Title of the article: Examination of chronotope in three works of Shahrnoush Parsipour (the novel Tuba and the meaning of the night, Dog and long winter, Women without men) based on Bakhtin's theory
Subject Areas : Persian Language and LiteratureMazhari Fereshteh 1 , سید کیهان شهدایی 2 * , جلیل سحابی 3
1 - PhD student in Persian Language and Literature, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
2 - اAssistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran.
Keywords: Keywords: chronotope, tuba and the meaning of night, dog and long winter, women without men, Shahrnoush Parsipour, Mikhail Bakhtin,
Abstract :
One of today's modern theories is Mikhail Bakhtin's theory of dialogic logic, which has created a new atmosphere in the field of literature. In this research, the chronotope as one of the components of Bakhtin's dialogue logic in the three best works of Shahrnoush Parsipour (Tuba and the Meaning of the Night, Dogs and Long Winter, and Women Without Men) in a descriptive-analytical manner and based on library sources and with the aim of knowing more The types of chronotopes in the works of this author are discussed. The results indicate that the chronotope has prominent features in these works. Most of the chronotopes are consistent with each other in terms of time, space and space of the novel, which in most cases has created an imaginary atmosphere with terror. In the novel Tuba and the meaning of the night, the chronotope of the garden and the pomegranate tree has a special effect. Pomegranate, which is a symbol of love, birth and immortality in literature, in this novel, under the pomegranate tree has been transformed into a cemetery where the bodies of young girls are placed. The main chronotope in the novel Tuba and the meaning of night and dog and long winter are the houses where the characters lived and grew up from the beginning of their lives to the end of the novel, and in the story of women without men the house of Farrokh Lagha created an attractive and eerie threshold chronotope.
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