Examining the model of physical characteristics and psychological characteristics (mental toughness, mental health) on the success of Iranian beach volleyball players
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
keyvan Molanorouzi
Seyed Mansour Charkhi
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Graduate of the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Physical Fitness, Tenacity, Mental Health, Beach Volleyball Players,
Abstract :
Considering that beach volleyball plays an important role in the development of volleyball and sports in the country and the performance of beach athletes is influenced by various factors, therefore, the present research examines the model of physical characteristics and psychological characteristics [mental toughness, mental health] on the success of beach volleyball players. Iran was investigated. The research included the statistical population consisting of beach volleyball athletes, and the size of the population and sample was 110 people selected purposefully. The tools include tests to measure physical fitness, i.e. 1600, sit-up, bar fix, 9×4 run, high jump and flexibility, Goldberg's general health questionnaire and tenacity questionnaire with the components of challenge, control, trust, excitement, self-confidence and commitment with a reliability of 0.98 and the questionnaire Sports success has been used as variables of training and competition performance with a reliability of 0.92, which was above 0.75 in the preliminary plan. Pearson's correlation analysis and structural equations were used to answer the hypotheses. The results showed that physical characteristics and psychological characteristics had an impact on success. The model also had the necessary fit. Since their importance is known to everyone, we need planning to increase their psychological characteristics and mental health.
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