The Qur'anic Approaches of Sheikh Ishraq in the Hayakel-Al Nur treatise
Subject Areas : Persian Language and Literaturereihane sadeghi 1 * , Ahmad Khajeeim 2
1 - Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Hakim Sabzevari University.
2 - Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Hakim Sabzevari University.
Keywords: Sheikh Ishraq, Types of Influence, Gnostic Prose, Holy Quran, Hayakel-Al Nur,
Abstract :
Sheikh Ishraq (1191-1154) is a well-known scholar and creative philosopher, who, in his mystical and universal perspective, expresses philosophical and epistemological issues.The flavor of his words in the penetration and effectiveness of it is the citation and affirmations that are related to the verses of the Qur'an. The present study seeks to explore and explain the Qur'anic approach to the Quranic verses and its findings through an analytical-descriptive approach to one of the compilations of this divine wise called Hayakel-Al Nur. The result of this research is that the wisdom and philosophy of Sheikh Sohrevardi in his works are more than anything else based on the Holy Quran and the Islamic teachings, and his transcendent and fundamental ideas are also taken up in this short essay and directly influenced by verses. As well as the themes of the Holy Qur'an. Reflection of these impacts can be found in three forms: statement, report, and lexical. In propositional influence, Sohrevardi takes on the direct assimilation of the verses and collectively refers to six verses from the word of revelation. But most of the Qur'anic approaches are considered, attention to various propositions of the Qur'an and the variety of the implicit use of the verses. This approach is devoted to translate and report, and use semantics of verses, which gives the text content a coherence. Finally, we have mentioned the lexical impact. In this way, Sohrevardi mentions the Qur'anic compositions and compositions, or uses combinations that depend on that Quranic term.