The landslideconditioning factors, including slope degree, slope aspect, altitude, lithology, rainfall, distance to faults, density of streams, distance to road and land use were extracted from the spatial database. Using these factors, landslide susceptibility and weights of each factor were analyzed by logistic regression, density area and Certainty Factor models. The results of the models assessment showed that area density method by applying quality sum index (QS) is the highest value (0.35), then certainty factor and Logestic Regression are values of 0.29 and 0.11 in the next category, respectively. The interpretation of the susceptibility map indicated that altitude, rainfall and slope aspect play major roles in landslide occurrence in the study area These landslide susceptibility maps can be used for planning of land use , future road construction and hazard mitigation purpose. Manuscript profile
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        98 - A Comparative Analysis of the Relationship between Development and Urbanization in Iran and the World
        Kaveh Aminnedzad Bakhtyar Ezaatpanah
        So far, the process of urbanization in different parts of the world and from different aspects has been discussed, one of the aspects of the topics and focus areas of the city that has attracted many researchers. Dedication and effort in examining the relationship betwe More
        So far, the process of urbanization in different parts of the world and from different aspects has been discussed, one of the aspects of the topics and focus areas of the city that has attracted many researchers. Dedication and effort in examining the relationship between cities and the urbanization of countries can discuss and present an assessment of the degree of health or lack of healthcare developments of socio – economic status. In this way, the stronger the correlation between development and urbanization process, the more developed and improved from socio - economic status it will be. Having this purpose in mind, primarily the researcher has spent time analyzing the urbanization systems in the North and the South Countries referring to such indexes as Net Gross Product while addressing Provinces in Iran the amount of income along with the achieved profit and comparing them with the rate of urbanization across the country. In this paper an analytical - comparative method is deployed to research the advantage and the measure of development and urbanization of Iran along with rating provincial ranking techniques. The results show that the strength and degree of correlation between economic and human development indicates  poor correlation between urbanization process and indicators of human development; an understanding that  does not follow any predictable pattern of change and development . Manuscript profile
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        99 - Design, Manufacturing and Surface quality Analysis of Machining by Self-Rotary Milling Tool
        Mostafa Rabi Yeganeh Aminolah Mohammadi Hamed Ghafarirad Mehdi Meskin
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        100 - Evaluation of groundwater quality in Dayyer city Bushehr using groundwater quality index (GQI)
        Zahra Mojarad Abdul Rahim Pazira Tayebeh Tabatabaie
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        101 - Statistical Analysis of the Impact of Cold Joint on the Compressive Strength of Concrete Made by the National Method for Concrete Mix Design
        Arash rafiei Ah karimi
        One of the common problems in the implementation of concrete structures is seam or cold joint. The discontinuity in concrete body can cause structural weakness, increased permeability, reduced durability, corrosion of the rebar, and bad appearance of concrete. In this s More
        One of the common problems in the implementation of concrete structures is seam or cold joint. The discontinuity in concrete body can cause structural weakness, increased permeability, reduced durability, corrosion of the rebar, and bad appearance of concrete. In this study, in order to evaluate the effect of cold joint on compressive strength of concrete, 192 cubic samples by national method of mix design in 4 modes, in which 48 samples without cold joint, 48 samples with horizontal cold joint, 48 samples with vertical cold joint, and 48 samples with diagonal cold joints were concreted in a 24-hour time interval. After 28 days of treatment with standard conditions by pressure cylinder device, the compressive strength of the samples was evaluated. After evaluating the results of the experiments, the values of the effect of cold joint on the compressive strength of the samples, the uncertainty and the probability of failure of the samples have been investigated. The results of analyzes indicate that, generally, the creation of a cold joint in concrete reduces the compressive strength of concrete. However, the reduction in compressive strength depends on the degree of cold joint to its angle. Also, the size of surface angle of the cold joint is also affected by the probability of failure. Manuscript profile
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        102 - Control Chart Recognition Patterns using Fuzzy Rule-Based System
        Alireza Alinezhad Ali Taherinezhad
      • Open Access Article

        103 - قابلیت پیش‌بینی مدل‌های آماری پیش‌بینی ژنومی هنگامیکه صفت مورد بررسی تحت تأثیر معماری کاملاً افزایشی است
        م. مومن ا. آیت‌آللهی مهرجردی ا. شیخی ع. اسماعیلی‌زاده م. اسدی فوزی
        یک مطالعه شبیه سازی شده به منظور بررسی قابلیت پیش­بینی روش­های پارامتری و ناپارامتری پیش­بینی ژنومی، هنگامی که صفت کمی تحت تأثیر معماری ژنتیکی کاملا افزایشی صورت گرفت. بدین منظور یک صفت کمّی با وراثت­پذیری کاملاً افزایشی (h2=0.3)، تحت تأثیر 300 جایگاه کن More
        یک مطالعه شبیه سازی شده به منظور بررسی قابلیت پیش­بینی روش­های پارامتری و ناپارامتری پیش­بینی ژنومی، هنگامی که صفت کمی تحت تأثیر معماری ژنتیکی کاملا افزایشی صورت گرفت. بدین منظور یک صفت کمّی با وراثت­پذیری کاملاً افزایشی (h2=0.3)، تحت تأثیر 300 جایگاه کنترل کننده صفت کمّی (QTL)، شبیه­سازی شد. قابلیت پیش­بینی 14 مدل آماری براساس چهار معیار اریبی، مجموع مربعات خطا، همبستگی بین مقدار فنوتیپ مشاهده شده و ارزش اصلاحی ژنومی برآورد شده وهمچنین، همبستگی ارزش اصلاحی برآورد شده و ارزش اصلاحی واقعی برآورد گردید. نتایچ نشان داد که مدل­های پیش­بینی ژنومی پارامتری قابلیت پیش­بینی بهتری نسبت به مدل­های غیرپارامتری دارند. همچنین، تمامی مدل­های پارامتری به غیر از روش RR-BLUP بیشتر واریانس فنوتیپی را می­توانند توجیه کنند و مجموع مربعات خطای کمتر، همبستگی پیش­بینی و همبستگی ارزش اصلاحی برآورد شده و ارزش اصلاحی واقعی بالاتری برآورد گردید. همچنین این روش­ها کمترین اریبی را نشان دادند و مقادیر پیش­بینی شده حاصل از آنها نااریب­تر بود. روش ناپارامتری Random forest بدترین عملکرد را نشان داد. به طور کلی نتایج این شبیه­سازی نشان داد که، تفاوت بسیار زیادی بین روش­های ناپارامتری هنگامیکه صفت تحت تأثیر معماری ژنتیکی غیر افزایشی می­باشد وجود دارد. این اتفاق ممکن است زمانیکه اثرات غلبه و اپیستاتیک به عنوان واریانس غیر افزایشی در معماری ژنتکی صفت دخیل باشند وجود نداشته باشد. Manuscript profile
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        104 - Identification of Statistical Yearbook Indices in Provincial Capitals and Metropolitan Centers (Case Study: Statistical Yearbooks of Iran's 31 Provincial Centers)
        Mohammadreza Eghbal Hasan Rezapoor mirsaleh
        In the third millennium AD, thinkers and urbanists are seeking tools to comprehend the complexities of urban spaces. Data and information have emerged as the language for understanding the spatial behavior of cities and the primary tool for analyzing their complexities. More
        In the third millennium AD, thinkers and urbanists are seeking tools to comprehend the complexities of urban spaces. Data and information have emerged as the language for understanding the spatial behavior of cities and the primary tool for analyzing their complexities. Therefore, this research aims to highlight the significance of statistical sources, including urban statistics, for analyzing urban issues. The research employs a descriptive-analytical and inferential methodology. Data collection involved gathering documents, specifically statistical texts published by municipalities in the previous year. While there was no specific statistical population or geographic area for this study, the focus was on the statistical yearbooks of municipalities, particularly those in the central cities of provinces. Data analysis utilized content analysis and simple quantitative statistical methods. The findings reveal disparities in content and format in urban statistics, as well as the absence of a comprehensive and integrated statistical system. Further investigation uncovered inconsistencies in the preparation and compilation of urban statistics regarding time, location, and adherence to statistical standards. Additionally, many statistical data and information available in municipal statistics, such as urban competitiveness indicators and metrics for measuring progress, development, and urban planning, remain underutilized. To address these issues and achieve integrated and comprehensive urban statistics, it is recommended that cities update and publish their statistics annually, following a standardized framework consisting of 22 chapters. Manuscript profile
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        105 - Detecting Huntington Patient Using Chaotic Features of Gait Time Series
        Armin Allahverdy Mahboobeh Golchin
      • Open Access Article

        106 - Chaotic Time Series Prediction by Auto Fuzzy Regression Model
        Haleh Nazari Homayun Motameni Babak Shirazi
      • Open Access Article

        107 - Classification of Sonar Targets Using OMKC, Genetic Algorithms and Statistical Moments
        Mohammad Reza Mosavi Mohammad Khishe Ehsan Ebrahimi
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        108 - Feasibility Study Of Planting Olive Through Using AHP Process In Geography Information System (Case Study: West Mazandaran )
        Ali mohammadpoor kiya bozorgmehr yaser hakimdoost
        Agriculture is the essential component of providing food requirements of a society and the determinant element in getting free from all imported goods. In this field, producing essential oil is valuable economically, and is important in food industry. In this study, usi More
        Agriculture is the essential component of providing food requirements of a society and the determinant element in getting free from all imported goods. In this field, producing essential oil is valuable economically, and is important in food industry. In this study, using 16 parameters for zoning olive cultivation is used for the 12-parameter climate over the course of 20 years (1990-2010) of 14 synoptic station of the five stations within the region and 9 stations as stations auxiliary and 4 parameters, land use has been . contracted through Mazandaran Meteorology Organization geology and geography and natural resources of the province were collected. were then required to prepare a database.. The research methods is synthetic- analytic and ARC GIS10 graphic software, and Choice expert and spss  basic statistics have been used in analyzing the data. also Geostatistic , Kriging and IDW methods have been used in zoning of effective climatologic factors in planting olive trees  and determine optimal model from semivariogram was selected. Also to overlay and extract influence wightes  from Analytical Hierarchy Process( AHP) and INDEX OVERLAY models  have been applied in location. The results indicate that simple and ordinary Kriging with three function circular, spherical, exponential and Gousian models has been choisen. Also by comparing the maps and extracting talented areas in planting olive , the results indicate that 3944.124 h of west Mazandaran zone includes plenty to extraordinary importance and power and 28396.26 h includes plenty importance and power, 132906.7 h is powerful - much powerful and importance and 353788.2 h is much important. This results implicates the zone talent in involving Climate conditions in planting olive tree. Manuscript profile
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        109 - The likely Effect of Precipitation Change on Runoff, Case Study: Jajrood River
        alireza shakiba batol bahak zari monavarian
        One of the likely effects of climate change is to study the effect of rainfall variations in runoff values Accordingly, in this research catchment namely Jajrood was selected. First, rainfall and runoff data using homogenity test was studied. Then, a statistical period More
        One of the likely effects of climate change is to study the effect of rainfall variations in runoff values Accordingly, in this research catchment namely Jajrood was selected. First, rainfall and runoff data using homogenity test was studied. Then, a statistical period was chosen . To study the data distribution, many statistical indices such as mean, variance, standard diviation,…were calculated. Wet and dry periods was extracted based on a moving average method . Finally order in make a significant correlation between rainfall and runoff , the correlation coefficient and regression equation were calculated. The result of the research showed that there could be a some periods of dry and wet in the study area , with more lasting dry period. The result also indicated that there is a rather significant correlation between rainfall and runoff . The correlation coefficient and R2 for Jajrood catchment are 0.8389 & 0.7039 respectively. Manuscript profile
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        110 - استفاده از روش تحلیل عاملی چند متغیره در ارزیابی تناسب اراضی گیاه زینتی- دارویی گل محمدی در شمال شرق ایران
        علیرضا انورخواه حکم آبادی مریم تاتاری علی باقرزاده چهارجویی محید رحیمی زاده
        عدم آگاهی از عوامل حیاتی در تولید و کشت گیاهان در مناطق نامناسب ­می تواند باعث افزایش استفاده از کودهای شیمیایی برای جلوگیری از کاهش عملکرد گیاه شود. در پژوهش حاضر، از روش تحلیل عاملی (FA) با روش تحلیل مؤلفه‌های اصلی (PCA) به‌عنوان روش آماری چند متغیره جهت ارزیابی پ More
        عدم آگاهی از عوامل حیاتی در تولید و کشت گیاهان در مناطق نامناسب ­می تواند باعث افزایش استفاده از کودهای شیمیایی برای جلوگیری از کاهش عملکرد گیاه شود. در پژوهش حاضر، از روش تحلیل عاملی (FA) با روش تحلیل مؤلفه‌های اصلی (PCA) به‌عنوان روش آماری چند متغیره جهت ارزیابی پهنه‌بندی تناسب اراضی ۳۶۷۰۰ نقطه برای کشت گل محمدی در استان خراسان شمالی، شمال شرق ایران استفاده شد. برای این منظور ۱۶ متغیر استخراج شده پردازش شد که منتهی به چهار عامل شد که حدود ۹۰ درصد از واریانس کل را تبیین می کند. واریانس توضیح داده شده این عوامل از 28/573تا 8/855درصد به ­ترتیب برای فاکتورهای یکم و چهارم پس از چرخش واریماکس (Varimax) متغیر بود. نقشه پهنه‌بندی تناسب اراضی نشان داد که 2/61 درصد (665/6 کیلومترمربع) مساحت سطح بسیار مناسب، 95/78درصد (24210/47 کیلومترمربع) نسبتاً مناسب و 1/61درصد (409/74 کیلومترمربع) از سطح منطقه برای تولید گل محمدی مناسب است. پراکندگی جغرافیایی نشان داد که نقاط با تناسب بسیار بالا در بخش‌های غربی، میانی و شرقی منطقه مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته‌اند، در حالی‌که بخش میانی منطقه مورد مطالعه و برخی از بخش‌های پراکنده در شرق، شمال شرق و شمال غرب تناسب متوسطی دادند. مهم‌ترین عوامل محدودکننده برای کاشت گل محمدی در منطقه مورد مطالعه، عوامل اقلیمی شامل میانگین دما در طول دوره رشد، میانگین دما در طول جوانه‌زنی و میانگین دمای گلدهی بود. Manuscript profile
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        111 - A new control chart based on discriminant analysis for simple linear profiles monitoring
        Mona Ayoubi Negin Khaksari
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        112 - Development of Clustering Technique and Genetic Algorithm to Monitor Multivariate Descriptive Processes based on Large-scale Nominal Contingency Tables (Case Study: Renewable Energy Process )
        Yaser Vahedi Geshniani Bijan Rahmani Reza Kamranrad
      • Open Access Article

        113 - A DMAIC approach for process capability improvement an engine crankshaft manufacturing process
        G. V. S. S. Sharma P. Srinivasa Rao
      • Open Access Article

        114 - Phase II monitoring of multivariate simple linear profiles with estimated parameters
        Ahmad Ahmadi Yazdi Ali Zeinal Hamadani Amirhossein Amiri
      • Open Access Article

        115 - Economic design of Hotelling’s T2 control chart on the presence of fixed sampling rate and exponentially assignable causes
        Ehsan Bahiraee Sadigh Raissi
      • Open Access Article

        116 - Process capability improvement of an engine connecting rod machining process
        GVSS Sharma P Srinivasa Rao
      • Open Access Article

        117 - A new adaptive exponential smoothing method for non-stationary time series with level shifts
        Mohammad Ali Saniee Monfared Razieh Ghandali Maryam Esmaeili
      • Open Access Article

        118 - Multivariate process capability indices on the presence of priority for quality characteristics
        S Raissi
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        119 - On the multivariate variation control chart
        R Noorossana S.M Seyedaliakbar
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        120 - The Study of School Libraries a Review in Education (and training)Ministry Statistics
        mosa majidy
        This research is base on the last annual statistics published by education (and training) ministry and studies the situation of school libraries, books and librarians in Iran. the results show 15 million students, 1 million teachers and employee are engaged in education More
        This research is base on the last annual statistics published by education (and training) ministry and studies the situation of school libraries, books and librarians in Iran. the results show 15 million students, 1 million teachers and employee are engaged in education system. There are 145241 schools in Iran which only 22118ones have library. We found that 75/6% of town school and 92/7% of rural schools have any library. The reviews show the collections are unsufficient and unfited to the students needs.     Manuscript profile
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        121 - Drought Monitoring Using Climatic Indices and Geostatistic Technique (Case Study: Hossein Abad Plain, Sarbisheh, Iran)
        H Ghasemi A.A Gholami GH.R Hadarbadi H Ebrahimi
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        122 - The Correlation of Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics with Human Judgement on Persian Language
        Marziyeh Taleghani ehsan pazouki Vahid Ghahraman
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        123 - Investigation of sea level variations due to meteorological parameters with statistical models in the north coast of Persian Gulf
        M. Torabi Azad M. Honarmand
        This study was carried out on the changes of sea level in various tidal stations in the Persian Gulf. Stations were selected in which the long term tide data had been recorded for a period of over one year. The mean sea level was calculated through the use of tidal data More
        This study was carried out on the changes of sea level in various tidal stations in the Persian Gulf. Stations were selected in which the long term tide data had been recorded for a period of over one year. The mean sea level was calculated through the use of tidal data, while the effects of wind force, temperature and barometric effect was considered on it. Using statistical models the effects of various atmospheric elements on the changes of sea level was assessed and the best models relating to sea level was introduced and physically analyzed. The Mean Sea Level (MSL) in Bandar Abbas and Bushehr has been studied for a period of eleven years (2000-2010). The MSL showed an increasing trend with an increase of 5cm and 4cm during the relevant period in Bandar Abbas and Bushehr, respectively. In the mentioned period, the amplitude was 35cm in Bandar Abbas and 50cm in Bushehr. The sea level and temperature rise and pressure reduction in the Persian Gulf region reflects the gradual climate change in this area.  Manuscript profile
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        124 - Study of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) & wind speed over coastal area of Hormozgan Province by satellite data
        M. Torabi Azad A. Mohammadi
        Interaction between sea and air is an important factor in controlling seasonal climatological variations in each environment. In this research, relationship between Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and wind speed over coastal area of Hormozgan province has been studied. In More
        Interaction between sea and air is an important factor in controlling seasonal climatological variations in each environment. In this research, relationship between Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and wind speed over coastal area of Hormozgan province has been studied. Initially the SST data of the area were collected using AVHRR sensor of NOAA satellite and the wind speed data were collected from QuikSCAT satellite. After analyzing the satellite data for the SST and wind speed, monthly, seasonal and annual variations of these data were studied. The significance of their variations were evaluated during years 1985-2008, using a long term study group of each variable as a control and then comparison was made using Duncan test. As the increasing trend of mean annual surface temperature and the decreasing trend in wind speed was significant, correlation coefficient between SST and wind speed was obtained. After plotting the time against surface temperature during the study period, it was observed that the minimum temperature was 21.11 ˚C in 2008 and the maximum was 33.12 ˚C in 2002. It was shown that there was 4.2 ˚C temperature difference between western and eastern region of the sea coast in summer and the temperature gradient reaches 3 ˚C in winter. It can be concluded that for summer 75% and for winter 33% increase (decrease) of the mean sea surface temperature takes place and the deviation of mean wind speed will be increase (decrease).                                         Manuscript profile
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        125 - Pricing The Gold Coin Options of Iran Mercantile Exchange Market:"Black Scholes" and "Put-Call Parity"Approaches Pricing The Gold Coin Options of Iran Mercantile Exchange Market:"Black Scholes" and "Put-Call Parity"Approaches
        Nafishe Baharadmehr Narges Tahmasabi
        AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to price the gold coin options contracts in the Iranʻs Exchange Market. For this purpose, the "Black Scholes" model has been used as well as the "Put-Call Parity" method. GARCH model and Statistical method have been used for the "Bla More
        AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to price the gold coin options contracts in the Iranʻs Exchange Market. For this purpose, the "Black Scholes" model has been used as well as the "Put-Call Parity" method. GARCH model and Statistical method have been used for the "Black Scholes" model. The data for six Gold Coin options in the Iran mercantile exchange has been obtained for period of 16/12/1395 to 1/4/1396. The results show that both the "Black Scholes" and the "put-call parity" suggest investors buy call options.  Manuscript profile
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        126 - The effect of value of small-volume transactions on the TEDPIX of Iran
        Reza Fallah-Moghaddam Saman Babaie-Kafaki
        Abstract The value of small-vlume transactions stock (shares + preemptive rights + shares ETF) is obtained by deducting the value of block transactions from the value of total transactions in the Iranian Stock Exchange. This research includes two main parts. Considerin More
        Abstract The value of small-vlume transactions stock (shares + preemptive rights + shares ETF) is obtained by deducting the value of block transactions from the value of total transactions in the Iranian Stock Exchange. This research includes two main parts. Considering the importance of the Black-Scholes price model in financial mathematics, using deep mathematical tools such as nonlinear analysis, stochastic analysis, Ito's lemma and the Radon-Nikodym derivative, a theoretical mathematical result was obtained regarding the Black-Scholes price model. we found Theorem 1 in chapter (4) is actually a deep theoretical mathematical relationship for predicting the price in the future. Also, the results of this theorem were used to investigate the trend of the value of small stock transactions in the Iranian stock market in the future time frames. The second topic we discuss in this article is to investigate the impact of changes in the value of small-vlume transactions stock on Tedpix of the Iranian stock market, using modeling and mathematical tools, including the Black-Scholes model, financial technical analysis tools, statistical methods and the Hurst test. Usually, mathematical and computational tools use stock price data to predict the trend of financial markets. Also, the number of traded shares of a stock company can be an indicator to identify the entry point for buying or the exit point for selling. Considering the extreme price fluctuations in the last few years in the Iranian stock market and the difficulty of setting a ceiling for the price, as well as the existence of processes such as capital increases in company assemblies that change the total number of tradable shares of a company, the importance of using data on the value of small stock transactions It is revealed as a combination of price and number of shares data. In this study, in a period of about seventeen months (in which the most severe fluctuations in the history of the Iranian Stock Exchange occurred), weekly information on the average value small-volume transactions has been examined. The results of this research confirm that with the increase or decrease of the total index of the Iranian stock market, we see a similar trend in the value small-volume transactions. We also showed that the value of small stock trades is trending by using the Hurst test. Manuscript profile
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        127 - Comparing Discriminant Analysis, Ecological Niche Factor Analysis and Logistic Regression Methods for Geographic Distribution Modelling of Eurotia ceratoides (L.) C. A. Mey
        Lyla Khalasi Ahvazi Mohammad Ali Zare Chahouki Faeze Ghorbannezhad
      • Open Access Article

        128 - Image Stitching of the Computed Radiology images Using a Pixel-Based Approach
        Mahan Sedehzadeh Farokhi Fardad
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        129 - Pairs trading based on wavelet decomposition
        bahareh zarintaj saeed aghasi forozan baktash
        In the current research,wavelet analysis is used to analyze the time series of prices in a pair of assets into general and detailed time series, and the property of collocation between different and corresponding levels of analysis of two series is checked in order to f More
        In the current research,wavelet analysis is used to analyze the time series of prices in a pair of assets into general and detailed time series, and the property of collocation between different and corresponding levels of analysis of two series is checked in order to find collinear pairs at different levels of analysis. And then its profitability is examined. In this research, the profitability of the pair trading system based on wavelet analysis was investigated on 14 indices of the Tehran Stock Exchange betwee 2013-2022. The results show that for the second level of detail in the wavelet analysis, the results are quite impressive and the number of trading positions is more than doubled, the daily return is increased to four times and the Sharpe ratio is also increased to about two times. The system formed based on the first level of detail also has a better profitable performance than the normal aggregation, and the performance of the third level of detail is within the limits of aggregation. In addition, the average duration of the transaction also shows significant decrease in the first and second levels. Profitability performance at the level of general series is generally weaker than the aggregate. Manuscript profile
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        130 - Optimal Pairs Trading strategy under Statistical Variability of the Spread Process
        Fatemeh Azizzadeh Nasrin Ebadi
        The appropriate investment and decision making about taking of correct long and short position needs proved strategies. In this research, pairs trading have been studied and a new non-parametric approach proposed based on Renko and Kagi construction which are two Japane More
        The appropriate investment and decision making about taking of correct long and short position needs proved strategies. In this research, pairs trading have been studied and a new non-parametric approach proposed based on Renko and Kagi construction which are two Japanese charting indicators. The proposed approach exploits information about the variability of spread process and a constant long-run mean dose not find for spread process but trade towards it like other methods of pairs trading and the only needed assumption is remaining constant of statistical properties of the spread process volatility. In this research, profitability of proposed method have been proved theoretically mean-reverting process with stochastic volatility , then pairs trading  have been performed based on this approach on selective data of Tehran stock exchange . The results of implementation show that used strategy obtain 52.91% per return in stock pair of KHTRAC and KHTOGHA, 33.645 per return in stock pair of KHMOHAREKEH and KHODRO for appropriate selection of H. Manuscript profile
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        131 - Investigate the Operation of Random forest and Deep neural networks on Statistical Arbitrage Strategy
        alireza Fazlzadeh Jafar Haghigha Faranak Pourkeivan vahid ahmadian
         In this research, the statistical analysis of random forest effects has been done. Also, to evaluate the performance of the random forest algorithm in the field of statistical arbitrage compared to other models presented in the previous research, the comparison of More
         In this research, the statistical analysis of random forest effects has been done. Also, to evaluate the performance of the random forest algorithm in the field of statistical arbitrage compared to other models presented in the previous research, the comparison of the results from the application of this algorithm with deep neural network algorithm has been done. The models are taught with stock price information and the output from this technique categorizes stocks according to the position of buying and selling. Using this strategy, profitable positions are identified in market shares for profit. The results showed that the model of random forest with less error classification than deep neural network model. Using this strategy, profitable positions are identified in market shares for profit. The results showed that the model of random forest with less error classification than deep neural network model. Manuscript profile
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        132 - Comparison of the Efficiency of Statistical Learning Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Stock Prices
        Alireza Sadat Najafi Soheila Sardar
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        133 - Determining resistant wheat varieties to salinity stress with using multivariable statistical methods
        younes dowlat abadi Hamid Najafi Zarini Gholamali Ranjbar Hadi Darzi Ramandi
        In this regard, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of salinity stress on different varieties of wheat was conducted at the Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Sari in 2015. The study was conducted in two separate experiments. the effec More
        In this regard, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of salinity stress on different varieties of wheat was conducted at the Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Sari in 2015. The study was conducted in two separate experiments. the effect of three levels of salinity (0, 60 and 120 mM) on 117 varieties at germination stage was investigated and Using data from the first experiment, in second experiment the effects of four salinity levels (0, 60, 120, 180 mm) on 10 varieties at reproductive stage were studied. Both factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications. Using principal components analysis, 75.56 percent of germination traits by two components and 78.31 percent vegetative traits by three components were interpreted. The results showed that in the vegetative stage, pbt positive correlations between shoot dry weight, shoot length and root dry weight with the total dry weight and in reproductive stage a positive correlation between the total number of seeds and seed yield were observed. Some of the varieties that had high tolerance to salinity stress at germination stage in the growth phase weren't resistant to salinity. According to the results of this research, traits of root length, shoot length, root dry weight and shoot dry weight, are salt stress tolerance traits. Roshan zemestan, Aria and Chamran 2 varieties were identified as tolerant to salt stress and ghahte sarogh, keshe farahan and neyshabur varieties were sensitive to salinity stress. Manuscript profile
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        134 - Systematic review of bankruptcy prediction models
        Jaber Zahmatkesh Akram Taftiyan Mahmoud Moeinadin Amin Nezarat
        Objective: The current research aims to systematically examine bankruptcy prediction models with the goal of developing a model that serves as a guide for selecting the most suitable tools. These tools should ideally align with the existing data and quality criteria of More
        Objective: The current research aims to systematically examine bankruptcy prediction models with the goal of developing a model that serves as a guide for selecting the most suitable tools. These tools should ideally align with the existing data and quality criteria of bankruptcy prediction models.Research Methodology: To conduct this research, a systematic search was performed on the Web of Science database using keywords such as Bankruptcy, Default, Distress, Failure, Forecasting, Predicting, Prediction, and Insolvency, spanning the years 2015 to 2023. Based on defined inclusion and exclusion criteria, this search yielded 1000 articles, out of which 49 were ultimately selected and analyzed. The findings from these articles were then summarized in tables. Subsequently, major bankruptcy prediction models were compared based on nine key criteria, and final conclusions were drawn.Findings: Artificial neural networks and support vector machines were found to have the highest accuracy, while multiple personality analysis showed the lowest accuracy. Additionally, artificial neural networks, multiple personality analysis, decision trees, and logistic regression require a large training sample to logically identify and precisely classify patterns. However, case-based reasoning, rough sets, and support vector machines can work with smaller sample sizes.Originality/ Value: The outcomes of this research contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of tools used in developing bankruptcy prediction models and the shortcomings associated with them. Manuscript profile
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        135 - بررسی اثرات شرایط مرزی مختلف بر رفتار آکوستیکی صفحات ساندویچی دو جداره با لایه متخلخل میانی
        محمدحسن شجاعی فرد روح ا... طالبی رضا احمدی مائده امیرپور ملا
        در این مقاله تحلیل رفتار آکوستیکی صفحات ساندویچی دوجداره با لایه متخلخل میانی به منظور بررسی اثرات استفاده از شرایط مرزی مختلف بر روی لایه متخلخل و نیز شناسایی پارامترهای مؤثر بر روی افت انتقال صوت این سازه‌ها و میزان تأثیر هر یک در شرایط مرزی مختلف به روش تحلیلی مورد م More
        در این مقاله تحلیل رفتار آکوستیکی صفحات ساندویچی دوجداره با لایه متخلخل میانی به منظور بررسی اثرات استفاده از شرایط مرزی مختلف بر روی لایه متخلخل و نیز شناسایی پارامترهای مؤثر بر روی افت انتقال صوت این سازه‌ها و میزان تأثیر هر یک در شرایط مرزی مختلف به روش تحلیلی مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است. ابتدا بر اساس تئوری بایوت و با در نظر گرفتن اتصال لزجت و اینرسی در نوشتن معادلات دینامیک انتقال تنش و نیز اتصال گرمایی و الاستیک در نوشتن معادلات تنش-کرنش مواد متخلخل، معادلات حاکم بر انتشار موج به‌دست می‌آیند. سپس با اعمال شرایط مرزی مختلف و با استفاده از حل همزمان این معادلات و با نوشتن کد مربوطه در MATLAB، ضریب افت انتقال صوت (TL) سازه به روش تحلیلی محاسبه می‌شود. نتایج حل تحلیلی با نتایج حل تحلیل انرژی آماری (SEA) و داده‌های آزمایشگاهی موجود در این زمینه مقایسه شده و پس از اطمینان از صحت آنها، به شناسایی و بررسی سایر پارامترهای مؤثر بر روی افت انتقال صوت این سازه‌ها و میزان تأثیر هر یک در شرایط مرزی مختلف پرداخته شده است. نتایج نشان می‌دهند نحوه اتصال لایه متخلخل به صفحه دوجداره و نوع شرایط مرزی آن نقش مهمی در چگونگی افت انتقال صوت و پارامترهای مؤثر بر آن خواهند داشت. Manuscript profile
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        136 - تحلیل اثرات مواد متخلخل در سیستم مکش موتور خودرو به روش انرژی آماری
        محمدحسن شجاعی فرد روح ا... طالبی مائده امیرپور ملا رضا احمدی
        در این مقاله تحلیل رفتار آکوستیکی سیستم مکش موتور خودرو به منظور بررسی اثرات استفاده از مواد متخلخل عایق صوت در آن برای کاهش سطح صدای داخل خودرو به روش تحلیل انرژی آماری مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است. ابتدا اصول و معادلات جامع روش تحلیل انرژی آماری بیان شده و سپس نحوه مدل‌ More
        در این مقاله تحلیل رفتار آکوستیکی سیستم مکش موتور خودرو به منظور بررسی اثرات استفاده از مواد متخلخل عایق صوت در آن برای کاهش سطح صدای داخل خودرو به روش تحلیل انرژی آماری مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است. ابتدا اصول و معادلات جامع روش تحلیل انرژی آماری بیان شده و سپس نحوه مدل‌سازی کامل سیستم مکش موتور یک خودرو با استفاده از این روش تشریح ‌می‌شود. در این مدل با ایجاد زیرسیستم‌های مناسب و اعمال منابع اصلی صوت موجود در سیستم مکش موتور، افت انتقال صوت و سطح فشار صوت سیستم مکش هوا در محدوده فرکانسی بالا محاسبه می‌شود. در ادامه نتایج به‌دست آمده از تحلیل انرژی آماری سیستم مکش خودرو با داده‌های آزمایشگاهی مقایسه شده و در محدوده فرکانسی بالا صحه‌گذاری می‌شوند. در نهایت به بررسی اثرات استفاده از مواد متخلخل بر روی افت انتقال صوت سیستم مکش موتور پرداخته می‌شود. نتایج نشان می‌دهند که استفاده از این مواد اثرات مطلوبی در افزایش افت انتقال صوت سیستم مکش موتور و نیز کاهش سطح صدای داخل کابین خودرو خواهند داشت. Manuscript profile
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        137 - بررسی پارامتر‌های ولتاژ و تعداد دور سیم‌پیچ بر روی فرآیند شکل‌دهی الکترومغناطیس ورق های V شکل آلومینیوم
        سجاد نادیان برسیانی احمد کشاورزی امین کلاه دوز
        جهت شکل­دهی قطعات بدون اثر­گذاری سنبه بر روی آنها از نیروی الکترومغناطیس که یکی روش­های شکل­دهی سریع می­باشد، استفاده می­شود. استفاده از این نیرو باعث می­شود که قطعات شکل­دهی داده شده دارای کمترین برگشت فنری و پارگی را داشته باشند و به عل More
        جهت شکل­دهی قطعات بدون اثر­گذاری سنبه بر روی آنها از نیروی الکترومغناطیس که یکی روش­های شکل­دهی سریع می­باشد، استفاده می­شود. استفاده از این نیرو باعث می­شود که قطعات شکل­دهی داده شده دارای کمترین برگشت فنری و پارگی را داشته باشند و به علت عدم اثر گذاری هزینه­های ساخت تجهیزات مانند ساخت سنبه کاهش می­یابد. در این مقاله از نیروی الکترومغناطیس جهت شکل­دهی ورق­های آلومینیوم به شکل ­وی شکل استفاده شده است. در شکل­دهی الکترومغناطیس سیم­پیچ­ها رابط بین دستگاه و قطعه­کار می­باشند. به همین جهت در این مقاله به بررسی تعداد دور و ولتاژ دستگاه در 10 سطح پرداخته شده است. با توجه به نتایج بدست آمده و تحلیل آنها با استفاده از روش­اماری فاکتوریل کامل، نشان داده شد که بهترین حالت شکل­دهی در ولتاژ 1500 ولت و سیم­پیچ 35 دور می­باشد که دلیل آن ولتاژ بالای دستگاه جهت ایجاد یک شدت جریان آنی و تعداد دور مناسب جهت انتقال کامل نیرو به قطعه کار می­باشد. بطوریکه با افزایش تعداد دور به 40 دور میزان شکل­دهی به مقدار 34/3 درصد کاهش یافته است Manuscript profile
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        138 - Quality and pathology of youth (12-17 years old) Leisurs in Lorestan province
        Hossin Mehrdad
        Abstract The current stdy deal with the quality and pathology of leisures of youths between 12 to 17 years old of Lorestan province. In so doing 620 youths (Who determined by using of Takman table, among with 360000 statistical  population) and 150 youths problem More
        Abstract The current stdy deal with the quality and pathology of leisures of youths between 12 to 17 years old of Lorestan province. In so doing 620 youths (Who determined by using of Takman table, among with 360000 statistical  population) and 150 youths problem experts (as whole) were selected by cluster sampling method and were given questionnaires. The result of study showed that: First, youths pass their leisures in cultural, recreation, free study, religious, skilled, desireable and undesieable roving, and sport activaties, second the major pathology of leisures are organizational-structural, cultural, insufficient public participating, economic position, weakness in giving information and shortage of motivation. Manuscript profile
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        139 - A Novel Method in Evaluating the Resemblance and Differences of manuscripts
        Ali Noorsobhi Mohammad Jafar Yahaghi
        Correction is one of the most fundamental and important research operations in the field of textology. in the correction process, it is critically important to evaluate the manuscripts of the text and to determine their resemblance. To determine the value of manuscripts More
        Correction is one of the most fundamental and important research operations in the field of textology. in the correction process, it is critically important to evaluate the manuscripts of the text and to determine their resemblance. To determine the value of manuscripts over the other ones and to evaluate their resemblances, correctors assess and compare all or parts of the manuscripts From lingual,syntactic and literacy features. Evaluating and investigating the handwritings of some manuscripts such as Shahnameh, Golestan or Diwan-e Hafiz is obviously harder than other Persian manuscripts due to the abundancy of their handwritten manuscripts and the total size of manuscripts like Shahnameh. This article attempts to introduce a statistical application in Excel in order to present a novel method for precise evaluation of the manuscripts’ resemblance based on hemistich unit. Moreover, this application makes it possible to present a glossary of differences among different text records. In this article in order to a better introduce the new method of evaluating the relation and transformation of manuscripts, we have tested some parts of Shahnameh (the first verses of Shahnameh and story of Rostam and Sohrab) from various manuscripts and publications to show that how it can work properly. Manuscript profile