Title: The story of a young man from the perspective of Yong's old man
Subject Areas : comparative literatureazadeh ebrahimipour 1 * , saber emami 2
1 - bonyad shahid
2 - ostad/uni
Keywords: Ancient Template, Yong, Pierre Farzaneh, Rumi,
Abstract :
Abstract The mysterious poetry, which is a mirror in the mysterious and mysterious of Maulana, has always been regarded as open and interpretable texts due to semantic complexities and linguistic art, and has been spoken about in various perspectives. Ancient criticism A literary model of the psychological critique that has flourished in recent decades, as in other interdisciplinary studies. This article, which examines the ancient themes and themes of the paternal pattern in the human body, offers the way for the next literary works and illustrates the universality of the human message and the feelings of art poets such as Rumi. In this study, with the view of the Yang psychoanalysis school, from the old perspective, a pattern has been addressed to the Rumi poetry world, and has been addressed to the eloquent and repetitive personality of the court in his court. Comparison of the faces with the ancient pattern of Pierre Farzaneh Yong represents a very similar Or even his complete adaptation to that ancient image.