Narrative of the novel A Little Shadow(Andaki Sayeh) based on Rabert McKay's theory
Subject Areas : criticismFathemeh Taslim Jahromi 1 * , Nasrin Ghasemi 2
1 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Jahrom University
2 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Jahrom University
Keywords: McKee, A Little Shadow, Narrative, Ahmad Bigdeli,
Abstract :
Andaki Sayeh(A Little Shadow) is a novel written by Ahmad Bigdeli, which tells the story of the oil struggles of the people of the south during the coup d'etat of August 28, 1943 in a memorable and flashback manner. Because Bigdeley himself had a hand in screenwriting and because of the characteristics of his narratives, this novel has been studied in a descriptive-analytical manner based on Robert McKee's theory of narrative structure.The American theorist Robert McKee believes that all narratives follow a specific and almost identical structure. One of the structures that he enumerates for the narrative is the subplot and in the analysis of this structure, he introduces features such as: open end, multiplicity of hero, passive hero, linear time and conflict. Due to the existence of several narratives in the novel Shadow of the Shadow, after analysis, the characteristics of the subplot match with the novel of Andaki Sayeh; Also, two elements of dialogue and pictorial descriptions have been described due to their role in the narrative and structure of the novel. The achievements of this article, which examines the elements of story structure based on McKee theory and determines the relationships between these elements, looking for these features in a text with Andaki Sayeh, show that a design based on causal relationships gives this text strength and coherence from beginning to end.
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