• aa.aa Providing A Model for the Development Drivers of Knowledge-based Companies in Deprived Areas (Case Study: Sistan and Baluchestan, Hormozgan, Kerman, South Khorasan Provinces) [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • aalizad.farzaneh Economic infrastructure and its role in economic development of Iran [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • ABBASZADEH.ZAHRA Identifying the components of information literacy development in the primary course of the education system using content analysis and technique application technique (DEMATEL) [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Abdi Nemat Abad.Soheila Sociological study of the role of gender cultural beliefs in women's sports scouting [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Abdi Nemat Abad.Soheila A Sociological Study of the Role of Gender Cultural Beliefs in Finding Women's Sports Talent [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Abdoli.Majid The Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing Model with Combined Approach (Case Study: Tehran Milk Industry Experts and Policymakers) [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Abdoli.Majid The Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing Model with Combined Approach (Case Study: Tehran Milk Industry Experts and Policymakers) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Abdoli.Rahim Effects of electronic signature recognition in signature certificate offices and its social responsibility [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Abdollahi.Adel Fuzzy Analysis of Citizen Social Participation in Tehran [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Abdollahi.Adel Particular and universal dialectics and development-oriented cultural changes [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Abdollahi.Adel Particular and Universal Dialectics and Development-oriented Cultural Changes [ Vol.9, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Abdollahpour.Nastaran Evaluation of the influential components of the physical factors of social participation in the student camp scenery architecture [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Abdollahpour.Nastaran Evaluation of the Influential Components of the Physical Factors of Social Participation in the Student Camp Scenery Architecture [ Vol.9, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • abdolrazagh matar.marwan Investigating the short-term and long-term effects of financial literacy, financial inclusion and social development on financial stability in OPEC countries using the PARDL method [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Abdolvahabi.Masoumeh Studying the Social Factors Effective on the Improvement of Organizational Role (A Case Study: The Employed Woman at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Abdullah Nejad.Ali Investigating and analyzing the Role of ethnic Gaps in Post-Revolutionary geopolitical crisis in Iran in order to effect the system in border regions: A Case Study of Western borders [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Abedi.Farzane Investigating the impact of advertising on the behavioral patterns of tourists in social networks [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Abedi.Fateme The place of women and family in the bill of the seventh economic and social development program of the Islamic Republic of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Abedi.Mohsen Studying the Factors Effective on the Social Adaptability of the Transferred Law Enforcement Forces to the Host Society Abstract [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Abidpur.Horiya Atride Stirling theme analysis workshop in analyzing the indicators of the smart city governance model based on urban justice with the approach of electronic participation Abstract [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Abolhassan Tanhaei.Hossein Studying the Effects of Religiousness and Political Orientation on Justice Feeling among Iranian Citizens Regarding Iranian Government´s Welfare Development Plans [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Abolhassan Tanhaei.Hossein Investigating network relationships in lifestyle with the impact of social participation and cultural capital [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Abron.Fatemeh Sociological analysis of the role of comparative dissatisfaction in creation of job idleness (Case study of Sharif University staff) [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Abtahi.Yahya Examining the causality test of asymmetric effects of financial conditions with GDP growth in line with socio-economic development policies in Iran (Rotational Markov Switching-VAR (MS-VAR) approach) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • adib.yosof Providing a model to promote the sale of digital products with a social marketing approach [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • adib.yosof Provide a template to promote the sale of digital products with a social marketing approach [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Afshani.SeyedAlireza The role of social support in preventing job-family role conflict [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Afshari.parvane Social Ways and Consequences of Infertility in Shia and Sunni Women [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • afsharnejad.alireza Explaining the effective factors on the pattern of organizational learning in monitoring foreign trade with the approach of economic-social development (Case Study:Customs) [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Afsharnia.Tayeb Effects of electronic signature recognition in signature certificate offices and its social responsibility [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • aghaei.Seyed Saeed Comparison of models explaining ethnic, national and religious identity based on exploratory path analysis [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Aghaghani Marsa.Hossein Sociological analysis on cultural poverty in repeating social deviations and jailed women's return to prison (women's central penitentiary, Arak, 2019) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • aghazadeh moghaddam.sahand Evaluation quality of urban life in old and new Neighborhoods of Urmia [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • ahmadi.maryam Identifying the Dimensions, Components and Indicators of Promoting Organizational Commitment of the Staff of the Central Organization of Islamic Azad University in the form of a Conceptual Model [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • ahmadnia.shirin Strategic Analysis of Scientific production areas of Development discourse in Iran With the emphasis an localization of the social sciences using swot matrix [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Ahmadrash.Rashid A Historical Study of the Role of Marketing System in Iran's Social Development (Contemporary Era) [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Ahmadrash.Rashid A historical study of the role of marketing system in Iran's social development (contemporary era) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • ahmadvand.mostafa A comparative study of social impact assessment tools in social research [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • ahmadvand.mostafa Application of social lifecycle approach in assessing social sustainability (Case Study:Menarid Project) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Akbari.Mahmood Analysis on Development Indicators in Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad Province [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • akbari.Mehran Analysis on Development Indicators in Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad Province [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • akbari.reza Extramarital Relations as a Need for Attention (Case Study of Rafsanjan Women) [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Akhbari Fard.Amir Hossein Study of the migration situation during the years after the revolution and the factors affecting its intensification [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Akhondi.Mohammadali Constructing social issues in risky conditions: analysis of the comments under the posts related to the corona of rulers on Instagram [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Alaedini.Zohre The effectiveness of mindfulness based resilience training on social acceptance of Isfahan University girl students [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • ALAEIZADEH.QASEM Sociological survey of the role of Iranian families' cultural capital on entering their children into university successfully (A survey about the Sharif industrial university students in the year 1394) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • alahdadi.nouredin Sociological analysis of social and cultural structures affecting investment attraction [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Alahdadi.Nouredin Examining obstacles and solutions for the development of public sports in the Corona and postCorona eras in Lorestan province [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Alavi.Seyed Hossein Structural model of sports-based leisure time impact on social self-efficacy in students with the role of spiritual intelligence interfaces [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Ali Ahmadi.Omid The social factors effecting the role of women in the sustainable urban development of Arak city [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Ali Ahmadi.Omid Studying the Factors Effective on the Social Adaptability of the Transferred Law Enforcement Forces to the Host Society Abstract [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Ali Ahmadi.Omid Studying the Social Factors Effective on the Improvement of Organizational Role (A Case Study: The Employed Woman at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Ali Mohseni.Reza Discourse Analysis of the Fifth and Sixth Development Plans after the Islamic Revolution in the Social Welfare Sector (From the perspective of Laclau and Mouffe discourse analysis) [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • ALIASGHARPOR.TAYEBEH Sociological Study of Decision Making Process in Political Behaviors with the Emphasis on the Role of Gender: A Case Study of Tabriz, Iran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • alifarri.malihe The impact of economic policy uncertainty and corporate social responsibility with emphasis on the mediating role of intellectual capital and research [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • alifarri.malihe The impact of economic policy uncertainty and corporate social responsibility with emphasis on the mediating role of intellectual capital and research and development [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • alinejad salim.lida the effect of the social acceptance capacity of nomadic tourism on the sustainable development (the Haybetlou tribes of Ghashghaii) [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Alinezhad.Karim Qualitative analysis of economic and cultural consequences of industrialization (the study of Mahabad Petrochemical project) [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Alipour.Masih Designing and validating of the emerging social and familial injuries affected by Corona [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Alipour.Mohammad Sociological explanation of tax evasion and its role on the level of social welfare of taxpayers in the metropolis of Tehran in the years 2015 to 2015 [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • alipouredarvish.zahra Sociological study of the role of gender cultural beliefs in women's sports scouting [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Alirezanejad.Soheila Human development, Age and health behavior: A study in Semnan [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • alizadeh.mohammad Explanation of relationships and interactions network between tourism businesses and entrepreneurs based on tourism development (Case study: Khalkhal County) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • alizadeh.sima Presenting a causal model of the desire to consume green based on the need for uniqueness and the benefits of insisting on the idea: the role of consumer [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • alizadeh.sima Presenting a causal model of the desire to consume green based on the need for uniqueness and the benefits of insisting on the idea: the role of consumer [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • almasi.zahra Analyzing development from the perspective of Iranian elites with emphasis on macro models of development [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • amini.elham Phenomenological spatial-temporal identity in valuable worn-out tissues with a sustainable development approach [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Aminian.Shirin Examining the causality test of asymmetric effects of financial conditions with GDP growth in line with socio-economic development policies in Iran (Rotational Markov Switching-VAR (MS-VAR) approach) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Amirahmadi.Rahmatollah Social and cultural capital's effect on lifestyle of elderly women covered by the state Welfare Organization (case study: Golestan province) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Amirahmadi.Rahmatollah The influence of Cultural Capital in urban development with emphasis on Participation of citizens into Renovation of texture Constructions Case Study: Mashhad city [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Amirahmadi.Rahmatollah Studying the Effects of Religiousness and Political Orientation on Justice Feeling among Iranian Citizens Regarding Iranian Government´s Welfare Development Plans [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Amirahmadi.Rahmatollah Social and Cultural Capital's Effect on Lifestyle of Elderly Women Covered by the State Welfare Organization (Case Study: Golestan Province) [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • amiran.haidar Investigating norms and social cohesion affecting the green lifestyle in urban housewives [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • amirarjmandi.seiedeh zahra Science and technology policies in five-year development plans (Discourse analysis of the 6th program based on the approach of Laclou and Mouffe) [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Amiri Mazlaghani.Zahra The Role of American Land Reform in the Failure and Underdevelopment of Agricultural Economy in Iran (Second Pahlavi Era) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Amiri.Maghsoud Explanation of Relationships and Interactions Network between Tourism Businesses and Entrepreneurs based on Tourism Development (Case Study: Khalkhal City) [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Amiri.Maghsoud Explanation of relationships and interactions network between tourism businesses and entrepreneurs based on tourism development (Case study: Khalkhal County) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Amiri.seyyedeh sima Discourse Analysis of the Fifth and Sixth Development Plans after the Islamic Revolution in the Social Welfare Sector (From the perspective of Laclau and Mouffe discourse analysis) [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • amiri.tahereh Effects on social development, attitudel social networks boys between 18 and 23 years inarak [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • amirmazaheri.amirmasoud Investigating the Relationship between Objective and intuitive Elements of Ethnicity with Political Participation Development in the East of Golestan Province (with Emphasis on Parliamentary Elections) [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • amirmazaheri.amirmasoud sports function in opening offenders with cognitive community approach [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Amjadi.Horeh Comparative Analysis of Socio-welfare Policies in Ahmadinejad's and Rouhani's Governments [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Anabestani.Aliakbar Intergenerational Differences in terms of Religious Status in Rural Settlements (Case of study: Kardeh dehestan of Mashhad County) [ Vol.6, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1392]
  • ansari.hamid Investigating the needs of the elderly population of Iran in different regions and population groups up to 1420 and its role in social development [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Ansari.Zahra Examining the Impact of Cyber Space on Increasing Political Participation And its effect on the level of social capital of Iranian citizens [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Ansari.Zahra Examining the Impact of Cyber Space on Increasing Political Participation And its effect on the level of social capital of Iranian citizens [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • arabi.zahra Sense of Belonging to Neighborhood and its Role in Social Participation (Case study: Tehran, Armenians enclave, A) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • arabi.zahra Sense of Belonging to Neighborhood and its Role in Social Participation (Case of Study: Tehran, Armenians’ Region, A) [ Vol.9, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1395]
  • aramfar.mona Explain the social role of women in Bijan Najdi's fictional works [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • aramfar.mona Explaining the Social Role of Women in Bijan Najdi's Fictional Works [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • arezi.mojtaba Investigating the relationship between religiosity and the work conscience of councilors for the development of neighborhoods in Tehran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • arezi.mojtaba Investigating the Relationship between Religiosity and the Work Conscience of Councilors for the Development of Neighborhoods in Tehran [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Ashine.Mohammad Sociological explanation of the Effect of Social Capital on Economic Development of Hormozgan Province [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Ashine.Mohammad Sociological explanation of the effect of social capital on economic development of Hormozgan province [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Ashine.Mohammad Analysis of social capital based on demographic variables in Hormozgan province [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Atabaki.Javad Predicting Arak Citizens Social Happiness Based on Social Justice in 2019 [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Ayasseh.Ali Components of Social Sustainability in Iran's Development Programs [ Vol.7, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1394]
  • az.mostafa The Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism in Chashm Village of Mahdishahr Division [ Vol.5, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1392]
  • az.mostafa The Assessment of the Effects of Development on the Kurds’ Collective Identity (A Sociological Study of the Impacts of Development on Ethnic identity in Mahabad city) [ Vol.8, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1395]
  • az.mostafa Sociological analysis of socio-economic factors affecting the attraction of shareholders in Tehran stock market [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • az.mostafa Study the effects of the collective identity of the Kurds (Sociological study of the effects of socio-economic development of ethnic identity in the city of Mahabad) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • az.mostafa Sociological Analysis of Tourism Impact on Regional Development (Case of Study: Rasht City, Gilan Province) [ Vol.7, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • az.mostafa The Study of the Level of Social Development in Tehran [ Vol.6, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • Azadeh.آزاده Comparison of the cultural values of the three generations of the Islamic Revolution and their relation to the development discourse [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Azadi.Hossein Application of social lifecycle approach in assessing social sustainability (Case Study:Menarid Project) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • azadmajd.afrosheh Presentation of the Effect of Social Development News Coverage on the Taste of Public Opinion (Case Study: The 60-minute Program of the BBC Persian News Network) [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Azhdarizadeh.Hossein Analysis of the Influential Cultural Policies of the Islamic Republic System of Iran on Maintaining Social Capital in Khuzestan Province [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Azhdarizadeh.Hossein Analysis of the influential cultural policies of the Islamic Republic System of Iran on maintaining social capital in Khuzestan province [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • azhideh.mozhgan Comparison of models explaining ethnic, national and religious identity based on exploratory path analysis [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Azimi Dolatabadi.عظیمی دولت‌آبادی The Effect of Socio-economic Development Process on the Occurrence of Revolutions; A Comparative Historical Study of the Revolutions in Iran, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Azimi Dolatabadi.عظیمی دولت‌آبادی The effect of socio-economic development process on the occurrence of revolutions; A comparative historical study of the revolutions in Iran, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • azinfar.kaveh The role of management and strategy of market orientation and risk of listed companies on entrepreneurship and social development [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • AzizabadiFarahani.Fatemeh Sociological Study of the factors Affecting the Participation of Elites in Cultural Policy-making [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • AZIZI.MOHAMMAD Conceptualization of international branding by Econometrics method [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • azizi.somayeh Study and the role of social capital components in the crisis of Lake Urmia (Emphasizing the management of the operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage networks in Bonab plain [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1397]
  • azizi.somayeh Study and the role of social capital components in the crisis of Lake Urmia (Emphasizing the management of the operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage networks in Bonab plain [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Azizi.Zahra The socio-economic factors affecting happiness of individuals in Tehran: With an emphasis on unemployment of graduates [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • azkia.mostafa Evolving the concept of "subject" in the approaches to discourse analysis [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Azkia.Mostafa Sociological analysis of institutional factors of development and underdevelopment In East Azarbaijan province with data method [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Azkia.Mustafa Study of the degree of development of East Azerbaijan cities by numerical taxonomy and cluster analysis [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Azma.Ferydoon Determining the factors influencing social entrepreneurship with emphasis on social intelligence in the social security organization [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Azma.Ferydoon Determining the factors affecting the tendency to social entrepreneurship with emphasis on social intelligence in the Social Security Organization [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]


  • babaee arboosra.iraj The role of the development of virtual space and social network on the lifestyle of students in Damavand city in 2019 [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • babaee.hassan sports function in opening offenders with cognitive community approach [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • babaei.omid The relationship between mass media and family values (Case of study: 15-29 year old youth of Shahrekord) [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • badalivand.majid The Performance of the Social Security Organization in Achieving Social Justice [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • badalivand.majid The Performance of the Social Security Organization in achieving Social Justice [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Badoei-dalfard.Arastoo Study of the effects of lifestyle changes and its consequences on rural production and development, case study: Ardabil rural [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Badoei-dalfard.Arastoo A Study of the Effects of Lifestyle Changes and its Consequences on Rural Production and Development (Case of Study: Ardabil Rural Areas) [ Vol.9, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Baghaei sarabi.Ali Sociological explanation of Tehran citizens' social trust in Melli Bank of Iran in 2017 [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Baghaei sarabi.Ali To explain the sociology of Tehrani citizens' social trust in Bank Melli Iran in 2018 [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Baghaeisarabi.Ali Longitudinal study of the social progress of Middle East oil countries in the years (2011-2020) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Baghdadi.Pantea The role of social values in the architectural structure of houses of the Qajar period of Yazd from the perspective of the Quran [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • bagheri.marziyeh Sociological analysis of socio-economic factors affecting the attraction of shareholders in Tehran stock market [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Bahraminia.Amirhosein Investigating the relationship between the functions of popular organizations and the new components of sustainable development (Case study: People's organizations of Kermanshah province) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Bahraminia.Amirhosein Investigating the relationship between the functions of popular organizations and the new components of sustainable development (Case study: People's organizations of Kermanshah province) [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Bakhshani.Hosein Evaluation and analysis of spatial distribution of educational development indicators (case study: counties of Sistan and Baluchistan province) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Bakhshani.Hosein Evaluation and analysis of spatial distribution of educational development indicators (case study: cities of Sistan and Baluchistan province) [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Bakhtiyari.Hamid Sociological study of the impact of gender inequality on cultural development (Case study: female students of Islamic Azad universities in Tehran) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • baki hashemi.seyed mohammad mehdi Analyzing the components of conflict in the behavioral discretion of street level bureaucrats with organizational policies (Study case: pre-hospital emergency and accident management center of Gilan province) [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Banifatemeh.Hossein اوقات فراغت ،1جوانان ،2سبک زندگی ،3رسانه های تصویری [ Vol.2, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1389]
  • barandak.farhad Multi-Criteria Optimization and Compromise Solution in Prioritization of Spatial Development (Case Study: Townships of Ardabil) [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Bararti.hajar The effectiveness of mindfulness based resilience training on social acceptance of Isfahan University girl students [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Barghamadi.Hadi Fuzzy Analysis of Citizen Social Participation in Tehran [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Barghamadi.Hadi The Study of the Level of Social Development in Tehran [ Vol.6, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • bashiri guivi.hossein Identifying Sociological Roles of Civil o in Tehran year 95 [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • bashiri guivi.hossein The role of development of social-cultural programs of Payame Noor University on social vitality Students in year 95 [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • bashiri guivi.hossein The Role of Development of Socio-cultural Programs of PNU on Students' Social Vitality in 2016 [ Vol.9, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1396]
  • Bastami.Eisa Sociological Analysis and Explanation the Continuity of Oppression Feeling and Paying Less Attention to Social Responsibility in Iran from 1978 to 2015 [ Vol.9, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1396]
  • Bastami.Eisa Sociological Analysis and explanation the continuity of oppression feeling and paying less attention to social responsibility in Iran from 1978 to 2015 [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Bayat.maryam The role of sporting events and the deployment of international caravans in the social and cultural development of communities (Case study of Iran) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Bazazzadegan.Nima The Explanation of the Role of Virtual Social Networks in the Economic Behavior of Tehran Citizens in Post-Sanctions Period [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Bazazzadegan.Nima Explain the role of virtual social networks in the economic behavior of Tehran citizens in the post-sanctions period [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • bazgoli.hamid reza Designing a model for the development of cultural capital in the education system of Iran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Bazrafshan Moghadam.Mojtaba Bazrafshan Moghadam Providing A Model for the Development Drivers of Knowledge-based Companies in Deprived Areas (Case Study: Sistan and Baluchestan, Hormozgan, Kerman, South Khorasan Provinces) [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • beheshti rad.zeynab From moral mission to McDonaldization of job: an analysis on the duality of understanding the meaning of desirable job in the thought of teenagers and young people of Mashhad city [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Behyan.Shapour Market, Value Change and Development: Generational Differences in Business Values Among Marketers in Isfahan [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Behyan.Shapour Market, Value Changes and Development: Generational Differences in Business Values among Bazaars in Isfahan [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • behzadfar.hossein Evaluation of social consequences of the ZAYANDEH ROOD River dryness on the community East of Isfahan farmers [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • behzadi.mohammad hassan The Role of Social Indifference in the Branding Crisis caused by Food Security Scandals in Developing Societies [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • behzadi.mohammad hassan a model with the dimensions of the effective factors and the results of bank quality relationship with company customers. [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • behzadi.mohammad hassan Designing a Model with the Dimensions of Effective factors and Quality Results of the Bank's Relationship with Corporate Customers [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Beidollahkhani.Arash Structural analysis of the semantic system of women's demands in the discourse of the opposition of the Islamic Republic with focusing on the Twitter social media [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Beidollahkhani.Arash Nordic council: Fundamentals of socialist developmental regionalism based on perception and global positive image making [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • bizhani.HamidReza Institutional strategies of Grassroots Innovations development based on place identity components (Case study: Rasht city) [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Budaghi khaje nobar.Hossein The Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing Model with Combined Approach (Case Study: Tehran Milk Industry Experts and Policymakers) [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]


  • Charkhchi.Iraj Social Thought and Social Responsibility in Imamiyah and Sunni Jurisprudence [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • chegini.ashraf Explain the social role of women in Bijan Najdi's fictional works [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • chegini.ashraf Explaining the Social Role of Women in Bijan Najdi's Fictional Works [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]


  • dabiri.hedieh The Effect of Components of Mass Spaces on Social Participation of Citizens (Case Study: Farahzad neighborhood of Tehran) [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Dadashi.Iman The role of management and strategy of market orientation and risk of listed companies on entrepreneurship and social development [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • dadgaran.seyed mohammad Presentation of the Effect of Social Development News Coverage on the Taste of Public Opinion (Case Study: The 60-minute Program of the BBC Persian News Network) [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Dadvar.Abolghasem The role of social values in the architectural structure of houses of the Qajar period of Yazd from the perspective of the Quran [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Damankeshideh.Marjan The response of society's welfare to government debt shocks and institutional quality under the golden rule of financial development [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Damankeshideh.Marjan Threshold effects of shadow economy on the relationship between financial depth, banking policies and macroeconomic fluctuations with socio-economic development [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Damavandi kenari.Ali Recognizing and prioritizing conflict of interest in Islamic Republic of Iran Organization of Broadcasting [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Damavandi kenari.Ali Explanation of the Possibilities and Tools of Mass Media on the Formation of Good Governance in Developing Societies (with Emphasis on Global Experiences) [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • daneshfar.mohamad The Role of Individual, Family, and Social Factors in Determining Young People's Trends in Addiction [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • daneshfard.karamollah Pathology Discretion of Street-level Bureaucracy [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • daneshfard.karamollah Designing an organizational meritocracy management model with sociological approach (cease study: Food and Drug Administration of Iran ) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • daneshmehr.hossein Qualitative analysis of economic and cultural consequences of industrialization (the study of Mahabad Petrochemical project) [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • darabi.masuod Sociological explanation of the effect of social capital on sustainable urban development [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • darabi.masuod The Role of Cooperatives in Socio-Economic Development [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Daraman.Mohadese Analyzing the needs of young girls with a data theory approach [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • darvish.azar Human development, Age and health behavior: A study in Semnan [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • darvish.azar Human Development, Age and Health Behavior: A Study in Semnan [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • dashti.mohammad taghi Strategic analysis of the factors of ethnic divergence in Iran and the extent of the role of "relative deprivation" in it [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • dehdarzade.Fatemeh A Sociological Approach to the Penal Populism Phenomenon [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Dehghan Ghahfarkhi.Amin The role of sporting events and the deployment of international caravans in the social and cultural development of communities (Case study of Iran) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Dehghan.Ehsan The Impact of Human capital and Social capital on Entrepreneurial Intention with Moderator Variable of Cognitive style (case study: Tehran University) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • dehghantafti.mohamadali Examining the causality test of asymmetric effects of financial conditions with GDP growth in line with socio-economic development policies in Iran (Rotational Markov Switching-VAR (MS-VAR) approach) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Dehqan.Hossein Commercial spaces in Development Process: Comparative review of customer experiences of buying from megamalls or local shops [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Dehqan.Hossein The compatibility of the attitude towards social responsibility with the goals of corporate sustainable development in the oil industry [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Delfaraz.دلفراز Presenting a model for the development of life insurance culture in Iran with a grounded theory approach [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Delshad.Sare Studying the Relationship between Religious Socialization and Political Socialization among the18-28-Year-Old Youth in Iran´s Central Province [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Derakhshan.Hojatolah Presenting a multi-objective model for locating warehouses through particle swarm optimization algorithm in Artaville Tire [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • dindar farkosh.javad Investigating the needs of the elderly population of Iran in different regions and population groups up to 1420 and its role in social development [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • doagooyan.davood The impact of cyberspace on the lifestyle of women : women 18-40 years،Tehran(2015-2016) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • doagooyan.davood Mazandaran social media and social and cultural capital [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • doagooyan.davood Mazandaran social media and social and cultural assets [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • doagooyan.davood The Impact of Cyberspace on the Lifestyle of 18-40 Years Old Women in Districts 2 and 5 of Tehran (2015-2016) [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]


  • ebadi.ghasem Application of meta-combination technique for agile business model in the environment of the fourth industrial revolution using business process management systems [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Ebrahimi.Hossein Developments of the world order with emphasis on the role of social networks and Iran's position in the geometry of the new world order [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Ebrahimi.Jafar Sociological analysis of institutional factors of development and underdevelopment In East Azarbaijan province with data method [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Ebrahimi.Jafar Study of the degree of development of East Azerbaijan cities by numerical taxonomy and cluster analysis [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Ebrahimi.sara The role of individual, family and social factors in explaining cyber-victimization [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Ebrahimi.Sara The Role of Individual, Family and Social Factors in Explaining Cyber-victimization [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Ebrahimnazari.Taha A Model for Commercialization of Products and Services in Developing Countries (Cased of Study: Companies based in Pardis Innovation Park) [ Vol.9, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • Ebrahimnazari.Taha A model for commercialization of products and services in developing countries - Cased study: Companies based in Pardis innovation park. [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • ebrahimpoor.davood National Media and the Promotion of Youth Social Capital [ Vol.5, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1392]
  • ebrahimpour.mohsen The study of environmental (climate) and mortality rate of Iran provinces with demographic perspective [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • ebrahimpour.mohsen The study of environmental (climate) and mortality rate of Iran provinces with demographic perspective [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • EbrahimpourAhandani.atefe Pattern of Deviant Political Behavior Management Strategies in Banking Industry using a Qualitative Approach [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Ediani., Seyed Zakaria Investigating and analyzing the position of cultural heritage in the sixth development plan [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Eghbaleh.Azizkhani sociological study of communicational technologies in social identity structure(ardebil province young case study) [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • elmi.mahmoud Participation and development: Some socio-individual factors related to the participation of the citizens of Tabriz [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Enait.Hossainzehi The Effect of Social Capital on the Mental Health Of Educational Women [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Eshraghi.Mohamad Javad The role of social institutions in the sustainable development of agriculture Case study: (agricultural bank of Ilam province) [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Eskandari.Mansoureh The Role of Distant Education in Socio-Economic Development in Iran's Education Association [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • esmaeil Pour Roshan.Ali Asghar Investigating and analyzing the Role of ethnic Gaps in Post-Revolutionary geopolitical crisis in Iran in order to effect the system in border regions: A Case Study of Western borders [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Esmaeili.Reza Designing a Model for Developing and Empowering Sustainable Social Welfare in Promoting Resilience with a Grounded Theory Approach (Case Study of Clients under the Auspices of the Lorestan Relief Committee) [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Esmaieili.Reza Designing A Model for Empowering Sustainable Social Welfare for Families Covered by the Relief Committee: with A Grand Theory Approach [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • esmaili.alireza Discourse Analysis of Social Development in the Periods of Islamic Parliament of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • esmaili.alireza نابرابری جنسینی،خانواده،نگرش [ Vol.3, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1389]
  • esmaili.reza An Analysis of the relationship between Parents’ social and cultural capitals and social developmental skills in the city of Shahreza [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • esmaily.esmail The Evaluation of Sociological Effect of Subsidies’ Variables and Cultural Capital on the Life style of Householder Teachers in Amol City in 2015 [ Vol.7, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • etebarian.akbar Qualitative study of the development and change of organizational culture and identification of its leverage points with the approach to reforming work ethic (Case study: Government agencies of Golestan Province) [ Vol.9, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1396]
  • etebarian.akbar Qualitative study of the development and change of organizational culture and identification of its leverage points with the approach to reforming work ethic (Case study: Government agencies of Golestan Privince) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • etemadinasab.Elham Study the impact of new media on entrepreneurship skills and national development with emphasis on the role of startups [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Ezariani.Abdol Amir Analysis of the Influential Cultural Policies of the Islamic Republic System of Iran on Maintaining Social Capital in Khuzestan Province [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Ezariani.Abdol Amir Analysis of the influential cultural policies of the Islamic Republic System of Iran on maintaining social capital in Khuzestan province [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • ezzatzadeh.mastooreh Cyber Social Networks and Cultural Development [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • ezzatzadeh.mastooreh Cyber social networks and cultural development [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]


  • fadavi.arefe Presenting a multi-objective model for locating warehouses through particle swarm optimization algorithm in Artaville Tire [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Fadavi.Jamileh اعتماد، سرمایه اجتماعی ،مشارکت، ناحیه، تهران [ Vol.2, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1389]
  • Faghihi.Abolhassan Providing a model of sustainable banking development in Iranian governmental Bank with an emphasis on green banking [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • fakhri.farnaz Analysis of Social Interest in Group and Individual Sports: Case Study of Mazandaran Province Students [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • fakhri.farnaz Structural model of sports-based leisure time impact on social self-efficacy in students with the role of spiritual intelligence interfaces [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Fakouhi.Naser Presenting the model of cultural development management in Tehran metropolis [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • fallahi.ali The study of the effect of social development on social health (Tehran metropolis) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • fallahi.ali The Effect of Social Development on Social Health in Tehran Metropolis [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Faqih Habibi.Ali The Role and Position of the Administrative JusticeTribunal in Reasoning, Documenting and Justifying the Judgments of the Quasi-Judicial Authorities [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Farahani.Fatemeh The social factors effecting the role of women in the sustainable urban development of Arak city [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • farhadipoor.negin A survey about the relationship between sustainable social development and a sense of place belonging in Boroujerd [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • farhangi.ali akbar The role of communication skills of managers in the work environment [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Farhangi.Ali akbar Study the impact of new media on entrepreneurship skills and national development with emphasis on the role of startups [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Farhangi.Ali akbar The Effect of Economic Rumors on National Development Process in Telegram Social Network [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • farhangi.aliakbar A Comparative Study of the Role of Cyberspace in Social Development from the Viewpoints of Students of Azad University and National University of Tehran [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • farhangi.aliakbar Investigating the Cultural and Social Development of Organizations Based on Re-Designing Customer Relationship Management Model at Media Centers of Iranian Organizations [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Farkhari.Mahboobe Structural analysis of the semantic system of women's demands in the discourse of the opposition of the Islamic Republic with focusing on the Twitter social media [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • farzin.omid Provide a model for the role of professional ethics in creating strategic advantage by emphasizing the mediating role of social responsibility [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Fatahi.Hoda Investigating the socio-cultural factors associated with life style of youth in Isfahan [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Fatehi.Hamid Reza The Role of Distant Education in Socio-Economic Development in Iran's Education Association [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • fathabadi.mehdi Developing a knowledge-based society with the coherent activity of media literacy actors (Study of media literacy in the European Union between 2000 and 2018) [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • fathi.leila Explaining social health management strategies from the perspective of the elderly (a phenomenological study) [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • fathi.leila A qualitative study of social responsibility among male teachers in Poldasht city [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • fathi.leila Qualitative study of career- family role conflict of female teacher in Saveh city [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • fathi.leila Sociological analysis of the use of virtual social networks among students (Case study: Students of Tehran University) [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • fathi.leila Qualitative study of career-family role conflict of female teachers in Saveh city [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • fathi.leyla Analyzing the needs of young girls with a data theory approach [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • fathi.soroush The Effect of Industrial Towns on Socio-economic Development in Iran (Case of Study: Tribal Regions in Masjid Soleiman) [ Vol.7, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1393]
  • fathi.soroush New Banking Industry and Development in Iran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • fathi.soroush The Performance of the Social Security Organization in Achieving Social Justice [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • fathi.soroush comparative evaluation of elderly welfare programs with selected countries [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • fathi.soroush Comparative evaluation of elderly welfare programs with selected countries [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • fathi.soroush An introduction on the configuration of inequality by Emphasizing economic and political institutions in the context of development: Provide a conceptual model [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • fathi.soroush The role of social security organization on the social welfare of Iran from the point of view of the covered citizens Social security organization in West Azarbaijan province [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • fathi.soroush A Documentary Analysis of Socio-Economic Impacts of IoT in Denmark [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • fathi.soroush Sociological explanation of the effect of social capital on economic development of Hormozgan province [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • fathi.soroush Investigating the fields of entrepreneurship development from the perspective of women entrepreneurs in Gilan province [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Fathi.Soroush The Evaluation of Modern Visual Media’s Role and Effect on Life Style (Case of Study: Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch Students) [ Vol.6, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1393]
  • Fathi.Soroush Urban Development, Urbanization and Citizenship Law [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • fathollahi.fatemeh Conceptualization of international branding by Econometrics method [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • fattahi dowlatabadi.ahmadreza Investigating the Relationship between Political Interaction of City Council Members and Social Development of Dolatabad Isfahan City [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Fayazbakhsh.Nafise The situation of abortion in the current society and the need for preventive measures [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Feiz.Mohammad Estoppel Rule and Security in Transactions and Legal Relations [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Feiz.Mohammad Estoppel Rule and Security in Transactions and Legal Relations [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • forosezh.sina Investigating the role of female identification in the performance of women's representatives in the 5th Islamic Consultative Assembly [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • foroutan.Yaghoob Institutional strategies of Grassroots Innovations development based on place identity components (Case study: Rasht city) [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • forouzesh.sina The Causes of Inefficiency and Development of Parties in Iran of the First Pahlavi Period (Case Study of the Revival Party from 1920 to 1941) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • forouzesh.sina The Role of the American Economic Crisis in 1929 on the Development of the State Economy in Iran during the First Pahlavi Era [ Vol.9, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1396]


  • Gadimi.Bahram The comparison of Social Mobility Between men and women in Tehran metropolis [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • gahafari.omid Political Development in the Era and After the Iranian Constitutional Revolution And the First Decade of the Islamic Revolution(57-67) [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Ganji.Ghorban Ali Comparative Analysis of Socio-welfare Policies in Ahmadinejad's and Rouhani's Governments [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • garavand.houshang Identifying the most important psychological antecedents of Internet addiction based on a meta-analysis approach: evidence from internal studies [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • garavand.houshang Examining obstacles and solutions for the development of public sports in the Corona and postCorona eras in Lorestan province [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • garavand.houshang Designing and validating of the emerging social and familial injuries affected by Corona [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • garavand.houshang Provide a Model for Measuring the Factors Affecting the Promote Social Health [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Garshivaz.Bita Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of Iranian Customers In Online Shopping From Instagram Stores [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • ghabel rahmat.fatemeh An introduction on the configuration of inequality by Emphasizing economic and political institutions in the context of development: Provide a conceptual model [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Ghaderi.Esmail Explanation of relationships and interactions network between tourism businesses and entrepreneurs based on tourism development (Case study: Khalkhal County) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Ghaderi.Reza A comparative study of Iran's and South Korea's development programs over the past four decades Emphasizing economic-political development [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Ghaderi.Reza A Comparative Study of Iran's and South Korea's Development Programs over the Past Four Decades Emphasizing Economic-political Development [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • ghadimi.bahram Sociological study of the role of socio-cultural factors on political participation of young people in Tabriz city in 1396 [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • ghadimi.bahram A Sociological Study of the Role of Gender Cultural Beliefs in Finding Women's Sports Talent [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • ghadimi.bahram Sociological study of the role of gender cultural beliefs in women's sports scouting [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • ghadimi.bahram sports function in opening offenders with cognitive community approach [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Ghadimi.Bahram Women in the Olympic solidarity activities in Iran: From Barcelona to Rio A case study of the technical courses of 1993 to 2016 [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Ghaedi.Mohammad Reza Television, Individual Empowerment and Human Poverty; Explaining the Functional Framework [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Ghaedi.Mohammad Reza Television, Individual Empowerment and Human Poverty; Explaining the Functional Framework [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Ghaffari.Dariush Structural analysis of the role of citizenship rights components on the social capital level of upper and lower classes of Isfahan (comparative study of devoloping and marginalized neighborhoods) [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Ghamari.Azadeh Providing solutions for attracting human resources talents in Tehran Municipality [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Ghamari.Azadeh Providing Solutions for Attracting Human Resources’ Talents in Tehran Municipality [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Ghanioon.Arezoo Explaining the effective factors on the pattern of organizational learning in monitoring foreign trade with the approach of economic-social development (Case Study:Customs) [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • ghasemi shall.mona Sociological analysis and explanation of the effect of using cyberspace (Telegram and Instagram) on the trend of modern lifestyle of Shahriar girls (study among Shahriar high school female students) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • ghasemi.tayebeh Qualitative study of career- family role conflict of female teacher in Saveh city [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • ghasemi.tayebeh Qualitative study of career-family role conflict of female teachers in Saveh city [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Ghasemi.Zahra Social Barriers to Women's Access to Macro-political Management after the Islamic Revolution of Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • ghayoomi.Abasali Compilation and pathological evaluation of cultural factors underlying the spread of divorce from the perspective of experts in developing countries (case study - women in Tehran Region 1) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Ghiasian.Ali Presenting an intellectual capital development model in network marketing using confirmatory factor analysis and ISM techniques [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • ghochvand.mahyar The effect of institutional trust on the performance of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • ghochvand.mahyar The Effect of Institutional Trust on the Performance of the Staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Ghodsi Rad.Hamid Reza The Effect of Economic Development on Social Inequality in Tehran Metropolis [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Gholipour.Majedeh Mazandaran social media and social and cultural capital [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Gholipour.Majedeh Mazandaran social media and social and cultural assets [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Gholipour.Majedeh the effect of implementing social policies on the satisfaction and preservation of social capital and reduction of social costs among social security insured in Alborz province. [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Gholipour.Majedeh Sociological Study of the Relationship between Types of Capital and Pattern of Electricity Consumption with Emphasis on Social Development(Case Study: Urban Residents of Mazandaran Province) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • gholipour.shahrbanoo Providing a model to promote the sale of digital products with a social marketing approach [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • gholipour.shahrbanoo Provide a template to promote the sale of digital products with a social marketing approach [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • gholizadeh.ahamad Designing a model of spiritual therapy with emphasis on motivational, social and cultural components [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • gholizadeh.ahamad Designing a Spiritual Therapy Model with emphasis on Motivational Components [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • ghorbani sepehr.arash Examining the Impact of Cyber Space on Increasing Political Participation And its effect on the level of social capital of Iranian citizens [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • ghorbani sepehr.arash Examining the Impact of Cyber Space on Increasing Political Participation And its effect on the level of social capital of Iranian citizens [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • ghorbany.mohammad reza Examining the "consequences" of implementing communication programs for the development of social partnerships in non-governmental organizations and charities [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Ghourchian.NaderGoli Developing and Explaining a Model for Smarter Universities around the World [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Ghourchian.NaderGoli Developing and explaining a model for making universities smarter with a global level: [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • godarzi.amin Designing a model for explaining the components of tendency to social networks with metacombination method [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Golabi.Fatemeh Media and health-oriented lifestyle (Study of citizens' health-oriented lifestyle in East Azerbaijan province) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Golchini.Mohammad Investigating the Relationship between Ethical and Charismatic Leadership Styles and Social Development Case study of employee performance in public and private organizations in Tehran [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Goldouzian.Babak A Documentary Analysis of Socio-Economic Impacts of IoT in Denmark [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • golmohamadi.majid Undeveloped Imports and Exports of Iran and Russia in the Qajar era (1174-1304 AD) [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • gorgvandi.elahe Investigating Power-Position Relationships in the Formation of Organizational Sense of Commitment in the General Organization of Tehran Municipality [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • gorgvandi.elahe A Study of Power Relationships - A Place in the Formation of Organizational Commitment in the Public Organization of Tehran Municipality [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • gorji.mohamnad bagher Providing a sustainable social development model based on entrepreneurial planning [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • gorjinia.adel Phenomenological spatial-temporal identity in valuable worn-out tissues with a sustainable development approach [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]


  • habib zadeh.tavakol The Role and Position of the Administrative JusticeTribunal in Reasoning, Documenting and Justifying the Judgments of the Quasi-Judicial Authorities [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Habibpour Gatabi.Karam The Needs and Priorities of Citizenship Education among Citizens (An Empricial Study in the City of Karaj) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Hadari.saeed A comparative study of smart city with organizational architecture of information-communication technology of the municipality [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Hadi Peykani.Mehraban Qualitative study of the development and change of organizational culture and identification of its leverage points with the approach to reforming work ethic (Case study: Government agencies of Golestan Province) [ Vol.9, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Hadi Peykani.Mehraban Qualitative study of the development and change of organizational culture and identification of its leverage points with the approach to reforming work ethic (Case study: Government agencies of Golestan Privince) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hadi tahan.mohsen Study of social impact assessment of Mehr housing in urban areas of Ardabil [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hadi tahan.mohsen The role of social support in marital adjustment of married women working in the branches of Maskan Bank in Tehran [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • hadi tahan.mohsen Structural model of sports-based leisure time impact on social self-efficacy in students with the role of spiritual intelligence interfaces [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • hadi tahan.mohsen Study of Social Impact Assessment of Mehr Housing in Urban Areas of Ardabil [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Hadinejad.Manijeh Threshold effects of shadow economy on the relationship between financial depth, banking policies and macroeconomic fluctuations with socio-economic development [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Hafezi.Bahar Examining the Relationship between Institutional Quality, Financial Inclusion, Social Development and Economic Growth in Iran: Simultaneous Equations System Approach [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Hafezi.Bahar Investigating the short-term and long-term effects of financial literacy, financial inclusion and social development on financial stability in OPEC countries using the PARDL method [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • HAFEZI.FATEME SADAT iNVESTIGATING the effect of Human Capital on Organizational Performance with respect to the role of Moderator variableSocal capital [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • hafezi.Nayere Explaining social health management strategies from the perspective of the elderly (a phenomenological study) [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • haghani sarmi.fatemah Investigating the role of female identification in the performance of women's representatives in the 5th Islamic Consultative Assembly [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • haghighatian.mansour School, the Family, Healthy Life Style among High School Students in the City of Esfahan [ Vol.9, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • haghighatian.mansour A Study of Cultural factors affecting the Development of Collective work (case of study: Tehrani women 20 years of age and above) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • haghighatian.mansour The Effective Factors on the Quality of Women’s Life in Isfahan [ Vol.6, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1393]
  • haghighatian.mansour The Relationship between Selected Social, Cultural, and Organizational Factors on Employees’ Alienation (Case of Study: Jihad Agricultural Organization of Isfahan City) [ Vol.7, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1394]
  • haghighatian.mansour A Study of factors affecting Social Responsibility of High School Students in the city of Isfahan [ Vol.3, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1390]
  • haghighatian.mansour The Effect of Ecological-Social Behaviors on Social Development (Case of Study: The Southern Pars Staff) [ Vol.5, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1391]
  • haghighatian.mansour Market, Value Change and Development: Generational Differences in Business Values Among Marketers in Isfahan [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • haghighatian.mansour Investigating the socio-cultural factors associated with life style of youth in Isfahan [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • haghighatian.mansour Market, Value Changes and Development: Generational Differences in Business Values among Bazaars in Isfahan [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • haghighatian.mansour Effective Social Factors on Social Isolation of the Youth (Case of Study: Isfahan City) [ Vol.5, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1392]
  • haghighatian.mansour School, the Family, Healthy Life Style among High School Students in the city of Esfahan [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • haghighatian.mansour Effective factors on national identity of high school students: (A case study of Esfahan) [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1388]
  • haghighatian.mansour Evaluation of social consequences of the ZAYANDEH ROOD River dryness on the community East of Isfahan farmers [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • haghighatian.mansour An Analysis of the relationship between Parents’ social and cultural capitals and social developmental skills in the city of Shahreza [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • haghighatian.mansour A Sociological Study of Iranian-Islamic Lifestyle among the Youth in Kerman City [ Vol.7, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • haghighatian.mansour Effect of modernization on social changes in Ahwaz city [ Vol.8, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1395]
  • haghighatian.mansour The Effects of Mothers' Employment the Cultural Intelligence of High School Students in Isfahan [ Vol.2, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1389]
  • Hajikazem.Somayyeh The Assessment performance effectiveness of facilitation offices in Development process of Informal neighborhoods (Case study: Arzenan neighborhood -Isfahan) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Hajikazem.Somayyeh Evaluating the effectiveness of facilitation offices in the development process of informal neighborhoods (case study: Aruznan neighborhood, Isfahan) [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • hajipour.fateme The Role and Position of the Administrative JusticeTribunal in Reasoning, Documenting and Justifying the Judgments of the Quasi-Judicial Authorities [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • hajizadeh meymandi.masoud From moral mission to McDonaldization of job: an analysis on the duality of understanding the meaning of desirable job in the thought of teenagers and young people of Mashhad city [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Hakimi.Shahriar The role of using Telegram on the occurrence of violence in football spectators [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Hakimi.Shahriar The Role of Telegram in the Football Fans' violence [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Hakiminya.Behzad Investigation of Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Urban Sustainable Development in Ahvaz City [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Hakiminya.Behzad Investigation of Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Urban Sustainable Development in Ahvaz City [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Hakkak.Mohammad A comparative study of smart city with organizational architecture of information-communication technology of the municipality [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Hallajzadeh.Hoda The Impact of Social and Cultural Capital on Attitude toward Divorce Among people aged 21-50 years living in Kerman [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • hamdi.karim a model with the dimensions of the effective factors and the results of bank quality relationship with company customers. [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hamdi.karim Study of Social Factors Influencing Customer Shopping Experience as a Predictor of Store Loyalty: Moderating Role of Physical Evidence [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • hamdi.karim The role of social apathy in the brand crisis caused by the food safety scandal in under development societies [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hamdi.karim A Model for Commercialization of Products and Services in Developing Countries (Cased of Study: Companies based in Pardis Innovation Park) [ Vol.9, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • hamdi.karim presenting the Social model of factors affecting of online repurchase intention considering the role of pre-purchase and post-purchase factors [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • hamdi.karim The Effect of Developed Social Support on Customer Satisfaction and Citizenship Behavior [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • hamdi.karim کیفیت زندگی ، امکانات و خدمات شهری ، مدیریت شهری ، نابرابری ، شاخص توسعه ، [ Vol.3, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1389]
  • hamdi.karim A model for commercialization of products and services in developing countries - Cased study: Companies based in Pardis innovation park. [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Hamedinejad.Mitra The impact of economic policy uncertainty and corporate social responsibility with emphasis on the mediating role of intellectual capital and research [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Hamedinejad.Mitra The impact of economic policy uncertainty and corporate social responsibility with emphasis on the mediating role of intellectual capital and research and development [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Hamidi.mehrzad The mediating role of in the relationship between social capital , Citizen culture Citizen and the desire to volunteer in the school Olympic Games [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • hamidi.sara The Role of Social Indifference in the Branding Crisis caused by Food Security Scandals in Developing Societies [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • hamidi.sara The role of social apathy in the brand crisis caused by the food safety scandal in under development societies [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hamidifar.Fateme Presenting the structural policy model of the country's water crisis management [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • hanifi.friba to identify the dimensions of improvements training of air defence station with a development approach based on pattern EFQM [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Hashemi Masoomabad.Reza Assessing the sense of neighborhood affinity by increasing citizen participation in neighborhood development projects (Case study: PirMadar neighborhood, Ardebil) [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • hashemi.seyed mahmoud iNVESTIGATING the effect of Human Capital on Organizational Performance with respect to the role of Moderator variableSocal capital [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • hashemianfar.ali Investigating the relationship between religiosity and the work conscience of councilors for the development of neighborhoods in Tehran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Hasheminiya.Meisam Studying the Effects of Religiousness and Political Orientation on Justice Feeling among Iranian Citizens Regarding Iranian Government´s Welfare Development Plans [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • hashemzehi.norooz The role of communication skills of managers in the work environment [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hashemzehi.norooz Semantic Interpretation Use of Virtual Social Networks of both Divorced and Married Women in Mashhad [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hashemzehi.norooz The role of communication skills of managers in business development with emphasis on customer orientation [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hashemzehi.norooz Explaining and Analyzing Effective Cultural Factors [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hassani darmiyan.golamreza The meaning of urban development among city managers and policy makers (case study: Rasht metropolis) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Hassanpoor.Akbar Pattern of Deviant Political Behavior Management Strategies in Banking Industry using a Qualitative Approach [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Hassanpour.Hamidreza International Anti-Corruption Mechanisms [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Hatefi-rad.Lida The role of social support in preventing job-family role conflict [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Hazrati someeh.Zahra Sociological study of the impact of gender inequality on cultural development (Case study: female students of Islamic Azad universities in Tehran) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Hazrati someeh.Zahra Social Barriers to Women's Access to Macro-political Management after the Islamic Revolution of Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Hazrati someeh.Zahra A Sociological Study of the Impact of Social Capital on Familyism among Youth in Tehran [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Hazrati someeh.Zahra Comparative Study of Indicators of Tourism Industry In the tenth and eleventh administrations [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • heidarabadi.abolghasem Social capital and development in the provinces of Iran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • heidarabadi.abolghasem Cultural modernization and family values among high school students in Mazandaran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • heidarabadi.abolghasem The Role of Cooperatives in Socio-Economic Development [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • heidarabadi.abolghasem Study of the Impact of the Feeling of Social Justice on the Rate of Electoral Participation (Case study of Mazandaran province in 2020) [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • heidarabadi.abolghasem Cultural modernization and family values among high school students in Mazandaran [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • hejazi.sayed naser study investigated social justice and influensive social and economical factors on it as an approach for the sustainable development of Torbat Jaam [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • hejazi.sayed naser Investigating the relationship between religiosity and the work conscience of councilors for the development of neighborhoods in Tehran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hejazi.sayed naser Investigating the Relationship between Religiosity and the Work Conscience of Councilors for the Development of Neighborhoods in Tehran [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Hejazi.sayed naser study investigated social justice and influensive social and economical factors on it as an approach for the sustainable development of Torbat Jaam [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Hejazi.sayed naser study investigated social justice and influensive social and economical factors on it as an approach for the sustainable development of Torbat Jaam [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hemayatkhah.mojtaba Analyzing the needs of young girls with a data theory approach [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • heydari.seyed abbas a model with the dimensions of the effective factors and the results of bank quality relationship with company customers. [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • heydari.seyed abbas Designing a Model with the Dimensions of Effective factors and Quality Results of the Bank's Relationship with Corporate Customers [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Hezarjaribi.Jafar Globalization and Social Development in the Past Three Decades (1982-2012) [ Vol.7, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1394]
  • hodaei.seyed nourdin Threshold effects of shadow economy on the relationship between financial depth, banking policies and macroeconomic fluctuations with socio-economic development [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Homayouni.Fatemeh The socio-economic factors affecting happiness of individuals in Tehran: With an emphasis on unemployment of graduates [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • hoseini.ali Multi-Criteria Optimization and Compromise Solution in Prioritization of Spatial Development (Case Study: Townships of Ardabil) [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • hossein panahi.halime ethnic identity and political development (Case Study: Kurdistan university students in the academic year 1394 to 1395) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hossein panahi.halime Ethnic Identity and Political Development (Case of Study: Kurdistan University Students in the Academic Year of 2016 to 2017) [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • Hosseini.Mohammad Reza Thematic Analysis of Women's Social Development with Emphasis on Sustainable Empowerment [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Hosseini.Seyed Ali The compatibility of the attitude towards social responsibility with the goals of corporate sustainable development in the oil industry [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Hosseini.Seyed Ebrahim The Sociological Study of Social Capital Effects on the Social Development among Arak Citizens [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • HOSSEINI.SEYED REZA The role of management and strategy of market orientation and risk of listed companies on entrepreneurship and social development [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Hosseini.Seyedeh Maliheh Longitudinal study of the social progress of Middle East oil countries in the years (2011-2020) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • HOSSEINI.SEYEDKHALIL The effective factors on cultural elits tendency to migration to developed country. [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • hosseininesar.majid Study of Quality of Life of the Elders in Gilan and Its Effective Factors [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • hosseininesar.majid Study of Quality of Life of the Elders in Gilan and Its Effective Factors [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]


  • Imam Juma.Farhad Predicting Arak Citizens Social Happiness Based on Social Justice in 2019 [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Imani Moghaddam.Mahdi Strategic Analysis of the Issue of Ethnic Divergence in Iran; Relative Deprivation of Ethnic Divergence [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Imani Moghaddam.Mahdi Strategic analysis of the factors of ethnic divergence in Iran and the extent of the role of "relative deprivation" in it [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Imani Shamloo.Javad Analysis of the social production of space in the political economy of oil; A Review study [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • imani.mohamd naghi Designing a Model for the Development of Cultural Capital in the Education System of Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • imani.mohamd naghi Designing a model for the development of cultural capital in the education system of Iran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Imani.Mohammad Naghi identify the dimensions, components and indicators of promoting organizational commitment of employees of the Central Organization of the Islamic Azad University in the form of model presentation [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Imani.Mohammad Naghi to identify the dimensions of improvements training of air defence station with a development approach based on pattern EFQM [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Iran Nejad Parizi.Mehdi presenting the Social model of factors affecting of online repurchase intention considering the role of pre-purchase and post-purchase factors [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Iran Nejad Parizi.Mehdi A model for commercialization of products and services in developing countries - Cased study: Companies based in Pardis innovation park. [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]


  • jafari shahbazzadeh.mehdi Discourse Analysis of Social Development in the Periods of Islamic Parliament of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • jafari.hasaan Examining obstacles and solutions for the development of public sports in the Corona and postCorona eras in Lorestan province [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • jafarvandnou.farshad The causes of Iranian violence and deviations of sport with a futuristic approach (Case study: Football) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Jafarzadeh dashboulagh.Daryoush Assessing Social Health in Iran and the World and Presenting a Multi-layered Strategic Model for achieving Social Health with Emphasis on Effective Foundations and Infrastructures [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Jafarzadeh Pour.Forouzandeh Survey of Inter generational relationships and leisure model in Province’s with different level of development [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Jafarzadeh Pour.Forouzandeh Study of Relationship between Generation and Pattern of Leisure in Provinces with different Levels of Development [ Vol.9, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Jahanmiri.Mohamad hesam Development of Social Commerce and Analysis of Consumer Behavior [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Jamal omidi.Eshagh Providing a model of intelligent management systems for sustainable and resilient production systems in the cement industry in order to improve social development [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Janipour.Cream investigating the criminal laws and regulations on children and adolescents in Iranian law and its effect on reducing social harms [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Janipour.Cream Investigating the criminal laws and regulations of children and adolescents in Iranian law and its effect on reducing social harm [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • jasemnejad.fereshteh Measuring the factors of physical-spatial failure affecting the occurrence of crimes with emphasis on sustainable development (Case study of Baharestan city) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • javanmard.kamal sociological study of factors affecting social deprivatio Among young people aged 19 to 30 in Kahnooj [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • javanmard.kamal Study of social contexts affecting participation in public sports among female students using the data theory strategy of foundation (Case study of female students of Islamic Azad University the of Kerman ) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • jorjani.shahram Investigating the Effect of Economic Rumors on Telegram Social Network on the National Development Process [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • jorjani.shahram The Effect of Economic Rumors on National Development Process in Telegram Social Network [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]


  • kaghazian.soheila The effect of social capital on income inequality in Iranian Provinces [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Kahrazehi.Yaser Nordic council: Fundamentals of socialist developmental regionalism based on perception and global positive image making [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • kaldi.alireza Study of Quality of Life of the Elders in Gilan and Its Effective Factors [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • Kaldi.Alireza Study of Quality of Life of the Elders in Gilan and Its Effective Factors [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Kaldi.Alireza Sociological study of the role of socio-cultural factors on political participation of young people in Tabriz city in 1396 [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • kalhor.mahammad The Role of American Land Reform in the Failure and Underdevelopment of Agricultural Economy in Iran (Second Pahlavi Era) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Kameli.Mohammad javad Providing a model of sustainable banking development in Iranian governmental Bank with an emphasis on green banking [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Karimi Moughari.Zahra Institutional strategies of Grassroots Innovations development based on place identity components (Case study: Rasht city) [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • KARIMI.MEHRDAD Analysis of the concept of "subject" in discourse analysis approaches [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • KARIMI.MEHRDAD Evolving the concept of "subject" in the approaches to discourse analysis [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Karimiyan.Habibolah Investigating norms and social cohesion affecting the green lifestyle in urban housewives [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Karoubi.Mahdi Designing an analytical model of children's tourism attitude towards social development through intangible assets [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Karoubi.Mahdi Designing an Analytical Qualitative Model of Children's Tourism Attitude towards Social Development through Intangible Assets [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1397]
  • kasraee.Ahmad Reza Application of meta-combination technique for agile business model in the environment of the fourth industrial revolution using business process management systems [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • kasraee.Ahmad Reza Atride Stirling theme analysis workshop in analyzing the indicators of the smart city governance model based on urban justice with the approach of electronic participation Abstract [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • kavousi.esmaeil THE ROLE OF IRIB ORGANIZATION IN DEVELOPING CREATIVE CITY [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • kavousi.esmaeil سرمایه اجتماعی، سازمان تأمین اجتماعی، توسعه پایدار [ Vol.2, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1389]
  • kaykhosravi.Houra Sociological analysis on cultural poverty in repeating social deviations and jailed women's return to prison (women's central penitentiary, Arak, 2019) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • kaykhosravi.Houra Sociological Analysis of Cultural Poverty in the Repetition of Social Deviations and Return to Prison in Women Prisoners (Central Women's Repentance Center of Arak City in 2019) [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • kazemipour sabet.shahla Contribution of Educational Costs of Government and Household in Human Development of Iran [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • kazemipour sabet.shahla Investigating the needs of the elderly population of Iran in different regions and population groups up to 1420 and its role in social development [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • kazemipour sabet.shahla The study of environmental (climate) and mortality rate of Iran provinces with demographic perspective [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • kazemipour sabet.shahla The study of environmental (climate) and mortality rate of Iran provinces with demographic perspective [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • keramati.mohammadali Providing a model of intelligent management systems for sustainable and resilient production systems in the cement industry in order to improve social development [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • keramati.Mohammadali Atride Stirling theme analysis workshop in analyzing the indicators of the smart city governance model based on urban justice with the approach of electronic participation Abstract [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • keramati.Mohammadali Modeling the underlying factor of taxpayer behavior when receiving training in order to improve social capital (case study: legal entities of Tehran) [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • keshani.saeed Comparative Study of Indicators of Tourism Industry In the tenth and eleventh administrations [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • ketabi roodi.ahmad Developing the Social Security Rights in the Context of the Right to Development [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • ketabi roodi.ahmad Developing the social security rights in the context of the right to development [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Keyghobadi.Amir Reza The response of society's welfare to government debt shocks and institutional quality under the golden rule of financial development [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Keykha.Alame Providing A Model for the Development Drivers of Knowledge-based Companies in Deprived Areas (Case Study: Sistan and Baluchestan, Hormozgan, Kerman, South Khorasan Provinces) [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • khademi.sadegh investigating the criminal laws and regulations on children and adolescents in Iranian law and its effect on reducing social harms [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • khademi.sadegh Investigating the criminal laws and regulations of children and adolescents in Iranian law and its effect on reducing social harm [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • khairi.hassan Analysis of the influential cultural policies of the Islamic Republic System of Iran on maintaining social capital in Khuzestan province [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • khajvand ahmadi.issa The role of individual, family and social factors in explaining cyber-victimization [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • khajvand ahmadi.issa The Role of Individual, Family and Social Factors in Explaining Cyber-victimization [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • khajvand ahmadi.issa An analysis of the role and position of education in promoting tourism literacy [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Khaledi.Shahriar The Analysis Geographical Spaces’ Inequality of Development among Iran’s Central Rural Regions [ Vol.5, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1392]
  • Khalili Araghi.Maryam Study of Social Factors Influencing Customer Shopping Experience as a Predictor of Store Loyalty: Moderating Role of Physical Evidence [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Khandani.Seyed Pedram Estoppel Rule and Security in Transactions and Legal Relations [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Khandani.Seyed Pedram Estoppel Rule and Security in Transactions and Legal Relations [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • khani.alireza A Critical Perspective of Georg Simmel’s Views on Religion, the Ratio between Religion and Religiosity in Georg Simmel’s Formal Sociology [ Vol.8, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1395]
  • Khanmohammadi.Maryam Pathology of Arak metropolitan urban development and its relationship with social health [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • khatami.niloufat Examining the Relationship between Institutional Quality, Financial Inclusion, Social Development and Economic Growth in Iran: Simultaneous Equations System Approach [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • kheyrandish.mahdi Pattern of Deviant Political Behavior Management Strategies in Banking Industry using a Qualitative Approach [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • khiri.hassan Analysis of the Influential Cultural Policies of the Islamic Republic System of Iran on Maintaining Social Capital in Khuzestan Province [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Khodabakhsh.REZA Sociological study of the role of socio-cultural factors on political participation of young people in Tabriz city in 1396 [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • khodabandeh lou.mohammad the effect of implementing social policies on the satisfaction and preservation of social capital and reduction of social costs among social security insured in Alborz province. [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • khodaee.Zahra The Assessment of Social Potential’ Effect on Locales Liking from the Teenagers Point of View in Tehran City [ Vol.7, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1393]
  • khojasteh.hasan An analysis of the cultural values of cinema in the decade before the Islamic Revolution of Iran [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • khorsand asiabar.hamid The Study Of The Relationship Between Corruption & Human Development Indicators In Selected Countries During The Years 2010 To 2012 [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • khorshidi.Abbas Presenting the structural policy model of the country's water crisis management [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Khoshfar.Gholamreza Social and cultural capital's effect on lifestyle of elderly women covered by the state Welfare Organization (case study: Golestan province) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Khoshfar.Gholamreza Social and Cultural Capital's Effect on Lifestyle of Elderly Women Covered by the State Welfare Organization (Case Study: Golestan Province) [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • khosravi.sahar Sociological Explanation of the Share of Social Capital in Social Mobility [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • khosravi.sahar Sociological Explanation of the Share of Social Capital in Social Movement [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • khosravi.somaye An Investigation of the Factors Affecting Social Capital Improvement among Rural Islamic Council Members of Tehran [ Vol.9, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • kianimanesh.kamran A Study of Socio-Cultural Development of Organizations Relying on Redesigning Customer Relationship Management Model in Media Centers of Iranian Organizations (Case Study: Kargaran Welfare Bank) [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • kianimanesh.kamran Investigating the Cultural and Social Development of Organizations Based on Re-Designing Customer Relationship Management Model at Media Centers of Iranian Organizations [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • kiyani.elham Studying the status of social indicators in the textile industrial cluster of Yazd [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • kordestani.fereshteh Identifying the components of information literacy development in the primary course of the education system using content analysis and technique application technique (DEMATEL) [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • kouhkan.fatemeh Sociological study of Gender differences in Iran according to Human Development indicators - Case study: Maskan Bank staff [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]


  • lashkarizadeh.maryam The effect of social capital on income inequality in Iranian Provinces [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • lashkarizadeh.maryam The Role of Creative Economy in Economic Growth in Selected Countries [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • lashkarizadeh.maryam Conceptualization of international branding by Econometrics method [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • lashkarizadeh.maryam The Role of Creative Economy in Economic Growth in Selected Countries [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • lotfi.heidar Investigating and analyzing the Role of ethnic Gaps in Post-Revolutionary geopolitical crisis in Iran in order to effect the system in border regions: A Case Study of Western borders [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]


  • madahi shahkhali.hojat The role of the development of virtual space and social network on the lifestyle of students in Damavand city in 2019 [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • madahi shahkhali.hojat The role of social network and cyberspace development on the lifestyle of Damavand students in 1399 [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Madani.Javad Cooperation Networks in Sustainable Tourism Development: Interaction and Participation of Effective Sectors as Social Capital [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Madani.Javad Cooperation networks in sustainable tourism development: interaction and participation of effective sectors as social capital [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Madani.Saeed The effective factors on cultural elits tendency to migration to developed country. [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • mahdavi.mohamad sadegh Proposing a Social Solidarity Model and its Role in Family Intergroup Solidarity in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Tehran City [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1397]
  • mahdavi.somayeh sadat The role of communication skills of managers in the work environment [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • mahdavi.somayeh sadat The role of communication skills of managers in business development with emphasis on customer orientation [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • mahdavi.somayeh sadat The Role of Communication Skills of Managers in Business Development with Emphasis on Customer Orientation [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Mahdi.Reza Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Retirement Social Participation (Case Study: Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Mahdipour.Ahmad Survey of villagers' satisfaction with the performance of Dehyari and the Islamic Council of the village (Case study: villages of Darrehshahr city) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Mahdipour.Assiyeh Survey of villagers' satisfaction with the performance of Dehyari and the Islamic Council of the village (Case study: villages of Darrehshahr city) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • mahmoodi.amirhosein Investigating the effective factors on the formation of social capital in universities with emphasis on the views of Imam Khomeini and developing an appropriate model for its development [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Mahmoodi.Seyad Jalal Sociological Study of the Social Consequences of Tariffing on Imported Goods and its Relationship with Economic Development in Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Mahmoodi.Seyad Jalal Sociological study of the social consequences of tariffing on imported goods And its relationship with economic development in Iran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • mahmoudi.amir hosain Identifying the components of information literacy development in the primary course of the education system using content analysis and technique application technique (DEMATEL) [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • mahmoudi.hassan Designing an organizational meritocracy management model with sociological approach (cease study: Food and Drug Administration of Iran ) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • majdi.aliakbar The meaning of urban development among city managers and policy makers (case study: Rasht metropolis) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Majidi.Fereshteh An analysis of the cultural values of cinema in the decade before the Islamic Revolution of Iran [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • majidi.maryam Explaining the effective factors on the pattern of organizational learning in monitoring foreign trade with the approach of economic-social development (Case Study:Customs) [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Makhdumi javan.Reza Sociological explanation of tax evasion and its role on the level of social welfare of taxpayers in the metropolis of Tehran in the years 2015 to 2015 [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • maleki.saeed Space deprivation assess the level of development and planning priorities (Case study: Khuzestan) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Malekian.Nazanin The role of developing social participation in the humanitarian affairs of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee نماد «مورد تأیید انجمن» [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Malemohammadi.Fatemeh Unstable social development, unbalanced city and quality of urban life (Integrative and comparative view of the quality of life in Tehran) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Mandegar.Mostafa The effect of the damage reduction rule on the objective method of calculating damage caused by breach of contract in the International Sale of Goods Convention with a comparative study in Iranian law [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Mandegar.Mostafa The Impact of Duty to Mitigation of Damage on the Concrete Method Calculation of Damages in the International Sale of Goods and its comparative study of Iran’s Law [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mansoorirazi.Moradali Discourse Analysis of Social Development in the Periods of Islamic Parliament of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • mansouri.abbas ali Investigating the Relationship between Objective and intuitive Elements of Ethnicity with Political Participation Development in the East of Golestan Province (with Emphasis on Parliamentary Elections) [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • mansouri.abbas ali Investigating the Relationship Between objective and intuitve Elements of Ethnicity with development Political Participation in the East of Golestan Province (with emphasis on Parliamentary Elections) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Manzari Tavakol.Alireza Investigating the Relationship between Ethical and Charismatic Leadership Styles and Social Development Case study of employee performance in public and private organizations in Tehran [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Mashhadi.Jila Pathology of Arak metropolitan urban development and its relationship with social health [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Mavedat.Elias Space measurement of social capital for sustainable social development of model VIKOR Case metropolis of Ahvaz [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mavedat.Elias Space measurement of social capital for sustainable social development of model VIKOR Case metropolis of Ahvaz [ Vol.8, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Mehrdost.Abolfazl Determining the factors affecting the tendency to social entrepreneurship with emphasis on social intelligence in the Social Security Organization [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mehrdost.Abolfazl Determining the factors influencing social entrepreneurship with emphasis on social intelligence in the social security organization [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Mehrinejhad.Safiyeh Providing a model of intelligent management systems for sustainable and resilient production systems in the cement industry in order to improve social development [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Mehrmanesh.Hasan Atride Stirling theme analysis workshop in analyzing the indicators of the smart city governance model based on urban justice with the approach of electronic participation Abstract [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Mehrmanesh.Hasan Presenting a multi-objective model for locating warehouses through particle swarm optimization algorithm in Artaville Tire [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Meydari.Ahmad Sociological analysis of economic resilience of insurance funds with emphasis on Delphi method [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • mir.seyed mohsen Developing and Explaining a Model for Smarter Universities around the World [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • mir.seyed mohsen Developing and explaining a model for making universities smarter with a global level: [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • mir.seyed mohsen Compilation and pathological evaluation of cultural factors underlying the spread of divorce from the perspective of experts in developing countries (case study - women in Tehran Region 1) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Mirakzadeh.Aliasghar Application of social lifecycle approach in assessing social sustainability (Case Study:Menarid Project) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Mirakzadeh.Aliasghar A comparative study of social impact assessment tools in social research [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Mirzaee.Khalil Sociological analysis of the role of comparative dissatisfaction in creation of job idleness (Case study of Sharif University staff) [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • moafi.reza Presenting the ideal city of creative city in Tehran metropolis [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • moazami goodarzi.mahboobeh The impact of cyberspace on the lifestyle of women : women 18-40 years،Tehran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • moazami goodarzi.mahboobeh The impact of cyberspace on the lifestyle of women : women 18-40 years،Tehran(2015-2016) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • moazami goodarzi.mahboobeh The Impact of Cyberspace on the Lifestyle of 18-40 Years Old Women in Districts 2 and 5 of Tehran (2015-2016) [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • Moazezi Khandehroye Yazdi.Farzaneh A Sociological Study of the Impact of Social Capital on Familyism among Youth in Tehran [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Moazzeni.Ahmad The study of Interactional Anomie and problematic of virtual social capital in the transition from the Corona era (a case study of Instagram users) [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • moezzi.Foroogh Modeling the underlying factor of taxpayer behavior when receiving training in order to improve social capital (case study: legal entities of Tehran) [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Mohajeri.asghar Unstable social development, unbalanced city and quality of urban life (Integrative and comparative view of the quality of life in Tehran) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • mohamad khani.kamran Compilation and pathological evaluation of cultural factors underlying the spread of divorce from the perspective of experts in developing countries (case study - women in Tehran Region 1) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • mohamad khani.kamran Developing and explaining a model for making universities smarter with a global level: [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • mohamadipoor.farzad Deconstruction of the disability discourse in Iranian urban society [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Mohamadkhani.Kamran The effective factors on cultural elits tendency to migration to developed country. [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Mohammad Davoudi,.Amir Hossein Developing and Explaining a Model for Smarter Universities around the World [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Mohammad Davoudi,.Amir Hossein Developing and explaining a model for making universities smarter with a global level: [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • mohammadi hamidi.somayeh A Review and Analysis of Welfare Development Indicators in Islamic Countries [ Vol.9, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • mohammadi hamidi.somayeh Review and analysis welfare development indicators in Islamic countries [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mohammadi Raisi.Mohammad Zaman New Banking Industry and Development in Iran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mohammadi Raisi.Mohammad Zaman Investigating and analyzing the position of cultural heritage in the sixth development plan [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Mohammadi Raisi.Mohammad Zaman New Banking and Development Industry in Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Mohammadi.Ardeshir Stream of public relations news in the community [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Mohammadi.Asghar The Relationship between cultural factors and religion, social Happiness (case of study: the residents of the city of Esfahan) [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Mohammadi.Asghar Evaluation of social consequences of the ZAYANDEH ROOD River dryness on the community East of Isfahan farmers [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • mohammadi.foad Comparison of the Viewpoints of Social and Political Scholars and Intellectuals and Population of Kurdistan on Fair Distribution of Opportunities and Amenities during 2017-2018 [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Mohammadi.Hamed The place of women and family in the bill of the seventh economic and social development program of the Islamic Republic of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Mohammadi.Hamed Identify the cultural and social components of family consolidation in order to prevent divorce [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Mohammadi.Shaghayegh Identifying the Factors Influencing Activity of Technology-Based Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in the Services Field for the Disabled (Case Study: The Urban Management of Tehran) [ Vol.5, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1392]
  • Mohammadi.Zohre Designing an Analytical Qualitative Model of Children's Tourism Attitude towards Social Development through Intangible Assets [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Mohammadi.Zohre Designing an analytical model of children's tourism attitude towards social development through intangible assets [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mohammadian.Mehrdad Sociological explanation of tax evasion and its role on the level of social welfare of taxpayers in the metropolis of Tehran in the years 2015 to 2015 [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Mohammadpour.Sara The role of using Telegram on the occurrence of violence in football spectators [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Mohammadpour.Sara Documentary Analysis of the Social and Economic Effects of the Internet of Things in Denmark [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Mohammadpour.Sara The Role of Telegram in the Football Fans' violence [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mohammadpour.Sara A Documentary Analysis of Socio-Economic Impacts of IoT in Denmark [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mohammadpour.Sara A Comparative Study of the Role of Cyberspace in Social Development from the Viewpoints of Students of Azad University and National University of Tehran [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Mohammadpourzarandi.Mohammadebrahim Modeling the underlying factor of taxpayer behavior when receiving training in order to improve social capital (case study: legal entities of Tehran) [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • mohseni tabrizi.alireza A comparative study of Iran's and South Korea's development programs over the past four decades Emphasizing economic-political development [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mohseni Tabrizi.Alireza Sociological Study of Decision Making Process in Political Behaviors with the Emphasis on the Role of Gender: A Case Study of Tabriz, Iran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mohseni Tabrizi.Alireza Sociological study of Gender differences in Iran according to Human Development indicators - Case study: Maskan Bank staff [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Mohseni Tabrizi.Alireza The study of environmental (climate) and mortality rate of Iran provinces with demographic perspective [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mohseni Tabrizi.Alireza Sociological Explanation of the Share of Social Capital in Social Movement [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • mokhber dezfoli.fahimeh The role of Iranian families in the development of Iranian-Islamic identity Subject of study: the first era of the Abbasid caliphate [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Mokhtarianpour.Majid Political values in the government of Ali (AS) [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Mokhtarpour.Mehdi Theoretical Interpretation of Developmentalist Ideas and Secular Lifestyle Tendencies [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Mokhtarpour.Mehdi Urban Development, Urbanization and Citizenship Law [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mokhtarpour.Mehdi Sociological Study of the Impact of Women's Employment on Social Development in Iran (Case of Study: Women Home Business Owners in 16th and 19th Districts of Tehran) [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Mokhtarpour.Mehdi Theoretical Explanation of the Effects of Entrepreneurship on Sustainable Development with Emphasis on Structuralist Thought [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mokhtarpour.Mehdi Explaining Cultural-managerial Factors Affecting the Increase of Social Crimes Resulting from the Physical-spacial Development of Tehran (Case of Study: 19th District of Tehran) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mokhtarpour.Mehdi Explaining Cultural-managerial Factors Affecting the Increase of Social Crimes Resulting from the Physical-spacial Development of Tehran (Case of Study: 19th District of Tehran) [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Mokhtarpour.Mehdi The Evaluation of Modern Visual Media’s Role and Effect on Life Style (Case of Study: Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch Students) [ Vol.6, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1393]
  • Mokhtarpour.Mehdi Urban Development, Urbanization and Citizenship Law [ Vol.3, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1390]
  • Mokhtarpour.Mehdi A Sociological Explanation of Social Factors Influencing the Cultural Goods Consumption (Case of Study: Tehran City) [ Vol.8, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Mokhtarpour.Mehdi The Role of Structuralism School of Thought on the Emergence of Development Theories [ Vol.4, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1391]
  • Mokhtarpour.Mehdi The concept of "modern sovereignty" or the concept of "modern sovereignty" [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Mollanorouzi.keyvan Women in the Olympic solidarity activities in Iran: From Barcelona to Rio A case study of the technical courses of 1993 to 2016 [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Mollazadeh.Reyhaneh Women's perception about the space of Tehran city [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • montazeralmahdi.mostafa Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Retirement Social Participation (Case Study: Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • moradi.azra Identifying the dimensions and components of cultural branding development in the Iranian film industry: A social approach [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • moradi.azra Identifying the Dimensions and Components of Cultural Branding Development in the Iranian Film Industry: A social Approach [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • moradi.davood The Effect of Realization of Social Development Banking Model on the Development and Economic Development of the Country with Emphasis on Banking Network [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Moradi.Kebriya Intergenerational Differences in terms of Religious Status in Rural Settlements (Case of study: Kardeh dehestan of Mashhad County) [ Vol.6, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1392]
  • Moradian.parisa Paradigmatic analysis of social structures affecting the failure of development projects (Case of Study: Water Pumping Station Project in Pasar Village, Hersin) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Moradian.parisa Paradigmatic analysis of social structures affecting the failure of development-rural projects (Case of Study: Water Pumping Station Project in Pasar Hersin Village) [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Moradinasab.Monireh "Sociological Analysis of the Relationship between Student Social Trust and Religious Adherence"" Case Study; Students of Payame Noor University of Semnan Province [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Mosaei.Meysam Sociological Study of the Social Consequences of Tariffing on Imported Goods and its Relationship with Economic Development in Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Mosaei.Meysam Sociological study of Gender differences in Iran according to Human Development indicators - Case study: Maskan Bank staff [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Mosaei.Meysam Sociological analysis of fatalism and its role in development (case study of Ilam city) [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Mosaei.Meysam Sociological study of the Fatalism and its role in development (Case study of Ilam city) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mosaei.Meysam Sociological analysis of socio-economic factors affecting the attraction of shareholders in Tehran stock market [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • mosavi.reza The role of social support in marital adjustment of married women working in the branches of Maskan Bank in Tehran [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Mosavi.Somayeh Sense of Belonging to Neighborhood and its Role in Social Participation (Case study: Tehran, Armenians enclave, A) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Mosavi.Somayeh Sense of Belonging to Neighborhood and its Role in Social Participation (Case of Study: Tehran, Armenians’ Region, A) [ Vol.9, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Mostafavi kangahi.Farahnaz The relationship between mass media and family values (Case of study: 15-29 year old youth of Shahrekord) [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Mostaghimi.Mahmoud Reza Presenting a model of social innovation with an entrepreneurial development approach in the General Directorate of Roads and Urban Development of the northern provinces [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • mostame.reza Explaining the factors affecting on social anomy in the context of cultural development in the urban family and its consequences [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1397]
  • mostame.reza Explaining the factors affecting on social anomy in the context of cultural development in the urban family and its consequences [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • motaghi.samira Levels of Health Development Indicators (Case Study: Fars Province) [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1397]
  • motaghi.samira The Role of Social Development on Economic Growth (Case of Study: Iran and Turkey) [ Vol.9, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1396]
  • motaghi.samira The Role of Social Development on economic growth (Case Study: Iran and Turkey) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • motallebi.masoud Comparative Analysis of Socio-welfare Policies in Ahmadinejad's and Rouhani's Governments [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Motamedi Mohammadabadi.Marziyeh The effectiveness of mindfulness based resilience training on social acceptance of Isfahan University girl students [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Motlaq.Masoumeh A survey about the relationship between sustainable social development and a sense of place belonging in Boroujerd [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • mottaghi.afshin Explain the role of cyber social networks in the exercise of social power and national power.. [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • mottaghi.ebrahim Sociological study of the role of socio-cultural factors on political participation of young people in Tabriz city in 1396 [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • mottaghi.ebrahim Meta-analysis of the Performance of Iran Higher Education System with a Focus on National Development Plans [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1397]
  • mottaghi.ebrahim Modeling Dynamic Cohesion in the Development Process [ Vol.9, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1396]
  • mottaghi.narges Social Barriers to Women's Access to Macro-political Management after the Islamic Revolution of Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Mottaghi.Zeinab An Analysis of the relationship between Parents’ social and cultural capitals and social developmental skills in the city of Shahreza [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • movahedi.yazdan Study of the degree of development of East Azerbaijan cities by numerical taxonomy and cluster analysis [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • mozafari.Afsaneh The Role of Mass Media in Sustainable Development with Empowering Women Approach [ Vol.7, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1394]
  • mozafari.Afsaneh Investigating the Effect of Economic Rumors on Telegram Social Network on the National Development Process [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Musai.Maysam Contribution of Educational Costs of Government and Household in Human Development of Iran [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Musai.Maysam The Effect of Economic Development on Social Inequality in Tehran Metropolis [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]


  • naderi.nader Investigating the relationship between the functions of popular organizations and the new components of sustainable development (Case study: People's organizations of Kermanshah province) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Naderi.Nader Investigating the relationship between the functions of popular organizations and the new components of sustainable development (Case study: People's organizations of Kermanshah province) [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Naeimaei.Benyamin Investigating the Role of Urban Management in Increasing Social Participation with Emphasis on Neighborhood (Case Study: Tehran District 8) [ Vol.9, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Naeimaei.Benyamin The Role of Urban Management in Promoting Social Engagement with an Emphasis on the Neighborhood Approach: A Case Study of District Eight of Tehran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • nahavandi.maryam The Study Of The Relationship Between Corruption & Human Development Indicators In Selected Countries During The Years 2010 To 2012 [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • najaf bagi.reza Designing an organizational meritocracy management model with sociological approach (cease study: Food and Drug Administration of Iran ) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Najafbagy.Reza Providing a model of sustainable banking development in Iranian governmental Bank with an emphasis on green banking [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Najafi Zadegan.Yasin The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Technology on Fear of Adolescent Speech [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Najafi Zadegan.Yasin The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Technology on Fear of Adolescent Speech [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Najafian.Mahmood Sociological study of the role of socio-cultural factors on political participation of young people in Tabriz city in 1396 [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Nasrolahi.fateme Investigating the role of elite political culture in the ethnic identity of the masses And its effect on teaching political order (Case study: Ilam) [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Nasrollahzadeh.Mohammad Javad Assessing Social Health in Iran and the World and Presenting a Multi-layered Strategic Model for achieving Social Health with Emphasis on Effective Foundations and Infrastructures [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • navabakhash.mehrdad The role of social security organization on the social welfare of Iran from the point of view of the covered citizens Social security organization in West Azarbaijan province [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • navabakhash.mehrdad Identification of dimensions ,ingredient,and media implications of Iranian citizenship rights and Presenting a conceptual pattern [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Science and technology policies in five-year development plans (Discourse analysis of the 6th program based on the approach of Laclou and Mouffe) [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Identify the cultural and social components of family consolidation in order to prevent divorce [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Sociological study of the role of socio-cultural factors on political participation of young people in Tabriz city in 1396 [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Sociological Study of Decision Making Process in Political Behaviors with the Emphasis on the Role of Gender: A Case Study of Tabriz, Iran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Sociological Study of the Decision Making Process in Political Behaviors with an Emphasis on the Role of Gender (Case of Study: Tabriz City) [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1397]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad The causes of Iranian violence and deviations of sport with a futuristic approach (Case study: Football) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Sociological analysis on cultural poverty in repeating social deviations and jailed women's return to prison (women's central penitentiary, Arak, 2019) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Designing A Model for Empowering Sustainable Social Welfare for Families Covered by the Relief Committee: with A Grand Theory Approach [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Comparing development plans of the country from the quality of life social dimensions’ view point [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Comparison of the Country's Development Programs in terms of including the Social Dimensions of Quality of Life [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Analysis of the concept of "subject" in discourse analysis approaches [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Designing the pattern of cultural capital development in the family. [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Designing a Model for Developing and Empowering Sustainable Social Welfare in Promoting Resilience with a Grounded Theory Approach (Case Study of Clients under the Auspices of the Lorestan Relief Committee) [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad Semantic Context of Cultural Consequences of Drought and Zayandehrud Drought (with an Emphasis on the Cultural Identity of Isfahan Citizens) [ Vol.8, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1395]
  • navabakhsh.mahrdad capacity elite , culture diplomacy , structure and rules [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • navabakhsh.mehrdad Evolving the concept of "subject" in the approaches to discourse analysis [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • navabakhsh.mehrdad Unstable social development, unbalanced city and quality of urban life (Integrative and comparative view of the quality of life in Tehran) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • navabakhsh.mehrdad Sociological analysis of the generation gap of children and parents awaiting the role of each other in the urban family of Iran (Case study of Tehran) [ Vol.9, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1396]
  • navabakhsh.mehrdad Comparison of the cultural values of the three generations of the Islamic Revolution and their relation to the development discourse [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • navabakhsh.mehrdad The Role of Modern Social Networks in Cultural Development (Case of Study: Malekan City, summer 2017) [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • Navabakhsh.Mehrdad Designing an organizational meritocracy management model with sociological approach (cease study: Food and Drug Administration of Iran ) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Navabakhsh.Mehrdad A Glanse on the impact of advertising on mass media consumption of household goods and cultural development [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Navabakhsh.Mehrzad Sociological analysis of Mehr housing massification policy and its role in reducing social inequality under study (Mehr housing in the new phase of Hashtgerd and Shahr Lahijan in Gilan province) [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Navabakhsh.Mehrzad Discovering Technology Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Nanotechnology [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Nazari.Mohammad Reza Identifying the most important psychological antecedents of Internet addiction based on a meta-analysis approach: evidence from internal studies [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Nazari.Reza Sociological explanation of Tehran citizens' social trust in Melli Bank of Iran in 2017 [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Nazari.Reza To explain the sociology of Tehrani citizens' social trust in Bank Melli Iran in 2018 [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Nazarimoghaddam.Javad Institutional strategies of Grassroots Innovations development based on place identity components (Case study: Rasht city) [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • nazarpoury.amirhoshang A comparative study of smart city with organizational architecture of information-communication technology of the municipality [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • nedaei.Amir hassan Identifying the dimensions and components of cultural branding development in the Iranian film industry: A social approach [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • nedaei.Amir hassan Identifying the Dimensions and Components of Cultural Branding Development in the Iranian Film Industry: A social Approach [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • nejati hosseini.mahmood An analysis of the cultural values of cinema in the decade before the Islamic Revolution of Iran [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • nemati.amirhossein Sociological analysis of the social joustic relation with social trust (Case study: Shiraz citizens) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • nemati.hamidreza Designing a Model with the Dimensions of Effective factors and Quality Results of the Bank's Relationship with Corporate Customers [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • nemati.hamidreza a model with the dimensions of the effective factors and the results of bank quality relationship with company customers. [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • niazi.mohsen The Explanation of the Relationship between the Trilogy of Individual, Social and National Identity and the amount of Citizens’ fidelity toward Citizenship Culture (Case of Study: Tehran Citizens in 2014) [ Vol.6, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • nikahd.mehdi Sociological analysis of the social joustic relation with social trust (Case study: Shiraz citizens) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Niknami.Mehrdad An Investigation of the Factors Affecting Social Capital Improvement among Rural Islamic Council Members of Tehran [ Vol.9, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • NIROOMAND.liela Explaining and Analyzing Cultural factors Affecting the Conflict of Interpersonal Relationships (Case study: Staff of the Court of Administrative Justice of Tehran Province) [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • NIROOMAND.liela The role of developing social participation in the humanitarian affairs of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee نماد «مورد تأیید انجمن» [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • niroomand.lila Explaining and Analyzing Effective Cultural Factors [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • nobakhat.reza The Effect of Industrial Towns on Socio-economic Development in Iran (Case of Study: Tribal Regions in Masjid Soleiman) [ Vol.7, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1393]
  • Nobari.AliReza Explaining the effective factors on the pattern of organizational learning in monitoring foreign trade with the approach of economic-social development (Case Study:Customs) [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • nonahal.arshad to identify the dimensions of improvements training of air defence station with a development approach based on pattern EFQM [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Nooripoor.Mehdi Analysis of the Relationship between Social Capital and Environmental Attitudes of the Rural People: The Case of the Central District of Dena County [ Vol.8, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1395]
  • Norouzi.Asghar The Assessment performance effectiveness of facilitation offices in Development process of Informal neighborhoods (Case study: Arzenan neighborhood -Isfahan) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Norouzi.Asghar Evaluating the effectiveness of facilitation offices in the development process of informal neighborhoods (case study: Aruznan neighborhood, Isfahan) [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Norouzi.Feyzollah The compatibility of the attitude towards social responsibility with the goals of corporate sustainable development in the oil industry [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Norouzpour.Heydar Ali Investigating the role of accountability on sustainable development Emphasizing on the parliamentary accountability of the Islamic Republic of Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Nosrati.Mahmoud A Sociological Study of Relationship between The four dimensions of ethnic identity and Consumer Behavior* (Case Study: Lorestan Province) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]


  • oliaee.mohamad sadegh Study and the role of social capital components in the crisis of Lake Urmia (Emphasizing the management of the operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage networks in Bonab plain [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • oliaee.mohamad sadegh Investigating the effects and role of non-formal education courses in sustainable rural development Case study: Ahmadabad village, Takht-e Soleiman section of Takab city [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • omidi.akbar Sociological analysis of fatalism and its role in development (case study of Ilam city) [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • omidi.akbar Sociological study of the Fatalism and its role in development (Case study of Ilam city) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • osuliodlu.GHASEM The Effect of Environmental Uncertainty on Entrepreneurial Orientation with the Mediating Role of Innovation Speed [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • osuliodlu.GHASEM The effect of environmental uncertainty on entrepreneurial orientation with the mediating role of innovation speed [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]


  • Padidarfard.Milad Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of Iranian Customers In Online Shopping From Instagram Stores [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Pahlavan.Manouchehr Cultural modernization and family values among high school students in Mazandaran [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Pahlavan.Manouchehr Cultural modernization and family values among high school students in Mazandaran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Paknejad.Farzad The role of ethnic groups in the social and economic development of border regions A study in southeastern Iran A Study in Southeast Iran [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Paknia.Farhad Study and the role of social capital components in the crisis of Lake Urmia (Emphasizing the management of the operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage networks in Bonab plain [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Parkan.Akbar The Impact of Social and Cultural Capital on Attitude toward Divorce Among people aged 21-50 years living in Kerman [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • parpanchi.seyed abolfazl The role of developing social participation in the humanitarian affairs of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee نماد «مورد تأیید انجمن» [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Parvin.Kheirollah Investigating the role of accountability on sustainable development Emphasizing on the parliamentary accountability of the Islamic Republic of Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Pesaran Razzagh.Saeed Comparing development plans of the country from the quality of life social dimensions’ view point [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Pesaran Razzagh.Saeed Comparison of the Country's Development Programs in terms of including the Social Dimensions of Quality of Life [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Pezhhan.Ali Social Ways and Consequences of Infertility in Shia and Sunni Women [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • pirahari.nayer Sociological Analysis of the Process in Formation of New Reference Groups and their Impact on the Process in Formation of Citizenship Ethics Iran in the last Three decades Case Study: Students of Islamic Azad University of Tehran Central Tehran and Science and Research units 2020 [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • pirahari.nayer Sociological Analysis of the Impact of New Reference Groups on the Process of Citizenship Ethics Formation In Iran in the Last Three decades (Case Study: Professors and Students of Islamic Azad University, ,Central Tehran Branch and Science and Research Branch 2020) [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • piri.sedigh Grounded Theory: A Method for Scientific and Practical Study of Development and Social Change [ Vol.9, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • poordanesh.seyed samer Investigating the Social Factors Affecting the Social Happiness of Teachers (Case Study of Teachers in the 20th and 21st District of Tehran) [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • poorreza.naser Commercial spaces in Development Process: Comparative review of customer experiences of buying from megamalls or local shops [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Poryani.Mohamad Hosein A comparative study of Iran's and South Korea's development programs over the past four decades Emphasizing economic-political development [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Poryani.Mohamad Hosein A Comparative Study of Iran's and South Korea's Development Programs over the Past Four Decades Emphasizing Economic-political Development [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Poryani.Mohamad Hosein Studying the Relationship between Religious Socialization and Political Socialization among the18-28-Year-Old Youth in Iran´s Central Province [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • pourmohammad.mohammadhosein THE ROLE OF IRIB ORGANIZATION IN DEVELOPING CREATIVE CITY [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]


  • radfar.Majid The Role of Distant Education in Socio-Economic Development in Iran's Education Association [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Radfar.Majid The study of the effect of social development on social health (Tehran metropolis) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Radfar.Majid To explain the sociology of Tehrani citizens' social trust in Bank Melli Iran in 2018 [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Radfar.Majid Sociological explanation of Tehran citizens' social trust in Melli Bank of Iran in 2017 [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Radfar.Reza Explain the development of technology in the field of pharmaceutical industry and its role in sustainable social and economic development [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Radfar.Reza capacity elite , culture diplomacy , structure and rules [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Radfar.Reza Sociological analysis and explanation of the effect of using cyberspace (Telegram and Instagram) on the trend of modern lifestyle of Shahriar girls (study among Shahriar high school female students) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • rafati.heydar Evaluation of Development of Services and Infrastructure of War Tourism in Western Iran (Case study: cities of Kermanshah province) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • rafati.heydar The role of ethnic groups in the social and economic development of border regions A study in southeastern Iran A Study in Southeast Iran [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Rafie.Shahrbanou Investigating the fields of entrepreneurship development from the perspective of women entrepreneurs in Gilan province [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Rafiean.Mojtaba The Assessment of Social Potential’ Effect on Locales Liking from the Teenagers Point of View in Tehran City [ Vol.7, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1393]
  • Rahimi.Mohammad Prioritizing the Measurement of Tourism Strategies Using SWOT Analysis and QSPM Matrix (Case of Study: Khalkhal City) [ Vol.9, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • Rahimi.Mohammad Evaluate the Effect of Marketing Mix on Perceived Value, Destination Image and Loyalty of Tourists for Sustainable Tourism Development (Case Study: Astara Coastal City) [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Rahimi.Mohammad Evaluate the Effect of Marketing Mix on Perceived Value, Destination Image and Loyalty of Tourists for Sustainable Tourism Development (Case Study: Astara Coastal City) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • rahimi.mohammad ali An Analysis of Venacular Architecture With emphasis of Residents' Lifestyle in order to Perceptual Homogeneity In the indigenous Built environment. (Case Study: Old tissue of Bushehr) [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Rahmani Khalili.Ehsan Explaining social happiness with an emphasis on income inequality and the role of mediation in life satisfaction [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Rahmani Khalili.Ehsan Social Ways and Consequences of Infertility in Shia and Sunni Women [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Rahmani Khalili.Ehsan Investigating network relationships in lifestyle with the impact of social participation and cultural capital [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Rahmani khalili.Ehsan Longitudinal study of the social progress of Middle East oil countries in the years (2011-2020) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • rahmani.akram City and the Problem of Informal Settlements: with Emphasis on Empowerment and Rehabilitation of Informal Settlements (Case Study: Sari City) [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • rahmani.akram City and the problem of informal settlements: with emphasis on empowerment and rehabilitation of informal settlements:case study,Sari [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • rahmani.akram Sociological analysis and explanation of the effect of using cyberspace (Telegram and Instagram) on the trend of modern lifestyle of Shahriar girls (study among Shahriar high school female students) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • rahmani.akram The Role of Urban Management in Promoting Social Engagement with an Emphasis on the Neighborhood Approach: A Case Study of District Eight of Tehran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Rahmani.Narges Sociological survey of family values in the Marginalized neighborhoods of Tehran [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Rajabiun.Mehdi Providing a model of intelligent management systems for sustainable and resilient production systems in the cement industry in order to improve social development [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Rajabloo.Ali ethnic identity and political development (Case Study: Kurdistan university students in the academic year 1394 to 1395) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Rajabzadeh Stahbanani.Alireza Effects of electronic signature recognition in signature certificate offices and its social responsibility [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • rakhshani.asma The Analysis Geographical Spaces’ Inequality of Development among Iran’s Central Rural Regions [ Vol.5, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1392]
  • rambod.emilia Sociological Study of the Impact of Women's Employment on Social Development in Iran (Case of Study: Women Home Business Owners in 16th and 19th Districts of Tehran) [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Ranjbar.Masood Reza The effect of the damage reduction rule on the objective method of calculating damage caused by breach of contract in the International Sale of Goods Convention with a comparative study in Iranian law [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Ranjbar.Masood Reza The Impact of Duty to Mitigation of Damage on the Concrete Method Calculation of Damages in the International Sale of Goods and its comparative study of Iran’s Law [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Rashidi Alehashem.Mohammad Reza Study of social impact assessment of Mehr housing in urban areas of Ardabil [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Rashidi Alehashem.Mohammad Reza Investigating the Factors Affecting Self-Alienation among Female Private Sector Employees in Isfahan [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Rashidi Alehashem.Mohammad Reza The role of social support in marital adjustment of married women working in the branches of Maskan Bank in Tehran [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Rashidi Alehashem.Mohammad Reza sociological study of communicational technologies in social identity structure(ardebil province young case study) [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • rashidi.hassan Study the effects of the collective identity of the Kurds (Sociological study of the effects of socio-economic development of ethnic identity in the city of Mahabad) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • rashidi.hassan The Assessment of the Effects of Development on the Kurds’ Collective Identity (A Sociological Study of the Impacts of Development on Ethnic identity in Mahabad city) [ Vol.8, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1395]
  • Rashidpoor.Ali Designing a Productivity Measurement Model in Iranian Cultural Organizations (Case Study: Tehran Municipality Cultural and Artistic Organization) [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Rashidpoor.Ali Designing a Productivity Measurement Model in Iranian Cultural Organizations (Case Study: Tehran Municipality Cultural and Artistic Organization) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Rastegar.Ahmad The Causes of Inefficiency and Development of Parties in Iran of the First Pahlavi Period (Case Study of the Revival Party from 1920 to 1941) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Rastegar.Ahmad Presenting a causal model of the desire to consume green based on the need for uniqueness and the benefits of insisting on the idea: the role of consumer [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Rastgar.abbasali The Impact of Human Capital and Social Capital on Entrepreneurial Intention with Moderator Variable of Cognitive Style (Case of Study: University of Tehran ) [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Rastgar.abbasali The Impact of Human capital and Social capital on Entrepreneurial Intention with Moderator Variable of Cognitive style (case study: Tehran University) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Razavi Fard.Behzad International Anti-Corruption Mechanisms [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • rezapour.daruiosh The Study of Relationship between Socio-Economic Status and Awareness level of Citizenship Rights Among Dezful’s University Students [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • rezapour.daruiosh The Study of Relationship between Socio-Economic Status and Awareness Level of Citizenship Rights among Dezful’s University Students [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • rezghi shirsavar.hadi Proposing a Social Solidarity Model and its Role in Family Intergroup Solidarity in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Tehran City [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1397]
  • rezghi shirsavar.hadi Explaining the Components of Social Capital Affecting the Performance of Municipal Employees (Case Study of Tehran 22nd District) [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Riahi.Aminreza The Effect of Social Responsibility on Organizational Attractiveness in Bank Mellat Employees [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Roshanaei.Ali Studying the Social Factors Effective on the Improvement of Organizational Role (A Case Study: The Employed Woman at Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Roshanaie.Ali The social factors effecting the role of women in the sustainable urban development of Arak city [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Rostami.Farahnaz A comparative study of social impact assessment tools in social research [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Rostami.Farahnaz Paradigmatic analysis of social structures affecting the failure of development projects (Case of Study: Water Pumping Station Project in Pasar Village, Hersin) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Rostami.Farahnaz Paradigmatic analysis of social structures affecting the failure of development-rural projects (Case of Study: Water Pumping Station Project in Pasar Hersin Village) [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Rostami.Farahnaz Application of social lifecycle approach in assessing social sustainability (Case Study:Menarid Project) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Rostami.Vali Investigating the role of accountability on sustainable development Emphasizing on the parliamentary accountability of the Islamic Republic of Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • rouholamini.mehdi Provide a template to promote the sale of digital products with a social marketing approach [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]


  • Saadati.Mousa A Study Relationship between Work Ethic and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Case Study: Teachers of Kerman) [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • saberi.hayede Studying the Social Construction of the Elite International Migration and Its Developmental Consequences Using Grounded Method [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Sabeti Jamal Abad.Mansour Study of Obstacles of Party System Forming in social Development Background and Iran Structure’s Political Culture Between Two Revolutions (Mashroteh to Islamic Revolution) [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • sabeti.maryam The role of social values in the architectural structure of houses of the Qajar period of Yazd from the perspective of the Quran [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Sabzian.Saeideh Designing and validating of the emerging social and familial injuries affected by Corona [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Sabzian.Saeideh Examining obstacles and solutions for the development of public sports in the Corona and postCorona eras in Lorestan province [ Vol.15, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Sadabadi.Ali Asghar Identify affecting Incentives of investor participation in crowdfunding for social innovation (Case study: collective votive ) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • sadeghi shahpar.reza Paradigmatic analysis of social structures affecting the failure of development-rural projects (Case of Study: Water Pumping Station Project in Pasar Hersin Village) [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • sadeghi.mohamadbagher The response of society's welfare to government debt shocks and institutional quality under the golden rule of financial development [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Sadeghifar.Ebrahim Sociological analysis of economic resilience of insurance funds with emphasis on Delphi method [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • sadrabadi.iraj Investigating the role of accountability on sustainable development Emphasizing on the parliamentary accountability of the Islamic Republic of Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Sadrarhami.Nafisa Structural analysis of the role of citizenship rights components on the social capital level of upper and lower classes of Isfahan (comparative study of devoloping and marginalized neighborhoods) [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • saeidi.parviz Presenting a model of social innovation with an entrepreneurial development approach in the General Directorate of Roads and Urban Development of the northern provinces [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • saeidi.parviz Determining the factors affecting the tendency to social entrepreneurship with emphasis on social intelligence in the Social Security Organization [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • saeidi.parviz Determining the factors influencing social entrepreneurship with emphasis on social intelligence in the social security organization [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Safari Shali.Reza Analysis of socio-cultural harms of emerging cultural currents and its management strategies (Case study of ring mysticism) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Safari.Ali Akbar Sociological Study of the Relationship between Types of Capital and Pattern of Electricity Consumption with Emphasis on Social Development(Case Study: Urban Residents of Mazandaran Province) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • saffar.ahmadsaleh Strategic Analysis of Scientific production areas of Development discourse in Iran With the emphasis an localization of the social sciences using swot matrix [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Saffari Taheri.Gholamreza Evaluating the WTO Dispute Resolution System from the Perspective of Developing Countries [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Saffari Taheri.Gholamreza Evaluating the WTO Dispute Resolution System from the Perspective of Developing Countries [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Safiri.Khadijeh Women's perception about the space of Tehran city [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Safiri.Khadijeh Sociological analysis of the role of comparative dissatisfaction in creation of job idleness (Case study of Sharif University staff) [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • saghafian.hassan Market, Value Change and Development: Generational Differences in Business Values Among Marketers in Isfahan [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • saghafian.hassan Market, Value Changes and Development: Generational Differences in Business Values among Bazaars in Isfahan [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • sahami.sousan The Effect of Social Capital on the Mental Health of Educational Women [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • sahami.sousan The Assessment of Cultural globalization, Social and Cultural Capital Effect on Students and their Value Orientation toward Development (Case of Study: Islamic Azad University, District 1) [ Vol.9, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1395]
  • sahami.sousan The Effect of Social Capital on the Mental Health Of Educational Women [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • sahami.sousan Social, cultural Capital and cultural globalization of student and Their Value Orientation toward Development: The Case Study of Islamic Azad University [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • saidee.Ahmad Effect of modernization on social changes in Ahwaz city [ Vol.8, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1395]
  • saidi.saideh Return home: Analyzing the sustainability of return migration of Iranian professionals [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • saiearasi.iraj A historical study of the role of marketing system in Iran's social development (contemporary era) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • saiearasi.iraj Explaining the Causes of Underdevelopment in Kurdistan Province- Using Qualitative Method [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • saiearasi.iraj A Historical Study of the Role of Marketing System in Iran's Social Development (Contemporary Era) [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1397]
  • saiearasi.iraj Explaining the Causes of Underdevelopment in Kurdistan Province- Using Qualitative Method [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • sajadi.Hamed Constructing social issues in risky conditions: analysis of the comments under the posts related to the corona of rulers on Instagram [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Sajedi Raisi.Shahryar Investigating and analyzing the position of cultural heritage in the sixth development plan [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Sajedi Raisi.Shahryar Mazandaran social media and social and cultural capital [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Sajedi Raisi.Shahryar Mazandaran social media and social and cultural assets [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • sajjadi.nasrallah The mediating role of in the relationship between social capital , Citizen culture Citizen and the desire to volunteer in the school Olympic Games [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • sajjadi.nasrallah The role of sporting events and the deployment of international caravans in the social and cultural development of communities (Case study of Iran) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Salahi Kojour.Azim Structural model of sports-based leisure time impact on social self-efficacy in students with the role of spiritual intelligence interfaces [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Salajeqheh.Sanjar Investigating the Relationship between Ethical and Charismatic Leadership Styles and Social Development Case study of employee performance in public and private organizations in Tehran [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Salami.Mehdi Women in the Olympic solidarity activities in Iran: From Barcelona to Rio A case study of the technical courses of 1993 to 2016 [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Salehi amiri.Reza Designing the pattern of cultural capital development in the family. [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • salehi amiri.sayed reza توریسم، توریسم فرهنگی، توسعه توریسم فرهنگی، راهکارهای تبلیغاتی، مدیریتی، کارآفرینی [ Vol.3, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1389]
  • salehi amiri.sayed reza Sociological Study of the factors Affecting the Participation of Elites in Cultural Policy-making [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • salehi amiri.sayed reza Compilation and pathological evaluation of cultural factors underlying the spread of divorce from the perspective of experts in developing countries (case study - women in Tehran Region 1) [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • salehi amiri.sayed reza Social Study of Factors Affecting Participation of Elites on The Cultural Policy [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • salehi amiri.sayed reza Designing the Pattern of Cultural Capital Development in the Family Irani [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Salehi Sedghyani.Jamshid Television, Individual Empowerment and Human Poverty; Explaining the Functional Framework [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Salehi Sedghyani.Jamshid Television, Individual Empowerment and Human Poverty; Explaining the Functional Framework [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • salmanihaghighi.masoud Space deprivation assess the level of development and planning priorities (Case study: Khuzestan) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • salmanihaghighi.masoud Measurement and Evaluation of Spatial Deprivation Levels of Development Infrastructure (Case of Study: Khuzestan Province) [ Vol.8, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1395]
  • samani.mohammad Investigating the effective factors on the formation of social capital in universities with emphasis on the views of Imam Khomeini and developing an appropriate model for its development [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Samavati.Zahra The Evaluation Women and Family Status in Development Plans in the National Documents [ Vol.8, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1395]
  • samianin.mohamad Designing a model for explaining the components of tendency to social networks with metacombination method [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • samiee esfahani.Alireza Investigating the Social Factors Affecting the Social Happiness of Teachers (Case Study of Teachers in the 20th and 21st District of Tehran) [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Samiee.Roohalla Presenting a model of social innovation with an entrepreneurial development approach in the General Directorate of Roads and Urban Development of the northern provinces [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • samiei.rohollah Provide a model for the role of professional ethics in creating strategic advantage by emphasizing the mediating role of social responsibility [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • samim.Reza Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Retirement Social Participation (Case Study: Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • sanaiypur.hadi Providing a sustainable social development model based on entrepreneurial planning [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • sanatgaran.shaghayegh Contribution of Educational Costs of Government and Household in Human Development of Iran [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • sanatkhah.ali reza Study of social contexts affecting participation in public sports among female students using the data theory strategy of foundation (Case study of female students of Islamic Azad University the of Kerman ) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Saraeian.zahra Study and Analysis of the Use of Virtual Social Networks between two Groups of Divorced and Married Women in Mashhad [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Saraeian.zahra Semantic Interpretation Use of Virtual Social Networks of both Divorced and Married Women in Mashhad [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Saroukhani.Bagher Sociological survey of family values in the Marginalized neighborhoods of Tehran [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Saroukhani.Bagher Family Structure and its Effects on Senior Citizens’ Status [ Vol.6, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1393]
  • Sarvar.Rahim کیفیت زندگی ، امکانات و خدمات شهری ، مدیریت شهری ، نابرابری ، شاخص توسعه ، [ Vol.3, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1389]
  • Sarvar.Rahim Evaluation and Analysis of Space-Community Structures and Social Security in Islamshahr Neighborhoods [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • savadi.esmat The situation of abortion in the current society and the need for preventive measures [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • savadi.esmat The Situation of Abortion in Current Society and the Need for Preventive Measures [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Savadi.Esmat The Situation of Abortion in Current Society and the Need for Preventive Measures [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Savadi.Esmat The situation of abortion in the current society and the need for preventive measures [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Savadian.Parvin Sociological study of the role of socio-cultural factors on political participation of young people in Tabriz city in 1396 [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • sayedmirzaii.sayedmohammad Comparison of the Viewpoints of Social and Political Scholars and Intellectuals and Population of Kurdistan on Fair Distribution of Opportunities and Amenities during 2017-2018 [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • sazesh.Alireza Presenting a model of social innovation with an entrepreneurial development approach in the General Directorate of Roads and Urban Development of the northern provinces [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Sedghi.Mohammad Bagher Strategic analysis of the factors of ethnic divergence in Iran and the extent of the role of "relative deprivation" in it [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Sedigian Bidgoli.Fatemeh Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Retirement Social Participation (Case Study: Tehran Municipality) [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Semwal.Kamal Study of Social Factors Influencing Customer Shopping Experience as a Predictor of Store Loyalty: Moderating Role of Physical Evidence [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Sepahvand.Reza A comparative study of smart city with organizational architecture of information-communication technology of the municipality [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Seyed Alavi.Seyed Mohammad The Evaluation of The Effect of Faculty Member’s Performance on Improving Social Development Parameters (Based on the Views of Science and Research Campus Ph.D. Students) [ Vol.7, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1394]
  • Seyed Alavi.Seyed Mohammad The Role of Islamic Azad University in Tehran Suburbs’ Sustainable Development (Case of Study: Islamshahr Division) [ Vol.5, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1392]
  • Seyedi.Faranak Pathology of Arak metropolitan urban development and its relationship with social health [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Seyedi.fateme Effective Factors on Management and Sustainable Development of the Villages at Ahmadabad Watershed of Mashhad County, Iran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Seyedi.fateme Factors affecting the management and sustainable development of watershed villages in Ahmadabad district of Mashhad [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Seyedi.Frank The Sociological Study of Social Capital Effects on the Social Development among Arak Citizens [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Seyyed Mirzaee.seyyed Mohammad Study of Quality of Life of the Elders in Gilan and Its Effective Factors [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • Seyyed Mirzaee.seyyed Mohammad Study of Quality of Life of the Elders in Gilan and Its Effective Factors [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • seyyed.mahmood Undeveloped Imports and Exports of Iran and Russia in the Qajar era (1174-1304 AD) [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • sh.سعید توریسم، توریسم فرهنگی، توسعه توریسم فرهنگی، راهکارهای تبلیغاتی، مدیریتی، کارآفرینی [ Vol.3, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1389]
  • shabanisamghabadi.reza The Role of American Land Reform in the Failure and Underdevelopment of Agricultural Economy in Iran (Second Pahlavi Era) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Shadnoush.Nosratoollah Discovering Technology Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Nanotechnology [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • shafaee.mohammad ali Explain the social role of women in Bijan Najdi's fictional works [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • shafaee.mohammad ali Explaining the Social Role of Women in Bijan Najdi's Fictional Works [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • shafaiimoghadam.elham The Explanation of the Relationship between the Trilogy of Individual, Social and National Identity and the amount of Citizens’ fidelity toward Citizenship Culture (Case of Study: Tehran Citizens in 2014) [ Vol.6, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • shafiee.babak Explain the role of cyber social networks in the exercise of social power and national power.. [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Shahbazi.Amir Hamzeh Evaluation and analysis of spatial distribution of educational development indicators (case study: cities of Sistan and Baluchistan province) [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Shahbazi.Amir Hamzeh Evaluation and analysis of spatial distribution of educational development indicators (case study: counties of Sistan and Baluchistan province) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • shahnoushi.mojtaba Designing a Productivity Measurement Model in Iranian Cultural Organizations (Case Study: Tehran Municipality Cultural and Artistic Organization) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • shahverdi.hossein comparative evaluation of elderly welfare programs with selected countries [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • shahverdi.hossein Comparative evaluation of elderly welfare programs with selected countries [ Vol.14, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Shakiba Rad.Atefeh Studying the Social Construction of the Elite International Migration and Its Developmental Consequences Using Grounded Method [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • shamsizadeh.elham The study of Interactional Anomie and problematic of virtual social capital in the transition from the Corona era (a case study of Instagram users) [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • shamsyan.Meysam Explaining and Analyzing Effective Cultural Factors [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • shamsyan.Meysam Explaining and Analyzing Cultural factors Affecting the Conflict of Interpersonal Relationships (Case study: Staff of the Court of Administrative Justice of Tehran Province) [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • SHandi.adeeb GHasem Investigating the short-term and long-term effects of financial literacy, financial inclusion and social development on financial stability in OPEC countries using the PARDL method [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Shapouri.Mohammad Proposing a Social Solidarity Model and its Role in Family Intergroup Solidarity in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Tehran City [ Vol.10, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Shapouri.Mohammad Proposing a Social Solidarity Model and its Role in Family Intergroup Solidarity in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Tehran City [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • sharifi renani.hosein Examining the Relationship between Institutional Quality, Financial Inclusion, Social Development and Economic Growth in Iran: Simultaneous Equations System Approach [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • sharifi renani.hosein Investigating the short-term and long-term effects of financial literacy, financial inclusion and social development on financial stability in OPEC countries using the PARDL method [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • sharifi.zeinab Analysis of the Relationship between Social Capital and Environmental Attitudes of the Rural People: The Case of the Central District of Dena County [ Vol.8, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1395]
  • shariyatmadari.mehdi Identifying the Dimensions, Components and Indicators of Promoting Organizational Commitment of the Staff of the Central Organization of Islamic Azad University in the form of a Conceptual Model [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • shariyatmadari.mehdi Identifying the components of information literacy development in the primary course of the education system using content analysis and technique application technique (DEMATEL) [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • sheikhbakloo.sara Pathology Discretion of Street-level Bureaucracy [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • shekardoost.Abbasali Constructing social issues in risky conditions: analysis of the comments under the posts related to the corona of rulers on Instagram [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Shiri.Akhtar Comparison of models explaining ethnic, national and religious identity based on exploratory path analysis [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Shiri.Tahmoures Discourse Analysis of the Fifth and Sixth Development Plans after the Islamic Revolution in the Social Welfare Sector (From the perspective of Laclau and Mouffe discourse analysis) [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Shiri.Tahmoures Sociological Analysis of Socio-economic Development Indicators in Post-sanctions Era [ Vol.9, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1396]
  • Shiri.Tahmoures The Effect of New Means of Communication Usage (Line, Telegram) on the Status of Family Cohesion in 2015 (Case of Study: Tehran 1st District) [ Vol.8, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1394]
  • Shiri.Tahmoures Sociological study of the role of socio-cultural factors on political participation of young people in Tabriz city in 1396 [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Shiri.Tahmoures Comparative Study of Indicators of Tourism Industry In the tenth and eleventh administrations [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Shiri.Tahmoures Sociological explanation of the effect of social capital on economic development of Hormozgan province [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Shiri.Tahmoures comparative evaluation of elderly welfare programs with selected countries [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Shirmohammadi.Yazdan Investigating the impact of advertising on the behavioral patterns of tourists in social networks [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • shirzad.baharak Presenting the structural policy model of the country's water crisis management [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • shojaei.zahra The study of barriers of entrepreneurship in Islamic Azad University and the role of entrepreneurs in economic and social development [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • shokoh.zahra Investigating the Relationship between Ethical and Charismatic Leadership Styles and Social Development Case study of employee performance in public and private organizations in Tehran [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • solati.mahnaz Identifying the network of strategic marketing themes of the second brand in chain stores in order to improve social development with an emphasis on the STP process [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Soleimani.Moein Investigating the relationship between the functions of popular organizations and the new components of sustainable development (Case study: People's organizations of Kermanshah province) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Soleimani.Moein Investigating the relationship between the functions of popular organizations and the new components of sustainable development (Case study: People's organizations of Kermanshah province) [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • soleymanzadeh.ali The role of modern social networks in cultural development(Case study of Malekan city, summer 1396) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • soleymanzadeh.ali The Role of Modern Social Networks in Cultural Development (Case of Study: Malekan City, summer 2017) [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • solimani.majid The effect of institutional trust on the performance of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • soltanifar.mohamad A Documentary Analysis of Socio-Economic Impacts of IoT in Denmark [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • soltanifar.mohamad A Comparative Study of the Role of Cyberspace in Social Development from the Viewpoints of Students of Azad University and National University of Tehran [ Vol.11, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • soltanifar.mohammad The study of mobile based social networks on development of social participation [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • SOODMAND.NILOOFAR Sociological analysis of the role of space and architecture of cultural centers in sustainable cultural development (Case study: Cultural centers of Tehran) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]


  • Taaef.طائف Designing A Model for Empowering Sustainable Social Welfare for Families Covered by the Relief Committee: with A Grand Theory Approach [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • taban.fatemeh Political values in the government of Ali (AS) [ Vol.12, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1399]
  • tabibi jebeli.majid The role of social networks in transformation of political culture in Iran case study: Tehran University Students [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • tabibi jebeli.majid The Role of social Networks in Transformation of Political Culture in Iran (Case of Study: Tehran University Students) [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • tabibi.S.jamal Investigating the Cultural and Social Development of Organizations Based on Re-Designing Customer Relationship Management Model at Media Centers of Iranian Organizations [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Tabibi.Seyyed Jamaluddin A Study of Socio-Cultural Development of Organizations Relying on Redesigning Customer Relationship Management Model in Media Centers of Iranian Organizations (Case Study: Kargaran Welfare Bank) [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Taghipour.Faezeh Examining the "consequences" of implementing communication programs for the development of social partnerships in non-governmental organizations and charities [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • taghvai.aliakbar The Assessment of Social Potential’ Effect on Locales Liking from the Teenagers Point of View in Tehran City [ Vol.7, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1393]
  • Tahan.Mohsen Hadi Analysis of Social Interest in Group and Individual Sports: Case Study of Mazandaran Province Students [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • taheri.abolghasem The Role of social Networks in Transformation of Political Culture in Iran (Case of Study: Tehran University Students) [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • taheri.abulghasem The role of social networks in transformation of political culture in Iran case study: Tehran University Students [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • tahernia.rohollah Study of the Impact of the Feeling of Social Justice on the Rate of Electoral Participation (Case study of Mazandaran province in 2020) [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • tajekesmaeely.somayeh Explaining and Analyzing Cultural factors Affecting the Conflict of Interpersonal Relationships (Case study: Staff of the Court of Administrative Justice of Tehran Province) [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • tajekesmaeely.somayeh The role of developing social participation in the humanitarian affairs of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee نماد «مورد تأیید انجمن» [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • tajekesmaeely.somayeh Explaining and Analyzing Effective Cultural Factors [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Taji eshkaftaki.Mohamadreza Analysis of socio-cultural harms of emerging cultural currents and its management strategies (Case study of ring mysticism) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Talooni.Ahad A qualitative study of social responsibility among male teachers in Poldasht city [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Tavakoli Naghmaeh.Mostafa Measuring the factors of physical-spatial failure affecting the occurrence of crimes with emphasis on sustainable development (Case study of Baharestan city) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Tavakoli.Reza Evaluation and Analysis of Space-Community Structures and Social Security in Islamshahr Neighborhoods [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Tavasoli.Gholamabas Social Causes of Divorce in Yazd Province in the Past Decade [ Vol.3, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1390]
  • Tavasoli.Gholamabas Ethnical identities and national identity puzzle [ Vol.3, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1390]
  • tavosi.samira Sense of Belonging to Neighborhood and its Role in Social Participation (Case study: Tehran, Armenians enclave, A) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • tavosi.samira Sense of Belonging to Neighborhood and its Role in Social Participation (Case of Study: Tehran, Armenians’ Region, A) [ Vol.9, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Toloie Eshlaghy.Abbas Pathology Discretion of Street-level Bureaucracy [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • tootian.sedigheh The Effect of Environmental Uncertainty on Entrepreneurial Orientation with the Mediating Role of Innovation Speed [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • tootian.sedigheh The effect of environmental uncertainty on entrepreneurial orientation with the mediating role of innovation speed [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • tootian.sedigheh The Effect of Social Responsibility on Organizational Attractiveness in Bank Mellat Employees [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • torkaman.farah A Study of Power Relationships - A Place in the Formation of Organizational Commitment in the Public Organization of Tehran Municipality [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • Torkaman.Farah Investigating Power-Position Relationships in the Formation of Organizational Sense of Commitment in the General Organization of Tehran Municipality [ Vol.13, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1400]
  • torkzadeh.jafar A Meta synthesis of Teaching-Learning Pattern: Developing Adapting System Approach [ Vol.11, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Tousi.Alireza The role of cultural intelligence and organizational intelligence in the trend towards organizational transformation and development [ Vol.15, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1402]
  • tvassoli.Afsaneh Extramarital Relations as a Need for Attention (Case Study of Rafsanjan Women) [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]


  • Vadiea.Sasan Sociological study of the impact of gender inequality on cultural development (Case study: female students of Islamic Azad universities in Tehran) [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Vadiea.Sasan Analysis of socio-cultural harms of emerging cultural currents and its management strategies (Case study of ring mysticism) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Vaezzade.Sajede Components of Social Sustainability in Iran's Development Programs [ Vol.7, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1394]
  • vafaei moqadam.ali Analysis of Social Interest in Group and Individual Sports: Case Study of Mazandaran Province Students [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • valeei.mohsen Explaining the Development Model and Entrepreneurship Training with Job Empowerment Approach (Case Study: Clients of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee in Tehran Province) [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1399]
  • valeei.mohsen Explaining the development model and entrepreneurship training with a job empowerment approach Case Study: Clients of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee in Tehran Province) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • valizadeh.Adel A historical study of the role of marketing system in Iran's social development (contemporary era) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • valizadeh.Adel A Historical Study of the Role of Marketing System in Iran's Social Development (Contemporary Era) [ Vol.10, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1397]
  • varzi kenari.amin Cultural modernization and family values among high school students in Mazandaran [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1398]
  • varzi kenari.amin Cultural modernization and family values among high school students in Mazandaran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • vatani.azam Providing a sustainable social development model based on entrepreneurial planning [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • vatani.yaser Providing a sustainable social development model based on entrepreneurial planning [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1401]
  • vatankhah.hamireza The effectiveness of Transactional analysis approach on Family adaptability in women with marital conflicts Due to the Coronavirus outbreak crisis [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • vatankhah.hamireza The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Technology on Fear of Adolescent Speech [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • vatankhah.hamireza The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Technology on Fear of Adolescent Speech [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • vatankhah.hamireza The effectiveness imago therapy on failure of everyday in people involved in emotional divorce [ Vol.14, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1401]
  • vosoughi.mansour Explaining the factors affecting on social anomy in the context of cultural development in the urban family and its consequences [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • vosouqi.mansour Sociological Analysis of Attitude on Money: Young People in Tehran City [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]


  • Yazarloo.Reza Discourse Analysis of Social Development in the Periods of Islamic Parliament of Iran [ Vol.16, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1403]
  • yosofvand.Hassanreza Structural analysis of the role of citizenship rights components on the social capital level of upper and lower classes of Isfahan (comparative study of devoloping and marginalized neighborhoods) [ Vol.15, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Yosri.Mehdi Presenting the model of cultural development management in Tehran metropolis [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • younessi.Ali The response of society's welfare to government debt shocks and institutional quality under the golden rule of financial development [ Vol.16, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Yousefi hamidi.Salimeh Semantic Context of Cultural Consequences of Drought and Zayandehrud Drought (with an Emphasis on the Cultural Identity of Isfahan Citizens) [ Vol.8, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1395]


  • Zahiri.Hosahng Sociological analysis of economic resilience of insurance funds with emphasis on Delphi method [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Zahiri.Houshang "Sociological Analysis of the Relationship between Student Social Trust and Religious Adherence"" Case Study; Students of Payame Noor University of Semnan Province [ Vol.13, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • zamanian.maryam Investigating the relationship between social capital and marital satisfaction [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]
  • zanjani.habib ollah Study of Quality of Life of the Elders in Gilan and Its Effective Factors [ Vol.10, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1396]
  • Zanjani.Habiballah A Prediction of Urban and Rural Population by 2040 [ Vol.8, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Zanjani.Habiballah Sociological study of family role in health socialization (case study: Shiraz city) [ Vol.9, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Zanjani.Habiballah The influence of Cultural Capital in urban development with emphasis on Participation of citizens into Renovation of texture Constructions Case Study: Mashhad city [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • zare.leila The Effect of Components of Mass Spaces on Social Participation of Citizens (Case Study: Farahzad neighborhood of Tehran) [ Vol.12, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1399]
  • zare.zahra Gender Differences in Attitude and Participation on Waste Management Plan in the 5th Region of Tehran [ Vol.12, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • zare.zahra Gender differencesin attitude and participation on Waste Management Plan in the 5th region of Tehran [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • zare.zahra Study of youth social laziness and its role in sustainable development (Case study: Tehran youth) [ Vol.14, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1401]
  • zare.zahra Opportunities and challenges of developing urban spaces for women (case study: women's centers and parks in Tehran) [ Vol.16, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1403]
  • zarei.ghasem the effect of the social acceptance capacity of nomadic tourism on the sustainable development (the Haybetlou tribes of Ghashghaii) [ Vol.11, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1397]
  • zarei.sepideh Sociological Analysis of Attitude on Money: Young People in Tehran City [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • zarei.sepideh Sociological Analysis of Attitude on Money: Young People in Tehran City [ Vol.13, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1400]
  • zarei.yaghoub The Analysis Geographical Spaces’ Inequality of Development among Iran’s Central Rural Regions [ Vol.5, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1392]
  • zeinali.hannaneh The study of mobile based social networks on development of social participation [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Ziaei.Mahmoud Explanation of relationships and interactions network between tourism businesses and entrepreneurs based on tourism development (Case study: Khalkhal County) [ Vol.0, Issue 0 - Winter Year 1386]
  • zohreei.mohammadali capacity elite , culture diplomacy , structure and rules [ Vol.10, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Zoleikani.mohammad Analysis of Social Interest in Group and Individual Sports: Case Study of Mazandaran Province Students [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1400]