The compatibility of the attitude towards social responsibility with the goals of corporate sustainable development in the oil industry
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development StudiesSeyed Ali Hosseini 1 , Hoseyn Dehqan 2 * , Feyzollah Norouzi 3
1 - PhD student, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch,
Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran
Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran
Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: corporate sustainable development, Social responsibility, Attitude compatibility, oil industry,
Abstract :
Today, corporate responsibility has become the most important pillar in sustainable development.Therefore, this study has been conducted with the aim of analyzing the relationship between the role of socialresponsibility of National Refining Company and the distribution of Iran's petroleum products with sustainabledevelopment. The research method was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population included allmanagers, employees, and official and unofficial employees related to plans and projects, as well as engineers,supervisors, and agents related to the implementation of the Entfal Tarsh Sabz Ab-Ray crude oil pipelineconstruction project (official and organizational stakeholders). The sampling method was non-probabilitysampling. Therefore, 300 people from the organization were selected as available samples. The results of thepath analysis and the desired indicators of the fit of the structural model show the significance and explanationand proper justification of all the components for examining corporate social responsibility. The findings showthat there is a significant relationship between playing the role of corporate responsibility and sustainabledevelopment, and these coefficients are for economic responsibility (0.692), legal responsibility (0.668), moralresponsibility (0.608) and humanitarian responsibility (0.612). . The coefficient of determination is equal to0.326. The results of this study show that the petroleum product refining and distribution company mainlyfocuses on the economic dimension of its responsibilities and with rational and cost/benefit oriented thinkingleads to institutional and ecological disruption in the areas under the influence of the line construction plan.piped Therefore, it is necessary to use strategies that create a balance between the economic dimensions andother components of responsibility (legal, social, moral and humanitarian) so that sustainable regionaldevelopment does not face more risks.
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