Identifying the components of national solidarity in socio-political poetry of the constitutional period (Case study: Farrokhi Yazdi and Mirzadeh Eshghi)
Subject Areas : criticismAboutaleb Pakbaz 1 , mohammad Reza Ghari 2 , Mohsen Izadyar 3
1 - PhD student of Persian language and literature, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
Keywords: constitutional period, Religion, homeland, National Solidarity, ancient history,
Abstract :
literature can solve many political and social problems. Hence, in the constitutional literature, we see themes through which the speakers have tried to create solidarity among the people. In this research, which was done by descriptive-analytical method with the aim of recognizing the components of solidarity in the poetry of Farrokhi Yazdi and Mirzadeh Eshghi. We came to the conclusion that these two poets, using common elements among the whole nation, have used these themes in their poems to encourage people to unite.These common themes and components are related to national and religious identity, which stimulates their sense of Iran-friendliness. These elements include: a common land, a common history, a common religion. Farrokhi and Eshghi have tried to remind the features of the ancient history of Iran and past heroism, the importance of the homeland as a symbol of the mother, the need to preserve the Persian language and culture, the religion of Islam and the need to protect it from foreigners. To prepare the nation for solidarity against foreigners and irreligious rulers.
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