• فهرس المقالات Farmers

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - Livelihood Assessment of the Fish Farmers Converted from Agricultural Farming in Selected Areas of Mymensingh District, Bangladesh
        Touhidur Rahman Asad Uzzaman Shahali Shahana Mitul Mojurul Islam Limon Deb
        The study was undertaken to determine the socio-economic impact on agricultural farmers converted to fish farmers of Muktagachha Upazila in Mymensingh district. Questionnaire survey method was followed to collect data from the sample farmers. From the survey it was foun أکثر
        The study was undertaken to determine the socio-economic impact on agricultural farmers converted to fish farmers of Muktagachha Upazila in Mymensingh district. Questionnaire survey method was followed to collect data from the sample farmers. From the survey it was found that all 30 fishermen were male. Large portions (34%) of fishermen were in the age group between 41 and 50. It was also found that 86% of the fishermen families lived in joint families and 57% family consist of 6 to 10 family members. All the fishermen families enjoyed electricity facilities. Major portion of the fishermen community took their health service from the Upazila Health Complex. Moderate educational status were observed in the study area though 14% possessed no education, 20%, 22%, 14% and 9% were educated up to primary, SSC, HSC and higher education, respectively. Majority of the farmers (50%) used their own land for fish farming. Only 7% fishermen borrowed loan from commercial bank/friends or relatives while 67% used their own money for culturing fish. Only 8 fishermen (27%) had received training on fish culture. About 86 % farmers increased their family income through fish farming. Almost every fisherman expressed that they were happy but not fully satisfied by culturing fish due to some obstacles. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - The Role of Social Factors in Production of Canola in Qazvin Province
        S. J. F. Hosseini H. Haji Maleki
        Canola producers in the Province of Qazvin were surveyed in order to explore their perceptionabout technical skills influencing the production of canola. Based on the perception ofrespondents, the results showed that the contact with agricultural service centers would e أکثر
        Canola producers in the Province of Qazvin were surveyed in order to explore their perceptionabout technical skills influencing the production of canola. Based on the perception ofrespondents, the results showed that the contact with agricultural service centers would encouragefarmers to produce canola. The results showed that there were relationship between perception ofrespondents about canola production and working experience in canola production, areas undercultivation of canola and social factors as independent variables. تفاصيل المقالة
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        3 - Factors Influencing the Adoption of Biological Control of Rice stem borer (Chilo Suppressalis) in Talesh Region, Iran
        S. A. Noorhosseini M. S. Allahyari M. S. Sabouri
        Among the agricultural crops, rice has had the largest share in pesticide use. Most of the croplosses are caused by the attack of Chilo suppressalis. The purpose of this study was toexamine effective factors on adoption of biological control by farmers in Talesh region أکثر
        Among the agricultural crops, rice has had the largest share in pesticide use. Most of the croplosses are caused by the attack of Chilo suppressalis. The purpose of this study was toexamine effective factors on adoption of biological control by farmers in Talesh region ofIran. A survey study was conducted using a stratified random sampling to collect data fromfarmers in the selected rural areas of Talesh. The sample population was 184 farmers. In thisstudy, results showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups ofadopters and non-adopters of biological control regarding variables of number of domesticanimals, number of plows, farm workers and kinds of fertilizers in rice field. But, there wereno significant relationship between other variables and adoption of biological control of ricestem borer Chilo suppressalis تفاصيل المقالة
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        4 - شناسایی پیامدها و پیشایندهای مشارکت مرتع داران در اجرای طرح های مرتع داری استان گیلان
        مهناز میرآخورلی سیداکبر جوادی حسین ارزانی
        یکی از مهمترین چالش های زیست محیطی دو دهه گذشته از بین رفتن مراتع کشور است. مراتع از آنجایی قابل اهمیت هستند که بخش مهمی از منابع تجدیدشونده را تشکیل می دهند و هنوز زندگی شمار قابل توجهی از انسان ها و حیوانات به آن وابسته است. از این رو هدف این پژوهش شناسایی پیامدها و پ أکثر
        یکی از مهمترین چالش های زیست محیطی دو دهه گذشته از بین رفتن مراتع کشور است. مراتع از آنجایی قابل اهمیت هستند که بخش مهمی از منابع تجدیدشونده را تشکیل می دهند و هنوز زندگی شمار قابل توجهی از انسان ها و حیوانات به آن وابسته است. از این رو هدف این پژوهش شناسایی پیامدها و پیش آیندهای مشارکت مرتعداران در اجرای طرح های مرتعداری استان گیلان است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش مرتعداران استان گیلان هستند. تعداد کل مراتع استان گیلان که دارای طرح های مرتعداری بودند برابر با 186 مرتع است و تعداد 335 نفر از مرتعداران به عنوان پاسخ دهندگان به پرسشنامه به صورت تصادفی از بین مجریان طرح های مرتعداری در این مناطق انتخاب شدند. ابزار جمع آوری داده ها در این تحقیق پرسشنامه بود و برای بررسی فرضیه های پژوهش از تحلیل عاملی تاییدی و مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری با رویکرد حداقل مربعات جزیی استفاده شد. نتایج حاکی از تاثیر مثبت و معنی دار عوامل اقتصادی، اجتماعی، روان شناختی، نگرشی و آموزشی- ترویجی بر مشارکت مرتعداران در اجرای طرح های مرتعداری بود. همچنین مشارکت مرتعداران در اجرای طرح های مرتعداری بر سلامت مراتع، افزایش تولیدات دامی و رضایت مندی بهره برداران تاثیر مثبت دارد. نتایج بررسی نشان داد که تعادل دام و مرتع یکی از مهمترین عوامل تخریب مراتع گیلان می باشد و مادامی که این مساله برطرف نگردد، تمامی تلاش ها و اقدامات برای مدیریت، اصلاح و احیای مراتع بی فایده و یا بسیار کم اثر است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - جهانی شدن و تحولات ساختاری در جامعه روستایی
        منصور وثوقی علی ایمانی علی کاظمی
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        6 - واکاوی و بررسی چالشهای نظامهای بهره برداری خرد و دهقانی در استان آذربایجان غربی
        منصور مجاور باغچه سلیمان رسولی آذر لقمان رشیدپور
        هدف از این پژوهش شناسایی چالش‌های تولید کنندگان خرد و کوچک مقیاس بود و با هدف ارائه راهکارهایی برای کاهش یا رفع چالش‌های موجود انجام گرفت. جامعه آماری این تحقیق شامل 161249 بهره بردار خرد و دهقانی استان آذربایجان غربی بود که متوسط مساحت زمین زراعی آنها کمتر از بیست هکتا أکثر
        هدف از این پژوهش شناسایی چالش‌های تولید کنندگان خرد و کوچک مقیاس بود و با هدف ارائه راهکارهایی برای کاهش یا رفع چالش‌های موجود انجام گرفت. جامعه آماری این تحقیق شامل 161249 بهره بردار خرد و دهقانی استان آذربایجان غربی بود که متوسط مساحت زمین زراعی آنها کمتر از بیست هکتار و تعداد قطعات زراعی آنها بین پنج تا 12 قطعه پراکنده بود. با استفاده از جدول کرجسی مورگان، 384 نفر از آنان از طریق روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای با انتساب متناسب انتخاب شدند. برای گردآوری داده ها از ابزار پرسشنامه استفاده گردید، روایی ابزار پژوهش با نظر گروهی از اساتید مرتبط با موضوع مورد تایید قرار گرفت و پایایی پرسشنامه با آزمون آلفای کرونباخ 732/0 ارزیابی شد. برای تحلیل داده ها از نرم افزار SPSS استفاده گردید. نتایج تحلیل عاملی نشان داد که مهمترین چالش‌های فراروی بهره برداران خرد و دهقانی در استان آذربایجان غربی، در هفت عامل خلاصه و دسته بندی شدند که این هفت عامل توانستند2/66 درصد از تغییرات چالش‌های نظامهای بهره برداری خرد و دهقانی در استان آذربایجان غربی را تببین کنند. در میان چالش‌های بررسی شده چالش عامل اقتصادی که شامل گویه هایی همچون افزایش هزینه اجاره زمین و ادوات کشاورزی، افزایش هزینه نهاده ها، افزایش اندک قیمت محصولات تولیدی کشاورزی و کمبود مؤسسه های مالی و اعتباری کشاورزی به عنوان بخشی از مهمترین مسایل و مشکلات اقتصادی نظام های بهره برداری خرد و دهقانی در استان آذربایجان غربی مشخص شدند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        7 - تحلیل رابطه بین هنجارهای اخلاقی، دانش و رفتار حفاظت از آب کشاورزان حوضه آبریز هلیل رود شهرستان جیرفت
        رضوان مهنی رفتار امیر نعیمی روح اله رضائی یونس خسروی
        هدف این مطالعه توصیفی، تحلیل رابطه بین هنجارهای اخلاقی، دانش و رفتار حفاظت از آب بود. جامعه آماری این پژوهش، 2601 نفر از کشاورزان حوضه آبریز هلیل رود شهرستان جیرفت بودند که با استفاده از جدول کرجسی و مورگان 339 نفر و روش نمونه‌گیری از نوع تصادفی طبقه‌ای با انتساب متناسب أکثر
        هدف این مطالعه توصیفی، تحلیل رابطه بین هنجارهای اخلاقی، دانش و رفتار حفاظت از آب بود. جامعه آماری این پژوهش، 2601 نفر از کشاورزان حوضه آبریز هلیل رود شهرستان جیرفت بودند که با استفاده از جدول کرجسی و مورگان 339 نفر و روش نمونه‌گیری از نوع تصادفی طبقه‌ای با انتساب متناسب مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند. روایی ظاهری و محتویی پرسشنامه با استفاده از نظرسنجی از متخصصان و پایایی آن با استفاده از ضریب آلفای کرونباخ (71/0 تا 79/0) مورد تایید قرار گرفت. نتایج آمار توصیفی نشان داد وضعیت توزیع فراوانی سه متغیر مورد مطالعه (هنجارهای اخلاقی، دانش و رفتار حفاظت از آب) در سطح متوسط بدست آمد. نتایج تحلیل همبستگی تحقیق نشان داد که متغیرهای هنجارهای اخلاقی، دانش‌ذخیره‌سازی و مهار آب و دانش کاهش تبخیر آب با رفتار حفاظت از آب کشاورزان همبستگی مثبت و معنی‌داری داشتند. نتایج رگرسیون خطی به روش گام به گام نشان داد که متغیرهای هنجارهای اخلاقی و دانش‌ذخیره‌سازی و مهار آب، در حدود 66 درصد از تغییرات رفتار حفاظت از آب کشاورزان را تبیین نمودند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        8 - بررسی مشکلات زنجیره ارزش برنج در استان مازندران از دیدگاه کشاورزان (مطالعه موردی روستاهای دارکلا و پنبه‌چوله)
        غلامرضا رعیت پناه مجردی غلامرضا اسماعیل کرمی دهکردی بهمن امیری لاریجانی
        یکی ازمهمترین رویکردهای نوین در زمینه توسعه کشاورزی، توجه به زنجیره ارزش محصولات می باشد. با این وجود، مطالعات چندانی در داخل کشور بویژه در استان مازندران، به عنوان مهمترین استان تولیدکننده برنج درخصوص زنجیره ارزش برنج به انجام نرسیده است. لذا، هدف از این مطالعه شناسایی أکثر
        یکی ازمهمترین رویکردهای نوین در زمینه توسعه کشاورزی، توجه به زنجیره ارزش محصولات می باشد. با این وجود، مطالعات چندانی در داخل کشور بویژه در استان مازندران، به عنوان مهمترین استان تولیدکننده برنج درخصوص زنجیره ارزش برنج به انجام نرسیده است. لذا، هدف از این مطالعه شناسایی مشکلات زنجیره ارزش برنج در استان مازندران از دیدگاه کشاورزان می باشد. پژوهش حاضر از نوع کاربردی است و روش گردآوری اطلاعات به دو صورت کتابخانه ای و میدانی انجام گرفته است. در بخش تحقیقات کیفی از روش تحلیل استقرایی به عنوان راهنمای جمع آوری و تحلیل داده ها استفاده شده است. جامعه مورد مطالعه، شالیکاران فعال در منطقه بودند که پس از مصاحبه با تعداد 15 نفر از آنها که به صورت هدفمند انتخاب شدند، اطلاعات به حداشباع نظری رسید. برای جمع آوری داده ها از مشاهدات میدانی و مصاحبه های عمیق در قالب گروه های متمرکز (Focus group) بهره گرفته شد. اعتبار یافته ها نیز از طریق فرآیند سه گوشه سازی تائید شد. یافته های تحقیق نشان داد که تغییرکاربری های غیرمجاز اراضی شالیزاری به عنوان یک محدودیت جدی در توسعه زنجیره ارزش برنج عمل می کند. گذشته از این، مشکلات زیر ساختی ناشی از سنتی بودن شیوه های تولید بر هزینه های کارگری افزوده است. از مشکلات دیگر زنجیره، افزایش هزینه تولید برنج و گرانی نهاده ها نظیر کود، سم و کمبود صنایع جانبی در منطقه می باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        9 - تحلیل روشهای آموزشی ترویجی موثر در مقابله با خشکسالی بخش کشاورزی مطالعه موردی شهرستان همدان
        مریم یوسفی محمدی رضا موحدی حشمت اله سعدی
        هدف این تحقیق، ارائه روش‌های ترویجی مقابله با خشکسالی بخش کشاورزی شهرستان همدان از دیدگاه دو گروه کارشناسان جهاد کشاورزی و کشاورزان بود. این تحقیق بر حسب هدف از نوع کاربردی، به لحاظ شیوه گردآوری اطلاعات از نوع پیمایشی است. اطلاعات مورد نیاز با استفاده از ابزار پرسشنامه أکثر
        هدف این تحقیق، ارائه روش‌های ترویجی مقابله با خشکسالی بخش کشاورزی شهرستان همدان از دیدگاه دو گروه کارشناسان جهاد کشاورزی و کشاورزان بود. این تحقیق بر حسب هدف از نوع کاربردی، به لحاظ شیوه گردآوری اطلاعات از نوع پیمایشی است. اطلاعات مورد نیاز با استفاده از ابزار پرسشنامه جمع آوری شده است. جامعه آماری 8443 نفر از کشاورزان شهرستان همدان در سال 1399 و 135 نفر از کارشناسان بود که تعداد 367 نفر از کشاورزان و 100 نفر از کارشناسان با استفاده از فرمول کوکران انتخاب شدند. د روایی صوری پرسشنامه توسط اساتید گروه ترویج همدان مورد تایید قرار گرفت. برای بررسی پایایی، آلفای کرونباخ پرسشنامه طی فرایند پیش آزمون محاسبه گردید و رقم آن 94/0، به دست آمد. نتایج نشان داد که مهم ترین روشهای آموزشی ترویجی که مورد توافق هر دو گروه کشاورزان و کارشناسان جهت مقابله با خشکسالی هستند عبارتند از: آموزش از طریق رهبران محلی، بازدید از مزارع نمونه و نمایشی، استفاده از شرکت‌های خدمات مشاوره ای. نتایج تحلیل عاملی نظرات کشاورزان نشان داد که روشهای آموزشی ترویجی مناسب جهت مقابله با خشکسالی عبارتند از: خدمات مشاوره ای و آموزشی ترویجی، اطلاع رسانی از طریق ظرفیت افراد و نهادهای محلی و نشریات، آموزش از طریق رهبران محلی و شوراها، تماس با مروجان و نمایش فیلم. همچنین نتایج تحلیل عاملی نظرات کارشناسان نشان داد که روشهای آموزشی ترویجی مناسب جهت مقابله با خشکسالی عبارتند از: برگزاری بازدید، استفاده نشریات ترویجی، ایجاد شبکه های اطلاع رسانی، استفاده از ظرفیت دهیاریها، شوراها و تعاونیها. تفاصيل المقالة
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        10 - عؤامل مؤثر بر تنوع معیشتی کشاورزان دارای چاه آب در شهرستان زنجان
        وحید محمدی جعفر یعقوبی
        مناطق روستایی و بخش کشاورزی با خطرات مختلفی رو به رو بوده و معیشت افراد را تحت تأثیر قرار می‌دهد لذا تنوع معیشتی ضروری می‌باشد. هدف تحقیق حاضر شناسایی عؤامل موثر بر تنوع معیشتی کشاورزان دارای چاه آب در شهرستان زنجان بود. جامعه آماری تحقیق، کشاورزان دارای چاه آب در شهرس أکثر
        مناطق روستایی و بخش کشاورزی با خطرات مختلفی رو به رو بوده و معیشت افراد را تحت تأثیر قرار می‌دهد لذا تنوع معیشتی ضروری می‌باشد. هدف تحقیق حاضر شناسایی عؤامل موثر بر تنوع معیشتی کشاورزان دارای چاه آب در شهرستان زنجان بود. جامعه آماری تحقیق، کشاورزان دارای چاه آب در شهرستان زنجان بودند (8017=N) که با استفاده از فرمول کوکران 367 نفر به عنوان نمونه و با روش نمونه‌گیری خوشه‌ای انتخاب شدند. ابزار گردآوری داده‌ها پرسشنامه محقق ساخته بود که روایی آن توسط محققان در زمینه تنوع معیشتی و پایایی آن از طریق محاسبه ضریب آلفای کرونباخ (0.94 تا 0.97) تأیید شد. تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS26 انجام شد و از شاخص‌های مرکزی و تحلیل همبستگی و رگرسیون چند متغیره استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد میانگین شاخص تنوع معیشتی پاسخگویان بر اساس شاخص سیمپسون 13/0 با انحراف معیار 03/0 بود که نشان دهنده تنوع معیشتی پایین پاسخگویان بود. نتایج بررسی عوامل موثر بر میزان تنوع معیشتی کشاورزان با استفاده از تحلیل رگرسیون خطی به روش گام به گام نشان داد پنج متغیر میزان آبدهی واقعی چاه شخصی، اندازه باغ، میزان بوروکراسی در صدور مجوز کارگاه‌های روستایی، میزان کشت محصولات آبی و میزان ناتوانی در خرید نیازهای اولیه 78 درصد از واریانس میزان تنوع معیشتی پاسخگویان را تبیین کردند. محور قراردادن کشاورزان خرده پا در برنامه‌های توانمندسازی معیشتی و تسهیل راه اندازی مشاغل غیر کشاورزی برای کشاورزان بر اساس نتایج تحقیق توصیه می شود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        11 - بررسی تأثیر استراتژی های سازگاری با تغییرات اقلیم بر امنیت غذایی باغداران خرده پا
        سعیده سادات ابراهیمی فرهاد لشگرآرا سید مهدی میردامادی مریم امیدی نجف آبادی
        این مطالعه به منظور بررسی تأثیر استراتژیهای سازگاری با تغییرات اقلیم بر امنیت غذایی باغداران خرده پا در استان قزوین انجام شد. 456 باغدار از طریق نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای انتخاب شدند. برای جمع آوری داده ها از یک پرسشنامه چهار بخشی استفاده شد. داده ها با استفاده از مدل م أکثر
        این مطالعه به منظور بررسی تأثیر استراتژیهای سازگاری با تغییرات اقلیم بر امنیت غذایی باغداران خرده پا در استان قزوین انجام شد. 456 باغدار از طریق نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای انتخاب شدند. برای جمع آوری داده ها از یک پرسشنامه چهار بخشی استفاده شد. داده ها با استفاده از مدل معادلات ساختاری با استفاده از Smart-PLS 3.0 تجزیه و تحلیل شدند. نتایج حاکی از آن بود که 89 درصد از خانوارها نسبت به توانایی تأمین مواد غذایی مطمئن نبودند، کیفیت غذای 76 درصد از خانوارها ناکافی بود و 71 درصد از آنها کمبود مصرف مواد غذایی داشتند. همچنین، استراتژیهای زراعی و غیر زراعی نقش مثبت و معنی داری بر نقش کشاورزان در سازگاری با تغییرات اقلیمی داشت، ضمن اینکه، استراتژیهای زیرساختی و حمایتی نیز تاثیر معنی داری بر نقش دولت و نهادهای روستایی در سازگاری با تغییرات اقلیمی داشته است. همچنین تاثیر نقش کشاورزان و نقش دولت و نهادهای روستایی در بهبود ابعاد امنیت غذایی مثبت و معنی دار بود ولی تنها در ارتباط با نقش کشاورزان بر بعد مصرف مواد غذایی تاثیر معنی داری مشاهده نشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        12 - بررسی اثر ارزش‌های نوع‌دوستانه و خودخواهانه بر نگرش و قصد سازگاری کشاورزان استان کرمانشاه با کمبود آب
        یوسف آزادی جعفر یعقوبی حیدر قلی زاده سعید غلامرضایی فاطمه  رحیمی فیض آباد
        بخش کشاورزی یکی از بخش‌های به شدت آسیب‌پذیر نسبت به کم‌آبی می‌باشد و ضرورت سازگاری کشاورزان با شرایط کم‌آبی بر کسی پوشیده نیست.مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی تأثیر ارزش‌های نوع‌دوستانه و خودخواهانه بر نگرش و قصد سازگاری کشاورزان استان کرمانشاه با کمبود آب انجام شد. به منظور ا أکثر
        بخش کشاورزی یکی از بخش‌های به شدت آسیب‌پذیر نسبت به کم‌آبی می‌باشد و ضرورت سازگاری کشاورزان با شرایط کم‌آبی بر کسی پوشیده نیست.مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی تأثیر ارزش‌های نوع‌دوستانه و خودخواهانه بر نگرش و قصد سازگاری کشاورزان استان کرمانشاه با کمبود آب انجام شد. به منظور انتخاب کشاورزان از روش نمونه‌گیری خوشه‌ای چندمرحله‌ای استفاده شد (380=n). داده‌ها از طریق پرسشنامه‌ای محقق ساخت از کشاورزان گندم‌کار استان کرمانشاه جمع‌آوری شد. پایایی و روایی پرسشنامه مورد آزمون و تائید قرار گرفت. مدل مفهومی با استفاده از مدل‌سازی معادلات ساختاری حداقل مربعات جزئی (PLS-SEM) تجزیه و تحلیل شد. نتایج نشان داد که متغیر ارزش‌های نوع‌دوستانه بر متغیرهای نگرش و قصد سازگاری تأثیر مثبت و معنی‌داری داشتند و متغیر ارزش‌های خودخواهانه بر متغیرهای نگرش و قصد سازگاری تأثیر منفی و معنی‌داری داشتند. همچنین متغیر نگرش نسبت به سازگاری با کمبود آب بر قصد سازگاری اثر مثبت و معنی‌داری داشت. در مطالعه حاضر 39 درصد از واریانس متغیر نگرش و 1/50 درصد از واریانس قصد سازگاری با کمبود آب تبیین شد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        13 - موانع به‌کارگیری کودهای بیولوژیک از دیدگاه کشاورزان استان ایلام مطالعه موردی: شهرستان شیروان چرداول
        منا عرب صیفی مریم امیدی نجف آبادی علیرضا پور سعید
        این تحقیق باهدف بررسی موانع به‌کارگیری کودهای بیولوژیک از دیدگاه کشاورزان شهرستان شیروان چرداول، استان ایلام انجام‌شده است. این پژوهش از نوع کاربردی و به روش توصیفی، پیمایشی انجام گردیده است. جامعه آماری تحقیق حاضر شامل کشاورزان شهرستان شیروان چرداول، استان ایلام می‌باش أکثر
        این تحقیق باهدف بررسی موانع به‌کارگیری کودهای بیولوژیک از دیدگاه کشاورزان شهرستان شیروان چرداول، استان ایلام انجام‌شده است. این پژوهش از نوع کاربردی و به روش توصیفی، پیمایشی انجام گردیده است. جامعه آماری تحقیق حاضر شامل کشاورزان شهرستان شیروان چرداول، استان ایلام می‌باشند که تعداد کل آن‌ها 1500 نفر است که از این تعداد، 501 نفر با استفاده از فرمول کوکران و به روش نمونه‌گیری طبقه‌ای با انتساب متناسب موردبررسی قرارگرفته‌اند. ابزار تحقیق پرسشنامه می‌باشد که از طریق مصاحبه تکمیل گردید. روایی پرسشنامه با استفاده از نظرات اساتید راهنما و مشاور مورد تائید قرار گرفت و پایایی آن نیز از طریق آزمون آلفای کرونباخ محاسبه گردید که مقدار آن برای بخش‌های مختلف پرسشنامه بالاتر از 78/. =α به دست آمد که نشان از قابلیت پایایی پرسشنامه دارد. به‌منظور شناسایی موانع به‌کارگیری کودهای بیولوژیک از دیدگاه کشاورزان شهرستان شیروان چرداول استان ایلام از تحلیل عاملی استفاده شد. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که مهم‌ترین موانع به‌کارگیری کودهای بیولوژیک به ترتیب شامل موانع آموزشی ترویجی، موانع سیاست‌گذاری، موانع روان‌شناختی، موانع اجتماعی، موانع اقتصادی و موانع زیست‌محیطی می‌باشند و این موانع حدود 15/50 درصد از واریانس کل را تبیین نمودند تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        14 - تجربیات متخصصان کشاورزی و کشاورزان در زمینة شناسایی و اولویت‌بندی منابع اطلاع‌یابی کشاورزان روستاهای شهرستان کرمانشاه
        شاپور ظریفیان محمدرضا اسماعیلی متین حسین راحلی محمدباقر علیزاده اقدم
        امروزه آشنایی با منابع اطلاع یابی، به‌عنوان یک ابزار توسعه پایدار در روستاها جهت افزایش آگاهی، کاهش شکاف اطلاعاتی، جلوگیری از مهاجرت بی رویه و افزایش کارایی و بهره وری روستاییان مطرح می‌باشد. هدف اصلی پژوهش، شناسایی منابع اطلاع یابی کشاورزان روستاهای شهرستان کرمانشاه بو أکثر
        امروزه آشنایی با منابع اطلاع یابی، به‌عنوان یک ابزار توسعه پایدار در روستاها جهت افزایش آگاهی، کاهش شکاف اطلاعاتی، جلوگیری از مهاجرت بی رویه و افزایش کارایی و بهره وری روستاییان مطرح می‌باشد. هدف اصلی پژوهش، شناسایی منابع اطلاع یابی کشاورزان روستاهای شهرستان کرمانشاه بود. روش تحقیق، کیفی و با رویکرد پدیدارشناسی در تابستان 1396 بر روی متخصصین کشاورزی و کشاورزان به‌منظور شناسایی منابع اطلاع یابی از طریق مصاحبه عمیق باز و نیمه ساختاریافته انجام شد و از روش نمونه‌گیری هدفمند به‌منظور اولویت بندی منابع اطلاع یابی کشاورزان استفاده گردید و تا اشباع داده‌ها، با رعایت محرمانه بودن اطلاعات و امکان ترک مطالعه در هر زمان که مایل بودند، ادامه یافت. با تحلیل و ادغام مؤلفه‌های اصلی، 4 مؤلفه اصلی شناسایی و با تحلیل مؤلفه‌های اصلی، 22 مؤلفه فرعی استخراج گردید و به‌منظور رتبه‌بندی از AHP استفاده شد، نتایج نشان داد که نرخ ناسازگاری کوچک‌تر از 1/0 بوده، پس در مقایسات زوجی سازگاری وجود داشت، ازاین‌رو تمامی عناصر وزن مناسب و قابل قبولی داشتند. نتیجه این‌که بر اساس محاسبات انجام پذیرفته و اطمینان از صحت آن‌ها، از میان عوامل اصلی پیش روی منابع اطلاع یابی، برگزاری کلاس های آموزشی - ترویجی با وزن 14/0 در درجه اول و استفاده از سایت های اینترنتی و ایمیل با وزن 007/0 در درجه آخر قرار گرفتند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        15 - ارزیابی رفتار ایمنی کشاورزان صیفی‌کار شهرستان اندیمشک در استفاده از سموم شیمیایی
        سمیرا قلاوندی آزاده نوراله نوری وندی احمدرضا عمانی
        کشاورزی از شغل‌های پرخطر در دنیا محسوب می شود. شاغلین این بخش در معرض انواع حوادث و بیماری ها قرار دارند. از عواملی که سلامت کشاورزان را تهدید می‌کند، سموم شیمیایی می‌باشد که لازم است کشاورزان برای مقابله با عوارض و بیماری‌های ناشی از آن به انجام رفتارهای ایمنی خاصی اقد أکثر
        کشاورزی از شغل‌های پرخطر در دنیا محسوب می شود. شاغلین این بخش در معرض انواع حوادث و بیماری ها قرار دارند. از عواملی که سلامت کشاورزان را تهدید می‌کند، سموم شیمیایی می‌باشد که لازم است کشاورزان برای مقابله با عوارض و بیماری‌های ناشی از آن به انجام رفتارهای ایمنی خاصی اقدام نمایند. هدف تحقیق حاضر، ارزیابی رفتار ایمنی صیفی‌کاران در استفاده از سموم شیمیایی در شهرستان اندیمشک می‌باشد. این تحقیق از نوع توصیفی - همبستگی بود که به روش پیمایشی اجرا شد. جامعه آماری شامل صیفی‌کاران شهرستان اندیمشک در نظر گرفته شد (850 N=) که 165 نفر آن‌ها با استفاده از فرمول کوکران به‌عنوان نمونه انتخاب گردید. ابزار جمع آوری داده پرسشنامه محقق ساخته بود. روایی بر اساس پانل متخصصان و پایایی آن نیز از طریق یک مطالعه راهنما و آزمون کرونباخ آلفا محاسبه شد. برای تجزیه‌وتحلیل داده‌ها از نرم‌افزار SPSS22 استفاده شد. میانگین رفتار ایمنی پاسخگویان 176/2 از 5 و با انحراف معیار 89/0 بود که بیانگر وضعیت نامطلوب رفتار ایمنی می‌باشد. همبستگی بین سطح دانش فنی کاربرد سموم شیمیایی، سطح درآمد سالیانه، میزان زمین زراعی، مشارکت اجتماعی، منزلت اجتماعی و سطح نگرش به کاربرد سموم شیمیایی با رفتار ایمنی در کاربرد سموم شیمیایی رابطه معنی‌داری داشت. همچنین سطوح مختلف رفتار ایمنی در کاربرد سموم شیمیایی از دیدگاه کشاورزان صیفی کار برحسب شرکت در کلاس‌های آموزشی- ترویجی با اطمینان 95 درصد اختلاف معنی‌دار وجود داشت. با توجه به اهمیت رفتار ایمنی و ارتباط آن با مشارکت در برنامه‌های آموزشی و ترویجی، ضروری است برنامه‌ریزان فعالیت‌های ترویجی این مهم را مدنظر قرار دهند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        16 - بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر موفقیت تشکل‌های آب بران شبکه آبیاری دشت قزوین
        ایرج رشوند مهدی میردامادی فرهاد لشگرآرا
        در عصر حاضر مسئله آب به یکی از بحران‌های اساسی جهان تبدیل‌شده و بیش‌ازپیش نقش کلیدی خود را در ایجاد زندگی بهتر برای جهانیان به اثبات رسانیده است. هدف این پژوهش، بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر موفقیت تشکل‌های آب بران شبکه آبیاری دشت قزوین بود. جامعه آماری پژوهش 160 نفر از اعضای تشک أکثر
        در عصر حاضر مسئله آب به یکی از بحران‌های اساسی جهان تبدیل‌شده و بیش‌ازپیش نقش کلیدی خود را در ایجاد زندگی بهتر برای جهانیان به اثبات رسانیده است. هدف این پژوهش، بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر موفقیت تشکل‌های آب بران شبکه آبیاری دشت قزوین بود. جامعه آماری پژوهش 160 نفر از اعضای تشکل آب بران (کشاورزان) دشت قزوین بودند که با روش نمونه‌گیری از نوع تصادفی ساده و با استفاده از فرمول کوکران حجم نمونه آماری تعداد 90 بهره‌بردار تعیین شد. ابزار گردآوری داده‌ها، پرسشنامه استاندارد می‌باشد که روایی آن توسط کارشناسان موضوعی مورد تأیید گرفت و پایایی آن از طریق ضریب آلفای کرونباخ برای قسمت‌های مختلف پرسشنامه بالاتر از 72/. =α به دست آمد. نتایج تحلیل همبستگی گویای رابطه مثبت و معنی‌دار بین سطح تحصیلات و میزان مالکیت اراضی با میزان موفقیت تشکل آب بران است. از طرفی، بین سابقه عضویت افراد در تشکل آب بران و ارزیابی آن‌ها از میزان موفقیت تشکل آب بران ارتباط منفی و معنی‌داری در سطح اطمینان 99 درصد وجود داشته است. نتایج حاصل از تحلیل رگرسیونی نیز نشان‌دهنده این موضوع است که ویژگی‌های اجتماعی و مدیریتی قادرند 54 درصد تغییرات میزان موفقیت تشکل آب بران را پیش‌بینی نمایند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        17 - تحلیل هزینه‌کرد تسهیلات بانک کشاورزی برای اشتغال‌زایی در بخش کشاورزی: مورد کشاورزان استان بوشهر
        نادر نادری سحر رستمی
        تسهیلات بانک کشاورزی با هدف سرمایه‌گذاری در بخش کشاورزی و بهبود تولید و اشتغال در این بخش ارائه می‌شوند. در این راستا، پرسش‌هایی مطرح می‌شود مبنی بر این‌که؛ تا چه حد کشاورزان دریافت‌کننده تسهیلات، وام‌های دریافتی را در بخش کشاورزی سرمایه‌گذاری کرده‌اند؟؛ دلایل عدم سرمای أکثر
        تسهیلات بانک کشاورزی با هدف سرمایه‌گذاری در بخش کشاورزی و بهبود تولید و اشتغال در این بخش ارائه می‌شوند. در این راستا، پرسش‌هایی مطرح می‌شود مبنی بر این‌که؛ تا چه حد کشاورزان دریافت‌کننده تسهیلات، وام‌های دریافتی را در بخش کشاورزی سرمایه‌گذاری کرده‌اند؟؛ دلایل عدم سرمایه‌گذاری این تسهیلات در بخش کشاورزی توسط برخی کشاورزان چه می‌باشد؟ و بر اساس چه عواملی می‌توان پیش‌بینی کرد که آیا افراد بهره‌مند از تسهیلات بانک کشاورزی از این تسهیلات برای اشتغال‌زایی در بخش کشاورزی استفاده خواهند کرد یا خیر؟ تحقیق پیمایشی حاضر با هدف پاسخ به این پرسش‌‌ها انجام شد. نمونه آماری پژوهش شامل 132 کشاورز در استان بوشهر بود که از طریق نمونه‌گیری تصادفی از بین 205 کشاورز که در سال 1391 موفق به دریافت تسهیلات از بانک کشاورزی شده بودند، انتخاب گردیدند. ابزار جمع‌آوری داده‌ها پرسشنامه‌ای بود که روایی آن توسط متخصصان و پایایی آن بر اساس یک مطالعه راهنما و محاسبه آلفای کرونباخ که بین 69/0 تا 92/0 به دست آمد، تأیید گردید. یافته‌ها نشان داد عواملی همچون اولویت داشتن و درگیر بودن در مشاغل غیر کشاورزی، وجود قوانین نامناسب و دست و پاگیر در بخش کشاورزی و عدم دسترسی به اطلاعات فنی موردنیاز منجر به عدم هزینه‌کرد تسهیلات در بخش کشاورزی توسط برخی کشاورزان شده است. این در حالی است که بر اساس یافته‌ها، متغیرهای استفاده از رسانه‌ها برای دریافت اطلاعات شغلی، عضویت در تشکل‌ها، پشتکار، میزان ارتباط با کارشناسان و مسئولین و سن به ترتیب بیشترین قدرت را در پیش‌بینی نحوه مصرف تسهیلات برای اشتغال‌زایی در بخش کشاورزی دارا می‌باشند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        18 - راهکارهای تسهیل توسعه کاربرد سیستم آبیاری کم‌فشار در استان آذربایجان‌شرقی
        آرزو مختاری حصاری روح اله رضایی حسین شعبانعلی فمی
        این پژوهش، با هدف تعیین و تحلیل راهکارهای توسعه کاربرد سیستم آبیاری کم فشار در استان آذربایجان شرقی انجام گرفت. داده های تحقیق با استفاده از فن مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته و گفتگو با کارشناسان بخش های آب و خاک و ترویج کشاورزی و کشاورزان استفاده کننده از فناوری (16 پاسخگو) ب أکثر
        این پژوهش، با هدف تعیین و تحلیل راهکارهای توسعه کاربرد سیستم آبیاری کم فشار در استان آذربایجان شرقی انجام گرفت. داده های تحقیق با استفاده از فن مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته و گفتگو با کارشناسان بخش های آب و خاک و ترویج کشاورزی و کشاورزان استفاده کننده از فناوری (16 پاسخگو) بصورت هدفمند جمع آوری شد. به منظور اطمینان از روایی پژوهش، از سه سویه سازی منابع داده ها و بازبینی توسط اعضااستفاده گردید. داده ها به کمک روش تئوری مبنایی و با استفاده از نرم افزار مکس کیودا 10 ، طی مراحل کدگذاری باز، محوری و انتخابی مورد تحلیل قرار گرفت. بر اساس تحلیل های صورت گرفته، تعداد شش مقوله اصلی، 25 مقوله فرعی و 171 واحد مفهومی معنادار بدست آمد. نتایج این تحقیق نشان دادند که سازوکارهای ترویجی- آموزشی، کاهش پیچیدگی های اداری، بهبود مشارکت کشاورزان، تداوم نظارت، پیگیری و مشاوره در طول اجرا و بعد از آن، حمایت های اقتصادی و انجام فعالیت های زیرساختی در جهت توسعه کاربرد فناوری آبیاری کم فشار، راهکارهایی هستند که می تواند در توسعه استفاده از این سیستم آبیاری توسط کشاورزان استان آذربایجان شرقی موثر باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        19 - توسعه یک مدل ساختاری فناوری‏های کشاورزی حفاظتی در بین گندم کاران استان ایلام بر پایه متغیرهای سرمایه اجتماعی و درک اجتماعی
        فرانک صحرایی احمد رضوانفر امیر علم بیگی
        مطالعه حاضر باهدف توسعه یک مدل ساختاری فناوری های کشاورزی حفاظتی در بین گندم کاران استان ایلام بر اساس متغیرهای سرمایه اجتماعی و درک اجتماعی انجام‌شده است. جامعه آماری موردمطالعه، گندم کاران استان ایلام می باشند و حجم نمونه با استفاده از فرمول تصحیح جامعه معین دانیل (19 أکثر
        مطالعه حاضر باهدف توسعه یک مدل ساختاری فناوری های کشاورزی حفاظتی در بین گندم کاران استان ایلام بر اساس متغیرهای سرمایه اجتماعی و درک اجتماعی انجام‌شده است. جامعه آماری موردمطالعه، گندم کاران استان ایلام می باشند و حجم نمونه با استفاده از فرمول تصحیح جامعه معین دانیل (1999)، به تعداد 270 گندم کار تعیین و با روش طبقه ای با انتساب متناسب انتخاب شدند. برای سنجش پایایی، از پایایی ترکیبی استفاده شد. روایی پرسشنامه به سه صورت صوری، سازه و تشخیصی بررسی شد. داده های گردآوری‌شده به‌وسیله دو نرم افزار SPSS 21و Smart PLS تجزیه و تحلیل شدند. مدل معادلات ساختاری نشان داد که سه عامل نگرش ، هنجار ذهنی و کنترل رفتار درک شده اثری قوی بر نیت پذیرش دارند که تائید نظریه پایه رفتار برنامه ریزی شده است. نیت پذیرش نیز به‌شدت بر رفتار واقعی اثرگذار است. اثر سرمایه اجتماعی به‌طور مستقیم بر روی نیت پذیرش معنی دار بود و درک اجتماعی اثر معنی داری روی تعدیل گری رابطه نیت به رفتار نداشت. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        20 - عوامل مؤثر در پذیرش صیفی‌کاران شهرستان شوشتر در زمینه مدیریت تلفیقی آفات
        مریم شوشتری احمرضا عمانی
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        21 - تأثیرات توانمندسازی بهره‌برداران کشاورزی در توسعه روستایی شهرستان سمیرم
        ناصر شفیعی ثابت فرید فرهادی
        در دهه‌های اخیر، توانمندسازی به‌مثابه سازوکاری برای دستیابی به توسعه کشاورزی و در پی آن توسعه سکونتگاه‌های روستایی مطرح شد. زیرا، بی‌توجهی به مقوله توانمندسازی ساکنان روستایی و عدم شکل‌پذیری زیرساخت‌های سیاسی و اجتماعی مناسب در مناطق روستایی از موانع اصلی تحقق مشارکت در أکثر
        در دهه‌های اخیر، توانمندسازی به‌مثابه سازوکاری برای دستیابی به توسعه کشاورزی و در پی آن توسعه سکونتگاه‌های روستایی مطرح شد. زیرا، بی‌توجهی به مقوله توانمندسازی ساکنان روستایی و عدم شکل‌پذیری زیرساخت‌های سیاسی و اجتماعی مناسب در مناطق روستایی از موانع اصلی تحقق مشارکت در توسعه سکونتگاه‌های روستایی محسوب می‌شود. داده های موردنیاز تحقیق از طریق پرسشنامه و از میان کشاورزان شهرستان سمیرم گردآوری شدند که 262 نفر از آن‌ها به روش نمونه‌گیری تصادفی چندمرحله ای انتخاب گردیدند. فرآیند توانمندسازی بهره‌برداران کشاورزی به‌وسیله 67 گویه در قالب شاخص‌هایی همچون آموزش و اطلاع‌رسانی، دانش و آگاهی، فن‌آوری اطلاعات، منابع مالی و اعتباری، اعتمادسازی، همکاری و تشریک‌مساعی، تصمیم‌گیری در امور اجتماعی و اقتصادی، سنجیده شده است. شاخص توسعه نیز از طریق 49 گویه در ابعاد نظام محیطی، نظام اجتماعی ـ اقتصادی و کالبدی توسعه سکونتگاه‌ها سنجیده شده است. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد توانمندسازی کشاورزان روستایی در افزایش تولید محصولات کشاورزی، افزایش درآمد ساکنان روستایی و پایداری و توسعه اجتماعی ـ اقتصادی سکونتگاه های روستایی مؤثر است. البته، توجه به بهبود وضعیت درآمد کشاورزان، حمایت و هدایت آن‌ها برای افزایش میزان پس‌انداز و مشارکت در سرمایه‌گذاری در فعالیت‌های مرتبط با بخش کشاورزی، پیشنهاد می‌گردد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        22 - تأثیر یادگیری اجتماعی بر رفتارهای مخرب محیط‌زیست در کشاورزان با تأکید بر نقش آموزش‌های ترویجی
        سید احمد میرمحمدتبار محمد مظلوم خراسانی محسن نوغانی علی سیلانیان طوسی
        یادگیری اجتماعی یکی ازنظریات مهم مرتبط با آموزش رفتار در افراد جامعه می باشد. فرایند یادگیری هم تأثیر مثبت و هم تأثیر منفی بر رفتارهای مخرب محیط زیست دارد. تحقیق حاضر درصدد بررسی تأثیر مثبت و منفی یادگیری و آموزش بر رفتارهای مخرب محیط زیست بوده است. روش تحقیق توصیفی ـ ه أکثر
        یادگیری اجتماعی یکی ازنظریات مهم مرتبط با آموزش رفتار در افراد جامعه می باشد. فرایند یادگیری هم تأثیر مثبت و هم تأثیر منفی بر رفتارهای مخرب محیط زیست دارد. تحقیق حاضر درصدد بررسی تأثیر مثبت و منفی یادگیری و آموزش بر رفتارهای مخرب محیط زیست بوده است. روش تحقیق توصیفی ـ همبستگی می باشد که برای جمع‌آوری داده ها از تکنیک پیمایش و ابزار پرسشنامه استفاده شد. جامعه آماری تحقیق کشاورزان روستاهای شهرستان فریدون‌کنار به تعداد 6000 نفر بوده اند. حجم نمونه با جدول کرجسی و مورگان 361 نفر محاسبه گردید. روش نمونه گیری تصادفی چندمرحله‌ای می باشد. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که میانگین رفتارهای آلوده کننده آب‌وخاک در پاسخگویان حدود 2/1 از 4 و میانگین استفاده از سموم شیمیایی و چاه عمیق حدود 1/3 از 10 می باشد. نتایج مدل معادلات ساختاری نشان داد که بیشترین تأثیر بر رفتارهای مخرب محیط زیست به ترتیب مربوط به متغیرهای شدت پیوند افتراقی (72/0=β)، تعداد پیوند با دوستان (26/0=β) و تعداد پیوند با خانواده (17/0=β) می باشند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        23 - مدیریت تقاضای آب در بخش کشاورزی (مطالعه موردی دشت لیشتر)
        یعقوب زراعت کیش
        حفاظت کمّی و کیفی منابع آب و خاک از اهداف اصلی توسعه پایدار کشاورزی در کشور است. در این راستا این مطالعه با هدف تلفیق اهداف زیست محیطی شامل کاهش مصرف آب، کود و سموم شیمیایی با اهداف بهره‌برداران شامل افزایش بازده ناخالص (درآمد)، ریسک یا واریانس بازده ناخالص صورت گرفت. د أکثر
        حفاظت کمّی و کیفی منابع آب و خاک از اهداف اصلی توسعه پایدار کشاورزی در کشور است. در این راستا این مطالعه با هدف تلفیق اهداف زیست محیطی شامل کاهش مصرف آب، کود و سموم شیمیایی با اهداف بهره‌برداران شامل افزایش بازده ناخالص (درآمد)، ریسک یا واریانس بازده ناخالص صورت گرفت. داده‌های مورد استفاده شامل عملکرد تولید و مقدار بکارگیری از نهاده ها و قیمت آنها از بهره‌برداران منتخب که بطور تصادفی انتخاب شدند به دست آمد. با توجه به این که بطور توأم چند هدف مورد بررسی قرار گرفت لذا از رهیافت برنامه ریزی چندهدفی استفاده شد. در تدوین الگوی ریسک نیز از بازده ناخالص سالانه دوره 91-1372 محصولات در محدوده تحقیق استفاده گردید. با توجه به تفاوت گسترده میان مقیاس فعالیت بهره برداران ابتدا با استفاده از تحلیل خوشه ای و بر اساس مقیاس فعالیت به دو گروه تقسیم شدند. در این بررسی مشخص گردید که میان اهداف زیست محیطی که بعنوان اهداف سیاست گذاران نیز می توان آنها را مورد توجه قرار داد و اهداف بهره برداران مبادله وجود دارد و لازم است با برنامه‌ ریزی به سوی انتخاب ترکیبی از این سیاست‌ها حرکت نمود. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        24 - تحلیلی بر آگاهی و عملکرد زیستی کشاورزان در نواحی روستایی (مطالعه موردی: شهرستان ارومیه)
        جمشید عینالی نسرین کاظمی مهدی چراغی علی رضا رابط
        زمینه و هدف: کشاورزی به عنوان یک فعالیت اقتصادی در طبیعت، تاکنون تاثیر زیادی بر تنوع زیستی و چشم‌اندازهای طبیعی داشته است. در این راستا، آگاهی زیستی دربرگیرنده مفهوم گسترده‌ای است که نه تنها به دانش درباره محیط زیست بلکه به نگرش‌ها، ارزش ها و مهارت های لازم برای حل مشکل أکثر
        زمینه و هدف: کشاورزی به عنوان یک فعالیت اقتصادی در طبیعت، تاکنون تاثیر زیادی بر تنوع زیستی و چشم‌اندازهای طبیعی داشته است. در این راستا، آگاهی زیستی دربرگیرنده مفهوم گسترده‌ای است که نه تنها به دانش درباره محیط زیست بلکه به نگرش‌ها، ارزش ها و مهارت های لازم برای حل مشکلات زیست محیطی اشاره دارد. آگاهی زیستی کشاورزان شامل اطلاعات آن ها در مورد معضلات محیطی، عوامل موثر در گسترش این معضلات و اطلاعات در مورد اقداماتی است که کشاورزان می‌توانند برای بهبود این وضعیت انجام دهند که این مورد به معنی عملکرد زیستی آنها می‌باشد. هدف تحقیق حاضر بررسی عملکرد و آگاهی زیستی کشاورزان در نواحی روستایی می باشد. روش بررسی: این مطالعه به شیوه توصیفی تحلیلی سطح آگاهی و عملکرد زیستی کشاورزان دهستان باراندوز چای جنوبی از بخش مرکزی شهرستان ارومیه را مورد بررسی قرار داده است. به منظور بررسی داده‌ها و تحلیل آن ها از آزمون t تک نمونه‌ای و همبستگی استفاده شده است. یافته ها: آگاهی زیستی در کشاورزان مورد مطالعه در سطحی بالاتر از متوسط و عملکرد زیستی آن ها نیز در سطحی پایین‌تر از متوسط قرار دارد و بین آگاهی و عملکرد زیستی کشاورزان همبستگی بسیار قوی وجود دارد. بین آگاهی و عملکرد زیستی کشاورزان مورد مطالعه همبستگی بسیارقوی وجودداشت. نتیجه گیری: علت پایین‌تر بودن سطح عملکرد زیستی کشاورزان در مقابل آگاهی زیستی آن ها نیز این است که کشاورزان مورد مطالعه با وجود اطلاع و اگاهی از مشکلات ایجاد شده توسط کودها و سموم به منظور مبارزه با آفات مجبور به استفاده از این مواد بوده‌اند. علاوه بر این علی ‌رغم اطلاع از برخی از جنبه‌های مرتبط با شیوه‌های آبیاری نوین به علت مشکلات و محدودیت‌های مالی قادر به استفاده از آن ها نبودند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        25 - بررسی رفتار زیست محیطی کشاورزان دشت مغان در بکارگیری سموم کشاورزی
        ابوا لمحمد بندری اصغر باقری مجتبی سوختانلو
        رفتارهای نامناسب کشاورزان در هنگام آماده کردن آفت‌کش‌ها انجام می دهند، می تواند باعث تخریب محیط‌زیست ازجمله آلودگی های آب‌های سطحی و زیرزمینی و از بین بردن موجودات زنده در آب شود؛ بنابراین تبیین رفتارهای کشاورزان در مورد به‌کارگیری نهاده های شیمیایی‌بر محیط‌زیست و انسان أکثر
        رفتارهای نامناسب کشاورزان در هنگام آماده کردن آفت‌کش‌ها انجام می دهند، می تواند باعث تخریب محیط‌زیست ازجمله آلودگی های آب‌های سطحی و زیرزمینی و از بین بردن موجودات زنده در آب شود؛ بنابراین تبیین رفتارهای کشاورزان در مورد به‌کارگیری نهاده های شیمیایی‌بر محیط‌زیست و انسان‌ها ضرورت دارد. ازاین‌رو، هدف از انجام تحقیق، بررسی رفتار زیست‌محیطی کشاورزان دشت مغان (استان اردبیل) در بکارگیری سموم کشاورزی است. این پژوهش از نوع تحقیق، توصیفی- همبستگی و ازنظر گردآوری داده‌ها، از نوع تحقیقات پیمایشی است. جامعه آماری این تحقیق شامل همه کشاورزان دارای کشت آبی در دشت مغان (سال زراعی 1395 ـ 1396) است (9996=N). حجم نمونه با استفاده از جدول کرجسی و مورگان (1970) و به روش نمونه گیری چندمرحله ای با انتساب متناسب، به تعداد 400 نفر تعیین شد (400n=). ابزار تحقیق پرسشنامه‌ای بود که روایی آن توسط متخصصان موضوعی و استادان دانشگاه بررسی و درنهایت مورد تأیید قرار گرفت. پایایی ابزار تحقیق نیز با استفاده از ضریب آلفای کرون باخ مورد تأیید قرار گرفت. یافته‌های پژوهش نشان داد به‌طورکلی کشاورزان نگرش نسبتاً مثبتی نسبت به حفظ محیط‌زیست داشتند. همچنین نتایج تحلیل همبستگی نشان داد رابطه معناداری بین رفتار زیست‌محیطی کشاورزان با متغیرهای نگرش، دانش، فاصله روستا تا مرکز خدمات کشاورزی، تجربه کشاورزی و سابقه سمپاشی در سطح یک درصد بوده است. مطابق نتایج تحلیل رگرسیون، چهار متغیر نگرش، دانش، فاصله روستا تا مرکز خدمات و سابقه سمپاشی 57 درصد واریانس سطح رفتار زیست‌محیطی کشاورزان در به‌کارگیری سموم کشاورزی را تبیین می‌کنند.با توجه رابطه بین نگرش و دانش بر رفتار زیست‌محیطی کشاورزان در به‌کارگیری سموم کشاورزی، توجه به پیاده‌سازی تئوری فرایند انتقال نوآوری (دانش، نگرش و مهارت) در قالب برنامه‌های ترویج و آموزش کشاورزی در منطقه تحقیق می تواند نقش مهمی در بهبود رفتار زیست‌محیطی کشاورزان داشته باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        26 - بررسی موانع و مشکلات دوره های آموزشی ترویج کشاورزی از دیدگاه کشاورزان شرکت کننده در دوره های ترویج شهرستان دزفول
        محسن نظرزاده زارع کمال درانی مسعود غلامعلی لواسانی
          هدف این پژوهش بررسی موانع و مشکلات دوره‌های آموزشی ترویج کشاورزی از دیدگاه کشاورزان شرکت‌کننده در دوره‌های ترویج شهرستان دزفول است. روش پژوهش توصیفی ـ پیمایشی بود. جامعۀ آماری پژوهش 5060 نفر از کشاورزان شرکت‌کننده در دوره‌های ترویج شهرستان دزفول در سال 1388 بودند، که أکثر
          هدف این پژوهش بررسی موانع و مشکلات دوره‌های آموزشی ترویج کشاورزی از دیدگاه کشاورزان شرکت‌کننده در دوره‌های ترویج شهرستان دزفول است. روش پژوهش توصیفی ـ پیمایشی بود. جامعۀ آماری پژوهش 5060 نفر از کشاورزان شرکت‌کننده در دوره‌های ترویج شهرستان دزفول در سال 1388 بودند، که از این جامعه 466 نفر با استفاده از روش نمونه‌گیری طبقه‌ای ـ نسبتی به‌عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. برای بررسی موانع و مشکلات، از پرسشنامۀ محقق‌ساخته با درجه‌بندی لیکرت استفاده گردید. روایی صوری و محتوایی پرسشنامه در حد مطلوب گزارش گردید. پایایی پرسشنامه با استفاده از روش آلفای کرونباخ (85/0) به‌دست آمد. به‌منظور تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات از روش‌های آماری T مستقل، ضریب KMO و تحلیل عاملی استفاده شد. نتایج به‌دست آمده نشان داد که از نظر کشاورزان شرکت‌کننده، این دوره‌ها با موانع و مشکلاتی از قبیل؛ استفادۀ کم از مروجین باتجربه و آگاه نسبت به مسائل روز کشاورزی، استفادۀ کم مروجین از وسایل آموزشی و کمک‌آموزشی، تناسب نداشتن زمانی دوره‌های برگزار شده با شرایط زمانی کشاورزان، دسترسی نداشتن کشاورزان به محتوای آموزشی دوره‌ها در قالب جزوه‌های آموزشی و سی‌دی، تناسب نداشتن محتوای ارائه شده در دوره‌ها با نیازهای آموزشی کشاورزان، روبه‌رو بودند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        27 - Study of Water Use Efficiency in the potato farms of Hamadan-Bahar Plain
        محمد رضا قاسمی نژاد صفر معروفی
        Water resource limits, missing a developed irrigation program and undesirable water quality are the basic parameters that affect agricultural development of Iran. This research focus on irrigation amount water and its duration in other to increase crop yield of potato o أکثر
        Water resource limits, missing a developed irrigation program and undesirable water quality are the basic parameters that affect agricultural development of Iran. This research focus on irrigation amount water and its duration in other to increase crop yield of potato on Hamadan-Bahar plain. To this regard, there potato farm located on different area of the plain were selected during agronomic year 2011. Consumption water amount (W) and crop yield (Y) were measured in order to calculate the water use efficiency (WUE) of the farms. Based on the measurements, the minimum and maximum used water amount in the plots farms were 4481, 7500 m3/ha. The related values in the control farms also were 5092 and 8279 m3/ha. The results showed that potato yield significantly was increased (13%) by training of proper planning program of irrigation. This increasing yield resulted decreasing (13.1%) on using water content and increasing of water use efficiency (29%) in all farms of the experiment. The farmers training also showed that tensiometer is a simple and favorite instrument for water measurement compared with gypsum blocks. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        28 - تأثیر ویژگی های زراعی، اجتماعی، اقتصادی و ترویجی شالیکاران شهرستان ساری بر یکپارچه سازی اراضی
        غلامرضا دین پناه
        هدف این تحقیق بررسی اثرات ویژگی های زراعی، اجتماعی، اقتصادی و ترویجی شالیکاران شهرستان ساری بر یکپارچه سازی اراضی می باشد. این تحقیق از نوع کاربردی و روش علّی- مقایسه ای بود. شالیکاران شهرستان ساری (42117=N) به عنوان جامعه ی آماری این تحقیق انتخاب شدند و با استفاده أکثر
        هدف این تحقیق بررسی اثرات ویژگی های زراعی، اجتماعی، اقتصادی و ترویجی شالیکاران شهرستان ساری بر یکپارچه سازی اراضی می باشد. این تحقیق از نوع کاربردی و روش علّی- مقایسه ای بود. شالیکاران شهرستان ساری (42117=N) به عنوان جامعه ی آماری این تحقیق انتخاب شدند و با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای 329 شالیکار به عنوان نمونه ی آماری انتخاب شدند. روایی ابزار پژوهش از طریق اعضای هیئت علمی گروه ترویج و آموزش کشاورزی دانشگاه آزاد واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس و متخصصان و کارشناسان سازمان جهاد کشـاورزی استان مازندران به دست آمد. آزمون مقدماتی و اعتبار پرسش نامه از طریق تکمیل 30 پرسش نامه به وسیله ی شالیکاران در یکی از شهرستان های خارج از نمونه ی آماری به عمل آمد و ضریب اطمینان آلفای کرونباخ 0.82 محاسبه گردید. نتایج نشان داد که میانگین های سن، سابقه ی کشاورزی و سابقه ی کشت برنج در شالیکارانی که اراضی آنها یکپارچه می باشد، بیشتر است. همچنین، میانگین های سطح تحصیلات، سطح زیر کشت برنج، سطح زیر کشت زراعی، نفوذ پذیری اجتماعی، مشارکت اجتماعی، نگرش نسبت به یکپارچه سازی اراضی، عملکرد، درآمد، نسبت فایده- هزینه، استفاده از وسایل ارتباط جمعی، استفاده از منابع اطلاع رسانی و تاثیر فعالیت های آموزشی- ترویجی در شالیکارانی که اراضی آنها یکپارچه نمی باشد، بیشتر است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        29 - تاثیر نظام زمین‌داری بر اقتصاد روستایی و زندگی کشاورزان ایران در عصر صفویه (از شاه‌عباس اول تا سقوط اصفهان)
        ناصر جدیدی احمد کامرانی فر سید علیرضا نوریان نجف آبادی
        موضوع زمین، مالکیت، نظام زمین‌داری و سیاست حکومت در این باره و تعامل جامعه و حکومت در این زمینه در تاریخ ایران اغلب از جمله عوامل تأثیرگذار بر تغییر و تحولات اقتصادی و اجتماعی و سیاسی بوده است. دوران صفوی با توجه به استمرار طولانی‌مدت حکومت، از این نظر دربردارنده‌ی نکات أکثر
        موضوع زمین، مالکیت، نظام زمین‌داری و سیاست حکومت در این باره و تعامل جامعه و حکومت در این زمینه در تاریخ ایران اغلب از جمله عوامل تأثیرگذار بر تغییر و تحولات اقتصادی و اجتماعی و سیاسی بوده است. دوران صفوی با توجه به استمرار طولانی‌مدت حکومت، از این نظر دربردارنده‌ی نکات و تجارب فراوانی است. این پژوهش در پی تبیین این مسئله است که در عصر صفوی به‌ویژه از دوره‌ی شاه‌عباس اول در مناطق روستایی و کشاورزی ایران چه الگویی از نظام زمین‌داری مورد استفاده قرار گرفته و این موضوع چه تأثیری بر زندگی روستاییان و از سوی دیگر بر تعامل این بخش از جامعه و حکومت داشته است؟ یافته‌های این پژوهش نشان می‌‌دهد که با توجه به چارچوبی که حکومت صفوی برای مالکیت زمین‌ها و برداشت محصول در نظر گرفته بود، در مجموع و در برابر مالیات‌ها و تکالیفی که متوجه کشاورزان بود، منافع کمتری عاید آن‌ها می‌‌شد. چنین شرایطی در بلندمدت به شکل‌گیری و گسترش شکاف بین کشاورزان، به‌عنوان بخش مهمی از جامعه و حکومت منجر شد. این پژوهش به روش تاریخی، توصیفی-تحلیلی و با استفاده از منابع کتابخانه‌ای انجام شده و از آنجا که موضوع زمین‌داری همچنان به‌عنوان یکی از مسائل مهم جامعه‌ی ایران مطرح است، می‌تواند با تبیین یک تجربه‌ی تاریخی، نکاتی کاربردی عرضه کند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        30 - Evaluating the Reproductive and Egg Production Traits of Local Chickens and Their F1 Crosses with RhodeIsland Red and Fayoumi Breeds under Farmers’ Management Conditions
        A. Melesse M. Alewi Y. Teklegiorgis
        This study was conducted at Beresa watershed district of Guraghe Administrative Zone, the southern Regional State of Ethiopia to evaluate the on-farm reproductive and egg production performances of local Kei and its F1 crosses with Fayoumi and Rhode Island Red (RIR) chi أکثر
        This study was conducted at Beresa watershed district of Guraghe Administrative Zone, the southern Regional State of Ethiopia to evaluate the on-farm reproductive and egg production performances of local Kei and its F1 crosses with Fayoumi and Rhode Island Red (RIR) chicken breeds under farmers’ management. The local Kei paternal line was mated with maternal lines of Fayoumi and RIR chickens to produce F1-crosses. Twenty-four households were involved in the study who received 10 chicks from each 3 genotypes (total of 720 chicks). Three hay-box brooders fitted with chick-runs were provided to each household in which the three genotypes were reared. Eggs were collected on a daily basis and body weights were measured at 24, 34 and 52 weeks age. The highest egg fertility was observed in Fayoumi-crosses. The hatchability of total egg set and that of fertile eggs was higher for Fayoumi-crosses and local Kei chickens than for RIR-crosses. The Fayoumi (154 days) and RIR-crosses (161 days) reached age of sexual maturity earlier than local Kei chickens (183 days). The RIR-crosses were heavier (P<0.05) in body weight than Fayoumi-crosses and local Kei. The F1 crosses had significantly (P<0.05) higher rate of egg production on hen-day and hen-housed basis than local Kei chickens. The Fayoumi-crosses produced more (P<0.05) eggs than RIR-crosses. The F1 crosses produced significantly (P<0.05) higher total egg mass than local Kei chickens. Eggs from RIR-crosses were heavier (P<0.05) than Fayoumi-crosses and local Kei chickens. The F1 crosses reached their peak egg production at about 34 weeks of age while local Kei at 38 weeks. The Fayoumi-crosses had significantly higher hen-housed and hen-day egg production rates and survival ability than RIR-crosses. In conclusion, Fayoumi breeds could be a better strategy to upgrade the poor performance of indigenous chicken populations. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        31 - Constraints Analysis of Poultry Production at Dzongu Area of North Sikkim in India
        B.G. Nath P.K. Pathak A.K. Mohanty
        A study was conducted at five villages of Dzongu, North Sikkim in India to identify various constraints faced by the farmers during poultry production. Selection of respondents of poultry farmers was done on the basis of Simple Random Techniques. The data were collected أکثر
        A study was conducted at five villages of Dzongu, North Sikkim in India to identify various constraints faced by the farmers during poultry production. Selection of respondents of poultry farmers was done on the basis of Simple Random Techniques. The data were collected from each respondent through structured questionnaire as well as self observations. The study indicated that the input (82.25%), economical (74.60%), veterinary / health service (73.50%) and market (63.5%) constraints / problems were the most serious constraints as it was ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively.Non availability of day old chicks, lack of feed supply, improper housing facility, high price rate of day old chick, lack of technical knowledge, non-availability of medicines and vaccines, poor government support for credit facility (soft loan) to farmers were the most important constraints perceived by the poultry farmers of Dzongu area. The study also pointed some suggestions for improving the poultry production in Dzongu. Introduction of improved dual purpose birds,providing credit and health care facilities and establishment of market can bring a significant improvement in sustainable poultry production in Dzongu area, North Sikkim. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        32 - Adoption of Scientific Poultry Farming Practices by the Broiler Farmers in Haryana, India
        C.S. Ithika S.P. Singh G. Gautam
        The present study was undertaken on 125 broiler farmers randomly selected from five districts, Hisar, Jind, Fatehabad, Sirsa and Bhiwani of Hisar division of Haryana to assess extent of adoption of various scientific practices by the broiler farmers. The package of prac أکثر
        The present study was undertaken on 125 broiler farmers randomly selected from five districts, Hisar, Jind, Fatehabad, Sirsa and Bhiwani of Hisar division of Haryana to assess extent of adoption of various scientific practices by the broiler farmers. The package of practices recommended by regional state agricultural university was adopted as the set of scientific practices. The information was collected with the help of a pre-tested structured interview schedule. As a general trend, it was observed that the farmers with smaller flock size are poor adopters of technology. In case of small category farmers, a majority of respondents reported low level of adoption. Of the respondents from medium category, an equal number had adopted low, medium and high level of practice. Almost all of the large category farmers reported a high level of adoption. These results indicate that information seeking behavior of different categories of farmers was totally different based on the size of their enterprises. The larger enterprise possessed better knowledge base and better resourcefulness. Two distinct points emerge from the study: (1) uniform or blanket approach in the organization of poultry extension services is likely to meet only partial success and (2) there is poor information sharing in the peer to peer networks and there are diverse information sources for different categories of farmers. Also, local appropriation of knowledge and technology is an important factor. تفاصيل المقالة
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        33 - Determinants of Technical Efficiency of the Dairy Farmers in Ada’a District of Oromia State, Ethiopia
        L. Fita M.M. Trivedi A.M. Patel B. Tassew C.G. Joshi
        The study was conducted to indicate the determinants of technical efficiency of the dairy farmers in Ada’a district of Oromia state, Ethiopia. The study was arranged in four purposively selected peasant associations of the peri-urban and four kebeles of the urban أکثر
        The study was conducted to indicate the determinants of technical efficiency of the dairy farmers in Ada’a district of Oromia state, Ethiopia. The study was arranged in four purposively selected peasant associations of the peri-urban and four kebeles of the urban dairy production sub-systems from which thirty dairy farmers were selected randomly. A total of two hundred forty respondents were personally interviewed using structured questionnaires to know the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents. The stochastic frontier production function of the Cobb-Douglas model was used to estimate the technical efficiency of milk production. The study revealed that mass media exposure of the dairy farmers, training on dairy farming, dry fodder and concentrate feeds were the significant determinants of technical efficiency of milk production in the study area. Organizational participation of the farmers, education level, labor and experience of the farmers in dairy farming had also positive effect on the technical efficiency of milk production. The results obtained with this study suggest that there is a need to strengthening the existing extension services to address the determinants of technical efficiency of the dairy farmers to bring about significant increase in milk production and a balance in demand and supply of milk production in the study area. تفاصيل المقالة
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        34 - الگوسازی مولفه های موثر بر توسعه گردشگری کشاورزی شهرستان ماسال
        حبیب محمودی چناری سید حسن مطیعی لنگرودی حسنعلی فرجی سبکبار مجتبی قدیری معصوم مجید یاسوری
        گردشگری کشاورزی، شکلی از گردشگری خاص؛ بخشی از گردشگری روستایی است، که آمیخته با مولفه های روستا، مزرعه، گردشگران، ذینفعان و کشاورزانی است که همواره در معرض انواع ریسک های اقتصادی قرار دارند. این پژوهش با هدف الگوسازی مولفه های موثر بر توسعه گردشگری کشاورزی در شهرستان ما أکثر
        گردشگری کشاورزی، شکلی از گردشگری خاص؛ بخشی از گردشگری روستایی است، که آمیخته با مولفه های روستا، مزرعه، گردشگران، ذینفعان و کشاورزانی است که همواره در معرض انواع ریسک های اقتصادی قرار دارند. این پژوهش با هدف الگوسازی مولفه های موثر بر توسعه گردشگری کشاورزی در شهرستان ماسال با تاکید بر مولفه کشاورز، تلاش می کند تا با ارائه الگویی از جایگاه کشاورزان در شکل گیری گردشگری کشاورزی، این فرم از گردشگری را به عنوان راهبردی جهت تنوع بخشی به منابع درآمدی روستاییان معرفی نماید. شهرستان ماسال دارای 108 نقطه روستایی بوده که در مجموع و بر اساس نمونه گیری در مطالعات توصیفی، 20 درصد روستاها، یعنی 20 روستا به عنوان نمونه مشخص شد. جامعه آماری شامل 2588 خانوار روستایی ساکن در 20 نقطه روستایی انتخاب شده در سه ناحیه، دامنه ای، کوهپایه ای و کوهستانی بوده، که بر اساس فرمول نمونه گیری کوکران با سطح خطای 5 درصد، 338 خانوار روستایی به عنوان جامعه نمونه انتخاب شدند. رویکرد این پژوهش کمی، و در تحلیل داده ها از آزمون های آماری توصیفی و تحلیلی-اکتشافی استفاده شده است. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد، شاخص هایی که در کشاورزان برای ایجاد گردشگری کشاورزی باید موردتوجه باشد، شامل ویژگی های فردی کشاورزان ، دانش و مهارت، سرمایه و دارایی، انگیزه و تمایل به خدمات رسانی به گردشگران کشاورزی می باشد. همچنین برآیند کلی الگوی پژوهش نشان داد که براساس شاخص های مذکور در وضع کنونی، خانوار روستایی ساکن در مناطق کوهپایه و کوهستانی، گرایش بیشتری نسبت به پذیرش گردشگری کشاورزی نشان داده اند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        35 - تحلیل موانع و مشکلات مدیریتی- سیاستی پیش روی صنعت چای در استان گیلان
        محمدصادق الهیاری حبیب اله رضادوست شقایق خیری سیدعلی نورحسینی نیاکی
        به منظور بررسی و شناسایی مهمترین مسائل و مشکلات سیاستی - مدیریتی پیش روی صنعت چای در استان گیلان مطالعه ای در سال 1389 صورت گرفت. در این راستا از روش دلفی استفاده شد که در پژوهش حاضر تعداد اعضاء شرکت کننده جمعاً 54 نفر (کشاورزان 15 نفر، کارخانه داران 12 نفر، بازرگانان 1 أکثر
        به منظور بررسی و شناسایی مهمترین مسائل و مشکلات سیاستی - مدیریتی پیش روی صنعت چای در استان گیلان مطالعه ای در سال 1389 صورت گرفت. در این راستا از روش دلفی استفاده شد که در پژوهش حاضر تعداد اعضاء شرکت کننده جمعاً 54 نفر (کشاورزان 15 نفر، کارخانه داران 12 نفر، بازرگانان 11 نفر و کارشناسان 16 نفر) انتخاب شدند. نتایج نشان داد که مسائل سیاستی- مدیریتی همچون وجود مافیای قدرت و ثروت درامر واردات بی رویه چای قاچاق، انباشت چای های سنواتی، عدم نظارت دقیق دولت در امر تولید و بازرگانی چای، عدم اتخاذ راهبرد پایدار و بلند مدت و اتخاذ سیاست های بی ثبات، مقطعی و کوتاه مدت برای محصول چای، نبود مدیریت و برنامه ریزی صحیح در تولید، صنعت و بازرگانی چای، عدم نگاه سیستمی دولت به صنعت چای، برخورد انفعالی با مسائل و مشکلات چای، دخالت غیراصولی صاحبان قدرت درپست های دولتی و فشار آنها در امر خرید برگ سبز چای، ضعف بخش آموزش، ترویج در صنعت چای کشور و بی توجهی دولت در امر به زراعی و به نژادی باغات چای و رهاسازی باغات چای بدلیل سیاست گذاری های نادرست بعد از طرح اصلاح ساختار چای از موارد بسیار مهمی بودند که عدم توفیق صنعت چای را به همراه داشتند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        36 - بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر رضایت کشاورزان در خصوص اشتغال در بخش کشاورزی (مطالعه موردی: شهرستان مشگین شهر)
        وکیل حیدری ساربان
        هدف این تحقیق بررسی عوامل موثر بر رضایت کشاورزان در خصوص اشتغال در بخش کشاورزی شهرستان مشگین شهر است. این تحقیق از نوع توصیفی- تحلیلی می باشد که با استفاده از روش پیمایش انجام شده است. کشاورزان شهرستان مشگین شهر جامعه آماری این تحقیق را تشکیل می دهند. که با استفاده از أکثر
        هدف این تحقیق بررسی عوامل موثر بر رضایت کشاورزان در خصوص اشتغال در بخش کشاورزی شهرستان مشگین شهر است. این تحقیق از نوع توصیفی- تحلیلی می باشد که با استفاده از روش پیمایش انجام شده است. کشاورزان شهرستان مشگین شهر جامعه آماری این تحقیق را تشکیل می دهند. که با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری طبقه ای، تعداد 185 کشاورز به صورت کاملاً تصادفی انتخاب شدند. روایی صوری پرسش نامه با کسب نظرات صاحب نظران در دانشگاه و کارشناسان اجرایی مربوطه به دست آمد. آزمون مقدماتی نیز برای بدست آوردن پایایی ابزار پژوهش انجام گرفت و ضرایب آلفای کرونباخ (α) برای بخش های مختلف پرسش نامه بین 0/68الی 0/79 محاسبه شد. نتایج حاصل از آزمون همبستگی پیرسون نشان داد که به جز متغیرهای حمایت از خلاقیت کشاورزان، سخت و زیان آور بودن فعالیت کشاورزی، حمایت دولت در مواقع خشکسالی و بحران، تبلیغات مثبت علیه کشاورزان، توجه به بهداشت عمومی و آموزش، وجود تأمین های اجتماعی، تشویق معتمدان محلی و ساعات کل اشتغال بین تمامی متغیرهای تحقیق با رضایت کشاورزان پیرامون اشتغال در بخش کشاورزی رابطه مثبت و معناداری وجود دارد.هم چنین، در آزمون رگرسیون چند گانه خطی متغیرهای مناسب بودن درآمد کشاورزان، سهولت دسترسی به نهاده ها، میزان علاقه به حرفه کشاورزی، میزان استفاده از منابع اطلاعاتی، سابقه فعالیت کشاورزی، دسترسی به خدمات و اقدمات ترویجی، شیوه های مدرن کاشت و میزان دانش و مهارت 0/96درصد از تغییرات رضایت کشاورزان در خصوص اشتغال در بخش کشاورزی را تبیین کردند و در نهایت با توجه به تحلیل نتایج، پیشنهادات کاردبردی ارائه شده است. تفاصيل المقالة
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        37 - Livelihood assessment of the fish farmers converted from agricultural farming in selected areas of Mymensingh district, Bangladesh
        Md. Rahman Md. Asaduzzaman Shahali Mitul Md. Islam Limon Deb
        The study was undertaken to determine the socio-economic impact on agricultural farmers converted to fish farmers of Muktagachha Upazila in Mymensingh district. Questionnaire survey method was followed to collect data from the sample farmers. From the survey it was foun أکثر
        The study was undertaken to determine the socio-economic impact on agricultural farmers converted to fish farmers of Muktagachha Upazila in Mymensingh district. Questionnaire survey method was followed to collect data from the sample farmers. From the survey it was found that all 30 fishermen were male. Large portions (34%) of the fishermen were in the age group between 41 and 50. It was also found that 86% of the fishermen families lived in joint families and 57% family consist of 6 to 10 family members. All the fishermen families enjoyed electricity facility. Major portion of the fishermen took their health service from the Upazila Health Complex. Moderate educational status were observed in the study area though 14% possessed no education, 20%, 22%, 14% and 9% were educated up to primary, SSC, HSC and higher education, respectively. Majority of the farmers (50%) used their own land for fish farming. Only 7% fishermen borrowed loan from commercial bank/friends or relatives while 67% used their own money for culturing fish. Only 8 fishermen (27%) had received training on fish culture. About 86 % farmers increased their family income through fish farming. Almost every fisherman expressed that they were happy but not fully satisfied by culturing fish due to some obstacles. تفاصيل المقالة
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        38 - Constraints to Farmers Willingness to Pay for Private Irrigation Delivery in Nandom, Ghana
        Yussif K Obeng K Hudu Zakaria
        The study investigated the constraints to farmers’ intention to pay for private irrigation in Nandom District, Ghana. Using a key informant interviews and semi-structured questionnaires, the study collected data from 236 farmers. Data was analyzed with descriptive أکثر
        The study investigated the constraints to farmers’ intention to pay for private irrigation in Nandom District, Ghana. Using a key informant interviews and semi-structured questionnaires, the study collected data from 236 farmers. Data was analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. Kendall coefficient of concordance was used to determine the level of agreement among farmers in ranking of constraints. The study found financial constraint (low income) as the most important constraints to farmers’ readiness to pay for private irrigation. Other important constraints were lack of ready market for output, crop pest and diseases, unstable output price, costly private services, inadequate supply of complementary inputs and lack of credit services. We concluded that lack of ready market, unstable price for farm produce and lack of credit services jointly worsen farmer's finances and consequently constraint their ability to pay even under condition of perfect knowledge of the benefits that could accrue from the technology. This study recommends the implementation of the proposed private irrigation service but management of the service should incorporate an efficient value chain in the management of the service. تفاصيل المقالة
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        39 - Assessment of the use of Rural Radio as an Agricultural Information Dissemination Tool among Rural Farmers in Dekina Local Government of Kogi State, Nigeria.
        Adejo P. E. Adejo O. Ahmed A. Bello D
        ABSTRACT The study assessed the use of rural radio as agricultural information dissemination tool among farmers in Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State. The specific objectives were to: describe the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, identify rural أکثر
        ABSTRACT The study assessed the use of rural radio as agricultural information dissemination tool among farmers in Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State. The specific objectives were to: describe the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, identify rural and agricultural programmes normally aired on radio, find out the level of patronage of the programmes, identify the convenience of the time of presentation to the target audience, identify the necessity for rural radio among the rural farmers, identify the problems militating against the listening audience of the rural radio. A 3 – stage sampling technique was used to randomly select 150 respondents for this study, using a well structured questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results of the finding shows that majority of the respondents listened more to their traditional programmes on daily basis. The major constraints to the respondent’s listenership of the radio programmes were language barrier and lack of feedback amongst others. It was recommended that agricultural and rural development information be coded in the form of traditional/local music or incorporated into the traditional music to arouse the interests of the target audience and move to take actions and that research messages should be translated into the simplest language possible and translated to the prevalent languages. تفاصيل المقالة
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        40 - Assessment of the Effect of Rural Transportation Cost On Agricultural Productivity in Ankpa Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria
        Ufedo Shaibu Felix Oyibo
        This study assessed the effect of rural-urban transportation on agricultural produce in Ankpa Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. Primary data obtained from 90 rural farming households were analysed using frequency count, Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression أکثر
        This study assessed the effect of rural-urban transportation on agricultural produce in Ankpa Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. Primary data obtained from 90 rural farming households were analysed using frequency count, Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression analysis and mean score from a 3 point Likert type of scale. Results of the study revealed that majority of the farmers were married males in their active productive age of 41-60 years and a household size of 4-9 members. Farming in the area was still on a subsistence level as only 22.2% of the farmers cultivated above 3 hectares of farm land. The major modes of transporting farm produce identified in the area include the use of tricycle (92.2%), motorcycle (70%), and pick up van (64.9%). Furthermore, annual cost of transportation and number of years spent schooling (education) were negatively related to farmers’ income at 1% and 10% level of significance respectively. The major challenges faced by farmers in transporting their produce were bad road network (M= 2.4) and high transportation cost (M = 2.3). It was recommended that government should provide good road network and transportation facilities as it will ease the movement of farm produce to urban areas and as well increase farmers’ productivity and better their standard of living. تفاصيل المقالة
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        41 - Challenges of Agroforestry Systems’ Adoption by Farmers in the North Central Zone of Nigeria
        Saliu J. Oluwagbemi T. Ifatimehin O.
        AbstractThe challenges of agroforestry systems’ adoption by farmers in the North central zone of Nigeria, was carried out to address the following objectives; find out the perception of farmers on agroforestry technologies, identify the adoption level and ascertai أکثر
        AbstractThe challenges of agroforestry systems’ adoption by farmers in the North central zone of Nigeria, was carried out to address the following objectives; find out the perception of farmers on agroforestry technologies, identify the adoption level and ascertain why farmers discontinue agroforestry adoption.. Data were collected from 722 agroforestry farmers out of 782 sets of questionnaire that were distributed. Frequency and percentages were used to describe socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents. Meanscore and sigma score were used to anlayse perception of farmers, adoption levels and comparison between vegetal cover and selected climatic variables. More that 75 percent of the respondents had little or no formal education. More than sixty percent of the respondents had farm size between 1.1 to 3 hectares. Adoption of the technology increased between 2008 and 2010 but decreased as it approached 2013. Inadequate knowledge of agroforestry mean score (3.71) and lack of market (meanscore, (3.55) made many farmers to discontinue adoption. The paper stressed the establishment of Small-scale industries that will utilize the fruits from the trees planted as raw materials to attract better market, scale up adoption of more fruit trees among farmers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        42 - Analysis of Farmers’ Feedback on Agricultural Development Project’s (ADP’S) Performances in Kogi State, Nigeria
        Adejo Grace Saliu J. Adejo P. Emmanuel
        his study investigated the farmers’ feedback on Agricultural Development Project’s (ADP’s) performance. The study was carried out in Kogi State, Nigeria. Interview schedules were used to collect data from 160 contact farmers and 80 field extension work أکثر
        his study investigated the farmers’ feedback on Agricultural Development Project’s (ADP’s) performance. The study was carried out in Kogi State, Nigeria. Interview schedules were used to collect data from 160 contact farmers and 80 field extension workers who were randomly selected using multistage random sampling techniques. The data collected were subjected to both descriptive and non-parametric statistics. Result shows that both extension agents and farmers highly rated information on credit use (x = 2.63), and both also highly rated credits (x = 2.58) in terms of material technology needs. However, Mann Withney U statistic analysis shows that there was significant (P < 0.05) difference between the perception of farmers and extension agent on the level of information needs of contact farmers implying that the extensionists did know the priority needs of farmers. Farmers claimed that the area of extension messages that were considered effective includes: improved seed/seedlings (x = 2.11), pesticides/insecticides application (x = 2.27), use of herbicides (x = 2.24) and markets/market prices (x = 2.25). This study therefore recommends that effort should be made by extension service providers to improve on areas of farmers identified perceived information/material needs such as credit use, tractor hiring, fertilizer supply, pesticides and improved breeds of chicken while training and better remuneration package be put in place to enhance extension workers performance/productivity. تفاصيل المقالة
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        43 - Farmers’ Perception and Willingness to Pay for Technical Agricultural Information on Maize Production in Orire Local Government Area of Oyo State.
        Olumuyiwa Olaniyi Oluwatoyin Ismaila
        Agricultural extension services have been playing a central role in transformation process of agricultural sector in Nigeria but there are challenges which affect the quality of service delivery especially increasing cost of services and poor funding and therefore, prom أکثر
        Agricultural extension services have been playing a central role in transformation process of agricultural sector in Nigeria but there are challenges which affect the quality of service delivery especially increasing cost of services and poor funding and therefore, promoting emergence of new extension strategies offered by private sector . The study investigated the perception of maize crop farmers and willingness to pay for technical agricultural information in Oyo State, Nigeria. Data were collected by administering interview schedule to 127 maize crop farmers selected using multi-stage sampling procedure. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics; Mean age of the respondents was 46.7 years with modal class of age category of 41-50 years. Majority (66.1%) of the sampled respondents were males, 81.9% were married with average household size of 6 members. Technical agricultural information the respondents were willing to pay for include improved high yielding maize varieties (MS=1.09), method of fertilizer application (MS=1.07) and selection rate of chemical application for weed control (MS=l.06). Majority (52.8%) of the respondents had unfavourable disposition to willingness to pay for technical agricultural information. Respondents’ household size (r=0.365, P<0.05), farming experience (r=0.568, P<0.05) cultivatable farm size (r=0.228,P<0.05) were significantly related to willingness to pay for technical agricultural information on maize production. The study therefore recommends that technical agricultural information on maize production should be made available to farmers through a private extension service in order to meet the extension information need of farmers in the study area. تفاصيل المقالة
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        44 - Socioeconomic Analysis of Different Categories of Farm in Selected Areas of Mymensingh, Bangladesh
        Limon Deb Md. Mian Md. Asaduzzaman Shahali Mitul Md. Rahaman
        The purpose of this research was socioeconomicanalysis of farms using primary data in two villages of Mymensingh Sadar. A total of 60 farms including 20 small, 20 medium and 20 large were randomly selected for the study. Socioeconomic analysis showed that indebtedness w أکثر
        The purpose of this research was socioeconomicanalysis of farms using primary data in two villages of Mymensingh Sadar. A total of 60 farms including 20 small, 20 medium and 20 large were randomly selected for the study. Socioeconomic analysis showed that indebtedness was higher in large farms than those of small and medium ones. Large farms also engaged more in farm activities than others. All of the asset position, income expenditure and saving were positively related with farm size but non-farm income was negatively related. Analysis of balance sheet depicted that all the farms became able to generate a positive net worth which was the highest in large farms followed by small and medium ones in terms of percentage term. Income statement analysis showed that each of the farms was profitable and earned positive net profit at the end of the accounting year. Net profit had a positive relation with farm size. Results of ratio analysis expressed that none of the farms was fully financially strong. But maximum of seven ratios were favorable to large farms followed by small and medium farms. So, considering overall situation, large farms were relatively strong followed by small and medium farms in the study area. This study recommends for similar studies in other parts of country to develop a benchmark for comparison which is almost absent in present situation of Bangladesh. تفاصيل المقالة
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        45 - Perceived Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Methods Used to Disseminate Improved Technologies to Rice Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria
        Tijani Abdulhamid Ahmed Rashid Solagberun Adisa
        The study assessed the perceived effectiveness of agricultural extension methods used to disseminate improved technologies to rice farmers in kogi state, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to describe the socio – economic characteristics of the rice farmers, to أکثر
        The study assessed the perceived effectiveness of agricultural extension methods used to disseminate improved technologies to rice farmers in kogi state, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to describe the socio – economic characteristics of the rice farmers, to assessed farmers level of contact with extension agents, perceived level of competence of extension agents to perform agricultural extension activities and farmers perception on the effectiveness of agricultural extension methods in the study area. Primary and secondary data were used for the study. Data were collected using a well structured questionnaire from 212 rice farmers in the study area. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results showed that 59.9% of the respondents were male, with a mean age of 43.5 years. Majorities (58%) of the respondents were married and about 44.3% of them had more than 20 years of farming experience. About 99.1% of the farmers were aware of the existence of extension agents in their area and 87.7% were visited fortnightly. Also, extension agents were perceived to be more competent in performing field demonstration activities and the individual contact method was perceived as the most effective extension teaching method in the study area. It is recommended that the extension agents should do more in contacting more female rice farmers as well as male rice farmers; the extension agents should use variety of extension methods appropriately in order to meet specific extension objectives and to ensure effective use of limited resources, personnel, time and fund which ensure farmers participation. تفاصيل المقالة
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        46 - Effects of Communal Crises on Selected Crops Production among Farmers in Langtang North Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria
        Gyanden Kughur Shimayohol Daudu Mtimbir Iornenege
        The study investigated the effects of communal crises on selected crops production among farmers in Langtang North local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted; four local government areas were selected in each of the local أکثر
        The study investigated the effects of communal crises on selected crops production among farmers in Langtang North local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted; four local government areas were selected in each of the local government selected, four villages affected by communal crises were selected purposively. In two of the villages selected, 24 respondents each (people affected by communal crises) were selected and 25 respondents each were also selected randomly in the other two villages giving a total of 98 respondents. Primary data were collected through administration of structured questionnaire; data gathered were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlation. The findings revealed that 38.8% communal crises were caused by religion, 43.9% communal crises leads to loss of lives, 87.8% used assorted types of guns during communal crises and there was significant reduction in quantity and value of money on crops produced before and after communal crises. The study recommends that government should implement white paper reports on communal crises and religious organizations should continually organize inter-religious group public enlightenment programmes to encourage peaceful co-existence among believers of different faiths. تفاصيل المقالة
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        47 - Agrobiodiversity Conservation Techniques Adopted By Rural Farmers in Kware Local Government Area Nigeria
        Aliyu Akilu Barau James Abbah Michael
        The study examined agrobiodiversity conservation techniques adopted by rural farmers in Kware Local Government Area, Nigeria. Multistage sampling procedure was used to arrive at 120 farmers from three selected villages. Forty (40) interview schedule were administered in أکثر
        The study examined agrobiodiversity conservation techniques adopted by rural farmers in Kware Local Government Area, Nigeria. Multistage sampling procedure was used to arrive at 120 farmers from three selected villages. Forty (40) interview schedule were administered in each of the sampled villages. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the primary data collected. Results of the findings showed that most of the farmers (25.0%) were in their active age with fairly large family size (6-10 persons). Majority were married (90.8%) with most of them having secondary education (33.3%) or less and earning between N101, 000 - N200, 000 annually. Most of the farmers conserve animals using random mating (30.8%). On the other hand, 43.3 percent conserve plants by practicing collection and preservation of seeds. The major challenge faced by the farmers was insufficient capital (43.3%). Government and NGOs need to educate and provided necessary support to the farmers who practice agrobiodiversity conservation. تفاصيل المقالة
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        48 - Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Farmer`s Adoption of Wheat Production Technical Packages in Gezira Scheme, Sudan
        Ahmed Mirghani Abdel Rahman Wisal Abd Ebrahim Babiker Mohammed
        The main objective of this study was to assess the impact of farmer field schools on adoption of technical packages of wheat production in Gezira Scheme, Sudan. Field survey was used to collect data from 50 FFS-participants of two schools (25 from each school), and also أکثر
        The main objective of this study was to assess the impact of farmer field schools on adoption of technical packages of wheat production in Gezira Scheme, Sudan. Field survey was used to collect data from 50 FFS-participants of two schools (25 from each school), and also equal number from Non-FFS participants were selected for comparison. Close ended questionnaire was used in data collection. The data were statistically analyzed using (SPSS), discussed interpreted using percentage, frequency distribution and chi-squire test. The descriptive analyses showed that the FFS-participants were adopted the application of wheat production technical packages: land preparation ( First :86%, second:74%) , method of land preparation (92%),use of recommended wheat varieties (92%), seed rate(66%) , seed treatment with gaucho (86%), sowing date ( 76%), fertilizers rates(66%) ,number of irrigations(82%) , harvesting time (52%).The chi-square test showed significant association between farmer`s adoption of wheat production technical packages and their participation in FFS weekly training. From this study it can be concluded that the FFS is very effective agricultural extension approach which can be adopted to transfer knowledge, recommended cultural practices of agricultural crops to farmers, and consequently increase income of them through their participation in various FFS activities. The study recommends that FFS should become national policy, share authority of extension organizations in finance, control and execution of FFS activities with farmer unions and other partners for more effective participations of farmers in all activities of the schools and the current curriculum of FFS should be developed. تفاصيل المقالة
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        49 - Factors Associated with Women Farmers’ Level of Control in Farmer-Groups in Kwara State, Nigeria
        Kemi Omotesho Gbolagade Adesiji Adeniyi Akinrinde Oyindamola Aluko
        Womenfarmers’ low level of access to productive resources has hindered the realization of their full potential in agriculture. While membership of farmer-groups has been recognised as an avenue for farmers to harness their resources, women farmers often suffer dis أکثر
        Womenfarmers’ low level of access to productive resources has hindered the realization of their full potential in agriculture. While membership of farmer-groups has been recognised as an avenue for farmers to harness their resources, women farmers often suffer discrimination in such groups as socio-cultural values encourage male dominance in most rural communities. The specific objectives of the study were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of women farmers who were members of farmers’ groups, identify the benefits derived from their membership and examine the level of control of women in the farmers- groups. A two-stage random sampling technique was used to select 142 respondents across the 315 registered crop-based farmers’ group in Kwara State. Data were obtained by the use of a structured interview schedule. Descriptive statistics and the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation were used to analyse data collected. The result reveal that women farmers in the study area were middle-aged (Mean age=49.6years), poorly schooled (majority at primary level), with about 22years of farming experience on the average. The most important benefit derived from membership of farmer- groups was improved access to agricultural information (M.S=3.4). The level of control of women in farmer- groups was low (Mean score=2.21) and significantly influenced by age, annual income, level of education and farm size at p تفاصيل المقالة
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        50 - Resource Use Efficiency Andmisery of Sweet Potato Production Window into Financial Surplus for Households in Delta State, Nigeria
        Theophilus Miebi Gbigbi
        This study was conceptualized to determine resource use efficiency and misery of sweet potato production window into financial surplus for farming households in Delta State, Nigeria. Multiple sampling technique was applied in picking the samples. One hundred and sixty ( أکثر
        This study was conceptualized to determine resource use efficiency and misery of sweet potato production window into financial surplus for farming households in Delta State, Nigeria. Multiple sampling technique was applied in picking the samples. One hundred and sixty (160) producers were erratically chosen and interviewed with structured questionnaire. The information gathered were evaluated with descriptive statistics, profitability index and double-log production model. The result indicated that they had average oldness of 38 years, 72.5% of respondents were female with mean family magnitude of 5 individuals and mean number of years spent on farming was 13 years and mean farm land of 0.81 ha and very many of them were educated. On the aspect of costs and returns, it was found that production of sweet potato was highly profitable as specified by the BCR (4.39). The double-log regression model result disclosed that labour, fertilizer, age of farmer, farm size, planting materials expenses and years of farming experience were significantly related with output at 1% and 5% probability levels. The results of resource use efficiency also showed that planting materials, fertilizer farm size and labour were underutilized. The constraints encountered were: inadequate fund, lack of storage and processing facilities and absence of extension visit It is recommended that government intervention is needed to reduce cost and facilitate increased sweet potato production. تفاصيل المقالة
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        51 - Analysis of Factors Influencing Food Security Status of Female Headed Farm Households in Abia State, Nigeria
        Kelechi Osondu
        This study analysed factors influencing food security status of female headed farm households in Abia state, Nigeria. Multistage random sampling technique was employed in selecting 240 female headed farm households from whom data were collected using structured question أکثر
        This study analysed factors influencing food security status of female headed farm households in Abia state, Nigeria. Multistage random sampling technique was employed in selecting 240 female headed farm households from whom data were collected using structured questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, food security indices and probit regression technique. Results of analysis showed that mean age of the female farm households heads was 47.56 years, while, mean farm size, household size, annual farm income and non-farm income of the female headed farm households were 0.71 hectares, 6 persons, 154,086 Naira and 92,034.08 Naira respectively. Food security line of the female headed farm households was N9206.81, with food insecurity incidence of 0.5863 and food insecurity gap of 0.4067. Results of probit regression showed that age, dependency ratio, level of education, extension access, farm income, household size, household asset endowment and membership of association were significant determinants of food security status of female headed farm households. Results also showed that 78.75% of the female headed farm households were constrained by inadequate access to credit. Relevant government agencies should mobilize female heads of farm households in Abia State and encourage them to join cooperative associations, so that they can derive benefits associated with being members of agricultural cooperatives such as increased access to credit, extension information and agricultural input, with which to improve farm productivity, farm income and food security. تفاصيل المقالة
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        52 - Determinants of Farm Record Keeping among Small Scale Poultry Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria
        M. K Ibrahim R. S Adisa T. A Ahmed O Ebenehi
        Thestudy examined the factors influencing farm record keeping among small scale poultry farmers in zone A axis of the Kogi ADP comprising of -Yagba- East, Yagba-West, Kabba-Bunnu, Ijumu, and Mopamuro Local Government Areas. Using a three stage random sampling technique, أکثر
        Thestudy examined the factors influencing farm record keeping among small scale poultry farmers in zone A axis of the Kogi ADP comprising of -Yagba- East, Yagba-West, Kabba-Bunnu, Ijumu, and Mopamuro Local Government Areas. Using a three stage random sampling technique, 120 poultry farmers spread across the 5 LGAs within the zone A of Kogi ADP in Kogi State were randomly selected. With the aid of binary Logistic regression model, data obtained was analyzed. Nine (9) variables were hypothesized to influence small scale poultry farmer’s probability of record keeping. Out of which six (6) education, marital status, flock size, extension contact, occupation and experience were significant at 1%, 1%, 5%, 5%, 10% and 10% levels of significant respectively. They were also positively signed, a phenomenon which indicate that those variables were found to influence the probability of poultry farmers to use record keeping in the study area. However, extension contact was not significant at the level of measurement. It is therefore recommended that education at all levels and in all its forms and packages, both formal and informal should be encouraged in order to stem up the ante of the poultry farmers’ knowledge base, especially in the aspect of poultry record keeping. تفاصيل المقالة
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        53 - Seasonality and Profitability: The Case of Smallholder Tomato Farmers in Thyolo District, Malawi
        Daniel Matemba
        This study examines the impact of seasonality on the profitability of smallholder tomato farmers in rural areas of Malawi. The Malawian government has implemented initiatives to promote horticultural crop production, including tomatoes, to reduce reliance on tobacco as أکثر
        This study examines the impact of seasonality on the profitability of smallholder tomato farmers in rural areas of Malawi. The Malawian government has implemented initiatives to promote horticultural crop production, including tomatoes, to reduce reliance on tobacco as the primary source of foreign exchange earnings. Using a mixed-methods approach, data from 75 participants in the Thyolo District of Malawi was collected and analyzed. The study evaluates profits in different seasons, compares average earnings in winter and summer, and investigates price variations in markets. Findings show that tomato prices are higher in summer, reflecting the inverse relationship between prices and production cycles. Tomato production remains financially viable in both seasons, but the dry season is more economically rewarding with higher gross profits. The study recommends empowering farmers to increase year-round tomato cultivation. Further research could explore factors contributing to profitability disparities between seasons and investigate the impact of weather conditions and climate change on tomato production. The findings have important implications for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders interested in sustainable agriculture and rural development in Malawi. تفاصيل المقالة
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        54 - Determinants of Vulnerability to Poverty among Rice Farmers: A Case Study of Nasarawa Rice Hub
        Babatunde Olanrewaju Opeyemi Gbenga Zubair Idris
        The study examined factors influencing rice farmers` vulnerability to poverty, identified coping strategies employed by farmers to manage livelihood shocks that predisposes them to poverty and determined the impact of poverty on rice production in Nasarawa state, Nigeri أکثر
        The study examined factors influencing rice farmers` vulnerability to poverty, identified coping strategies employed by farmers to manage livelihood shocks that predisposes them to poverty and determined the impact of poverty on rice production in Nasarawa state, Nigeria. The study was carried out in Nasarawa rice hubs Nasarawa state. A two stage sampling technique was employed to select 121 rice farming households across 5 communities. Data was collect using questionnaire and personal interview and the data was analysed using household vulnerability index (HVI),fussy set analysis, regression analysis(ordered probit and OLS) as well as descriptive statistics. HVI analysis reveals that 16.5% of the households has low vulnerability to poverty, 65.3 has moderate vulnerability to poverty while 18.2% has high vulnerability to poverty. Ordered probit regression result reveals that access to information, number of shocks (idiosyncratic and covariate) exposed to by households, and years of farming significantly affect household vulnerability to poverty in the studied area. The study therefore, concludes that majority of the households are moderately vulnerable to poverty which implies majority of the household has been affected so hard that they need rapid-response poverty alleviation strategies to be liberated from poverty. It was also shown that rice farmers in the study area rely majorly on help from friends and relatives, also borrowed food in order to cope with livelihood threats. The study also concludes that Fulani herds men crisis, communal crisis, flood and poor linker roads are the major challenges facing farmers in the studied area. تفاصيل المقالة
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        55 - Communication Behaviour of Farmers with the Agricultural Extension Agents Using Cell Phone: A Case of Bangladesh
        Mohammad Rahman Mohammed Uddin Md. Khan
        The cell phone is one of the potential Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in agricultural development especially in developing countries like Bangladesh. Thus, this paper deals with the farmers’ communication with the agricultural extension agents using أکثر
        The cell phone is one of the potential Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in agricultural development especially in developing countries like Bangladesh. Thus, this paper deals with the farmers’ communication with the agricultural extension agents using mobile phone. The study was conducted in Mymensingh District in Bangladesh. Data were collected from a sample of 110 farmers while both descriptive and inferential analyses were used. The majority (53.64 percent) of the farmers had low cell phone contact while a good number (44.54 percent) of farmers had no cell phone contact, 1.82 percent had medium contact and no farmers had high cell phone contact with agricultural extension agents. Education, farm size, annual family income, extension contact, knowledge on ICT and cell phone use frequency correlated positively while only ‘age’ is correlated negatively to their cell phone contact with extension agents. Household size and organizational participation did not show any significant relationship. Small numbers of farmers were receiving information on seed, fertilizer, culture practices, pest control and market related through cell phone. Farmers’ communication preferences through cell phone comparatively were Sub Assistant Agriculture Officer (SAAO), Trained Farmers (TF) and Seed and Fertilizer Dealers. Lack of awareness on receiving information through cell phone, apathy to getting agricultural information through cell phone, poor knowledge about cell phone operation were the major problems of farmers’ communication with the agricultural extension agents using mobile phone. Respective authorities should encourage and train both farmers and extension agents to use mobile phone as easy, low cost and popular communication medium. تفاصيل المقالة
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        56 - Small-scale Farmers’ Attitude and Problems regarding One House One Farm Approach for their Livelihoods Improvement
        Md. Golam Farouque Md. Mojammel Haque Debashish Sarker Dev
        Increasing population growth and decreasing land ratio made it difficult for rural people of Bangladesh to maintain their livelihood. Especially the small-scale farmers find it trickier using their scarce resources. One House One Farm approach(OHOF) is designed to utili أکثر
        Increasing population growth and decreasing land ratio made it difficult for rural people of Bangladesh to maintain their livelihood. Especially the small-scale farmers find it trickier using their scarce resources. One House One Farm approach(OHOF) is designed to utilize the house and farm resources of the small- scale farmers to improve their livelihood. The focus of the study was to determine small-scale farmers’ attitude towards OHOF approach for their livelihood improvement and to identify the problems faced by the farmers in adopting OHOF approach. The study was carried out in two upazilas of Sherpur district of Bangladesh. Data were collected from a sample of 200 farmers. Attitude of farmers’ towards OHOF approach was measured under fifteen statements using five point Likert scale. The findings revealed that 66% of the farmers had favorable to highly favorable attitude, 28% had unfavorable to highly unfavorable attitude and only 6% had neutral attitude towards OHOF approach. In addition, an attempt was made to investigate the problems faced by the farmers in adopting and practicing that approach and was found that 56% farmers faced severe problem in case of adopting OHOF approach. Among the problems noticed by the farmers, Political affiliation of the farmers and their organizations and Complex loan distribution system were the main problems. The concerned authorities like DAE, BRDB (implementing partner of OHOF approach) and other NGOs should take necessary measure to solve the existing problems to enhance the positive attitude of small scale farmers towards OHOF approach. تفاصيل المقالة
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        57 - Impact of Microfinance on Smallholder Cassava and Rice Farms Productivity in Makurdi Metropolis, Benue State, Nigeria
        Francis Ogebe Ayuba Ali Ishaaqa Olagunju
        This study was undertaken to investigate the impact of microfinance on agricultural productivity by smallholder farmers in Makurdi Metropolis of Benue State, Nigeria. Data were randomly collected from 120 farmers consisting of 60 credit beneficiaries (CB) and 60 non-cre أکثر
        This study was undertaken to investigate the impact of microfinance on agricultural productivity by smallholder farmers in Makurdi Metropolis of Benue State, Nigeria. Data were randomly collected from 120 farmers consisting of 60 credit beneficiaries (CB) and 60 non-credit beneficiaries (NCB) by which were analyzed through descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The results of the regression analysis showed a clear impact of microfinance credit on agricultural productivity. Findings revealed that, the accessed credits help farmers to purchase inputs and improve farming technologies which ultimately transformed into higher productivity of the credit beneficiaries as CB farmers realized higher yields (52.1 bags) compared to the NCB farmers (24.6 bags). This is partly because the CB were relatively better in the use of inputs such as adoption of improved seeds, use of fertilizers and affordability of hired labor which ultimately enhanced their farm productivity. The study concluded that though microfinance credits has significant impact on agricultural productivity under smallholder farmers, access to microfinance credits by smallholder farmers in the study area is constrained by lack of microfinance credit information, high interest rates, and inadequate supply of credit institutions as well as risk averse nature of some farmers. Thus, in order to enhance agricultural productivity and improve the well-being of smallholder farmers, it is recommended that smallholder farmers should be facilitated to form “Savings and Credits Cooperative Unions” (SACCOS) for collective responsibilities of accessing credits and paying loans. تفاصيل المقالة
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        58 - Agro-Economic Comparison of the Achievements of Fadama III Agricultural Enterprises in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria: Task-Target Performance Approaches
        Oghenero Ovharhe
        The study addressed the economic comparison of the achievements of Fadama III agricultural enterprises in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria using task-target performance approaches. It aimed at identifying the indicators, tasks and targets and achievement of Fadama III. S أکثر
        The study addressed the economic comparison of the achievements of Fadama III agricultural enterprises in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria using task-target performance approaches. It aimed at identifying the indicators, tasks and targets and achievement of Fadama III. Some materials used were secondary information collected from the various Fadama III project offices. Simple random sampling technique was employed to select three locations: Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa and Delta States. The results included: the mean achievement index across the study area as percentage increase in income (163%), crop based activities (132%), fisheries based activities (105%), number of staff trained (162%) and number of monitoring visits to sub projects (149%). However, some indicators did not achieve set tasks and targets as in livestock based activities (51%), agro-processing based activities (13%), marketing equipment (7%), irrigation/drainage equipment (3%) and storage facilities (10%). The three States met their target of 40% increase in farmers’ income by achieving far beyond the set target: Akwa Ibom (155%), Bayelsa (163%) and Delta (170%) Upon contribution into Fadama Users’ Equity Fund (FUEF), achievable were: Akwa Ibom reached 101%, Bayelsa reached 75% and Delta reached 232%. Only Bayelsa State did not achieve the set target of getting up to 100% in FUEF contribution. The study concluded that the economic achievements of Fadama III project activities was commendable. The study recommended that there should be critical followed up for enterprises with proven agro-economic performances with success story of tasks and targets achievement for project sustainability. تفاصيل المقالة
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        59 - Farmers’ Perception Regarding Impact of Climate Change on Wheat Crop Production in Layyah District-Pakistan
        Badar Siddiqui Syed Ali Asghar Shah
        Pakistan is at 28th amongst the countries that are going to be hurt badly by climate change. It falls in ten major wheat-producing countries of the world in terms of area, production and yield per hectare. Global warming, as a result of climate change, may negatively af أکثر
        Pakistan is at 28th amongst the countries that are going to be hurt badly by climate change. It falls in ten major wheat-producing countries of the world in terms of area, production and yield per hectare. Global warming, as a result of climate change, may negatively affect morphological characters of wheat. The present study was undertaken in district Layyah to find out the impact of climate change on wheat crop.The district had a total of three (3) tehsils(sub-divisions) and two(2) tehsilswere selected purposely which were badly affected by extreme climatic event like floods.Thereafter,there (3) union councils from each tehsil,three(3) villages from each selected union council and seven (7) farmers from each village were selected.Thus, a sample of 126 farmerswere chosen and interviewed through a pretested structured interview schedule at their fields.The data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS).Vast majority (94.4%) of the respondents informed that climate change had effect on wheat cropproductivity.Majority (above 90%) of the respondents reported that climate change was affecting their crop almost at every stage in the way of unpredicted rains, sudden rise in temperature and long drought periods. تفاصيل المقالة
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        60 - Farmers Preferences to Plant Crops for Bio-Energy production (Case Study: Sugar Beet in north of Khuzestan Province)
        Davood Momeni Choleki Reza Moghaddasi Yaghoub Zeraatkish Amir Mohamadinezhad
        Bioenergy is one of renewable energy types. The expansion of production this type of energy can create employment and sustainable income for society in addition to reducing pollution caused by fossil fuels and protecting the environment. Therefore, the purpose of this r أکثر
        Bioenergy is one of renewable energy types. The expansion of production this type of energy can create employment and sustainable income for society in addition to reducing pollution caused by fossil fuels and protecting the environment. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate the preferences of sugar beet farmers in the north of Khuzestan province to the presumptive contracts of sugar beet planting to use in production of bioenergy. The statistical population of the research included 1890 sugar beet farmers of Khuzestan province in 2017-18 which 320 people were selected through the stratified sampling method. The required data were collected in person by referring to farmers and completing the questionnaire. Factors influencing the preferences of farmers were identified using the experimental approach of the attribute-oriented declared choice method to determine the important attributes of different sugar beet planting contracts and to estimate the conditional Logit regression model. The estimation results of the Logit model showed that coefficients related to the contract period, the area covered by the contract, the contract price, the cost-sharing in the contract, the product insurance in the contract and experience of sugar beet planting are positive and significant. The coefficient of the interaction of the variables of attitude to energy production, area under sugar beet planting, Experience of planting sugar beet and the area under sugar beet planting with ASC is significant and positive and the coefficient of the interaction of Farmer's risk attitude with ASC is significant and negative. DOR:20.1001.1.22517588.2021. تفاصيل المقالة
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        61 - A Profit Approach Comparison between Tomato Grown under Organic and Inorganic Methods in a Typical Nigeria’s Soil
        Hamza Babagiwa Aliyu Muhammad R. Ja’afar-Furo
        The role of tomatoes as nutritive vegetable crop in the diet of most humans has been stressed or advanced by many scientists. This study therefore, assessed the profitability of tomato production using organic and inorganic fertilisers on a typical irrigated soil in Hon أکثر
        The role of tomatoes as nutritive vegetable crop in the diet of most humans has been stressed or advanced by many scientists. This study therefore, assessed the profitability of tomato production using organic and inorganic fertilisers on a typical irrigated soil in Hong Local Government Area, Adamawa State, Nigeria, with the intent of ensuring a more acceptable measure of sustainability among rural farming communities. A total of 120 (60 in each category) producers were purposely selected from 2016/2017 irrigation season for the study. Data were collected through a cost route method by application of structured questionnaire and complemented with interview and group discussions. Descriptive statistics, Gross Margin Analysis and Net Farm Income were engaged in the analysis of data. Findings showed that most of the farmers were married males aged between 31 and 60 years with farming experience ranging from 11 – 20 years. A larger proportion of the farmers had first school leaving certificates and cultivated less than a hectare of farmland. While the most popular organic fertilisers among the farmers were cow dung and small ruminant droppings, Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium 15-15-15 (NPK) fertiliser was largely applied among the respondents. The returns on Naira (₦) invested for users of organic and inorganic fertilisers were 2.5 and 0.73, respectively, signifying that the former farms were more profitable. Conclusively, it can be stated that the application of organic fertilisers yielded more profit than the chemical fertilisers. Therefore, institutions of concern should strongly work towards making the application of organic fertilisers more popular. تفاصيل المقالة
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        62 - Factors underlying farmers’ choice of market information system in Lilongwe, Malawi
        Fredy Kilima Thokozani Chikuni
        The paper sought to investigate the effect of simultaneous use of radio- and mobile phone- based agricultural market information systems on smallholder farmers’ access to information focusing on prices of agricultural inputs and commodities. A multivariate probit أکثر
        The paper sought to investigate the effect of simultaneous use of radio- and mobile phone- based agricultural market information systems on smallholder farmers’ access to information focusing on prices of agricultural inputs and commodities. A multivariate probit model was estimated to gauge potential use of each information system by farmers to access information on prices of agricultural inputs and commodities. Results reveals limited use of mobile phones to jointly access input and commodity prices as the devices were mainly for accessing information on commodity prices. The cost of using mobile phones was the dominant factor underlying the low use of mobile phones to access information on commodity prices. The cost of use along with farmers’ access to extension and group membership were the major factors underlying the use of radio to access price information. Results predicted higher prospect for smallholder farmers to use radio- than mobile phone-based information system to access information on agricultural inputs and commodities. Endeavors to promote farmers access to markets information should focus on creating synergies with extension services and local initiatives linking farmers through groups. Future research on the subject matter should attempt to accommodate more means of acquiring market information including extension agents and explanatory variables to enhance robustness of the adopted model or its variants. تفاصيل المقالة
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        63 - The Role of Agricultural Extension in Raising the Productivity of Rainfed Sorghum Small-Scale Farmers in Gezira State, Sudan: A Case Study from South Gezira Locality
        Refag Hamed Ahmed Bereir Hind Mustafa
        The present study seeks to investigate farmer`s application of integrated solutions programme package for rainfed sorghum farmers in South Gezira Locality, Sudan. A field survey was used to collect data from 125 rainfed farmers participated in the programme and an equal أکثر
        The present study seeks to investigate farmer`s application of integrated solutions programme package for rainfed sorghum farmers in South Gezira Locality, Sudan. A field survey was used to collect data from 125 rainfed farmers participated in the programme and an equal number from non- participant farmers from the study area were selected for comparison using the simple random sampling technique. A close-ended questionnaire was constructed and the personal interview technique was used to administer the questionnaire. The collected data were coded, fed to the computer and statistically analyzed using (SPSS), discussed interpreted using descriptive statistics and chi-square test. The descriptive analysis showed that the majority of participant farmers applied the programme components while chi-square test result revealed there was no significant association between participant farmer`s application of the programme components and their participation in the programme as a result of many constraints facing them in the application of the programme components . From this study, it can be concluded that the national programme for supporting rainfed sorghum farmers are very effective agricultural national policy that can be applied in the rainfed sector of the country, which in turn will help rainfed farmers to increase their production and consequently their income through the application (adoption )of the programme components. The study recommends that this national programme for supporting rainfed sorghum farmers should become a national policy, the needed inputs should be available and the agricultural extension officers should be trained on the programme components to be able to implement it effectively. DOR:20.1001.1.22517588.2021. تفاصيل المقالة
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        64 - Production Characteristics of Cocoyam Farmers in Enugu State
        Kelvin Eze Remigius Ozioko David Okoronkwo Martha Mamah Cynthia Nwobodo
        The work assessed the production characteristics of cocoyam farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria. Questionnaire was used to elicit relevant information from a sample of 80 randomly selected respondents. Frequency, percentage and mean were used for analysis. The mean househol أکثر
        The work assessed the production characteristics of cocoyam farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria. Questionnaire was used to elicit relevant information from a sample of 80 randomly selected respondents. Frequency, percentage and mean were used for analysis. The mean household size was 6 with the mean farming experience of 24.0 years. 47.5% had mean farm size of 2.3 hectares with average annual income of N30543.8. Production practices utilized by cocoyam farmers are use of organic fertilizer (X=2.74) and use of manual labour in land preparation (X= 2.99). The information sources of farmers are friends (X=2.26), neighbour (X=2.46), co-farmers (X=2.46). Information needs of farmers were sourcing of farm inputs (X=3.88), sourcing of improved farm tools (X= 2.84) among others. Production constraints were incidences of pests and diseases (X=3.68), lack of extension contact (X=2.98) among others while ways of improving production are use of disease resistant varieties (X=2.95), formation of farmers` cooperative societies (X=2.44), among others. The study recommended among others that research institutes, federal and state government should in partnership, develop weed, pest and disease resistant cocoyam varieties, subsidized farm inputs, and provide extension services to cocoyam farmers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        65 - Mango Farmers’ Perception on the Effect of Fruit Flies Infestation
        Sijuwade Adebayo Robert UddinII Ajoke Kayode Adetayo Abdulsalam
        The reductions in quality and quantity of marketable mango fruits due to fruit fly infestation have impact on farmers through revenue losses. The study identified the common fruit flies on mango plantation; assessed the control measures of fruit flies infestation; among أکثر
        The reductions in quality and quantity of marketable mango fruits due to fruit fly infestation have impact on farmers through revenue losses. The study identified the common fruit flies on mango plantation; assessed the control measures of fruit flies infestation; among others. Interviewers administered questionnaire was used to elicit information from 200 mango farmers. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The results revealed that majority of the respondents were males (55.5%), had non-formal education (47.5%), with mean age of 60 years, mean household size of 4 members and years of farming experience was 20 years. The study further revealed that marula fruit fly (92.5%) was ranked first. Hand picking (94.0%) was identified as the most prominent control measure. The respondents perceived fruit flies as causing premature dropping of fruits (62.0%) as the major effect of fruit flies on mango. The result further revealed that at p<0.05, age (r=0.267), household size (r=-0.297) and years of experience (r=-0.158) were significant to farmers’ perception on the effect of fruit flies infestation. The study concluded that fruit flies infestation affect mango farmers in several ways. The study therefore recommended that extension training in orchard management should be organized for the mango farmers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        66 - Value Chain of Catfish Products in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State
        Zacchaeus Oluwafemi Abolupe Ayanboye Benedicta Oluwafemi
        AbstractThis study examined the value chain of catfish products in Ibadan metropolis. The data used was from a primary origin. The instrument of data collection was structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Purposive sampling method using snowball technique was أکثر
        AbstractThis study examined the value chain of catfish products in Ibadan metropolis. The data used was from a primary origin. The instrument of data collection was structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Purposive sampling method using snowball technique was employed to select 50 catfish farmers and 50 catfish marketers in the study area. While random sampling technique was engaged for selection of 100 catfish consumers.more over, descriptive statistics, profitability and value chain analysis techniques were used to analyse the data collected. The findings revealed that majority of the actors in the catfish value chain were relatively young adults with moderate household size and having higher level of education. The catfish farmers should be induced with productive resources to harness their potentials. Also, catfish experts should collaborate and work on local feed materials to reduce the cost of catfish feeds and catfish marketing cooperative or self-help groups should be developed to stimulate consumption تفاصيل المقالة
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        67 - Perception of Inter-generational Farm Transfer among Cocoa Farmers in South-west, Nigeria
        Tosin Ogundiran Sijuwade Adebayo Isreal Ogunlade
        Inter-generational farm transfer, a multifaceted process involving succession plan, retirement and inheritance has been recognized as the main and major approach to overcome the issues of ageing population and family farm sustainability. The study therefore focused on t أکثر
        Inter-generational farm transfer, a multifaceted process involving succession plan, retirement and inheritance has been recognized as the main and major approach to overcome the issues of ageing population and family farm sustainability. The study therefore focused on the perception of inter-generational farm transfer by cocoa farmers in South-west, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 331 cocoa farmers. The data was collected through interviewer administered questionnaire and analyzed using percentage, frequency distribution, means, charts and chi square. Results showed that majority of the respondents were male (77.0%), having farm size of 5 ha and below, the mean age of the respondents was 58 years while the mean household size was 6. The result showed that 77.0% of the respondents have not retired from active involvement on cocoa farm while 83.0% of the have not identified a successor. The result further shows that 85.0% of the respondents have high (positive) perception of inter-generational transfer. Moreover, only few of the respondents (5.4%) had a formal or written inter-generational farm transfer plan. The study concluded that majority of the cocoa farmers have not retired from the farm and had positive perception of inter-generational farm transfer. The study recommended that cocoa farmers should start planning for inter-generational farm transfer early by selecting and grooming selected individuals in their family. Moreover, relevant stakeholders should create more awareness and orientate cocoa farmers on the importance and need to identify and engage possible successors early in order to ensure family farm sustainability and food security. تفاصيل المقالة
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        68 - Evaluation of Agricultural Research, Extension and Farmers Linkages: A case study from Gezira State Sudan
        Ahmed Bereir
        The present study seeks to evaluate the agricultural research, extension, and farmers linkages in Gezira State, Sudan. A field survey was used to collect data from50 extension agents, 50 farmers and50 researchers in Gezira State, Sudan. The collected data were coded, fe أکثر
        The present study seeks to evaluate the agricultural research, extension, and farmers linkages in Gezira State, Sudan. A field survey was used to collect data from50 extension agents, 50 farmers and50 researchers in Gezira State, Sudan. The collected data were coded, fed to the computer, statistically analyzed using (SPSS), discussed, and interpreted using descriptive statistics. The results revealed weak linkages between research and farmers, between extension and farmers, and between research and extension. The used method of communication between research, extension, and farmers are workshops, training periods for extension agents, field days, and demonstrations. The Main constraints facing the linkages between research, extension, and farmers are a lack of budgets for linkage activities, weak infrastructure, continuous change of extension agents' workplaces, and separate administrations of research and extension organizations. From this study, it can be concluded that the weak linkages between these three agricultural pillars will lead to low adoption of new agricultural technologies and consequently lead to low income from agricultural production in the country. The study recommends that constraints facing agricultural research, extension, and farmers linkages should be solved. تفاصيل المقالة
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        69 - The Estimation Model of Determinant of Mobile Phone Apps’ Usage by Smallholder Farmers in North West Nigeria
        Abdullahi Khidir Idowu Oladele Daniel Ekpa
        This study examined the determinants of frequency of cellphone applications’ usage among farmers in North-West Nigeria using Negative Binomial Regression Model (NBRM). Using ex-post-facto research design, multi-stage sampling procedure was employed to select 385 r أکثر
        This study examined the determinants of frequency of cellphone applications’ usage among farmers in North-West Nigeria using Negative Binomial Regression Model (NBRM). Using ex-post-facto research design, multi-stage sampling procedure was employed to select 385 respondents from ADP geo-ecological zones of three agrarian states (namely Katsina, Kano and Kaduna) for the study. Thereafter, three Local Government Areas (LGAs) were randomly selected from each state and from which 5 communities were randomly selected from each of the LGAs in Katsina and Kaduna, and 10 from the most densely populated Kano state. Data were collected using a pre-tested structured questionnaire and summarized using frequency counts, percentages and mean. Though most frequently used mobile applications include voice call app (mean value of 1.410), SMS app (0.932 mean score) and Opera with 0.640 mean value, weighted mean values showed that all the apps were rarely being put to use by the farmers, indicating generally low frequency of usage. NBRM analysis results showed that educational attainment, knowledge, phones farmers operate well, phone as information garget, app store, social media and agencies as sources of apps positively influenced the frequency of mobile apps usage. A well guided effort through appropriate policies that would encourage the frequency of mobile phone usage by farmers for information accessing, should be put in place by major stakeholders of rural and agricultural development in the area. تفاصيل المقالة
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        70 - Attitude of follower farmers towards lead farmer approach in facilitating Conservation Agriculture practices in Kalira Extension Planning Area in Ntchisi District, Malawi
        Daniel Matemba
        This study explores the attitude of follower farmers (FFs) towards lead farmers (LFs) in facilitating Conservation Agriculture (CA) practices in the Kalira Extension Planning Area of Ntchisi district, Malawi. Despite governmental efforts to promote CA through the Nation أکثر
        This study explores the attitude of follower farmers (FFs) towards lead farmers (LFs) in facilitating Conservation Agriculture (CA) practices in the Kalira Extension Planning Area of Ntchisi district, Malawi. Despite governmental efforts to promote CA through the National Agriculture Policy of 2016, previous studies have indicated low adoption rates. This research employs a mixed methods approach, utilizing surveys and focus group discussions. Results reveal positive perceptions among FFs regarding LFs' competence in training, demonstrations, problem-solving, and other competencies. The majority of FFs perceive LFs as effective in imparting CA principles and conducting demonstrations. LFs' problem-solving abilities and additional competencies are well-regarded by FFs. The study concludes with a call for further research on socio-economic factors influencing sustained CA adoption and recommends establishing a continuous feedback loop between LFs and FFs to enhance knowledge exchange and address evolving challenges in CA practices. The findings contribute to the existing literature and provide valuable insights for agricultural and rural development initiatives. تفاصيل المقالة
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        71 - Post-Harvest Losses and Reduction Techniques in Crop Production: A Review.
        Tolulope Ogedengbe Olorunfemi Malomo Nike Akanji
        Post-Harvest Losses are fast becoming a major problem causing huge losses for farmers and various countries at large. This challenge has resulted in various attempts to reduce the losses as much as possible. Crop production is essential to food security sustenance, henc أکثر
        Post-Harvest Losses are fast becoming a major problem causing huge losses for farmers and various countries at large. This challenge has resulted in various attempts to reduce the losses as much as possible. Crop production is essential to food security sustenance, hence post-harvest losses are undesirable as it results in a threat to life and a reduction in Farmers income. This study reviews post-harvest losses, with the focus on developing countries, as they are mostly affected. It is imperative to study post-harvest loss taking cognizance of its ability to pose threat on food security most especially in the developing countries where a high post-harvest loss occurs during storage. The post-harvest losses in vegetables, fruits, and cereals were studied. Measures and technologies that can be adopted to reduce post-harvest losses has been discussed. Many developing countries are still struggling to minimize post-harvest losses because of lack of modern techniques, technologies and approaches, and this has continued to cause food insecurity across many developing nations. Smart farming techniques like the internet of time (iot), extension trainings and the use of various advance storage structures has been identified as measures for reducing post-harvest losses of crops. The application of these measures will drastically reduce post-harvest losses and this reduction will definitely result in a wider advantage. تفاصيل المقالة
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        72 - Effects of Farmers’ Perceptions of the National Farmers’ Day Awards Scheme on Farm Productivity in Ghana
        Fadilah Mohammed Lambon Joseph Thomas Ayaaba
        The study examined the effects of farmers’ perceptions of the national Farmers’ Day awards scheme on farm productivity in the Tolon District of the Northern Region of Ghana. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A total of 270 farmers were u أکثر
        The study examined the effects of farmers’ perceptions of the national Farmers’ Day awards scheme on farm productivity in the Tolon District of the Northern Region of Ghana. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A total of 270 farmers were used for the study using a multi-stage sampling technique. The study revealed that there is a significant difference in farmers’ general perceptions, selection criteria and the effect of the national Farmers’ Day awards programme on farm productivity based on farmers’ demographic characteristics. The findings have also demonstrated the effects of the perceptions of the farmers on the national Farmers’ Day awards programme on farm productivity in the Northern Region of Ghana. It is recommended that the award scheme should be fair in selecting farmers for the awards, irrespective of their farm sizes. Government should ensure that agricultural extension agents are made available to facilitate and observe the majority of the farmers whose farms are not reached for selection. The award scheme should review the selection criteria to include all the socio-cultural narratives (i.e., gender issues, land ownership, etc.) of the farmers in order to make the awards programme inclusive. تفاصيل المقالة
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        73 - Investigating the Effectiveness of Farmers' Risk Management Strategies (Case Study: Khuzestan Province)
        Ramin Safaveyan Mohsen Mousaei Jahanbakhsh Rahimi Bagmalek
        Risk is an integral part of agriculture. risk management is the process of choosing an appropriate strategy from among different options to reduce risk. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the factors affecting the effectiveness of farmers' risk manag أکثر
        Risk is an integral part of agriculture. risk management is the process of choosing an appropriate strategy from among different options to reduce risk. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the factors affecting the effectiveness of farmers' risk management strategies in Khuzestan province. The research is exploratory in terms of its purpose, in terms of the nature and type of data study of the newly emerging foundation, and in terms of time, it is a survey research. The statistical population of the research consists of professors, managers and leading farmers and experts who had sufficient experience in the field of agriculture. The sample size included 15 experts. The analysis method in the qualitative part is the content analysis method. The research results in the qualitative part identified 10 main factors (individual factors, environmental factors, economic factors, market factors, product insurance, human factors, educational-promotional factors, agricultural characteristics, social factors and political-institutional factors), and 28 dimensions. (Age, education, family size, background, access to credit and financial services, income, savings and investment, price, economic situation of the country, ownership, severe market fluctuations, approximate distance from the garden to the sales center, middlemen, government guaranteed purchase , promotion of agricultural insurance culture, land characteristics, climatic factors, pest and disease, manpower information, education, promotion factors, crop cultivation, social trust, use of indigenous knowledge, social participation, stability of laws and regulations, communication with foreign neighbors, government support). finally led to the identification of 99 effective concepts on the effectiveness of risk management strategies. تفاصيل المقالة
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        74 - Factors affecting lead farmers in facilitating conservation agriculture practices in Kalira Extension Planning Area in Ntchisi District, Malawi
        Daniel Matemba Dalo Njera
        This study explores the factors influencing Lead Farmers (LFs) in facilitating Conservation Agriculture (CA) practices in Malawi through the Lead Farmer Approach (LFA). LFA involves training individual farmers in smart agricultural practices, making them key agents for أکثر
        This study explores the factors influencing Lead Farmers (LFs) in facilitating Conservation Agriculture (CA) practices in Malawi through the Lead Farmer Approach (LFA). LFA involves training individual farmers in smart agricultural practices, making them key agents for disseminating new technologies. The research, conducted in the Ntchisi district, employs a mixed-method design combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study's methodology involves surveys and focus group discussions with 394 follower farmers and 104 lead farmers. Logistic regression analysis explores factors such as age, gender, education, support from extension agents, time for farming, access to transportation, incentives, and depletion of own resources. Results indicate that access to support from extension agents, access to transportation, and depletion of own resources significantly influence the facilitation of CA practices by LFs. Lack of support or transportation acts as a hindrance, while resource depletion decreases the likelihood of considering LFA a viable approach. The study emphasises the importance of external support, transportation infrastructure, and resource availability in empowering LFs to promote CA effectively. The findings contribute to the understanding of the complex dynamics influencing the success of CA practices facilitated by LFs. The study recommends targeted interventions to enhance LF capacity and suggests further research on gender dynamics in CA facilitation, especially in regions with traditional gender roles. Overall, this research provides valuable insights for government and development agencies working towards sustainable agricultural and rural development in Malawi. تفاصيل المقالة
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        75 - Accuracy of Extension Professionals’ and Farmers’ Perceptions regarding Privatization and Commercialization of Agricultural Extension Services
        Ajieh Patrick Chuks
        This study examined the accuracy between extension professionals and farmers regarding their perceptions of privatization and commercialization of agricultural extension services. The study was carried out in Delta State, Nigeria and it had a sample size of 224 responde أکثر
        This study examined the accuracy between extension professionals and farmers regarding their perceptions of privatization and commercialization of agricultural extension services. The study was carried out in Delta State, Nigeria and it had a sample size of 224 respondents comprising of 134 extension professionals of the Delta State Agricultural Programme (DTADP) and 90 farmers that were randomly selected. Data for the study were collected from the respondents through the use of validated questionnaire and interview schedule. The questionnaire was used for the extension professionals, while the interview schedule was used for the farmers. Spearman‟s rank order correlation coefficient was used to determine the accuracy in perceptions of respondents. Results of the study show that extension professionals estimated farmers‟ perception with a high degree of accuracy (r = 0.80 ), while farmers estimated extension professionals‟ perception with low accuracy (r = 0.22 ). The inability of farmers to accurately estimate extension professionals‟ perception could be due to differences in their background and knowledge of issues relating to privatization and commercialization of agricultural extension services. The study recommends that farmers‟ knowledge of issues relating to privatization and commercialization should be enhanced through seminars and workshops organized by the appropriate extension agency. [Ajieh , Patrick Chuks. Accuracy of Extension Professionals’ and Farmers’ Perceptions regarding Privatization and Commercialization of Agricultural Extension Services. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology in Extension and Education Systems, 2013; 3(1):1-6]. تفاصيل المقالة
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        76 - Informal Sources of Financing Climate Change Adaptation amongst Crop Farmers in Nigeria
        Agbugba Ikechi K. Ihemezie Eberechukwu J Adam E. Ahmed
        The study examined the sources of informal finance in aiding climate change adaptation in South eastern Nigeria. Random sampling was adopted in the selection of 6 out of the 9 communities in the study area. From each of these selected communities, 10 crop farmers were r أکثر
        The study examined the sources of informal finance in aiding climate change adaptation in South eastern Nigeria. Random sampling was adopted in the selection of 6 out of the 9 communities in the study area. From each of these selected communities, 10 crop farmers were randomly selected giving a total number of 60 respondents. Descriptive statistics such as percentages and frequency, as well as multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. The socio-economic characteristics showed that the respondents who made use of informal financial sources were predominantly male, and had farming as their primary occupation. The regression results showed that age and level of education of the respondents does not have significant effect on the amount of informal finance. Whereas, gender, marital status; farming experience; and annual farming income have a significant effect on secured amount of informal finance. Inadequacy of the informal lenders, insufficiency of the credit, poor accounting knowledge of money lenders, inconsistency and unreliability of the informal credit are the main constraints of informal finance in the study area and hence negatively influence the adaptation measures on climate change. تفاصيل المقالة
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        77 - Comparative Analysis of Agricultural Credit Users and Non -Credit Users among Cassava Farmers in Ohafia Local Governmnet Area of Abia State, South East, Nigeria
        A, Henri-Ukoha J. S, Orebiyi J. I, Lemchi U. C, Ibekwe S. U. O, Onyeagocha G.N, Ben-chendo
        The study was designed to investigate the comparative analysis of agricultural credit users and non-users among cassava farmers in Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia State. A sample of 50 credit users and 50 non-credit user cassava-based farmers were selected by multi أکثر
        The study was designed to investigate the comparative analysis of agricultural credit users and non-users among cassava farmers in Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia State. A sample of 50 credit users and 50 non-credit user cassava-based farmers were selected by multistage random sampling technique. Data were collected with a well structured questionnaire administered to a total of 100 randomly selected cassava farmers. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and ordinary least square multiple regression technique. The socio-economic characteristic of the farmers revealed that majority of the credit users were educated. Besides, majority of them also had appreciable experience in cassava farming which makes them better cassava farmers. Marital status, level of education, farming experience and household size are important factors that determine farm revenue for both group of farmers. Age was found to be significant and negative. It becomes imperative therefore to enhance farmers’ income and living standard by encouraging them to use agricultural credit in cassava production. [Henri-Ukoha, A et al. Comparative Analysis of Agricultural Credit Users and Non -Credit Users among Cassava Farmers in Ohafia Local Governmnet Area of Abia State, South East, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology, 2011; 1(1):7-11]. تفاصيل المقالة
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        78 - Econometric Analysis of Access to Agricultural Extension Workers’ Service and its Implication on Crop Yield in Tigray Region, Ethiopia
        Berihun Kassa Hailu
        Agricultural extension workers’ service has been placed as the central pattern of agricultural transformation in general and smallholder farmers in particular. Due largely to this commensurately known trend, identifying factors that determine farmers’ access أکثر
        Agricultural extension workers’ service has been placed as the central pattern of agricultural transformation in general and smallholder farmers in particular. Due largely to this commensurately known trend, identifying factors that determine farmers’ access to extension workers’ service and the effect of the service on crop yield was found to be imperative. Cross sectional data was collected through semi-structured questionnaire administered on 270 randomly selected smallholder farmers. While analyzing the data, descriptive statistics and econometric models basically Binary logistic and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression models were employed. Regression results revealed that access to agricultural extension workers’ service was determined positively by irrigation use, fertilizer use, off-farm activities participation, membership to a certain association, education and tropical livestock unit; whereas gender, age and land size carried a negative sign. The regression result also revealed that agricultural extension workers’ service has a positive but insignificant effect on crop yield where no significant crop yield difference have been seen between the visited and non-visited farm households. As per the findings, it is recommended that extension workers need to be financed jointly by the regional government and farmers themselves; thereby extending their roles and responsibilities to the extent of checking farmers at their farm land; and there is a need to solve the fusion of political and agricultural tasks that extension worker are doing. تفاصيل المقالة
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        79 - Identifying Factors affecting Optimal Management of Agricultural Water
        Masoud Samian Karim Naderi Mahdei Heshmatollah Saadi Reza Movahedi
        The main purpose of this study was to explore the factors affecting optimal management of agricultural water in Hamadan's area. The statistical population of the study included all Hamadan's farmers. A number of 148 farmers were selected randomly through a proportional أکثر
        The main purpose of this study was to explore the factors affecting optimal management of agricultural water in Hamadan's area. The statistical population of the study included all Hamadan's farmers. A number of 148 farmers were selected randomly through a proportional sampling method in two phases. Both questionnaire and interview techniques were used in order to collect data. The empirical and face validity of the questionnaire was verified by a panel of experts consisting of faculty members and natural resources specialists. The questionnaires’ reliability was tested by Cronbach’s Alpha technique and it was 91% (α= 0.91). In addition to quantitative methodology such as descriptive statistics and factor analysis a qualitative methodology was employed for dynamic simulation among variables through Vensim software. In this study, factor analysis technique was used through the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett tests. From the results, four key elements were identified as factors affecting the optimal management of agricultural water in Hamedan area. These factors were institutional and legal factors, technical and knowledge factors, economic factors and social factors. [Samian, M et al. Identifying Factors affecting Optimal Management of Agricultural Water. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology in Extension and Education Systems, 2013; 3(1):27-35] تفاصيل المقالة
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        80 - Assessment of Post-harvest Management Information Needs of Yam Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria
        P. E Adejo J. O Okwu V. O Okwoche
        The study assessed the post-harvest management information needs of yam farmers in Kogi State. Interview schedules were used to collect data from 189 yam farmers who were randomly selected from the four agricultural zones of the State (Zone A, B, C and D) by using multi أکثر
        The study assessed the post-harvest management information needs of yam farmers in Kogi State. Interview schedules were used to collect data from 189 yam farmers who were randomly selected from the four agricultural zones of the State (Zone A, B, C and D) by using multistage random sampling techniques. The data collected were subjected to descriptive statistics and binary logit regression. Result shows that majority of the yam farmers highly sought for information on storage (52.91%) and markets/market prices (50.79%). Logit regression analysis shows that educational level and extension contacts at 1% and income and age at 5% were found to have had significant effect on the farmers’ access to improved post-harvest management information on yam. It is recommended that improving the educational background of yam farmers through adult educational system, ensuring access of yam farmers to needed information on improved post-harvest management technologies, and the preservation and propagation of some effective indigenous post-harvest management of yam would go a long way to boost their participation in post-harvest activities for better value addition to harvested yam. تفاصيل المقالة
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        81 - An Evaluation of The Major Constraints Hampering the Effective Functioning of the Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank in Kogi State, Nigeria
        Adofu I Orebiyi J. S Otitolaiye J. O
        The study evaluated the major constraints hampering the effective functioning of the Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank (NACRDB) in Kogi State, Nigeria. Using the food crop farmers as a case study, a multi-stage random sampling technique was us أکثر
        The study evaluated the major constraints hampering the effective functioning of the Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank (NACRDB) in Kogi State, Nigeria. Using the food crop farmers as a case study, a multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select three agricultural zone in Kogi State ( zone A, B, and C).Primary data were collected through the use of structured questionnaire which were administered to farmers who are clients of NACRDB. The major tool of analysis is the Likert scale of analysis. The study find out that, while unfavourable organization policy, insufficient funding, poor group cohesiveness, poor spread of network of branches, politics in allocation of credit, inadequate competent staff and lack of information are seen as major constraints hampering the effective functioning of NACRDB in Kogi State, high interest rate, misappropriation of fund and inadequate personnel training and development is not a major constraint hampering the effective functioning of NACRDB in Kogi State. [Adofu et al. An Evaluation of The Major Constraints Hampering the Effective Functioning of the Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank in Kogi State, Nigeria. A Case Study of Food Crop Farmers Loan Beneficiaries. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology, 2012; 2(2):49-53]. تفاصيل المقالة
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        82 - Labour Information Utilization by Farmers in SW Nigeria
        Odeleye Taiwo Grace
        Farmers need up to date information on efficient use and management of labour for agricultural production. Yet, they lack adequate and needed information. Hence, this study was undertaken to explore the sources and use of labour information by farmers in southwestern Ni أکثر
        Farmers need up to date information on efficient use and management of labour for agricultural production. Yet, they lack adequate and needed information. Hence, this study was undertaken to explore the sources and use of labour information by farmers in southwestern Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select respondents for the study. Primary data were collected to elicit information from the farmers on sources and use of labour related information and data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Extension agents, input dealers, NGOs, produce marketers, private organization, radio, television, posers, acquaintances, farmers’ association/cooperative and advisory leaflets were sources of information used by farmers. However, finding showed that acquaintance was the common source of labour information used by 53.8 percent food crop farmers and 44.8 percent tree crop farmers. They obtained information on labour management, availability, types and use from the above listed information sources. Very few use extension agents as source of labour information in Oyo state and 42.5 percent tree crop farmers indicated that they had no contact with the extension agents. There is need to enhance farmers’ access to needed information on labour related matters and extension services should be improved to impact more technical knowledge to farmers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        83 - Analysis of Entrepreneurial Behavior among Cassava Farmers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria
        Oko-Isu Anthony Nwachukwu Ifeanyi Ndubuto Oteh Ukeh Ogbonnaya Njoku Maria Etomchi
        The study assessed the entrepreneurial behaviour of smallholder cassava farmers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was employed in the selection of 108 cassava farmers across the agricultural zones in Ebonyi state using pretested and structured ques أکثر
        The study assessed the entrepreneurial behaviour of smallholder cassava farmers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was employed in the selection of 108 cassava farmers across the agricultural zones in Ebonyi state using pretested and structured questionnaire from which data and information were elicited. Analytically, the study employed entrepreneurial behavioural index (EBI) in the assessment of entrepreneurial behaviour of the cassava farmers. The result showed that the overall entrepreneurial behaviour of the cassava farmers posted a mean value of 0.4529 on a range of 0.17 – 0.70. This implies that their minimum entrepreneurial behaviour indicates gross underutilization of entrepreneurial attributes by the farmers while the maximum shows reasonable utilization of entrepreneurial capacity. The study concluded that aggressive agricultural transformation to enhance food security in Nigeria is feasible with effective management of human as well as material resources by promoting entrepreneurial behaviour of farmers. The study therefore recommends amongst others that government at all levels needs to deepen its educational and policy support to farmers through total overhauling of activities/programmes to activate their creativity. تفاصيل المقالة
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        84 - An Assessment of Agricultural Marketing Information System among Farmers Associations in Kano State, Nigeria
        Hassan Ibrahim Zhou Jing Ibrahim Abdu Mustapha Sanusi Nafiu Bala Sanda
        This study was conducted based on primary data collected using a questionnaire. A total of 90 respondents among farmers associations were interviewed in Kano state of Nigeria. Therefore, double stage stratified and purposive simple random sampling technique was used to أکثر
        This study was conducted based on primary data collected using a questionnaire. A total of 90 respondents among farmers associations were interviewed in Kano state of Nigeria. Therefore, double stage stratified and purposive simple random sampling technique was used to select 30 respondents in each of three (3) farmers associations, one from each of the three (3) agricultural zones of the state. The data were analyzed by SPSS using descriptive statistics. The result revealed that 67% of the farmers were 45years old and below and 79% were literate. Furthermore, 47% joined the association with an aim of contributing to community development while 46% joined for receiving an assistance for farming. Additionally, 57% and 60% required and received agricultural marketing information on production aspect respectively. 71% described extension agents as a source of information. Long distance from source and poor access to communication network was the major problems limiting access to agricultural marketing information تفاصيل المقالة
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        85 - Women and Vegetable Production in Abra, Philippines: Benefits and Challenges
        Evangeline P. Agres Leo G. Inocencio Alma C. Aguinaldo
        There is limited literature on how to engage the rural women in agriculture and improve their contributions to household food security and income. This study aimed to contribute to literature on women engagement in agriculture through vegetable production using good agr أکثر
        There is limited literature on how to engage the rural women in agriculture and improve their contributions to household food security and income. This study aimed to contribute to literature on women engagement in agriculture through vegetable production using good agricultural practices. The empirical data used were drawn from technology demonstrations and experimentation, learning fields, and training. Field work ran from May 2010 to November 2010. Participant observation, focus group discussion, individual interviews and survey were used in data collection. The potentials of vegetable production using good agricultural practices in improving women’s household food security and income were investigated. But how gender-responsive is this technology to women farmers? The study was started with 68 women farmers from Barangays Dalaguisen, Pawa and Nagtupacan in Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines. The same technologies and training were given to all women however the volume of vegetables produced and the benefits derived varied among women partners. The major challenge lies in making the women’s vegetable production practices attain maximum potential gain for women, their household and the community. Strategies to determine the champions and profiling the champions is a very important research move to mobilize them. تفاصيل المقالة
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        86 - Application of Information and Communication Technology for Dissemination of Agricultural Information among Farmers: Challenges and Opportunities
        Riti Thapar Kapoor
        Agriculture is the backbone of India’s economy as two-third of the population live in rural areas and directly or indirectly depend on agriculture for their livelihood. India’s food production has improved significantly during the last three decades due to a أکثر
        Agriculture is the backbone of India’s economy as two-third of the population live in rural areas and directly or indirectly depend on agriculture for their livelihood. India’s food production has improved significantly during the last three decades due to all-round efforts but Indian agriculture is still facing a multitude of problems to maximize productivity to feed the continuously increasing population. Access to information and improved communication is a prerequisite for sustainable agricultural development. The use of information and communication technology (ICT) is an important pillar of agriculture extension and different sources and channels of agriculture information can play important role to meet the requirement. The use of modern information technology needs to be promoted for communication among scientists, extension workers and farmers to transfer the information and new technologies in a cost effective manner. An increased access to the scientific knowledge and information through information technology will help people specially the rural communities in making informed decisions and solving their problems by applying scientific methods. The present paper deals with the constraints and work out strategy for making information and communication technology effective for farmers. Information and communication technology is the backbone of modern development in almost all the sectors which can enhance agricultural and rural development by the transformation of the rural communities. Hence efforts should be made for increased and improved investment in ICT infrastructure and capacity development through the proper implementation of ICT policy. تفاصيل المقالة
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        87 - Demand for Institutional Credit from the Nacrdb by Small Scale Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria.
        J. S, Orebiyi C.C, Eze A, Henri-Ukoha F.C, Akubude S.J, Ibitoye
        This study was designed to investigate the demand for institutional credit among small scale farmers in Imo State. A sample of 40 livestock and 50 food crop farmers were selected respectively using multistage random sampling technique. Data were collected with a well st أکثر
        This study was designed to investigate the demand for institutional credit among small scale farmers in Imo State. A sample of 40 livestock and 50 food crop farmers were selected respectively using multistage random sampling technique. Data were collected with a well structured questionnaire administered to a total of 90 randomly selected farmers. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and ordinary least square multiple regression technique. Results showed that farm income, interest rate, household size, distance to the bank, expenditure on labour, level of education and farming experience are important factors influencing the demand for institutional credit by farmers. It is recommended that inorder to raise the level of farmers’ income and their standard of living, there is need for credit demand and utilization for farm production. [J. S. Orebiyi et al. Demand for Institutional Credit from the Nacrdb by Small Scale Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology, 2011; 1(2):83-87]. تفاصيل المقالة
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        88 - Determinants of the Utilization of Healthcare Services among Farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria
        Omoniwa A. E Awoyemi T. T
        The main asset of farmers is their labour and the utilization of healthcare services will help to improve their health and thus productivity. Some of the problems inhibiting proper utilization of healthcare services in Nigeria include non-availability, inaccessibility a أکثر
        The main asset of farmers is their labour and the utilization of healthcare services will help to improve their health and thus productivity. Some of the problems inhibiting proper utilization of healthcare services in Nigeria include non-availability, inaccessibility and high cost of medical care. The aim of this paper is to examine the determinants of the Utilization of Healthcare Services among farmers in Oyo State. A multistage random sampling technique was used to solicit responses from 140 farmers across two agro-ecological zones of Oyo State. The distance to healthcare services, the quality of treatment, cost of treatment, the availability of healthcare services, type of healthcare services and the method of financing healthcare services were found to significantly influence the utilization of healthcare services among farmers in Oyo State. The study therefore recommends that efforts should be made to provide accessible primary healthcare service centres such that the farmers do not have to walk long distances to access healthcare services. Also, improved healthcare facilities and competent medical personnel should be provided for the farmers at little or no cost so as to improve the utilization rate by farmers who cannot afford medical care تفاصيل المقالة
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        89 - An Assessment of Farmers` Awareness on Extension Services in Nigeria: The Case of Farming Households in Kano State
        Hassan Ibrahim Zhou Jing Li Min
        This research was based on primary data collected through well designed and pre-tested questionnaire, to determine awareness of farmers on extension methods used by ADP in Kano state of Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used, in which three local governments we أکثر
        This research was based on primary data collected through well designed and pre-tested questionnaire, to determine awareness of farmers on extension methods used by ADP in Kano state of Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used, in which three local governments were randomly selected. Secondly, three wards one each from the selected local governments (Danbatta, Gaya and Madobi) were randomly selected. Thirdly, three villages (one from each ward) were selected. The total number of sample respondent was 120 (40 farming households from each village). The data collected were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The Result reveals that, majority of the farmers interviewed are 35 years of age and below and 105 out of 120 farmers can read and write. The result further revealed that 57% of them have attended educational level up to senior secondary school while only 7% had post-secondary education. Furthermore, 67% of the respondents had 15years and below farming experience. However, 32% of the respondents had no contact with extension while 68% had contact with extension service. Accordingly, the farmers ranked radio as first extension methods, followed by farm and home visit. Regression analysis indicated that contact with extension personnel influenced effectiveness of extension service. Finally, to satisfy their need, farmers should be involved in planning and implementation of extension service. تفاصيل المقالة
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        90 - Constraints to Effective Use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) among Small-scale Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria
        E.N. Ajani
        The study was carried out in Anambra State, Nigeria. Questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of one hundred and eight (108) small-scale farmers. Percentage, mean score, standard deviation and factor analysis were used for data analysis. The duration of the أکثر
        The study was carried out in Anambra State, Nigeria. Questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of one hundred and eight (108) small-scale farmers. Percentage, mean score, standard deviation and factor analysis were used for data analysis. The duration of the study was June 2009 and March, 2010. Results of the study indicated that the major constraints to effective use of ICTs by small- scale farmers were cost of mobile phones, computer, television, etc (M= 2.67); no electricity to charge phones (M= 2.65); poor network coverage for mobile phones, television and Internet services (M= 2.51); inability to pay service charge for Internet services (M= 2.36); high cost of air-time for mobile phones (M= 2.36); non-durability of electronic devices (M= 2.33), among others. The study recommends that efforts are highly needed by the government to invest in rural ICT infrastructure, training and development; this will necessitate effective use of ICTs by the end users. [E. N. Ajani. Mohammed et al. Constraints to Effective Use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) among Small-scale Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology, 2012; 2(3):117-122]. تفاصيل المقالة
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        91 - Poultry Farm Characteristics and Poultry Farmers’ Perception of Farm Succession Planning in Southwest, Nigeria
        O. O Arowolo A. A Ogunronbi S. O Apantaku S. O Adeogun
        Intergenerational succession aims at the renewal of family farm and addresses the problem of increasing aged population of principal farm owners. This study assessed poultry farm characteristics and poultry farmers’ perception of farm succession planning in southw أکثر
        Intergenerational succession aims at the renewal of family farm and addresses the problem of increasing aged population of principal farm owners. This study assessed poultry farm characteristics and poultry farmers’ perception of farm succession planning in southwest Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used in selecting poultry farmers in Oyo and Osun states. Data were analyzed using descriptive and differential statistics. Results revealed that the poultry farmers are predominantly small and medium scale farmers. They were mostly sole proprietors (72.5%), and family farm owners (11.9%). Most (73.4%) farmers operated on full time basis, while others were either part–time or occasional farmers. Majority (95.9%) of the farmers had favourable perception towards farm succession planning, 30.3% had complete succession plan and 22.9% had commenced successor participation. There were no significant associations between farm ownership structure, but significant associations existed with farming status, total farm debt, and succession planning among the poultry farmers (p< 0.05). The study concluded that succession planning is new in the study area and must be further investigated in order to provide a data base for policy decision with regards to livestock (especially poultry) farming, aging proprietorship and encourage its practice. تفاصيل المقالة
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        92 - Willingness and Capacity to Pay for Extension Services by Poultry Farmers in Nasarawa State, Nigeria
        Hussaini Yusuf Ibrahim Gloria Okoi Dennis Ernest Ogezi
        The study determined the willingness and capacity of poultry farmers to pay for extension services in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. At this research used a sample size of 120 poultry farmers. Simple descriptive statistics, Kuppuswamy scale and Logit regression model were use أکثر
        The study determined the willingness and capacity of poultry farmers to pay for extension services in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. At this research used a sample size of 120 poultry farmers. Simple descriptive statistics, Kuppuswamy scale and Logit regression model were used data analysis. The results showed that majority of the poultry farmers (87.5%) indicated their willingness to pay for extension services. In addition, the respondents had preferences for extension services on disease control and vaccination of poultry birds. Majority of the respondents (54.2%) in the study area had either a high capacity to pay for extension services while only 25% had a very high capacity to pay. Most of the respondents (56.7%) preferred to pay on individual extension services basis followed by a preference to pay on annual contract system of payment basis (21.7%). The Logit model, however, revealed that number of birds owned by a farmer and the number of extension services received by the farmer determined their willingness to pay for extension services. The study recommended that livestock extension delivery system in Nigeria should be restructured thorough agricultural extension transformation agenda to allow for private livestock extension outfits to take off in Nigeria. تفاصيل المقالة
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        93 - Socio-Economic Evaluation of Cassava Production by Women Farmers in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria
        Okereke, Chukwuma Odii
        A research was conducted to evaluate cassava production by women farmers in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. One hundred and twenty smallholder female cassava farmers were selected using multi-stage sampling. Data were collected from the res أکثر
        A research was conducted to evaluate cassava production by women farmers in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. One hundred and twenty smallholder female cassava farmers were selected using multi-stage sampling. Data were collected from the respondents using questionnaire and interview schedule. Then descriptive statistics (mean, frequency and percentage) were used in analyzing the data obtained. Result showed that 60% of the respondents were in the age range of 30-60 years. Seventy three percent of them had one form of formal education or another. Majority (78%) of them cultivated 0.5-2.5ha of land with cassava per annum indicating that they were mainly small-scale producers. The use of manual implements such as hoes and cutlasses was pronounced in cassava production by the women farmers. Furthermore, the dominant source of finance for cassava production was personal saving (82%) with only 8% of them obtaining micro-credit from banks. Then 94%, 10%, 3% and 1% of the farmers processed their cassava into garri, fufu, chips and starch respectively. Result also revealed a number of constraints militating against cassava production by the women farmers in the study area. These include among others; lack of finance (93%), high cost of fertilizer (88%) and sex discrimination (81%) in relation to access to land and decision making. Climate change was also found to be a significant factor constraining cassava production in the study area. It was suggested that the women farmers should constitute themselves into cooperative societies to enable them access loans from banks for cassava production. [O. C, Odii. Socio-Economic Evaluation of Cassava Production by Women Farmers in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology, 2012; 2(3):129-136]. تفاصيل المقالة
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        94 - The Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Adoption of Fish Production Technologies among Community-Based Farmers in Cross River State, Nigeria
        Nwaobiala . Chioma Udo
        The poor performance of fishery subsector is most clearly evidenced by low adoption of fishery production technologies by farmers. The purpose of this research was analyzing influence of socio-economic factors on the adoption of fish production technologies by community أکثر
        The poor performance of fishery subsector is most clearly evidenced by low adoption of fishery production technologies by farmers. The purpose of this research was analyzing influence of socio-economic factors on the adoption of fish production technologies by community-based farmers in Cross River State, Nigeria. A Multistage random sampling technique was used in selecting 60 community-based farmers. Data for the study were analyzed with descriptive statistics and probit regression model. The result showed that the farmers adopted catfish technology packages such as; pond construction, stocking rate, fertilization of pond, feeding, test cropping, fingerlings production and harvesting and processing. The probit regression estimates of the determinants of farmer’s adoption showed that coefficients of education, farm income and extension contacts were positive and significant at 1%. Policies aimed at encouraging farmers’ access to extension education and information on fish production technologies through extension were advocated for increased fish production and poverty alleviation. تفاصيل المقالة
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        95 - Optimum Farm Plan for Food Security among Smallholder Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria
        Ohajianya, D.O Enwerem, V.A Offodile, P.O Onyeagocha, S.U.O Osuji, M.N Nwaiwu, I.U Henri-Ukoha, A Echetama, J.A
        The paper determined optimum farm plan for food security among smallholder farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Data were collected with structured and validated questionnaire from 180 smallholder crops farmers in Imo State. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (me أکثر
        The paper determined optimum farm plan for food security among smallholder farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Data were collected with structured and validated questionnaire from 180 smallholder crops farmers in Imo State. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, frequency distribution and percentages), budgetary analysis and linear programming model. Results show that the mean age of the farmers was 41 years, mean household size was 9 persons, mean farm size was 1.25 hectares mean farming experience was 19years and mean level of education was 8.3 years. The enterprises that contributed greatly to the smallholder farmers’ net return were food crops and cash crops with net returns per annum of N122666 and N116850 respectively. The profit lines as determined with the linear programming model were 6.8 and 4.9 for food crops and cash crops respectively, and this is the optimal feasible solution. [Ohajianya, D.O et al. Optimum Farm Plan for Food Security among Smallholder Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology, 2011; 1(3):133-136]. تفاصيل المقالة
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        96 - Assessment of Awareness and Adaptation to Climate Change among Rainfed Farmers in Um Alqora Locality, Gezira State, Sudan
        Ahmed M. Abdel Rahman Mohamed E. Hamid
        Climate change represents the major challenge to Sudan agricultural production, economics and food security. Changes in temperature, rainfalls, water availability, increased outbreak of pest and diseases, land degradation, soil erosion, shrinking of grazing and cultivat أکثر
        Climate change represents the major challenge to Sudan agricultural production, economics and food security. Changes in temperature, rainfalls, water availability, increased outbreak of pest and diseases, land degradation, soil erosion, shrinking of grazing and cultivate areas, ongoing desertification and the other aspects of climate change have direct significant impact on agricultural production, productivity and cultivated crops of the country. Field survey was used to collect data from 100 rainfed farmers in Um Alqora Locality, Gezira State, Sudan by using the simple random sampling technique. The collected data were statistically analyzed and interpreted using percentage, frequency distribution and chi-square test. The results showed low percentage of agricultural extension contribution to awareness and adaptation to climate change among rainfed farmers in Um Alqora Locality, Gezira State, Sudan .It can be concluded that the contribution of agricultural extension was very weak in providing farmers with information, knowledge and skills on climate change and adaptation technologies in the Gezira State, Sudan which contributed to this incorrect situation. Thus, agricultural extension officers should be trained in all aspects of climate change and adaptation technologies, agricultural extension should build good linkages with rainfed farmers in the State, and considerable attention should be paid to the agricultural extension programmes for rainfed farmers in the State. تفاصيل المقالة
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        97 - Constraints to Increasing Agricultural Production and Productivity among Women Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for Agricultural Transformation Agenda
        Mary O. Agada Evangeline N. Ajani
        Agriculture is an important engine of growth and poverty reduction in much of Africa, Nigeria inclusive. But the sector is underperforming in part because women, who are often crucial resource in agriculture and rural economy, face constraints that reduce their producti أکثر
        Agriculture is an important engine of growth and poverty reduction in much of Africa, Nigeria inclusive. But the sector is underperforming in part because women, who are often crucial resource in agriculture and rural economy, face constraints that reduce their productivity. An understanding of these constraints is a prerequisite to devising policies to improve agricultural production and productivity in the region. The study was based on a desk review of available literature. Information was accessed mainly through web search and journals. Findings revealed that women farmers are responsible for 80% of food staple production in Africa and contribute about 80% of the farm labour. In Nigeria, about 60% of the food produced comes from the rural women who constitute 60-80% of the agricultural labour force. Women play key roles in production, processing and marketing of agricultural products in addition to their reproductive functions. However, women farmers face enormous challenges such as limited access to land, capital, credits, education, appropriate technologies, training and extension, membership of rural organizations, marketing services, labour saving devices and farm inputs. Furthermore, women are overburdened by lack of access to portable water for domestic use. The implications of these findings for Nigeria Agricultural Transformation Agenda include involving women farmers in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of ATA programmes, provision of productive resources and labour saving technologies, as well as ensuring women’s access to ready markets for sale of products. تفاصيل المقالة
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        98 - Assessment of the Levels of Awareness and Use of Agricultural Insurance Scheme among the Rural Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria
        Stephen Jimoh Ibitoye
        The study investigated the levels of awareness and use of agricultural insurance scheme in Kogi State of Nigeria. A total of 240 respondents from eight communities were selected through a multistage random sampling technique. Data collected through structured questionna أکثر
        The study investigated the levels of awareness and use of agricultural insurance scheme in Kogi State of Nigeria. A total of 240 respondents from eight communities were selected through a multistage random sampling technique. Data collected through structured questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistic, percentages and sigma scoring model. The results revealed that farmers in the State are mostly males (95%) with low levels of education and an average farm size of 3.2 hectares. The study further revealed that majority of the farmers belong to low income group with about 55 percent earning less than N100,000.00 per annum. The sigma score of 5.04 for the level of awareness showed a high level of awareness of agricultural insurance scheme among the rural farmers in the state. However, the sigma score of 3.26 reported for the level of use revealed a low level of agricultural insurance usage in the area. The major sources of information of agricultural insurance scheme to the farmers were cooperative societies (66%) and extension agents (65%). The major problems preventing the usage of agricultural insurance by the farmers in the State were fear of failure to honour agreement (75%), high insurance premium (66%), inadequate financial resources (65%) and non-coverage of many crops (61%). The study then recommended among others, the prompt payment of benefits to farmers and expansion of the scope of the scheme to cover other major crops. [Stephen Jimoh Ibitoye. Assessment of the Levels of Awareness and Use of Agricultural Insurance Scheme among the Rural Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology, 2012; 2(3):143-148]. تفاصيل المقالة
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        99 - Optimum Farm Plan for Food Security among Smallholder Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria
        Ohajianya D. O Enwerem V. A Offodile P. O Onyeagocha S. U. O Osuji M. N Nwaiwu I. U Henri-Ukoha A Echetama J. A
        The paper determined optimum farm plan for food security among smallholder farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Data were collected with structured and validated questionnaire from 180 smallholder crops farmers in Imo State. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (me أکثر
        The paper determined optimum farm plan for food security among smallholder farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Data were collected with structured and validated questionnaire from 180 smallholder crops farmers in Imo State. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, frequency distribution and percentages), budgetary analysis and linear programming model. Results show that the mean age of the farmers was 41 years, mean household size was 9 persons, mean farm size was 1.25 hectares mean farming experience was 19years and mean level of education was 8.3 years. The enterprises that contributed greatly to the smallholder farmers’ net return were food crops and cash crops with net returns per annum of N122666 and N116850 respectively. The profit lines as determined with the linear programming model were 6.8 and 4.9 for food crops and cash crops respectively, and this is the optimal feasible solution. [Ohajianya, D. O et al. Optimum Farm Plan for Food Security among Smallholder Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology, 2011; 1(4):145-148]. تفاصيل المقالة
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        100 - Influence of Socioeconomic Characteristics on Purposes for which Mobile Phone was used by Small Scale Farmers in the Gezira State, Sudan
        Ahmed M. Abdel Rahman Isam O. Fadol
        The objective of this study was to assess the influence of some socioeconomic characteristics on purposes for which mobile phone was used by small scale farmers in the Gezira State, Sudan. The total number of small- scale farmers in the State for 2013-2014 growing seaso أکثر
        The objective of this study was to assess the influence of some socioeconomic characteristics on purposes for which mobile phone was used by small scale farmers in the Gezira State, Sudan. The total number of small- scale farmers in the State for 2013-2014 growing season was estimated to be 5000. Ten percent of the population was used using the simple random sampling technique. The collected data were statistically analyzed and interpreted using percentage, frequency distribution and chi-square test. The results showed significant association between the age, education level and farm size of small scale farmers and their purposes for which mobile phone was used. It can be concluded that the relatively high cost of buying and use of mobile phones can negatively influence the frequency of contacts of small scale farmers particularly their use of mobile phones for agriculture services needed. In addition, the results of this study can help in improving the mobile telephone services which in turn may increase the success of agricultural development programmes in the State and the rest of the country. Thus, more efforts should be paid by mobile telephone service companies of Sudan to expand their services to provide services for all aspects of agricultural activities in the State and use more advanced technology in operating mobile telephone networks in order to reduce cost of buying and using mobile phones particularly for small scale farmers in the Gezira State and the rest of the country. تفاصيل المقالة
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        101 - Technical Knowledge and Information Gaps among Smallholder Farmers in the Production of Sugarcane in Kakamega County, Kenya
        Gilbert Odilla Abura Raphael Mwiti Gikunda Godffrey NyongesaNato
        The purpose of the study was to identify and document technical knowledge and information gaps that can inform development of appropriate training programs for cane farmers. The study employed a survey research design; involving 105 small scale farmers in selected from أکثر
        The purpose of the study was to identify and document technical knowledge and information gaps that can inform development of appropriate training programs for cane farmers. The study employed a survey research design; involving 105 small scale farmers in selected from eight Sub-counties of Kakamega County. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient was used to test for significance of relationships between access to information regarding cane production and the productivity of the crop. The results show that there was a strong positive correlation (r =0.722) between the firm size and the acreage under cane crop. The technical knowledge and information gaps varied on the basis of growth stages of the cane crop; 60% of the small scale farmers did not prepare land at the right time, 48% of the farmers did not know how to propagate cane, 34% did not know the cane planting spacing, 48% cultivated uncertified materials due to lack of capital and poor access to the suitable materials as the reasons. Majority of the farmers (92%) confirmed that they knew how to gap, although a few (8%) didn’t, 48% did not remove tillers from their crop, the number of times that the crop was weeded ranged from once (2%) to 8 times (2%), and 64% of the farmers applied organic manure while 87% applied inorganic fertilizers. The results show that majority of the smallholder farmers were unable to apply the recommended crop management practices due to lack of capital and lack knowledge and skills. For instance 38% of the respondents were unable to practice crop rotation due to lack of practical skills. Access to agricultural information regarding cane crop agronomy was rated as low by most of the respondents (58%).There was a positive correlation between access to knowledge and productivity of cane crop with a coefficient of 0.283. The productivity of sugarcane crop in Kakamega County was low and this was contributed by among other factors; lack of capital and inadequate knowledge and skills regarding the crop’s agronomy. The study recommends that strategies should be designed to disseminate practices that require technical knowledge and skills. تفاصيل المقالة
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        102 - The Effective Factors on the Adoption of Biological Control in Farmers' Field School by Rice Producers: The Case of Babol Township
        Hadi Moumeni Helali Amir Ahmadpour
        The main purpose of this research is to determine the effective factors in adopting biological control in the Farmer Field School approach. The method used in this research is descriptive-correlation and comparative, which has been done by survey. The rice farmers of th أکثر
        The main purpose of this research is to determine the effective factors in adopting biological control in the Farmer Field School approach. The method used in this research is descriptive-correlation and comparative, which has been done by survey. The rice farmers of the township of Babol, Mazandaran, Iran were selected as the sample population of this research. The statistical sample of the research was 472 which included 92 rice farmers who attended the Farmer Field School and 380 people who did not participate in this course The designed questionnaire, after some modifications according to the corresponding experts’ opinion, was distributed between the two groups of rice farmers. At last, 433 collected questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS software (81 of the rice farmers who participated and 352 of them that did not participate). The findings show that the independent variables of rice farmer's attitude toward to biological control, use of information sources and knowledge of biological control determine 85.5% of the changes in the dependent variable of adopting biological control. [H, Moumeni Helali and A, Ahmadpour. The Effective Factors on the Adoption of Biological Control in Farmers' Field School by Rice Producers: The Case of Babol Township International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology, 2011; 1(4):201-206]. تفاصيل المقالة
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        103 - Farmers’ Perception and Adoption of Yam Minisett Technology in Anambra State
        Okoro B. O. Ajieh P. C.
        This study examined farmers’ perception and adoption of yam minisett technology. The study was carried out in Anambra State, Nigeria. A sample size of 120 yam farmers was used for the study. Data were collected using a structured and validated interview schedule. أکثر
        This study examined farmers’ perception and adoption of yam minisett technology. The study was carried out in Anambra State, Nigeria. A sample size of 120 yam farmers was used for the study. Data were collected using a structured and validated interview schedule. Data generated for the study were summarized using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage and mean scores while the Sigma method was used for calculating adoption scores to ascertain the level of adoption for the various yam minisett technology items. Results of the study revealed that there were more male yam farmers (82 percent) than females. The mean age of respondents was 45 years and the mean household size was 11 persons. Also, a mean farming experience of 12 years was found for the respondents. Results on perception of yam minisett technology reveal that respondents had favourable perception on four statements out of the thirteen statements used to investigate their perception. These were statements 5, 6, 11 and 12. The remaining 9 statements were not favourably perceived. They include statements 1-4; 7-10 and 13. There was a low adoption of 7 and an average adoption of 2 yam minisett technology items with an overall adoption score of 3.38, which indicates a low utilization of yam minisett technology by the yam farmers. The study recommends that more awareness should be created about the benefits of the technology and farmers should be trained on how to effectively use the technology. تفاصيل المقالة
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        104 - Challenges to Soil Erosion Control Measures among Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria: Implications for Extension Policy
        Eze S.O Mbah E.N
        The study investigated challenges to soil erosion control measures among farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria. Purposive, multistage and random sampling techniques were employed in selecting a sample size of two hundred and forty (240) respondents. Structured interview sch أکثر
        The study investigated challenges to soil erosion control measures among farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria. Purposive, multistage and random sampling techniques were employed in selecting a sample size of two hundred and forty (240) respondents. Structured interview schedule was used for data collection. Frequency counts, percentage, mean scores and factor analysis were used for data analysis. The findings show that majority (54.6%) of farmers were within the ages of 40-59 years, while majority (57.9%) had either FSLC or WASE/ SSCE/ GCE/ O/L qualifications and 67.5% had estimated annual income of N51, 000.00- N200,000.00. The farmers reported that the major soil erosion control measures used were strip cropping (M=4.9) and making of ridges across slopes (M =4.8). The study revealed that the respondents were highly constrained by poor group affinity, lack of government support and inadequate institutional support. The study highlighted participatory extension policy through improved group mobilization; improved budgetary allocation to the local government and institutional re-orientation and synergy between the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Research institutes and Universities with the ADP. In conclusion, success in soil erosion control under the Anambra State ADP and participatory extension policy among farmers groups for food security in Nigeria depend on the extent issues raised and challenges thereof highlighted can be addressed. تفاصيل المقالة
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        105 - Effect of Women Led Self Help Group on Micro-Financing of Farms in Isuikwuato Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria
        Anyiro C.O Okonkwo K.N Udah S.C
        The study examined the effect of women led self help group on micro-financing of farms in Isuikwuato Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. Purposive and multistage random sampling technique was employed for collecting data from one hundred and twenty (120) women أکثر
        The study examined the effect of women led self help group on micro-financing of farms in Isuikwuato Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. Purposive and multistage random sampling technique was employed for collecting data from one hundred and twenty (120) women farmers in women led self help group by using structured interview schedule. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test and OLS regression analysis. The study revealed that the mean loan size accessed by the women farmers from self help group led micro financing of farm was N 99,325. The result of the study revealed that the mean (N99,325) volume of farm credit accessed from women self help group was greater than that (N60,033.33) obtained outside the women self help group led micro financing of farms. Also the result of the paired t-test for difference in net farm income of the women farmers before and after accessing micro loans from women self help groups showed that the women self help group impacted significantly on the mean annual farm income of its members. The result of the multiple regression analysis showed that the volume of fund accessed from women self help group led micro financing of farms was influenced by education, marital status, years of borrowing, farm size and annual contribution of the respondents. The R2 and F-ratio values were 0.5294 and 15.47 respectively. It was however, recommended that the women should join high performing women led self help group that would give them opportunities of making reasonable savings in a year. This will encourage thriftiness in their individual farm businesses and reduce their dependence on loans from outside تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        106 - Global GAP Standard Compliance and Profitability: A Case Study of Smallholder Pineapple Farmers in Akuapem South of Ghana
        Prince Annor
        The present study examined the perception of smallholder pineapple farmers on Global GAP standard compliance, assessed compliant farmers’ rate of adherence to standard requirements, and compared the average farm profit of Global GAP compliant and non-compliant pin أکثر
        The present study examined the perception of smallholder pineapple farmers on Global GAP standard compliance, assessed compliant farmers’ rate of adherence to standard requirements, and compared the average farm profit of Global GAP compliant and non-compliant pineapple farmers in Akuapem South Municipal Area of Ghana. The study used mainly farm level data solicited from 150 randomly selected pineapple farmers. Findings of the study indicated that compliant farmers perceived Global GAP to offer market premium on certified products as it is the case for organic certification. Factors that accounted for farmer non-compliance with Global GAP included: high cost of standard compliance, uncompetitive farm gate price and low farm yield. Although average farm profit of Global GAP compliant farmer (GH¢9,083.64) was higher than that of non-compliant farmer (GH¢8,893.62), the difference was insignificant. The study recommended, among others, that a concerted attempt should be made by the Government of Ghana and the private sector to create a national commodity exchange institution that will seek to provide a transparent and efficient marketing system for Ghana’s key agricultural commodities. تفاصيل المقالة
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        107 - Feasibility of Farmers’ Participation in Optimal Irrigation Management System (Case of Guilan Province)
        محمد طالقانی
        Farmers’ participation in the maintenance and operation of water facilities has a positive impact on their attitude and internal trends and incentives to have closer cooperation with Regional Water Organization. The transfer of irrigation management to farmers enh أکثر
        Farmers’ participation in the maintenance and operation of water facilities has a positive impact on their attitude and internal trends and incentives to have closer cooperation with Regional Water Organization. The transfer of irrigation management to farmers enhances the productivity of water facilities and ultimately, results in efficient water use in agriculture. In order to evaluate the effect of participation and transfer of irrigation management to farmers, four hypotheses have been proposed. The study was an applied research according to the goal and was a descriptive survey as data collection method. Judgmental sampling was used to take samples from the population. A researcher-made questionnaire was employed for data collection. It was conducted among 120 people in Guilan Regional Water Organization engaged in agricultural sections. The questionnaire's validity was confirmed by content validity and its total reliability was estimated by Cronbach's alpha as to be 0.86 using SPSS software. The effects of participation on farmers’ commitment, cooperation, and satisfaction and the legitimacy of Regional Water Organization of Guilan province were evaluated at 0.01 level, and no evidence was found to reject the hypotheses. تفاصيل المقالة
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        108 - Exploring the strategy of Reducing Water Consumption Expenditure and its Role in Farmers' Satisfaction
        mohammad ali dadashi Vahid Khasheii
        The purpose of the present research is to examine the effect of coating the tertiary irrigation canals on farmers’ satisfaction in Sowme’eh Sara, Guilan. The study was conducted using a survey research methodology. The statistical population included 14 tert أکثر
        The purpose of the present research is to examine the effect of coating the tertiary irrigation canals on farmers’ satisfaction in Sowme’eh Sara, Guilan. The study was conducted using a survey research methodology. The statistical population included 14 tertiary canalized schemes in Sowme’eh Sara up to the end of 2013, Including totally 2434 hectares .The share of each beneficiary was 0.7 hectare according to the extant statistics and documents in water and soil management of Agricultural Jihad Organization of Guilan. Based on Morgan and Krejcie’s Table, 340 beneficiaries were chosen by stratified random sampling. The main data collection tool was a self-made questionnaire whose face and content validity was improved and finally accepted by water and soil experts and professors. In order to determine the reliability of the research, the questionnaires were answered by 30 members of the statistical population. Afterwards, using SPSS software and Cronbach’s alpha test, the questionnaire’s sustainability was assessed and 78% was computed and confirmed. The independent variables under study were age, literacy, the number of individuals under guardianship, workload, product performance, costs, securing agricultural goals etc. and the dependent variable was farmers’ satisfaction of coating the streams. Each of the variables was categorized and assessed based on Likert Scale. The effect of each independent variable on farmers’ satisfaction was evaluated through SPSS software and Spearman’s rank correlation. The results showed that there is a semantic relationship between literacy, workload, product performance, costs and securing agricultural goals variables and farmers’ satisfaction. تفاصيل المقالة
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        109 - Loan Repayment and Its Implication on Agricultural Financing in Ghana-The Case of MiDA Agriculture Program
        ماکسول آمدی موسس دوماییری عبدالرشید محمد
        The study investigated performance of loan repayment among rice farmers under the MiDA agricultural credit programme in the Hohoe Municipality. Primary data was collected from 120 farmers from four beneficiary towns while secondary data was gathered from literatures and أکثر
        The study investigated performance of loan repayment among rice farmers under the MiDA agricultural credit programme in the Hohoe Municipality. Primary data was collected from 120 farmers from four beneficiary towns while secondary data was gathered from literatures and various actors. Multistage random sampling technique was used to select the respondents. Obtained data were analyzed using t-test, Tobit regression model.Results from t-test showed statistically significant difference (p < 0.001) between the amount of loan applied for and the amount received by farmers.Out of the ten explanatory variables included in the Tobit regression model, five were significant. Significant factors (p < 0.001) include: sex, household size, group size, value of output and timeliness of loan disbursement. تفاصيل المقالة
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        110 - Farm Food Safety Practices in the North of Iran
        احمد عابدی سروستانی آمنه آورند
        Food safety begins on the farms and farmers play a crucial role in producing healthy food. Several factors were investigated here including water quality, labor health, health facilities, packaging and storage, transportation, fertilizers and solid organic materials, an أکثر
        Food safety begins on the farms and farmers play a crucial role in producing healthy food. Several factors were investigated here including water quality, labor health, health facilities, packaging and storage, transportation, fertilizers and solid organic materials, and field sanitation to reach more comprehensive results. So, 380 farmers were selected from 77 villages of rural areas of Gonbad-e Kavus County, north of Iran, using multistage random sampling. Data were collected by a questionnaire and analyzed with the SPSS18 software. Results showed that the score of the food safety practice index was above average and could be evaluated at a good level. Farmers had the best practice in “field sanitation” and the worst practice in “labor health”. Literate farmers had better food safety practices than illiterate farmers. The food safety practice index showed positive correlations with educational level and farmer income from other jobs. However, negative correlations were observed regarding farmer age, job experience and income from husbandry. It is suggested that educational programs and essential facilities are needed to enable farmers to adhere to farm food safety practices. تفاصيل المقالة
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        111 - Effectiveness of Integrated Pest Management by Farmers Field Schools (IPM/FFS) Approach: The case of Greenhouse Producers of Tehran and Alborz Provinces, Iran
        Azadeh Ahmadvand Enayat Abbasi Homayon Farhadian Hadi Moumenihelali Alireza Norouzi
        This research investigated the effectiveness of IPM/FFS project from economic, technical, social-communicative, environmental and psychological aspects in a descriptive-correlational design based on the survey method. The research population consisted of 70 greenhouse p أکثر
        This research investigated the effectiveness of IPM/FFS project from economic, technical, social-communicative, environmental and psychological aspects in a descriptive-correlational design based on the survey method. The research population consisted of 70 greenhouse producers that had implemented IPM/FFS project in Tehran and Alborz provinces, Iran. Using Krejcie and Morgan (1970)'s sample size table and stratified random sampling method, 55 greenhouse producers were selected as the research sample. A questionnaire was the main tool for data collection. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of agricultural extension and education experts and its reliability was confirmed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficients (0.77≤a≤0.86). The results showed that the IPM/FFS project has affected social-communicative, psychological, environmental, technical and economic factors, respectively. There were positive and significant relationships between effectiveness of the IPM/FFS project and education, the duration of IPM implementation, satisfaction with governmental support and the characteristics of IPM/FFS learning sites whilst the effectiveness of IPM/FFS project was negatively and significantly related to age and greenhouse area under IPM project. According to multiple regression analysis, the characteristics of IPM/FFS learning sites, education and satisfaction with governmental supports could account for 66 percent of variance of the effectiveness of IPM/FFS project. Finally, as implementation cost of integrated pest management is usually beyond greenhouse producers’ financial ability, it is suggested that the government provide greenhouse producers with more economic supports (e.g. granting loan and special facilities and guaranteed purchase of organic products). تفاصيل المقالة
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        112 - Group Dynamics Features and Socio-economic Status of Cocoa Farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria
        Olaoluwa Ayodeji Adebayo
        Group dynamics features are important factors for improving farmers’ socio-economic status. This study focused on the effect of group dynamics features on the socio-economic status of cocoa farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling technique was used أکثر
        Group dynamics features are important factors for improving farmers’ socio-economic status. This study focused on the effect of group dynamics features on the socio-economic status of cocoa farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 93 cocoa farmers for the study. Descriptive statistics and linear regression were used to analyze the data. Results showed that the mean monetary value of their material possessions, income generated from the cocoa producer per production cycle per year and other agricultural production activities were 9,819,796.60 Naira, 2,693,900 Naira and 1,887,400 Naira respectively. Majority (51.7%) of the cocoa farmers are of moderate socioeconomic status (M=4,800,365.53 Naira). Results showed that the group dynamics features of the cocoa farmers are high in group cohesion (M=31.04) and leadership dynamism (M=25.75) while it is low in group attitude and behavior (M=23.09), discipline, trust and accountability (M=17.76) and group rapport (M=14.47). The results of linear regression revealed that farming experience (β=0.301) and educational level (β=0.561) significantly (p< 0.01) increased the socio-economic status of the cocoa farmers. The study concluded that personal characteristics can influence cocoa farmers’ socio-economic status and their group dynamics features. The study recommended that cocoa farmers’ personal characteristics (educational level and farming experience) should be improved through intervention programs, training and sensitization as this will translate into better-quality group dynamics features thereby enhancing their socio-economic status. تفاصيل المقالة
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        113 - Solutions to Reduce the Vulnerability of Farmers and Beneficiaries of Agricultural Sector to Climate Change
        عبدالواحد کعبی کوروش روستا سعید محمدزاده رضا برادران
        Climate change in the Middle East and Iran, as well as the decline in agricultural products and crop lands in Iran over the past 10 years, has attracted the attention of many researchers. Numerous researches have considered economic, environmental, psychological-social, أکثر
        Climate change in the Middle East and Iran, as well as the decline in agricultural products and crop lands in Iran over the past 10 years, has attracted the attention of many researchers. Numerous researches have considered economic, environmental, psychological-social, and technical-agricultural damages as a result of climate change in the agricultural sector.Solutions to reduce the vulnerability of farmers and beneficiaries to climate change in Khuzestan province will be discussed.The present study was performed in three stages of qualitative study and one stage of quantitative study. The statistical population of the qualitative section consisted of 83 highly experienced farmers and those suffering from climate change, 18 exemplary farmers introduced by the Jihad Agricultural Organization of Khuzestan province, 33 Ph.D. and 237 master students in agriculture from various universities in the province as well as 100 agricultural experts from the Agricultural Jihad Organization. The research variables were also categorized into six solutions and three barriers (challenges) in the third stage of the qualitative investigation, and introduced for a quantitative stage. The fourth stage of the study was a quantitative stage in which the statistical population consisted of 384 farmers and farming beneficiaries in Khuzestan province. The tool for data collection in the quantitative stage of the questionnaire was based on a Likert scale. As well, the sample in the quantitative and qualitative stages was selected via the convenience method.Economic losses have been affected by various such solutions as economic-financial-support by the government, as well as training-promotional, technical-agricultural, and social issues. Also, environmental damages have been affected by economic-financial as well as supportive solutions by the government, training- promotional and institutional-infrastructure issues, and finally, psychological-social ills and technical-agricultural damages have been affected by managerial and technical-agricultural solutions, respectively. The solutions stated in the practical dimension face barriers or challenges. تفاصيل المقالة
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        114 - Farmers’ Decision-Making Process under Climate Change: Developing a Conceptual Framework
        طاهر عزیزی‌خالخیلی توماس آئنیس میثم منتی زاده غلامحسین زمانی
        In recent decades, climate change and frequent droughts have had great impacts on farming systems and have led farmers to become accustomed to these conditions, which are causing problems, especially, for smallholder farmers. With the severe weather events and their adv أکثر
        In recent decades, climate change and frequent droughts have had great impacts on farming systems and have led farmers to become accustomed to these conditions, which are causing problems, especially, for smallholder farmers. With the severe weather events and their adverse effects, especially in arid regions, farmers' adaptation to these changes is an indisputable and critical strategy. Thus, farmers need to make complex decisions about mitigating the adverse effects of climate change to take advantage of newer opportunities as possible. The understanding of the process by which farmers decide to stand facing climate changes and probing into the determinants of the process provide research evidence for policymakers to assist farmers to adapt to climate change effects. This article would establish a conceptual framework, inclusive of factors influencing farmers’ decision-making to adapt to climate change, and would clarify causal relations among these factors. According to the results, household characteristics, economic factors, knowledge, motives and goals, perceived outcomes of adaptation, social, personal norms, perception of climate change, perceived risk and obstacles, attitude towards climate change, prospective perception of climate change, the evaluation of climate change, and adaptation initiatives could influence farmers’ decisions to adapt to climate change. تفاصيل المقالة
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        115 - Factors Affecting Farmers’ Adaptation to Climate Change: A case of Wheat Farmers in Gachsaran, Iran
        محسن موسایی
        Climate change is one of the most important challenges that affect different parts of human life on the earth. Due to its very close relationship with natural resources and climatic conditions, the agricultural sector is the most affected by this change. Thus, this stud أکثر
        Climate change is one of the most important challenges that affect different parts of human life on the earth. Due to its very close relationship with natural resources and climatic conditions, the agricultural sector is the most affected by this change. Thus, this study aimed to identify the factors affecting the capacity of wheat farmers to adapt their careers to climate change in Gachsaran County, Iran. The research was an applied study in which field data were used in a descriptive-correlational and causal-correlation design to analyse the relationships of the variables. The research population was composed of 1845 wheat farmers working in Gachsaran. Using Cochran’s formula, 318 farmers were selected for the study through simple randomization. A questionnaire, which included personal and professional features, the factors affecting the farmers’ adaptation capacity, and the farmers’ perceptions of climate change, was developed by the researcher. An expert panel was used to address the validity of the developed questionnaire. Using Cronbach’s alpha, the reliability of the questionnaire was measured to be at the acceptable level of 0.72. The results of the multivariate regression showed that social capital, quality of life, the number of people aging over 60 in the family, the number of family members contributing to agriculture, income from agriculture, access to educational services, age, academic degree, total agricultural land, level of experience, and wheat yield per hectare accounted for the bulk of variance in the dependent variables (39.77%). تفاصيل المقالة
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        116 - Determinants of Safety and Health Behaviors of Wheat Farmers towards the Use of Chemical Pesticides in Qorveh County
        بهرام ایمانی عبدالمحمد بندری امید جمشیدی
        The poisoning of farm workers with pesticides is a common job hazard caused by the application of pesticides, especially in developing countries. Agriculture is directly related to the environment including water resources, and farming behaviors can entail a plethora of أکثر
        The poisoning of farm workers with pesticides is a common job hazard caused by the application of pesticides, especially in developing countries. Agriculture is directly related to the environment including water resources, and farming behaviors can entail a plethora of positive or negative effects on these vital resources. So, the present study aimed to explore the safety and health behaviors of wheat farmers towards the use of chemical pesticides in Qorveh County in Kurdistan province, Iran. The statistical population of this applied research consisted of all irrigated wheat farmers in the 2019-2020 crop year (N = 1700) in Qorveh County. The sample size was determined to be 170 people by Cochran’s formula, and the random multistage technique was adopted for data collection. The main research instrument was a questionnaire whose content validity was checked by a panel of experts and the average variance extracted (AVE) index. Also, its reliability was estimated by Cronbach’s alpha and the Cumulative Reliability (CR) coefficient. The results of the structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that the variables of the information source, attitude, and knowledge of chemical pesticide application accounted for 79 percent of the variance in the factors affecting the safety and health behaviors of wheat farmers as to the application of these pesticides. Considering the significant relationship that information source, attitude, and knowledge have with safety and health behaviors, it is recommended to hold training courses to familiarize wheat farmers with the hazards of conventional farming practices and the benefits of IPM practices by the organizations in charge, e.g. Agricultural Jihad Organization. This will foster a positive attitude among the farmers to adopt safety and healthy behaviors. تفاصيل المقالة
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        117 - Challenges of Leadership in Transforming Farmers Training Center Services in South Nation Nationalities and Peoples Region, South Omo Zone North Aari woreda, Ethiopia
        Argachew Elisi
        Abstract North Aari woreda farmers’ training center service lacks an effective leadership role. It is expectable that leaders need to effectively organize human efforts and material resources by aligning them with organizational objectives to achieve higher produc أکثر
        Abstract North Aari woreda farmers’ training center service lacks an effective leadership role. It is expectable that leaders need to effectively organize human efforts and material resources by aligning them with organizational objectives to achieve higher productivity than mere preaching unpractical words.This study assessed the challenges of leadership in transforming FTC services in North Aari woreda. The study employed a descriptive research design. For the quantitative study, 92 sample respondents were involved by stratified simple random, and qualitative data were gathered by interview and FGD with 12 leaders and SMSs who were purposively selected. Descriptive analysis was employed for the quantitative data by using SPSS software (version 23). Accordingly, the finding of this study revealed that weak capacity building, inconsistency of leaders’ actions with their words, and unable to manage the perception of their followers were found as major challenges that impeded leaders from transforming FTC services in the North Aari community. Moreover, adequate DAs, local leaders, and free extension services for farmers were prospects for leaders. Finally, the researcher recommends; short- and long-term capacity building, changing the mindset of leaders, DAs, and farmers, allocating budgets for FTCs, and strengthening agricultural extension linkages between FTCs, research centers, and farmers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        118 - Educational Program Based on the Health Action Process Approach and Its Effect on Integrated Pest Management Adoption in Greenhouse Farmers
        رضا پورنارانی Mohammad Ali Morowatisharif Farzan Madadizadeh
        This study aimed to investigate the effect of an educational program based on the health action process approach (HAPA) on integrated pest management (IPM) adoption among greenhouse farmers in Jiroft, southern Iran. This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 300 gre أکثر
        This study aimed to investigate the effect of an educational program based on the health action process approach (HAPA) on integrated pest management (IPM) adoption among greenhouse farmers in Jiroft, southern Iran. This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 300 greenhouse farmers in Jiroft, in 2021. Multistage sampling and random allocation were performed to select two groups of participants, control (n=150) and intervention (n=150). No intervention was performed on the control group. In the intervention we used a researcher-made questionnaire based on the HAPA constructs and IPM scores were registered. In the intervention group, the mean scores of all the constructs, except for recovery self-efficacy, increased after intervention. In addition, the IPM adoption in the medium IPM group increased [from 28 (18.66%) farmers to 119 (79.03%) farmers] significantly but no significant difference and/or increase was observed in the all of these variables in the control group after intervention. The HAPA-based educational program contributes positively to IPM adoption among greenhouse farmers تفاصيل المقالة
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        119 - Working Effectiveness of Dissemination Channels as Perceived by Potato Growers
        Tahir Munir Butt Muhammad Zakaria Yousuf Hassan Shahbaz Talib Sahi Khalid Mehmood Mashood- ul-Subtain Naeem- ul Hassan
        A research can also reveal the cooperative effectiveness of agencies such as evaluation will lead to discover the weakness and strengths for further improvement of this program. The present study was designed in 2009 especially to see the effectiveness of the working of أکثر
        A research can also reveal the cooperative effectiveness of agencies such as evaluation will lead to discover the weakness and strengths for further improvement of this program. The present study was designed in 2009 especially to see the effectiveness of the working of agricultural extension staff as perceived by farmers in district Okara-Pakistan. The data were collected with the help of a specifically designed and pre-tested interview schedule and total sample was 300 respondents. The results showed that most 45.0% of the respondents belonged to the old age (31-40 years) category and most 30% of the respondents were above illiterate. An overwhelming majority 77.33% of the respondents was in fall radio category. Whereas, only 29.33% of the respondents reported that they had contact with Extension Field Staff. An overwhelming majority 74.33% of the respondents indicated lack of mobility as the major constraints in approaching agricultural extension education services. It was concluded that different mass media were not fully utilized in the area which hindered not only awareness level of the respondents but also adversely effect the adoption level regarding the latest production technology related agriculture sector. On the basis of conclusions it was recommended that for first of all the educational level of the study area should be increased and Government should ensure adequate availability of rural infrastructure facilities to enable more of the dwellers cultivate the habit of utilizing medias channels as source of information in agriculture production. تفاصيل المقالة
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        120 - Analysis of Land Tenure System Among Rice Farmers in Awe Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria
        Luka Gougong Ezra H, Yahaya
        The research analyzed the land tenure system among rice farmers in Awe Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Two hundred and forty (240) farmers were sampled by a multi stage sampling procedure and used as respondents for the study. Well-structured questionn أکثر
        The research analyzed the land tenure system among rice farmers in Awe Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Two hundred and forty (240) farmers were sampled by a multi stage sampling procedure and used as respondents for the study. Well-structured questionnaires were used for data collection. The main means of data analysis were percentages and correlation. Findings revealed that 46.7 percent of the respondents were within the age range of 31-40 years. Majority (77.9%) of the respondents were married and full time farmers. The predominant system of land ownership among the respondents was by inheritance. Land fragmentation was perceived to be the major constraints to land ownership in the study area. The results further showed that farm size correlated positively and significantly with annual income (r=0.519, p<0.001) and the yield significantly and positively correlated with marital status (r=0.243, p<0.001), annual income (r=0.604, p<0.001) and farm size (r=0.727, p<0.001). The problems of land tenure system that affects rice production as revealed by the study were Land fragmentation, Excessive land ownership, Land litigation and Expropriation. The study recommended that legislation given rice farmers title to land should be enforced by government in consideration of the fact that rice production need to improve to meet the demand of the teaming populace in the study area. تفاصيل المقالة
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        121 - Size Distribution of Income among Rice-Based Farming Households in South Eastern States of Nigeria
        Chikezie, C Ibekwe U.C Ohajianya D.O Orebiyi, J.S OguomaN. N Obasi, P.C Henri-Ukoha, A Emenyonu, C.A Nwaiwu, I.U
        The study was designed to investigate the income distribution among rice-based farming households in Okigwe Agricultural Zone of Imo State, Nigeria. A sample of 120 rice-based farmers was selected by multistage sampling technique. Data were collected with a well structu أکثر
        The study was designed to investigate the income distribution among rice-based farming households in Okigwe Agricultural Zone of Imo State, Nigeria. A sample of 120 rice-based farmers was selected by multistage sampling technique. Data were collected with a well structured questionnaire administered to 120 randomly selected rice farmers. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Gini-coefficient model was also employed. The socio-economic characteristic of the farmers revealed that majority of the farmers were educated. Besides, majority of them also had appreciable experience in rice farming which makes them better rice farmers. It was revealed that income share percentage of the richest households was 17.65% followed by the second richest group with income share percentage of 13.27%. Those in the twelfth decile represented the poorest group with a cumulative share percentage 2.82%. The Gini-coefficient of distribution of 0.32 showed that incomes were not highly concentrated but varied around the low per capita of N1442, 859 per household. It becomes imperative therefore to enhance farmers’ income through a sustainable improved technology in rice farming. تفاصيل المقالة
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        122 - Factors Affecting Biomass Energy Utilization by Small Holder Farmers in Iran
        سیده مرضیه رازقی حسین شعبانعلی فمی روح اله رضایی
        The main purpose of this survey was to assess biomass production and use as a source of energy by smallholders in Tafresh County located in Markazi Province, Iran. A descriptive survey method was used for data collection. The statistical population consisted of 2,470 sm أکثر
        The main purpose of this survey was to assess biomass production and use as a source of energy by smallholders in Tafresh County located in Markazi Province, Iran. A descriptive survey method was used for data collection. The statistical population consisted of 2,470 smallholders. A sample size of 300 was selected by using the stratified random sampling technique. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. A panel of experts confirmed the validity of the questionnaire. A pilot study was conducted to establish the reliability of the instrument. The Cronbach alpha's coefficient was higher than 0.75 for the main scales of the questionnaire. The results showed that the residues of plants and animals are recognized as a potential source of renewable energy, but there exists no specific policy or technical instruction for their optimal use, particularly in organizations such as Agriculture Jihad. Therefore, many farmers burn a considerable amount of firewood without being aware of its potential use. Findings revealed that “diversification of productive activities” had the greatest influence on the use of biomass energy, and the variables “annual cost of gas at home” and “animal farming experience” were ranked the 2nd and 3rd most important factors influencing the dependent variable, respectively. تفاصيل المقالة
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        123 - Educational Needs of Corn Farmers Regarding Biological Control Bracon Parasitoid of Corn Caradrina in Dezful Township, Khouzestan Province, Iran
        Ahmad Reza Ommani Ali Jafar Khadem
        The purpose of research was analyzing educational needs of corn farmer's regarding biological control Bracon parasitoid of corn Caradrina in Dezful Township, Khouzestan province, Iran. The method of research was correlative descriptive. A random sample of Dezful townshi أکثر
        The purpose of research was analyzing educational needs of corn farmer's regarding biological control Bracon parasitoid of corn Caradrina in Dezful Township, Khouzestan province, Iran. The method of research was correlative descriptive. A random sample of Dezful township corn farmers of Khouzestan province, Iran (n=350) were selected for participation in the study. A questionnaire was developed to gather information regarding educational needs of corn farmer's regarding biological control Bracon parasitoid of corn Caradrina. The questionnaire was pilot tested in Shoushtar Township. Questionnaire reliability was estimated by Cronbach’s alpha. Reliability was 0.85. Data collected were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The results indicated 53.4% of corn farmers had low and very low knowledge regarding biological control Bracon parasitoid of corn Caradrina. Based on results, farmers need to education regarding all subject area of biological control. Also, there was significant correlation between knowledge of corn farmer's with social participation, level of education, income, technical knowledge and extension activity. The result of regression indicated that 53% of the variances in the knowledge of respondents could be explained by the social participation, level of education, income, technical knowledge and extension activity. تفاصيل المقالة
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        124 - Analysis of the Relationship between "Agricultural Information System Members' Viewpoint towards Organic Products" and "their Environmental Attitude": the Case of the Central District of Boyer-ahmad County
        Mehdi Nooripoor Sanaz Arpanahi Zeinab Sharifi
        The aim of this research was to investigate this research was to investigate the relationship between Agricultural Information System (AIS) members' viewpoint towards organic products and their environmental in central District of Boyer- Ahmad County. The research popul أکثر
        The aim of this research was to investigate this research was to investigate the relationship between Agricultural Information System (AIS) members' viewpoint towards organic products and their environmental in central District of Boyer- Ahmad County. The research population included researchers, extension agents and contact farmers of the study area and based on this population numbers, the sample sizes were determined 62, 55 and 60 persons respectively using Krejcie and Morgan sampling table. The main tool for collecting data about the respondent’s viewpoints towards organic products was a pre-designed questionnaire which its validity was confirmed by rural development experts and its reliability also confirmed by using Cronbach-Alpha coefficient (0.76-0.94).Moreover, the environmental attitude of the respondents was measured using Dunlap & Van Liere's New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale. The results showed that researchers, extension agents and farmers had a moderate environmental attitude. Furthermore, researchers and extension agents had above average viewpoint towards organic products. However, farmers had a fairly favorable viewpoint. In addition, the relationship between Agricultural Information System Members' viewpoint towards organic products and their environmental attitude was positive and significant which indicated that the more favorable environmental attitude they have, the more tendencies towards organic products they have. As a result, improving environmental attitude should be given priority in order to produce healthy products and preserve the environment. تفاصيل المقالة
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        125 - Determinants of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (FFV) Farmers’ Participation in Contract Farming in Peninsular Malaysia
        Nalini Arumugam Fatimah Mohamed Arshad Eddie Chiew F.C Zainalabidin Mohamed
        The purpose of this research was identifying socio-economic characteristics affected on respondents’ participation in contract farming. The survey was conducted using structured questionnaire in populous states namely Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Perak, Se أکثر
        The purpose of this research was identifying socio-economic characteristics affected on respondents’ participation in contract farming. The survey was conducted using structured questionnaire in populous states namely Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Perak, Selangor and Johor in Peninsular Malaysia. A total of one-hundred and sixty seven FFV farmers were randomly selected and personally interviewed. Logit analysis was carried out to identify determinants that influenced fresh fruits and vegetables (FFV) farmers participating in contract farming. The findings in the paper show that, based on the output from logistic regression, ownership, land size, education background, perceived benefit, complicated process, lacking in opportunities and price risk are dominant variables influencing FFV farmers’ willingness to participate in contract farming. Land ownership, land size, education and perceived benefit are dominant variables that positively influenced FFV farmers to participate in contract farming. Complicated process, lack of opportunities and price risk negatively influenced FFV farmers’ participation in contract farming. تفاصيل المقالة
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        126 - Perception of Shea Nut Tree as an Economic Tree among Farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria
        Rasheed Gbolagade Adeola
        The importance of shea tree to the people of south-western Nigeria cannot be over emphasized considering both the economic and environmental uses of the tree. However, efforts have not been made to propagate its production by the farmers as the shea tree still grows in أکثر
        The importance of shea tree to the people of south-western Nigeria cannot be over emphasized considering both the economic and environmental uses of the tree. However, efforts have not been made to propagate its production by the farmers as the shea tree still grows in the wild state. It would be worthwhile to investigate farmers’ perception of shea nut tree as an economic tree and their attitudes toward the conservation measures needed to prevent its extinction. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 160 farmers for the study. A structured interview schedule was used to collect data from the respondents. Descriptive statistics of means and percentages were used to describe the data while correlation coefficients were employed to determine the relationships that exist between farmers’ perception and their socio- economics characteristics. A larger percentage of the farmers claimed the awareness of the potential products of shea nut trees. Majority (90.6%) of the respondents perceived shea tree as an economic tree and indicated that it provides income for women and children that gather the fruits. Most of the farmers had favourable attitude toward shea nut tree as an economic tree. Land ownership status (r=0.536), age (r=0.875), education (r=0.725), farming experience (r=0.508), household size (r=-0.817) and farm size (r=-0.673) had significant influence on the perception of farmers. The study therefore recommends that the extension agencies should play significant role in educating the farmers on the importance of conserving the trees to sustain its economic benefits. تفاصيل المقالة
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        127 - Assessment of Land Management Practices in Food Crops Production among Small Scale Farmers in Kwara State, Nigeria
        Abdulazeez Muhammad-Lawal Omotesho Kemi Funmi Adekola Olabisi Fatimat Adekunle Dayo
        The study carried out an assessment of agricultural land management practices in food crops production among small scale farmers in Kwara Sate, Nigeria. Specifically, the study determined the socio economic characteristics of crop farmers in Kwara State; ascertained the أکثر
        The study carried out an assessment of agricultural land management practices in food crops production among small scale farmers in Kwara Sate, Nigeria. Specifically, the study determined the socio economic characteristics of crop farmers in Kwara State; ascertained the cropping patterns common among them; highlighted the soil conservation methods adopted by the farmers; examined the relationship between selected socio-economic characteristics of the farmers and their adoption of major agricultural land management practices; and investigated the constraints to adoption of sustainable agricultural practices among crop farmers in Kwara State, Nigeria A three stage random sampling technique was used in selecting a total of one hundred and forty four small scale food crops farmers. Descriptive statistics, binary logistic regression model and four point Likert-type scale were used to analyse the data for the study. The study revealed that food crops production in Kwara State is dominated by middle aged men who are poorly educated and have poor access to agricultural extension services. Half of the respondents (48.60%) adopted cereal-based cropping systems. 48.6% of the farmers adopted a minimum of three management practices. Crop rotation was mostly adopted by all the farmers while irrigation was the least adopted by only 29.3% of the respondents. Furthermore, the study revealed that farm size, age, education status, number of contacts with extension agents, household size and number of farm plots of the respondents were the significant factors affecting their adoption of land management practices. The study also revealed that the major constraints to the use of sustainable crop management practices among the farmers included inadequate supply of fertilizer, inadequacy of labour and credit, poor knowledge of improved agricultural practices, poor transportation, low produce prices and high cost of production. The study recommended the need for training programme on the use of appropriate sustainable practices that will take into account the cropping systems adopted by the farmers. تفاصيل المقالة
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        128 - The Sustainability Practices among Dairy Farmers: The Case of Johor
        Zainab Mohd Karim Nalini Arumugam Boniface Bonaventure
        Sustainability concept in agriculture is becoming widespread throughout industries in many fields even in crop production, livestock production and etc. Sustainable in agriculture is believed can give present and future good benefit to the farmers and society. However, أکثر
        Sustainability concept in agriculture is becoming widespread throughout industries in many fields even in crop production, livestock production and etc. Sustainable in agriculture is believed can give present and future good benefit to the farmers and society. However, in dairy sector in Malaysia, the sustainability concepts and practices seems not fully aware by the farmers which result in low self- sufficiency level in milk production. The self-sufficiency level in Malaysia is merely 6% and this lead to the urgency of importing more milk from other countries such as Australia, Holland and others. This study attempts to describe the descriptive thoughts on sustainability among Malaysian dairy farmers as well as describing the socio economic characteristics of the dairy farmers which will be the indicator of adoption of sustainability practices among dairy farmers. The preliminary data was collected using questionnaires through conducting face to face interviews with 50 dairy farmers from Johor. The Likert-type scale was employed to determine the practices that adopted by the dairy farmers. The gathered data was analysed using SPSS. The findings indicated that the dairy farmers had a higher understanding about the farm sustainability aspect which gives the highest mean score of 4.41. The second highest mean score is the ecological aspect which is about 4.13. The mean score for economic aspect shows the mean score about 4.00. The social aspect of sustainability revealed the lowest mean score which was about 3.46. The results indicated that the farmers favour sustainable practice is farm sustainability system. Sustainability in dairy farming sector in Malaysia can be achieved if the three element of sustainability which is environmental, economic and social aspect were implemented and adopted in this sector. تفاصيل المقالة
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        129 - Analysis of Communicative Factors Affecting in Application of Sustainable Rice Farming Practices among Paddy Farmers of Mazandaran Province
        Laleh Salehi Ahmad Rezvanfar Seyed Hamid Movahed Mohammadi Seyed Mahmood Hosseini
        The main purpose of this study was to analyze of communicative factors affecting in application of Sustainable Rice Farming Practices among paddy farmers of Mazandaran province. The statistical population of consisted of paddy farmers of Mazandaran province (N= 208839). أکثر
        The main purpose of this study was to analyze of communicative factors affecting in application of Sustainable Rice Farming Practices among paddy farmers of Mazandaran province. The statistical population of consisted of paddy farmers of Mazandaran province (N= 208839). According to Cochran formula, a sample of 240 farmers was selected through cluster sampling method. To collect data, a questionnaire was designed. Reliability of the questionnaire was measured by computing Cronbach’s alpha (α ≥0/7) and its validity was approved by a panel of expert. Factor analysis revealed that communicative factors affecting in application of Sustainable Rice Farming Practices were four factors including: organizational communication, modern communication, local interpersonal communication and external interpersonal communication, respectively according to their importance. These factors explained 67.92 percent of the total variance. تفاصيل المقالة
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        130 - Risk Analysis and Strategy of Rice Farmers in Swampland in the Face of Climate Change Impact (Case in South Kalimantan Province-Indonesia)
        Yudi Ferrianta Muhammad Fauzi Makki
        The impact of climate change does not only affect the production aspects but also on household income and other socioeconomic aspects. The research aims to determine the household economic behaviors of rice farmers in decision-making with relation to the production risk أکثر
        The impact of climate change does not only affect the production aspects but also on household income and other socioeconomic aspects. The research aims to determine the household economic behaviors of rice farmers in decision-making with relation to the production risks due to climate change and determine the farmer’s adaptation strategies in the face of climate change. The approach taken is the production risk analysis using the coefficient variance. The result shows that the farmers’ behavior to manage rice farming in the tidal area has neutral risk behavior. This means that if there is a risk or possibility of risk recurrence towards rice farming, thus the decision maker (farmer) still does not reduce or enlarge the scale of their business. Adaptation strategies adopted by farmers in swampland consists of short, medium and long term strategies. The improved adaptive capacity on farm level should be through planned adaptation whose development is conducted by the government to be synergistic and rely on autonomous adaptation that has been a tradition in the farmers community. تفاصيل المقالة
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        131 - Identifying the Barriers of Sustainable Agriculture Adoption by Wheat Farmers in Takestan, Iran
        Shaghayegh Kheiri
        Conventional agriculture systems of production often lead to environmental degradation, economic problems and even social conflict. The efficacy of agriculture systems conducive to the economic, environmental and social sustainability of farming operations has been demo أکثر
        Conventional agriculture systems of production often lead to environmental degradation, economic problems and even social conflict. The efficacy of agriculture systems conducive to the economic, environmental and social sustainability of farming operations has been demonstrated, yet the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices is not widespread. This study evaluates the barriers of sustainable agriculture by wheat farmers in Takestan using a descriptive–correlation survey methodology. This quantitative study was based on a Researcher made questionnaire designed to elicit the barriers to adoption of sustainable agriculture practices perceived by a sample of 149 wheat farmers in the Takestan (N=268), through a stratified random sampling technique. Instrument validity was confirmed by a panel of experts. The reliability estimated by Cronbach’s coefficient (α=0.905). The data has been analyzed using the SPSS (16). The results revealed that the high cost of sustainable agriculture was the most important barriers in its implementation (M=4.74). The findings of multiple regressions explained that farmer’s attitudes and practices of sustainable agriculture explained 89 percent of the variance of the barriers of sustainable agriculture. Farmer’s attitudes had the most influence on the determination of the barriers of sustainable agriculture (β=0.775). تفاصيل المقالة
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        132 - Perceptions of Constraints Affecting Adoption of Women-in-Agriculture Programme Technologies in the Niger Delta, Nigeria
        A. Akpabio Iniobong A. Etim Nsikak Abasi Sunday Okon
        The study focused on constraints affecting the adoption of innovative agricultural technologies disseminated by the Women-in-Agriculture (WIA) unit of the Akwa Ibom Agricultural Development Programme (AKADEP) to its women clientele. The study also ascertained the awaren أکثر
        The study focused on constraints affecting the adoption of innovative agricultural technologies disseminated by the Women-in-Agriculture (WIA) unit of the Akwa Ibom Agricultural Development Programme (AKADEP) to its women clientele. The study also ascertained the awareness and adoption levels of such introduced technologies. Findings revealed that respondents were aware of 61.9% of introduced technologies, while only 33.3% were fully adopted. The study also identified seven factors responsible for the non-adoption of women farmers’ related technologies. The three highest ranking constraining factors were revealed as; high cost of inputs, low income level of women farmers and lack of regular contact with WIA extension agents. Reasons have been proffered for the relatively low technologies’ adoption levels. Recommendations have also been made to enhance the technology adoption level. These include the necessity to introduce only socio- economically and culturally compatible technologies to WIA clientele, a wholesale focus on follow-up activities after initial group based technology introduction activities, and the attachment of a credit scheme to the WIA program. تفاصيل المقالة
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        133 - Drought Risk Vulnerability Parameters among Wheat Farmers in Mashhad County, Iran
        Mojtaba Sookhtanlo Hesamedin Gholami Seyyed Reza Es’haghi
        Identification and analysis of farmers’ vulnerability associated with their risk aversion degree is one of the necessary requirements for planning and reducing impacts of drought in Iran. So, this study was investigated three risk vulnerability parameters (economi أکثر
        Identification and analysis of farmers’ vulnerability associated with their risk aversion degree is one of the necessary requirements for planning and reducing impacts of drought in Iran. So, this study was investigated three risk vulnerability parameters (economic, social and technical) among wheat farmers categorized in accordance with their risk aversion degree in the Mashhad County (Iran) between drought years of 2009-2011. Vulnerability parameters were determined by Delphi technique. For measuring vulnerability and risk aversion degree, formula of Me-Bar and Valdes and method of Safety First Rule were applied respectively. Findings revealed that in social vulnerability indicators; education level, collaboratively farming activities and dependency on government and in technical vulnerability; irrigation method, cultivation method and type of cultivation; risk averse farmers have had the highest vulnerability level under drought conditions. While respecting economic vulnerability, risk neutral farmers (in insuring for crops, sale prices of crops and the type of land ownership), have had the highest vulnerability level. تفاصيل المقالة
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        134 - Factors Influencing the Gardening Management Skills among Citrus Farmers (Case of Iran, Sari)
        مهدی علیخانی دادوکلایی مهدی چرمچیان لنگرودی امیر ضامنی
        Production management is the best and foremost factor in exploiting the production factors more desirably and advantageously. Accordingly, the present study sought to evaluate the factors affecting the gardening management skills among citrus farmers in Sari, north of I أکثر
        Production management is the best and foremost factor in exploiting the production factors more desirably and advantageously. Accordingly, the present study sought to evaluate the factors affecting the gardening management skills among citrus farmers in Sari, north of Iran. The statistical population for the study was 12,800 people. The stratified random sampling using the Cochran test was applied, and 250 subjects were selected for the study. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire, the content validity of which was confirmed by the agricultural and extension experts and its reliability was estimated by Cronbach's alpha as to be 0.94. The data analysis results showed that the respondents’ gardening management skills was at high (41.6%) and average levels (54.1%). Considering the research findings, there was a significant positive correlation at the one percent level between citrus farmers’ gardening management skills and social, knowledge, attitude, educational factors, the total cultivated area and gardening experience. Also, there was a significant positive correlation at the five percent level between citrus farmers’ gardening management skills and the garden area, citrus annual income and the distance of the garden to the agriculture center. Considering the stepwise regression results, 45.7% of the variation in respondents’ gardening management skills was accounted for by three variables of knowledge, educational factor and the total area of cultivated land, serving as the best predictor of citrus farmers’ gardening management skills in Sari. تفاصيل المقالة
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        135 - inhibitors and Motivators of Adoption of Agricultural Insurance in Nigeria
        فائوسیات اُلاجید-آددامولا لقمان آبیودون آکینبیل
        Agricultural risks constitute a fundamental challenge in Nigeria, hence the importance of agricultural insurance in managing farm risks cannot be underestimated. As the crop sub-sector contributes about 85% of the agricultural GDP in Nigeria, this study focussed on awar أکثر
        Agricultural risks constitute a fundamental challenge in Nigeria, hence the importance of agricultural insurance in managing farm risks cannot be underestimated. As the crop sub-sector contributes about 85% of the agricultural GDP in Nigeria, this study focussed on awareness and factors that can enhance the adoption of crop insurance among crop farmers in Nigeria. Data collected from 310 randomly sampled crop farmers in three agro-ecological zones in Nigeria using interview schedule were analysed with frequency and percentage counts. Majority (82.7%) of the crop farmers who were aware of crop insurance did not adopt. Major inhibitors cited include; complicated procedures (70.2%), accessibility (64.9%), high premium (63.2%) and religious/ethical considerations (41.2%). Respondents identified major motivating factors as; increased local availability of agricultural insurance offices (88.4%); higher propensity in getting claims (87.1%) and low bureaucratic procedures (79.7%). The study concludes that awareness is not a major determining factor in adoption of agricultural insurance in Nigeria. The study recommends that procedures should be less complicated; while agricultural insurance offices should be locally accessible to crop farmers. Insurance procedures should also be redesigned to enhance the adoption of crop farmers who are hindered by religious/ethical considerations. تفاصيل المقالة
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        136 - Factor Affecting the Sustainable Management of Agricultural Water
        Masoud Samian Karim Naderi Mahdei Heshmatollah Saadi Hamid Balali Reza Movahedi
        The main purpose of the study was to investigate the factors affecting the sustainable management of agricultural water in Hamedan. The study population included all wheat farmers possessing irrigated farms in Hamedan city (N=1800). Of these farmers a sample of 317 peop أکثر
        The main purpose of the study was to investigate the factors affecting the sustainable management of agricultural water in Hamedan. The study population included all wheat farmers possessing irrigated farms in Hamedan city (N=1800). Of these farmers a sample of 317 people has been selected by using randomized multi-stage sampling method. The data were collected through a questionnaire's tool with help of the interview technique. Accuracy of the questions in the questionnaire was face validated by a panel of specialists. To test the reliability of the questionnaires, the questionnaires were first given to 30 farmers and Cronbach's Alpha was calculated (Alpha=0.92) then the questionnaire was finalized. Data analyzing methods such as Multiple Regression and the coefficient of variation (CV= standard deviation /mean) were used in this study. To determine the level of sustainability of the farms Bossel (1999) method proposed for classification and grading the fields was used. The results showed that variables agronomic factors, policy factors and institutional factors were able to explain 34 percent of the dependent variable's changes (sustainable management of agricultural water). According to the results, 95.3 percent of the farmers were categorized into unsustainable group, 4.1 percent into semi-sustainable and only 0.6 percent in sustainable group. تفاصيل المقالة
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        137 - Factors Affecting Risk Management among Women Rice Farmers in Sari, Iran
        Mehdi Charmchian Langerodi
        The present study investigated factors affecting risk management by women rice farmers in the township of Sari in Iran. The statistical population comprised 1677 women who cultivate rice in Sari; 248 women were selected for the study using stratified random sampling. Th أکثر
        The present study investigated factors affecting risk management by women rice farmers in the township of Sari in Iran. The statistical population comprised 1677 women who cultivate rice in Sari; 248 women were selected for the study using stratified random sampling. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with SPSSWin16 software. The Chronbach’s alpha was 0.84 and the ordinal theta was 0.89. It was found that the women rice farmers were more willing to consult with agricultural experts, were aware of appropriate planting and harvesting times and used collaborative rice farming, such as for planting, in their risk management. Risk management among women rice cultivators in Sari County was influenced by numerous factors. It was found that 29.3% of the variance in risk management by the women was determined by the extent of financial difficulty, their education levels and borrowing resources. تفاصيل المقالة
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        138 - The Effective Factors In Nutritional Management Knowledge And A Proper Educational Plan For Broiler Farmers, A Case Study in Garmsar Township
        Ali Nouri Emamzadeh Mohammad Sadegh Sabouri
        The study was conducted to determine the effective factors in nutritional management knowledge and design a proper educational plan for broiler farmers in Garmsar Township. The used methodological approach was descriptive-correlation. Eighty-eight questionnaires were co أکثر
        The study was conducted to determine the effective factors in nutritional management knowledge and design a proper educational plan for broiler farmers in Garmsar Township. The used methodological approach was descriptive-correlation. Eighty-eight questionnaires were collected and analyzed of 98broiler farmers active in Garmsar. The content and face validity of the questionnaires and reliability of analysis were respectively specified and calculated according to guide, and Cronbach Alpha coefficient was calculated α=0.86 for the whole using SPSS software. Results indicated that role of extension methodsin increasing the knowledge was very low to very high between the different methods. The correlation analysis indicated significant and positive relationships for farm capacity, income level, exhibitive educational methods and survey of modern farms with thefarmers’ knowledge. Results of multiple regression analysis as step by step indicated that two variables of exhibitive and survey educational methods explain significantly 56.2 percentages of the total variance. Therefore, theregression equation was: the plan = 0.664 (Exhibitive method) + 0.292 (Survey method). In conclusion, best educational plan is education of appropriate literatures with emphasis on the priorities via best methods especially exhibitive and survey methods. تفاصيل المقالة
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        139 - Factors Affecting Farmers' Satisfaction: Case of Agricultural Production Cooperatives in Guilan Province, Iran
        محمد طالقانی مهران مهدی زاده
        The aim of this study was to identify and prioritize factors affecting farmers’ level of satisfaction in agricultural production cooperatives ofGuilan Province, Iran. To this aim, library studies were conducted, and 15 factors affecting farmers’ satisfaction أکثر
        The aim of this study was to identify and prioritize factors affecting farmers’ level of satisfaction in agricultural production cooperatives ofGuilan Province, Iran. To this aim, library studies were conducted, and 15 factors affecting farmers’ satisfaction were identified. Next, they wereprioritized byfield studies using a questionnaire. The statistical population consisted of members of agricultural production cooperatives in Guilan Province. The sample comprised93 farmers who were recruitedusing the Cochran formula. The questionnaires were distributed among farmersfrom12 cooperatives usinga mix of random and proportional sampling methods and 100 questionnaires were collected. The content validity of the questionnaire was established and its reliability was estimated to be 79 percent using a Cronbach's alpha. To prioritize the factors, the researchers calculated means cores by using SPSS. Results indicated that empathy and cooperation among members, giving advice and guidance to members in case of problems, as well as effective communication with the local community are, respectively, the three factors that have the strongest effect on farmers' satisfaction in the studied region. In addition, the results showed that satisfaction of the majority of the members of cooperative activities was at a moderate level. تفاصيل المقالة
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        140 - Nutritional Value and Acceptability of some Selected Forages in the Derived Savanna Zone of Nigeria as Ruminant Feed
        Oluwatosin Omotoso Opeyemi Olatunji Olawale Obameso Ayodele Odufoye Adebowale Fajemisin Adebayo Alokan
        A study was conducted in May–July, 2019 to determine the nutritional values of selected forages consumed by ruminants in the derived Savannah zone of Nigeria. The leaves of plant species were separated, identified, washed, screened, air-dried and milled for chemic أکثر
        A study was conducted in May–July, 2019 to determine the nutritional values of selected forages consumed by ruminants in the derived Savannah zone of Nigeria. The leaves of plant species were separated, identified, washed, screened, air-dried and milled for chemical analyses and in vitro degradability measurement. Three West African Dwarf rams were used to ascertain the acceptability of these forages using cafeteria feeding trial method. Co-efficient of Preference (CoP) was then calculated. The experiment was of a completely randomized design and all data were statistically analyzed. The chemical analyses showed that the crude protein (CP) content of Mangifera indica (13.17%) was higher than Pennisetum purpureum (11.57%), Panicum maximum (9.57%) and Terminalia catappa (8.75%). The NDF of T. catappa (51.58%) was least compared to P. maximum (57.02%) which was the highest while P. maximum (37.10%), P. purpureum (54.66%) and M. indica (37.93%) were statistically (p <0.05) similar. However, P. maximum had the least value of ADF. The assayed macro-minerals concentrations were the highest in T. catappa but it had relatively high levels of phytate, saponin, alkaloids and tannin. At the end of incubation, in vitro gas production by P. maximum (5.00 ml/DM) was the highest compared to other species. Hence, rate of degradation varied. P. maximum was most preferred (with the highest CoP of 1.10) of the forages compared to other test forages. The relatively raised levels of antinutrients in T. catappa could be due to its low acceptability. It could be concluded that the forages had good nutritive value, adequate minerals composition with tolerable anti-nutrients levels and their preferential ranking from Panicum maximum>Pennisetum purpureum>Terminalia catappa>Mangifera indica indicating that they could be suitably recommended as sole or partial feed for ruminants. تفاصيل المقالة
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        141 - Assessment of Forage Production and Its nutritional Values for Local Cattle Farming in Rangelands of Kupang Regency Indonesia
        Edi Sulistijo Ifar Subagyo Siti Chuzaemi Herni Sudarwati
        The rangeland potentials in Kupang regency, Indonesia, were evaluated by determining forages distribution, forages nutritional value, and growth performance of the cattle grazed or fed with forages grown in the area. Several rangelands namely Amarasi, Mamar Kering, and أکثر
        The rangeland potentials in Kupang regency, Indonesia, were evaluated by determining forages distribution, forages nutritional value, and growth performance of the cattle grazed or fed with forages grown in the area. Several rangelands namely Amarasi, Mamar Kering, and Selobua were evaluated for its forages’ distribution from November to December 2015, while the reared cattle growth performance was observed for 12 months, starting from May 2016 to April 2017. A purposive sampling method was done to determine the forage distribution and a total of 22 cattle that fed in the areas were evaluated for its growth performances. The observed variables include forages distribution, nutritional value of the forages and cattle ration, feed intake (FI) and average daily gain (ADG) of the cattle. The forages distribution data were analyzed descriptively, while forages nutritional value and cattle growth were analyzed with nested ANOVA followed with LSD test to determine significant differences. The results showed that Mamar Kering had more plant species (77 species) compared to Amarasi (62 species) and Selobua (53 species) rangelands. The combination of Amarasi and Mamar Kering provides better forage availability (91.64%) compared to individual rangeland utilization (58.67 to 79.8%). The results also showed that different rangelands had a highly significant difference (P0.05) difference was found for crude protein, feed intake and ADG of the cattle. Moreover, the highest ADG cattle were found for Amarasi and Mamar Kering which reached 0.30 kg/cattle/day. The research concludes that the combination of Amarasi and Mamar Kering rangelands provide higher forage availability and better cattle growth compared to individual or another rangelands combination, with adjustment of forages and cattle ratio should be done to achieve efficient cattle production. تفاصيل المقالة
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        142 - بررسی رابطه بین ویژگی های شخصی و اجتماعی، اقتصادی بانوان برنجکار شهرستان بندرانزلی با معیارهای کشاورزی پایدار
        حامد چهار سوق امین سید مهدی میردامادی
        این تحقیق از نوع توصیفی، تحلیلی بوده که به روش علی، ارتباطی انجام گرفته است. جامعه آماری این تحقیق شامل تعداد زیادی از بانوان کشاورز برنجکار بالای 25 سال در چهار روستای مورد مطالعه آبکنار، سنگاچین از دهستان چهارفریضه و لیجارکی حسن رود و طالب آباد از دهستان لیجارکی حسن ر أکثر
        این تحقیق از نوع توصیفی، تحلیلی بوده که به روش علی، ارتباطی انجام گرفته است. جامعه آماری این تحقیق شامل تعداد زیادی از بانوان کشاورز برنجکار بالای 25 سال در چهار روستای مورد مطالعه آبکنار، سنگاچین از دهستان چهارفریضه و لیجارکی حسن رود و طالب آباد از دهستان لیجارکی حسن رود بودند. نمونه گیری به شیوه نظام مند از 275 نفر به شکل تصادفی انتخاب و در این مطالعه شرکت نمودند انجام پذیرفت. ابزار اصلی این تحقیق پرسشنامه بود و آزمون مقدماتی برای به دست آوردن پایایی پرسشنامه انجام گرفت. ضریب کرنباخ آلفا (α) برای پرسشنامه 80/0 محاسبه شد. یافته های توصیفی نشان داد که بیشترین مشارکت بانوان مورد مطالعه مربوط به وجین کاری بوده و آنان معیارهای پایداری در کشاورزی را در مجموع رعایت می کنند. یافته های تحلیلی نشان می دهد که بین میانگین رعایت معیارهای کشاورزی پایدار بانوان کشاورز برنجکار از جهت روستاهای مورد مطالعه، سطح تحصیلات، نوع مالکیت بر شالیزار و نوع بذر مصرفی در سطح 1% تفاوت معنی دار وجود دارد. همچنین بین سن، سابقه برنجکاری، میزان تولید برنج، میزان زمین زراعی، میزان مشارکت اجتماعی و درآمد سالیانه فروش برنج و رعایت معیارهای کشاورزی پایدار با احتمال 99% همبستگی مثبت و معنی داری و بین مشارکت در امور زراعی برنج وجود دارد. بین تعداد اعضای خانوار و رعایت معیارهای کشاورزی پایدار نیز با همین احتمال همبستگی منفی و معنی داری وجود دارد. متغیرهای مستقل میزان تولید برنج و درآمد سالیانه فروش برنج بیشترین نقش و سهم را در تبیین متغیر وابسته تحقیق یعنی رعایت معیارهای کشاورزی پایدار داشتند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        143 - مطالعه ای بر سطح دانش کشاورزان نسبت به کشاورزی پایدار با تکیه بر حفظ محیط زیست
        علی اصغر ثقفی نسیم عینی معصومه عیسی زاده
        پایداری تولید از جمله موضوعات جدی است که توجه بسیاری از محققان را در سال های اخیر به خود جلب کرده است. بررسی سطح دانش کشاورزان در مورد کشاورزی پایدار عاملی تعیین کننده در پایداری واحد های تولیدی است. برایناساس، به منظور ارزیابی سطح دانش و نگرش کشاورزی پایدار در میان شال أکثر
        پایداری تولید از جمله موضوعات جدی است که توجه بسیاری از محققان را در سال های اخیر به خود جلب کرده است. بررسی سطح دانش کشاورزان در مورد کشاورزی پایدار عاملی تعیین کننده در پایداری واحد های تولیدی است. برایناساس، به منظور ارزیابی سطح دانش و نگرش کشاورزی پایدار در میان شالی کاران ، تحقیقی به روش همبستگی انجام گرفت. حجم نمونه به روش نمونه گیری چند مرحله ای 241 شالی کار انتخاب گردید. برای تعیین روایی از پانل متخصصان، شامل کارشناسان سازمان جهاد کشاورزی استفاده گردید. به منظور بررسی معیار پایایی از ضریب آلفای کرونباخ استفاده شد که میزان آن برای مقیاس دانش(79/0) و برای مقیاس سنجش نگرش (76/0) محاسبه گردید. نتایج به دست آمده نشان داد که سطح دانش و بینش کشاورزی پایدار در بین کشاورزان در حد خوبی قرار داشت. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که بین متغیر های سن، مساحت کل اراضی، میزان سطح زیر کشت برنج، درآمد سالانه شالی کاری و درآمد سالانه با دانش کشاورزی رابطه مثبت و معنی داری در سطح 99% وجود دارد. در حالی که بین متغیر های تعداد افراد خانواده، سطح تحصیلات، تعداد قطعات اراضی و متوسط عملکرد برنج با دانش کشاورزی پایدار رابطه معنی داری وجود نداشت. همچنین بین متغیر های تعداد افراد خانواده و تحصیلات با نگرش کشاورزی پایدار رابطه مثبت و معنی داری در سطح 95% وجود داشت. همچنین بین متغیر های سن، سابقه فعالیت در کشاورزی، سابقه کشت برنج، مساحت کل اراضی کشاورزی، میزان سطح زیر کشت برنج، تعداد قطعات اراضی کشاورزی، درآمد شالی کاری و درآمد سالانه با نگرش به کشاورزی پایدار رابطه معنی داری وجود نداشت. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        144 - دانش، نگرش و مهارت کشاورزان چغندرکار استان خراسان رضوی در زمینه شیوه‌های مدیریت پایدار خاک زراعی
        علی‌اصغر شاهرودی محمد چیذری غلامرضا پزشکی راد
        پژوهش حاضر با هدف سنجش دانش، نگرش و مهارت کشاورزان چغندرکار در زمینه شیوه‌های مدیریت پایدار خاک زراعی و شناسایی مهم ترین عوامل متمایزکننده بر رفتار آنان انجام شده است. این تحقیق از نوع توصیفی و علّی- مقایسه‌ای می باشد که با استفاده از روش پیمایش انجام گرفته است. جامعه آ أکثر
        پژوهش حاضر با هدف سنجش دانش، نگرش و مهارت کشاورزان چغندرکار در زمینه شیوه‌های مدیریت پایدار خاک زراعی و شناسایی مهم ترین عوامل متمایزکننده بر رفتار آنان انجام شده است. این تحقیق از نوع توصیفی و علّی- مقایسه‌ای می باشد که با استفاده از روش پیمایش انجام گرفته است. جامعه آماری مورد نظر پژوهش شامل کلیه کشاورزان چغندرکار در استان خراسان رضوی می‌باشند (33000N=) که از این میان، تعداد 380 چغندرکار از طریق روش نمونه‌گیری خوشه‌ای چند مرحله‌ای به عنوان نمونه آماری انتخاب شدند. در نهایت، 5/98% پرسش نامه‌ها برای تجزیه و تحلیل مناسب تشخیص داده شدند (375=n). روایی ظاهری و محتوایی پرسش نامه با کسب نظرات متخصصان و اساتید زراعت، خاک‌شناسی و ترویج کشاورزی و کارشناسان چغندرقند سازمان‌های جهاد کشاورزی و نظام مهندسی کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی استان خراسان رضوی پس از چند مرحله اصلاح و بازنگری به دست آمد. پایایی ابزار پژوهش نیز با انجام آزمون مقدماتی از طریق 30 پرسش نامه مورد تأیید قرار گرفت و ضرایب اطمینان آلفای کرونباخ (α) برای بخش‌ حیطه‌های رفتاری با استفاده از نرم‌افزار SPSS بین 71/0 تا 87/0 محاسبه شد. نتایج حاصل از نمودار ون در ارتباط با حیطه های سه‌گانه رفتار افراد مورد مطالعه نشان داد که صرفاً حدود 2/11% (42 نفر) از کل افراد مورد مطالعه در طبقه رفتاری کشاورزان صلاحیت‌دار قرار گرفتند. نتایج تحلیل تفکیکی مرحله‌ای به شیوه لامبدای ویلکز نیز نشان داد متغیرهای میزان تحصیلات، منابع اطلاعاتی، سطح به کارگیری تکنولوژی‌های خاک زراعی، کیفیت خاک زراعی، تماس‌های ترویجی، سطح اراضی فاریاب، سن کشاورز و منزلت اجتماعی به عنوان مهم ترین عوامل متمایز کننده طبقات رفتاری کشاورزان در مجموع توانسته‌اند 9/66% از کل پاسخگویان را بر مبنای توابع تشخیصی به درستی طبقه‌بندی کنند. تفاصيل المقالة