Discourse Analysis of the Fifth and Sixth Development Plans after the Islamic Revolution in the Social Welfare Sector
(From the perspective of Laclau and Mouffe discourse analysis)
Subject Areas :
Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
seyyedeh sima Amiri
Tahmoures Shiri
Rezaali Mohseni
1 - PhD Student in Sociology of Economics and Development, Faculty of Social Sciences, Central Tehran Branch
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Central Tehran Branch Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Central Tehran Branch Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2021-07-07
Accepted : 2022-08-22
Published : 2023-02-20
fundamentalist justice discourse,
Fifth and Sixth Development Plan,
Laclau and Moff discourse analysis method,
moderation discourse and reformist development,
Abstract :
Governments try to formulate five-year plans with a transformational and developmental approach,according to the time, the situation of the country and the discourse of their party. One of the key sectors indevelopment programs is the social sector and its welfare services, which contribute to the growth andexcellence of society. Social development is possible by improving the quality of life, ensuring human rights,paying attention to citizen participation and civic institutions, justice and social protection, as well as payingattention to the talents and abilities of the people. In this research, the social sector (services and social welfare)of the fifth and sixth development plans has been studied by discourse analysis method. The method of analysis isdone through the method of Laclau and Moffe discourse analysis. The Fifth Development Plan, which deals withthe fundamentalist discourse, emphasizes the Signifier of "social justice", "reduction of state ownership andinclusive social welfare," and the Sixth Development Plan, which deals with the reformist discourse andmoderation and development, emphasizes "citizenship rights." It is based on "public health", "social resilience","tax reform in the field of health" and "comprehensive system of social harms.
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