The reflection of the social situation of Kurdistan in Ebrahim Younisi's Stories.
Subject Areas : Persian Language and LiteratureHalalah Amini 1 , reza sadeghi shahpar 2 *
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan; Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran.
Keywords: story, Ebrahim Younisi, Kurdistan, society,
Abstract :
AbstractMany of authors have paid special attention to specific geographical environments in their narratives and reflected social and political developments in that region. Ebrahim Younisi (1926 _ 2011) born in "Baneh" Kurdistan, in his stories has indicated to the developments and disarraies in that region. In this research that is accomplished with descriptive-analytical method, the authors are trying to investigate social situation in Kurdish Areas in Ebrahim Younisi’s featured narratives. Younisi in his novels has spoken of social issues in Pahlavi | & || era and tried to disclose indigence of people that live at the borders especially villagers, unemployment, cultural poverty, lack of sanitary and welfare facilities, point of view of traditional society towards women and overriding many of their rights, corruption of administrative officers, injustice of the system of Lords and serfs, the political and social repression, people's distrust of the government, hypocrisy of local Sheikhs, despair...Key words: Ebrahim Younisi, Story, Society, Kurdistan.
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