the template's aciant look to Mirror, the Soul and the Blood in the wonders of the Amazing creatures and Garshasp nameh
Subject Areas : Persian Language and LiteratureAli Tasnimi 1 , Ahmad Khajeeim 2 , Abbas Mohammadian 3 , parvin hashempoor 4 *
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Hakim Sabzevari University
2 - Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Hakim Sabzevari University.
3 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.
4 - Ph.D. in Persian Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: soul, Garshasp nameh, Archetype, Amazing creatures, blood, Mirror,
Abstract :
AbstractArchetypes are relics of thousands of years and a common heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation over the centuries. Our Iranian ancestors, like people around the world, were subconsciously in touch with them. One of these collective patterns is the mirror, which was not the only means of seeing the face; it was associated with spirit, life, future, witchcraft and divinity. According to the book The Wonders of Creatures and Garshasb nameh, the mirror is sometimes a mediator between the earth and the sky, and sometimes the truth-tellers are aware of the secrets. Sometimes the mirror is the window of the soul, sometimes the soul is manifested in it. We know that human life and movement depend on the soul. Blood also makes life possible in the human body and, from the point of view of ancient peoples, accommodates the souls of beings. The ancient people understood the importance of this vital substance and tried in every way to prevent its destruction and consequently damage to their souls. And in various forms such as; Shadows, intellect, subconscious, solar force, reflection of the world, spirit of life, connection between earth and sky, etc. appear. A better understanding of the ancient and the subconscious leads to a better understanding of our people and a better connection with the hidden half of our being and a new window into the inside. The world of the past and literary works.
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