• abasi.Allahkaram A Post-Colonial Critique of the Novels Mysteries of My Land by Reza Barahani and Palace Walk by Naguib Mahfouz [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Abaszadah.fazil Finding the roots of historical sources in Bahram Beizai's plays [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Abbasi.Farzad Analysis and review of the narrative in "The Comprehensive Story of Attar's Tragedy with Emphasis on the Design and Plot, the Narrator" with an approach to the theory of "polyphony or polyphony" Bakhtin [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • abbasi.mahmood A Study of Metaphors in Hafez Shirazi’s Sonnets: A Cognitive Linguistics - Approach [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Spring Year 1394]
  • Abbasi.Saide The study of comparative structural analysis in holy shrines itineraries, "Sefr_e_Eshgh and Molk_e_Rey" [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • abbasi.samaneh Study of the mythological motif of the volcano in romantic poems of Homay-o-Homayoun, Gol-o-Norooz, Jamshid-o-Khorshid and Mehr-o-Mah [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • abbasnejad.hossein Political-pedagogical view of the camel and the pious hordes in Marzban-e-Mail [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • abbasnejad.hossein Political and educational position of aquatic animals in Kalileh and Demneh [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Abdanan Mahdizade.Mahmoud The Theme of Satire in Zakaria Tamer’s Short Stories [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Summer Year 1395]
  • abdoli.sara The effect of colonialism on Afghan women in Mohammad Hossein Mohammadi's novels [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Abedi.Javad The identity of "reason and love" in the mystical poems of Imam Khomeini and Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • abedinahrkhalaji.yadollah Newly FoundReturn Tie from TalebAmoli [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • adelzade.parvane Sociology of lyrical literature in the poem "Laili and Majnoon" by Nizami Based on the views of Lukács, Bourdieu and Adorno [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • adelzadeh.parvaneh "Father's" men and "Son's" men games in Bayhaqi history Based on Eric Burns' theory of games [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • adelzadeh.parvaneh Review the Anthropology Concepts of Language in Story of “Roxana” [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • adelzadeh.parvaneh Political-pedagogical view of the camel and the pious hordes in Marzban-e-Mail [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • adelzadeh.parvaneh A comparative criticism of the classification of conceptual metaphors from lakoff and Johnson view with new classification with evidence from Afghani and Ishiguro works. [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • adelzadeh.parvaneh Political and educational position of aquatic animals in Kalileh and Demneh [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • adelzadeh.parvaneh Interpersonal conflict management in Shahnameh [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Adhami.Jamal Intertextual analysis in the stories of Azadaran Bil and Tatar Khandan by Gholamhossein Saedi with an emphasis on Bakhtin's dialogue and polyphony [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • adlparvar.leila The five factor model of personality of Robert McCrae and Paul Costa in the history books Beyhaqi [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • adlparvar.leyla Introduction linear prescription Letters of the Amir Nezam Grosso [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Aein.Maryam A comparative study and comparison of love and its presence in the epic poems of Koushnameh and Bahmannameh [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Afrasiabpour.Ali Akbar Surrealism and Iraqi’s Mysticism [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Aghaei.Mehrdad Finding the roots of historical sources in Bahram Beizai's plays [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • aghasizadeh.mohammad Analysis of social themes in the works of Zoya Pirzad, with emphasis on women of religious minorities [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Ahangari.Afsaneh Mohammad Bagher Mirza Khosravi's view of women in the novel “Shams and Toghra” [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Ahmadbeigi.Arezoo The universal female archetype in Naserkhoro Ghobadiani’s poem [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Ahmadi.Aram A study of the motifs in Shiva Arastuei's novel "khof" [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • ahmadi.fereshte Psychological Analysis of Olduz Storytelling Characters and Crows Relying on Freud, Jung and Adler Theory [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • ahmadi.jamal A Comparative Study of Nezami's Leyla and Majnu and Khana Ghobadi's Leyla and Majnun [ Vol.6, Issue 19 - Summer Year 1393]
  • ahmadi.shadi Investigating the effect of gender on the use of simile in works by Fariba Vafi [ Vol.9, Issue 33 - Winter Year 1396]
  • ahmady.Jamal Survey of popular culture in Jalalieh treatise by Mohtsham Kashani [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Akbari.Nahid Analysis of Parvin Etesami’s poems with an approach on social-psychological component (Case study: prejudice and attraction ) [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Akbari.Nahid An investigation of Parvin E'tesami’s poems with an approach to reaction theory (double compensation) of Alfred Adler [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Akbarzade Ebrahimi.Azar Morphological Analysis of Siddha Nasafi’sBaharieh (based on Propp’s theory) [ Vol.7, Issue 25 - Winter Year 1394]
  • Alaoy.sideh zahra An analysis of the Vahshie Bafghi Masnavis based on the narrative theory of Todorov's. [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • alavi.roghayeh Epistemological Methods in Sanayi's Hadiqa [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Spring Year 1398]
  • alavi.roghayeh A Comparative Study of Reason from Viewpoint of Abū al-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī and Sanai Ghaznavi [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Alilou.Alieyn Kayani Key Khosro's sociology of power with an approach to Pierre Bourdieu's theory [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Alimahmoudi.omidvar Comparison and analysis of the status of asceticism and submission in the Diwan of Imad Faqih Kermani and Shaukat Bukhari [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Alimi.Mandana Investigating the association of meanings based on Innovative techniques in the poems of vaez Qazvini [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Alimi.Mandana A Comparative Study of the Concepts of Homeland in Constitutional Literature with Emphasis on the Works of Seyed Ashrafuddin Gilani and the sacred Defense Literature of Kaiser Aminpour [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Alimi.Mandana The political Structure of the shahnameh in the political thought of the Frankfurt school [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Alinezhad.Batool Pronominal clitics in Sorani Kurdish: interaction With Perpositions [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Spring Year 1393]
  • Almasi.Ata Magical Realism in Kurdish Chirok [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • Amani.zohreh The function of Compound Sentences in Masnavi-ye-Ma’navi [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • amere.Toraj The evoltion of the concept of love in the thought of the Muslim mystics [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Amini.Ahmad Theology and Its Systematic Uses in Mythical and Heroic Periods of Shahnameh- e- Ferdowsi [ Vol.6, Issue 21 - Winter Year 1393]
  • Amini.Halalah The reflection of the social situation of Kurdistan in Ebrahim Younisi's Stories. [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Amini.Halale Nature in Saadi’s Though [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Ansari.Ehsan Investigating the association of meanings based on Innovative techniques in the poems of vaez Qazvini [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1399]
  • ansari.heshmatollah comparison style hicveyyat sanaei :anvari va gamaladin [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Arabi.Hashem Manouchehri, Astronomical Descriptions reflected in Damghani poetry [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Spring Year 1394]
  • arabkhazaeli.nabiollah Investigating the imaginary schemas of "love" in Farrokhi Sistani's lyric poems [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • ardalani.shamsolhagyeh The application of love in the Quran and the ideas of Rumi and Hegel based on the intertextuality approach [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • ardalani.shamsolhagyeh رر Stylistic and Substantive Review of the Manuscript “Translation and Description of Teb-ol-Qoloub Dissertation” [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Spring Year 1397]
  • ardalani.shamsolhagyeh Cultural semiotics of Shams Ghazals based on astronomical myths [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • ardalani.shamsolhagyeh The Presence of Angels in Hafez & Imam Khomeini Poetry with the Approach of Quranic Intertextuality [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • ardalani.shamsolhagyeh Sayyid Qutb and Persian poetry (Reflecting his appreciations regarding Hafez and Khayyam's poetry) [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Spring Year 1393]
  • Ardeshirzadeh.امیر محمد Investigation and analysis of the rituals of Sama, solitude and Kharqah in Mesbah al-Hedayeh and Meftah al-Kefayah by Izz al-Din Kashani with an approach to the principle of utilitarianism [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Ardestani.Hamid Reza Stylistic analysis of footnote or popular novel with a look at the social and political novel of the constitutional period "Tehran Horrible" by Mushfiq Kazemi [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Ardestani.Hamid Reza Stylistic analysis of footnote or popular novels based on a look at the historical footnote novel "Hamoyeh" and the examination of the male character by Hossein Qoli Mustaan [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Aref.Mohammad Investigating the relationship between religious teachings and structure and concept in the story of the zamen ahoo [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Aref.Mohammad Aesthetics of Iranian cinema based on the theme of stranger consciousness of Sohrevardi, cases of Study Siyavash in Takhtjamshid and Green fire [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • arjomandi.maryam The semiotics of "snake" in the poem "I was saying that day ..." by Simin Behbahani, emphasizing Michael Rifater's theory [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • arjomandi.maryam The semiotics of "snake" in the poem "I was saying that day ..." by Simin Behbahani, emphasizing Michael Rifater's theory [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • asgari.akram Stylistic analysis of footnote or popular novels based on a look at the historical footnote novel "Hamoyeh" and the examination of the male character by Hossein Qoli Mustaan [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • asgari.akram Stylistic analysis of footnote or popular novel with a look at the social and political novel of the constitutional period "Tehran Horrible" by Mushfiq Kazemi [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • ashoori.ali the carnivalization of iranian society in the era of constitutionalism (a case study of the works of dehkhoda, mirzadeh eshghi and nasim shomal) [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • ashrafzadeh.reza Descriptive adaptation of ancient narrations based on contemporary narratology [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • asmand junegany.ali Stylistic analysis of the ideological layer of vocabulary in the writings Seyedziauddin Tabatabai [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Atarodi.Somayeh The Investigation of Conversational Novelistic Dialogosm and Heteroglossia in the Tarikhe Beihagi [ Vol.7, Issue 25 - Winter Year 1394]
  • Atooni.Behruz The Approaches of Feminism Criticism & its Application in Mythological Epics [ Vol.3, Issue 7 - Summer Year 1390]
  • avarand.somayeh The Analysis of Dramatic Discourse with a Layered Stylistics Approach in the novel of Hiccup Moments by Ahmad Akbarpour [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • azar.esmaeil An Inquiry into Realism and the Types of Realism in the Poetry of Fereydoun Tavalali [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Azar.Esmaeil An Analytical Study of the Impact of Immortality on Fear of Death [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Azimi Rasta.Mahmood The Transition to Modernity in Contemporary Iranian literature from the Interpretive Sociology Approach (Case study ideas of methodological Sadegh Hedayat and Forough Farrokhzad) [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Summer Year 1395]


  • Babaee.Mazhar Analysis of Talibov's educational approach in "Ahmad's book": Inference and critique of its applications [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Badakhshan.Ibrahim Lexical Attrition of Mother Tongue among Sardashti Kurdish Migrants in Tehran [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Baghai.Shirin A study and comparison of the love of the devil and man for the God of Truth (relying on mystical works such as: Attar's theological letter and the preparations of the same judges of Hamedani) [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • baghayeepoor.kasra Analysis of the rhetorical elements of the Brotherhood in the linear version of the al-Nishah reservoir [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Bagheri Masoudzade.Azar Examining "Implictures" in the Discourses of the Sushun Book by Simin Daneshvar: Grice's Cooperative Principles and Leech's Politeness Principles in Focus [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • bagheri.sayyedkhalil Identification of words in Hafez's lyrics [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Bagheri.Zahra The methods of postmodernism in the Iranian novel Sepideh-Dam based on Brian McHale's theory [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Bahmani Motlaq.Yadollah Surrealism and Iraqi’s Mysticism [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Bahrami Rahnama.. Khadijeh Analysis of the "Hero's Journey" in Faramarzname epopee on the model of Joseph Campbell [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Bakhshi.Ikhtiyar A Look at the Importance of Noorullah in Genesis of Sufi Knowledge and description of its nature Whit relying on the views of Rumi [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Balal.Farzad Critical Analaysis On Poems Ahmad Shamlou [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Spring Year 1393]
  • Baniardalan.Iismsel The concept of love in the thought of Ibn Sine and Rouzbihan Baqli Shirazi [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Banisharif dehkordi.Arezoo Cities and the Reasons for their use in Naser Khosrow’s Poetry [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Baradaran Jamili.Leila Ethno-cultural Crises: Constructing and Re-constructing Identities in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Batani.Ameneh Analysis and review of the narrative in "The Comprehensive Story of Attar's Tragedy with Emphasis on the Design and Plot, the Narrator" with an approach to the theory of "polyphony or polyphony" Bakhtin [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Bavanpouri.Masoud Patriotism in the Persian resistance poetry [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Bavanpouri.Masoud تشریح جایگاه آتش در میان جامعۀ کُرد مطالعۀ موردپژوهانه: استان کرمانشاه [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Bavanpouri.Masoud بررسی وام‌واژگان فرانسوی و روسی در دیوان ایرج میرزا [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Bavanpouri.Masoud Stylistic Analysis of Taherbag’s Kurdish Poetry [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Bavanpouri.Masoud A Study of Imagination in the Sayed Yaaghob Mahidashti Poem [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Summer Year 1395]
  • behdarvand.armaghan Study of the role of social events in the selection of poems of the poems of Kaiser Aminpoor [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Boroomandi.Arezoo The Reflection of Quran in Exquisite devices of Nizami’s Makhzan-al Asrar [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Boroomandi.Arezoo The Ontological Relationship of Language with the Problem of Understanding from opinion of Rumi Based on Georg Gadamer's Theory [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • BORZOI.REZA A review of the style of Nader Naderpour's poems [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Borzoiy.Reza Intertextual analysis in the stories of Azadaran Bil and Tatar Khandan by Gholamhossein Saedi with an emphasis on Bakhtin's dialogue and polyphony [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Borzoiy.Reza Survey of popular culture in Jalalieh treatise by Mohtsham Kashani [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Borzoiy.Reza An analysis of the Vahshie Bafghi Masnavis based on the narrative theory of Todorov's. [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Broomandi.Arezoo Survey Kurdish folklore [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]


  • Chashnigir.Fateme The subject of history in Qat’es and Robaeis of Mirza Seyyed Yahya Modarres, devoted to Fadaei Yazdi [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • chatraei.Mehrdad Introducing the manuscript of Muftah al-Talibin (10th century) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • chatraei.Mehrdad Madhoosh Golpaigani and poets with Khorasani style [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Spring Year 1397]
  • chatraie.mehrdad Take a look at methods themes in kalim kashani's Ghazals (Sonnet)s [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • chegini.Ashraf Application of the "minority literature" approach in the novel "Al-Thalaj Yati Min Al-Nafza" by Hana Mina and the novel "Jai Khali Salouch" by Mahmoud Dolatabadi [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]


  • dadbeh.asqar Love and Mysticism: A Decade Exploration On Saadiology's Studies [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Daneshvar.Fatemeh Examining and explaining examples of goodness and badness in Masnavi Ma'navi [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Darvishalizadeh.Zahra Kayani Key Khosro's sociology of power with an approach to Pierre Bourdieu's theory [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Dastgoshadeh.Adel Persian speakers' language identity and using it as L1 or L2 and applying its technical and rhetorical criteria in Telegram writings [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • dawoodzadeh.jila Comparison and analysis of the status of asceticism and submission in the Diwan of Imad Faqih Kermani and Shaukat Bukhari [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Dehghan.Ali A comparative study of the concept of "death" and its manifestations in Islamic mysticism and the existentialism (Based on the mosibat- nameh of Attar and the novel of Nausea Sartre) [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Dehghan.Masoud Lexical Attrition of Mother Tongue among Sardashti Kurdish Migrants in Tehran [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Delaviz.Masoud Inspired by Akhavan Sales: Thoughts and Poetic Language in Shafiei Kadkani's Poetry by Particular Reference to Shabkhani [ Vol.3, Issue 8 - Autumn Year 1390]
  • deylami.ahmad The relation of ceremonies and literature with morals The latest corrections [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Summer Year 1398]
  • dezhdah.ferasat Review the story of Sshamseh and Ghahghaheh on the theoty of Genette narratives [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Dilaminejad.Halima The application of love in the Quran and the ideas of Rumi and Hegel based on the intertextuality approach [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Dyanati.Masoume A Typological Approach to Adjectives in Persian [ Vol.7, Issue 23 - Summer Year 1394]


  • Ebadi Asayesh.Maryam A Study on Stylistic Analysis of Nezami Ganjavi’s Poems [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Ebrahimi Zad Joimi.Ruqayyah Comparative comparison of Ferdowsi Shahnameh with the policy of Khajeh Nizam al-Mulk in the field of litigation [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • ebrahimi.ghorbanali Monastery customs and its symbols from Rumi's point of view in lyric poems [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • ebrahimi.mohammadreza Comparative comparison of Ferdowsi Shahnameh with the policy of Khajeh Nizam al-Mulk in the field of litigation [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Ebrahimi.Mokhtar رRhetorical Analysis and Interpretation of the Image of the Sun in Mathnavi [ Vol.7, Issue 23 - Summer Year 1394]
  • Ebrahimi.Seyed Reza A Lacanian Reading of the Poem"Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season"by ForughFarrokhzad [ Vol.3, Issue 9 - Winter Year 1390]
  • Ebrahimi.Seyed Reza Comparative Study of Transnational Identity of Migrated Asian Women in JhumpaLahiri and MehrnooshMazarie'sFictions through Looking Lenz of HomiBhabha [ Vol.4, Issue 11 - Summer Year 1391]
  • Ebrahimi.Seyed Reza An Archetypal Reading of Forough Farrokhzad's "The Wind Will Take Us Away" from the Perspective of Northrop Frye [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Ebrahimi.Seyed Reza Containment Vs Dissident Reading: Female Resistance to Patriarchal Hegemony in the Folklore Kuridsh Tale of "Khaj and Siamand" [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Ebrahimi.Seyed Reza Comparative Study of Characterization and Theme in Missing Slouch and The Grapes of Wrath [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1389]
  • Ebrahimi.Seyed Reza Transtextuality in Shamlou’s Poetry: An Innovative Approach to the Application of Themes, Archetypes, and Myths of Persian and Western Literature in "Roxana". [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Summer Year 1398]
  • ebrahomy shahr abad.tayebeh A Study of Interactive Contracts in Nasfi Interpretation in Comparison with the Translation of the Discovery of Mysteries Based on Norman Fairclough Theory [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Eftekhari.Hamid Explanation of the Terminology of Kinship Sanandaj Kurdish Based on Ecological-Typological Approach [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Elahi.diyako Romantic features of discovery and intuition in Sohrab Sepehri's poetry [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • elhami.sharare Evaluating the Views and Ideas of Hakim Nasir Khusraw Qbadyany about Poetry, Speech and Eloquence [ Vol.5, Issue 14 - Spring Year 1392]
  • emami.saber Jung's archetypal theory of "self" in the story of the Romans and Chinese of the spiritual Masnavi [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • emami.saber Title: The story of a young man from the perspective of Yong's old man [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • emami.saber A Study of Interactive Contracts in Nasfi Interpretation in Comparison with the Translation of the Discovery of Mysteries Based on Norman Fairclough Theory [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • emtiazi.mahboba Comparative Comparison of Ideology Layers of the Poems by Farrokhi Yazdi and Aref Ghazvini [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Eskandari Sharafi.Farshad The Investigation of the Effects of the Iranian Folk Culture on the Travelogues of the German Heinrich Brugesch [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Eslami.Homa A comparative study of the stylistics of the lexical layer in Asrar al-Tawheed and Tazkire al-Awaliya [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • esmaeili.ziba Some rhetorical delicacies in Nizami poems with a formalist approach [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Esmaili.Esmat Study of the mythological motif of the volcano in romantic poems of Homay-o-Homayoun, Gol-o-Norooz, Jamshid-o-Khorshid and Mehr-o-Mah [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Esmailzadeh.Elham Review the Anthropology Concepts of Language in Story of “Roxana” [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Esmaїli.Soheila The Visage of Ideal Woman in the Cycle Le Monde Reel of Louis Aragon [ Vol.3, Issue 7 - Summer Year 1390]


  • fadakar.kazhal A comparative study of modernity in the poems of Malek al-Shaara Bahar and Haji Kader Koui [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • falahatkhah.farahd The five factor model of personality of Robert McCrae and Paul Costa in the history books Beyhaqi [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Fallah.Mohammad Hosein The Psychological Theory of Emotional Intelligence and Humor and Humor Skill in the Garden " [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Spring Year 1399]
  • fani aski.razie The study of situational Irony In Dolat Abadie’s story and Dramas [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Summer Year 1397]
  • farhoodipor.fatemeh Stylistic analysis of the ideological layer of vocabulary in the writings Seyedziauddin Tabatabai [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Farnam.Alireza Volumetric travel in time ؛ The Role of Eventual Memory in Poetry Poetry; Based on Memory Segmentation from Bergson's View [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1399]
  • farnia.naser The investigation pessimistic explanatory style in Omar Khayyam's quatrains [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • farnia.naser Zikr (Prayer Recitation) in Ghaderiyeh’s Spiritual Doctrine [ Vol.4, Issue 10 - Spring Year 1391]
  • farnia.naser The Effectiveness of Hafez of Sura Yusuf (AS) [ Vol.9, Issue 33 - Winter Year 1396]
  • Farzad.Abdolhosein The Analysis of focus of Narration in Historical Novels of Gorgi Zeydan [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Spring Year 1396]
  • Farzad.Abdolhosein Butterfly position and its literary benefits emphasizing the Safavid era [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Farzad.Abdolhosein Feminism in the collection of "The Tent of Night" by Mohammad Sadeq Chubak [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Spring Year 1397]
  • farzad.abolhosein Feminine dialogism analysis in "Koli Kenare Atash" novel by Moniro Ravanipour with Mikhail Bakhtin's dialogism approach [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Farzane.Fatemeh The Symbolic Application of Ritual-Mythical Names and Beliefs in Siavash kasraeis poetry [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Spring Year 1394]
  • fatahi.soheil A Comparative Study of Reason from Viewpoint of Abū al-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī and Sanai Ghaznavi [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Fattahi Ghazi.Foziyah Reflection of Treatment Plants in the Khaghani Poets [ Vol.3, Issue 6 - Spring Year 1390]
  • fazeli.mohammad The relationship between God and man in the works of Jami [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • fereydooni.parvane An Analysis into Homay's journey to China in Homay and Homayoun poems by Khaju Kermani based on the ancient theory of the "The Hero's journey" by Joseph Campbell [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • firozi moqhadam.mahmood Review the likeness and pureness according to Ibn Arabi and Maulana [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Forsati Joybari.Reza A study of the motifs in Shiva Arastuei's novel "khof" [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • fotouhi tekantappe.susan Comparing the cognitive style of Jami and Ghazali's letters in the political context of critical discourse analysis [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Summer Year 1398]


  • garavandi.tahmoors A review of the style of Nader Naderpour's poems [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • ghaedzade khamiri.mohammad noor Features of description in kush name [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Ghanavati mohammad ghasemi.Elham Analysis of the mystical intertextual relations of the republican order with book of orthography based on Gerard Genet's theory [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • ghanooni.Hamidreza A comparative study of symbolic status "and Rngvarh color" in the Literature of Resistance "Sample lyrics Shahriar and Mohammad Reza Kurdistani" eshghi " [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • ghasemi Arani.Abuzar Pioneers of Persian and Arabic poetry; Nima and nazok Almalaekh [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Spring Year 1394]
  • ghasemi Arani.Abuzar A Survey on the Concept of Freedom in poems by FaroukiYazdi and AbolghasemAlshaby [ Vol.5, Issue 15 - Summer Year 1392]
  • Ghasemi.‌Nasrin Narrative of the novel A Little Shadow(Andaki Sayeh) based on Rabert McKay's theory [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • ghasemi.shahin Reflecting elements of Hormesis school in poems Attar, Moiana, and Hafez [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Ghasemiani.Eqbal Lexical Attrition of Mother Tongue among Sardashti Kurdish Migrants in Tehran [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Ghasemlo qaidari.Masoome A comparative study of the meaning of life from the perspective of Rumi and Yalom [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • ghavam.abolghasem Descriptive adaptation of ancient narrations based on contemporary narratology [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Ghavami.Badrieh Intertextual analysis in the stories of Azadaran Bil and Tatar Khandan by Gholamhossein Saedi with an emphasis on Bakhtin's dialogue and polyphony [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • ghavami.badryyeh An analysis of the Vahshie Bafghi Masnavis based on the narrative theory of Todorov's. [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • GHezelsofla.ZAHRA The relationship between God and man in the works of Jami [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Ghmoniri.Hojatolah Examining the Indicators of Lyrical Literature in the Ritual Poems of Malek Osh-Shoarai Bahar [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Ghodousi.Kamran The Eastern Female Stereotypes in The Story Zoqaq Alamdaq by Naguib Mahfouz [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Spring Year 1394]
  • Ghodousi.Kamran A Research on the Rrchetypes in the Story of "One Thousand and One Nights" by Najib Mahfouz [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • Gholamhosseini.parvin A comparative study of symbolic status "and Rngvarh color" in the Literature of Resistance "Sample lyrics Shahriar and Mohammad Reza Kurdistani" eshghi " [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Gholamhosseini.parvin A Comparative Study of the Process of Nostalgia "monuments" in the poem's of shahriyar, Bahar And "Mirzadeh eshghi [ Vol.7, Issue 25 - Winter Year 1394]
  • Gholamhosseinzadeh.Gholamhossein Critical Analaysis On Poems Ahmad Shamlou [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Spring Year 1393]
  • Gholamhosseinzadeh.Gholamhossein The Reason for Increase in Pure Integration in Pahlavi Era and its Main Significances [ Vol.3, Issue 9 - Winter Year 1390]
  • Gholamkelisani.Elham Reflection of trade union tools and words in the words of Ghassab Kashani [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Gholamreza Beigi.Maryam Features of description in kush name [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Gholamreza Beigi.Maryam Investigating the element of prophecy in the heroic system of shahriarnameh [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • gholigaleh.azita Magical Realism in Gholam Reza Rezaei's stories [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • ghorbanali.maryam Application of the "minority literature" approach in the novel "Al-Thalaj Yati Min Al-Nafza" by Hana Mina and the novel "Jai Khali Salouch" by Mahmoud Dolatabadi [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Ghorbani.H. Human beings ingratituole in mystics' viewpoint [ Vol.6, Issue 21 - Winter Year 1393]
  • gitifroz.ali A study of the theological and mystical approach to the truth of the resurrection in the thought of Rumi and Ghazali [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Golfam.Arsalan “Selecting target literary texts , a solution for raising perception in Elementery School Students” [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1396]
  • gordgiran.fahimeh Educational points in epic poems based on Haft Lashkar Masnavi [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Spring Year 1398]
  • goudarzi monfared.shahrouz The life of Najmuddin Kobra in the mirror of history [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • goudarzi monfared.shahrouz Mention, the great name, the non-obscuration of names and the place of the attributes of divine glory and beauty in the course and conduct in the shadow of Najm Kabri's works. [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • goudarzi nezhad.asiye The Analysis of focus of Narration in Historical Novels of Gorgi Zeydan [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Spring Year 1396]
  • gozashti.mohamadali An Investigation on Shamloo’s Poems using Critical Aesthetics [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • gozashti.mohammad ali Explaining the Security Strategy to Confront the Intentions in Kalile and Demneh ( the Stories from animals ) [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Autumn Year 1396]


  • Haidari Nori.reza The effectiveness of meaning and purpose in positivist psychology according to Seligman and its adaptation to Attar's poems [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • haidari.mahmood A Post-Colonial Critique of the Novels Mysteries of My Land by Reza Barahani and Palace Walk by Naguib Mahfouz [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • haidarinia.hadi The Psychological Theory of Emotional Intelligence and Humor and Humor Skill in the Garden " [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Haidarzadeh.Maedeh Analysis of Talibov's educational approach in "Ahmad's book": Inference and critique of its applications [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • hajighasemloo.fatemeh Introducing the Manuscript transcription of Dorrolnnasir valnasihatol tahzir translation [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Hajizade.Majid Features of description in kush name [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Hajizadeh.Majid Investigating the element of prophecy in the heroic system of shahriarnameh [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Halabi.Ali Asqar Representation of some ideas of people in the emergence and happiness of Astarabadi based on Jung's theory [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Halabi.Ali Asqar Analysis of the mystical intertextual relations of the republican order with book of orthography based on Gerard Genet's theory [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Halabi.Ali Asqar The symbolism of the numbers in the saadatnameh and zohuoriy tarshizi of saghinameh baseh on Jung [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Hamidi.sayed Jafar Study of the role of social events in the selection of poems of the poems of Kaiser Aminpoor [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Hamidi.Sayed Jafar The Presence of Angels in Hafez & Imam Khomeini Poetry with the Approach of Quranic Intertextuality [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • hasani bagheri sharifabad.mehdi Iran political poetry from Reza Shah’s collapsing to the coupdeta of 28th in Mordad 1332 [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • hasani ranjbar.ahmad Reflection of Charisma in Atab-al- Katabeh and Jahangosha History [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Spring Year 1399]
  • hasani.mohammad Introducing the manuscript of Muftah al-Talibin (10th century) [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • hasanvand.hojat allah Investigating the relationship between religious teachings and structure and concept in the story of the zamen ahoo [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • hasanzadhe arb.ashour A study of the theological and mystical approach to the truth of the resurrection in the thought of Rumi and Ghazali [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • hashemi.najmah Feminism in the collection of "The Tent of Night" by Mohammad Sadeq Chubak [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Hashempoor.Parvin the template's aciant look to Mirror, the Soul and the Blood in the wonders of the Amazing creatures and Garshasp nameh [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Hatafi Ardakani.Gholamreza Analysis of mystical themes in one hundred lyric poems of Kashan [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Hatafi Ardakani.Gholamreza Investigation of engineering form of linguistic and literary structure of repetition in Kalim Kashani's lyric poems [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Hatafi Ardakani.Gholamreza Qaf and Alborz in the context of past and present beliefs [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Hatami.Ali Rumi's Mystical Interpretations Of The Qur'anic Story Of Joseph In Masnavi [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • hatami.zahra Theme Development in Kalim Kashāni’s Sonnets [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • hatami.zahra Take a look at methods themes in kalim kashani's Ghazals (Sonnet)s [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • hataminia.sima An analays of Image in Hosein Israfilis poem [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • hedayat.osman Asylum as a protest; an analysis of the novel No Friend but the Mountains from the Perspective of Critical Aesthetic Theory [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Heidarpour.Zahra The study of religious, ethical and social teachings in works of Houshang Moradi Kermani [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1396]
  • hemati.nahid Themes and concepts of protest in the poetry of resistance poets (with an emphasis on the poems of Qazvah) [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • hemati.nahid Study of the concepts and themes of the expected expectation in the poems of Sustainable Poets; Alireza Qazhvah, Mohammad Javad Mohabat, Qaisar Aminpour [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Heydari.Hossein The Symbolic Application of Ritual-Mythical Names and Beliefs in Siavash kasraeis poetry [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Spring Year 1394]
  • Heydarinia.Hadi Secondary meaning of rhetorical sentences of the second book of Masnavi Ma'navi (interjection) [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • hossaini.Naser Finding the roots of historical sources in Bahram Beizai's plays [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Hosseini.Seyed Mohammad Mehdi An Analytical Study in First 3 Books of Masnavi [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Hosseinpanahi Tazeabad.Mehdi The study of Errors made by Iranian EFL and AFL Students [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Spring Year 1396]


  • Irani.mohham The Study of Self-knowledge and Individuality Process in Folk Tales (by a Looking at Closed Rooms, Dark Wells, and Circular Caves) [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • iranpoor.shahla Investigation and analysis of the functions in the story of Majnun - Laila by Amir Khusruas Dehlavi from the point of view of Roland Barthes [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]


  • jafari.mariam comparison style hicveyyat sanaei :anvari va gamaladin [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Jafari.Nahid Patriotism in the Works of Shuubiya Era's [ Vol.7, Issue 23 - Summer Year 1394]
  • jafary.zahra The effectiveness of meaning and purpose in positivist psychology according to Seligman and its adaptation to Attar's poems [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • jamali.shahrooz The Study of Feminine Status in the Works of Simin Daneshvar, Fereshteh Molavai and RaziehTojjar [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • jamali.shahrooz A comparative study of climatic features in the stories of Sadegh Chubak and Shirzad Hassan [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Jamali.Shahrooz Investigation of self-censorship in the prominent works of poetry and prose of the Mughal period [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • javid mozafari.sara The political Structure of the shahnameh in the political thought of the Frankfurt school [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • javid mozafari.sara Investigating the association of meanings based on Innovative techniques in the poems of vaez Qazvini [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1399]
  • jomepoor.noormah Mystical manifestation of Ascension in Amir Khusrau Dehlai's Gamse [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]


  • Kakahkhani.Donya Surey slangly elementd in Samak-e-ayyar [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • kamali.ameneh رر Stylistic and Substantive Review of the Manuscript “Translation and Description of Teb-ol-Qoloub Dissertation” [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Spring Year 1397]
  • kamali.samin A comparative investigation into the features of postmodernism in the stories “Tafriq-e-khak” and “dastan-e-viran” by Abutorab Khosravi [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Spring Year 1396]
  • Kargar.Maryam A Study of the Types of Love in the Poetry of Dolarani and Khazrokhan Amir Khosro Dehlavi Based on Robert Sternberg's School of Love [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Karimi.Somayyeh Representation of Religious Symbols in Ancient Artwork (based on the myth of creation in Zoroastrianism, Zarvani, Mani and Mazdak) [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • Karimshahi Malayeri.Shabnam Examining the Indicators of Lyrical Literature in the Ritual Poems of Malek Osh-Shoarai Bahar [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Kashani Mansour.Mehrnoush Reviewing Emotional Discourse in Akhavan Sales`s Poem (Veda) with the Approach of Semiotics [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • kashizadeh.Malheh al sadat Feminine dialogism analysis in "Koli Kenare Atash" novel by Moniro Ravanipour with Mikhail Bakhtin's dialogism approach [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • kave bagh-Bahadorani.Giti A Research on the Rrchetypes in the Story of "One Thousand and One Nights" by Najib Mahfouz [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • kazaie.mohammad Investigating the relationship between religious teachings and structure and concept in the story of the zamen ahoo [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • kazazi.mir jalaedin Lyrical comparison of Bijan and Manijeh in Firdausi’s Shahnameh with Alamas Khan Kandoleei’s Shahnameh [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1396]
  • kazemzadeh.Rogayyeh Analysis of Music in Simin Behbahani, Hossein Monzavi and Mohammad Ali Bahmani’s Lyrics [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Summer Year 1389]
  • Khadem Foghara.Mina Morphological Analysis and Investigating Good and Evil tale from Haft Peikar of Nezami [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • Khajeeim.Ahmad the template's aciant look to Mirror, the Soul and the Blood in the wonders of the Amazing creatures and Garshasp nameh [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Khajeeim.Ahmad The Qur'anic Approaches of Sheikh Ishraq in the Hayakel-Al Nur treatise [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Spring Year 1398]
  • khajehkarimaldini.mojdeh Rereading Bakhtin's dialogue logic in Sadegh Hedayat's works [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Khaledian.Mohammad Ali An Analytical Study in First 3 Books of Masnavi [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Winter Year 1395]
  • khaledyan.mohammad ali Ontology of Ahmed Shamlou's poetry with emphasis on three concepts: "man", "life" and "death". [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • khaleghi.Anita Defamilirazition in naderpours poetry [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Spring Year 1394]
  • Khalili.Nariman Aesthetics of Iranian cinema based on the theme of stranger consciousness of Sohrevardi, cases of Study Siyavash in Takhtjamshid and Green fire [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Khanmohammadi.Mohammad Hossein Structural analysis of Three Short Stories of Shahryar Mandanipour (Sharghe banafshe, Shaame Sarv o Atash, and NarBanoo) [ Vol.6, Issue 21 - Winter Year 1393]
  • Khayatan.Leila Analysis of content and sociological elements of short stories in Iran from 1300-1332 [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • khazaei far.Ali Lingual Difference in the Translation of Early Versus Contemporary Dramatic texts in Iran [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • Khazaeili.M. The Manifestation of Quranic them and Verses in Manuscript of Maamrej-al-khyal [ Vol.7, Issue 25 - Winter Year 1394]
  • Khazaeili.Maryam Madhoosh Golpaigani and poets with Khorasani style [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Spring Year 1397]
  • kheradmandpoor.masoud Analysis of content and sociological elements of short stories in Iran from 1300-1332 [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • kheradmandpoor.masoud Investigation and analysis of the rituals of Sama, solitude and Kharqah in Mesbah al-Hedayeh and Meftah al-Kefayah by Izz al-Din Kashani with an approach to the principle of utilitarianism [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Kheyrabadi.Abbas Review the likeness and pureness according to Ibn Arabi and Maulana [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Summer Year 1398]
  • khiyali1399@gmail.com.Ahmad Representation of some ideas of people in the emergence and happiness of Astarabadi based on Jung's theory [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • khiyali1399@gmail.com.Ahmad Analysis of the mystical intertextual relations of the republican order with book of orthography based on Gerard Genet's theory [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • khiyali1399@gmail.com.Ahmad The symbolism of the numbers in the saadatnameh and zohuoriy tarshizi of saghinameh baseh on Jung [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • khodadadi.mohammad Explaining the Security Strategy to Confront the Intentions in Kalile and Demneh ( the Stories from animals ) [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • khodadadi.mohammad A Survey on some Rhetorical Aspects of the Mystical Prose of Sheikh Ahmad Jaam in his Two Books (Ons Al Taaebeen and Konuz Al Hekmah) [ Vol.4, Issue 10 - Spring Year 1391]
  • Khodayari.Mostafa A Comparative Study of Story Elements in Saadee's Golestan and Majd Khafie's Roze Khold [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Winter Year 1395]
  • khoeini.esmat signs of innovatoin in iraj mirza s' poetry [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • khoeini.esmat The function of Compound Sentences in Masnavi-ye-Ma’navi [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • khoeini.esmat Satirical Content in Mohammad Ali Afrashte’s Work [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Winter Year 1395]
  • khooshechin.Ali The Manifestation of Nature in Mohammad-Reza Shafiei Kadkani’s Poems (M. Sereshk) [ Vol.6, Issue 19 - Summer Year 1393]
  • khorasani.mahboobeh A Post-Colonial Critique of the Novels Mysteries of My Land by Reza Barahani and Palace Walk by Naguib Mahfouz [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • khorasani.mahboobeh Analysis of love ethics and literature in the stories of Mostafa Mastoor [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • khorasani.mahboobeh Rereading Bakhtin's dialogue logic in Sadegh Hedayat's works [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • khosh salighe.Masood Lingual Difference in the Translation of Early Versus Contemporary Dramatic texts in Iran [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • khoshkhu.rafeeh the acoustic investigation of stress in Persian Poetry [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Khoshvatan.Zainab Checking the norms in the Beyidel Dehlavi’s Quatrains [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • khosravi Iqbal.Ramin Effect of Quran and other former texts on Mathnavi Taghdis and Mathnavi Maanavi based on theory of Genette's Periphertextuality [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Spring Year 1393]
  • Khosravi.Hossein Magical Realism in Gholam Reza Rezaei's stories [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Khosravi.Hossein Cities and the Reasons for their use in Naser Khosrow’s Poetry [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Khosravi.Hossein Self Criticism Analysis of Anvari ode in Reproach of Poetry [ Vol.3, Issue 7 - Summer Year 1390]
  • kiaei tonekaboni.tahere the analysis of modality approach in presentation of four grammer rules in persian language [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Spring Year 1398]
  • kochaki Alikalayeh.zeinab Survey of popular culture in Jalalieh treatise by Mohtsham Kashani [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • kooshesh.Rahim Study protest literature in the Current social Smbolism [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Spring Year 1396]
  • Kowsari.Majid Avatar: A Cinematic Convergence of Science, Technology and Art [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]


  • Labbafiyan yazd.Zahra A study of emotion different dimensions in Amir Khosro's lyric poems [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Latifpoor.Abdollah Dialogic and polyphonic In the novel "The Strangest Cemetery" by Ibrahim Younesi [ Vol.9, Issue 33 - Winter Year 1396]
  • loveimi.soheila The study and analysis of the usage prepositions in the poems of the prominent poets of the samanid’s era [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Summer Year 1398]


  • Maghsudinejad.Morteza Investigating the element of prophecy in the heroic system of shahriarnameh [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Mahmoodi.Maryam Educational points in epic poems based on Haft Lashkar Masnavi [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Mahmoodi.Maryam An analays of Image in Hosein Israfilis poem [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Mahmoodi.Maryam Investigation and analysis of the functions in the story of Majnun - Laila by Amir Khusruas Dehlavi from the point of view of Roland Barthes [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Mahmoodi.Maryam Human beings ingratituole in mystics' viewpoint [ Vol.6, Issue 21 - Winter Year 1393]
  • Mahmoudi.Sara Nature in Saadi’s Though [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Majd.Omid Some rhetorical delicacies in Nizami poems with a formalist approach [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • majidi.hasan Nostalgia in the works of Gibran Khalil Gibran and Nader Naderpour [ Vol.6, Issue 21 - Winter Year 1393]
  • Maleki.Naser A Comparative Study of the Usage of Pierce Semiotic Patterns in the Poetry of Nīmā and Eliot [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • malmoly.pari Ethical themes in the newly discovered Masnavi Zahir Kermani [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • mansoori.sima literary Creativity in poetry Shamloos [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Mansouri.Nemat Intertextual analysis in the stories of Azadaran Bil and Tatar Khandan by Gholamhossein Saedi with an emphasis on Bakhtin's dialogue and polyphony [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • mansoury.sima Stylistic Analysis of Composite-Tie" with Kara vane Neizeh" a song by Ali Reza Ghazveh Researchers [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • masjedi.hosein The study of religious, ethical and social teachings in works of Houshang Moradi Kermani [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1396]
  • mehmandoost Kotlar.Roghayeh The study of the lyric components and its function in the poems of Banoogoshasbnameh [ Vol.9, Issue 32 - Autumn Year 1396]
  • Mehravar Giglou.Ghasem Look at the imagery and emotion in the poems align with Salman Harati [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Mehravar Giglou.Ghasem Bayazid Bastami and Disposition of his Mystical [ Vol.4, Issue 10 - Spring Year 1391]
  • Mehryar.Farzaneh Analysis of the relationship between structure of Haftpeykar and illustrated’s yellow, green, red Gonbads in in the Haftpeykar’s collection of the illustrated manuscript of KhamsehNezami in the library of ShahidMotahari School [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Mirnejad.Zahra Examination of Rouh-Al-Arvah Tales Structure in Basis of Propp Morphology Theory [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • mirzamohammadnia.fariba An Investigation on Shamloo’s Poems using Critical Aesthetics [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Modares Khiyabani.Shahram The analysis of equivalents in the translation of the banking text based on formalist semantics [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Modareszadeh.Abdolreza Checking the norms in the Beyidel Dehlavi’s Quatrains [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • modarresi.fateme Look at the imagery and emotion in the poems align with Salman Harati [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Mohabbaty., Amir Mehdi The life of Najmuddin Kobra in the mirror of history [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Mohabbaty., Amir Mehdi Mention, the great name, the non-obscuration of names and the place of the attributes of divine glory and beauty in the course and conduct in the shadow of Najm Kabri's works. [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Mohammadi Bolbolanabad.Sadegh Pronominal clitics in Sorani Kurdish: interaction With Perpositions [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Spring Year 1393]
  • Mohammadi kish.Saeed Evaluating the interpretation of manifestations in the wisdom of Mazdisna and theoretical mysticism [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • mohammadi.davood Review the story of Sshamseh and Ghahghaheh on the theoty of Genette narratives [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Mohammadi.Yadollah A Semiotic Approach to a Sonnet by Moulana [ Vol.6, Issue 19 - Summer Year 1393]
  • Mohammadian.Abbas the template's aciant look to Mirror, the Soul and the Blood in the wonders of the Amazing creatures and Garshasp nameh [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • mohammadlo.mahnaz Wandering island and realism school [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • mohammadnejad.masumeh Analysis of the characterization aspects of Fereydoun's sons according to Adler's theories [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • mohammadpour.mohammadamin Investigation and Analysis of Happy theme in local songs [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Mohseni.Elahe Investigating the Components of Women's Personality in the Works of Mostafa Mastour [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Mojavezi.Mohammad Additional compounds confluence with knowledge of grammar and rhetoric, stylistics (relying on Kalila) [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1396]
  • momenikhanshan.arezu Introduction linear prescription Letters of the Amir Nezam Grosso [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Montazer Panah.Zahra The Narrative Structure Kurdish-beyt "Shour Mahmoud and Marzyngan" Based on the Theory of Propp [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Moradi.Golaleh Studying the lyrical concepts in the novel "Shohare Ahookhanom” [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Moradi.Golaleh Structural analysis of Three Short Stories of Shahryar Mandanipour (Sharghe banafshe, Shaame Sarv o Atash, and NarBanoo) [ Vol.6, Issue 21 - Winter Year 1393]
  • moradi.hamid Asylum as a protest; an analysis of the novel No Friend but the Mountains from the Perspective of Critical Aesthetic Theory [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • moradi.katayoun The effect of light on the stories of Rumi's stories Sanai [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • mortazaei.parvin A Study of Socio-Political Themes in the Divan of Adib-AL Mamalek Farahani and Ahmad Showqi [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Mortazavi.Fateme Love and Mysticism: A Decade Exploration On Saadiology's Studies [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • mosadegh.zeynab Abnormal births in the magical legends of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • moslehi.safoura Indirect characterization techniques in the novel "Kiss God on the Moon" [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • mostafaei dehnavi.faezeh An Analytical Study of the Impact of Immortality on Fear of Death [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Motamedi.Masuod A comparative study of climatic features in the stories of Sadegh Chubak and Shirzad Hassan [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Motevaseli.N. Abrash Kayani (Study of Horse place in Ferdowsi epopee) [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Mousavi.Sayed Hossein The Presence of Angels in Hafez & Imam Khomeini Poetry with the Approach of Quranic Intertextuality [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • mousavi.sayed mehdi Cultural semiotics of Shams Ghazals based on astronomical myths [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • mozaffari.alireza The link between the sacred space of mythology of Iran and the epic place of Shahnameh Ferdowsi [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Spring Year 1398]
  • mozaffarian.farzaneh Investigating the binary oppositions in the Works of Houshang Moradi Kermani and Hans Christian Andersen [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • mozeni.ali mohammad The effect of light on the stories of Rumi's stories Sanai [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Musabadi.Reza The sociological analysis of woman's image in the poems of Malek al-Shara'i Bahar and Seyyed Ashrafdin Gilani [ Vol.9, Issue 33 - Winter Year 1396]


  • nadafi.Marziyeh Sayyid Qutb and Persian poetry (Reflecting his appreciations regarding Hafez and Khayyam's poetry) [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Spring Year 1393]
  • nadalizadeh.moslem Critique of Jung's Old Model in the Story of the King and the Essence of Ur [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • naderi.hiva Ontology of Ahmed Shamlou's poetry with emphasis on three concepts: "man", "life" and "death". [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • nafisi.Nadereh Necessity and Importance of Re-editing Bābā-Faghānī Shīrāzī’s Dīvān [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Naghshbandi.Zaniar Lexical Attrition of Mother Tongue among Sardashti Kurdish Migrants in Tehran [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • namdari.mohammad The face of a woman in Lori and Arabic proverbs [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • naseiri.zahra The tricks of the book Tabashir al-Hikma Raz Shirazi in making the habits of the life of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) believable [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Nasri.Mohammad The analysis of equivalents in the translation of the banking text based on formalist semantics [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Naynava.Shojaadin The Issue of Tone in Translation of Child and Adolescent's Literary Works (Case Study: The Little Prince translated by Mohammad Ghazi and Ahmad Shamloo) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Nejati.Davood Symbol of Christ in the Poetry of Ahmad Shamloo and BadrShakir al-Sayyab: Comparative Study of “Crucified Man” and “Jesus after Crucifixion [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Spring Year 1393]
  • Nemati.Azadeh The study of violating Grice's Maxims in comments of celebrities' web pages [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Niazi.Shahrzad Analysis of the relationship between structure of Haftpeykar and illustrated’s yellow, green, red Gonbads in in the Haftpeykar’s collection of the illustrated manuscript of KhamsehNezami in the library of ShahidMotahari School [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Niazi.Shahrzad The universal female archetype in Naserkhoro Ghobadiani’s poem [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • nikruz.yusef Psychological Analysis of Olduz Storytelling Characters and Crows Relying on Freud, Jung and Adler Theory [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • noorpisheh ghadimi.neda Investigating the binary oppositions in the Works of Houshang Moradi Kermani and Hans Christian Andersen [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • norooz.mahdi Analysis and review of the narrative in "The Comprehensive Story of Attar's Tragedy with Emphasis on the Design and Plot, the Narrator" with an approach to the theory of "polyphony or polyphony" Bakhtin [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • norooz.mahdi Saadi: the Matter of Reality and Imagination [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • noroozali.zeynab Representation of some ideas of people in the emergence and happiness of Astarabadi based on Jung's theory [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • noroozali.zeynab The symbolism of the numbers in the saadatnameh and zohuoriy tarshizi of saghinameh baseh on Jung [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Nosrati.Mehdi A study and comparison of the love of the devil and man for the God of Truth (relying on mystical works such as: Attar's theological letter and the preparations of the same judges of Hamedani) [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Nosratzadeh.Heydar The analysis of equivalents in the translation of the banking text based on formalist semantics [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Nosratzadeh.Heydar Explanation of the Terminology of Kinship Sanandaj Kurdish Based on Ecological-Typological Approach [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Novrooz.Mahdi The sociological analysis of woman's image in the poems of Malek al-Shara'i Bahar and Seyyed Ashrafdin Gilani [ Vol.9, Issue 33 - Winter Year 1396]
  • Nozen.Seyyedeh Zahra Poets Advising Rulers in the West and East: A Comparative Study of the Approaches of Saadi and Shakespeare to Peace and War [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1399]


  • Obaydi nia.Mohammad Amir Studying the lyrical concepts in the novel "Shohare Ahookhanom” [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Obaydi nia.Mohammad Amir Ontology in Attar’s Mystic Contemplation [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • obaydinia.mohamadamir Indian style and Nezami’s Panj Ganj [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 1389]
  • obaydinia.mohamadamir Structurally Criticism of Parvin E'tesami’s Poem [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1389]
  • oladi.afsane The analysis non- verbal communication in khosro&shirin poem [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Omar Solayman.Fahri Ontology in Attar’s Mystic Contemplation [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • Omidvar.malmoli Investigating the reflection of ability from the point of view of Ibn Arabi in the poems of Shah Dai Shirazi [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Omidvar.malmoli Studying the life of Shah Dai Shirazi and introducing her six Masnavisabstract [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • OmranNejhad.nasrin "Father's" men and "Son's" men games in Bayhaqi history Based on Eric Burns' theory of games [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]


  • Pakbaz.Aboutaleb Identifying the components of national solidarity in socio-political poetry of the constitutional period (Case study: Farrokhi Yazdi and Mirzadeh Eshghi) [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Pakdel.masoud A Study on the effects of the fund amentals of Anahita religion on Bijan O Manije Story [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1399]
  • Pakdel.masoud Stylistic Analysis of Composite-Tie" with Kara vane Neizeh" a song by Ali Reza Ghazveh Researchers [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Pakdel.masoud A Comparative Study of the Concepts of Homeland in Constitutional Literature with Emphasis on the Works of Seyed Ashrafuddin Gilani and the sacred Defense Literature of Kaiser Aminpour [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Pakdel.masoud literary Creativity in poetry Shamloos [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Pakrow.Fatemeh Stylistic analysis of footnote or popular novels based on a look at the historical footnote novel "Hamoyeh" and the examination of the male character by Hossein Qoli Mustaan [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Pakrow.Fatemeh Stylistic analysis of footnote or popular novel with a look at the social and political novel of the constitutional period "Tehran Horrible" by Mushfiq Kazemi [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Parnian.Musa Magical Realism in Kurdish Chirok [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • Parsa.Sayyed Ahmad The Analysis of Nezâmi Ganje'e's Sâghinâmeh and the Real Number of it's Verses [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Spring Year 1389]
  • Parsa.Sayyed Ahmad A Comparison between the two odes related to Khaqani of Shervan and Mulla Mahmood Bikhod [ Vol.1, Issue 1 - Winter Year 1388]
  • Parsa.Sayyed Ahmad The Effectiveness of the Inductive and Deductive Methods in Teaching Persion Grammar to L.1 high School Students from Shiraz [ Vol.3, Issue 6 - Spring Year 1390]
  • Parsa.Sayyed Ahmad The reflection of social issues in the poems of Shirkoo Bikas [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Spring Year 1396]
  • Parsa.Seyed Ahmad A Semiotic Approach to a Sonnet by Moulana [ Vol.6, Issue 19 - Summer Year 1393]
  • parsaee.hosein The analysis non- verbal communication in khosro&shirin poem [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • parsaei.hossein Reformation of the female character and properties from the perspective of Rumi [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • parsaei.hossein The identity of "reason and love" in the mystical poems of Imam Khomeini and Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Parsaei.Hossein A study of the motifs in Shiva Arastuei's novel "khof" [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • Parsaei.Hossein Investigating the imaginary schemas of "love" in Farrokhi Sistani's lyric poems [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Parspour.Aida Satirical Content in Mohammad Ali Afrashte’s Work [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Parvin Gonabadi.bahram Analysis of the rhetorical elements of the Brotherhood in the linear version of the al-Nishah reservoir [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Parvin Gonabadi.bahram Love and Mysticism: A Decade Exploration On Saadiology's Studies [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Parvin.Royaparvin literary Creativity in poetry Shamloos [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • pasha pasandi.hoseynali Investigating the imaginary schemas of "love" in Farrokhi Sistani's lyric poems [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Pashabadi.Yadollah Another reading of a couplet of Hafez [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Pashaie.Kamran A comparative criticism of the classification of conceptual metaphors from lakoff and Johnson view with new classification with evidence from Afghani and Ishiguro works. [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Pashaie.Kamran Review the Anthropology Concepts of Language in Story of “Roxana” [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Pashaie.Kamran "Father's" men and "Son's" men games in Bayhaqi history Based on Eric Burns' theory of games [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Pashaie.Kamran Sociology of lyrical literature in the poem "Laili and Majnoon" by Nizami Based on the views of Lukács, Bourdieu and Adorno [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Pazaj.Neda The Analysis of Realm of Knowledge in the First Three Books of Masnavi [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • Pendar.Rahim Avatar: A Cinematic Convergence of Science, Technology and Art [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • pirak.sakineh The study and analysis of Qur’anic intertextuality relations of Nasir Khusraw’s Diwan based on Genette's theory [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • piranishal.ali Repeatition plurality acceptance or denial (critical attitude to position of Repeatition in Persian and Arab rhetoric and poetry) [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Summer Year 1398]
  • Pishdadyan.Mitra Explanation of the Terminology of Kinship Sanandaj Kurdish Based on Ecological-Typological Approach [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • pouresfeden.hasanali Ontology of Ahmed Shamlou's poetry with emphasis on three concepts: "man", "life" and "death". [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]



  • Rabiei.Hadi The concept of love in the thought of Ibn Sine and Rouzbihan Baqli Shirazi [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Radfar.Abolqasem The study of comparative structural analysis in holy shrines itineraries, "Sefr_e_Eshgh and Molk_e_Rey" [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Radmanesh.AtaMuhammad We have a pedagogical approach to the concept of love from the lyrics of the seventh centuries . [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • radmansh.atamohammad Monastery customs and its symbols from Rumi's point of view in lyric poems [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • radmansh.atamohammad Mystical impressions of the story of Yusuf (AS) [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Radmard.Mostafa Lyrical comparison of Bijan and Manijeh in Firdausi’s Shahnameh with Alamas Khan Kandoleei’s Shahnameh [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Radmard.Mostafa Lyrical Comparison of Bijan and Manijeh in Firdausi’s Shahnameh with Alamas Khan Kandoleei’s Shahnameh [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Winter Year 1395]
  • rahimi zangane.ebrahim A comparative study of cultural anthropology in the poem "Mehr and Wafa", in classical literaturePersian and Kurdish vernacular [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Rahmani.Kiumars A Survey on Ideological views of a Novelist: Naturalistic Analysis of Mahmoud Dowlatabadi’s Stories [ Vol.4, Issue 13 - Winter Year 1391]
  • rahmati.enshaallah Aesthetics of Iranian cinema based on the theme of stranger consciousness of Sohrevardi, cases of Study Siyavash in Takhtjamshid and Green fire [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Raisibaghshahbazi.Maryam Mystical impressions of the story of Yusuf (AS) [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Raisibaghshahbazi.Maryam Monastery customs and its symbols from Rumi's point of view in lyric poems [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Rajbi.Mohammad Amin Investigation of self-censorship in the prominent works of poetry and prose of the Mughal period [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • ramazankhani.Sedigheh Comparative-Thematic Study of Vocabulary Structure in Yazdi Dialect [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Ramezani.Parvane Farrokhi poems beyond the revolutional realism [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Ramezani.Parvane The Approach Of Revolutionist Romantism And Realism In Constitution ( By Reflection In Poems Of Farrokhi And Mirzade ) [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Spring Year 1396]
  • Ranjbar.Ahmad Reflection of Charisma in Atab-al- Katabeh and Jahangosha History [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Spring Year 1399]
  • ranjbar.mahmood The study of situational Irony In Dolat Abadie’s story and Dramas [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Rashidi Ashjardi.Morteza Analysis of the relationship between structure of Haftpeykar and illustrated’s yellow, green, red Gonbads in in the Haftpeykar’s collection of the illustrated manuscript of KhamsehNezami in the library of ShahidMotahari School [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Rashidi Ashjardi.Morteza Analysis of love ethics and literature in the stories of Mostafa Mastoor [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • Rashidi Ashjardi.Morteza Rereading Bakhtin's dialogue logic in Sadegh Hedayat's works [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Rashidi.Hoshyar Persian speakers' language identity and using it as L1 or L2 and applying its technical and rhetorical criteria in Telegram writings [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • rashidi.morteza Native elements of Isfahan's story writing in the works of Bahram Sadeghi and Houshang Golshiri [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Rashidi.Morteza Take a look at methods themes in kalim kashani's Ghazals (Sonnet)s [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Rashidi.Morteza Theme Development in Kalim Kashāni’s Sonnets [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Rashidi.Morteza Reflection of trade union tools and words in the words of Ghassab Kashani [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Razzagh Pour.Morteza An Analysis into Homay's journey to China in Homay and Homayoun poems by Khaju Kermani based on the ancient theory of the "The Hero's journey" by Joseph Campbell [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Razzagh Pour.Morteza A comparative study of the meaning of life from the perspective of Rumi and Yalom [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • reihani.mohammad Analysis of Jungian Archetypes Elements of Hero Journey in the Story "Talkhoon" by Samad Behrangi [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Reyhani.Neda Analysis of the "Hero's Journey" in the Amir Arsalan Namdar based on the theory of Joseph Campbell [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Reyhani.Neda Study of Minimalist Components in Hariri's Maqamat [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Rezabeigi.Maryam The Study of Self-knowledge and Individuality Process in Folk Tales (by a Looking at Closed Rooms, Dark Wells, and Circular Caves) [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • Rezaei Ardani.Fazlollah Investigation of engineering form of linguistic and literary structure of repetition in Kalim Kashani's lyric poems [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Rezaei.Vali A Typological Approach to Adjectives in Persian [ Vol.7, Issue 23 - Summer Year 1394]
  • Rezapourian Ghahfarokhi.َAsghar Cities and the Reasons for their use in Naser Khosrow’s Poetry [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Summer Year 1395]
  • roostaei.hossain Repeatition plurality acceptance or denial (critical attitude to position of Repeatition in Persian and Arab rhetoric and poetry) [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Summer Year 1398]
  • rostami.amene Detection Understanding in Poems by Saeed Bibiabanaki [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Rustae Shalmani.Ahmad The constellations and the science of astronomical rulings related to it in the Sanaei court [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]


  • Saadati.Afsane رRhetorical Analysis and Interpretation of the Image of the Sun in Mathnavi [ Vol.7, Issue 23 - Summer Year 1394]
  • Sabetzadeh.Mansoure Comparative Study of Significance of Barbad’s musical modes or alhan in Nizami’s Khosrow and Shirin and Manuchehri’s Texts [ Vol.4, Issue 12 - Autumn Year 1391]
  • Sadeghi Darvishi.Mehdi The Investigation of the Effects of the Iranian Folk Culture on the Travelogues of the German Heinrich Brugesch [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • sadeghi shahpar.reza The reflection of the social situation of Kurdistan in Ebrahim Younisi's Stories. [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • sadeghi shahpar.reza Examining the Indicators of Lyrical Literature in the Ritual Poems of Malek Osh-Shoarai Bahar [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • sadeghi shahpar.reza A comparative study of modernity in the poems of Malek al-Shaara Bahar and Haji Kader Koui [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Sadeghi Shahpar.Reza Investigation of self-censorship in the prominent works of poetry and prose of the Mughal period [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • sadeghi.fariba Analysis of Parvin Etesami’s poems with an approach on social-psychological component (Case study: prejudice and attraction ) [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Sadeghi.Fariba An investigation of Parvin E'tesami’s poems with an approach to reaction theory (double compensation) of Alfred Adler [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • sadeghi.hosein A Study of Metaphors in Hafez Shirazi’s Sonnets: A Cognitive Linguistics - Approach [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Spring Year 1394]
  • sadeghi.hosein A Study of the Narrative Aspects of “The King and the Maid” from Masnavi-e-Ma’navi and Similar Narrations based on Tzotan Todorv’s Model [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Spring Year 1397]
  • sadeghi.mahdi The manifestation of educational literature in the ritual of Ashura poems of Yazd [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Sadeghi.Reyhane The Qur'anic Approaches of Sheikh Ishraq in the Hayakel-Al Nur treatise [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Sadeghzadeh.Mahmoud The subject of history in Qat’es and Robaeis of Mirza Seyyed Yahya Modarres, devoted to Fadaei Yazdi [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Sadeghzadeh.Mahmoud A comparative study of the stylistics of the lexical layer in Asrar al-Tawheed and Tazkire al-Awaliya [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Sadeghzadeh.Mahmoud Comparing Characterization of women in stories of Chubak with stories of Daneshvar [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Sadeghzadeh.Mahmoud The main features of Farrokhi Yazdi's poetry [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Sadeghzadeh.Mahmoud Comparative-Thematic Study of Vocabulary Structure in Yazdi Dialect [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Sadeghzadeh.Mahmoud Investigating the Components of Women's Personality in the Works of Mostafa Mastour [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Sadeghzadeh.Mahmoud The manifestation of educational literature in the ritual of Ashura poems of Yazd [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Sadeghzadeh.Mahmoud Yazd’s literature and Art of Traditional Architecture [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Sadeghzadeh.Mahmoud A study of emotion different dimensions in Amir Khosro's lyric poems [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Sadraie.Roghayeh زن، ژاک‌لاکان، شهرزاد، بازی نمایشگری [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Sadraie.Roghayeh Examining naturalistic effects in Dolatabadi and Dervishian short stories [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Summer Year 1397]
  • sadredini.ardeshir Finding the roots of historical sources in Bahram Beizai's plays [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • saed.golnia Psychological analysis of Simorgh story of Attar Neyshaburi according to Maslow’s theory of need [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • saedi.salma Defamiliarization in Mohammad Javad Mahabbat's PoetryJavad Mahabbat's Poetry [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Saedi.Salma A comparative study of climatic features in the stories of Sadegh Chubak and Shirzad Hassan [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Saedi.Seyyed Mohammad Investigation and analysis of the rituals of Sama, solitude and Kharqah in Mesbah al-Hedayeh and Meftah al-Kefayah by Izz al-Din Kashani with an approach to the principle of utilitarianism [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Saedi.Slama Analysis of The Novel 'Sahm-E Man'From a Feministic Viewpoint [ Vol.7, Issue 25 - Winter Year 1394]
  • Saeeidi.Maryam Analysis of the Wednesday story of Haft Peikar based on the new literature criticism [ Vol.9, Issue 33 - Winter Year 1396]
  • safarali.parviz Manuscripts of Saaduddin Ahmad Kabeli Berei Ansari [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • safaralizadeh.mojtaba Introducing the Manuscript transcription of Dorrolnnasir valnasihatol tahzir translation [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1399]
  • safarzadeh.mojtaba Introduction linear prescription Letters of the Amir Nezam Grosso [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Saffari.Fereshte Comparative Analysis of Religious Teachings on Poetry Of Abi Altahyh and Naser Khosrow Qbadyany [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Spring Year 1394]
  • Saffari.Fereshte Comparative Analysis of Religious Lessons in Abi Altahyh Poetry and Naser Khosro Qbadiani [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Winter Year 1395]
  • safian boldaji.yousef We have a pedagogical approach to the concept of love from the lyrics of the seventh centuries . [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • safian boldaji.yousef Nizari Ghohestani's lyric system in the passage of moral and Quranic teachings [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Sajadi.Elham The Concept of "Escape" in Desert, A Novel by Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio [ Vol.3, Issue 7 - Summer Year 1390]
  • Salamat Baveel.Latifeh Super human from Nietzsche’s point of view and the effect of Greek Myths on his Thoughts [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Salamat Baveel.Latifeh The methods of postmodernism in the Iranian novel Sepideh-Dam based on Brian McHale's theory [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Salehi.Ali Reza The methods of postmodernism in the Iranian novel Sepideh-Dam based on Brian McHale's theory [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Salehi.Ali Reza Kayani Key Khosro's sociology of power with an approach to Pierre Bourdieu's theory [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • salehi.narges An Analysis of the Concept of the ‘Other’ in Attar’s The Conference of the Birds [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Summer Year 1398]
  • samadi.roonak Examining naturalistic effects in Dolatabadi and Dervishian short stories [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Summer Year 1397]
  • sameni kiwani.farnaz Eight books by Sohrab Sepehri and Positive Thinking from Seligman's Perspective [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • Sameni.Hadi Avatar: A Cinematic Convergence of Science, Technology and Art [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Sameni.Hadi Maternal Articulation in the Poetry of Parvin Etesami and Forough Farrokhzad [ Vol.7, Issue 25 - Winter Year 1394]
  • Sangary.MohammadReza The study of comparative structural analysis in holy shrines itineraries, "Sefr_e_Eshgh and Molk_e_Rey" [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Sarbaz Barazandeh.Farah Social Criticism in Attar's Musibat Nama [ Vol.7, Issue 23 - Summer Year 1394]
  • saremi geravi.Sakineh Nostalgia in the works of Gibran Khalil Gibran and Nader Naderpour [ Vol.6, Issue 21 - Winter Year 1393]
  • sarhadi.masoud Comparative comparison of Ferdowsi Shahnameh with the policy of Khajeh Nizam al-Mulk in the field of litigation [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Sayed sadeghi.sayed Mahmood Cultural semiotics of Shams Ghazals based on astronomical myths [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Sedghi.Hossein The Study ot Death-Thinking in the Thought of Khayyâm and Mowlavi [ Vol.6, Issue 21 - Winter Year 1393]
  • semsar khiabanian.fattaneh Moderate impartiality from Saadi’s moral perspective compared to ethics of care [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Seyed Faraji.Sepideh Reflecting on the Crisis of Today's Female Identity in the "I am probably lost" Novel (From the perspective of social semiotics) [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • seyed sadeghi.seyed mahmood the carnivalization of iranian society in the era of constitutionalism (a case study of the works of dehkhoda, mirzadeh eshghi and nasim shomal) [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • shabanlu.Alireza Ma’aser - e - Rahimi; A book on Indian history and greates men [ Vol.4, Issue 13 - Winter Year 1391]
  • Shabany.Akbar Philosophical Nostalgia in Attar Neishaboori's poetry [ Vol.5, Issue 16 - Autumn Year 1392]
  • Shabany.Akbar Analysis of social themes in the works of Zoya Pirzad, with emphasis on women of religious minorities [ Vol.10, Issue 34 - Spring Year 1397]
  • shaebani.akbar The relationship between God and man in the works of Jami [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • shafaei.mohammad ali Application of the "minority literature" approach in the novel "Al-Thalaj Yati Min Al-Nafza" by Hana Mina and the novel "Jai Khali Salouch" by Mahmoud Dolatabadi [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • Shahab Razavi.Seyed Hossein A study of emotion different dimensions in Amir Khosro's lyric poems [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • shahbazi.mohamadreza The Analysis of Dramatic Discourse with a Layered Stylistics Approach in the novel of Hiccup Moments by Ahmad Akbarpour [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • Shahgoli.Samere Additional compounds confluence with knowledge of grammar and rhetoric, stylistics (relying on Kalila) [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Shahhosseini.Faeghe Linguistic Prototypes and Their Application in Real World Cognition [ Vol.3, Issue 7 - Summer Year 1390]
  • Shahmoradi.Faranak Maternal Articulation in the Poetry of Parvin Etesami and Forough Farrokhzad [ Vol.7, Issue 25 - Winter Year 1394]
  • Shahmoradi.Faranak Ethno-cultural Crises: Constructing and Re-constructing Identities in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Shahmoradi.Faranak Avatar: A Cinematic Convergence of Science, Technology and Art [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Shahriari.Fahimeh the carnivalization of iranian society in the era of constitutionalism (a case study of the works of dehkhoda, mirzadeh eshghi and nasim shomal) [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • shakerian.tahereh The Comparative Study of Divine trial Tradition in Holly Quran and Moulana Mathnawi [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Spring Year 1398]
  • shams.Maryam Comparing Characterization of women in stories of Chubak with stories of Daneshvar [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • shariati.seiran Super human from Nietzsche’s point of view and the effect of Greek Myths on his Thoughts [ Vol.10, Issue 35 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Shariatpanah.Ahmad Finding the roots of historical sources in Bahram Beizai's plays [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Sharifmanesh.Amin Content analysis of Khajeh Abdollah Ansari , s Munajat Nameh With emphasis on cultural and moral messages [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • Sheikhloovand.fatemeh A Study on External Music in Sanai Ghaznavi’s Lyrics [ Vol.4, Issue 13 - Winter Year 1391]
  • Shekarian Behzadi.Akram Examining "Implictures" in the Discourses of the Sushun Book by Simin Daneshvar: Grice's Cooperative Principles and Leech's Politeness Principles in Focus [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • shirvani.javad A Study of Metaphors in Hafez Shirazi’s Sonnets: A Cognitive Linguistics - Approach [ Vol.7, Issue 22 - Spring Year 1394]
  • Sina.Khosro A Structural Study of the Oral Heritage of Kurdish Literature (Case study: Verse of Saidawan) [ Vol.5, Issue 16 - Autumn Year 1392]
  • Sohrabi.Fateh Psychological analysis of Simorgh story of Attar Neyshaburi according to Maslow’s theory of need [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • sohrabnejad.seyed ali Comparison and analysis of the status of asceticism and submission in the Diwan of Imad Faqih Kermani and Shaukat Bukhari [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • sohrabnejhad.seyedali Studying the life of Shah Dai Shirazi and introducing her six Masnavisabstract [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Soleymani.Zahra The tenets of thanatopsis in the poems of Saadi [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Spring Year 1396]
  • solimani.shahnaz Studying the life of Shah Dai Shirazi and introducing her six Masnavisabstract [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • solimani.shahnaz Investigating the reflection of ability from the point of view of Ibn Arabi in the poems of Shah Dai Shirazi [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • soltani kohbanani.hasan Analyzing the Surrealist Components of mantegholteyr of Attar Neishabouri [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Soltani.Khaled Studying the Role of National Epics in Naming the geographical phenomena inGhorveh [ Vol.4, Issue 12 - Autumn Year 1391]
  • Solymanirad.Elmira Lingual Difference in the Translation of Early Versus Contemporary Dramatic texts in Iran [ Vol.6, Issue 20 - Autumn Year 1393]
  • sorhy.farzanh A study of the theological and mystical approach to the truth of the resurrection in the thought of Rumi and Ghazali [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • sorkhi.farzaneh Reflecting elements of Hormesis school in poems Attar, Moiana, and Hafez [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]


  • Tabasi.Hamid A comparative study and comparison of love and its presence in the epic poems of Koushnameh and Bahmannameh [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • taghinezhad.fatemeh A critical review of descriptive verbs [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • taghipoorbadr.mahmood Reflecting elements of Hormesis school in poems Attar, Moiana, and Hafez [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • tahan.ahmad The tricks of the book Tabashir al-Hikma Raz Shirazi in making the habits of the life of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) believable [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • tahan.ahmad Investigating the binary oppositions in the Works of Houshang Moradi Kermani and Hans Christian Andersen [ Vol.13, Issue 46 - Spring Year 1400]
  • taheri.ghodratollah Critical Analaysis On Poems Ahmad Shamlou [ Vol.6, Issue 18 - Spring Year 1393]
  • tahmasbi.farhad Feminine dialogism analysis in "Koli Kenare Atash" novel by Moniro Ravanipour with Mikhail Bakhtin's dialogism approach [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Tahmasbi.Farhad Reflecting on the Crisis of Today's Female Identity in the "I am probably lost" Novel (From the perspective of social semiotics) [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • Tahmasbi.Farhad An Inquiry into Realism and the Types of Realism in the Poetry of Fereydoun Tavalali [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Tahmasbi.Farhad Ghazali's social semiotics by Khajoo Kermani based on Chandler's theory [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Tahmasbi.Farhad A Study of Interactive Contracts in Nasfi Interpretation in Comparison with the Translation of the Discovery of Mysteries Based on Norman Fairclough Theory [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • tahmasbi.fredoon A study of the theological and mystical approach to the truth of the resurrection in the thought of Rumi and Ghazali [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • tajlil.jalil Mention, the great name, the non-obscuration of names and the place of the attributes of divine glory and beauty in the course and conduct in the shadow of Najm Kabri's works. [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • tajlil.jalil The life of Najmuddin Kobra in the mirror of history [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • tajlil.jalil An Analytical Study of the Impact of Immortality on Fear of Death [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • taleshi.Yadollah Analysis of the characterization aspects of Fereydoun's sons according to Adler's theories [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Taslim jahromi.Fatemeh Narrative of the novel A Little Shadow(Andaki Sayeh) based on Rabert McKay's theory [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]
  • tavakkoli darestani.Hamed Analysis of Poetics of Persian Classic Poet and Critical lookt at the Contemporary Poetry(with emphsis on Poetic Prose) [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • Tavakkoli.Azizollah A comparative study of the stylistics of the lexical layer in Asrar al-Tawheed and Tazkire al-Awaliya [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Tavakoli Kafiabad.Azizollah The subject of history in Qat’es and Robaeis of Mirza Seyyed Yahya Modarres, devoted to Fadaei Yazdi [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Tavakoli Kafiabad.Dr Azizolah The manifestation of educational literature in the ritual of Ashura poems of Yazd [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Torkamani.vajihe Eight books by Sohrab Sepehri and Positive Thinking from Seligman's Perspective [ Vol.14, Issue 53 - Winter Year 1401]


  • vadieh.Farzane Ghazali's social semiotics by Khajoo Kermani based on Chandler's theory [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • vafaei.abbasali Linguistic expressions emphasize and its rhetorical functions in the Hafez sonnets "By relying on the three senses of God, man and love" [ Vol.11, Issue 41 - Winter Year 1398]
  • valizadeh.farshad A comparative study of the concept of "death" and its manifestations in Islamic mysticism and the existentialism (Based on the mosibat- nameh of Attar and the novel of Nausea Sartre) [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • Varzandeh.Omid The study of Errors made by Iranian EFL and AFL Students [ Vol.9, Issue 30 - Spring Year 1396]
  • Varzandeh.Omid Human, Struggle and Love in Sherko Bikas and Ahmad Shamloue's Poetry [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • Varzandeh.Omid Comparative Study of Transnational Identity of Migrated Asian Women in JhumpaLahiri and MehrnooshMazarie'sFictions through Looking Lenz of HomiBhabha [ Vol.4, Issue 11 - Summer Year 1391]
  • vosooghian.mohammad Ali Commons of Ebn Arabi and Josef Murphy in the issue of miracle [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1399]


  • yakhdansaz.nazila Interpersonal conflict management in Shahnameh [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Spring Year 1398]
  • yalameha.Ahmadreza Ethical themes in the newly discovered Masnavi Zahir Kermani [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • yalmeha.AHMAD REZA We have a pedagogical approach to the concept of love from the lyrics of the seventh centuries . [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]
  • yalmeha.AHMAD REZA Educational points in epic poems based on Haft Lashkar Masnavi [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Yans.Neda Sociology of lyrical literature in the poem "Laili and Majnoon" by Nizami Based on the views of Lukács, Bourdieu and Adorno [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Autumn Year 1402]
  • Yazdanpanah.MehrAli A Comparative Study of Greed in The Holy Quran and Rumis Masnavi [ Vol.7, Issue 24 - Autumn Year 1394]
  • Yegani.Mostafa The ideals World of Maroof Rasafi [ Vol.6, Issue 21 - Winter Year 1393]
  • Younesi Rostami.Mohammad Taghi The Manifestation of Nature in Mohammad-Reza Shafiei Kadkani’s Poems (M. Sereshk) [ Vol.6, Issue 19 - Summer Year 1393]
  • youseffam.alieh An Investigation on Shamloo’s Poems using Critical Aesthetics [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1399]
  • youseffam.aliyeh The effect of colonialism on Afghan women in Mohammad Hossein Mohammadi's novels [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Yousefi.Sahar Practicing the Dīvān (Monsters) by Analyzing Their Personality Aspects in Iranian Folk Stories [ Vol.11, Issue 40 - Autumn Year 1398]


  • Zaarinjooee.Bahman Ethno-cultural Crises: Constructing and Re-constructing Identities in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Zahedi.Mohammad Sedigh Binding Hierarchy and Complement Clauses in Sorani Kurdish [ Vol.7, Issue 25 - Winter Year 1394]
  • Zahedi.Mohammad Sedigh Persian speakers' language identity and using it as L1 or L2 and applying its technical and rhetorical criteria in Telegram writings [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Zaihnia Emran.Asieh A Study of the Types of Love in the Poetry of Dolarani and Khazrokhan Amir Khosro Dehlavi Based on Robert Sternberg's School of Love [ Vol.13, Issue 49 - Winter Year 1400]
  • zakeri.gholamabbas comparison style hicveyyat sanaei :anvari va gamaladin [ Vol.15, Issue 54 - Spring Year 1402]
  • zamani.Seyed Sadegh The connection between Suhrawardi's beauty and mystical love with modern aesthetics [ Vol.12, Issue 45 - Winter Year 1399]
  • zamani.Seyed Sadegh Examining and explaining examples of goodness and badness in Masnavi Ma'navi [ Vol.16, Issue 59 - Summer Year 1403]
  • zamany.ali Manuscripts of Saaduddin Ahmad Kabeli Berei Ansari [ Vol.13, Issue 47 - Summer Year 1400]
  • zare.gholamali The relation of ceremonies and literature with morals The latest corrections [ Vol.11, Issue 39 - Summer Year 1398]
  • zareifard.raha the acoustic investigation of stress in Persian Poetry [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Zarif Emarat Saz.Bahareh A survey and an analysis of the narrative process of the story of Leyli and Majnoun in the 10th century [ Vol.11, Issue 38 - Spring Year 1398]
  • Zehni.Golbarg “Selecting target literary texts , a solution for raising perception in Elementery School Students” [ Vol.9, Issue 31 - Summer Year 1396]
  • zeinali.parvin Socialist realism in Neighbor and The story of a city by Ahmad Mahmoud [ Vol.10, Issue 37 - Winter Year 1397]
  • zerafatkar.Mahdi The tricks of the book Tabashir al-Hikma Raz Shirazi in making the habits of the life of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) believable [ Vol.14, Issue 52 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • zerafatkar.mehdi The semiotics of "snake" in the poem "I was saying that day ..." by Simin Behbahani, emphasizing Michael Rifater's theory [ Vol.14, Issue 51 - Summer Year 1401]
  • zerafatkar.mehdi The semiotics of "snake" in the poem "I was saying that day ..." by Simin Behbahani, emphasizing Michael Rifater's theory [ Vol.16, Issue 58 - Spring Year 1403]
  • ziaee.hesam Psychoanalytical criticism of “ermiya novle” one of the Holy defence stories according to jacqes lacan theory [ Vol.10, Issue 36 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • zilabi.aziz Stylistic Analysis of Composite-Tie" with Kara vane Neizeh" a song by Ali Reza Ghazveh Researchers [ Vol.13, Issue 48 - Autumn Year 1400]
  • zirak.sareh Reviewing Emotional Discourse in Akhavan Sales`s Poem (Veda) with the Approach of Semiotics [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • zirak.sareh Ghazali's social semiotics by Khajoo Kermani based on Chandler's theory [ Vol.14, Issue 50 - Spring Year 1401]