The Effect of Economic Rumors on National Development Process in Telegram Social Network
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development Studiesshahram jorjani 1 , afsaneh mozaffari 2 * , Ali akbar Farhangi 3
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2 - Head of Department of Communication&Information Sciences,Science and Research Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran
3 - Professor in Communication and media management faculties,Science and Research Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran
Keywords: Social Networks, Rumor, development, telegram, National development,
Abstract :
ReviewCollective communication tools as one of the most important tools for making changes in human societies help society and its people to be more successful in their specific path and policy and accelerate the development process with more knowledge and information. Also, the increase in the use of social media to receive information and news, due to their unique characteristics such as the cheapand easier to produce news in these media, has led to the spread of a large volume of rumors. Rumors are disturbing the economic development process and can be a obstacle to it. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of economic rumors on national development process and its coping strategies in telegram social network. The research method is quantitative. Research strategy is descriptive survey. The statistical population of this study is media and economics specialists. In this study, the unlimited sampling formula of Cochran ecusion was used. Therefore, the statistical sample of the study was 196 people. The results indicated that economic rumors have a negative impact on national development in two dimensions of critical and subsistinent rumors and bereaved rumors have no effect on national development. Also, three educational, journalistand macroeconomic solutions affect the improvement of national development.